BONOTAN ExitCourseProject
BONOTAN ExitCourseProject
BONOTAN ExitCourseProject
Action Plan
The action plan will help me live out the ideals of a true Carolinian Missionary as this will enable me to become a better
individual that is serving God and the community aside from the aforementioned roles that I have in our church. This is to
strengthen my faith and integrate it with the mission of my professional course as a true witness to the word. The action
plan is in relation with the University Motto: Scientia, Virtus, Devotio, and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.
2. Teach what I have learned and leading by applying the values I learned.
If I have been able to gain knowledge, I can spread this knowledge to others by
holding bible study sessions in our neighborhood along with my cousins who will
help me teaching the kids. Also, when I teach I must live by the values and truth I
am telling so the children will follow. It is important to teach those who are not able
to know the truth and let them be blinded by ignorance, we must practice teaching
others and also living by the values I am teaching.
Proverbs 9:9
"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add
to their learning." (Image 4. Reading the bible.)
(Image 5. Picture of me on a
(Image 7. Assessing a patient)
lab gown from the my SHS (Image 6. Holding the bible as it is my guide.)
career day, manifesting.)