WB2 Blessing of A Marriage
WB2 Blessing of A Marriage
WB2 Blessing of A Marriage
1. Welcome
2. Hymn or Song
3. Prayer
4. Statement
5. Readings from Scripture
6. Sermon
7. Hymn or Song
8. Prayer
9. The Promises
10. The Rings
1. The Prayer of Blessing
12. Declaration
13. Greeting
14. Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession
15. The Lord’s Prayer
16. Hymn or Song
17. Blessing
Blessing of a Marriage 1
1. The Welcome
Bless God,
and acknowledge him in the presence of all the
living for the good things he has done for you.
Bless and sing praise to his name.
With fitting honour declare to all
people the deeds of God.
Tobit 12:6
2. Hymn or Song
3. Prayer
God of love,
on this day of joy
we come to praise you.
When two people find love
together you are with them
and in their faces we see your delight.
When love is expressed in promises
we see a faithfulness like yours.
When the future beckons with hope
we are restored and renewed.
Bless our celebration today
with your presence and
that all of us may be touched by
grace and strengthened with joy,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
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4. Statement
New Testament:
Philippians 4:4-9, Colossians 3:12-17
Matthew 5:1-9, John 2:1-1
(Tobit 8: 4b-9a may also be used)
Blessing of a Marriage 3
6. Sermon
Blessing of a Marriage 4
7. Hymn or Song
8. Prayer
Eternal God,
whose love is always faithful
and whose promises never fail,
we pray for A and B
as they ask for your blessing on their
marriage. Strengthen them by your Spirit,
that they may remember the vows they have
made, grow in love and honour for one another
and live according to your holy
will. Fill them with joy,
guide them in future days
and surround them with your
love, through Jesus Christ our
9. The Promises
Blessing of a Marriage 5
If either, or both, has children
the minister may say to the couple:
We do.
We do.
Eternal God,
whose love, like a circle, never ends,
we pray that these rings
may be signs of unending
faithfulness. Give A and B a love that
joy in one another,
and years of peace together.
And may your presence,
the perfect Trinity of love,
be always with them.
Eternal God,
whose love, like a circle, never ends,
we pray that this ring
may be a sign of unending
faithfulness. Give A and B a love that
joy in one another,
and years of peace together.
And may your presence,
the perfect Trinity of love,
be always with them. Amen.
Blessing of a Marriage 6
1 . The Prayer of Blessing
Blessing of a Marriage 7
12. Declaration
A and B you are husband and wife.
You have declared your commitment to one
another before your friends and before God.
In the presence of the Church,
in the strength of God’s grace, you have made solemn vows.
Let no-one separate you. Be together always.
13. Greeting
The couple may kiss. The people may applaud. The sign of
peace may be shared.
Loving God,
we thank you for every blessing we have known.
Thank you for the simple, everyday pleasures of life
and for the great, amazing days when life is made as new.
Thank you for the moments when we know
that we are blessed and that life is good.
Thank you for this day,
for what it means to A and B and to all of us,
and for everyone for whom today brings joy.
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We thank you that we have seen this
day, and witnessed such joy together.
May we carry your blessing with us
to our homes, our friends, our families.
May the places where we live, and the places where we work,
the people we love, and the people we serve,
be blessed by your presence and by holy
joy. May your name be blessed,
among us and through all the
world, this day and for ever.
17. Blessing
Blessing of a Marriage 1