IJE Volume 31 Issue 3 Pages 473-479

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IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No.

3, (March 2018) 473-479

International Journal of Engineering

Journal Homepage: www.ije.ir

Analysis of the Crankshaft Failure of Wheel Loader Diesel Engine

K. Aliakbari*a, N. Safarzadehb, S. S. Mortazavib
a Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Montazeri, Khorasan Razavi Branch, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Mashhad,
b Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Iran


Paper history: The main purpose of this study is to review the cause for the crankshaft failure of six-cylinder diesel
Received 09 September 2017 engine of a wheel loader after passing a short period of time. The failure had occurred after 4800 hours
Received in revised form 12 September 2017 of in-service in the fifth crankpin of the crankshaft. Hardness and tensile tests were carried out to study
Accepted 12 October 2017 their mechanical properties. Spectrophotometer machine was used to examine the chemical
composition of the crankshaft material. To examine the material microstructure, its defects and the
Keywords: morphology of fracture surface, optical microscopes (OM) and scanning electronic microscopes (SEM)
Automotive Engineering equipped with energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) were used. The morphology of fracture surface
Wheel Loader showed that the fracture is of the smooth type and has occurred due to the fatigue. Main origin of the
Crankshaft Failure fatigue cracks appeared on the surface of the crankpin might be created by the existence of oil
Fatigue Crack impurities, the impurities on the surface of the crankpin, inappropriate machining on the surface of the
Failure Cause crankpin or severe wear and pitting from insufficient lubricating.
doi: 10.5829/ije.2018.31.03c.10


The analysis of failure is a regular investigative

technique using scientific methods to identify the causes Figure 1. Failure analysis is the reverse of the design
of failure. The analysis of failure is an integral section process [1]
of designing and manufacturing process. Figure 1 shows
that failure investigation has a reverse relationship with
designing process [1]. have been shown in the broken crankshaft of Figure 2.
The parts of engine and the power transmission Crankshaft in the internal combustion engines is a shaft
system of most road construction machineries and their that turns the linear motion of piston into a rotational
equipment are exposed to various kinds of cyclic motion through connecting rod.
stresses and harsh environmental conditions. Wheel The analysis of the crankshaft failure was studied in
loader is a machine of heavy equipment that is used in Refs [3-7]. The studies show that the most failures occur
construction for moving, lifting different materials onto in crankpin-web fillet region with high concentration
other machines such as dump trucks, conveyors and stress caused by the effect of fracture mode I under
railroad cars. This machine can also carry out tasks such
as leveling by soil spreading, digging of soil, dumping
loaded bucket, loading dump truck and hauling
materials [2].
One of the main rotating parts of the engine is
crankshaft. The individual components of the crankshaft

*Corresponding Author’s Email: karimaliakbari@yahoo.com (K.

Aliakbari) Figure 2. Engine crankshaft terminology.

Please cite this article as: K. Aliakbari, N. Safarzadeh, S. S. Mortazavi, The Analysis of Wheel Loader Diesel Engine Crankshaft Failure,
International Journal of Engineering (IJE), IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479
K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479 474

alternating rotational bending load. Other factors which The measurements of the damaged crankshaft of six-
affect the fatigue life include: (1) high vibrations due to cylinder diesel engine of wheel loader were measured
crankshaft imbalance or lack of balancer; (2) lack of with high precision micrometer, vernier-caliper and
enough oil between the bearings and the main journal or digital scale and have been listed in Table 1.
crankpin; (3) high pressure caused by combustion in the
cylinder; and (4) the emergence of the cracks made 3. 1. Mechanical Properties of the Material of the
during the manufacture especially between the Crankshaft The chemical composition of the
crankpin-web fillet regions [8-12]. Besides, there are material of crankshaft was carried out following the
other factors that cause the failure of the crankshaft or ASTM E41 standard using the spectrophotometer model
shaft such as the pieces taken apart from the screws or SPECTROMAX made in Germany. The tests were
pins due to the high stress concentration or carried out in 24 degrees Celsius and the humidity was
inappropriate assembly of the parts attached to them 23%. The tests were repeated 3 times. The results of the
which are exposed to rotational bending fatigue loads. average mean of the numbers based on the weight
The fracture of the parts causes the crankshaft failure or percentage have been given in Table 2.
shaft failure and other parts connected to both [13, 14]. To study the mechanical properties of the material of
Shaft failure might be due to the load of rotational crankshaft, two samples were made based on ASTM
bending fatigue which in turn caused by the tiny cracks E8M-97a standard and the ones mentioned in literature
on the shaft and close to the keyway area while doing [16]. This standard specifies the method of the tensile of
installation, operation, or maintenance [15]. metal materials. A typical sample is shown in Figure 3.
The main goal of this paper is to study the reasons This ended up to putting the samples under tensile by
for the crankshaft failure in six-cylinder diesel engine of Zwick/Roell model Z100/Z250 materials testing
the wheel loader after passing a short period of time. To machine with central ball-lead screw having the
examine the causes of the failure the results of some capacity of 25 tons.
cases were used including chemical composition and
microstructure of the crankshaft material, mechanical
properties tests, SEM images of the fracture surface. TABLE 1. Crankshaft specifications and conditions.
The morphology of the fracture surface showed that the Crankshaft Parameter Specification
fracture is of the smooth type and it is caused by the
Crankshaft mass 102 Kg
Crankshaft length 1052 mm
Main journal diameters 100 mm
2. THE METHOD OF THE REVIEW OF Crankpin diameters 82 mm
Operation 4800 hr
The review method of crankshaft failure of six-cylinder
diesel engine of a wheel loader has been carried out as
follows: TABLE 2. The chemical composition of DIN1.7225 and
1. Choosing the broken crankshaft of a wheel loader. Standard alloy.
2. Measuring the dimensions and analyzing broken Symbol DIN1.7225 Standard
crankshaft photographs. Fe 97 Base
3. Analyzing of the chemical composition of the
C 0.414 0.38-0.43
crankshaft material.
4. Testing the mechanical properties including hardness Si 0.247 0.15-0.35
and tensile. Mn 0.74 0.75-1.00
5. Examining the material microstructure using OM.
P 0.011 ≤0.035
6. Photographing and observing the fracture surface
using SEM. S 0.024 ≤0.040
7. Investigating the causes for failure. Cr 1.16 0.80-1.10
The above-mentioned topics will be dealt with in the
Mo 0.216 0.15-1.25
following parts.


This case study is about examining the crankshaft

failure of six-cylinder diesel engine of wheel loader. Figure 3. Geometric dimensions of test sample 12.5 mm
475 K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479

The results of the tests were recorded in the form of the

force-displacement and the rate of sampling was 2 times
per second. The length changes of the samples were
measured by extensometer having the length-
measurement of 50 millimeters. To carry out the tests,
the moving speed of the machine gripes was 0.50
millimeter per minute. The ultimate stress, yield stress
and elongation were measured using the results of the
tests. The mechanical properties of the tested material in
crankshaft have been given in the Table 3. The graphs
of the strain-tension have been drawn in Figure 4. Based
on the results of the analysis of chemical composition
and the tensile tests, the mechanical properties of the
crankshaft material follow the steel W.Nr. 1.7225 DIN

3. 2. Hardness and Optical Micrographs At

first, a cross-section of the broken crankshaft crankpin
having the thickness 15 millimeters was sliced using the
electro-discharge wire cutting. Then, the surface of the
samples were sanded using the sanding papers No. 60
up to 1200. Polishing the samples was done by using the
diamond paste. The micrograph of the crankpin cross-
section of wheel loader was obtained. Then, the
hardness measuring tests was done using Brinell
criterion based on ASTM: E384-11e1 standard. To do Figure 5. Hardness distribution from center to outer diameter
the hardness tests, an Avery-denison tester was used and of the crankpin.
the tests were repeated 3 times. The hardness measuring
test on the sample was done exerting 120 Kgf in 20
seconds and the hardness graph from the center to The hardness increasing from the center of the crankpin
outside surface of the crankpin was drawn in Figure 5. to its surface is due to the faster cooling of the surface
of the crankpin relative to the central regions, which
TABLE 3. Mechanical properties of the DIN1.7225 and causes the residual stress between the two surface and
Standard alloy. central regions. Therefore, one of the reasons for fatigue
σY (MPa) Symbol Elong. (%) 𝜎𝑈 (MPa) crack initiation is the lack of hardness uniformity
between the surface and the center of the crankpin,
Standard alloy Min. 650 900-1100 Min. 12
which can be a factor in the fatigue crack initiation.
Sample 1 647.65 823.92 18.34 A cross-section microstructure of crankpin was
Sample 2 671.25 832.3 17.9 observed using OM. Figure 6 shows the micrograph of
the crankpin no. 5 after polishing with 1000x
magnifications. The oxidized inclusions are found in
great amounts on the polished areas. Figure 7 shows the
micrograph after being etched. The tampered martensite
structure was observed which hardness measuring
approves the results.

3. 3. Examination of the Fracture Surface and the

Cause of Failure To study and examine the
fracture surface of the crankpin, the sample was put in
ultrasonic bath first, then the SEM machine made in
Germany LEO 1450VP model was used for imaging.
The EDS 7335 model made in Oxford England
connected to this SEM machine could measure chemical
composition. In this research, it is used for the instant
Figure 4. Engineering stress vs. engineering strain curves of chemical composition of the cracks, defects and
crankshaft material impurities.
K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479 476

20 mm

Figure 6. Micrograph of the material as polished with 500x


Figure 8. (a) Photograph of the failed crankshaft at the fifth

crankpin; (b) The fractured surfaces of the crankshaft at the
second crankpin
Figure 7. Micrograph of the material etched with 500x

Figure 8 shows the fracture zone of the broken crankpin

of the wheel loader of the crankpin-web fillet root. This
has happened after 4800 hours in-service. The
morphology of the fracture surface shows that it is of a
smooth type and it has been caused by the fatigue being
affected by the rotational bending load. The fracture
surface includes two zones: (1) the crack initiation and
propagation zone with beach marks and ratchet marks;
and (2) final fracture zone in front of the crack initiation
zone. Figure 8.a shows the fatigue crack initiation
position on the cross-section of the broken surface.
Main origin of the fatigue cracks appeared on the
surface of the crankpin might be created by the
existence of oil impurities, inappropriate machining on
the surface of the crankpin or severe wear and pitting Figure 9. Schematic representation of fatigue fracture surface
from insufficient lubricating or it might be because of marks in shafts [18].
other impurities on the surface of crankpin as polished
image shows it might be of oxidized inclusions type.
The fact that the final fracture zone is near the surface, According to the crack initiation and propagation zone
the stress put in the surface is so close the fatigue limit. and the final fracture zone of the Figure 8, the amount
Comparing the fractured surface of Figure 8 with the of rotational load compared to bending load is
schematic guidelines of Figure 9 on the fracture surface negligible.
of the shafts [17, 18], the following specifications can To examine the more precise origin of fracture of
be referred to: (1) high cycle; (2) low stress with the Figure 8, SEM images along with EDS with different
small zone of the final fracture compared to the wide magnifications were prepared. First the sample was put
cross-section of the whole crankpin due to the cyclic in ultrasonic bath and the Figures 10 and 11 were
stress caused by rotational bending loads; and (3) a prepared. Figure 10 shows the incidence of striations,
medium stress concentration. which are the marks of fatigue.
477 K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479

ultrasonic bath. The result was that metal particles of B

was reappeared.
Border between 2 regions Then another photograph with 2000x magnification
with different hardness was taken and the EDS from the materials of square C
was prepared (see Figure 13). This is not an impurity;
Striations but, it might be the remaining materials from the severe
incidence wear of the two sides of the broken crankpin while in-
service or the cutting process for preparing of the
sample by wire-cut machine. The similar particles of
this research have been observed in the literature [19].

Figure 10. SEM micrograph of the fatigue marks with 70x


Figure 11. SEM micrograph of the crack after ultrasonic bath

with 500x magnifications

Figure 12. SEM micrographs of the crack before ultrasonic

bath with 1000x magnifications

Figure 11 shows the fractography of SEM which is one

of the features of the dimple fracture.
A series of particles such as A were observed on the
fracture surface. The fact that the metal particles of A
are seen on Figure 11 on the fractured surface, Figure
Figure 13. Micrographs of the crack after ultrasonic bath with
12 was prepared from the other side of the fractured
2000x magnifications.
surface of the crankpin without being put in the
K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479 478

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‫‪479‬‬ ‫‪K. Aliakbari et al. / IJE TRANSACTIONS C: Aspects Vol. 31, No. 3, (March 2018) 473-479‬‬

‫‪The Analysis of Wheel Loader Diesel Engine Crankshaft Failure‬‬

‫‪K. Aliakbaria, N. Safarzadehb, S. S. Mortazavib‬‬
‫‪a Department‬‬ ‫‪of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Montazeri, Khorasan Razavi Branch, Technical and Vocational University (TVU), Mashhad,‬‬
‫‪b Faculty of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Iran‬‬

‫‪PAPER INFO‬‬ ‫چكيده‬

‫‪Paper history:‬‬ ‫هدف اصلی این مطالعه بررسی علت شکست میل لنگ موتور شش سیلندر دیزل لودر پس از مدت زمان کوتاه است‪.‬‬
‫‪Received 09 September 2017‬‬
‫‪Received in revised form 12 September 2017‬‬ ‫شکست پس از حدود ‪ 4800‬ساعت در پنجمین محور لنگ از محل محور لنگ اتفاق افتاده بود‪ .‬برای بررسی خواص‬
‫‪Accepted 12 October 2017‬‬
‫مکانیکی تست های سختی و کشش انجام گرفت و از دستگاه اسپکتروفتومتر برای بررسی ترکیب شیمیایی عناصر تشکیل‬
‫دهنده میل لنگ استفاده گردید‪ .‬برای بررسی ریزساختار‪ ،‬عیوب‪ ،‬سطح شکست و علت شکست از میکروسکوپهای نوری‬
‫‪Automotive Engineering‬‬ ‫و میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (‪ )SEM‬مجهز به طیف سنجی پراش انرژی پرتو ایکس (‪ )EDS‬استفاده شدند‪.‬‬
‫‪Wheel Loader‬‬
‫‪Crankshaft Failure‬‬ ‫مورفولوژی سطح شکست نشان داد شکست از نوع نرم و در اثر خستگی روی داده است‪ .‬محل شروع ترک خستگی از‬
‫‪Fatigue Crack‬‬
‫‪Failure Cause‬‬ ‫سطح قطعه میباشد که عامل آن میتواند حضور ناخالصی ناشی از روغن و یا ناخالصی در سطح محورلنگ‪ ،‬خطوط ناشی‬
‫از ماشینکاری نامناسب روی سطح محورلنگ و یا سایش شدید و ایجاد حفره در اثر روانکاری نامناسب روی سطح باشد‪.‬‬
‫‪doi: 10.5829/ije.2018.31.03c.10‬‬

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