6421 23594 1 PB
6421 23594 1 PB
6421 23594 1 PB
Yusmanila *
*Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika,
Universitas Adzkia, Sumatera Barat, Indonesia
Teaching materials in the form of general physics modules integrated with quran verses developed by
lecturers can improve students' religious character. Type of research is development research with Four-
D Model consisting of four main stages, namely: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. The
instruments used to collect data were expert validation sheets, module implementation observation sheets,
student response questionnaires, and student character assessments. The results of this study showed that
the developed module met the very valid criteria with a validity of 94. The average activity implementation
was 1.57, which means that all activities were carried out properly. Response of student about the module
is known that the average practicality of the module is 91, which means the module is very practical.
student character has an average core of 79 in the good category. Thus, the general physics module has
been developed were valid and practical.
Bahan ajar dalam bentuk modul fisika umum terintegrasi ayat alquran yang dikembangkan dosen
dapat meningkatkan karakter religius mahasiswa. Jenis penilitian ini adalah penelitian
pengembangan dengan model 4-D (Four-D Model) terdiri atas empat tahap utama, yaitu: pendefinisian,
perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Instrumen yang dihgunakan untuk mengumpulkan data
pada penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi tenaga ahli dan angket uji praktikalitas modul yang terdiri atas
lembar observasi keterlaksanaan modul, angket respon mahasiwa terhadap modul, dan penilaian karakter
mahasiswa. Data yang diperoleh ditabulasi kemudian disesuaikan dengan kriteria yang ada. Hasil
penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa modul yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dengan
validitas 94. Rata-rata keterlaksanaan kegiatan adalah 1,57 yang berarti seluruh kegiatan terlaksana dengan
baik. Angket respon mahasiswa terhadap modul diketahui bahwa rata-rata praktikalitas modul adalah 91
yang artinya modul sangat praktis. karakter mahasiswa memiliki rata-rata nila 79 dalam kategori baik.
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
materials that contain and support the integrates the values of Quran verses
development of character values. Currently there that can develop student character.
are not many general physics teaching resources
that support character development (azizah & II. METHOD
astuti, 2020). Teaching materials are an A. Type of Research
important component in actualizing character The method used in this research is
education in learning (aslamiyah et al., 2017). the development method with a 4-D
This is in accordance with what pertiwi said that model (Four-D Model) consisting of
learning general physics requires teaching four main stages, namely: Define,
materials that integrate Quran verses in each Design, Develop, and Disseminate.
material (pertiwi, 2016). The module of general Each stage of the learning device
physics integrated the values of Quran verses development activity was carried out
designed according to student character, by analyzing the data obtained and can
language that is easy to understand, and an be described as follows:
attractive design so that it can be used properly 1. Defining Stage
by students. Using of the general physics This stage was carried out to
module integrated with Quran verses can help identify and find out the main
lecturers who serve as facilitators in applying problems in the development of the
religious character values to students. In general physics module integrated
addition, students can also study independently, with the verses of the Quran and to get
have more confidence, and be responsible. an overview of the condition of
Modules are a type of printed instructing General Physics lectures at Adzkia
materials that are introduced methodicallly, so University.
clients can concentrate on them freely (laili, 2. Design Stage
2019). This is in line with the view that This stage aims to prepare an
modules are instructional materials that are integrated module of the values of the
presented in a methodical manner, in language verses of the Quran and prepare
that students can easily understand, based on lecture content that fits the needs of
their level of knowledge so that students can students.
study independently with little guidance from 3. Development Stage
educators (yusmanila et al., 2017). As a result, This stage aims to produce modules
the module can be used independently by users that are revised by experts so that they
or students, allowing the lecturer to fulfill her or are suitable for use in the lecture
his role as a facilitator. process in class. At this stage the
modules that have been made are
This study aims to produce an integrated
validated by experts who are experts in
module of Quran verse values that can help
their field.
students develop character and to develop a
a. Validation Stage
general physics module that is integrated with
Validation was carried out by
the values of valid and practical Quran verses in
distributing validation sheets in the
general physics lectures. The benefit of this
form of a questionnaire with the aim
research is as a reference or reference for
of knowing the response of the expert
general physics teaching materials that
to the list of questions made by the
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
researcher (Arikunto, 1993: 136). The results of Table 1. Module Validation Sheeet
this validation will determine the feasibility of Assesment Category
the module to be used in the learning process Percentage (%) Category
and as a guide in revising the design. 0 – 20 Not Valid
b. Practicality test stage 21 – 40 Less Valid
The modules that have been repaired 41 – 60 Enough Valid
according to the validator's suggestions are then 61 – 80 Valid
tested for practicality. The practicality of the 81 – 100 Very Valid
module is obtained from the implementation Source: Riduwan (2010)
data of the module in lectures, questionnaires on 2. Module Implementation
student responses to modules, and student Observation Sheet
character assessment questionnaires after using The data was obtained by
the module in lectures. observers who made observations of
4. Dissemination Stage student activities during lecture
The dissemination stage is the stage of using activities. During the learning activity,
modules that have been developed on a wider two observers will observe statements
scale, for example in other classes, at other
universities or by other lecturers. The research on the observation sheet regarding the
was conducted at Adzkia University in the implementation of integrated general
Physics Education and Mathematics Education physics modules based on Quran
study programs which took the General Physics verses. Response to the
course. implementation of activities consists
of: (1) Initial Activities (2) Core
B. Instruments and Techniques of Data Analysis Activities. (3) Final Activities. There
The instruments used to collect data in this are 3 response options, namely: "there
study were expert validation sheets and module is" is worth 2, "some" is worth 1, and
practicality test questionnaires consisting of "no" is worth 0.
module implementation observation sheets, The following are the categories
student response questionnaires to modules, and for the implementation of each aspect
student character assessments. or all aspects of the module's
1. Validity Analysis implementation:
The data from the validation results of the 1,5 = M = 2,0 All implemented
collected experts are then tabulated. The
0,5 = M < 1,5 partially implemented
tabulation results for each invoice are sought by
0,0 = M < 0,5 not implemented
the percentage with the formula:
(rafiqah, 2015)
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚
𝑝= 𝑥 100 %
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
3. Practicality Analysis
Data on practicality test results
The tabulation percentage results obtained via a tabulated questionnaire. The
are categorized based on Table 1: results of the tabulation are sought by
the percentage with the formula:
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑚
𝑝= 𝑥 100 %
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
The tabulation percentage results
obtained are categorized based on the
table 2:
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
the material developed in the module is fluid Validation was carried out by
material. distributing validation sheets in the
b. Make division of module pages starting from form of questionnaires with the aim of
cover page, introductory section and so on. knowing the responses of experts to
The module developed is a student module. the list of questions made by
The Student Module format contains a module researchers (Arikunto, 2019). The
format adapted to the Lecture Program Unit results of this validation will
format. The designed module consists of several determine the feasibility of the module
parts, namely: cover, study instructions, to be used in the learning process and
competencies to be achieved, content, summary, as a guide in revising the design. The
exercises, exercise answer keys, worksheets, evaluation of the experts is generally
and learning resources. in the form of small notes on points
c. Arranging teaching materials on modules that need to be corrected along with
The modules are compiled by referring to suggestions. Three validators validate
various references such as textbooks on basic the integrated general physics module
physics, general physics, the Quran, books and based on the values of the Quran
journals that link physics material to verses verses. Material and media specialists,
from the Quran, as well as related videos. integration specialists, and linguists
Students will be strengthened in their belief in make up these validators.
Allah's majesty by studying materials related to The following is a detailed analysis
the Quran. The ruler of the heavens and the of the results of the student module
earth, Allah, possesses infinite knowledge. validation for each aspect of the
Students' religious character can be enhanced by assessment at Figure 1.
having a firm belief in the power.
Graph of Module Validation
d. Request feedback from coworkers on the Results
developed modules.
Colleagues discuss newly designed 97
modules to get their thoughts on the module. 96 97
Colleagues offered suggestions to delve deeper 95
into the content and gave a number of module- 93 94
related references. 92
e. Restoring the module in accordance with 91
90 91
feedback from colleagues. 89
The module was repaired based on the 88
input of colleagues. With this improvement, it is Presentation Content Linguistic
hoped that the module can make it easier for Component Eligibility Component
students to understand and can improve
students' abilities and religious character.
Figure 2. Graph of Module Validation
Development Stage results
At this stage, the goal is to creat module Based on the description of the
that have been revised by experts so that they results of the analysis above, the
can be used in class as lectures.
average value of the total validity of
a. Results at the Validation Stage
the module is 94%. According to the
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
validity criteria, this value is stated in the "very Table 3. Observation Results of
valid" category (V > 81%). So in terms of all Integrated General Physics Module
aspects, the module is declared to meet the Values of Quran Verses
validity criteria. Aspects that are observer Average
Expert advice for integrated general modules measured value
of the values of Quran verses is described as O1 O2
follows: Initial activities 1,5 1,75 1,63
1) Advice from Material and media expert Core activities 1,67 1,5 1,59
Material and media expert validators suggest End activities 1,5 1,5 1,50
separating sub-chapters of material in modules, The average result of 1,56 1,58 1,57
each observer's
adding references for each image and sentence
quoted, making the cover and content display
Each stage of the activities in the
more attractive, adding examples, illustrations,
lectures using the general physics
and questions that trigger students to think
module integrated with the values of
critically, and adding answer columns for
the Quran verses is all implemented.
student responses.
The average implementation of initial
2) Advice from an integration expert
activities is 1.63, the average
The integration expert validator suggests
implementation of core activities is
correcting incomplete quotations of verses and
1.59, and the average implementation
adding explanations to sections where there are
of initial activities is 1.50. The average
differences of opinion among scholars that
activity implementation is 1.57, which
current scientific findings are not final.
means that all activities were
implemented properly.
3) Advice from linguists
2) Questionnaire of student responses
The linguist validator suggested that language
to the module.
flexibility and module display be made even
The main goal of the responses and
more attractive.
learning outcomes analysis is to see
a. Results at the Practicality Stage
how well the values of the Quran
Practicality is related to the use of module
verses learned in the lecture process
by lecturers and students. The module's
are incorporated into the level of
practicality is determined by the module's
student response to the general physics
implementation data in lectures and student
module. After the trial was finished,
responses to module questionnaires.
students were asked to fill out a
1) Module Implementation Observation Sheet
practicality questionnaire for the
It was discovered, based on observations of
course module. A questionnaire with
the module implementation in lectures, that
four possible assessment criteria is
every aspect of the module implementation was
completed by students. Students
carried out completely, with the following
responded to the following aspects: 1)
Display aspects, Material presentation
aspects, and Benefit aspects. A
questionnaire that was distributed to
students enrolled in general physics
courses as part of the University of
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
general physics module integrated with verses makes students aware that all
of the Quran increases students' religious knowledge comes from God. Students
character. After the use of the student module become more interested in learning
becomes not secular. in a sense, so far his more about verses of the Quran that
knowledge has been a dichotomy between are relevant to physics. The general
science and the Quran. Integrating Quran verses glasses module integrated with the
into this module makes students' knowledge verses of the Quran develops the
comprehensive that Islam covers all aspects of character of religious students
life. even many specific verses of the Quran because the material developed in the
teach about science. Furthermore, through the module increases students' ideas
use of integrated modules of Quran verses in about the power of Allah and humans,
lectures it is able to develop the religious there is nothing in this world.
character of students. The student's gratitude 4. .Dissemination Stage
increases because he is increasingly aware of Modules that have been developed
his position as a creature and God as his on a larger scale are used in the
creator. Many lessons learned by students. dissemination stage, such as in other
Students are increasingly aware that there is classes, universities, or by different
nature that regulates it, controls it, and controls lecturers. In this study the
it so that he feels himself small in front of God dissemination phase was carried out by
and he feels that every action he makes is lecturers of general physics (basic
supervised by God. physics) of the physics education
The integrated module of verses of the study program at the South Tapanuli
Quran is considered more interesting and easy Education Institute, the physics
to understand compared to the book used education study program at the Islamic
(Aslamiyah et al., 2017), able to improve University of North Sumatra, and the
character (Wahyuni, 2018) dan (Kusjuriansah physics education study program at
& Yulianto, 2019), and can increase the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University.
motivation of participants in learning physics
(Susanti et al., 2019). It is supported by
(Latifah, 2016), (Nurlina, 2016), dan
(Nurwahidah,) which states that the use of The general physics module
teaching materials in physics modules that are integrated with verses of the Quran
integrated with verses of the Quran is very was developed with four main stages,
effective for instilling the values of verses of namely definition, design,
the Quran and developing the character of development and deployment. The
students and can improve student learning modules that have been designed are
outcomes. The cultivation of character values in tested for validity. The results of the
education can support the achievement of validity of the developed module meet
educational goals set by the government the very valid criteria. Then a trial of
(Ananda, 2017). the use of the module in lectures was
The integrated general physics module of carried out. Based on the observation
verses of the Quran fosters student awareness sheet on the implementation of the
of the power of Allah. the use of modules module in lectures, all activities were
carried out well. The module's results
JRFES (Jurnal Riset Fisika Edukasi dan Sains) Vol 9 No 2 (Nov 2022) 86-96
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