BONOTAN ExitCourseProject

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The Carolinian Missionary

Exit Course Project

Andrea E. Bonotan
What is a Carolinian Missionary in relation to your professional course?

As a witness to the word, we are called to serve

such as nurses who serve their patients who need
healing which is related to Carolinian Missionary
that focuses on living out the mission to help
others. A true carolinian missionary is the person
who is able to be motivated by the joy that they feel
when they help others, nurses, in the same, way
feel accomplished when they are able to bring a
patient to recover. In general, a Carolinian
Missionary answers for the call to mission in which
is similar for our professional courses that has a
specific mission which for nurses is to help other
people especially those who are sick.

(Image 1. Interviewing a patient.)

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A
How do you live the ideals of a true Carolinian Missionary?
I live out the ideals as a true Carolinian by applying what I have learned into concrete actions. These
actions is for me to combat the things or forms of idolatry that hinder me to become a better
individual that follow the Word of God. I become better by living by the truth that God wants me to
know. I have continually strive to follow His footsteps to become like Him such as being a servant of
the church and the people which I have shown by being a constant reader/lector in the our church
and an active participant in the youth organization of our church.

Action Plan
The action plan will help me live out the ideals of a true Carolinian Missionary as this will enable me to become a better
individual that is serving God and the community aside from the aforementioned roles that I have in our church. This is to
strengthen my faith and integrate it with the mission of my professional course as a true witness to the word. The action
plan is in relation with the University Motto: Scientia, Virtus, Devotio, and the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A

Doable Action Plan Steps

1.Gain more knowledge about the Truth - God.

Learn more about God through the use of bible such that through this I can be able to know what is good and what is not right, to
apply this truth in the real setting that will help me to be better as individual. If I educate myself more, then I will be bound to do
better and decide better such that we go to school to gain knowledge and apply it in daily lives and our work in the future. This also to
enable me to be accurate in my judgement like I can determine that stealing is wrong as it is depriving someone from his/her own
property. Learning about God must never stop.
Deuteronomy 25:13-15
“In all your transactions you must use accurate scales and honest measurements, so that you will have a long good life in the land the
Lord your God is giving you.”

2. Teach what I have learned and leading by applying the values I learned.
If I have been able to gain knowledge, I can spread this knowledge to others by
holding bible study sessions in our neighborhood along with my cousins who will
help me teaching the kids. Also, when I teach I must live by the values and truth I
am telling so the children will follow. It is important to teach those who are not able
to know the truth and let them be blinded by ignorance, we must practice teaching
others and also living by the values I am teaching.
Proverbs 9:9
"Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add
to their learning." (Image 4. Reading the bible.)

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A

3. Strengthen moral values such as being patient and merciful.
To be able to live out the mission, I should be at peace with myself by always
emphasizing about forgiveness myself and others, becoming patient with other
people which I sometimes forgot. Also, being careful about what to say and
controlling my emotions better. This is a reminder that this is what God wants
me to be, an individual who always spreads love rather than hate among other
people whom who are also facing their own battles.
Leviticus 19:35-36
“You shall do no wrong in judgment, in measures of length or weight or quantity.
You shall have just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin: I am the
Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
(Image 3. Praying at the altar.)
4. Give back to others and help those who are in need.
God wants us to give and care for those who are hungry and thirsty, this is to know to
value the people that are struggling and a way to be thankful with the blessings that God
has given. For instance, I can hold a feeding program wherein I can invite kids in my
neighborhood especially those who struggle to have food donate in their plate to join so
that they will be nourished with nutrients and donate them my clothes. In this way, I can
be able to give back while also understanding how much help they need and that this
should be a continuous program.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows
generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in
your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(Image 4. Food to donate)

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A

5. Be able to integrate knowledge and experience gained, in the professional field as a nurse that is a
witness to the world.
This is to incorporate spiritual care when handling patient as to help them recover better. Not only physical or
emotional health should be nurtured but also spiritual care by the use the knowledge and experience when
following God's footsteps.
Matthew 4:4
But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth
of God.’”

(Image 5. Picture of me on a
(Image 7. Assessing a patient)
lab gown from the my SHS (Image 6. Holding the bible as it is my guide.)
career day, manifesting.)

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A

Beloved Father, Thank you for the gift of life and for giving me the
strength to go on each day with love, happiness, and peace of mind. Also,
I am grateful for the people that you have surrounded me with which are
my family, and friends that through themI can still find support in every
situation and mission that I go through in my life. May You guide me in
my future endeavors as I journey to be a witness to the word that I will be
able to mirror what You have done and become better as an individual
training in her professional course. May You light up the way that I am
taking and allow me to stand on my own despite the struggles, hurdles,
or detours that may come. I pray that my plans be according to Your will
and my actions to be of reflection of love that will not only be for myself
but for the goodness of all people. This I ask in the name of Your Son,
Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bonotan, Andrea E. BSN1-A

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