Industrial Aspects of Physical Chemistry
Industrial Aspects of Physical Chemistry
Industrial Aspects of Physical Chemistry
Emulsions are intimate mixtures of two immiscible liquids, one of them being
dispersed in the other in the form of the droplets. The phase present in the form of
finally divided droplets is called dispersed phase. The phase in which there
droplets are suspended is called dispersion medium or continuous phase. In
emulsions, the size of particles lies in the range from 0.1 to 1 µ or more in diameter
and so are larger than those found in sols. For example, milk is naturally occurring
emulsion in which the particles (globules) of liquid fats are dispersed in water.
The example of soap as an emulsifier can explain the role of emulsifier. Soaps are
sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids such as sodium palmitate (C15H31
COONa) sodium stearate (C17H35 COONa). A molecule of soap consists of two
parts: i) hydrocarbon (R) non-polar part etc. (C15H31, or C17H35 etc.) which is
soluble in oil. ii) The polar part (group-COO-Na+), which is soluble in water. When
a drop of oil is surrounded by soap solution, R-part of the soap remains in oil and
COO-Na+ part remains in water, as a result, soap molecules get concentrated over
the surface of the drop of oil and therefore form protective film around each oil
drop, by which, interfacial tension between oil and water decreases. Hence, they are
intermixed to form the emulsion.
Casein (a milk protein), a lyophobic colloid present in milk acts as an emulsifying
agent as it forms a protective layer around fat molecules dispersed in water.
Therefore, milk is a fairly stable emulsion.
The type of emulsion that results on vigorous mixing of two liquids depends:
(a) On the relative proportions of the two, the one in excess acts as the outer
phase and the other as the inner phase or dispersoid.
(b) On the nature of the emulsifying agent used.
The phase in which the emulsifier is more soluble forms the outer phase.
Thus, when sodium oleate is added as an emulsifier, an oil in water
emulsion results. But the addition of water insoluble emulsifier like calcium
oleate, forms water oil type of emulsion.
(c ) On the relative magnitude of the surface tension of two liquids.
Generally, the liquid with higher surface tension forms the inner phase due
to its greater tendency to form spherical drops.
It may be stated that two types of emulsions can be interchanged by simply varying
the ratio of the dispersed phase and dispersion medium. An oil-in water emulsion
can be converted to water-in-oil emulsion by simply adding excess of oil in the first
Properties of Emulsions
(i) Emulsions show all the characteristics properties of colloidal solution such as
Brownian movement, Tyndall effect electrophoresis etc.
(ii) The addition of electrolytes having polyvalent metal ions coagulates the
emulsion indicating the presence of negative charge on the globules.
(iii)The size (1000A0 to 10,000A0) of the dispersed particles in emulsions is larger
than those in the sols, which is smaller than the size of particles in suspension.
(iv) Emulsion can be broken (or converted) in to two separate liquids by heating,
centrifuging, freezing, filtration and chemical methods etc. This process is known
as dimulsification.
Applications of Emulsions
1. Concentration of ores in metallurgy: The concentration of the sulphide ore of a
metal by froth floatation process involves the use of some oil such as pine oil.
The oil forms emulsion with ore particles. When air is passed through the
emulsion, it rises to the surface as foam and is skimmed off.
2. In Medicine: The various pharmaceuticals and cosmetics available in liquid
form are emulsions of water in oil type, viz. cod liver oil, B-complex, ointments
etc. These are easily adsorbed in the intestine.
3. Cleansing action of soap: The cleansing action of soap is based upon the
formation of oil-in water type emulsion and acts as micelle.
4. Milk: Milk, an important constituent of our diet, is an emulsion of fat in water.
Dusts are dispersions of solids ( of comparatively large particles) in gases and are
of poor stability. Smokes are formed by combustion of materials or as a part of the
combustion process or from a chemical reaction, e.g. NH3 and HCl vapour.
Smokes consist of much fine particles. If simultaneously gases are formed in the
combustion process as in the burning of organic compounds, the resulting gaseous
suspension is known as fume. Haze may be regarded as a diluted fume and consists
of solid particles with a liquid condensed on them.
Such gels like ferric phosphate, ferric oxide etc. when vigorously agitated lose their
semisolid gel character and acquire the behaviour of sol. They can again set to gel
on standing. This reversible phenomenon of gel-sol transformation is called
thixotropy. Some times thixotropic gels are obtained by adding electrolytes with in
certain limits to ordinary sols.
Generally gas molecules are held by physical or Van der Waals forces, when being
adsorbed on the surface of a solid, whereas, in chemisorption, molecules on the
surface are held by valence forces.
Physical Chemisorption
Adsorption equilibrium is rapid and 1. Adsorption equilibrium is slow and
reversible irreversible
It has low enthalpy of adsorption 2. It has high enthalpy of adsorption
(20 mol-1) (80-200 mol-1)
Adsorption is more pronounced at 3. Chemisorptions usually occurs at
temperature below the boiling point high temperature.
of the adsorbate.
No appreciable amount of 4. High amount of activation energy
activation energy is involved. is involved.
It is a function of the adsorbate 5. It depends on both adsorbate and
than adsorbent. adsorbent.
It increases with the pressure of 6. It decreases with the increase of
adsorbate. pressure of adsorbate.
A linear plot of log y versus log p will give slope equal to n and the ordinate
intercept equal to log k. However, at low temperature, the experimental data show
deviation from linearity. This isotherm is applicable only in the limiting case of low
d (1 − θ t )
or = ka p(1 − θ t ) (2)
After a period of time, a steady state is attained and the two rates are equal; hence
kd θ = ka p (1- θ ) (3)
where θ is the equilibrium value of the fraction adsorbed at a given
temperature and ka is the rate constant for adsorption,
with k1 = ka/kd
hence equation (3) may be rearranged to give
θ = kL p / (1+kL p) (4)
which is the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. kL has the dimensions of (pressure)-1
and is dependent upon temperature and is known as adsorption coefficient.
The mass of the gas adsorbed per unit area or per unit mass of adsorbent y, will
obviously proportional to be surface covered and hence.
y = = kθ
= k × k L p /(1 + k l p)
x ap
or y = = (5)
m 1+ kLp
1 kl
= + p
a a
Hence plot of p/y [or p/(x/m)] versus p will be a straight line with intercept equal to
1/a and slope equal to kL/a. Hence a and kL in equation can be evaluated. Values of
these constants have been found to be characteristics of the system under
consideration. Two limiting cases of Langmuir adsorption isotherm are of interest.
These are:
Case I :
When kLp << 1, i.e. when pressure of the gas is very low, equation (5)
changes to
This shows that the adsorption is directly proportional to the pressure of the gas.
Case II:
When kL p >> 1 i.e., when pressure is very large or whole of the surface is
covered, then equation (5) changes
y = .
i.e. the adsorption reaches at its limiting value however, in the intermediate
range of pressure, the adsorption will follow a relation
y = k pn
where n lies between 0 and 1. This is the Freundlich isotherm
Experimental results from Langmuir isotherm for several substances have shown
that the equation is less precise at high value of θ ; that is at higher values of
pressure, and that, for a given pressure p, θ increases with kL; θ tends to unity
only at very high pressures. The adsorption of carbon monoxide on a fixed amount
of charcoal at 290 K proves the accuracy of Langmuir isotherm.
A catalyst is a foreign substance which can alter the rate of a chemical reaction,
without itself being used up; and can be recovered unchanged chemically at the end
of a chemical reaction. The term catalyst was first proposed by Berzelius in 1835.
A catalyst increases the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy of the
rate determining step. A catalyst therefore provides an alternate path, or mechanism
that involves usually of lower activation energy, for the reaction to proceed at an
accelerated rate, compared with the activation energy for the uncatalyzed reaction.
For example:
(1) Formation of oxygen by heating potassium chlorate in presence of small
amount or manganese dioxide as catalyst.
2 KClO 3 2KCl + 3O 2
MnO 2
(2) Iron acts as a catalyst, in the manufacture of ammonia by Haber's
N 2 + 3H 2 o ⎯⎯→ Fe
2 NH 3
(3) In the manufacture of sulfuric acid, platinum acts as a catalyst
250 2 + 0 2 ⎯⎯→Pt
250 3
Catalysts, which accelerate the rate of chemical reaction, are called positive
catalysts, and above reactions are examples of positive catalyst.
Characteristics of Catalyst:
1. The catalyst is unchanged in chemical constitution and the amount at the
end of the reaction, although its physical appearance may have altered.
Thus, granular manganese dioxide added to potassium chlorate to catalyse
its decomposition is returned in a very finely divided form. It is evident that
a catalyst takes part in a reaction.
2. Very small amounts of catalyst have a profound effect. For example, finely
divided (colloidal) platinum at a concentration of 1mg dm-3 is a very
effective catalyst for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
3. A catalyst does not alter the position of equilibrium in a reaction. It follows
that for a reaction symbolized by
The rate constants of both the forward and reverse reactions are increased to
the same extent.
4. A catalyst does not initiate a reaction but only increases or decreases its
speed generally. But few reactions are known to occur only in the presence
of a catalyst.
5. The action of a catalyst is specific. A catalyst can catalyse only a specific
reaction and cannot be used for every reaction. For example, manganese
dioxide can catalyse the decomposition of potassium chlorate but not
potassium nitrate or other substances.
6. Change of a catalyst also changes the nature of reaction.
The reactions which are catalysed by certain acids (or H3O+ ions only) are said to
be specific acid catalysis.
The reactions which are catalysed by base catalyst OH– ions only, are said to be
specific hydroxyl ion catalysis. Conversion of acetone in to diacetonyl alcohol or
base hydrolysis of esters are examples of hydroxyl ion catalysis.
CH3 CO CH3 + CH3 CO CH3 CH3 CO CH2 C (CH3)2 OH
CH3 COO C2H5 + NaOH → CH3 LOO Na + C2 H5 OH
There are many reactions in which both H3O+ ions and OH– ions simultaneously act
as catalyst, probably along with water.
These catalysts have very large surface area of the order of 1 to 500 m2 per gram
for contact. Many reactions, which occur on a metal surface such as decomposition
of HI on gold or the decomposition of N2O on platinum, are zero order reactions,
because the rate-determining step occurs on the surface itself. Thus, despite an
enormous surface area, once the reactant gas molecules cover the surface, the rate
does not increase on increasing the reactant concentrations.
In the absence of catalyst, the reaction occurs very slowly. However, the reaction
becomes fast even at ordinary temperature in the presence of finely divided nickel,
platinum or palladium as catalyst. The catalysed reactions proceed probably
through the following steps.
(a) H2 and ethane molecules approach the metal surface and get adsorbed on
the metal surface.
(b) H2 molecules get split up in to H-atoms, which get chemically bound to the
platinum catalyst LP metal atoms forming M-H bonds as:
H – H (g) + 2 M (S) 2M–H
This step is the rate-determining step in the overall process.
(c) The H-atoms move over the surface of platinum metal and one of them
combine with ethene molecule to form C2H5 which remain attached to the
platinum surface.
(d) Finally, another H atom moves over the surface and combines with C2H5
forming C2H6 molecule, which leaves the surface. The reaction occurs as:
C2 H4 (g) + 2 M - H C2 H6 (g) + 2 M (S)
(iii) Using a mixture of copper, zinc oxide as catalyst and Cr2O3 as promoter,
methanol is prepared from CO and H2
Ch, ZnO/Cr3O3
CO (g) + 2H2 (g) CH3 OH (l)
(iv) In the contact process, using V2O5 as catalyst, SO2 is converted in to SO3
2SO2 + O2 2SO3
Nature of solid catalyst: The solid catalysts may be metals, alloys, metal oxides or
metal sulphides. The two important aspects viz. activity and selectivity determine
the effectiveness of a catalyst.
(1) Activity: It is the ability of a catalyst to increase the rate of a reaction. This
depends upon the strength of adsorption (chemisorption) in such a way that it
allows the adsorption of other reactants and desorption of product molecules.
Generally, activity increases from group 5 metals to group 11 metals with
maximum activity shown by elements of groups 7-9 of the periodic table. A
catalyst may increase the rate of reaction by a factor of 1010. In presence of
platinum, reaction between H2 and O2 occurs with high speed, though it is very
slow in absence of catalyst.
(2) Selectivity: When a reaction is directed to obtain a particular product by a
catalyst, then it is called selectivity of that particular catalyst.
(A) For examples, different products are obtained for the reaction between CO
and H2 using different catalysts
(i) CO (g) + H2 (g) CH4 (g) + H2 O (g)
C1 Zno
(ii) CO (g) + 2H2 (g) CH3 OH (g)
(iii) CO (g) + H2 (g) HC HO (g)
Also, different products are obtained from the reaction between H2 and acetylene
using different catalysts.
CH3 - CH3
Catalyst ethane
H - C ≡ C - H + H2
Lindlar's CH2 = CH2
(Pd + BaSO4 +S)
Thus, the action of catalyst is highly specific. A given catalyst can act as catalyst
only in particular reaction and not in all reactions. Thus, catalyst is highly selective
in nature.
5. Their action is specific e.g. a particular enzyme can bring about a particular
reaction. For example, urease catalyses the hydrolysis of urea but it has no
effect on the hydrolysis of methyl urea. None of the several thousand other
enzymes present in the cell catalyses that reaction. Similarly, maltase
catalyses the hydrolysis of maltose. No other enzyme can catalyse its
10. They bring about many complex reactions, e.g. oxidation, reduction,
hydrolysis etc.
11. The enzyme catalysed reaction is faster than metal catalysed reaction
because its activation energy is lower than that of metal catalysed reactions.
12. Enzyme catalysts increase the speed of reactions by 108 to 1020 times as
compared to the uncatalysed reactions.
Applications of Enzymes
1. Industrial Applications: The enzymes are widely used in industrial
(i) In breweries, fermentation of carbohydrates using enzymes, the bear
and wine are manufactured.
(ii) Enzymes are used for coagulation of milk for the production of
(iii) Sweet syrup, etc. are prepared in food processing industries with the
help of enzyme catalysts.
The active sites or catalytic sites are specific regions on the surface of catalyst
responsible for catalytic action of enzyme. The active sites have characteristic
shape to fit suitable shaped specific substance molecules. The high specificity of
enzyme catalysed reactions can be accounted for specific handing of substrate
molecules on the active sites on surfaces of enzyme catalysts. The specificity of fit
or binding can be explained on the basis of models:
1. Lock and key model
2. Induced fit model or hand-in glove fit model
According to lock and key model, the substrate, the molecule on which the enzyme
acts, fits into the slot as key fits in to a lock. The shape of the active site of any
given enzyme is such that only a specific substrate can fit in to it, in the same way
as one key can open a particular lock.
Modern x-ray crystallographic and spectroscopic methods have shown that in many
cases unlike the ordinary lock, the protein molecule (enzyme) slightly changes the
shape when the substrate lands at the active site. The ability of the enzyme to
undergo the correct distortion also determines whether the "key" will fit or not.
This refinement of the original lock and key model is known as induced fit model.
According to this model, the substrate induces the active site to adopt a perfect fit
rather than a rigidly shaped lock and key. Therefore, we can picture this model as
hand in glove model, in which the glove (active site) does not attain its functional
shape until the hand (substrate) moves in to place.
Zeolites as Catalyst
The shape selective catalysed reaction depends upon the pore structure of the
catalyst, and size of the reactant and product molecules. Because of honey comb
like structure, zeolites are good shaped selective catalysts. These are microporous
alumino silicates with general formula Mx/y [(AlO2)x (S1O2)y] mH2O
These are silicates having three dimensional network structure, in which some
silicon atoms are replaced by aluminum atoms. The internal structure of zeolite is a
network of tunnels and cavities having molecular dimensions. The zeolites have an
enormous surface area lying inside of the solid. The entry and exit of molecules of
a certain size can penetrate in to the active regions within the holes. The reactions
in zeolites depend upon the structure and size of the cavities (cages) and pores
(tunnels) present in them. Shape selectivity is the main feature of zeolite. Hence,
the specificity of reaction in a particular manner depends upon the size of the
molecules, products and pores of the zeolites.
There are certain substances, which behave as normal strong electrolytes at low
concentrations but behave as colloids at higher concentrations. The colloidal
behaviour is due to the formation of the aggregates of small particles. Such
substances are called micelles, which are also known as associated colloids.
Surface acting agents such as soaps and detergents belong to the class of micelles.
The formation of a micelle depends upon (i) concentration of the dispersed phase
and (ii) temperature. It can occur only above a particular concentration called
critical micelle concentration (CMC) and have a particular temperature known as
Kraft temperature (Tk). For example, for soap solution, CMC lies between a range
of 10-4 to 10-3 mol L-1. Below CMC, soap behaves as a strong electrolyte, while
above this, it is aggregated to form a micelle. Micelle again behaves as normal
electrolyte upon dilution, as the ions are dissociated. Some examples of micelle
systems are:
(i) Sodium stearate (CH3 (CH2)16 COONa+) which is soap.
(ii) Sodium lauryl sulphate (CH 3 (CH 2 )11 SO 4− Na + ) which is detergent.
The substances capable of behaving as micelles have both lyophilic and lyophobic
parts, for example, alkyl portion consisting of long chain is lyophobic and polar
group is of lyophilic nature in soaps and detergents.
Micelle and Kraft point: Solubility of surfactant increases with temperature. The
temperature at which the large change in surfactant solubility takes place is known
as Kraft point. Below Kraft temperature, surfactant exits as monomer and monomer
concentration increases with increase of temperature.
But when the monomer concentration exceeds CMC, the surfactants are dissolved
as micelles, and since micelle solubility is much higher than the monomer
solubility, the dramatic change occurs around the point of micellization. Thus, it is
necessary to experiment all studies of micellization above the Kraft temperature.
Micelle Size and Shape: The size of micelle is related to the micelle aggregation
number (n) given by
nA An
The most commonly known method to determine 'n' is fluorescence quenching
which gives an aggregation number of 70 for SDS micelles at room temperature.
Micelles are polydisperse in size and shape, so when size changes, there is
possibility of change of shape. Micelles are mostly spherical at CMC, and changes
shape from sphere to cylinder with the increase of concentration.
Structure of Micelle: Micelle are highly dynamic and flexible, and even the
hydrocarbon chain segments undergo very rapid internal motion. It has been found
that the interior of the micelle is "liquid like, close to that of oil".
Soap, acting as an emulsifier, helps in forming a stable emulsion of oil and water
by acting as a bridge between the two i.e. oil and water. The oil droplets along with
the dust particles get detached from the fibers of the cloth and pass in to the
emulsion. In this manner, the cloth becomes free from dust, and is, thus, washed by
the soap.
Surface – active Substances: All such substances which when added to a solvent
(particularly water) decrease its surface tension are called surface-active agents or
surfactants. Examples are soap and alcohol, which decrease the surface tension of
water on addition to it. These substances produce a marked reduction in surface
tension of a solvent. The limiting value of the decrease of surface tension with
concentration at infinite dilution (C→0) is called the surface activity.
Most of the organic compounds decrease the surface tension of water thereby
meaning that they are present in excess at surface of water. The tendency of
surface-active substances, having more concentration at the surface of water can be
explained on the weaker nature of interactions between surface-active solute than
those existing between solvent-solvent molecular interactions. The solute
molecules are pushed up to the surface from the bulk of solution due to stronger
solvent-solvent interactions. Surface tension of solvent is decreased due to the
presence of these substances at the surface, which decrease the molecular
interactions in the surface layers. Hence, a sharp decrease in the surface tension is
observed as more and more of solute is added to the solvent.
Any substance, which shows positive deviation from Raoult’s law, is expected to
have excess concentration of solute per unit area of surface, at the surface of a
solution. The surface excessive concentration attains a constant value and is
independent of the length of the hydrocarbon chain of the fatty acid. The surface-
active materials such as fatty acids and alcohols have highly specific orientations in
nature, especially when their concentration is very large. The carboxylic group or –
OH group points towards the surface of water and the hydrocarbon chain points
vertically away from the solution, forming a single layer of fatty acid. The
concentration of the surface adsorbed fatty acid increases as the concentration of
the latter is increased until a complete unimolecular layer is formed.
Surfactants are also called amphiphiles because all these compounds are usually
composed of a fairly long hydrocarbon chain (hydrophobic tail) and a polar or
hydrophilic head group. The polar head group may be cationic, anionic, amphoteric
or even non-ionic, and the surfactants are called accordingly cationic, anionic,
amphoteric or nonionic surfactants. Table lists some common surfactants of various
Table: Name and structure of some common surfactants
The surfactant plays many roles, one of which is lowering of interfacial tension,
hence the stress needed to deform and break up a droplet. It is essential that the
surfactant prevent coalescence of newly formed drops. An important distinction for
surfactant on the basis of size is that small molecule surfactants is regarded as,
"soaps” and large molecules as polymers. Another differentiation of surfactant is
based on solubility. In emulsification, surfactants have to be soluble, unless they
are rendered insoluble, by chemical modification, after adsorption to the 0-W (oil-
water) interface.
The difference between soap and a polymer is that the polymer is far more surface
active than soap. Soap tend to give lower surface tension (y) value, if present at
high concentration than polymer, consequently, they can displace polymer from the
Colloid solutions have properties between true solutions and coarse suspensions. A
colloidal solution, therefore, consists of solute particles, which are larger than the
normal molecules but not large enough to be seen by a microscope. Generally
particle size in a colloidal solution lies in the range 1 mµ to 1 µ (0.001 to 1 µm).
Colloidal state is not a state of matter but rather a system composed of very small
solid or liquid particles, 10nm to 100 nm in size, known as a disperse phase, in a
suspensory phase, the dispersion medium, which itself may be in either the liquid
or the gaseous state.
Classification of colloids
(i) Physical appearance: A colloidal solution is defined as a heterogeneous system
consisting of two phases. (i) A dispersed phase, which consists of the colloidal
particles and (ii) dispersion medium. For example, a colloidal solution is formed
when As2S3, gold or oil is dispersed in water. Colloids have been classified in to
eight different classes on the basis of state of aggregation of the dispersed phase
and the dispersion medium.
For example, gas being dispersion medium and liquid/solid being dispersed phase,
colloid is known as Aerosol having clouds, mist, smoke, haze as examples. The
colloids having rigid structures are called gels e.g. butter, cheese, jelly etc. Here,
rigidity varies from substance to substance. Gelatin like colloid may behave both as
a sol and gel. At low temperature and high gelatin concentration, the hydrosol may
change in to gel. At high temperature and low concentration, the gelatin colloid is a
hydrosol in which water acts as the dispersion medium. Colloidal solutions are
generally known as sols especially solid as dispersed phase in liquid dispersion
medium e.g., AgCl, As2S3 in water. If the dispersion medium is water then they are
called hydrosols or aqua sols, while those containing alcohol as dispersion medium
are termed as alcosol.
(ii) Affinity of Phase: Colloids can also be classified on the basis of affinity of the
two phases i.e. lyophilic sols and lyophobic colloids:
Lyophilic colloids : The colloidal solution in which the particles of the dispersed
phase have a great affinity (or love) for the dispersion medium are called lyophilic
colloids. As soon as dispersed phase and dispersion medium come in contact,
lyophilic colloids are formed. Lyophilic colloid is also known as hydrophilic
colloid when water acts as the dispersion medium. (Hence, lyophilic sols are easily
formed, are more stable and reversible, e.g. gums, starch, gelatin, glue, proteins and
rubber etc.).
Lyophobic colloids : The colloidal solutions in which the particles of the dispersed
phase have hatred, but no love or affinity for dispersion medium, are called
lyophobic colloids. They are irreversible in nature, unstable in nature, and are
stabilized by the addition of small amount of electrolyte, called stabilizer. They are
made with difficulty e.g. gold, As2 S3 in water.
Some important distinguishing points between lyophilic and lyophobic colloids are
given below in table.
(b) Macromolecular colloids: The particles of dispersed phase are sufficiently big
in size (macro), to be of colloidal dimensions normally polymers. For example,
naturally occurring starch, cellulose and proteins are macromolecules in nature.
Polythene, nylon, plastics etc. are examples of artificial macromolecules.
Dialysis and ultrafilteration are two main methods for this purpose. The process of
separating the substances in the colloidal state from those present in true solution
by means of diffusion through parchment or a suitable cellophane membrane
though which ions of electrolyte can pass while colloidal particles cannot pass, is
called dialysis. Ordinary dialysis process is slow. Electrodialysis process involving
the application of electric field, is quite fast.
Electrodialysis in ultrafilteration, the ultra filters retain the pure particles and allow
the passage of the electrolyte and other soluble impurities whereas ordinary filter
allow the passage of both. The size of pores for the ultrafilter is reduced and
hardened by soaking the ordinary filter paper in solution of gelatin or colloidal ion
and then soaking in formaldehyde.
(i) Colour: The sols are generally coloured. The size, shape and nature of the
particles determine the colour of colloid. Actually, the colour of the colloidal
solution depends upon the wavelength scattered by the dispersed phase particles
and it changes with the change of particle’s size. The colour of sol also depends
upon the manner in which the observer receives the light. For example, in a
reflected light, aqueous solution of milk appears blue, where as it is seen as red in
the transmitted light.
(ii) Optical Properties: Due to large size of particles of colloids, light rays are
scattered and the phenomenon is called Tyndall effect. When a beam of light is
passed through a colloidal solution in a dark room, solution becomes luminescent
when viewed through a microscope at right angle to the path of the incident beam.
The intensity of the scattered polarized beam depends upon the nature of system,
wavelength of light and position of observer etc. This effect has helped to confirm
the size of colloidal particles as well as heterogeneous nature of the colloidal
If the colloidal particles are prevented from moving, then the dispersion medium
moves in the electric field, then the phenomenon is known as electro osmosis. The
presence of the charge on the sol particles and determination of the nature of the
charge whether positive or negative can be done with the help of electrophoresis
phenomenon. It involves the migration of colloidal particles towards appositively
charged electrodes under the influence of applied electric current.
(vii) Filterability: Due to large size of pores of the ordinary filter papers, the
colloidal particles can pass through them. However, animal and vegetable
membranes and ultra filter papers where the pore size are fine, do not allow the
colloidal particles to pass through them.
(viii) Visibility: The colloidal particles cannot he seen by naked eye and ordinary
microscope. Only ultra-microscopes can visualize them.
The origin of the charge on the colloidal particles can be accounted for due to
different theories, based upon:
(i) Frictional electrification i.e. of the rubbing of the dispersed phase particles with
those of dispersion medium.
(ii) Dissociation of the surface molecules: The electric charge on colloidal particles
may be due to dissociation of the surface molecules. For example, dissociation of
sodium palmitate soap in aqueous solution leads to formation of positive sodium
cation and negative anion C15 H31 COO–. These negative ions form aggregate due
to weak attractive forces present in the hydrocarbon chains. Thus, the anions, which
are of colloidal size, bear negative charge. The positive cations (Na+) pass in to
(iii) Selective adsorption of ions: The charge on the colloidal particles is generally
acquired by preferentially absorbing positive or negative ions from the electrolyte
present in solution to stabilize colloidal sols. If the colloidal particles have
preference to positive ions, they get positive charge, and if they have liking for
negative ions, they acquire negative charge.
Generally, the particles constituting the dispersed phase adsorb only those ions
preferentially which are common with their lattice. For example, the Fe(OH)3
solution prepared by the hydrolysis of FeCl3 has positive charge because it
preferentially adsorbs Fe3+ ions on its surface from solution.
Precipitation of colloids : While traces of electrolytes are essential for the stability
of a sol, the addition of a comparatively large amount of electrolytes make the sol
unstable; the colloidal particles grow in size and are precipitated. This phenomenon
of precipitation or coagulation of the sol particles with the addition of the excess
amount of electrolyte is known as flocculation.The coagulation behaviour of
different electrolytes can be explained on the basis of Hardy-Schulze law given as:
(i) Coagulation of the sol is effective by ions carrying a charge opposite to that
of the colloidal particles. These ions are called active ions.
(ii) With increasing valency of the coagulating ion, the precipitating power of
active ion increases.
The coagulating power of different cations to coagulate negative sol of As2S3
changes as
Al3+ > Mg2+ > Na+
where as the coagulating power of different anions to coagulate positive sol such as
Fe(OH)3 has been found to decrease in the order:
PO 3−4 > SO 24− Cl −
It is clear from the table that on increasing the valency of the precipitating ion, the
flocculation value decreases. The precipitating effect of a trivalent ion is about 600
to 1000 times more than that of a monovalent ion.
Apart from the addition of the electrolyte, the coagulation of a colloidal sol can also
be brought by prolonged dialysis, electrophoresis and mixing of two colloids of
opposite charge in equivalent proportions.
The protective capacity of various lyophilic colloids are expressed in terms of Gold
Number. It is defined as the mass in milligrams of a dry lyophilic sol which when
added to 10 ml of a standard gold sol to just prevent its coagulation (i.e., the change
of colour from red to blue) on the addition of 1 ml of a 10 percent solution of
sodium chloride. The change in colour indicates the initiation of a flocculation.
Smaller the gold number, greater is the protective action of a lyophilic colloid.
Gelatin, agar, albumin, etc. have low gold numbers and thus have high protective
powers. Values of gold numbers and their reciprocals for a few lyophilic colloids
are given in the table.