Marquez 3d Cell
Marquez 3d Cell
Marquez 3d Cell
Plasma Membranes. The plasma membrane is a structure of the plant cell that forms
a semipermeable, or selective, barrier between the interior of the cell and the
external environment; they also function in transport of molecules into and out of
the cell.
Vacuoles are one type of microscopic cellular structure called an organelle. Both
plant and animal cells can contain vacuoles, but vacuoles are far more prevalent in
plant cells. They are also much larger in plant cells and often take up a great deal
of space within the cell.
The function of the mitochondria in both plant and animal cells is to produce energy
for the cell via ATP production as part of the Krebs cycle. Mitochondria
(mitochondrion singular) are membrane-bound organelles found in the cells of most
eukaryotic organisms. While energy production is the main function of the
mitochondria, they also perform other services for a cell. For example, mitochondria
play an important role in programmed cell death, where cells that are acting
abnormally are killed. This prevents abnormal cells from harming the plant or
interfering with growth and reproduction.
4. PEROXISOME(6,7,8)
Certain vesicles have specific functions. Peroxisomes are vesicles that metabolize
carbohydrates and lipids. These break down into components, along with the
byproduct hydrogen peroxide (thus the name). Peroxisomes also have a catalase
that breaks hydrogen peroxide down into hydrogen and oxygen, making it safe to be
released into the cytoplasm.
5. CHLOROPLAST(9,10,11)
Chloroplasts are the part of plant and algal cells that carry out photosynthesis, the
process of converting light energy to energy stored in the form of sugar and other
organic molecules that the plant or alga uses as food. Photosynthesis has two stages.
In the first stage, the light-dependent reactions occur.
The Golgi Apparatus works similarly to a post office. This network of discs and sheets
sort, modify, separate, package, and transport proteins and lipids. The Golgi works
closely with rough ER to get the synthesized compounds to the right places. Those
vesicles can either go somewhere else in the cell, to the cell membrane for repair or
transported out of the cell altogether.
8. CELL WALL(15)
The outermost portion of a plant cell is the cell wall. This is also a part that animal
cells do not have. The function of a cell wall is to give the cell rigidity and support, as
well as allow for the circulation of water and minerals. When a vegetable is bitten
into, it gives off a nice crunchy sound. This is due to the cell wall. The cell wall is
made up of complex polysaccharides (poly-many, saccharide-sugar) like pectin and
glycan, along with some microfibers. The cell wall also helps fight off disease by
being another barrier between the outside and the inside of the cell.
Plasma Membranes. The plasma membrane is a structure of the plant cell that forms
a semipermeable, or selective, barrier between the interior of the cell and the
external environment; they also function in transport of molecules into and out of
the cell.