Address - Alexander Y. Rudensky Regulatory T Cells and Foxp3
Address - Alexander Y. Rudensky Regulatory T Cells and Foxp3
Address - Alexander Y. Rudensky Regulatory T Cells and Foxp3
Author’s address Summary: Regulatory T (Treg) cells play central role in regulation of
Alexander Y. Rudensky1 immune responses to self-antigens, allergens, and commensal microbiota
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Immunology Program, as well as immune responses to infectious agents and tumors. Transcrip-
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, tional factor Foxp3 serves as a lineage specification factor of Treg cells.
USA. Paucity of Treg cells due to loss-of-function mutations of the Foxp3 gene
is responsible for highly aggressive, fatal, systemic immune-mediated
Correspondence to: inflammatory lesions in mice and humans. Recent studies of Foxp3
Alexander Y. Rudensky expression and function provided critical novel insights into biology of
Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Immunology Program, Treg cells and into cellular mechanisms of the immune homeostasis.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065, USA Keywords: regulatory T cells, Foxp3, tolerance, inflammation
Tel.: +1 646 888 3109
Fax: +1 646 422 0453
The discovery that a subset of CD4+ T cells expressing inter-
I would like to thank former and current members of our
laboratory for discussions. This work was supported by a leukin-2 (IL-2) receptor a-chain (CD25) exhibits potent sup-
grant from the National Institutes of Health. A. Y. R. is an pressor activity launched its intense investigation (1). In
investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The
addition to high amounts of CD25, these cells, dubbed regula-
author declares no conflicts of interest.
tory T cells (Treg cells), display increased levels of CD5 and
cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) in resemblance of
activated T cells (2, 3). These characteristic features led to
proposition that these cells, rather than being a T-cell sub-
lineage with dedicated suppressor function, are but a meta-
stable state of chronically activated T cells depriving other cells
of the immune system of resources, i.e. growth factors. How-
ever, the ability of transferred CD25+ Treg cells to protect
mice subjected to day 3 thymectomy from chronic inflamma-
tory lesions suggested that either the effect of their suppressor
function is long lasting or that at least some of these cells are
long lived or their progeny is persistent (4). Although initial
in vitro studies suggested that CD25+ Treg cells are ‘anergic’,
i.e. unable to proliferate and produce IL-2 upon T-cell recep-
tor (TCR) cross-linking in vitro, CD25+ CD4+ Treg cells were
shown to robustly proliferate in unmanipulated lymphore-
plete mice (5). Moreover, adoptive transfer of CD25+ Treg
Immunological Reviews 2011
Vol. 241: 260–268
cells into lymphopenic mice showed that they proliferate
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved robustly in an major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class
II-dependent manner and their suppressor capacity increases
2011 John Wiley & Sons A/S
Immunological Reviews despite a decline in expression of CD25 (6). In contrast to
0105-2896 CD25+ CD4 Treg cells, TCR transgenic T cells of defined spec-
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Rudensky Æ Regulatory T cells and Foxp3
ificity with activation induced expression of CD25 failed to rescent reporter proteins under control of the endogenous
suppress autoimmunity upon adoptive transfer into thymec- Foxp3 regulatory elements showed that Foxp3 protein expres-
tomized mice (7). These studies suggested that CD25+ CD4+ sion is largely restricted to a subset of T cells with suppressor
Treg cells represent a distinct long-lived thymus-derived cell function (17, 18). The majority of Foxp3+ cells were found
subset with suppressor function. within CD4+ T-cell subset. However, relatively small, but
readily detectable numbers of peripheral CD8+, CD4+ CD8+
The discovery of Foxp3 gene and its role in Treg cell and CD4)CD8) TCRab+ T cells expressed Foxp3 and corre-
differentiation sponding subsets of Foxp3-positive cells were present in the
The aforementioned findings prompted exploration of genetic thymus (17). Although the majority of Foxp3+ T cells
mechanisms underlying differentiation and function of Treg expressed high amounts of CD25, their CD25-negative coun-
cells. These studies were facilitated by the discovery of X chro- terparts were readily detectable in secondary lymphoid organs
mosome encoded transcription factor Foxp3 and its loss- and non-lymphoid tissues. Importantly, Foxp3+ cells charac-
of-function mutations in humans leading to a severe terized by either high and low CD25 or even lacking CD25
multi-organ autoimmune and inflammatory disorder immu- expression exhibited common transcriptional signature and
nodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked potent suppressor function (17).
syndrome (IPEX) and similarly devastating widespread lesions Although these results were consistent with the idea that the
in a mouse mutant strain scurfy (8–11). Early studies of scurfy paucity Treg cells is responsible for the disease in Foxp3
mice revealed an essential role of T cells in the observed mutant animals, it remained possible that in addition to its
pathologies (12, 13). The fact that in both humans and mice abundant presence in Treg cells low level or transient Foxp3
only Foxp3 mutant males but not heterozygote female carriers expression in immune cells other than T cells or non-immune
were affected and the systemic nature of immune mediated cells is equally essential for the immune homeostasis. How-
lesions were consistent with an idea that Foxp3 mutations ever, the latter possibility was effectively refuted by the obser-
might impair differentiation or function of CD25+ Treg cells. vation that mice subjected to ablation of a conditional Foxp3
Indeed, high amounts of Foxp3 mRNA and protein were allele in the T-cell lineage and in the germ-line were pheno-
found in CD25+ Treg cells (14–16). Forced expression of typically indistinguishable, i.e. both strains of mice exhibited
Foxp3 in CD25)CD4+ T cells using retroviral vectors resulted T-cell-dependent autoimmune disease with identical onset,
in acquisition of suppressor function and Treg phenotype, progression and severity (17).
whereas in Foxp3 transgenic mice, CD8+ T cells exhibited Furthermore, deletion of self antigen-specific thymocytes as
suppressor function (14–16). Furthermore, transfer of alleli- well as activation and clonal expansion of, and cytokine pro-
cally marked bone marrow cells from Foxp3 knockout and duction by peripheral antigen-specific T cells were not
wildtype mice mixed at a 1:1 ratio showed that CD25+ Treg affected by the presence or absence of Foxp3 gene (14, 17,
cells originated only from Foxp3-suffcieint but not Foxp3- 19, 20). In these experiments, healthy (Ly5.2 Foxp3ko · Ly5.1
deficient hematopoietic precursor cells in the resulting (Ly5.2 Foxp3wt) fi Rag2ko bone marrow chimeras were challenged
Foxp3ko · Ly5.1 Foxp3wt) fi Rag2ko chimeric mice which with the virus or bacteria or with a superantigen staphylococ-
remained as healthy as heterozygote female carriers of the cal enterotoxin B. In these mice, allelically marked thymocytes
Foxp3 null allele (14). These results showed that in vivo Foxp3 and peripheral T cells containing or lacking functional Foxp3
is essential for differentiation of Treg cells and raised a ques- gene showed identical responses. Likewise, thymocytes in
tion as to whether lack of Treg cells can fully account for the wildtype mice were deleted to a similar degree by a trans-
observed pathology in Foxp3-deficient mice and humans or gene-encoded cognate ligand expressed in the thymus
putative lesions in other tissues and organs resulting from whereas peripheral T cells from these mice showed identical
Foxp3 deficiency can contribute to the disease in combination dose-dependent response to cognate ligand stimulation and
with a Treg deficiency. dependence on CD28 costimulation (20). Thus, Foxp3 gene
expression was dispensable for cell-intrinsic mechanisms of
thymic and peripheral tolerance and of negative regulation of
Treg cell deficiency fully accounts for inflammatory the peripheral T-cell responses. Finally, adoptive transfers of
lesions associated with Foxp3 deficiency Treg cells into 1–2 days old mutant recipients rescued lym-
This question was addressed in a series of genetic studies. pho- and myeloproliferative syndrome (14). Together, these
First, generation and analysis of knockin mice expressing fluo- results provided a definitive proof that Treg cell paucity
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Rudensky Æ Regulatory T cells and Foxp3
accounts for devastating disease associated with Foxp3 defi- self and that in Foxp3-deficient animals activated effector T
ciency in humans and mice. cells frequently utilize TCRs expressed by Treg cells in
However, this notion was challenged by Liu et al. (21), who wildtype mice (20). This finding raised a possibility that self-
employed staining with Foxp3 polyclonal antibodies and PCR reactive T cells, which failed to differentiate into Treg cells in
analysis to suggest that thymic, mammary and prostate epithe- the absence of Foxp3, are the primary cause of the disease in
lium widely expresses Foxp3. Furthermore, they proposed Foxp3 mutant mice. On the other hand, the documented
that in the absence of Foxp3 in the thymic epithelium early expression of self-reactive TCR by non-Treg cells and an over-
T-cell differentiation is impaired and that the lack of Foxp3 in lap between self-reactive TCR repertoire displayed by Treg
the thymic epithelium can account for or largely contribute and non-Treg cells left open a possibility that Treg cell abla-
to the disease in Foxp3 mutant animals (22). In mammary tion in adults may be as severe as a congenital Treg deficiency
gland and prostate, Foxp3 was proposed to act as a tumor in Foxp3-deficient mice (20). These alternative scenarios were
repressor essential to prevent cancer development in these tis- explored through generation and analysis of knockin mice
sues (23, 24). In spite of this, several groups using staining of harboring human diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) expressed
these and other tissues from Foxp3-sufficient and -deficient under control of the Foxp3 locus. Ablation of Treg cells in
mice with monoclonal Foxp3 antibodies failed to reveal Foxp3DTR mice induced by chronic administration of diphtheria
detectable Foxp3 protein expression in epithelial cells (25, toxin (DT) starting from birth resulted in a similar disease
26). Furthermore, deletion of a conditional Foxp3 allele in thy- found in Foxp3null mice and death by 4 weeks of age (27). Fur-
mic epithelium using Cre recombinase driven by Foxn1 regu- thermore, adult healthy Foxp3DTR mice on a B6 genetic back-
latory elements did not result in any measurable effect on ground resistant to autoimmunity succumb to vast lympho-
thymic differentiation or lymphocyte activation and immune- and myeloproliferative disease within 2–3 weeks upon elimi-
mediated pathology (26). Likewise, deletion of a conditional nation of Treg cells (27). In the affected mice, massive expan-
Foxp3 gene in mammary epithelial cells using mammary gland sion and activation of diverse immune cell types including
epithelium-specific MMTV-Cre did not lead to tumorigenesis granulocytes, dendritic cells (DCs), NK cells, CD4+ and CD8+
or even mammary gland hyperplasia in mice up to 18 months T cells, and B cells was observed (27). In contrast to Foxp3DTR
of age (L. Henninghausen and A. Rudensky, unpublished knockin mice, DT mediated depletion of Treg cells in adult
observations). mice harboring a Foxp3 BAC transgene encoded DTR (DEREG)
Although more studies employing stringent genetic models did not result in a spontaneous autoimmune inflammatory
are needed to explore whether Foxp3 is expressed in cell types lesions, whereas Treg ablation in DEREG neonates led to a
other than T cells and its potential role in normal and cancer- severe disease (28). The latter discrepancy was likely a conse-
ous tissues, the overwhelming majority of experimental evi- quence of incomplete Treg cell elimination in adult DEREG
dence indicates that Foxp3 facilitates differentiation of Treg mice due to a BAC transgene inactivation. Within 24–48 h
cells and their paucity is responsible for the disease observed after Treg cell elimination in adult Foxp3DTR mice, both DCs
in Foxp3-deficient mice and most likely in IPEX patients. The and CD4+ T cells showed signs of activation. Importantly,
aforementioned genetic studies provided a definitive proof CD4+ T cells of a known specificity for a foreign antigen did
that the suppressive function of Foxp3-dependent Treg cells is not undergo activation upon Treg cell depletion, suggesting
vital for the immune homeostasis. that T-cell activation in Treg ablated mice is limited to T cells
specific for ‘self’, which includes genome encoded self, envi-
A critical role for Treg cells in the immune homeostasis ronmental and food antigens, and commensal micobiota
throughout the lifespan of normal animals (27). Furthermore, antibody-mediated depletion of CD4+ T
Since the immune system develops in the absence of Treg cells cells when combined with Treg cell ablation in Foxp3DTR mice
in Foxp3-deficient individuals, it remained unknown as to prevented massive lympho- and myeloproliferative disease.
whether Treg cell function in adults with a fully developed However, DC activation manifested in upregulation of costim-
immune system is not as critical as in newborns. According to ulatory molecules CD80 and CD86 and increased surface MHC
the latter scenario, elimination of Treg cells in adults would class II expression remained. These findings indicate that in
result in relatively mild immune mediated lesions in compari- the absence of Treg cells activation of ‘self’-reactive CD4+ T
son to those associated with a congenital Treg deficiency. cells, likely by DCs, fuels massive expansion of cells of the
Additional impetus to this question was given by an observa- innate and adaptive immune systems. Furthermore, recent
tion that Treg cells exhibit TCRs with an increased affinity for detailed analysis of DC differentiation showed that in normal
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Rudensky Æ Regulatory T cells and Foxp3
mice classical DCs proliferate in secondary lymphoid organs lung (34). Thus, the Treg cell subset in GF mice is fully com-
and that their differentiation and proliferation is kept in check petent and conditioning by commensal microbiota is dispens-
by Treg cells (29). Consistent with this notion, intravital able for the ability of Treg cells to suppress systemic
imaging of Treg cells expressing a transgene-encoded TCR autoimmunity. Moreover, ablation of Treg cells in GF mice
showed stable contacts between Treg cells and antigen-bear- led to comparable systemic inflammatory responses including
ing DCs but not with antigen-specific effector T cells (30, 31). lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, T-cell and DC activation
Although Treg ablation studies failed to definitively identify and expansion, augmented Ig production, increases in CD80
early cellular targets of Treg cells in vivo, they strongly impli- and CD86 expression, and cytokine production including
cated Treg dependent restraint of dendritic cell activation as TNFa, IFNc, and IL-17 (34). These results suggest that the
one of the mechanisms of control of the immune homeostasis self-MHC-restricted T-cell recognition combined with basal
by Treg cells. On the other hand, manipulation of dendritic activity of innate immune sensors poses a threat of inflamma-
cell numbers through provision of Flt3L or inactivation of tory responses against self that cannot be met by conventional
Flt3L or Flt3 genes suggested that the size of the dendritic cell means of negative regulation and requires a dominant mecha-
population and of IL-2-producing activated effector T-cell nism of Treg-mediated suppression acting in trans.
subsets control the size of Treg cell population (32, 33). Thus,
autoregulatory feedback loops maintain a fine balance
between suppressive Treg cells, dendritic cell, and activated Role of Foxp3 in Treg cells
effector T cells. Studies discussed above established an essential non-redundant
role for Foxp3 in differentiation of Treg cells. However, spe-
A requirement for Treg cell function is independent on cific contribution of Foxp3 to differentiation and function of
the presence of commensal microbiota Treg cells remained unclear. This question was addressed
A critical role of Foxp3-dependent differentiation and func- through comparison of functional and transcriptional features
tion of Treg cells in immune homeostasis raised a question as of cells, which received all necessary signals required to pro-
to why numerous cell-intrinsic mechanisms preventing differ- mote Foxp3 expression yet lacked Foxp3 protein, and with
entiation of self-reactive T cells in the thymus and restraining those of Treg cells containing functional Foxp3 protein (35).
their numbers and activity in the periphery fail to ensure tol- In these studies, analysis of mice harboring a GFP coding DNA
erance to self. Considering that recognition of microorganisms sequence knocked-in into the Foxp3 locus with concomitant
and their products by innate immune sensors displayed by disruption of the Foxp3 protein expression revealed that
DCs endows them with the ability to activate T cells and that Foxp3 was not necessary for survival of Treg precursors, but
Treg cells control DC activation, it is reasonable to assume that was essential for Treg suppressor function (35). Similar results
the encounter of cells of the innate and adaptive immune sys- were obtained in studies of Foxp3 reporter mice harboring a
tems with commensal microbiota underlies the need of the truncated Foxp3 protein lacking DNA binding domain (36). It
dominant suppression in trans afforded by Treg cells. Alterna- is noteworthy that the amount of Foxp3 protein is critical for
tively, it is possible that regardless of the presence of microbi- Treg suppressor function as indicated by inability of Treg cells
ota ‘self-referential’ T-cell recognition, i.e. a requirement for to suppress spontaneous autoimmunity in mice with approxi-
certain affinity for self peptide–MHC complexes for thymocyte mately 10-fold decrease in Foxp3 protein expression due to
maturation and for T-cell survival in the periphery, poses a alteration in 3¢ untranslated region (UTR) of the Foxp3 gene
continuous threat of pathogenic self-reactivity that cannot be (37). Analysis of transcriptional signatures and functional
constrained by ‘conventional’ cell-intrinsic mechanisms of characteristics of cells expressing Foxp3 reporter null and func-
negative regulation. To explore these possibilities, suppressive tional alleles further showed that some of the features of Treg
capacity of Treg cells differentiating in the presence or absence cells, including increased CD25 and CTLA4, and diminished
of commensal microbiota was compared and their role in IL7Ra and immune response-promoting cytokine expression,
these two environments was assessed (34). Unexpectedly, are conferred to their precursors prior to Foxp3 expression
Treg cells present in germ-free (GF) and specific pathogen- likely by TCR and cytokine signaling, but Foxp3 exaggerates
free (SPF) mice were equally potent at suppressing lympho- this pre-existent pattern and makes it permanent (35). Thus,
and myeloproliferative disease and inflammatory lesions Foxp3 to a large extent amplifies and stabilizes molecular fea-
caused by effector T cells isolated from Foxp3-deficient mice tures of Treg precursor cells, beneficial to their function and
in a variety of tissues including barrier organs such as skin and maintenance, and reverses features deleterious to Treg cell
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peripheral T cells stimulated in the presence of TGFb (68). RARa binding sites. Although initially CNS1 was proposed to
In vitro luciferase reporter studies suggested that CNS2 might play a role in Foxp3 induction in the thymus and in the
act as a cryptic promoter by recruiting CREB ⁄ ATF and Stat5 periphery (74, 75), analysis of mice deficient in CNS1
(66) as well as Ets-1 (69). Mutation of the corresponding sites revealed that thymic differentiation of Foxp3+ cells was unaf-
resulted in a loss or a marked decrease in transcriptional activ- fected, whereas peripheral Foxp3 induction was severely
ity in non-chromatinized reporter assays. Ablation of CNS2 impaired by CNS1 deficiency (50). Surprisingly, deficiency in
element, however, showed that its non-redundant function peripherally generated Treg cells did not result in detectable
lies in heritable maintenance of Foxp3 expression in the prog- tissue-specific autoimmunity in CNS1-deficient mice up to
eny of dividing Treg cells. While Foxp3 induction in the thy- 1 year of age. These results suggested that mechanistic
mus and in the periphery was unimpaired in CNS2-deficient requirements for thymic and peripheral induction of Foxp3
mice, Treg cells lacking CNS2 progressively lost Foxp3 expres- are distinct and that Treg cells generated in the periphery have
sion upon division (50). Furthermore, Foxp3 is recruited to a non-redundant function likely distinct from that of Treg
CNS2 with the assistance of Runx1 and its co-factor CBFb and cells differentiated in the thymus. Future studies of CNS1-defi-
the binding of Foxp3-Runx1-CBFb complex confers stability cient mice will likely reveal potential functions of peripherally
of Foxp3 expression via an unidentified epigenetic mechanism generated Treg cells.
(50). It must be noted that in addition to preserving the active The results of initial biochemical and genetic analyses of
state of the Foxp3 locus in dividing Treg cells, Runx1-CBFb regulation of Foxp3 expression illuminated molecular mecha-
complex is also involved in facilitating Foxp3 promoter activ- nisms governing generation and function of regulatory T cells
ity (70, 71). and future molecular studies will undoubtedly provide further
Thus, CNS2 appears to be the first mammalian ‘cellular insights into the biology of regulatory T cells. The uncovered
memory module’ (CMM) analogous to elements involved in salient features of Treg cell differentiation, including a
the maintenance of hedgehog or Abdominal B expression dur- requirement for Foxp3 expression in fully differentiated Treg
ing Drosophila development (50, 72, 73). Furthermore, pro- cells for their function and for the maintenance of Foxp3
posed role for Foxp3 recruitment to CNS2 and the resulting expression during cell division, are likely applicable to other
trans-generational maintenance of Foxp3 expression repre- cell lineages. This point is strongly supported by recent dem-
sents the first description of a feed-forward mechanism onstration of a need for Pax5 and E2-2 to maintain identity of
enforcing heritable cell lineage identity. differentiated B cells and plasmacytoid DCs, respectively
CNS1 (or enhancer 1), the last among the Foxp3 regulatory (76, 77).
elements characterized so far, contains NFAT, Smad3, and
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