Arms, Armor, and Gear

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Weapon Name Cost Damage

Simple Weapons
Club 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning
Dagger 5 gp 1d4 piercing
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing
Light Hammer 5 gp 1d4 bludgeoning
Mace 10 gp 1d6 bludgeoning
Quarterstaff 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning
Sickle 5 gp 1d4 slashing
Spear 5 gp 1d6 piercing
Crossbow, light 40 gp 1d8 piercing
Shortbow 15 gp 1d6 piercing
Sling 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning
Martial Weapons
Battleaxe 20 gp 1d8 slashing
Flail 20 gp 1d8 bludgeoning
Glaive 50 gp 1d10 slashing
Greataxe 40 gp 1d12 slashing
Greatsword 40 gp 2d6 slashing
Halberd 50 gp 1d10 slashing
Lance 30 gp 1d12 piercing
Longsword 20 gp 1d8 slashing
Maul 40 gp 2d6 bludgeoning
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 piercing
Pike 50 gp 1d10 piercing
Rapier 20 gp 1d8 piercing
Scimitar 20 gp 1d6 slashing
Shortsword 20 gp 1d6 piercing
Trident 20 gp 1d6 piercing
War pick 10 gp 1d6 piercing
Warhammer 20 gp 1d8 bludgeoning
Whip 20 gp 1d4 slashing
Blowgun 20 gp 1 piercing
Crossbow, hand 100 gp 1d6 piercing
Crossbow, heavy 80 gp 1d10 piercing
Longbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing
Javelin x3 5 gp 1d6 piercing
Dart x10 5 gp 1d4 piercing
Arrow x10 5 gp —
Bolt x10 10 gp —
Net 5 gp —
Fine x5 GP Plus 1
Masterwork x20 GP Plus 2
Properties Armor Name
Light Armor
Light Padded Cloth
Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60) Leather
Light, thrown (range 20/60) Fur Cloak
Light, thrown (range 20/60) Studded leather
— Troll Hide
Versatile (1d8) Ironwood
Light Yeti Hide
Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) Wyvernscale
Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed Orichite
Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed Medium Armor
Ammunition (range 30/120) Hide
Chain shirt
Versatile (1d10) Fur
— Half plate
Heavy, reach, two-handed Llamenar
Heavy, two-handed Serpentscale
Heavy, two-handed Mammothskin
Heavy, reach, two-handed Dragonscale
Reach, special Mithril Plate
Versatile (1d10) Heavy Armor
Heavy, two-handed Ring mail
— Chain mail
Heavy, reach, two-handed Ironwood
Finesse Plate
Finesse, light Plated Fur
Finesse, light Ebony
Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) Dragonplate
— Empyrean
Versatile (1d10) Shields
Finesse, reach Simple Shield
Ammunition (range 25/100), loading Shield
Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading Reinforced Shield
Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed Tower Shield
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed

Thrown (range 30/120)

Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)

Special, thrown (range 5/15)

Cost AC Requirements Stealth Frost Resistant
10gp 11 + Dex modifier — Disadvantage Cold
50 gp 11 + Dex modifier — — Cold
90 gp 11+ Dex modifier — — Frigid
150 gp 12 + Dex modifier — — Cold
600 gp 12 +Dex modifier — Advantage Frigid
800 gp 13 + Dex modifier — — Cold
1,000 gp 13 + Dex modifier — — Extreme
1,500 gp 14+ Dex modifier — — Cold
5,000 gp 15+ Dex modifier — Advantage Extreme
10 gp 12 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — Cold
100 gp 13 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — Cold
400 gp 14 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — Frigid
1,000 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage Cold
1,300 gp 16 + Dex modifier (max 2) — — Cold
1,500 gp 16 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage Frigid
2,000 gp 15 + Dex modifier (max 2) — Disadvantage Extreme
5,000 gp 16+ Dex modifier (max 2) — — Extreme
10,000 gp 19+ Dex modifier (max 2) — — Frigid
10 gp 14 — Disadvantage Cold
150 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage Cold
1,000 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage Frigid
2,000 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage Cold
4,000 gp 18 Str 16 Disadvantage Extreme
5,000 gp 17 Str 16 Advantage Frigid
10,000 gp 19 Str 18 Disadvantage Extreme
15,000 gp 21 Str 18 Disadvantage Frigid

10 gp 2 — Disadvantage —
50 gp 2 Str 11 — —
100 gp 3 Str 16 — —
300 gp 4 Str 18 Half Speed —
Location Item Name Price
Light Items
Torch 1g
Lantern 10g
Driftglobe 60g
Hunting Trap 2g
Heavy Hunting Trap 10g
F.S Chapterhouse Caltrops 5g
Northforge Net Trap 10g
Northforge Spiked Net Trap 20g
Ladder, 5ft 2g
Ladder, 10ft 5g
Ladder, 20ft 10g
Ladder, 20ft, Extendable 15g
Rope, 50ft 5g
Climbing Pick 3g
F.S Chapterhouse Pole, 10ft 3g
Northforge Parachute 5g
Northforge Camp
Campfire 5g
Tent 5g
Cabin Tent 10g
Tent, Fur 20g
Tent, Thick Fur 40g
Cabin Tent, Thick Fur 100g
Northforge Hammock 1g
Northforge Stakes 3g
Northforge Rations x10 1g
Animal Feed x20 1g
Pickaxe 2g
Hatchet 2g
Fish Bait 1g
Carnivore Bait 3g
Herbavore Bait 3g
Lockpick 1g

20ft light; must be held

30ft light

Only works up to large

Works up to huge
Only works up to large
1h for setup
1h for setup

Requires check to climb
Requires check to climb

Grants fall speed of 5ft/s. 1h to repackage

Allows short rest (party)

Allows short rest (indiv)
Allows short rest (indiv)
Allows short rest (indiv) in cold
Allows short rest (indiv) in frigid
Allows short rest (group) in frigid
Allows short rest in trees (indiv)
Blocks 5x5 square, 15 minute setup
Food and Water
Food and Water

Allows mining
Allows tree cutting
Attracts fish
Attracts carnivores
Attracts herbivores
Allows lockpicking check

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