Kauth Illiberalism
Kauth Illiberalism
Kauth Illiberalism
and d e s m o n d k i n g
“Illiberalism” has assumed an invigorated if unanticipated significance in the 21st
century. Aspects of illiberalism populate not only states long known as indifferent to
such principles as personal liberty, human equality and the rule of law but have
expanded in “liberal” democracies as their rulers employ purportedly “illiberal” prac-
tices more frequently than in the recent past. Indeed, the term “illiberal” seems to have
lost its negative aura in the context of state action. We contend that illiberalism
represents either an opposition to procedural democratic norms—as disruptive illiber-
alism—or an ideological struggle—termed ideological illiberalism. We first discuss the
term as used in the vast literature on regime types in the debate on authoritarian/
democratic hybrid-regimes. We then turn to the key puzzle in what one may call
“illiberalism studies”: the rise of illiberal practices and policies in liberal democracies.
To inform our analysis empirically, we investigate the ways in which illiberal arguments
and institutions (notably camps) were deployed historically and in immigration policy.
We conclude with an example of illiberal policy from modern day Hungary.
Jasper Theodor Kauth, Nuffield College, University of Oxford,
Desmond King, Nuffield College, University of Oxford,
European Journal of Sociology, 61, 3, (2021), pp. 365–405—0003-9756/21/0000-900$07.50per art + $0.10 per page
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
1 6
KRASTEV and HOLMES 2019. Illiberalism is not necessarily a right-
BARBER, FOY and BARKER 2019. wing phenomenon. Some critics have voiced
FOER 2019. their concerns that efforts to address struc-
SIMON 2019. tural inequalities could lead to illiberal prac-
STEFFEN 2016. Other obvious past and tices such as censorship. See, for example, the
contemporary examples of illiberal practices widely shared, discussed, and contested Let-
include: gender inequality, workfare pro- ter on Justice and Open Debate signed by over
grammes, eugenics, rights of felons, censor- 150 public intellectuals: ACKERMAN et al.
ship, to name but a few. 2020.
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7 9
KRASTEV and HOLMES 2019: 1. FREEDEN 2020: 10.
Ibid.: 6.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
We are of course fully aware of the inte- contractualist formulation: see MILLS 1997.
gral place of illiberal ideas in the formation GALSTON 2018.
of “liberalism” especially in its Lockean
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For a historical perspective, see GERSTLE detailed account in ZAKARIA 2003.
and KING 2020. ZAKARIA 1997: 28.
ZAKARIA 1997 followed up by the more
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Illiberal states
Ibid.: 30. to Talmon, attempts to make all aspects of life
Ibid.: 30. political. The ultimate goal is to reach, with all
MILL 1864; NISBET 1943; BELLAMY and means necessary and against all opposition, a
BAEHR 1993; Bell 2014; MÜLLER 2018. Jacob messianic ideal social order. Talmon traces
Talmon’s Origins of Totalitarian Democracy back the idea of totalitarian democracy to the
proposes a similar dichotomy. However, he 18th century and to thinkers such as Rousseau.
emphasises the ambivalence of “democracy” See TALMON 1952.
rather than that of liberalism. Whereas liberal SCHENKKAN 2018: 1.
democracy wants to protect the freedom of the LÜHRMANN et al. 2020: 1.
individual, totalitarian democracy, according
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During the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, rule. In a July 2020 tweet, Trump mused that
both countries were accused of trying to dis- the US presidential elections could also be
rupt democratic procedures. In the run-up to postponed. See CIENSKI 2020; NOVAK 2020;
Poland’s presidential election, the ruling coa- ZURCHER 2020.
lition attempted to postpone the vote or to KHAN 2020; IGNATIEFF 2020; HALL
change it to an exclusively postal process. 2020
These attempts were met with serious political LEVITSKY and WAY 2002: 51, 2010.
and legal opposition. In Hungary, Viktor ZAKARIA 1997: 23.
Orbán was temporarily endowed with unprec- LEVITSKY and WAY 2002: 52.
edented emergency powers in April 2020. A similar argument can be found in
Despite a removal of these powers two months SCHEDLER’s 2002 article on “electoral author-
later, critics fear that it only solidified Orbán’s itarianism”.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
Levitsky and Way present four minimum criteria that democracies need
to fulfil:26 open, free, and fair elections of legislatures and executives;
universal suffrage; meaningful authority invested in elected bodies; and
the protection of political rights and civil liberties that guarantee equal
chances for political candidates contesting elections, such as freedom of
the press and association and protection of those voicing their opposition
to the government. These criteria also imply the rule of law as another
“intrinsic” dimension of democratic governance, which is often directly
linked to liberal democracy.27 Indeed, the rule of law and especially the
legal mechanisms of appeal inherent to the concept function as crucial
safeguards against the purposeful erosion of democratic norms. Their
absence or subversion, as we will argue later, is a strong indicator of the
presence of illiberalism.28
Competitive authoritarian regimes maintain the appearance of hon-
ouring these democratic criteria by, for example, generally allowing
political opposition and by holding competitive elections. Yet, incum-
bents routinely undermine elections so thoroughly that they can no
longer be termed “fair”. Rather than reverting to voter fraud or stuffing
ballot boxes, governments in competitive authoritarian regimes protect
their power in more subtle and open ways while still creating “an uneven
playing field between government and opposition.”29 Such measures
could include legal harassment of opposition candidates, independent
journalists, or academics, government supported corruption and the
misappropriation of public funds into the hands of supporters. It is often
difficult to differentiate competitive authoritarian regimes from either
democratic regimes that occasionally violate one or several of the four
democratic criteria to a minor degree, or fully authoritarian ones in which
alleged democratic institutions are mere façades.
The key difference between Levitsky and Way’s concept of “compet-
itive authoritarianism” and Zakaria’s “illiberal democracy” is not the
widths of the spectrums covered by their respective labels, but lies in
the definitions of democracy that they employ. The comparativists’
Building on Scott MAINWARING, Daniel “rule of law” has a bad brother termed the
BRINKS, and Aníbal PÉREZ-LIÑÁN’s [2001] “rule by law”. Whereas the rule of law con-
definition of democracy. strains the actions of governments, the rule by
MAINWARING, SCULLY and VARGAS CUL- law is an illiberal way to exercise power, more
LELL, 2010: 14; see NEUMANN 1942 for an or less arbitrarily, through laws and courts. See
early formulation of this link. WALDRON 2019.
28 29
According to some legal theorists, the LEVITSKY and WAY 2002: 53.
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30 32
ZAKARIA 1997: 25. 2001: 42-43.
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Illiberal Practices
Whereas the debate sketched out in the foregoing paragraphs has centred
on country-level variations in regime types, Edward Gibson, Robert
Mickey, and Jacqueline Behrend and Laurence Whitehead have focused
instead on subnational variations.34 In their exploratory collection Illib-
eral Practices, Behrend and Whitehead single out problems of uneven
democratisation in large, and, especially, federal polities. Even though
democratisation processes might lead to the adoption of democratic
institutions at the national level, the authoritarian structures of the old
regime survive locally, supported by, for example, entrenched personal
linkages between elites, cronyism, clientelism, biased media landscapes,
gerrymandering, discriminating judges or the violent oppression of
minorities by local police forces.35
The case studies collected in Illiberal Practices point to the two
overarching questions of “[w]hat drives these differential democratiza-
tion processes at the subnational level in large federal democracies and,
second, where illiberal and authoritarian systems persist, how might
fuller democratization eventually come about.”36 Conceptually, the
authors emphasise that the boundary between democracy and authori-
tarianism is not pristine but rather resembles a “slippery slope” with
localised illiberal practices and structures at one end of the spectrum and
overtly and widespread anti-democratic ones at the other.37 While they
“may add up to authoritarian structures in some subnational units,”38
illiberal practices and structures at the subnational vein do not only exist
in cases of Gibson’s “subnational authoritarianism”39 or Mickey’s
“authoritarian enclaves.”40 Such practices also comprise informal non-
procedural institutions that “exclude or distort democratic participation
to such an extent that they negate the principles of federal democracy
proclaimed at the national level.”41
At first glance, Behrend and Whitehead’s use of illiberalism resembles
Zakaria’s description of “illiberal democracies.”42 But, in contrast to
Zakaria, they contend that illiberal practices and structures not only
transgress a liberal understanding of political rights and freedoms but
GIBSON 2005, 2012; MICKEY 2015; BEH- Jasper Theodor Kauth).
REND and WHITEHEAD 2016a, 2016b, 2018; BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2016a: 1.
MICKEY 2018b, 2018a; WHITEHEAD and BEH- GIBSON 2005.
REND 2018. MICKEY 2015.
35 41
BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2016b, 2017. BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2016a: 5.
36 42
BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2016a: 301. Ibid.: 8.
BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2017 (transl.
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Subnational illiberalism?
43 46
Ibid.: 1. BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2016a: 5-6.
44 47
Ibid.: 6. Ibid.: 6.
45 48
BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2017. Ibid.: 5.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
BELL 2014. anti-neoliberal, political agendas. The usage
BEHREND and WHITEHEAD 2017. of the term “illiberal” by critics of the current
Political theorist Jan-Werner Müller Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and Turkish gov-
emphasises a similar point in regard to politi- ernments has not led to any change of belief or
cians in Poland and Hungary who use the term behaviour by these actors—indeed, as indi-
“illiberal” to stylise their anti-democratic cated earlier, they have come to wear “illiber-
politics as merely conservative, that is alism” as a badge of honour. See MÜLLER
anti-progressive, anti-globalisationist, or 2016.
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Ideological illiberalism
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Against liberalism
62 64
KRASTEV and HOLMES 2019: 196. RAWLS 1999, 2005.
63 65
BARRY 1996; KING 1999; HANSEN and See also HANSEN and KING 2000.
KING 2000.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
66 69
MULHALL and SWIFT 1996. FREEDEN 1998: 749.
67 70
68 71
KING and SMITH 2011; Miller 2014. RANA 2010, 2015.
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Not all illiberal policies can be traced to a distinct and coherent set of
political beliefs, but they do rest on particular ideas about society. Notably,
they often rest on exclusionary aspects of liberalism itself. As one scholar
writes, ideological illiberalism arises from ideological negotiations over
two fundamental questions of liberal democracy: “[f]irst, who should be a
[full] member of the polity? And, second, once accorded citizenship what
obligations are incurred […]? The latter is an issue which results in two
sorts of public policy: first, social engineering schemes to alter the eco-
nomic and social circumstances facing citizens […], and, second, attempts
directly to modify the behaviour of individuals by altering the balance of
rights and obligations defining their relationship to the state”.72
72 75
KING 1999: 291. SMITH 1993: 557.
73 76
SMITH 1993, 1997. HARTZ 1955.
74 77
Ibid. SMITH 1993: 558.
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All states take decisions about whom to admit to their territory and,
subsequently, to societal membership. These decisions are necessarily
decisions about inclusion and exclusion and thus especially pertinent in
the discussion of ideological illiberalism.
We examine immigration for two reasons. First, practices against
foreigners seeking admission to a country’s territory are, in the first
instance, not aimed at democratic procedures and are less likely to overlap
with disruptive illiberalism. Mirroring Rana’s model of America’s
two-faced freedom, we observe that proponents might even justify the
exclusion of outsiders by pointing to the protection of democratic pro-
cedures.89 This, of course, is not to say that exclusionary practices against
other marginalised groups are not significant or not as widespread.
Secondly, their very status as “outsiders”—geographically, culturally,
financially, legally, etc.—makes asylum seekers and prospective
immigrants vulnerable to illiberal practices. Their right to liberty and
equal treatment does not rest on their status as citizens but on their
humanity, a seemingly obvious characteristic which, nevertheless, many
88 89
KING 1999: 308. RANA 2015: 266.
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JOPPKE 2005: 9-10. abused as proxies to select migrants according
MILLER 2008: 389. In reality, of course, to socio-economic and cultural backgrounds.
such seemingly “neutral” criteria could also be 97
JOPPKE 2005: 11.
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110 113
ZOLBERG 1992: 322; LUCASSEN 1998; WELCH and SCHUSTER 2005a, 2005b;
LEE 2019. and SILVERMAN 2015.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
Rather than being limited to war, camps quickly became part of the
peacetime toolset deployed to police and control perceived enemies of
the nation, whether internal or external.114 Their widespread use led the
late sociologist Zygmunt Bauman to hyperbolically crown the 20th
century as the “Century of Camps”, and thus a wicked perversion of
modernity.115 Camps have become a shorthand characterization for
states’ mistreatment of the vulnerable. This interpretive, linguistic link
recurred recently when US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
sparked controversy with her description of detention camps for “illegal
immigrants” at the US-Mexican border.116 In their 2000 book, Joël
Kotek and Pierre Rigoulot pick up Bauman’s proposition and describe a
global history of “Le Siècle des Camps” in an encyclopaedic handbook
form. They distinguish three types of camps: internment camps,117
concentration camps, and extermination camps. Each of these types are
shown to follow distinct functions ranging from the isolation of a group
of “suspects” to the modification of society by eliminating “undesired
elements”.118 Historians view the relationship between different camp
systems as best described by models of loose transnational institutional
learning and dynamics of internal radicalisation.119
The American deportation camps of today cannot be equated with and
do not follow the same goals as the industrialised extermination camps
used by Nazi Germany in the mid-20th century.120 But the use of
camps––involuntary confinement––is now widespread in state responses
to migrant and refugee claims and in repressing national minorities, and
is in need of more scholarly attention from historians, sociologists, and
political scientists alike. To date, only a few studies have examined camps
KRAMER 2013. under the Special Powers Act 1922, and
BAUMAN 1995. excluded from review under the European
MCWHORTER 2019. Christian Goeschel Convention on Human Rights by an exemp-
and Nikolaus Wachsmann point out: tion the UK lodged in 1957 with the Council
“[N]owhere was the horror of the camps more of Europe. The legacy and political damage of
evident than in Auschwitz, which has become internment has been widely documented
shorthand for concentration camps (and Nazi [PATTERSON 2002, ch. 8].
terror more generally)” [GOESCHEL and KOTEK and RIGOULOT 2000; also avail-
WACHSMANN 2010: 518] . able in German: KOTEK and RIGOULOT 2001.
117 119
The British government introduced Rather than falling back simply on
internment without charges or trial against direct lines of heritage evoked by the close
the Nationalist community in Northern association of camps with the name
Ireland in 1971 when 342 Nationalists were Auschwitz: GREINER and KRAMER 2013, see
arrested overnight on 9-10 August. The policy the introduction by Kramer.
continued until December 1975 by which The Nazi death camps marked the
time close to 2,000 people had been interned, height of inhumanity in the “global history
including 100 who were Unionists rather than of concentration camps” [PITZER 2017].
Nationalists. The policy was legally justified
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Greiner and Kramer’s Die Welt der Lager offers a robust analytical
approach by focusing explicitly on the institutional dynamics of
camps.124 Their general definition of concentration camps as places
“for the mass housing of individuals or groups that are being separated
from society as security threats” is narrowed down by their focus on
camps with a repressive function.125 The authors of the case studies
collected in their volume do not discuss foreigner camps specifically
but their general findings also apply in our case.
From a more contemporary perspective, the work by political scientist
Stephanie Silverman and her collaborators on the normative ethics of
detention facilities, as well as their empirical discussions of camps, is
compelling.126 In their introduction to Immigration Detention, Amy
Nethery and Silverman delineate defining practices of illiberal camps:
immigration detention is an administrative rather than a legal-punitive
measure, yet in more and more countries, detention facilities resemble
prisons (and, in some countries, they are one and the same). Perversely,
121 123
Andrea Pitzer’s journalistic account of Ibid.: 214 (transl. Jasper Theodor
“a global history of concentration camps” and Kauth).
Dan Stone’s recent “short” and “very short” 124
introductions to concentration camps remain 125
Of which Guantanamo would be a fit-
the only English language publications that ting modern day example. See KRAMER 2013:
situate individual camp systems within a wider 8 (transl. Jasper Theodor Kauth).
historical phenomenon [PITZER 2017; STONE SILVERMAN and MASSA 2012; SILVER-
2017, 2019]. MAN 2013; NETHERY and SILVERMAN 2015.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
127 129
128 131
See e.g. KING and VALDEZ 2011 or the See, for example, BOSWELL 2007: 89.
concept of “spaces of exception,” in GERSTLE 132
and KING 2020. 2017.
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Configured illiberalism
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
138 139
BERNARDOT 2008: 72-74. GERSTLE and KING 2020.
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For the background, see: RANKIN 2017; accredited in the US; second, it required the
WALKER 2018; NOVAK 2019. institution to be linked to a bilateral treaty
The law affecting the CEU included between the US and Hungary. The final leg-
two unachievable elements: first, it required islation affected other NGOs located in Hun-
the CEU to open a branch in the US, specif- gary.
ically in the state of New York, since it is
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The election victory of opposition justices. See SHOTTER AND PEEL 2020. And see
parties in Budapest’s October 2019 mayoral HALL 2020.
elections is a positive sign against this trend. SKOWRONEK, DEARBORN and KING
See WALKER 2019. 2021.
148 152
149 153
KIRST 2020. Ibid.
150 154
See IGNATIEFF 2020. The EU is trying See CAPOCCIA 2007; BERMEO 2016 and
harder to respond to the Polish weakening of NEUMANN 1942: 360-375.
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jasper theodor kauth and desmond king
GERSTLE and KING 2020: 257. however. This is especially true in the context
APPLEBAUM 2018; FOER 2020. of foreign interference in elections, often pro-
We note pressure to change, and some moting illiberal campaigns that are running on
of the tech platforms have committed to mon- a platform of “fake news”.
itoring and removing hate speech and racist SETTLE 2018; EBNER 2020; MARANTZ
bile. There is a formidable challenge ahead, 2020.
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JARDINA 2019; SMITH and KING 2020. 1995 and LABORDE 2017.
160 161
For the compelling effort to overcome APPLEBAUM 2018.
this legacy in political theory, see KYMLICKA
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