Final Ob Gyn
Final Ob Gyn
Final Ob Gyn
No. of Beds 06+4Nursery
Equipment Available
3. Specialty clinics being run by the department and number of patients in each
5. Septic OT - 01
* Endoscopy: Yes
* Colposcopy/Cancer Screening Program me: Yes
* Cryocautry/LEEP: Yes
* Oncology: Yes
* Intra Uterine Insemination: Yes
* Artificial Reproductive Technology: Yes
* Others: Yes, Camps and field visits
5 Departmental Library:
Total No. of Books. 137
Purchase of latest editions in last 3 years. 137
No. of Journals 09
7. Departmental Museum
Space 33 sq.m.
No. of specimens Gynecology 30,Obstetrics 15
Charts/ Diagrams. 15
8. Space: OPD IPD
No. of rooms 1112
04 Patient Examination 03 wardsinclude-
Chambers 03 Treatment & Examination
01 Demo Room Room
01 Procedure Room 01 Demo Room
01 Antenatal Clinic 03 Student/Doctors Room
01 Infertility Clinic 03 Store
01 Ward Pantry
01 Side Lab
Patient Exam. arrangement: Available
Equipments Available as per requirement
Teaching Space Available
waiting area for patients. Available and adequate
9. Teaching facilities:
Number Size
13. Submission of Data to national authorities Yes; Monthly submission of data to CMO Office
(Includes, Tubal sterilization, Family Planning,
Antenatal care clinic data, deliveries, postnatal,
MTP and medical abortion data)
Number of OT:-02
14. Equipments: List of important equipments available and their functional status