Thesis Guide 03
Thesis Guide 03
Thesis Guide 03
As you study different cases, it would become evident to you that each structure, user group,
locality or situation is made up of several variables. A study of a municipality, for instance,
could cover its physical, cultural, historical, social and economic frameworks. But not all of
these may be relevant to your project. So, you have to state in the SCOPE all the
specific concerns that you will focus on. You also have to discuss the extent of work that you
will cover in regard to these elements.
To further clarify matters, you can discuss all those concerns that you will NOT be covering in
the DELIMITATION. This will give your reader a more simplified view of what to note in the
cases under study.
Each case study can be presented by first explaining how they are related to your project. You
can discuss the situation by dividing it into sub components and presenting their respective
merits. If you think that sketches, maps, graphs, and photographs would help you explain them
better, then use them to support your data. Just remember to provide proper captions or else, they
may be useless.
Lastly, you have to maker sure that all the specific concerns are discussed properly, and their
relevance to the project stated clearly. It is also advisable that you choose cases that are related to
your thesis in distinctly varied ways. One case study may be concerned with a project similar to
your proposal and another which employs a technology which is comparable to what you are
proposing. You might also be able to draw more reliable conclusions by studying both local and
foreign cases.
At least three TOPICS for study would be ideal -- a study of similar user groups, a study of a
case similar to the project (local and foreign), and a study of the current trend/s (local and
foreign) pertinent to the project. It might also be useful to include a failed case that used the
same technique or was intended for the same user group. Even the failed cases are helpful in
your research as they give you a fairly good idea of what NOT to do. However, please take note
of the word TOPIC. This does not mean that you have to limit your case studies to three also.
In selecting a research topic, you should look into your thesis project and see the possible
requirements or kind of character which will make it unique or increase its architectural value. In
other words, being the “soul” of your book, this section will give your readers a great deal of
what they will be reading as they go along with your thesis. These research topics do not only
explain the essential things about your study but clarify as well the theoretical or conceptual
framework you mentioned in Chapter1. This would require you to write the applicability of these
topics to your project and so you should be wise in selecting the topics. Be very specific. Focus.
How will you do this? First, you have to orient your readers why you choose the topics as your
focal points of study. You can very well do this be reiterating the roots of your problem(s). You
have to go back to the background you have presented in Chapter 1 and stress the need for the
topics to be studied so as to have a clear solution, in the end, to the problems posted in your
This is the thorough discussion regarding your research. This should contain studies, approaches
as well as trends (of course acknowledged)relative to your topic. But don’t be misguided. A
common mistake here is that the contents of the research body are lifted from published work,
completely! This is a big no-no! Any data or information appearing on this part will have to be
processed and quoted.
Discussion should be paraphrased and again - for the nth time- properly acknowledged! The
information should be brief and discussions well-organized. Again, the key is focus. If for
example you are to discuss behavioral analysis as a research
topic, do you need to write everything about behavior including the psychology of the human
mind if your readers about the basic, why not? But the meat of the discussion should be on the
psychology of children. Focus! You may also want to mention cases and examples, but you must
not discuss them fully as you would be required to do in the Case Studies.
It was mentioned earlier that your research will not have any value or significance unless you
connect it with a project which will manifest the studies made. This is the part where you relate
your topics with your project. Let us continue our example in the behavioral analysis. It will be
pertinent to note not only the theories on behavior but its application to the architectural sense as
well. You may have to study theories on perception, color and space to support your documented
research when applied to the “real thing”. Again, you have to be specific. Bear in mind that what
you’ll be writing should be something which will give your readers a clear understanding of your
thesis and not confuse them. So go straight to the point.
However, you will not stop when you have given the application. You still have to cross examine
these data. Check on its economic feasibility and other areas you might thinks its appropriate for