Instructional Planning Guide-Cycle 1

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Assessment of and Planning for Student Learning


Instructional Planning Guide: Cycle 1

1. Resident Educators complete the Instructional Plan sections prior to teaching a lesson. For Cycle 1, focus on the highlighted questions.
2. Following the teaching of the lesson, Resident Educators complete the Reflection on Instruction and Revision sections.

to be completed before teaching
Assessment of Student Learning
What insights emerge from the analysis of student data?

How will assessments reflect the learning targets and lesson purpose?

How will timely, correct and authentic feedback be part of the assessment process?

How will assessments provide opportunities for students to take responsbility for their learning?

Identifying the Learning Need

How will the relationship between the standards and the learning target be communicated?

What prior knowledge do students need for this lesson?

What are the connections to previous and future learning?

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to be completed before teaching

Establishing the Learning Objectives

What is the purpose of this lesson?

Why is this learning important?

How will the importance of this lesson (learning) be made clear to students?

What misconceptions about content need to be considered in planning?

What enduring understandings or big ideas will students walk away with?

Gathering Appropriate Resources

What new learning is needed to teach this content?

What resources will be necessary to plan and to teach this lesson?

What research will be necessary to plan and to teach this lesson?

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to be completed before teaching

Instructional Strategies [How the teacher conveys the content]

What is the instructional strategy for this particular lesson? Why was this strategy chosen?

How will the instructional strategies provide opportunities for students to transfer prior learning to new content and concepts?

How do the instructional strategies relate to the learning targets?

How will the purpose of the strategies be made clear?

Instructional Activities [What the students do to engage with and learn the content]
What activities provide students opportunities for deliberate practice of the learning strategy?

What activities require higher-order thinking skills?

Why were these activities chosen?


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to be completed before teaching
How will you determine if differentiation in needed for this lesson?

How will you provide access and appropriate challenges for students?

How might the lesson be adapted to accommodate where students are in relationship to mastery of the standard?

What concepts/strategies need to be modified or extended?

Resources and Materials

List resources and materials needed for this lesson.

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to be completed after teaching
Identifying the Learning Need
Were student learning needs accurately identified and assessed?

How did connections help students to better understand the purpose and content of the lesson?

Establishing the Learning Objectives

What are the evidence indicators of student knowledge and understanding?

What misconceptions were discovered? How were they addressed?

What behaviors and learning products indicate that students were intellectually challenged?

Instructional Strategies
What evidence indicates that the selected instructional strategies were appropriate?

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To be completed after teaching
Instructional Activities
How did the activities support the learning objective?

How did the activities support deep and independent understanding of the learning objective?

How did the activities provide opportunities for students to share new knowledge?

To what extent did the activities engage and challenge all students?

How might instructional learning groups be strengthened in subsequent lessons?

Assessment of Student Learning

What evidence suggests that students understand or do not understand the concepts?

Did the assessment tasks provide students the opportunity to demonstrate and explain their thinking?

What concepts were best understood? What areas remain challenges? How will the areas of strength and weakness be woven into subsequent lessons?

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Reflection and Revision

Reflection and Revision:

Analyzing Individual Student Work

Purpose: Analyzing student work in terms of specific learning outcomes allows Resident Educators to evaluate
the effectiveness of their instructional planning and teaching.

1. Using the same students selected for Monitoring Student Learning, complete the general information
for each student below.
2. List the learning outcomes achieved by each student and attach evidence (examples of student work).
3. Determine appropriate next steps, based on the evidence of learning outcomes.
Grade Level: Grade Level:
Subject Area: Subject Area:
Student Name (First Name Only) Student Name (First Name Only)

Student Profile: Student Profile:
Gender Age Gender Age
Description of Learning Outcomes Description of Learning Outcomes

Next Steps Next Steps

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Reflection and Revision

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