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Voltage Relays 

Secondary Injection Test

Measure the relay auxiliary supply to ensure it is within the nameplate rating allowable
Creep or Pickup Test

 Connect the voltage injector’s output.

 Adjust relay’s set points to the plant / substation recommended settings, if
 Set Red phase of voltage injector to 120% of relay setting. Note: Set Yellow and
Blue phase to zero.
 Inject and reduce slowly the Red phase injector’s voltage in order to monitor and
record the relay’s pickup voltage.
 Repeat step 2.3 and 2.4 for other settings, if any.

Trip Time Test

 Set Red phase of injector’s voltage to 80% of relay setting. Note: Set Yellow and
Blue phase to zero.
 Inject Red phase voltage through the relay in order to record the tripping time.
Check test results against the tripping curve characteristics of the relay.

Differential Relays
A test of minimum pickup should be performed. The differential characteristic (slope)
should be checked and where applicable the harmonic restraint should be tested.
Generally, differential relays are extremely sensitive devices and require some special
consideration. For example, those relays employing ultra-sensitive polarized units as
sensing devices are slightly affected by previous his-tory such as heavy internal or
external fault currents. To eliminate previous history and truly perform a maintenance
test, it is the usual practice to disregard the first pickup reading and use the second
reading for comparison with previous and future data. By “disregard” it is not meant to
imply that the initial reading be forgotten; rather it is meant that this reading not be used
for comparison purpose.
The fuse is a reliable overcurrent protective device, primarily used as a circuit protection
device for over currents, overloads and short-circuits.
A time-current characteristic curve, for any specified fuse, is displayed as a continuous
line representing the average melting time in seconds for a range of overcurrent
NFPA 70B recommends checking fuse continuity during scheduled maintenance, but
testing to assure proper operation and protection against overcurrent conditions is not
required. Fusible switches and fuse blocks require maintenance, such as tightening of
connections and checking for signs of overheating as recommended per NFPA 70B.
In all cases, though, the idea is to send a small current through the fuse; if it passes
through the fuse the fuse is good. If it does not the fuse is blown and needs
replacement. This means that a battery is necessary to provide that small current and
every fuse tester will have a battery in it.If a tester shows that a fuse is blown, the next
step is to check the tester. This is accomplished by touching the test leads together or,
in the case of testers without leads, to put a piece of metal (wire, coin, dinner spoon,
anything metal) across the probes. If it does not indicate “good” the battery probably
needs replacing.

 Using a Continuity Tester

Continuity testers will have two test leads and a small light that will light up if the
leads are touched together. To test a fuse simply touch one lead to each of the
electrical contacts on the fuse; if the light bulb lights up the fuse is good.
 Testing a Fuse with a Multimeter
A multimeter again has two leads just like a continuity tester. However, there are
many settings on a multimeter to measure amperage, voltage and resistance in
several different ranges. Some multimeters are auto ranging (no need to choose
a range), some are digital and some are analog meters with a needle to indicate
the reading. With all multimeters the first step is to set it to measure resistance,
or Ω. If different ranges are available, choose the lowest range (K means
thousand on the dial, so 2K equals 2000) – usually around 200. Like a continuity
tester, touch one probe to each contact on a fuse and observe the reading. A very
low w reading of 1 ohm or less means the fuse is good; if it is blown the reading
will be infinite, or the maximum the meter will display. An intermediate reading of
several ohms probably means you aren’t making good contact; wriggle the
probes on the fuse contacts or clean them and try again.

Motor Management Systems

Microprocessor-Based Motor Protection Takes Protecting and Monitoring Electric
Motors into the Digital Age
Before microprocessor relays, electromechanical and solid state relays were tested on
an element by element basis. This was a coherent approach, allowing individual parts of
the relay to be calibrated and proven. When microprocessor relays arrived, many
continued this approach and tested individual elements within the relay, while others
found alternative methods to test. Developing automated testing procedures for
microprocessor relays can be classified into three categories:

 Element testing,
 Functional testing, and
 Black box testing.

The black box testing method, is adequate in terms of NERC compliance.

Whether functional or black box testing, the use of dynamic testing software is the
logical choice to perform the testing. Dynamic tests drive relaying test sets to run in a
series of defined sequences called states-such as pre-fault, fault and post-fault..
The use of element testing for microprocessor relays is likely to decline because, in part,
to its noted shortcomings. The choice of functional vs. black box testing is less clear
because both have their advantages and disadvantages. One thing is clear, however,
regardless of the testing method employed-documentation of testing is critical,
especially if the relay application is under the NERC umbrella. Tracking of testing
intervals, previous test dates and last test dates are all part of the data required to be
submitted during an audit. A detailed account of the testing on a subset of the full
listing will often be requested. Maintaining this data by paper copy can result in much
time spent tracking dates and data gathering. The larger the number of relays to track,
the more daunting this task can be. Storage of all this data into a centralized database,
with the ability to extract data and run audit reports, is quickly becoming a necessity to
prepare for NERC audits. These reports can prevent a last minute crisis of discovering
relays that were missed by tracking testing dates on a continual basis-and also provide
the data needed for audit submissions. There are many different relay database
programs, some home grown, others commercial. Regardless of NERC regulations, the
reliance on these databases will only grow.

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