Met Coff 1994
Met Coff 1994
Met Coff 1994
Fetal Malnutrition and SGA Are Not
Fetal malnutrition (FM) and the terms small for gestational age (SGA)
and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) are not synonymous; one may
occur without the other.26,28, 35, 36 FM indicates a clinical state that may be
present at almost any birth weight. SGA is weight for gestational age
based on population norms and some predetermined weight cutoff ( - 2
SO, 5%, 10%).4, 28, 62, 64 IUGR refers to a multiplicity of adverse effects
limiting the fetal growth potential~ An infant who is classified IUGR
may, or may not, also be classified SGA.28 Likewise, an infant who is
IUGR and/or SGA may, or may not, have FM.26, 36, 40 FM affects body
composition and impairs brain development and behavior in experimen-
tal animals.2 Its effect on the brain and mental development in humans
remains controversial,* confounded by many factors including failure to
differentiate between SGA and malnutrition in the newborn. Hill,26 in a
previous study, found that perinatal problems and/or central nervous
system sequelae occurred primarily in fetally malnourished (PM) babies,
whether appropriate for gestational age (AGA) or SGA, but not those
who were simply SGA but not malnourished. For example, in 33 mal-
nourished term infants, IQ scores were significantly lower and needs for
special education higher than in 13 SGA but well-nourished infants,
This study was done at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and
presented in part at FASEB and American Society of Pediatrics in 1987.
*References 14, 16-18, 25, 26, 35, 44, 50, 58-60.
Chan. No.: _ _ __
/ /
BinhData: _ __
Weight (g): _ __
Length (em)·,-_ _
FOC(em): _ __
GA(wks): _ __
Sex: M(1)_F(2l_
Date of CANS:
/ /
SCORE: _ _
Examiner's InitiaJs:C---_
Figure 1. The nine signs for clinical assessment of nutritional status (CANS) in newborn
term infants. Each of the signs is rated from 4 (best, no evidence of malnutrition) to 1 (worst,
definite evidence of malnutrition in utero [FM]). Hair: Large amount, smooth, silky, easily
groomed (4); thinner, some straight "staring" hair (3); still thinner, more straight "staring"
hair which does not respond to brushing (2); and straight "staring" hair with depigmented
stripe (flag sign) (1). Cheeks: Progression from full buccal pads and round face (4); to
significantly reduced buccal fat with narrow, flat face (1). Neck and Chin: Double or triple
chin fat-folds, neck not evident (4); to thin chin, no fat folds, neck with loose, wrinkled skin
very evident (1). Arms: Full, round, can't elicit "accordion" folds or lift folds of skin from
elbow or triceps area (4); to striking "accordion" folding of lower arm elicited when examin-
er's thumb and fingers of the left hand grasp the arm just below the elbow of the baby and
thumb and fingers of the examiner's right hand circling the wrist of the baby are moved
toward each other; skin is loose and easily grasped and pulled away from the elbow. Back:
Difficult to grasp and lift skin in the interscapular area (4); to skin loose, easily lifted in a thin
fold from the interscapular area (1). Buttocks: Full, round gluteal fat pads (4); to virtually no
evident gluteal fat and skin of the buttocks and upper, posterior thigh loose and deeply
wrinkled (1). Legs: Like arms. Chest: Full; round ribs not seen (4), to progressive prominence
of the ribs with obvious loss of intercostal tissue (1). Abdomen: Full, round, no loose skin (4)
to distended or scaphoid, but with very loose skin, easily lifted, wrinkled and "accordion"
folds demonstrable (1). Demographics: Self-explanatory. Actual measurements are made in
the nursery (which often differ from those made at delivery). GA (gestational age) refers to
the Dubowitz assessment. Brenner expected weight is adjusted birthweight from use of the
Brenner nomogram. Foot length (not used in the CANSCORE) is proportional to the length
of gestation (e.g., 8.2 to 8.5 cm in a term, 39 weeks baby). Score: Sum (total) of the ratings
of the nine CANS signs = The CANSCORE.
Note that 68 (5.5%) of AGA and 83 (54%) of SGA babies, or 10.9% of 1382 term neonates, were
malnourished in utero (FM). However, 70 (46%) of 153 SGA babies, 11% of the total sample, were not
'Brenner: adjusts observed birth weight for gestational age, parity, sex, and race = "expected"
weight. If observed expected weight> 500 g below = SGA.
tCANS: clinical assessment of nutritional status scores, max = 36; <25 = FM.
CANS versus Brenner: X' = 0.000, Fisher's exact t·test P = 0.000.
FM = fetal malnutrition, AGA = appropriate for gestational age, SGA = small for festational age.
babies were fully grown but were malnourished. Obviously, a large error
in classification (greater than 50%) would occur if SGA or IUGR were
considered synonymous with fetal malnutrition, and if all AGA babies
were considered adequately nourished.
Fetal Malnutrition
Figure 2. Photographs of some examples of the CANS signs in several newborn, term FM
babies. A, Mexican baby with a full head of hair but obvious malnutrition evidenced by a
score of 1 for the other 8 signs. B, Straight "staring" thin hair with "flag" sign, rated 4. C,
Thin chin without fat folds and thin, very evident neck with loose, wrinkled skin (1).
Figure 2 (Continued). D, "Accordion" folding of skin of lower arm and elbow (1). E, Loose,
thin skin, with minimal subcutaneous fat, easily lifted from elbow (1). F, Buttocks with minimal
gluteal fat and loose, deeply wrinkled skin (2).
Figure 2 (Continued). G, Back with loose skin, minimal subcutaneous tissue, easily lifted
from the interscapular area (2). H, "Accordion" folding of skin of the lower leg (1). I, Very
loose skin, easily lifted from the anterior tibial area (1).
.. 100
" 80
E 70
C 60
0 40
N 30
10 20 30 40
Figure 3. Clinical assessment of nutritional status (CANS). Frequency distributions of CANS scores for malnourished
and normal newborns. Malnourished = birthweight more than 500 g below expected weight (e.g., Brenner, adjusted
for gestational age, parity, race, and sex). ARM score less than 3. Type A = *, type S = O·
of 29 babies (79%) were more than the 10th percentile for gestational age.
Overall, 32.6% of FM infants would have been misclassified as AGA.
Follow-up for 12 to 14 years after birth revealed that FM babies had
significantly lower IQ (verbal, performance, and full-scale65 ) scores than
well-nourished infants. Thirty-nine percent of FM infants with handi-
caps, including spastic diplegia, seizures, visual problems, learning dis-
abilities, or mental retardation, had birth weights greater than the 10th
percentile on the Denver fetal growth curves. FM would not have been
recognized as a probable cause of later neurologic or mental disabilities.
Our data, like Hill's, indicate that when classification into SGA and AGA
groups is based on growth curves alone, and all SGA babies are consid-
ered at risk, then comparison of the two groups would be biased, because
45% are likely to be SGA/NOUR and 5% of AGA/FM babies likely
would be considered as the AGA "control" (presumably NOUR) group.
Perina tally, about one third of term SGA babies are at risk for hy-
poglycemia and increased lactatemia, possibly because of delayed ontog-
eny of critical enzymes, for example, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyki-
nase in the gluconeogenic path,s, 24, 67 and/or prenatal exhaustion of
hepatic glycogen reserves. 55 These biochemical deficits are also evident
in experimental animals with FM.27, 45, 57, 68 Because less than one half of
SGA babies develop hypoglycemia, it seems possible that an SGA infant
with FM is more likely to be affected than a non-FM SGA baby.
In utero nutritional support to supplement fetuses of ewes on pro-
tein-calorie restricted diets, either by intragastric infusion8 or intravenous
administration, ameliorates the development of placental embolization-
induced growth retardation in sheep.9 This work clearly demonstrates
that the effects of the circumstances that limit fetal growth may be re-
versible with nutritional support. For example, mothers who smoke dur-
ing pregnancy are known to deliver babies with birth weight at least 200 \
g below expected weight. If such women received a nutritional supple-
ment (WIC) from mid-pregnancy, however, their babies were signifi-
cantly (P = 0.017) heavier (168 g) than babies of unsupplemented smok-
ing mothers.39 When SGA can be detected in utero, during the second or
early third trimester using ultrasound and prediction of fetal growth,
such as that devised by Rossavik,49 Deter et al,l1-13 and cordocenteses
used to obtain umbilical blood for concentrations of nutrients in plasma
and cells/' 23, 57 specific intrauterine nutrition therapies for the human
malnourished infant could be developed to prevent malnutrition at birth,
which might prevent some later developmental problems. Numerous
investigators have used chronic infusions of glucose and/or amino acids
given to pregnant women to augment impaired fetal growth or have
added nutrients to the amniotic fluid, with apparent improvement of
fetal growth. 23
The association of SGA with FM might account for the observation
that only about one third of SGA babies fail to exhibit catch-up growth
postnatally, have congenital anomalies, perinatal hypoglycemia, hypo-
calcemia, and/ or polycythemia, and develop neurologic and mental def-
icits by school age as judged from reports by Eaves,16 Fancourt,17 Fitz-
hardinge and Steven/ 8 Hill,26 and others.
The author is grateful to Andrew Cucchiara, PhD, for assistance with the statistical
analysis; and to the Pediatric House staff and Nursing staff in the Newborn Nursery at the
Oklahoma Memorial Teaching Hospital at OUHSC who contributed to this study; and to
Esther Werre, Department of Pediatrics, Evanston Hospital, for superior help in preparation
of the manuscript.
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