Final Ob Gyn

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Departmental Information- OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY

1. General Departmental facilities:

 Total number of beds in the department:……………………90……………………..
 Number of Units in the department:…………………………03…………………….

2. Intensive Care facilities

* Number of labour rooms …2 (1 Clean 1Septic)………………
* Number of delivery tables …3 +2………………
* AC/Non-AC …AC……………..
* Monitoring facilities …Yes available………………..
* Eclampsia room …Yes, 2 beds………………..
 No. of beds: 05
 Available equipment Available
S. No. Equipments
1. Multipara Monitor
2. Ventilators
3. Ventilator (GE Made)
4. Defibrillator
5. Portable USG Machine (1)
6. Syringe Pumps
7. Echo (Sonosite)
8. Cardiac Monitor
9. Monitor Philips
10. CRRT Machine
11. Bronchoscope (Olympus)
12. Defibrillator (Philips)
13. ECG Machine (GE made)
14. Weight Machine
15. Infusion Pumps
16. ABG Analyzer
17. Lactate Analyzer
18. Patient Warming Device
19. Air Mattress Pumps
20. ECG Machine
21. VPAP (Resmed)
22. Electronic Nebulizers (1)
23. SCD Express

 No. of Beds 06+4Nursery
 Equipment Available

3. Specialty clinics being run by the department and number of patients in each

S.No. Name of the Clinic Days on Timings

which held
1 Ante-Natal Clinic Daily 9.00am-1.00pm
2. High Risk pregnancy Clinic Daily 9.00am-1.00pm
3 Post Natal Clinic Daily 9.00am-1.00pm
4 Cancer Clinic Tuesday 9.00am-1.00pm
5 Infertility Clinic Wednesday 9.00am-1.00pm
6 Gynae Endocrine Clinic Friday 9.00am-1.00pm
7 Family Planning Clinic Daily 9.00am-1.00pm
8 Menopausal Clinic Thursday 9.00am-1.00pm
9 Any other (Adolescent Clinic) Monday 9.00am-1.00pm

4. Services provided by the Department.

* Ultrasonography: Yes
* Pre-Natal Diagnosis: Yes, Serum markers and target scan.
* High risk pregnancy management: Yes

5. Septic OT - 01
* Endoscopy: Yes
* Colposcopy/Cancer Screening Program me: Yes
* Cryocautry/LEEP: Yes
* Oncology: Yes
* Intra Uterine Insemination: Yes
* Artificial Reproductive Technology: Yes
* Others: Yes, Camps and field visits

5 Departmental Library:
 Total No. of Books. 137
 Purchase of latest editions in last 3 years. 137
 No. of Journals 09

6 Departmental Research Lab.

 Space 18 sq.m.
 Equipment Available

 Research projects utilizing Deptt research lab.Yes

7. Departmental Museum
 Space 33 sq.m.
 No. of specimens Gynecology 30,Obstetrics 15
 Charts/ Diagrams. 15
8. Space: OPD IPD
 No. of rooms 1112
04 Patient Examination 03 wardsinclude-
Chambers 03 Treatment & Examination
01 Demo Room Room
01 Procedure Room 01 Demo Room
01 Antenatal Clinic 03 Student/Doctors Room
01 Infertility Clinic 03 Store
01 Ward Pantry
01 Side Lab
Patient Exam. arrangement: Available
 Equipments Available as per requirement
 Teaching Space Available
 waiting area for patients. Available and adequate

9. Teaching facilities:

Number Size

Seminar Rooms 01 61.38 m2

Demonstration Rooms 04 31.32 x 2 m2

Audiovisual Aids: Adequate

10. Office space:

Department Office office Space for Teaching Faculty

Space for Clear Yes HOD 18 sq.m.

Staff (Steno/Clerk) Yes Professors 18 sq.m.
Computer/Typewriter: Yes Assoc. Prof. 15 sq.m.
Storage space for files Yes Asstt. Prof. 12 sq.m.
Residents 12 sq.m.

11. Clinico- Pathological conference once in a Month

12. Death Review Meetings Once in a Month

13. Submission of Data to national authorities Yes; Monthly submission of data to CMO Office
(Includes, Tubal sterilization, Family Planning,
Antenatal care clinic data, deliveries, postnatal,
MTP and medical abortion data)
 Number of OT:-02
14. Equipments: List of important equipments available and their functional status

(List here only – NO annexure to be attached)

Multiparameter Monitors Available

Pulse Oxymeters Available
Infusion pump Available
CTG Machines Available
USG machines Available
Colposcope Available
Laproscope Available
Hysteroscope Available
Cryo/LEEP Cautery Available

15. Any other information.

1. Central photographic cum audio visual unit.

2. Communication system and IT support.
3. ISO:
 ISO-9001:2008 (Quality Management System)

 ISO-14001:2004 (Environmental Management System)

 OHSAS-18001:2007 (Occupational Health Safety Management System)

4. National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories (NABL)
5. National Accreditation Board for Hospital & Healthcare providers (NABH)
6. Integrated Counseling & Testing Centre (ICTC)
7. Direct Microscopy Centre (DMC)

 Number Of Operation Theater -02

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