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ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949



Irma Retno Rahayu1*, Diki Rukmana2

Elementary School Teacher Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Muhammadiyah University of Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia




Abstract: Skills in solving multiplication operations are categorized as very low for second-
grade elementary school students. The purpose of the research in this article is to determine
the effect of the game-based learning model assisted by "Bamboozle" on the multiplication
operation skills of elementary school students at Islamic Elementary School of Al Hidayah in
the academic year 2021/2002. The research used experimental quantitative research with a
One Group Pretest-Posttest design. The research used a saturated sample as a sampling
Submitted: technique and a test as a data collection method. The results showed that the pre-treatment
08 Juni 2022 mean score was 63.33 lower than the post-treatment mean score of 91.90. By using the
Wilcoxon test data analysis method, based on 21 study samples all of them have increased from
08th June 2022
pre-test to post-test with an average score of 11.00. In addition, by looking at the Asymp value.
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, it could be concluded that there was a significant effect of the
implementation of the game-based learning model assisted by the "Bamboozle" on the
multiplication operation skills for the second-grade students of SD Islam Al-Hidayah in the
academic year 2021/2022.

Keywords: bamboozle, game-based learning model, mathematic, multiplication

Abstrak: Keterampilan dalam melakukan operasi hitung perkalian sangat rendah dimiliki oleh
Accepted: siswa SD kelas 2. Tujuan dari penelitian pada artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh
10 Agustus 2022 model pembelajaran berbasis game berbantuan “baamboozle” terhadap keterampilan operasi
10th August 2022 hitung perkalian siswa kelas 2 SD Islam Al Hidayah Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian
menggunakan penelitian kuantitaif eksperimen dengan desain One Group Pretest-Posttest.
Penelitian menggunakan sampel jenuh sebagai teknik pengambilan sampel dan tes sebagai
metode pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rerata skor sebelum
perlakuan sebesar 63,33 lebih rendah dari skor rerata pasca perlakuan sebesar 91,90. Dengan
teknik analisis data uji wilcoxon, dari 21 sampel penelitian semuanya mengalami kenaikan
nilai dari pretes ke postes dengan rata-rata kenaikan sebesar 11.00. Kemudian dengan melihat
nilai Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05 yang berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang
signifikan penerapan pembelajaran berbasis model Game berbantuan “Baamboozle” terhadap
keterampilan operasi hitung perkalian siswa kelas 2 SD Islam Al-Hidayah tahun pelajaran
Kata Kunci: baamboozle, model pembelajaran berbasis game, Matematika, Perkalian
25 Agustus 2022
25th August 2022
Rahayu, I, R., & Rukmana, D. (2022). The Effect of Game-Based Learning Model Assisted by
Baamboozle on The Multiplication Skills of Elementary School Students. Primary:
Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, 11 (4), 1265-1274. DOI:

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1265
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

INTRODUCTION be done by teachers is through the provision of

Today's education is currently faced technology-based learning facilities which are
with a variety of complex challenges related to expected to increase students' motivation and
social technological development and social achievement in mathematics.
restructuring. At least second-generation Based on the results of an interview
societies, defined as digital natives, are with an elementary school teacher in the South
growing today. They are people who have Jakarta area, information was obtained that
lived in a digital environment since they were when face-to-face learning took place again
born and consider it their natural environment. after a long time of online learning, there were
Given the challenges of learning in the global still many students who did not understand the
age, all groups directly or indirectly involved concept of multiplication correctly and were
must be able to use technology as a learning also not skilled in performing multiplication
tools. arithmetic operations. There are several factors
In Permendikbud RI number 22 of that cause this to happen, firstly when schools
2016 states that one of the principles needed in conduct online distance learning, all schools
learning is the use of science and technology to conducted PJJ so that students were pampered
improve the effectiveness and effectiveness of for too long while learning online. (Sadikin &
learning (Pratama & Setyaningrum, 2018). In Hamidah, 2020) Teachers only provide
addition, the National Council for Mathematics material via Youtube and give assignments
Teachers recommends incorporating without direct communication, causing
technology into mathematics learning. This students' abilities not to be monitored directly
mandate motivates mathematics education by the teacher. Second, the lack of support and
practitioners to produce learning media from guidance from parents during home learning
technology that can attract students to be more takes place because parents are busy working
willing to understand the concepts of and taking care of the house. So that when
Mathematics subjects (Maulyda, 2020). Given students do face-to-face learning again, they do
the characteristics of mathematics learning not understand the concept well and are less
which is quite complicated for students skilled in performing multiplication operations
because the learning often uses various during class learning.
formulas that need to be remembered and To overcome these problems,
students also need to interpret what they have researchers offer a solution to carry out fun
learned. This is similar to research (Febriani et learning with the Game Based Learning model.
al., 2019) which says mastery of mathematical Game based learning is a learning model that
concepts is the ability of students to interpret utilizes game/game applications that have been
them in their own language and can practice specially created to help maximize the learning
the concept in a problem, then it can involve process. (Pérez et al., 2018) So that it can
one perception with another. provide a stimulus in learning such as
There are several factors that make it psychomotor, emotional and intellectual. The
difficult for students to learn math. Influential advantages of this model are that it can train
factors come from yourself, your school collaboration and new innovations, make it
environment, your family, and society. (Qolbi easier in the learning stage because it has an
et al., 2019) Parental, school environment, attraction that can eliminate boredom in
family and community sensibilities can be very learning and then get satisfying and useful
helpful in motivating students to learn as soon input, and can also measure levels of
as possible so that they can learn according to understanding, train memory capacity, calm
the expectations of teachers and parents. In down after learning, and generate motivation
addition to parental sensitivity, learning to learn (Wibawa et al., 2021).
institution sensitivity also needs to be Because gadgets and games are
optimized. One of the optimizations that can familiar to Generation Z and games are

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1266
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

generally liked by students, the use of game- THEORETICAL SUPPORT

based learning models will be suitable to be Multiplication skills in elementary school
applied in learning in this generation's In general, multiplication operations of
conditions. Based on previous research, original numbers can be interpreted as the
objective calculations show that when game- result of repeated addition of original numbers
based learning is applied, 88.55% of the (Alhusna et al., 2020). Multiplying skills play
students in the study group showed great an important role in the development of
interest in continuing to learn through play. In mathematics as they are the first operations in
addition, none of the participants in the study a larger number of spaces that require the use
group showed disinterest in the learning of strategies other than finger counting (Burns
process (Liu et al., 2020). et al., 2015). In everyday life, students often
Digital games can increase find it easy to operate numbers in the form of
engagement and foster a student-centric subtraction and addition, but there are still
environment. Game-based learning allows many who find it difficult to multiplication
teachers to break away from the lecture-based operations. however, given the importance of
classroom structure and free up more time for multiplication skills, teachers need to make
exploration and independent thinking.(Tokac more efforts in order to improve these abilities.
et al., 2019) Students also interact,
communicate and collaborate more with peers Game Based Learning Model
and teachers. In this more relaxed Game based learning is a learning
environment, students reduce their workload model that utilizes unique game applications in
and grow from passive recipients to active the learning process. When learning takes
thinkers (Deng et al., 2020). The research place students can play and learn at the same
confirms that game-based learning has a time. Usually learning is made in a game that
positive influence on learning in schools. So combines the fantasy side with real life
that researchers make it as a solution offered to problems. This is meant to make the problem
overcome problems in learning Mathematics. path more attractive to solve (Wibawa et al.,
However, it is different from previous 2021).
research, if previous research used quizziz and Teachers play an important role in
wuzzit trouble media, this research uses the digital game-based learning. This is useful for
"Baamboozle" website application which is basic education, especially for students with
easy to use by educators who are unfamiliar multiplication skills. Game-based learning is
with technology and also new innovations in influential in learning abstract concepts and
edugames. Viewed that the learning approach fun, allowing students to benefit from the
with a digital-based game seeks to increase the experience of other classmates. It also has the
learning stimulus that is in students compared fun, thrilling, emotionally stimulating,
to conventional approaches, such as lectures or excitement and other characteristics of this
giving questions, one of which is by using game-based learning learning concept (Partovi
edugames. Teachers can also use these & Razavi, 2019).
edugames as capital to share attractive and
Website "Bamboozle"
exciting learning facilities for technology-
Baamboozle is an edugames game
based generation Z. Based on the above
model that is similar to quiz competitions, but
background, the question of this research is "Is
runs online and students don't have to create an
there any effect of Game Based Learning
account. How to play this game by ringing the
Model assisted by Baamboozle on the
bell per group (Krisbiantoro, 2020) The
multiplication operation skills of second grade
advantages of the Baamboozle website include
elementary school students?"
being practical, can be used even if you don't
create an account, flexible use because it can

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1267
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

be used for offline and online learning Inviting the bamboozle game, students can learn and
students to learn and play at the same time so play at the same time so that children do not
that children are not bored in learning get bored in learning mathematics, and hope
mathematics, and hope that students are able to that students are able to be more proficient in
be more proficient in performing performing arithmetic operations quickly.
multiplication arithmetic operations.
The relationship between game-based This research uses experimental
learning models, bamboozle and the quantitative research with the type of Pre-
multiplication skills Experimental Design research. The research
Game Based Learning model is a design used in this study was the One-Group
learning model that presents teaching materials Pretest-Posttest. (Sugiyono, 2019) In the study,
in the form of games. Games are media that two tests were conducted, namely the pretest
are used to be used as motivational learning. before learning and the posttest after the
Skills affect the cognitive and emotional users learning was carried out. The effect of the
who use power as a medium of learning application of the learning model will be seen
(Wibawa et al., 2021). Educational game- from the changes in the average pretest and
based learning can be used to increase students' posttest scores. (Yusuf, 2014)
creativity according to school situations and This research was conducted on
conditions and finally the use of game-based second grade students at Al-Hidayah Islamic
learning which is an instructional and Elementary School whose address is at Jl.
educative recommended in learning Srengseng Sawah No. 74 Kelurahan Srengseng
mathematics. (Mohd et al., 2020) Sawah, Jagakarsa Subdistrict, South Jakarta
Teachers play a key role in digital DKI Jakarta 12640. The time of conducting the
game-based learning, which can be useful for research is in the even semester in May of the
students in basic education especially in 2021/2022 academic year. The research
multiplication arithmetic operations skills. sample used was 21 students consisting of 10
Game-Based Learning is influential in learning male and 11 female.
abstract concepts, is fun, and allows students to In this study, researchers using several
benefit from the experiences of other techniques in data collection such as
classmates. Also, with characteristics such as observation, and measurement technique in the
engaging, exciting and emotionally arousing, form of a test. The data collection method used
and considering the excitement of the learning is a test where the instrument used is in the
concept in this Game-Based Learning (Partovi form of 20 multiple choice questions that have
& Razavi, 2019). gone through the examination stage of two
Because multiplication material experts in the field of mathematics and tested
requires repeated practice in order to have for validity and reliability by conducting trials.
skills fluently (Mei et al., 2020). So with the This research was carried out for 2
use of the Game Based Learning model and meetings referring to the prepared syllabus and
also assisted by the "Baamboozle" media, can lesson plans. The treatment used in this
help students to continue to practice research is game based learning with the help
multiplication repeatedly,where Baamboozle is of "Baamboozle". This treatment consists of
a game model of edugames that breeds quiz several stages as show in figure 1.
competitions (Krisbiantoro, 2020). Through

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1268
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

Preparation Implementation Final

Stage Stage Stage

Figure 1. Research stage

The first step is the preparation stage. begins to analyze the data that has been
At this stage the researcher made observations obtained and then makes a report and
at the school where the research was conducted concludes the results of the research
and the mathematics learning process in class The data analysis method uses the
2. then identify problems based on the results SPSS 25.0 for windows application which
of these observations and make learning tools consists of three stages. First, a descriptive
such as lesson plans for carrying out the statistical test was conducted to see the general
teaching and learning process. before doing the condition of the research data. Second,
research, the researcher validated the normality test and homogeneity test were
instrument which was tested by expert carried out as prerequisite tests for parametric
lecturers, then tested the questions in the class statistics. Third, a hypothesis test was
where the research was carried out after getting conducted to see whether there was a
the data followed by calculating the reliability significant difference from the average of the
of the instrument. The second step is the two samples at the significance level of = 5%.
implementation stage, at this stage the
researchers carried out the planned learning in RESULTS
accordance with the lesson plans that had been Based on the results of the descriptive
made by applying game-based learning with statistical test as shown in table 1, it was found
the help of "Baamboozle" to the class being that the results of the pretest were in the range
studied. After that, the researcher gave of values of 30-90 with an average value of
questions after carrying out the treatment to 63.33, while the results of the post-test were in
find out how far the students' multiplication the range of 80-100 with an average value of
arithmetic operation skills were. The third step 91.90. both results showed an increase from
is the final stage, at this stage the researcher the pretest score to the posttest score.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance
Pretest 21 60 30 90 63.33 13.540 183.333
Postest 21 20 80 100 91.90 6.796 46.190
Valid N (listwise) 21

Based on the normality test which was significance value was 0.046 < 0.05, which
analyzed using SPSS 25.0 for windows as means that the data is not normally distributed.
shown in table 2, it was found that the

Table 2. Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Pretest .260 21 .001 .906 21 .046
Postest .277 21 .000 .797 21 .001
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1269
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

Because the data are not normally 3, it was found that of the 21 research samples,
distributed, the hypothesis testing will use non- all of them experienced an increase in value
parametric statistics using the Wilcoxon test. from pretest to posttest with an average
Based on the Wilcoxon test as shown in table increase of 11.00.

Table 3. Ranks
N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
Postest - Pretest Negative Ranks 0a .00 .00
Positive Ranks 21b 11.00 231.00
Ties 0c
Total 21
a. Postest < Pretest
b. Postest > Pretest
c. Postest = Pretest

Table 4. Test Statisticsa

Postest - Pretest
Z -4.051b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .000
a. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test
b. Based on negative ranks.

Furthermore, by looking at the Asymp arithmetic operation skills obtained from the
value. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, which pretest and posttest scores.
means that there is a significant increase from The data from the results of students'
the pretest score to the posttest score, so it can arithmetic operations skills consist of pretest
be concluded that there is a significant effect and posttest scores that have been done by
from the application of the "Baamboozle" students. The pretest was carried out by the
assisted Game Based Learning learning model researcher by giving an initial test before the
on the multiplication operation skills of 2nd implementation of the learning model in the
grade elementary school students. experimental class. Skills in multiplication
operations for class 2 SDI Al Hidayah using
DISCUSSION the Game Based Learning model assisted by
Before conducting the research, the "Baamboozle" shows that the results of the
validity and reliability tests were carried out at study indicate that the average score before
SD Negeri Cijantung 06 Pagi with the number being given treatment (63.33) is lower than the
of students as many as 23 students. The results average score after the treatment is given
of the validity test of the 20 questions tested (91.90). The results of the hypothesis test
were obtained as many as 10 questions which revealed that of the 21 students who were
were declared valid and then the instrument given treatment, all of them experienced an
reliability test was carried out on the 10 increase in grades, with an average increase of
questions. And based on the calculation of the 11.00. Then by looking at the Asymp value.
results obtained rcount = 0.866 and rtable = Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05 which means that
0.396. Because rcount > rtable, the instrument there is a significant increase in the value, so it
is declared to be very reliable and feasible to can be concluded that there is an influence of
be used in research. The research was the "Baamboozle" assisted Game Based
conducted to determine the multiplication Learning learning model on students'

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1270
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

multiplication arithmetic operation skills. This becomes more fun and interactive because
is reinforced by the theory which says that students immerse themselves in it and
game-based learning has succeeded in participate more actively in learning activities.
attracting students' attention. Learning (Hung et al., 2019)

Figure 2. Learning situations when students are actively involved in

games on the bamboozle website

Learning with game-based learning (Wibawa et al., 2021). This advantage makes
models has advantages including: The learning fun and encourages students to think
advantages of Game-Based Learning include: positively to solve all in-game tasks. The
(1) Interactive, fun and trains collaboration and Bamboozle website allows classroom games to
new thinking, (2) Facilitates the learning stage be presented in digital format, with a
because it can relieve stress, (3) Has its own compelling look and automatic evaluation of
charm to learn and gets good feedback. fun and each student's answers, making it difficult for
useful, (4) Can measure the level of students to have fun performing multiplication
understanding, train memory, relax after operations.
learning, and trigger enthusiasm for learning

Figure 3. Examples of multiplication questions shown on Bamboozle Website

So as to improve student learning classroom atmosphere and student motivation.
abilities (Mao et al., 2022). One of the benefits This facilitates continuous learning and
of using a game-based learning model with improves student learning outcomes.
Bamboozle is that it can improve the

Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1271
ISSN : 2303-1514 | E-ISSN : 2598-5949

CONCLUSIONS Mrs. Wiwin Erwinah, S.E, the principal of the

This study of digital game-based Al-Hidayah Islamic Elementary School who
learning experiences for elementary school has allowed to carry out research at the school.
students provides evidence that the use of
Game Based Learning learning models can REFERENCES
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Irma Retno Rahayu, Diki Rukmana | Baamboozle, Game Based Learning, Mathematic, Multiplication
Pages | 1274

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