Failure Analysis of Crankshaft Using Finite Element Approach

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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016

Failure Analysis of Crankshaft using Finite Element

Chetan Kahate, Ashok Keche
crankshafts that failed in fatigue were due to combined
Abstract The fatigue phenomenon occurs due to repetitive bending and torsional fatigue. The analysis of fatigue due to
loading on components like crankshaft of IC engine. Fatigue due combined loading considering combined bending and
to combined bending and torsion is most common reason of torsional is done by many researchers.
failure of crankshaft. The objective of this work is to evaluate
fatigue life of alloy steel made crankshaft. The crankshaft under
Agrawal and Srivastava (2012) presented fatigue behaviour
study was investigated for failure zone in pin web fillet region.
The process wise investigation was made to find out the root
of forged steel crankshaft, subjected to fully reversible cyclic
cause of fracture occurred in failure zone. The root cause was loading, is analyzed using the strain-life theories. And it is
found to be low surface finish in the pin web fillet region. It found that, that Coffin-Manson strain-life theory is found to
caused the undesired stresses in the failure zone. It is observed be conservative compared to Morrow and
that due to bad surface finish the fatigue life of existing Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) strain-life theories.
crankshaft was drastically reduced. The crankshaft is modeled Ali & Kadir (2010) Microscopic analysis have been carried
and stresses are analyzed using finite element software. The out on the surface of journals. Mechanical and metallurgical
fatigue life of crankshaft subjected to pure bending and pure properties of the crankshaft including chemical composition,
torsion loading is obtained during actual testing. The possibility
micro-hardness, tensile properties and roughness were
of using fatigue test data from pure bending and pure torsion
loading is explored in present work to estimate the fatigue life studied and compared with the specified properties of the
due to combined loading. In the present study the attempt has crankshaft materials.
been made to improve the surface finish of crank shaft. It is Chien and Pan (2003) studied the influence of the residual
observed that the surface finish is improved 35/% by changing stresses induced by the fillet rolling process on the fatigue
the guide shoe material of crank shaft assembly. The results process of a ductile cast iron crankshaft section under
obtained from simulations are then correlated with bending.
experimental results of loading. Metkar and et al. (2013) made comparative studies of two
methods of fatigue life assessment of a single cylinder diesel
engine crankshaft by using fracture mechanics approach viz.
Index Terms Fatigue life, bending, torsion, finite element
linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) and recently
analysis, crankshaft failure.
developed critical distance approach (CDA).
Osman (2006) analyzed the failure of crank diesel engine
crankshaft used in truck, which is made from ductile cast iron.
The crank pin was found to break in two pieces before
Fatigue is the most commonly encountered type of failure completion of warranty period.
for metallic structures operating under cyclic loading. Fatigue
failure often comes without warning and may cause Pandey (2002) investigated the failures of six cylinder engine
significant damage as well as loss of life. Fatigue failure crankshaft of 0.45% carbon steel. The premature failure was
cannot be stopped from occurring but it is possible to avoid it occurred in the web region. The investigation included
by proper studies. Hence, Fatigue is the most important determination of chemical composition, microstructural
failure mode to be considered in a mechanical design. The examination, evaluation of tensile properties and charpy
goal of fatigue analysis in the design process is to perform toughness as well as hardness determination. The fracture
fatigue and durability calculations much earlier, thereby toughness was estimated from the charpy energy data. The
reducing or removing the need for expensive redesign later failure zones in various crankshafts were examined using the
on. Physical testing of the component involves considerable scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the micro
cost and time. Carrying out the physical testing always is not a mechanism of failure in the crankshafts was studied.
good solution if the cost and time are the constraints. Finite Ponson & et al. (2007) investigated the link between failure
element analysis can be considered as the alternative to the mechanisms and the geometry of fractures of compacted
physical testing Crankshaft is an important component of grains materials, a detailed statistical analysis of the surfaces
internal combustion engine with complex geometry. of fractured Fontainebleau sandstones has been achieved.
Crankshaft experiences a large number of load cycles during Marie Doverbo (2012) established the Correlation between
its service. Design and Development has always an important material properties, grinding effects and Barkhausen noise
issue in crankshaft production industry to manufacture less measurements for two crankshaft steels of two different
expensive crankshaft with high fatigue strength. Most of the suppliers, using different experimental techniques.
Farrahi & et al.(2010) carried the dynamic analysis and finite
element modelling to determine the state of stress in the
Chetan Kahate, Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Maharashtra institute of technology, Aurangabad, India crankshaft.
Ashok Keche, Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical
Engineering Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Aurangabad, India

Failure Analysis of Crankshaft using Finite Element approach

Raghunathan and et al. (2014): A detailed study was carried Table: 1 Crankshaft Material Properties
out on crankshafts used in two wheeler made from C45 (EN Modulus of Elasticity/ 200 GPa
8/AISI 1042) steel. Undesirable noise was heard in crankshaft
when the engine is in running. This was stated as failure of Poissons ratio 0.26
crankshaft. Material has been peeled off and seemed to be Yield Strength 470 MPa
scraped at the central portion of the crankpin. It was the
Ultimate Tensile Strength 710 MPa
bearing seating place where oil hole also provided. Under
analysis the crankpin was identified as tempered. Chemical Density 7850 Kg/m3
composition, micro-hardness and microstructure were studied Surface roughness 2.5m
and compared with the specified properties of the crankpin
material. Reason for failure is identified as wear due to lower Table 2 : Chemical composition crankshafts
hardness, improper lubrication and high operating oil Element Specified content A B, C D, E
C% 0.35 - 0.40 0.38 0.38 0.36
It is observed that Surface finish is one of the important Si % 0.45 - 0.65 0.51 0.50 0.55
parameters affecting fatigue life of crank shaft. Very few
researchers have studied the Effect of fillet radius on surface Mn % 1.30 - 1.50 1.37 1.38 1.32
finish while calculating the Fatigue strength of the crankshaft. P% <0.025 0.014 0.010 0.008
Therefore, In the present study the attempt has been made to
improve the surface finish of crank shaft. The results obtained S% 0.018 - 0.033 0.024 0.024 0.021
from simulations are then correlated with experimental results Cr % 0.20 - 0.30 0.23 0.23 0.22
of loading.
V% 0.08 - 0.12 0.095 0.093 0.10
II. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS Al % 0.005 - 0.030 0.020 0.021 0.011
Cu % <0.35 0.24 0.20 0.30
In static analysis the component is assumed to be in
equilibrium condition and the effect of various loadings is N% 0.0090 - 0.0200 0.0115 0.0108 0.0103
calculated. A static analysis is the effect of inertia and
damping is ignored and the effects of static loading conditions B. Static analysis results
on a structure are calculated. In static analysis it is assumed
The figure 1 and 2 shows the equivalent (von-mises) stresses
that loading and response vary slowly with respect to time.
developed in fillet region under the bending and Torsional
Also it is assumed that displacement is very small. The static
loads respectively. Figure 3 shows the view of the fillets
analysis results of displacements, stresses, strains and forces
showing the areas under compression with blue colour and
in structure for components give a clear idea about whether
those under tension with red colour due to applied bending
the structure or component will withstand the applied
moment. The maximum stress obtained at the fillet is 753
maximum force or not. The results of static analysis are then
MPa which is well below the yield strength of the material for
used as input for fatigue analysis. The objective of FEA is to
pure bending. For individual moment loading, areas near the
investigate stresses, experienced by the crankshaft and find
fillets as well as the area near to oil holes are mostly affected.
out the critical locations. The stresses obtained can then be
From figure 4, it is seen that maximum stress is 741 Mpa.
used to predict the fatigue life and determine the expected
Combined (Bending + Torsion) loading shows that the
failure regions. A single throw of alloy steel crankshaft is used
stresses developed are the cumulative effect of stresses of
for the finite element analysis. Linear elastic analysis was
individual loadings. From figure 5, it is seen that maximum
used since the crankshaft is designed for long life where
stress is 639 MPa which is less than that for individual
stresses are mainly elastic. Bending and Torsional loading
bending or individual moment loading
conditions were considered for the analysis. 3-D solid model
was developed in Pro-E 2.0. The geometry created is then
imported in HyperMesh for creating the finite element model.
The ABAQUS profile in HyperMesh is selected for
pre-processing. The boundary conditions are as per the test set
up used for experimental testing. As per the customer
requirement the crankshaft was subjected to torsion of 50
KN-m. The resonant bending fatigue test was carried out, so
the bending load of 59 KN is applied on one plate to create the
required bending moment. At exactly opposite side of
bending load an accelerometer is fixed. At that point all
degrees of the freedom are locked.
A. Material of crankshaft

The material properties Crankshaft of alloy steel are as listed

in Table 1 and Chemical composition crankshaft are
mentioned in the table 2. Figure 1: Von-Mises stresses result due to bending.

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2016

Figure 2: Von-Mises stresses result due to Torsion Figure 6: Fatigue results under combined Bending and


Five crankshafts were sent to fatigue testing lab from a lot of
significant production run as per customer specification, out
of which one crankshaft sample was found to be fail at the
fillet radius of crankshaft. The investigation was initiated to
find the failure modes and its analysis. This failure is
common in case of components which are subjected to fatigue
Figure 3: Von-Mises stresses result due to combined loading i.e. at highly concentrated stress area. The crankshaft
bending and torsion. were forged then machined and induction hardened on pin
and journals up to depth of 2- 7mm. After induction hardening
III. FATIGUE LIFE ASSESSMENT BY FINITE ELEMENT it is tempered at 230 degrees to relive stresses developed
ANALYSIS: inside the crankshaft due to machining and induction
The main objective of estimating the fatigue life of crankshaft The experimental fatigue testing in bending is based on the
is to investigate the behaviour of crankshaft under complex tuning fork method. The experimental results are compared
loading conditions. Due to the repeated bending and twisting, with FEA results. In the tuning fork method the single throw
crankshaft fails, as cracks form in fillet area. Fatigue analysis of crankshaft is assembled with two plates that become tines
of crankshaft is done in MSC Fatigue.The results obtained of the tuning fork, the total assembly of tines, crankshaft,
from the static analysis are used as input to the fatigue stringing rod and stringing rod holder is hanged by ropes as
analysis. Fatigue results are tabulated as below. shown in Figure 8. A crankshaft section is attached to two
heavy steel tines and the system acts as a large tuning fork.

Figure 4:Fatigue results under pure bending

Figure7: Strain gage mounting locations on crankshaft

The critical locations in the crankshaft section are pin fillets,

oil holes and journal fillets, where crack initiation is
predominantly occurs and develops in to surrounding areas.
The strain gauges were therefore mounted at these critical
locations. These locations are labelled as a and b shown in
igure 5:Fatigue results under pure Torsion Figure 7.

Failure Analysis of Crankshaft using Finite Element approach

Fatigue life analysis of forged steel crankshaft was done using
finite element methods and experimental
methods. FE model of crankshaft is created using Hypermesh,
FE analysis is done in ANSYS V14.5 and fatigue life was
calculated with the help of MSC Fatigue software. The
following conclusions are drawn from the present study:

I. The static stress analysis is required to find out the

maximum stresses and critical locations in the
crankshaft. Due to complex geometry finite element
analysis is necessary to obtain the stresses in the
II. It is observed that the maximum stress is obtained at the
pin fillet area which is found to be 753 MPa (Bending),
Figure 8: Experimental setup for fatigue life test 741 (Moment) and 639 (Bending + Moment).
III. It is observed that the experimental results show good
agreement with modelling results.
IV. It is observed that the difference between experimental and
5000000 modelling results for pure bending test is 8%.
4000000 V. It is observed that the difference between experimental and
modelling results for pure torsional test is 7%.
VI. It is observed that the difference between experimental and
2000000 Experimental modelling results for combined test is 7.5 %.
1000000 Modeling
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