Reformation fom i. 205
Trallang improve the crontry Tobe modern in western style.
~ttachieve equtl progress ta waster nation
ere paigndl save r rn imperialism
1d leader the ing fasghed “paiieal developmen”
the profi esl nave ha ante n surrounding cobies—ebiea aspect
noble had heen sent to shay western lnguage 2 art in England Geper#s on Bunnag family cara Iv)
and cmabac 6 impr fe cry ing Para Ved hr ve wh wl ory
locaton: sian ig ike abter sal of Bris, fersh. relerm api
1's amidntybetueu” Brith jurisdiction’ cPgang, Play) Gaverance aspect
ng Raw IV
4 an a) ely change shct fom royal curt ard then expanded to he cizen
fi tm: Bal the prablem is ony imptcF oly in copia city because pope in
ec jon — western sh al socehy sill adhe fo traditional calle
ex: ear shirt whl aliending
stl unc!| cssm bai Aeform of financial s i
fhe Ick 0 Knalelge
4. proted san from colonials
Local Administration
“established Sukhapibal
Econemic devel si rit ah, iberiz '
ig Rainy LV Fgh. :
ein Et $$
~ Siar alowed Britain Yo setup “consulalé', people undar Brill w'S protectin me defends
hod An concle mongpaly system ridin traders wee allowed io trode drectiy to sim’s ct
~ need 46 cancle taxation on cong ships cam ony cack 3/ of mpwrt goeds,
~ rin had er right freedom in Sit
= fing privilege slamn had givers, Brilam must ale
‘expan a
bal stored free trae
a. export ef riteincreased“Saal Oerelaprar
4. Abolition of slavery.
sition of sla 1974
-ngomanted the abatone¥ slavery mtg
‘towed children beh ya 40 have a slay decreasing value uni age of 20
all saws free in 1405
a. Albglition of Phrai system.
: ipl Yok Phi mstbe 1+
“tansy no esto
In 1406 thee’ ited mon 18+ to serve inmilitery for years
‘and no longer he fo serve the government onymoré
non mildarg myst i fees Cole
So the gn
3. Caucalion reform
First royel school «royal page schdo] —* Suan tela Schoo:
‘International Treaty
cent Weaties with Weslern nations. x. Bowring Th
its “unfeir’ "ct nation
slam natd fo Surender becave® milan, gate was infvin
ahs ce f rade with sia
{Bt a ches el hi eanagg
of exttaterritorial ov judica) Might
Defence againls Western thea,
=the, Sipgang chu Thai, let iv Pal
lod to push _* €nst saveen Rv ,Kelanith Terengganu Satur yferis.
King rama made 2 fo find ley Yo suppert Siam.
Reform of Laws
= Prine Ratchaburidire krit established Jaw school
= Prom gated stan criminal laws in BE, 9451
= Bymulgated modern 5 Stavery Abolition bot
Ww Suppording democracy
= resi = bsilthanl made ton
~ si can cael he untae = briten artes
ult Germang - Aust “Hunan
= ould chan atthe un realy mith US other quisHistorical develop
Government politics under the guidance, cof the pegple's Fily ‘What cavse reform 2
4ransaction from abseluie. monarchy —> demacracy monarchy, 1. Infivenca of beslern logis
Khana Ratsador ¢Avenger team) an demacrnca by wester educated.
\ pridi Paromgeng eader of civilian. .€canomic. problem
pinaya Phahanghonphayahaserd: Military leader 23. Change in Governmnt in ranniy Country in sid
Pribalsorggram :leader of mir arty of fiers
civilian ¢Pridi)-waifou Principle of Khana hatsadon
inana Ratsoden kang :40 maintain pos in ern of politica judici
nilitang ¢Plaek) - nani ~saean' ta yaindain secmity redyee violation.
they produc six prime minislers of Thailand = wecsygria: to main econontd in accordant the National Economic Project.
Pleclined when WAL end 3 = 4418.60 %0 maintain equally
‘and ecanowit tobe sable
= hada :to maintain equality
Lremporary comstition] 101 6612096 = msffnnito maintain edvcalion
“the severian aver belong tal geoge”
fridi, 21/01 6
“sin Ceseabe
: é igo velo
nays Manpaorn Niitade 05 “ft pve winisbor®
= 41 qa/earg :contlict ever Yellen book $$$
tol 06/24, wp dla by Phraya Pal ay these, wants abs)
= 101 01 2976 Ba lin staged by rag fact
* 8104 (14711: King baw Vile si “
CAUSE he wasted government fe give free speech topeople
Be mst-t499
Seri Th movementAy — Phraytlanpatorn Nilitada ctrst prime) —* permanent constitution > yellow book contict
1414/1495 ytamptraby constitution whs/sang Loa [145
wt 11 607s abdicated
= COvp dul Phraya Phahel) ~» Boweradet rebelion —> lett fm, ste —> besin Wt Thai joined wo Seritha
an f a 9/10/14
Why = ig, Vl died -» cop di in digg toresgn >
2/04/ 2495 flor 4) C11485 2/u/taro And pick PloeK fo prime wins 04/4484
s/0u/ t44)
= said 7 Sarid coup Anaray —> thawonn Self —> Great serra > iF maassage =
Waal s600 wip] 1604 I7(M 1esi4 4110/4516 6/0/3619 06/596
Great sorrow:
x ian in section Mt
=result: a itvton
Thammasat massacre
reason: Taam camebac eat wh
= resulb:gissolvtion (jo CoMunisn grates!)
Black way
~reag0n: Syhinia was a prime ming
vent: quant suppressed demonstratarscvile¥ly)
=e: Suohin dy okt new consti