F3 Worksheet (WWII)
F3 Worksheet (WWII)
F3 Worksheet (WWII)
(a) Identify ONE feature of Nazism from EACH picture. Explain briefly. (3+3 marks)
(b) Why did Nazi Germany introduce the two policies in (a)? Explain briefly. (2+2 marks)
(c) Do you prefer living in a totalitarian or a democratic state? Suggest TWO reasons. (2+2 marks)
(a) Identify the slogan used by the Nazi Party in the 1932 electoral campaign. Why did the Nazi party use
this slogan? Explain your answer with reference to the historical background during 1929-32. (1+4
(b) According to Source B, why did the German middle class support the Nazi Party in the early 1930s?
(2 marks)
(c) How do the two sources above help explain the rise of Nazism in Germany in the early 1930s?
Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B. (2+2 marks)
(d) Using your own knowledge, suggest ONE more reason why Nazism rose to power in Germany in the
early 1930s. (2 marks)
Question 3: Aggression of Germany (10 marks)
Study the cartoon on p.67 of the textbook and answer the questions.
(b) Which two countries do the babies being put in the bag represent? Which country was Germany’s
next target? (3 marks)
(c) Did the cartoonist believe that Europe could enjoy ‘a Christmas of peace?’ Explain your answer with
reference to the cartoon. (1+2 marks)
(d) Was the cartoonist’s view in (c) supported by historical facts? Explain your answer using your own
knowledge. (1+2 marks)
Question 4: The League of Nations and the Abyssinian Crisis (17 marks)
Study Source A and the cartoon on p.88 of the textbook and answer the questions.
(a) Name the person who proposed the establishment of the League of Nations from Source A. (1 mark)
(b) According to Source A, what was the cartoonist’s view towards the operation of the League of Nations?
Explain your answer with ONE clue from Source A. (1+2 marks)
(c) According to the cartoon on p.88, what was the cartoonist’s view towards the British and French
action on the Abyssinian Crisis? Explain your answer with ONE clue from the cartoon. (1+2 marks)
(d) Using your own knowledge, explain why Britain and France took the action in the cartoon on p.88. (4
(e) How do the two cartoons above help explain the failure of the League of Nations? Explain your
answer with reference to the two cartoons. (2+2 marks)
(f) Using your own knowledge, suggest ONE more reason why the League of Nations failed to maintain
peace. (2 marks)
Section II: Fill in the Blanks
1. The symbol of the Fascist Party was called the __________________. Under the rule of fascism,
people were taught to worship the leader Mussolini, which was called _________________________.
2. Hitler believed that the _________________________ was superior and the Germans should rule
over other races. He arrested the Jews and killed them in _______________________ by poisonous
gas under the policy of ____________________, which meant the massacre of the whole race.
3. In 1935, Mussolini sent soldiers to attack ___________________ in Africa. The League of Nations
used ____________________________ to force Italy to withdraw from this country but failed.
4. In order to prevent war, the British Prime Minister ______________________ flew to Munich in
Germany to meet Hitler and agreed to give him the northwestern part of Czechoslovakia called
_______________________. This was called the ____________________ policy.
5. The turning point of the Pacific War was the _____________________________ in 1942, when the
Japanese troops suffered heavy losses. She surrendered a week after the atomic bombing of the two
cities of ___________________ and ___________________ in August 1945.