Dean-Ed (CV Template For Reference)

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Father’s Name : Sajjad Ullah Khan

Husband’s name : Kunwar Abu Bakr Saeed Khan
Date & Place of Birth : 14th April 1953 Karachi
Nationality : Pakistani
CNIC-No. : 42101-1688656-4


My Mission is to Develop and enhance Skills & Competencies in Human Capital for their
optimum utilization in most effective manner and provide opportunities for their self-
development individually and collectively to flourish their lives and surroundings.


I am a dynamic professional having a wide range of experience in Teaching, Coaching,

and Training & Development. I have a proven track record of leadership skills, involving,
managing, developing and motivating people and my students to achieve their individual
& corporate objectives. I am a Learning resource, available to national and international
institutions for Development of Human Resources. I have participated and read my
research papers in various international and national forums.


Certificate/Degree/Dipl Grade Honor Year Name of institution

Ph.D (Special Education) - 2004 University of Karachi

M.B.A (Human Resource 3.8 GPA 1st Position 2002 PIMSAT Karachi

M.Ed. (Special Education) First - 1997 Allama Iqbal Open

Division University
Post Graduate Diploma in First 1st Position 1994 University of Karachi
Public Administration Division

M.A. (Education) First 1stPosition 1986 University of Karachi

Division Merit
Bachelor of Education First Merit 1978 University of Karachi
(B.Ed) Division scholarship

Bachelor of Science First Merit 1972 University of Karachi

B.Sc Division scholarship

Higher Secondary First Merit 1970 Karachi Board

Certificate(HSC) Division scholarship

Secondary School First Merit 1968 Karachi Board

Certificate (S.S.C.) Division scholarship

Nominated by Georgia State University for “The Distinguished Research in

Teacher Education Award 2007” on submitting research paper entitled “Staff
Development Program At Higher Education Level In Pakistan- Issues And Challenges” and
received Commendation letter from Georgia State University, USA.

SkillS: Windows, MS office (word, Excel, PowerPoint), other business applications and
internet etc.



More than 20 years Teaching Experience with the Department of Special Education,
University of Karachi.

Positions Held:

1. Assigned responsibilities of Dean Faculty of Education, University of Karachi.

January, 4, 2013 till date.
2. Chairperson Department of Special Education, University of Karachi
3. Professor BPS- 21 (October 2009 till date)
4. Assistant Professor PBS-19 (Aug 2001 September 2009)
Foreign Service Leave (1997-2001)
5. Lecturer PBS-18 (1988-1997)


1. As Head of the Department, leading and managing human resources,
administration of departmental resources, supervision of research work, editor of
journal published by department, organizing seminars, workshops and conferences
2. Teaching subjects: Management in Special Education, Educational Psychology,
Teaching strategies in Special Education, Curriculum Development for Special
Children, Educational programming For Special Children, Acoustics, Audiology,
Physiology and Pathology of the Ear.
3. Developed Curriculum for Ph.D students offered by the Department of Special
Education University of Karachi.
• Subject “Advanced Communication Skills”. Course code: 831
• Subject: Management and Leadership in Special Education. Course code: 822

4. Developed Curriculum for MS students offered by the Department of Special

Education University of Karachi.
• Subject “Communication Skills”. Course code: 731.

5. Developing and revising syllabi to meet current needs of students at

Graduation level in the Department of Special Education, University of Karachi.
6. Research Supervision of students for Research programs.

7. Organizing & conducting educational seminars/ workshops as a
requirement of Training of Teachers at Master’s level.
8. Organized seminar on “Removing barriers to create an inclusive and
accessible society for all“ on International Day of People with Disability [IDPwD
– 2012], Monday, 3rd, December, 2012 at the Arts auditorium, University of
9. Member Board of Governors- Pakistan Study Center, University of Karachi,
March 21, 2012.
10. Member of Charted Inspection and Evaluation Committee, Education and
Literacy Department, Government of Sindh.
11. Member Board of Studies – Department of Special Education, University of
Karachi 2008 till date.
12. Member Board of Studies as Expert -Department of Education, University of
Karachi, September 3, 2012 till date.
13. Member Departmental Research Committee 2010 till date.
14. Member Selection Board as Chairperson, Department of Special Education,
University of Karachi 2012.
15. Member, Editorial Board of “Educology”- A Journal of Educational Research,
published by Federal Urdu University, ISBN-F, 969-8402/06-02.
16. Editor, Pakistan Journal of Special Education (PJSE), 2010 till date.
17. Panelist Six One-Day workshop for youth March 2009 conducted by the City
Institute of Management to celebrate Hamara Festival Karachi 2009.
18. Student Advisor Department of Special Education, University of Karachi from the
year 2003 – 2004.
19. External Examiner for Ma Ayesha Institute of Education & Allied Sciences
(Affiliated Colleges of Special Education), offering Diploma in Special Education,
Paper-II- 521: Child Psychology. 2004.
20. Paper Setter and Examiner for Modular Foundation Examination Spring 2002-
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) for subjects Functional
English and Business Communication & Behavioural Studies.
21. Member Seminar Committee of Karachi University in the year1995.

22. Expert in Panel Discussion in “Parent Counseling and Guidance Workshop”
organized by STPRC Karachi, 10 December, 1994.
23. In-charge Department of Special Education University of Karachi in 1990,
1991, 1992.
24. Internal Examiner, Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, 1989
– 1997.
25. Chairperson Scientific Committee in “Special Needs and Rehabilitation
Engineering International Conference & Exhibition”: Held on April 204, 1995
organized by STKPRC & I.E.E.E.P. at Sheraton Hotel, Karachi.
26. Convener of Volunteer Committee for National Conference Karachi 22-24
September 1993 SAARC YEAR OF DISABLED, at Pearl-Continental Hotel Karachi.
27. Co-Examiner B.A (Graduate) in the subject “Education” from 1992- 1996.


1. Resource Person at Dow University of Health Sciences, teaching to M.Phil

and Ph.D students (doctors), subject “Communication Skills”.
2. Resource Person conducting workshops for the students of Distance learning
programme offered by Allama Iqbal Open University 2007-till date.
3. Resource Person in one day Training Session on “Leadership in the Era of
Globalization” at Baluchistan University of Information Technology &
Management Sciences. Quetta, June 2, 2007.
4. Resource Person, of Higher Education Commission workshop on
“Presentation/Communication Skills and Teaching Methodologies”, organized by
Federal Urdu University of Arts, sciences & Technology. 21-24 February 2007.
5. Resource Person, for Second Staff Development Course under National
Academy of Higher Education at Quest Nawabshah, Quaid-e-Awam University
of Engineering Science and Technology, Nawabshah, 2007
6. Resource Person, in 1st Staff Development programme offered by University
of Karachi 12 December, 2005 to 7 January, 2006.
7. Resource Person of National Institute of Management (previously called as
National Institute of Public Administration) offering training courses for Senior

Officers from Federal and Provincial Governments, Pubic Corporations and
Autonomous Bodies from 2005-till date.
8. Resource Person of Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (E.F.P.) 1999 till date.
9. Resource Person-Management Training Project – under Sindh. Primary
Education Development Programme. Sponsored by World Bank/ODA. 1994,


1. As Director Studies, I was assigned to set-up an institutional Master Degree
program in Business Administration in collaboration with local campus of an
international university. My responsibilities were:-
• Review, Develop and design syllabus for launching MBA degree programs.
• Marketing this Degree Program
• Identifying competent visiting faculties for MBA subjects.
2. As Trainer since 1999 till date conducting management training workshops/ seminars/
courses on different topics for Corporate and Public sectors Organizations.


Being the Corporate Manager Human Resource Development, of a company

engaged in managing Pearl Continental Hotel Chains in Pakistan, was responsible for HR
Development. Salient features are appended below:-
• Assist in formulating Human Resources (HR) policies
• Job analysis and designing
• Designing and Managing Employees Performance
• Reward & Recognitions
• Conduct Training Needs Assessments
• Devise Annual Training Program
• Administer Training Program
• Conduct Training Programs on soft skills.
• Arrange Training workshop.
• Audit Training system (ROTI)
• Editor “Pearl News Letter"


 Vice Principle & Secondary School Teacher.


 Teacher of ‘O’ Level classes and Assistant Warden.

VI. SHAHEEN HIGH SCHOOL P.A.F, KARACHI (October 1978 – April 1982)

 Secondary School Teacher.


I have been developing HR through my value added contribution in the following prime

1. Agri Autos
2. Asian Development Bank (ADB)
3. Balochistan University
4. Bahrain Society of Engineers.
5. Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi.
6. Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (EFP)
7. Engineering University Nawabshah
8. Haroon Oils Company
9. Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC)
10. Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP)
11. International Labor Organization (ILO)
12. Jamshoroo Medical College
13. Jang Group.
14. Marriot Hotels
15. Nakshbandi Textile Mills Karachi,
16. National Bank of Pakistan
17. National Institute of Management (NIM)
18. Pakistan Refinery
19. Pearl Continental Hotels Chain
21. Saudi Pak Commercial Bank
22. Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP)
23. State Life Insurance
24. Transworld Associates (Pvt.) Limited.
25. Union Bank


1. International Project on Strengthening Regulation, Reinforcement &

Governance of Non Banking Financial Market- A Project of Asian Development
Bank & Securities Exchange Commissions of Pakistan (SECP) from 2004- 2006. As
a Domestic Training Specialist from Pakistan, I was assisting International Training
Experts in :

 Collecting and analyzing data to assess the country’s current training


 Determine training needs, measure the magnitude of required training

by types of expertise, geographic location and other criteria, preparing
reports etc.

 Conducting and organizing workshops on various Management skills.

2. International Project on Promoting Gender Equality in Private Sector – A

project of Employers’ Federation of Pakistan (EFP) & International Labor
Organization (ILO). Participated as Resource Person for development of leadership
skills in female of various business and community leaders from National &
Provincial Assemblies and different organizations.

3. Management Training – A Project of Sindh Primary Education Development /World

Bank/ODA. Program. I have been attached with this project from 1994-1997 and
conducted workshops for Education Officers.


I have attended 54 International and nationals training programs, workshops, seminars,

symposium and conferences related to the field of Education, Special Education and
Human Resources.


1. Seminar “Removing Barriers to Create an Inclusive and Accessible

Society for All“ on International Day of People with Disability
[IDPwD – 2012] observing International Day of Persons with
Disabilities at University of Karachi, December, 3, 2012

2. Seminar “Occupational Health and Safety at Workplace” by

WEBCOP‘s Provincial Stakeholders Consultation at PC Hotel
Karachi. December 22, 2012.

3. Conference “Quality of Responsible Education in Pakistan”. at HEJ

Auditorium, University of Karachi October 06, 2012
4. Conference 6th International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM 2012)
Monday - Wednesday 10 - 12 September 2012.Imperial College
London, South Kensington Campus, LONDON, SW7 2AZ.

5. Seminar Company/Organization –Wide Productivity Improvement

by the Harmonious Labour – Management Relations on 13th
- 14th July, 2012 at PC Hotel Karachi.

6. Fifteen Days
Course on “Strategic Planning & Teacher Policy Making” at
Columbia University, New York. USA. May 31 -June 18, 2012
7. Conference
9th Biennial International Conference on Children and Youth with
Behavioral Disorders September 22--24, 2011.New Orleans, LA.
Inter Continental New Orleans Hotel, USA.
8. Conference
45th ASSID Australasian Conference 2010, BRISBANE HILTON
HOTEL: QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA, 29 September – 1 October,
9. Conference
2nd International Conference on Education, Economy and Society -
2010. July 21-24 2010. Hotel Concorde La Fayette Paris- France.
Organized by Prof. Guy Tchibozo, from Université de Limoges

10. Conference First Biannual Conference. Teacher Education in a Global Context:

Challenges and Opportunities. 12-13 February, 2010, Chicago,
USA, Hilton Hotel organized by World Federation of Associations
for Teacher Education (WFATE).

11. Seminar “Awareness about Health Issues in Youth” April6, 2009, organized
by Department of Special Education University of Karachi.

12. Seminar Overcoming Challenges In Today’s Times, January 31, 2009

organized by Franklin Covey, conducted by Dr. Stephen R. Covey
(via satellite link from Colombo), at Karachi Marriott Hotel.

13. Seminar Special Education Students Seminar-2008, “Why Some People Are
Special”. 28th March 2008, organized by Department of Special
Education University of Karachi & Special Teachers & parents
Resource Centre (STPRC).

14. Conference Ninth International Conference on “Management of

Transformation’, January 3-5, 2008, New Delhi-India, organized
by Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research.

15. Conference 31st Annual TED Conference. November 5 – 8, 2008, Hilton at

Dallas Lincoln Centre, Dallas, TX, USA organized by Teacher
Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children.

16. Conference The Opportunities of Decent work for Persons with Disabilities in
Pakistan: Achievement sand Challenges. December3, 2007
organized by Department of Special Education University of

17. Conference 7th Biennial International Conference of the Council of Children with
Behavioral Disorders, October 4-6, 2007.Dallas (Irving), Texas.

18. Conference Interdisciplinary Social Sciences International Conference. 4-5

September, 2007. Faculty of Arts, University of Karachi.

19. Conference 10th Biennial International Association of Special Education’s (IASE)

Conference. June 10-14, 2007, University of Hong Kong, Hong

20. Conference National Conference on "Changing Role of Teachers in the Era of

Globalization" held on 16-17, April 2007 at IER, University of the
Punjab, Lahore.

21. Conference Conference on Professional Development of Teachers at Higher

Education in Pakistan, 16-18 January, 2007, Auditorium, Higher
Education Commission, Islamabad.

22. Conference 66th Annual MCEC Conference, March 1-3, 2006, Grand Rapids,

23. Seminar. “Emotional Intelligence & Emotional Literacy”, orgabnized by

Workers Employers Bilateral Council of Pakistan at PCH Karachi 19
September 2006.

24. Workshop Second Regional Seminar on Childhood Disability, organized by

Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation jointly with the Child
Development Network from December 4 to 6, 2004 at Dhaka,

25. Workshop “Pre- Launch Workshop on Global Compact”, orgabnized by EFP &
ILO at Karchui Marriott Hotel 27 September, 2003.

26. Workshop “Conflict Management” Sept., 8 –12, 2000 at ILO Turin Centre

27. Seminar “Leadership in the year 2002”: Organized by Lions Club, at

National Institute of Labor Training .Karachi.

28. Workshop “Employer’s Obligation to Contract Labor,” organized by PCH

Training School at Karachi Marriott Hotel, 14 October 2000.

29. Four day “Introduction to Computers,” organized by State Life Training

course Academy Karachi, 8-11 Feb., 2000.

30. Workshop “Lateral Thinking” organized by KZR Associates 18 April 2000.

31. Tripartite “Human Resource Development, Employment, & Globalization in

Meeting hotel, catering & tourism sector”: April 2-6, 2001 at Geneva

32. Seminar “Human Resource Management in Hotel, Tourism and Catering

Sector”: in ILO/EFP/PHA National Seminar on Human Resource
Management Development 23 - 24 November 1999 at Avari
Towers, Karachi.

33. Training “Navigating Through Change”: April 7-8, 2000 at Karachi Marriott
Course Hotel conducted by Marriott International.

34. Workshop “Basic Neurolingustic Programme”: 3-5 Nov. 1999 at PCH


35. Workshop “Motivation”: at PCH Karachi by Prof. Dr. Moiz Hussain.16 October

36. Workshop “Foundations of Leadership”: Organized by Marriott International

Inc. at Karachi Marriott Hotel. 18-22 March, 1999.

37. Ten days “Human Resource Development and Systems”: at Tokyo, Japan
JAPAN November 11-20, 1998.

38. Workshop “Providing Quality Service”: Conducted by British Council at

Pearl-Continental Hotel Karachi - 21 October 1998
39. Seminar “The Road to Success”: Organized by MAS Associates & Ace
Consultants at PC Hotel Karachi 14 October 1998.

40. Workshop “New Education Policy and Vocational Training”: Organized by Skill
Development Council, Karachi at Avari Towers on 09 September

41. Six-days “Trainers’ Development Program on Human Resource

Course Management”: At Avari Towers, Karachi Organized by Employers
Federation of Pakistan, 20-25 July 1998.

42. Two days “Human Resources-Concepts and Practices”: Conducted by Sidat

Training Hayder Morshed Associated (Pvt.) Limited at Sheraton Hotel, 20-21
Course August 1997.

43. Conference “Methods in Business Education”: in a conference on “50 years of

Business Education in Pakistan”, organized by IBA, Karachi held on
15-16 October 1997.

44. Six days “Problem Solving and Decision Making”: Conducted by Pakistan
Management Institute of Management Karachi 4-9 August 1997.

45. Workshop “Special Education: Adapting the Students in the Classroom for 21st
Century”: Organized by Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
as part of 1995 Language Program.

46. Two day “Design of Special Schools,” organized by STPRC Karachi, 1-2
course April, 1995.

47. Five day “Tactile perception Training & Tactile Diagram Development”,
course organized by STPRC Karachi, 27-31 March, 1995.

48. Four day “Management of Special Schools / Institutions,” organized by

course STPRC Karachi, 24-26 Nov., 1994.

49. Seminar “Preventive Efforts for Disabling Conditions in Pakistan”, organized

by Department of Special Education University of Karachi 30 & 31,
October 1993.
50. Workshop “Portage Parent Program”, organized by Directorate General of
Special Education, Islamabad & UNICEF , Karachi, 16- 18 Nov.,

51. Workshop “MAKATON Communication at your finger tips”. organized by

Makaton Vocabulary Development Project, at Karachi, 20 May,

52. Seminar “Polio Mellitus – Cases and Rehabilitation”, organized by Al-Shifa,

day Home for Disabled Karachi, 24 May 1993.

53. Seminar “Rehabilitation of cerebral Palsy”, organized by Al-Shifa, day Home

for Disabled Karachi, 12 May 1993.

54. Workshop “Speech – Language Therapy Workshop”, organized by STPRC

Karachi & National Institute of Handicapped Islamabad &
Department of Special Education, University of Karachi, 24- 27
April, 1993.

55. Conference “12th Conference on Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,”

Peshawar 1992.

56. Ten days “Speech Therapy Course”, at Karachi 1992 by Diane Shaffer
Speech Therapist at National Institute of Handicapped Islamabad.
57. Six days “Teaching/Learning Process in Special Education”: Organized by
Course National Institute of Special Education (D.G.S.E.) Islamabad 21-26
April 1991 in Lahore.

58. Six days “Paedo-audiology and Education of Hearing Impaired Children”:

Workshop Organized by Goethe Institute (German) Karachi conducted by
Professor Armin Lowe Heidelberg, Germany January 1990.



1. Special educational needs of hearing impaired children. Pakistan Journal of

Special Education, vol. 13, 2012. pp 131-138.

2. Attitude of able bodied siblings towards intellectual disable children.

Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 13, 2012. pp 37 –44.

3. Motivation Towards Study - A Case Study Of Department Of Special

Education, University Of Karachi. Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol.
13, 2011. pp 85 –102.

4. Implementation of Functional Behavioral Assessmnets (FBA) in Special

Schools. Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 12, 2011. pp 33 –50.

5. A comparative Study of Self Concept among Hearing Impaired

Adolescents and Visually Imapaired Adolescents. Pakistan Journal of Special
Education, vol. 12, 2011. pp 01-10.

6. Stress Faced By Pakistani Mothers of Children with Intellectual

Disabilities and its Impact on Their family Life. The Journal of the
International Assocoation of Special Education, Vol.12,No.1, spring 2011. pp71-78.

7. Effective Teaching Methods at Higher Education Level, Pakistan Journal of

Special Education, vol. 11, 2010. pp 29 –43.

8. Availability of Professionally Trained Teachers in Schools of Hearing

Impaired Children. Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 11, 2010. pp 09-

9. Assessment and Therapy Facilities For Students With Disabilities

Provided By The Special Schools In Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Special
Education, vol. 10, 2009. pp 123 –132.

10. Mobility Problems Experienced By Physically Handicapped People,

Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 10, 2009. pp 33 –41.

11. Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitude and Concvern about inclusive
Education, SCHEMA, An International Disciplinary Journal of Humanities and
Social Sciences, vol 6, 2009. pp 67- 83.

12. Issues At Job Faced By The Employees With Disabilities- A

Challenge For Human Resource Management Delhi Business Review X Vol. 9, No. 2
(July - December 2008)

13. Facilities Provided For Pre-Vocational And Vocational Training

Programs For The Disabled Persons In Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Special
Education, vol. 9, 2008. pp 91 –110.

14. Employment Opportunities, Employer’s Attitude & Management of

Disability Issues in the Workplace in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Special
Education, vol. 8, 2007. pp 111 – 125.

15. Assessment Procedures for Special Children at the Time of

Admission in Schools in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 8,
2007. pp 09-20.

16. In-Service Teachers’ Training Program at higher Education Level in

Pakistan – Issues and Challenges as Perceived by Participant Teachers,
Journl of Social Sciences & Humanities, vol. 46, Part-I June 2007. pp 157- 168.

17. Teacher As Classroom Manager, SCHEMA, An International Disciplinary

Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol 4, 2007. pp 151- 168.

18. Nature and Environment of Jobs for Employees with Disabilites,

Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 7, 2006. pp 85 –96.

19. Vocational Aspiration of Students with Disabilities, SCHEMA, An

International Disciplinary Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol 2, 2005.
pp 29- 39.

20. Speech Disorders in Children, Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol.

6, 2005. pp19 –24.

21. A Study Of Parameters Related to Employmnet Success Among

Employees With Disabilities, SCHEMA, An International Disciplinary Journal of
Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 1, October- December, 2004, pp 151- 163.

22. Dual Exceptionalities, SCHEMA, An International Disciplinary Journal of

Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 1, October- December, 2004, pp 75- 82.

23. Competencies Needed by the Teachers of Hearing Impaired

Children, Pakistan Journal of Special Education, vol. 4, 2002. pp 106-112.

24. Survey of Hearing Aid Users of School age and their Parents in
Karachi, Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology (Quarterly), vol. 9, No.2 1993. pp 60-
25. Employers’ Attitude towards Employees with Disabilities, paper
published in proceedings (peer reviewed) of Second Regional Seminar on
Childhood Disability, organized by Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation jointly with
the Child Development Network from December 4 to 6, 2004 at Dhaka,
Bangladesh, published in 2005, BPF, pp 523-539.


1. A Critical Evaluation of Teacher’s Training Programme In Special
Education at Karachi University M.Ed. Special Education Thesis 1996. Pages
2. What is Hearing Impairment, Daily Dawn, July 13, 1996, pp 11.
3. Pakistan main Khasoosi Taleem kay Asaatezah ki tarbiyat (Training of
Special Education Teachers in Pakistan) Mahnama Aagehee Jild No.3: - Karachi
1995 Jan.Feb. pp 31-38.
4. Book published in Urdu – National language titled: “Smaatiyaat” (on Audiology):
first edition 23 November, 1995. Total pages 112.
5. Aseteza ke Ausaf, Mujjallah Ilm-o-Agahi, Government National College,
Karachi, pp 243-250
6. Counseling Parents of Hearing Impaired Children: paper presented at
National Conference Karachi held on 22-24 September 1993. SAARC YEAR OF
7. Causes of Visual Impairment, Naveed-e-Seher - Souvenir Shaheed-e-Millat
Special Education Centre, Karachi - 1992. Pages 03

8. Hearing Impairment: An Invisible Disability, Better Education Karachi. Saad

Publication Vol. VIII 9, 10 Sept. /Oct. 1992. pp 11-12.

9. Deafness and the Social Development, Special World Magazine, Vol. 2, July
1991, Department of Special Education.

10. A study of the effectiveness of Secondary School science Teachers

Training Program of Karachi Region: M.A. Thesis, 1986. Pages 100.


I got the opportunities to present my university and my country at various International
and National levels:

1. The Attitude of Pakistani Society towards the Persons with HIV (Aids).

6th International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM 2012), 10 - 12
September, 2012, Imperial College London,, South Kensington Campus,

2. Implementation Of Functional Behavioral Assessments (Fba) In Special

Schools. 9th Biennial International Conference on Children and Youth with
Behavioral Disorders September 22--24, 2011.New Orleans, LA. Inter Continental
New Orleans Hotel, USA.
3. Stress Faced By Mothers Of Children With Intellectual Disability And Its
Impact On Their Family Life .45th ASSID Australasian Conference 2010, 29
September – 1 October, 2010, Queensland, Australia.

4. Impact of Leadership Styles on Teachers’ Motivation, 2nd International

Conference on Education, Economy and Society -2010. July 21-24 2010. Hotel
Concorde La Fayette Paris- France. Organized by Prof. Guy Tchibozo,
from Université de Limoges (France). ANALYTRICS.

5. “Effective Teaching Methods at Higher Education Level”. Teacher Education

in a Global Context: Challenges and Opportunities, 12-13 February, 2010, Chicago,
Hilton Hotel. USA. (paper published & mentioned in Annex. D-1)

6. “Issues at Job Faced by the Disabled Persons - A Challenge for Human

Resource Management”, Ninth International Conference on “Management of
Transformation’, January 3-5, 2008, New Delhi-India, organized by Delhi School
of Professional Studies and Research.

7. “The Attitude and Concern of Special Education and Ordinary Education

Teachers Towards Inclusion.” 31st Annual TED Conference. November 5 – 8,
2008, Hilton at Dallas Lincoln Centre, Dallas, TX, USA organized by Teacher
Education Division, Council for Exceptional Children.

8. Employment Opportunities: Employers’ Attitude & Management of

Disability Issues at Workplace in Pakistan, Paper presented at a conference
on The Opportunities of Decent work for Persons with Disabilities in Pakistan:
Achievement sand Challenges. December3, 2007, organized by Department of
Special Education University of Karachi. (paper published & mentioned in Annex.

9. “Critical Analysis of the Stress Inducing Factors in Special and Inclusive

Education System”, Paper presented at7th Biennial International Conference of
the Council of Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD), Dallas (Irving),
Texas. U.S.A. October 4-6, 2007.

10. Satisfaction Level In Accordance With Implementation of Quota System

Among Disabled Persons In Pakistan, Paper presented at7th Biennial
International Conference of the Council of Children with Behavioral Disorders
(CCBD), Dallas (Irving), Texas. U.S.A. October 4-6, 2007.

11. Involvement of Women in Social Crimes- An Analytical Study, Paper
presented at Interdisciplinary Social Sciences International Conference. 4-5
September, 2007. Faculty of Arts, University of Karachi.

12. Pre-Vocational and Vocational Training Programs for the Persons with
Disabilities in Pakistan, paper presented at 10th Biennial International
Association of Special Education’s (IASE) Conference June 10-14, 2007, University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

13. Teacher as Classroom Manager, paper presented at National Conference on

"Changing Role of Teachers in the Era of Globalization” held on 16-17, April 2007
at IER, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

14. Staff Development Program at Higher Education Level In Pakistan-

Issues And Challenges, paper presented at a conference on Professional
Development of Teachers at Higher Education in Pakistan, 16-18 January, 2007,
Auditorium, Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.
15. Job adjustment and persons with disabilities, paper presented at 66th
Annual MCEC Conference, March 1-3, 2006, Grand Rapids, USA
16. Employers’ Attitude towards Employees with Disabilities, Creating Barrier
Free Inclusive Community And Rights Based society For Children with Disabilities,
paper presented & published in proceedings of Second Regional Seminar on
Childhood Disability, organized by Bangladesh Protibondhi Foundation jointly with
the Child Development Network from December 4 to 6, 2004 at Dhaka,
Bangladesh, published in 2005, BPF, pp 523-539
17. Leadership in the year 2000, paper presented at National Institute of Labor
Training. Karachi, organized by Lions Club,

18. Human Resource Management in Hotel, Tourism and Catering Sector,

paper presented at ILO/EFP/PHA National Seminar on Human Resource
Development 23 - 24 November 1999 at Avari Towers, Karachi.

19. Problems Related to Personnel Management Systems and Practices in

Pakistan, paper presented at in Tokyo, Japan November 11, 1998.

20. Methods in Business Education, paper presented at a conference on 50 years

of Business Education in Pakistan, organized by IBA, Karachi held on 15-16
October 1997.

21. Counseling Parents of Hearing Impaired Children, paper presented at

National Conference Karachi held on 22024 September 1993. SAARC YEAR OF


Supervision of the following Students Enrolled in M.Phil. /Ph.D. in Department
of Education University of Karachi.

S. No. Name of Student Topic of Research

1. Viala Ahmed “Inclusive Education in Pakistan.”
2. Afshan Rahat “Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment for Women With
Disabilities In Pakistan.” (Thesis about to submit)
3. Shamshad Khan “Educational/Behavioral Interventions and Medicines Used for
Children with Autism”.
4. Humera Aziz “Treatment and Prevention of Low Incidence Disabilities: A
survey of NGO working in Pakistan.” (Thesis submitted.)
5. Sadia Sidiqui “Comparison of General and Special Head Teachers in their
role as Pedagogical Leaders.”
6. Shafaq Ayyub from Hamdard University “The effects of play therapy intervention
on the behaviorof physical disability at the age 7-12 years”.
7. Talib Hussain from (SZABIST), Karachi “Motivation towards Study-A case study of
Department of Special Education, University of Karachi”.
8. Muhammad Umair Khalid from (SZABIST), Karachi ”Latest Job Switching
Trends in Pakistan.”

Supervision of the following Students Enrolled in M.S in Department of Special

Education University of Karachi.

S. No. Name of Student Topic of Research

1. Asma Fayyaz (course work completed, topic to be finalized).

2. Mussarat Rasheed (course work completed, topic to be finalized).
3. Abid Hussain “A Comparative Study of Hearing Impairment in
Children belonging to Rural Areas and Urban Areas of

Supervised research theses of the following students at Masters’ Level in the

department of Special Education, University of Karachi.
S. No. Names of
Topics of Research
1. Shumaila Hashim “A Comparative Study Of Self Concept Among Hearing
Impaired Adolescents And Visually Impaired Adolescents.”
2. Sarah Shamim Azmi A Survey Of Community Based Projects Working For
Rehabilitation of HIV (aids): Prevention And Services.2008-

3. Sumera Latif Bhatti “Anxiety Level Of Mothers Of Disabled Children And Its
Impact On Their Family Life.” 2008-2009

4. Samia Younus “Relationship Between Leadership Style And Progress Of

Special Education Institutions” 2008-2009.

5. Hafiza “Use Of Information Technology In Special Education And

MehreenIftikhar Rehabilitation Of Hearing Impaired And Visually Impaired
Children In Karachi” 2008-2009.
6. Kaukab Saeed “The Need of Continues Professional Development of Special
Educators at Primary Level”. 2008-2009.
7. Nighat Iftikhar Perceptions And Expectations Of Youth With
8. Humaira Alam Stress Faced By Mothers Of Mentally Retarded
9. Saima Karim The Influences On Student Teachers Decision Making During
Their Teaching Practice. 2007-2008
10. Mehvish Jalil Contribution Of Government And Ngo’s In Sports For
Mentally Retarded Persons.2007-2008.
11. Erum Maqsood Human Rights Approaches For Equal Education
Opportunities For Disabled Persons.2007-2008.

12. Rubina Usman Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes And Concerns About

Inclusive Education.2007-2008.
13. Hadi Hussain Attitude Of In-Service Teachers Towards Inclusive
Education. 2007-2008.

14. Amreen Attitude Of Special Students Towards Inclusive Education.

15. Huma Shan In-Service Special Education Teachers' Attitude Towards
Inclusive Education.2007-2008.
16. Afshan, Bilquis, Group Research On “Special Educational Needs Of Hearing
Erum, Fazila, Impaired Children As Perceived By Parents, Teachers, And
Mehwish, Munzila, & Professionals.”2006-2007.
17. Sumaira Gul The Difficulties Faced By Teachers Of Cerebral Palsied
18. Umaira Naseem Impact of Mobility Problems of Physically Handicapped in
their Social Interaction. 2005-2004.
19. Afsana Begum Role of different organizations for visually handicapped
persons. 2005-2004.
20. Atifa Reading problems faced by students with disabilities. 2005-
21. Aisha Manzoor Educational problems faced by the parents of mentally
retarded children. 2005-2004.
22. Ambreen Naz Social and economical problems faced by the parents of
mentally retarded children.2005-2004.
23. Seema Ghori A Survey of Distribution of Hearing Loss Among Children in
Different Districts of Karachi. 1996-97
24. Saeed Akhtar Study of the Utilization of Equipment and Facilities for
Hearing-Impaired Children in the Schools of Karachi. 1996-
25. Shaheen Sheikh Development of Hearing and Communication for the
Screening of Pakistani Infants. 1995-96
26. Asiya Farooqi Problems of Hearing-Impaired Girls After Completion of
Secondary School Education.1995-96
27. Shazia Farooqi Behaviour Problems of Hearing-Impaired Children In
Classroom. 1995-96.
28. Nadeem Mushtaq Hearing Loss Pattern Among the Children Coming from City
Slums and Affluent Localities “A Socio Cultural Comparative
29. M. Sajeel How Parents Perceive the Causes of Handicaps of Their
Hearing Impaired Children.1994-95
30. Khalida Ali The Interrogation of Mild to Moderate Hearing-Impaired
Children in ordinary Schools of Karachi. 1993-94

31. Aqeela Ali Job Adjustment Problems of Hearing-Impaired People.

32. Munir Ahmed Auditory Verbal Approach. 1993-94
33. Anjum Shehla Parents Awareness about their Children’s Hearing
Impairment. 1993-94
34. Safiullah Identification of Problems of Hearing-Impaired Children in
use of Hearing Aid. 1992-93
35. Bashir Ahmed Family Problems Associated with their Hearing-Impaired
Children. 1992-93
36. Shahana Wazir A study of the Training Provided for Hearing-Impaired
Children in Special School of Karachi. 1992-93
37. Iftikhar Mohammad The Effect of Hearing Impairment on Child’s personality.
38. S.M N. Uzair The Industrial Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in the S.I.T.E.
Area of Karachi. (An experimental research). 1992-93
39. Naushad Shaukat Effectiveness of Sign Language. 1991-92
40. Farida Shaheen Problems of Teacher of Hearing-Impaired Children in
Teaching. 1991-92
41. Zubaida Hussain Identification of Hearing-Impaired Children in Teaching in
Normal Schools of Nazimabad. 1991-92
42. Shahid Muhammad The Environmental Noise Induced Hearing Losses in Karachi.

43. Azra Shakoor Effectiveness of play way method for Language
Development of Hearing-Impaired Children. 1990-91
44. Humera Yaqoob The Hearing-Impaired Children and Communication
Problems. 1990-91.


I have a number of achievements in my credits during my 30 years of passionate carrier:

glimpses of achievements are appended below:-

• Developed the syllabus of Ph.D and MS programme in the Department of Special

Education University of Karachi.

• As a team member/ Faculty member launched first time in the history of Pakistan,
the Masters’ Degree Program in Special Education at University of Karachi.

• Authored: ever first Book in national language (Urdu) on Audiology “Samaatiat”:

first edition 23 November 1995. Pages 112.

• Trained more than 300 teachers of various Pakistani Universities.

• Being a certified Professional Trainer, imparted training to more than 13000

persons in corporate and financial sector.

• Facilitated more than 500 sessions

• Contributed 28 articles in international and local publications.

• Presented Pakistan/University of Karachi at International Forums in USA, France,

Switzerland, Italy, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh and UAE.

• Received “Commendation letter” from Georgia State University, USA.

• Nominated by Georgia State University for “The Distinguished Research in

Teacher Education Award 2007”

• Achieved “Incentive Award” from University of Karachi.

• Received Shield from Deaf Education Welfare Association (DEWA) in recognition of

my services in Special Education.

• Trained more than 14 batches of Teachers in the Department of Special Education

University of Karachi.

• Supervised more than 45 students of Master of Special Education University of



• Member Managing Committee, Employers’ federation of Pakistan.

• Currently Vice President, Pakistan Chapter, International Public Management

Association (IPMA) for Human Resources USA.

• Professional Membership of International Association of Special Education (IASE) USA.

• Member of Trainers Resource Group in Karachi.

• Member of Productivity Club of Employers Federation of Pakistan.

• Ex-Member of National Tourism Human Resource Development Committee (NTHRDC).


• Member academic council


• Appeared as guest speaker on Geo & Indus Television in programs “Career on line” &
“Career Counseling”.
• Assistant Warden in Islamia English School, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 1987.
• Member of the Executive Committee of the Students’ Union. 1971-72. Government
College for Women, Sharah- E- Liaquat.
• As a student, participated in debates, dramas, quiz and drawing competitions.
• As an active member of Students’ Union, organized student’s functions.

Travel and Interacting with the people, listening to music.
Reading: I believe reading about anything that comes in the way from magazines to
newspapers to brochures, is an important source of learning and excitement.


I am passionate to be a “HELPING HAND” for people on this planet.


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