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EFM3Omicron UserManual2013

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Version 3.

April 08

Limburger Str. 75 D-65232 Taunusstein Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)6128 / 987-0 , Fax: +49 (0)6128 / 987 185
2 EFM-Manual

Version 3.9
Field of Application 3

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not repre-
sent a commitment on the part of Omicron Nanotechnology / Focus GmbH. No liability
shall be accepted for any damages resulting from the use of this documentation and the
related product.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without
the express written permission of Omicron Nanotechnology / Focus GmbH.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
their respective companies.

Related Manuals
EVC 300 / 300s
EVC 100 / 100s Power supplies for EFM

EVC 100 L
Power supply for EFM with
EVC 300i
IBAD functionality

April 08
4 EFM-Manual

Field of Application

The EFM 2, EFM 3, EFM 3s, EFM 4, EFM 3T or EFM 3i is an evaporator that can be
used to evaporate metals and other materials from rods or a crucible in vacuum.

The UHV evaporator EFM 2, EFM 3, EFM 3s, EFM 4, EFM 3T or EFM 3i must always be
used in combination with a CE-complying power supply e.g. EVC 300, EVC 300s,
EVC 300i, EVC 100, EVC 100s or EVC 100L.
The EVC power supplies and the EFM UHV evaporators must always be used:

• with original cable sets which are explicitly specified for this purpose

• with all cables connected between the evaporator and the power

• with the evaporator in UHV condition fixed to a vacuum vessel

• with cooling water supply connected to the evaporator

• with all electronics equipment switched on

• in an indoor research laboratory environment

• by personnel qualified for operation of delicate scientific equipment

• in accordance with all related manuals.

Warning: Lethal Voltages!!

Adjustments and fault finding measurements as well as installa-

tion procedures and repair work may only be carried out by
authorised personnel qualified to handle lethal voltages.

Attention: Please read the safety information in the relevant

manual(s) before using the instrument.

Version 3.9
Table of Contents 5

Table of Contents
Copyright ..................................................................................................................3
Related Manuals.......................................................................................................3

Field of Application .........................................................................................................4

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................5

1. Description and Specifications...................................................................................7

1.1. EFM 2 ................................................................................................................7
1.2. EFM 3/4 .............................................................................................................8
1.3. Triple evaporator EFM 3T ..................................................................................8
1.4. EFM 3s, evaporator with ION Suppressor..........................................................8
1.5. IBAD evaporator EFM 3i ....................................................................................8
1.6. Specifications ..................................................................................................10
Specifications EFM........................................................................................10
Specifications EFM 2/3/3s/4 ..........................................................................10
Specifications EFM 3T...................................................................................11
Specifications EFM 3i ....................................................................................11
1.7. Dimensions and Connections ..........................................................................14
EFM 2............................................................................................................14
EFM 3/3s/4 ....................................................................................................14
EFM 3T..........................................................................................................16
EFM 3i ...........................................................................................................18

2. Installation..................................................................................................................20
2.1 Water Cooling...................................................................................................20
2.2. Electrical Connections EFM 2/3/3s/4/3i............................................................21
2.3. Electrical Connections EFM 3T........................................................................21
2.4. Shutter Positions EFM 3T ................................................................................23
2.5. Gas inlet of EFM 3i ..........................................................................................23

3. Mounting and changing the evaporant ....................................................................24

3.1. Mounting the evaporant in EFM 2, EFM 3, EFM 3s, EFM 4 and EFM 3i ..........24
Fitting a Rod Evaporant .................................................................................24
Mounting a crucible .......................................................................................25
3.2. Mounting the evaporant in EFM 3T ..................................................................26
Fitting a Rod Evaporant .................................................................................26
Mounting a crucible .......................................................................................26
3.3. Position of evaporant for IBAD.........................................................................27

4. Operation....................................................................................................................28
4.1. Bakeout ...........................................................................................................28
4.2. Degassing the evaporator................................................................................28
4.3. Degassing a crucible .......................................................................................29
4.4. Degassing the evaporant .................................................................................30

April 08
6 EFM-Manual

4.5. Evaporation ..................................................................................................... 30

4.6. Evaporation with active flux regulation............................................................. 32
4.7. Ion beam assisted deposition with EFM 3i....................................................... 32
Pulsed ion beam ........................................................................................... 33
4.8. Suppression of ions during evaporation with EFM 3s ...................................... 33
4.9. Suppression of ions with EFM 3i ..................................................................... 33

5. Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 34
5.1. Cleaning .......................................................................................................... 34
5.2. Filament Exchange.......................................................................................... 34
Changing the filament of EFM 2/3/3s/4: ........................................................ 35
Changing the filament of EFM 3T:................................................................. 36
Changing the filament of EFM 3i: .................................................................. 37
5.3. Replacing the Evaporant Holder Ceramics...................................................... 38

6. Fault diagnostics....................................................................................................... 39

Appendix........................................................................................................................ 41
A. Background for Material Selection and Evaporation Parameters ....................... 41
Material overview .......................................................................................... 44
B. List of Thermovoltage ........................................................................................ 48
C. Calibration of Flux Monitor ................................................................................. 49
D. Literature ........................................................................................................... 50
General literature .......................................................................................... 50
IBAD evaporation with EFM 3i....................................................................... 50
E. Options .............................................................................................................. 51
E 1. Crucibles................................................................................................ 51
E 2. Shutter Motor ......................................................................................... 53
E 3. Port Aligner............................................................................................ 53
E 4. Elongated target shift (50mm) ............................................................... 53
E 5. Barrel connectors for larger rods ........................................................... 54
E 6. Quick-lock water hose connectors ......................................................... 54

Service at OMICRON ..................................................................................................... 55

Decontamination Declaration....................................................................................... 57

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 7

1. Description and Specifications

In the UHV evaporators EFM 2, EFM 3, EFM 3s, EFM 4, EFM 3T and EFM 3i the evapo-
rant is either evaporated from a bar, from a rod or from a crucible. This is achieved by
electron bombardment heating. The bombarding electron beam induces a temperature
rise of the evaporant, causing evaporation.
The crucible-free evaporation is characterised by an ultimate degree of cleanliness with
only slight increases of background pressure. From appropriate crucibles (see appendix
A) low melting point, low vapour pressure or reactive materials can be evaporated. The
instrument is designed for high precision sub-mono-layer up to multi-layer deposition of a
wide variety of evaporants including highly refractory materials.

A key feature of the EFM is the integrated flux monitor (not EFM 2, but the flux monitor
can be upgraded later). Once calibrated by a quartz thickness monitor, the flux monitor
can replace the quartz balance by continuously monitoring the evaporation rate. Flux is
measured directly, which allows a much more precise rate adjustment and much faster
rate control than an indirect, i.e. temperature measurement by a thermocouple. For preci-
sion layer control, an external signal of a calibrated monitor (quartz balance or MEED
oszillations) can be used for regulation with the EVC 300 series power supplies.

The beam exit column contains an ion collector which serves as a flux monitor. At a given
electron emission current (IEM) and e-beam energy the ion flux measured there is
directly proportional to the flux of evaporated atoms. The ion flux is shown on the
display of the EVC power supply; with the power supplies EVC 300 / EVC 300s /
EVC 300i the heating power (i.e. the high voltage) can be regulated to obtain a constant
growth rate. The flux monitor also operates with the shutter closed thus allowing to pre-
set the evaporation rate.
Some growth processes require an ion free deposition. This requirements can be fulfilled
with the optional ion suppression lens (EFM 3s/EFM 3i). The lens deflects the ionised
material vapour back into the EFM. Only the neutral material vapour can reach the sam-
The EFM comes with a shutter at its outlet which can be opened and closed by a rotary
drive (not EFM 2, but the shutter can be upgraded later). This allows precise flux adjust-
ment prior to exposure, and exact control of the evaporation time. As an option, the shut-
ter can be motor operated under computer remote control together with the power sup-
plies EVC 300 / EVC 300s / EVC 300i.
The evaporation cell is enclosed in a water-cooled copper cylinder (cooling shroud). This,
and the fact that just a restricted region of the evaporant is heated, facilitates to keep the
background pressure during evaporation below 10-10 mbar. But this also depends on the
target material and on the pumping speed of the vacuum system. Some evaporants and
crucibles contain huge amounts of gas that are deliberated on heating.

1.1. EFM 2
The single evaporator EFM 2 is the basic version of the standard evaporator EFM 3. The
EFM 3 features shutter and flux monitor can be upgraded (user and factory upgrade pos-
sible) at the EFM 2.

April 08
8 EFM-Manual

1.2. EFM 3/4

The single evaporator EFM 3 is the standard evaporator that can be used for small sam-
ples up to 15mm diameter. The EFM 4 features a larger outlet that allows the deposition
of larger samples of up to 60mm diameter, depending on the sample distance, while
maintaining all properties of the EFM family.

1.3. Triple evaporator EFM 3T

The triple evaporator EFM 3T features three completely separated evaporation cells on
one CF 35 flange each one similar to a single EFM 3. Each cell has an independent elec-
tron bombardment heater. It can be used for simultaneous or subsequent evaporation of
up to three different materials and is therefore ideally suited to grow binary and tertiary
compounds or multilayers.
The evaporation shows no material crosstalk between the three cells. Each cell has its
integral flux monitor so that the flux can be measured independently and pre-set before
opening the shutter. With the shutter mechanism each cell can be opened separately as
well as various combinations of the cells.

1.4. EFM 3s, evaporator with ION Suppressor

The evaporator EFM 3s is designed for ion free deposition. An additional lens suppresses
all ions in the material vapour. This enables the coating of delicate samples, where the ion
fraction of the metal vapour disturbs the proper growth of the thin layers.
This feature is also available with the EFM 3i.

1.5. IBAD evaporator EFM 3i

The evaporator EFM 3i is designed for Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD). It features
an optimized filament sample geometry, an ion-lens and an gas inlet for production of
additional ions.
The filament region of the evaporator is optimised for self-ion or noble-gas ion production.
The ions are created in a small region in front of the evaporant by the e-beam heating
and are extracted into the ion-lens.
The ion-lens is used to focus the ionised fraction of the metal vapour or additional ions
onto the sample. With the gas inlet production of additional ions of e.g. noble gases is
possible. The gas is guided directly toward the filament-evaporant region to minimize the
pressure rise for a given add-ion flux.
The IBAD mode of the evaporation is be used to enhance the layer by layer growth for
certain systems, both for homo- and heteroepitaxy. For details see the reference and lit-
erature cited therein.
The EFM 3i can also be used to suppress the ions by exchanging the flux monitor and the
ion lens; all ions are suppressed by a HV at the flux-monitor electrode and the ion-lens
electrode is used for measuring the ion flux. This enables the coating of delicate samples,
where the ion fraction of the metal vapour disturbs the proper growth of the thin layers.
The geometry of the EFM 3i is derived from the standard EFM 3 evaporator and features
all known properties: Easy and clean evaporation.

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 9

Further properties and test results of the EFM 3i prototype are described in:
“An evaporation source for ion beam assisted deposition in ultrahigh vacuum”,
J. Kirschner, H. Engelhard and D. Hartung,
Rev. Sci. Intrum., Vol. 73, No. 11, Nov. 2002.

April 08
10 EFM-Manual

1.6. Specifications

Specifications EFM

e-beam energy: about 0-1000 eV, (600-800 eV typically),

e-beam power Pmax= 300 W with EVC300 (Imax= 300 mA)

Filament current: typically 1.8 - 2.2 A, 2.5 A maximum

maximum bakeout temperature : 250°C

maximum crucible load: see list in the appendix E1

cooling water flow: > 0.5 l/min at T ≈ 30°C, max. pressure = 6 bar

temperature range with 300° up to 3300°C, depends on size of evaporant

rod evaporation: (heat loss)

temperature range with Ta-, Mo- or

W-crucible: 300° - 2000°C

temperature range with Knudsen cruci-

ble (stainless steel): 160°C - 800° C

rod diameter: 0.5 -6 mm, depending on maximum temperature to

be reached, standard Mo clamp accepts up to 1.5
mm diameter.

Specifications EFM 2/3/3s/4

beam spot diameter at the sample EFM 2/3/3s : 4 to 15 mm

EFM 4 : 6 to 40mm,
depending on distance and exit, see Fig. 1.1 and 1.2

beam divergence: EFM 2/3/3s : ± 2°, ± 2.2° or ± 2.4°, dependent on exit

tube mounted.
The EFM SKB contains three exchangeable exit
tubes of 4, 6 and 7.4 mm I.D.
EFM 4 : ± 2.2°, ± 3.6°, ± 5.1° or ± 6.9°, depending
on exit aperture.
The EFM SKB contains four exchangeable exit aper-
tures of 6, 10, 14 and 19 mm I.D..

flange to sample distance 220 - 270 mm (other length on request)

insertion depth 210mm (other length on request)

tip of evaporant to sample distance: 100-150 mm typically

end of EFM to sample distance: 10-60 mm

Weight of evaporator: 1.7 - 2.1 kg

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 11

Specifications EFM 3T

beam spot diameter at the sample 15mm with 5mm I.D. exit aperture
11mm with 4mm I.D. exit aperture
8.5mm with 3mm I.D. exit aperture, see Fig. 1.2

beam divergence: ± 2°, ± 2.2° or ± 2.4°, dependent on exit apertures

mounted. With the EFM 3T come three exchange-
able exit apertures of 3,4 and 5 mm I.D..

flange to sample distance: 10’’ = 254mm

distance from the end of EFM to the 94mm


selectable evaporation cells all combinations except simultaneous evaporation

out of cell 2 and cell 3 (see fig.2.7)

max. crucible diameter 8mm (see appendix E1)

Weight of evaporator: 2.9 kg

Specifications EFM 3i

beam spot diameter at the sample see EFM 3

beam divergence: see EFM 3

flange to sample distance see EFM 3

tip of evaporant to sample distance: see EFM 3

end of EFM to sample distance: see EFM 3

max. crucible diameter 8mm (see appendix E1)

Ion lens voltage 100 .. 1100V

Weight of evaporator: 2.4 kg

April 08
12 EFM-Manual

E F M 4 - s p o t p ro file
F la n g e -s a m p le d is ta n c e 3 0 0 m m
M o -c ru c ib le , 8 m m d ia m e te r
layer thickness [arb. units]

u s e a b le s p o t d ia m e te r 3 6 m m

p o s itio n [m m ]

EFM3 - spot profile

Flange-sample distance 300mm
Mo-crucible, 8mm diam eter
layer thickness [arb. units]

useable spot diameter 10mm

position [mm]

Fig.1.1: top: measured beam profile of the EFM 3

bottom: same for EFM 4
in both cases the largest aperture has been used.

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 13

Beam diameter (mm)



Nozzle-sample distance (mm)

Fig.1.2: Calculated beam diameter for EFM 3, EFM 4 and EFM 3T

(5, 4 and 3mm aperture)

April 08
14 EFM-Manual

1.7. Dimensions and Connections


Similar to the dimensions of the EFM 3, but without rotary and BNC feedthrough. The
evaporator outlet is a little bit smaller, but has the same length.

EFM 3/3s/4

Fig. 1.3: Outer dimensions and feedthroughs of the EFM 3/4 and EFM 3s. The HV-
feedthrough is mounted on a linear motion drive that moves only the evaporant. Its travel
is 25mm, 50mm optional. The EFM 3s has an additional ion lens (ION Suppressor), which
is connected to a SHV feedthrough.

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 15

Fig. 1.3: (continued) Outer dimensions of the EFM 3 /EFM 3s from the rear view and
the shutter dimensions for EFM 3 /EFM 3s. A tube of 40mm diameter is
needed to fully open the shutter.

April 08
16 EFM-Manual


Fig.: 1.4 a: Outer dimensions of EFM 3T

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 17

Fig. 1.4: Outer dimensions and feedthroughs of the EFM 3T. The lower drawing
shows the max. space needed for the shutter. If no simultaneous evapora-
tion is needed 25mm is sufficient (Shutter Position C in Fig. 2.7). All HV-
feedthroughs are mounted on linear motion drives that move only the
evaporant (25mm travel)

April 08
18 EFM-Manual

EFM 3i

Fig. 1.5 Outer dimensions and feedthroughs of the EFM 3i. The HV-feedthrough is
mounted on a linear motion drive that moves only the evaporant. Its travel
is 25mm, 50mm optional.

Version 3.9
1. Description and Specifications 19

Fig. 1.5: (continued) Outer dimensions of the EFM 3i shutter. A tube of 40mm di-
ameter is needed to fully open the shutter.

April 08
20 EFM-Manual

2. Installation

The important outer dimensions for installation of the EFM-evaporators are shown in fig.
For the EFM 2/3/3s/4/3i a chamber tube size with an inner diameter of at least 34 mm is
sufficient for pumping. The maximum tube length allowed is 180 mm (200mm for EFM 4),
otherwise the shutter cannot be fully opened.
The EFM 3T needs a tube of 35 mm diameter; the tube length should not exceed
145 mm, otherwise a tube diameter of 70mm is needed to fully open the shutter of 50mm
to open the individual cells (see. fig. 1.4).
For special length (optionally available) correct the dimensions for the insertion depth or-
For operation with a rod the EFM can be mounted in any orientation, although caution
should be applied when aiming downwards. At temperatures above the melting point the
evaporant may dislodge and fall out of the crucible used. When in operation with a cruci-
ble a minimum incline of 20° with respect to the horizontal (flange to sample) is recom-
mended. Many materials wet the crucible surface, in this case nearly horizontal mounting
is also possible. For changing the evaporant (rod or crucible) a free space of about
200 mm at the HV-feedthrough side of the EFM is required.
The best direction to evaporate is along the sample normal. Then the evaporated layer
will be most homogenous. At other angles the evaporant spot looks elliptical and the den-
sity of deposited atoms is different along the small and the long ellipsoidal axes.

If the sample itself can be adjusted a port aligner is not required. The optional port aligner
allows a tilt of ± 3°. If using a port aligner the inner diameter of the chamber tubing should
be larger than 35 mm and the tube length should be as short as possible, at best shorter
than 50 mm. Only then the full tilt of ± 3° can be used.
The glowing filament of the EFM makes a light spot at the sample (shutter opened). The
illuminated area is identical with the actual deposition area. A viewport looking towards
the sample helps to align its position.

First degassing of a new EFM:

A new EFM should be mounted first without a rod or with an empty crucible. After bakeout
(see sec. 4.1) first degas the EFM (see sec. 4.2) then degas the crucible (see sec. 4.3).

2.1 Water Cooling

The water hose (8 mm i.d.) is attached to the hose nipples (8 mm o.d.) and must be se-
cured by means of screw clamps. Quicklock water hose connectors are available optional.
Prevent forces pulling on this connection by employing the necessary carefulness. For
bake-out, the water hose has to be removed. The straight port should be used for inlet,
the radial port for outlet. A water flow rate of more than 0.5 l/min at a maximum tempera-
ture of 30 °C is recommended.

Version 3.9
2. Installation 21

Using liquid nitrogen as the cooling fluid is possible in principle, but usually not needed
due to the low background pressure during evaporation if the source is properly degassed
before operation.

2.2. Electrical Connections EFM 2/3/3s/4/3i

The cable connections consist of the four-pin feedthrough for the filament supply and
thermoelectric voltage (see fig. 2.4), and individual screened feedthroughs for the high
voltage (SHV – SHV coaxial cable) and the flux monitor (BNC cable, not needed for
EFM 2). An additional cable for device ground (green/yellow) is part of the cable harness.
This cable is necessary for safety reasons and must be installed between power supply
and instrument (stainless steel vessel).
The EFM 3s has an additional SHV-feedthrough for the Ion suppressor (SHV – SHV
coaxial cable). The EFM 3i has this additional SHV-feedthrough too for the lens voltage
(SHV – SHV coaxial cable). The flux monitor feedthrough of the EFM 3i is also a SHV-
feedthrough (BNC – SHV coaxial cable).


Fig. 2.4: Flange connector for thermocouple and filament from atmos-
pheric side:
A) Filament + B) Filament –
C)Thermocouple CuNi (neg.) D) Thermocouple NiCr (pos.)

Attention: The high voltage cable is attached to the SHV socket "HV" (at the rear of the
linear transfer). The flux monitor cable is attached to the lateral voltage feedthrough "FM"
(inclined stud with BNC connector).

Check the resistance between filament pins A and B at the 4 pin feedthrough. It should be
R < 1 Ω. None of these pins should have contact to ground.
The resistance R between pins D and C (thermoelement) and from each pin to ground
should be R < 2 Ω. Special length EFMs can have higher resistances.
For checking the short-circuit safety of the rod (or crucible) check the resistance between
HV and ground and HV and filament. It should be R > 2 MΩ. Connect HV-cable in the
non-evacuated state. For safety reasons the evaporator must be mounted at the vacuum
chamber. Switch on the electronics. Set the high voltage to approx. 400V. There should
be no spark-over noticeable.

2.3. Electrical Connections EFM 3T

The electrical connections consist of a sixpin feedthrough for the filament supply and the
thermoelectric voltage, a fourpin feedthrough for the three flux monitor currents and three
individually screened SHV-feedthroughs for the high voltages (see figs. 2.5 and 2.6). An
additional cable for device ground (green/yellow) is part of the cable harness. This cable
is necessary for safety reasons and must be installed between power supply and instru-
ment (stainless steel vessel).

April 08
22 EFM-Manual



Fig. 2.5 : Flange connector for Filament and Thermocouple from atmos-
pheric side:
F) Filament cell 1
A) Filament cell 2
B) Filament cell 3
C)Thermocouple CuNi (neg.)
D) Thermocouple NiCr (pos.)
E) Filament GND



Fig. 2.6 : Flange connector for Flux monitors from atmospheric side:
A) Flux monitor cell 1
B) Flux monitor cell 2
C) Flux monitor cell 3
D) not connected

Check the resistance between the filament pins F, A and B and pin E at the 6 pin
feedthrough. It should be R < 1 Ω. None of these pins should have contact to ground.

Thermocouple pins C and D to ground: R < 2 Ω.

Check that there is no contact between all flux monitor pins (4 pin feedthrough) and
To check short-circuit safety of the HV-feedthrough proceed as described in the last sec-
Note this new design of the filament contact since May 2004, older EFM 3T don’t use the
pin E (6 pin feedthrough). Instead the filament GND is connected to the evaporator cool-
ing shroud.
Old version of EFM 3T (grounded filament): up to and including SN 0110-2004, SN 0112-
2004 and all 4 digit SN up to SN 0310
New version of EFM 3T (isolated filament): SN 0111-2004, SN 0113-2004 ff.

Version 3.9
2. Installation 23

2.4. Shutter Positions EFM 3T

The triple evaporator EFM 3T has a multi-position shutter that is used to open the cells
selected. All combinations (except cell 2 and 3 together) can be chosen. Fig. 1.4 shows
the positions of the shutter. See the testsheet for the corresponding position at the rotary
feedthrough. The reading of the rotary feedthrough should be checked before installation.




Fig 2.7: Shutter positions EFM3T:

A: cells 1,2 and 3 B: cells 1 and 3 C: cell 3
D: all cells closed E: cell 1 F: cell 2
G: cells 1 and 2 H: shutter position for installation
(cell 2 and 3 together: not possible)

2.5. Gas inlet of EFM 3i

The EFM 3i is equipped with an additional port for gas inlet into the filament/sample re-
gion where additional ions are produced.
A leak valve can be mounted onto the CF 16 flange of the gas inlet. Do not remove the
CF 16 spacer, which supports the gas capillary. If the inlet is not used, it is not necessary
to separately pump the inlet line. Close the CF16 flange of the spacer with a blind flange.
That is also sufficient for UHV operation.

April 08
24 EFM-Manual

3. Mounting and changing the evaporant

3.1. Mounting the evaporant in EFM 2, EFM 3, EFM 3s, EFM 4 and
EFM 3i
For initial mounting and/or later changing of the evaporant the rear CF 16 flange (HV
feedthrough see fig. 1.3 and 1.5) is used. Loosen this flange and cautiously pull the sup-
port of the evaporant out of the furnace body. A Ø 2 mm molybdenum rod serves as a
mounting post.

Fitting a Rod Evaporant

The evaporant should be spot welded to the molybdenum post or the Mo-barrel connector
delivered with the EFM may be used to support the rod (see fig. 3.1). Always use ex-
tremely clean material.
Good dimensions for evaporation material are bars of 1.5-2.5 mm diameter. Optional Mo-
barrel connectors that support larger rods are available (see App. E). Two or three twisted
wires with a diameter of 1 mm or less are also possible. Only for materials with very high
evaporation temperatures smaller diameters can be used to reach the maximum tempera-
ture with lower heating powers.
With "soft" materials such as gold, good results can be obtained if the rod evaporant is
mechanically supported by an appropriate spiral of a non-alloying metal. For gold wire of
1 mm dia. a supporting tungsten spiral (made e.g. from 0.25 mm wire) can be used. For
easier handling use a tungsten crucible.
The total length of the evaporant must not exceed 50 mm (see fig. 3.1), or there would be
a danger of short-circuiting the tip of the rod to the housing. A typical length of evaporant
(to be on the safe side) would be 45mm. The tip of the evaporant should not intersect the
plane defined by the filament wire.
Centre the rod before inserting into the evaporator
For inserting the evaporant set the linear feedthrough to maximum length (fully counter-
clockwise), otherwise the filament wire may be destroyed whilst inserting. Carefully feed
the slide bearing through the centre of the rear opening into the copper cooling body. The
evaporant bar must not be bent.

Check the concentric position of the rod through the beam outlet (with the shutter
being open and a suitable illumination) and correct when necessary.
We recommend a careful ex-vacuum alignment of the evaporant to the centre (with about
± 1 mm accuracy). Note that the HV-flange and the end-flange of the linear motion
feedthrough both carry a mark for reproducible positioning.
Tighten the mini flange. Check that there is no short circuiting of the evaporant to the
filament or to the cooling shroud using an ohmmeter. Resistance between HV and ground
should be > 2 MΩ.

Version 3.9
3. Mounting and changing the evaporant 25

Evaporant (rod)
Cooling shroud Thermocouple
Flux monitor Slide bearing

Barrel connector

max. 50mm

Fig 3.1: Fitting a rod: We recommend to spot weld the evaporant to the
mounting post as it guarantees cleanliness. Where this is not
applicable use the Mo made barrel connectors (shown here).

Mounting a crucible

Available crucibles are made of tungsten, molybdenum, graphite, tantalum, Al2O3, pyro-
lytic boron nitride (pBN), zirconium oxide (ZrO2), beryllium oxide (BeO), or stainless steel
with nozzle. For sizes of the crucibles see section E.1. The EFM 3i is restricted to cruci-
bles with a maximum outer diameter of 8 mm A crucible is mounted using a molybdenum
barrel connector as shown in Fig. 3.2. Check the length of the crucible (40 mm). Note that
the HV-flange and the end-flange of the linear motion feedthrough both carry a mark for
reproducible positioning.

Check the concentric position through the beam outlet (with the shutter being open
and a suitable illumination) and correct when necessary.
We recommend a careful ex-vacuum alignment of the crucible to the centre (with about ±
1 mm accuracy). Note that the HV-flange and the end-flange of the linear motion
feedthrough both carry a mark for reproducible positioning.
The crucible can be refilled through the mini CF flange "HV" at the rear end. A new cruci-
ble should thoroughly be degassed (see 4.1 and 4.2) prior to initial loading with evaporant

Crucible (S and L)
Filament Cooling shroud Thermocouple
Flux monitor Slide bearing

Barrel connector

Fig 3.2: Mounting a crucible in an EFM Single evaporator

April 08
26 EFM-Manual

3.2. Mounting the evaporant in EFM 3T

For initial mounting and/or later changing of the evaporants the three rear mini CF flanges
(HV-feedthrough shown in Fig. 2.3) are used. Loosen one of these flanges and cautiously
pull the support of the evaporant out of the furnace body. The evaporant, either a rod or a
crucible, is held by a molybdenum barrel connector that also serves as the slide bearing.

Fitting a Rod Evaporant

The evaporant can be spot-weld to the 1.5 diameter molybdenum rod that is delivered
with the evaporator or alternatively can directly be inserted into the Mo barrel connector.
For the EFM 3T only the standard Mo barrel connector is available.
For mounting the rod into the evaporator proceed as described in sec. 3.1. referring to
fig. 3.3.
Slide bearing ceramics
Filament Evaporant (rod) Barrel connector

Flux Monitor max. 50

Cooling Shroud

Fig 3.3: Fitting a rod in EFM 3T: in this picture the evaporant is directly
inserted in the barrel connector.

Mounting a crucible

All available crucibles are listed in section F.1. All crucibles with a maximum outer diame-
ter of 8 mm can be used with the EFM 3T. A crucible is mounted on a 1.5mm dia. molyb-
denum post which is directly inserted into the Mo-clamp that also serves as a slide bear-
ing (Fig. 3.4).
For mounting of the crucible into the evaporator proceed as described in sec. 3.1. refer-
ring to fig. 3.4.

Version 3.9
3. Mounting and changing the evaporant 27

Slide bearing ceramics

Cucible (M)
Filament Barrel connector

Flux Monitor
max. 20mm
Cooling Shroud

∼ 40mm

Fig 3.4: Mounting a crucible in EFM 3T

3.3. Position of evaporant for IBAD

For ion beam assisted deposition with the EFM 3i the position of the rod or crucible is
more important than for normal operation. This is both true for the axial alignment and the
position of the linear motion. The axial alignment must be optimised before mounting the
evaporator as described before. The position of the linear motion can be set during
The filament-evaporant space is optimised for effective ion production for the ion extrac-
tion and transport to the sample. The evaporant/filament structure then acts like a “satu-
rated diode”. The properties depend crucially on the correct position of the evaporant.
The positioning of the evaporant is described in ref. [7]. Proceed as follows:

• Move the evaporant forward. The top of the evaporant should be beyond the fila-
ment plane.

• Apply a HV of 600-800V; start to heat the evaporant with filament current regula-
tion. Wait until a constant emission current stabilizes (e.g. 5-10mA).

• Retract the evaporant using the linear motion until the emission current has
dropped to 75% - 80% of the initial value.
For rod evaporation the linear motion must be used to compensate for the shorten-
ing of the rod during evaporation!

This procedure also gives a good evaporant position for normal evaporation!

April 08
28 EFM-Manual

4. Operation
A thorough bake-out and degas of both the evaporator and the evaporant (respectively
the crucible) is required to obtain a good background pressure and clean evaporation.

4.1. Bakeout
The EFM evaporators are fully bakeable to 250° C. Remove all cabling and the water
hoses for bake-out. Before bake-out the cooling water should be blown out of the evapo-

4.2. Degassing the evaporator

Degassing is recommended both after bake-out of the UHV system and especially after
changing the evaporant. During degassing the pressure should not exceed 5x10-6 mbar.
During degassing the water cooling must not be used otherwise the temperature of the
cooling shroud can not exceed 100° C. Before degassing the cooling water should be
blown out of the evaporator.
The temperature of the instrument should be checked with the built-in thermocouple,
which is in contact with the outer side of the copper cooling shroud (see fig 3.1). It must
not be higher than 300° C. When using an EVC 100/300 power supply, the temperature is
displayed at the power supply, the EVC 100L power supply indicates only the temperature
below or above the preset overtemperature of 300° C (see corresponding manuals). The
accuracy of the temperature measurement is only ±10°C (due to contact potentials), as it
is a monitor for degassing only.
It is recommended to open the shutter during degassing. If necessary, the shutter may
also remain closed, e.g. if the sample cannot be removed from the outlet. The cell is then
degassed through the rear ventilation boreholes.
For degassing use the following procedures. The first version is not available with the
EVC 100L power supply:
Degas with filament heating (EVC 100/300)

• Set the high voltage to zero. Otherwise the e-beam voltage would heat the evaporant.

• Slowly increase the filament current up to about 2 A. Take care that the filament pro-
tection is set to 2.5 A at the power supply EVC 300/300s/100/100s.

• The copper cooling shroud gradually heats. It will take 1 to 2 hours until a temperature
of 200 to 300° C is reached.
Note that due to the smaller filament and larger mass the EFM 3T will heat up slower if a
single filament is used. It is recommended to degas all cells to be used. All three filaments
can be used simultaneously if the power supplies are available.
Degas with evaporant heating (EVC 100L, EVC 100/300)

• Turn the high voltage to about 200V.

• Gradually increase the current until emission starts (typically at 1.8 A filament
currrent). Set to an emission current of about 5 mA (1 W heating power).

Version 3.9
4. Operation 29

• If no emission can be obtained with the standard filament currents, cautiously move
the crucible, rod with the linear motion towards the filament. Take care not to touch
the filament with the crucible, because of the danger of destroying the filament.

• The temperature of the cooling shroud will rise faster during degassing than without a

• Degas the evaporator until the desired shroud temperature is reached. The overheat
protection of the EVCs will switch of the heating power, when exceeding the overtemp
temperature (preset 300°C for all EVC)
If a low temperture melting target is used, this degas procedure cannot be used. If neces-
sary, degas the evaporator with an empty molybenum crucible before installing the target
This procedure can also combine the degas of an empty crucible and the evaporator.
First degas the evaporator without cooling, then degas the crucible with water cooling (
see sec. 4.3.

4.3. Degassing a crucible

New crucibles should generally be degassed without filling, prior to the evaporation ex-
periment. Especially during initial bakeout of a new crucible, very high impurity fluxes may
occur. For degassing a crucible proceed as follows:

• Degas the evaporator (see sec. 4.2)

• Turn on the cooling water.

• Start heating the crucible as described in sec. 4.5 with a low heating power of about 5
to 10 W (2 to 5 W for small crucibles).

• Watch the pressure in the main chamber, in order to prevent internal HV break
through. The pressure should not exceed 5⋅10-6 mbar during degassing.

• Watch the Flux monitor reading, if available! A decreasing flux vs. time
characteristics indicates that impurities are degassing, whereas a constant or
increasing flux shows that bulk material is evaporating.

• Slowly increase the heating power. Take care not to exceed the maximum allowed
temperature. The crucibles may not be degassed with the maximum allowed tempera-
ture if the evaporation temperature needed is quite low.

Above the limiting temperature (cf. table E1) the crucible

material will start to evaporate or to chemically decompose

The different crucibles can be degassed with different maximum heating powers due to
their maximum allowed temperature and size (compare with Fig. 5.1 and table E1).
For standard size W, Mo and Ta crucibles you may apply up to 150 Watts heating power,
where Mo itself will start to evaporate weakly from the crucible. For small size crucibles
use only 40 Watts for degassing. If the purity of the crucible material is insufficient it may
need cleaning procedures as referred to in sec 4.4.

April 08
30 EFM-Manual

For PBN and the oxide crucibles only considerably lower heating powers may be applied,
depending on the size of the crucibles. E.g. for a medium size crucible a degassing power
of less than 30 W is recommended.

4.4. Degassing the evaporant

The procedure for degassing the evaporant is the same as for evaporation (see Sec. 5).
For degassing the evaporant it is recommended to begin with the linear motion set to its
maximum length. Continuous water cooling is required during operation. The pressure
should not exceed 10-6 mbar.
It is recommended for the first degas of a new evaporant to let the the shutter open (al-
though it works with the shutter closed, too).
Start heating the evaporant until a small flux is obtained (typically some nA for rod evapo-
ration or some 10 nA for crucible evaporation). Gradually increase the heating power to
obtain the evaporation temperature needed; whilst doing this maintain observation of the
pressure rise in the vacuum chamber and control the flux monitor.

Note: Gas or contaminations desorbing from the evaporant and the inner
walls of the cooling shroud are indicated by the flux monitor. Such
impurities show a decreasing flux vs. time, whereas the evaporant
material yields a stable or increasing flux. This initial degassing can
take several hours. Generally the cleanness of evaporants will im-
prove even after several days of operation

If the purity of your evaporant material ("as bought") is insufficient, it may be worthwhile to
apply a combination of thermal and chemical cleaning procedure. Refer, e.g.,. to :
R.G. Musket et al., "Preparation of Atomically Clean Surfaces of Selected Ele-
ments: A Review", Appl. Surf. Sci. 10 (1982) 143-207.
Although these procedures are applied to surfaces, many of them, such as heating in
oxygen in order to remove carbon impurities, will also work well for the depletion of bulk

4.5. Evaporation
After sufficient degassing start with evaporation:

• Turn on the water cooling.

• Set the HV to about 600V to 800V and the filament current to about 1.5 A

• Slowly increase the filament current until emission starts and the flux monitor indicates
an ion flux (positive polarity) in the 1 nA range.

• If no emission can be obtained it may be necessary to correct the evaporant position.

If the sample is retracted too far, the space charge of electrons is not extracted from
the filament and no emission current is shown (Note that the “emission-current” is the
HV-current). Cautiously move the crucible or rod with the linear motion towards the
filament. Take care not to touch the filament with the evaporant, because of the dan-
ger of destroying the filament. The position of a crucible needs not to be varied after
that procedure whereas a rod shortens with evaporation and needs to be repositioned
(see below).
Version 3.9
4. Operation 31

• Slowly increase the heating power to obtain the flux needed. Wait always until the flux
monitor reading stabilises. In case of a sudden increase of the flux monitor current
immediately reduce the emission current.

• Especially when using crucibles the warming up time makes the reaction time slow.
Take your time to find the correct settings for a new material!
The ion current is proportional to the evaporation rate and the emission current. At a
given HV and sample position this current is directly proportional to the flux of evaporated
The operational conditions depend strongly on the evaporated material and on the choice
of rod or crucible evaporation. Typical operational parameters are given in Appendix A. A
typical value for the evaporation rate is about one monolayer per minute.
For crucible operation Fig. 4.1 shows typical temperatures reached with given heating
powers. Together with the parameters given in App. A the needed heating power can be
For low-temperature materials such as C60 or organic materials a small high voltage of
only 100V or a few 100V may be appropriate. It may be necessary to increase the high
voltage to 900V or 1000V for high-temperature materials such as tungsten or generally
for rod-evaporation due to electronoptical properties of this geometry. Owing to space
charge effects there will be a drastic increase in the emission current with the same fila-
ment current and thus in the heating power that can be obtained.
With small evaporation rates of about hundred Å per day one filling may last for months.
Of course, rod-evaporation (diffuse in all directions) is less effective than crucible-
evaporation (more directional) and also the evaporant volume of a rod is comparably
small. However, since there is no crucible involved, the cleanness of rod-evaporation is
generally higher if one uses very clean material. In certain cases (e.g. Fe) crucible evapo-
ration can be cleaner, because it is possible to clean the evaporant by melting it entirely.

High voltage 600V

800V small

Crucible temperature (°C)


Heating power (W)

April 08
32 EFM-Manual

Fig. 4.1: Measured crucible temperatures of different crucible sizes with

three different e-beam energies. For this measurement Mo-
crucibles were used.
During the initial heating nearly all rods will melt at the tip thereby forming a ball of typi-
cally 2-3 mm dia. held by surface tension. Thus, a repositioning of the evaporant rod may
be necessary immediately after the initial heating (melting of the tip) and subsequently
after evaporation of typically several thousand Å. With extended use of a bar or rod
evaporant, it will gradually shorten in length. This is recognisable by the fact that with a
given emission current the high voltage has to be increased in order to obtain the same
flux. In this case move the evaporant forward using the linear motion and control the pa-
rameters after each rotation of the actuator. This may be done keeping the evaporator
running with the shutter closed for on-line control.

4.6. Evaporation with active flux regulation

This option is available for the power supply EVC 300/EVC 300s/EVC 300i.
Due to thermal drifts of the evaporator the flux of evaporant material will generally also
show temporal variations. The Autoflux option eliminates such drift effects because the
flux is actively regulated by means of a feedback loop between the flux monitor and the
high voltage of the electron beam heater.
For operating the flux regulation proceed as follows:
1. Start the evaporation as described above. Wait until the desired value of flux current is
obtained approximately. It is advantageous to start with a high voltage of about 600 -
800 Volts that the possible variation of the high voltage is large enough.
2. Press the AUTO-button. The presently flux is kept constant by means of altering the
heating power via the high voltage.
For details see the corresponding manual of the power supply EVC 300x.
NOTE: For low-temperature evaporation in the few-hundred-°C-range a lower voltage can
be appropriate. In any case, take care that the high voltage stays away from its upper
limiting value of 1000V.
The Autoflux option may not work as described with ion beam assisted deposition. The
focussing condition of the ions onto the sample and also the collected ion current at the
flux monitor changes if the high voltage applied to the target changes, because then the
mean ion energy changes as well. A reproducible flux regulation may then not be possi-

4.7. Ion beam assisted deposition with EFM 3i

There are two different modes for ion beam assisted deposition using

• self ions that are created from the metal vapour itself

• add-ions of the additional gas, e.g. noble gas atoms, that are provided by the gas
inlet flange with a leak valve.
The ions are then focussed onto the sample using the ion lens; the flux monitor measures
the remaining fraction of the . Proceed as follows:

• Connect the ion lens (SHV-feedthrough Lens) to the lens voltage at the EVC300i

Version 3.9
4. Operation 33

• Connect the flux monitor (SHV-feedthrough FM) to Flux IN at the EVC300i.

• Start with evaporation as described. Allow additional gas for ion production as

• Set the lens voltage to 75%-80% of the high voltage applied to the evaporant to
maximize the ion current reaching the sample. Watch the sample current.

Pulsed ion beam

A pulsed ion beam can be obtained by switching the lens voltage from it optimum focus-
sing condition (75-80%) to its minimal value (ca. 10V). Then the ion beam is not focused
and only a very small fraction of the initial ion flux reaches the sample.

4.8. Suppression of ions during evaporation with EFM 3s

The ion suppressor lens (EFM 3s) can be used to prevent all “self ions” created in the
evaporation region from reaching the sample. For this operation mode switch on the ion
suppressor (“SUPR ON” with EVC 300s). A voltage of about 1200 V is applied to the sup-
pressor electrode to prevent all ions passing the flux monitor.

Attention: The ion flux may differ from the value measured with
“SUPR OFF”, because of the deflected ions.

4.9. Suppression of ions with EFM 3i

The ion lens (EFM 3i) can also be used as ion suppressor to prevent all “self ions” created
in the evaporation region. For this operation mode the ion lens and the flux monitor elec-
trodes use are interchanged. A voltage of about 110% of the e-beam voltage is applied to
the flux monitor electrode to prevent all ions leaving the flux monitor. The ion flux is meas-
ured at the lens electrode.
Proceed as follows:

• Connect the ion lens electrode (SHV-feedthrough Lens) to Flux In at the EVC 300i

• Connect the flux monitor electrode (SHV-feedthrough FM) to Lens at the

EVC 300i.

• Set the lens voltage to about 110% of the heating voltage.

• Start evaporation; all ions are suppressed (no sample current measurable).

Attention: The ion flux may differ from the value measured with
“SUPR OFF”, because of the deflected ions.

April 08
34 EFM-Manual

5. Maintenance
In all cases the power supply must be switched off and disconnected from the evaporator.
The evaporator is removed from the chamber.

5.1. Cleaning
When evaporating only small amounts of material (e.g. from monolayer production), no
cleaning of the cooling shroud or shutter is required on changing the evaporant. The cool-
ing facility keeps contamination negligible.
There is very little maintenance necessary on the EFM evaporator. However it may be
occasionally necessary to change a broken filament or inspect and replace a ceramic
insulator which has become coated with conducting material. Also, after prolonged use all
inner parts including the flux monitor at the front of the oven may become covered with
material, such that mechanical cleaning becomes necessary (small metal brush or sand-
paper recommended). After evaporation of large amounts of material the inner region of
the copper cooling shroud should be cleaned after removal of the top flange (procedure
see 5.2) using a small brush or similar device. Especially, thin sheets of loose evaporant
must be carefully removed from the inner region.

EFM 2/3/3s/4/3i/3T
The ceramic insulators of the slide bearing need inspection (see fig. 3.1) if a resistance of
<1MΩ is measured between the HV-feedthrough and ground.
Every filament is isolated from ground potential by two small ceramics which may also be
contaminated by the evaporant. This can gradually lead to leakage currents. If no suffi-
cient emission current can be reached, the filament need to be replaced.

5.2. Filament Exchange

An excessive heating current, strong mechanical strain (shock, impact) or normal wear
after long-time usage may destroy the filament. For replacement either a new filament
with holder may be obtained from the manufacturer or the repair/replacement may be
done on-site with a precision spot welder by spot welding a new filament. The filament
wire is W99/Th1, ∅ 0.125 mm. It can be ordered e.g. at Goodfellow Ltd. (Cambridge),
Part Number W 145300. In the following, the procedure for both is given.

Version 3.9
5. Maintenance 35

Changing the filament of EFM 2/3/3s/4:

Demounting the filament holder:

1. Loosen the two collets which connect the current leads to the ceramic feedthroughs of
the filament holder at the front of the cooling body (Allen wrench 1.5 mm).
2. Loosen the 8 M3 bolts of the front copper flange on the cooling body. Note that the
front copper flange can be tight after extended use. It may be necessary to use a
small screw driver or a razor blade to loosen it. Move the shutter and both current
leads with their holding plates some mm away from the front flange. The flux monitor
(stainless steel cylinder at the front of the furnace) may remain screwed to the copper
flange. Its flexible cable connection can also stay attached.
3. Cautiously remove the copper flange from the furnace body until free access is gained
to the filament. Avoid strong forces being applied to the flexible cable connection.
4. Loosen the filament plate from the copper flange by loosening the M2 holding screw.
5. This applies only for the case of do-it-yourself repair of the filament:
Spot weld a spiral filament (tungsten of 0.125 mm thickness, length = 50-55 mm,
preferably thoriated wire) to the holding bars of the filament holder. The tungsten wire
must be bent into a spiral of 12-14 mm diameter with a pitch of about 5 mm. Keep to
the drawing of fig. 5.1.
The filament posts are made of molybdenum. For spot-welding a piece of tantalum
ribbon/thickness about 0.1 mm should be positioned between the filament wire and
the post.

side view top view

Fig 5.1: Schematic diagram of filament plate, showing position of fila-
ment. The filament loop should be concentric to the central
bore of the support element. Spare part "EFM Fil" consists of
insulated filament posts, filament base plate and spot welded
tungsten filament.

Remounting a new or repaired filament :

6. Cautiously replace the new or repaired filament in its mounting on the copper flange.
In doing so, touching the filament must be avoided because of the danger of weaken-
ing the spot weld connections. Screw the filament holder by means of the M2 screw
from the outside of the flange, however, do not tighten it yet.

April 08
36 EFM-Manual

7. Check the filament mounting according to fig. 5.1.

8. Return the copper flange onto the cooling body, avoiding damaging the filament. Fix
the copper flange, the cable holding plates and the shutter bearing plate by means of
the M3 screws.
9. Then tighten the M2 holding screw of the filament holder. Fix the connection wires by
means of the collets. Hold the collets while fastening the M2 screws so as not to break
the fragile ceramics of the filament holder. Check for possible short-circuits from fila-
ment to ground using an ohmmeter.
A new filament should be "tuned" in vacuum by gradually increasing the current from 1 A
upwards (up to its operating current) over a period of about 10 min.

Changing the filament of EFM 3T:

1. Loosen the six collets which connect the current leads to the ceramic feedthroughs of
the filament holders at the front of the cooling body (allen wrench 0.8 mm).
2. Remove the shutter bearing at the top of the flux-monitor (M2 screws).
3. Unplug the flux monitor cables at the feedthrough.
4. Loosen the M3 bolts of the front copper flange on the cooling body. Note that the front
copper flange can be tight after extended use. It may be necessary to use a small
screw driver or a razor blade to loosen it.
5. Move the shutter and the filament current leads with their holding plates some mm
away from the front flange. Take care not to brake the ceramics with the filament cur-
rent leads.
6. Remove the two screws on the lower side of the copper cooling shroud. Lift the cop-
per flange fluxmonitor assembly with the flux monitor cabeling. The filament plates
are now assessable.
7. Remove the fixing screw of the filament plate, which needs inspection. Take care not
to brake a still intact filament.
8. This applies only for the case of do-it-yourself repair of the filament:
Spot weld a spiral filament (thoriated tungsten of 0.125 mm thickness, see above,
length = ca. 45 mm) to the holding bars of the filament holder. The tungsten wire must
be bent into a spiral of 8-10 mm diameter with a pitch of about 4 mm. Keep to the
drawing of fig. 5.2. The insulated filament posts are made of molybdenum. For spot-
welding a piece of tantalum ribbon (thickness about 0.1 mm) should be positioned be-
tween the filament wire and the post (alternatively use the old cleaned Ta-ribbon) .
9. Check that all filaments make no short to the main cooling body. To do this, set the
filaments to their original positions on the cooling body and make a visual inspection
(use appropriate illumination) that the filament wires do not touch the cooling shroud
from inside. Check the resistance between filament and ground.
10. Cautiously replace the new or repaired filaments in their mounts on the copper flange.
In doing so, touching the filament must be avoided because of the danger of weaken-
ing the spot weld connections. Refit the fixing screw of the filament plate. Carefully
replace the copper flange onto the cooling body.

Version 3.9
5. Maintenance 37

11. Fix the copper flange the cable holding plates and the shutter bearing plate by means
of the M3 screws. Fix the current leads by means of the collets. Hold the collets while
fastening the M2 screws so as not to break the fragile ceramics of the filament holder.
A new filament should be "tuned" in vacuum by gradually increasing the current from 1 A
upwards (up to its operating current) over a period of about 10 min.

side view top view

Fig. 5.2.: Schematic drawing of the filament of EFM 3T showing the position
of the tungsten filament relative to the base plate.

Before May 2004, the filaments have one insulated filament post. The second filament
lead is directly connected to ground. Evaporators delivered later have both filament posts
insulated (see chapter 2.3).

Changing the filament of EFM 3i:

Demouting the filament holder:

1. Unplug the two filament leads (see fig 5.3)
2. Loosen and remove the 6 M3 bolts at the flux monitor assembly. Cautiously re-
move the flux monitor assembly while bending the flexible cable connection to-
wards the side. Take care not to break the ceramic leads of the flux monitor and
lens connections.
3. Loosen and remove the 2 M3 countersunk bolts that fix the copper flange. Re-
move the copper flange to get access to the filament holder and base.
4. Pull out the filament holder off the copper shroud.
5. Loosen the filament plate holder from the copper filament holder by loosening the
M2 holding screw.
6. For filament repair see above.
7. Fix the removed parts in reverse order.

April 08
38 EFM-Manual

Fig. 5.3: Filament exchange at EFM 3i

5.3. Replacing the Evaporant Holder Ceramics

EFM 2/3/3s/4/3i
After prolonged use of the evaporator the insulating ceramic (see Fig. 3.1) between the
HV evaporant holder and the isolated tube which surrounds it may become coated. This
may result HV leak currents or finally in a high voltage breakdown. Replacement ceramics
should be fitted then.

After prolonged use of the evaporator the insulating ceramic tube between the molybde-
num barrel connector and the cooling shroud can be coated (slide bearing ceramics in
Fig. 3.3). To remove this ceramics carefully loosen the headless M2 screw in the cooling
shroud and remove the ceramics. The ceramics can be cleaned with acid or by heating it.
Alternatively a replacement ceramics can be obtained by the manufacturer.

Version 3.9
6. Fault diagnostics 39

6. Fault diagnostics

No filament current:
• Cables disconnected
• Filament broken. Filament check is made in the startup-procedure of the EVC-power

No emission current (i.e. no HV-current)

• No filament current or filament current too small, typical values where emission starts
are 1.8A for EFM 2/3/3s/3i/4 and 2A for EFM3T. Note that new filaments will emit at
higher filament currents.
• HV not connected, electrons are not accelerated onto evaporant.
• Evaporant retracted too far inside EFM.

No high voltage
• There may be a short circuit of evaporant rod to ground or to filament. Check with
ohmmeter at high voltage socket. If there is a short check concentricity of evaporant
and its correct length according to sec. 3.1 and 3.2 (maybe it has been moved too far
forward). Before switching on again disconnect the cable from EFM and rise the high
voltage to 1 kV to see whether the electronics alone is all right; refer to the corre-
sponding manuals.

Lethal high voltage is present at the power supplies

EVC 100, EVC 100s, EVC 300, EVC 300s and EVC 300i !

No Flux Monitor current

• Short-circuit of ion collector, check that the resistance from BNC socket ("FM" in Fig.
2.2) to ground is larger than 2MΩ. Eventually clean inside of flux collector on outlet of
• Temperature too low for evaporation

Wrong temperature display

• Check the thermovoltage directly between the pins of the electrical feedthrough at the
evaporator (See Fig.2.4 and 2.5). Appendix B gives a conversion table to tempera-
tures. Refer to the manual of the power supply used.
• Check that the pins for the thermovoltage have contact to ground.

Flux negative with old power supply

(EVC 100 SN 86 00 01 001 xxxx, EVC 300 SN 86 00 02 001 xxxx)
• This always occurs during heating up before true evaporation starts and an ion current
can be measured.
• HV not connected, evaporant does not heat up.
• Filament emits electrons directly into the fluxmonitor tube. Check by looking into the
fluxmonitor tube. Correct position of filament or replace filament (cf. 5.2).

April 08
40 EFM-Manual

Flux negative with new power supply

(EVC 300i SN 86 80 00 035 xxxx, EVC 300 SN 86 80 00 036 xxxx, EVC 300s SN 86 80
00 048 xxxx, EVC 100 SN 86 80 00 037 xxxx)
• Shortcut between filament and ground. The power supply uses a filament offset volt-
age of 5 V, which prevents the negativ flux. A shortcut leads to a vanishing offset. The
power supply is not in danger.

Version 3.9
Appendix 41


A. Background for Material Selection and Evaporation Parame-

The EFM is a UHV evaporator and once degassed it will operate in the 10-10 mbar pres-
sure range with all but the most refractory evaporants. The pressure in the atom beam of
evaporant is of course much higher than this.
The rate of evaporation is a function of vapour pressure, tables of which as a function of
temperature can be found in a number of vacuum handbooks etc. The vapour pressure
typically required for deposition rates of monolayers per minute (the rates this evaporator
is intended for) are between 10-2 and 10-4 mbar. At higher pressures the source is likely to
arc-over. Another limit to the pressure is, of course, the melting point. Evaporant wires
melt and can form a small blob on the end of the wire if the surface tension is sufficient.
At temperatures below 800°C the evaporation from bars may not work very well.
Some materials may react with the thoriated tungsten filament.

Deposition Rates and Choice of Evaporation Source: Crucible or Rod?

The equation governing evaporation fluxes from effusive low pressure sources is:

21 p ⋅ r2
Deposition rate [atoms/(cm2 s)] ≈ 8 ⋅ 10 .
L2 M ⋅ T
As this formula does not contain a sticking coefficient it is an arrival rate.
r: radius of evaporant bar or rod (typically 1 mm)
L: distance from tip of evaporant to substrate (typically 110-150mm);
That corresponds to a distance of 10 - 50mm from the end of EFM to the sample.
M: molecular weight of evaporant (g)
T: temperature of evaporant (K)
p: vapour pressure (mbar) - which is a function of temperature for a given material.
Consult appropriate tables.
The leading term in this formula is the partial presser of the material, because it can cover
several orders of magnitude within the possible temperature range. Rod evaporation
should be possible if a high enough pressure can be reached at the melting point or at
lower temperatures. If the evaporant has to be molten to reach the deposition rates
needed a crucible should be used.
The choice of evaporation rate depends upon the experimental conditions, such as back-
ground pressure, and experimental requirements of purity and duration of the experiment.
In general evaporation from bars is preferred, as heating of a crucible will deliberate gas
from it. Also the heat loss due to the increased surface is higher. For the selection of cru-
cible materials the table from the Balzers AG is very helpful (see the chapter on literature)
The basic equation from which the above has been derived, can be found in:
L. Holland, W. Steckelmacher, J. Yarwood: Vacuum Manual, London 1974

April 08
42 EFM-Manual

Fig. A1 illustrates this formula for parameters typical for EFM as discussed in the exam-
ples below. These are theoretical results giving a good starting point for planning an ex-

Example 1: Can aluminium give good evaporation rates in the EFM ?

First we estimate the flux at the melting point (highest temperature that a bar mounting
can work at). For aluminium the parameters are: Tm = 933 K, P = 5*10-6 mbar, M = 27 g,
r = 1 mm, L = 125 mm. To calculate the flux in terms of monolayers per second, we as-
sume 10 atoms per square centimetre and per layer and get a deposition rate of ¸ 2·10-5
monolayers per second. This is a very slow almost unusable evaporation rate.
Because other values of r and L give also low evaporation rates, molten aluminium has to
be used (i.e. aluminium above its melting point). At a temperature of e.g. T= 1450 K and a
partial pressure of p = 5·10 mbar (and r = 1 mm, L = 125 mm) a flux of 0.1 monolayers
per second is estimated. This is a useful evaporation rate and shows that for certain ex-
periments this evaporator can be used for aluminium. As molten aluminium is very reac-
tive, boron nitride crucibles are recommended. Heating the aluminium in a crucible must
be done very slowly and carefully because it tends to give gas burst (due to its oxide
coat). The aluminium must not cover the Mo-liner of the crucible because then it alloys
and the purity of evaporation is degraded.

Example 2: Platinum
1) The evaporation rate (or better say arrival rate at the sample) R at the melting point of
Pt (1770°C) is quite small. The calculation gives 0.1 monolayers per minute. The experi-
ment shows that the actual rate is a little bit higher: up to 0.5 ML/minute.
If in the actual experiment this small evaporation rate is sufficient, we strongly recom-
mend evaporation from a bar as this is the most clean evaporation method.
In case a higher evaporation rate is needed the following two methods are applicable:
2) A piece of Pt-wire (some centimetres in length and some tenth of a millimetre diame-
ter) is wound around the end of a straight carbon rod of about 1 to 2 mm diameter, and 4
cm length. On heating the rod by electron bombardment, the Pt will melt and form a little
droplet at the end of the bar. As it is only a small amount of material it will not drop off.
Because of the surface tension it can be heated above the melting temperature of Pt. To
be sure the molten Pt accumulates at the tip of the bar the EFM should point downward.
3) If it is necessary to have high evaporation rates and the EFM should point upwards, a
carbon crucible should be selected.

Any additional material that is heated during the evaporation, will degas itself and degrade the cleanliness of
evaporation. This is especially the case with carbon. So it is best to avoid this situation. If it cannot be avoided
take the minimum amount of carbon that is possible, so a rod is preferred compared to a graphite crucible.

Version 3.9
Appendix 43

Fig.A1: Calculated Deposition Rates

April 08
44 EFM-Manual

Material overview

Brief overview about material deposition techniques

Evaporation Techniques
Vapour press./torr
Melting temp./°C

Density g/cm

ration possi-
Rod evapo-


-8 -6 -4


10E 10E 10E Comments

ble **
Wets crucibles. Fill crucible to max. 10% to
Aluminum Al 660 2.70 677 821 1010 Ex PBN N
avoid creeping

Aluminum Sapphire excellent in E-beam; forms smooth,

Al2O3 2072 3.97 - - 1550 Ex - Y
Oxide hard films.

< 10E-6
Barium Ba 725 3.51 545 627 735 F Metals Wets without alloying, reacts with ceramics.

< 10E-2 Wets W/Mo/Ta. Powder and oxides toxic.

Beryllium Be 1278 1.85 710 878 1000 Ex BeO, C
torr Evaporates easily.

Bismuth Bi 271 9.80 330 410 520 Ex Al2O3 N Toxic vapor. Resistivity high.

Explodes with rapid cooling. Forms carbides

Boron B 2300 2.34 1278 1548 1797 Ex - Y

Boron Car-
B4 C 2350 2.52 2500 2580 2650 Ex C N

Bad for vacuum systems. Low sticking coeffi-

Cadmium Cd 321 8.64 64 120 180 P Al2O3 N

C ~3652 1.8-2.1 1657 1867 2137 Ex - Y E-beam preferred. Poor film adhesion.

Cerium Ce 798 ~6.70 970 1150 1380 G N
BeO, W

Chromium Cr 1857 7.20 837 977 1157 G W Y Films very adherent. High rates possible.

Chromium Disproportionates to lower oxides; reoxidizes at

Cr2O3 2266 5.21 - - ~2000 G - Y
Oxide 600°C in air.

< 10E-2
Cobalt Co 1495 8.9 850 990 1200 Ex BeO Alloys with refractory metals.

Al2O3, < 10E-4 Adhesion poor. Use interlayer (Cr). Evaporates

Copper Cu 1083 8.92 727 857 1017 Ex
Mo, Ta torr using any source material.

Dysprosium Dy 1412 8.55 625 750 900 G W Y -

Erbium Er 1529 9.07 650 775 930 G - Y -

< 10E-2
Europium Eu 822 5.24 280 360 480 F Al2O3 Low tantalum solubility.

< 10E-2
Gadolinium Gd 1313 7.90 760 900 1175 Ex Mo, W High tantalum solubility.

Gallium Ga 30 5.90 619 742 907 G PBN N May condense at crucible exit.

Germanium Ge 937 5.35 812 957 1167 Ex W, C, < 10E-6 Excellent films from E-beam guns.

Version 3.9
Appendix 45

Ta torr

Gold PBN, < 10E-6 reacts with W in e-beam guns. Films soft, not
Au 1064 19.32 807 947 1132 Ex
Al2O3 torr very adherent.

< 10E-5
Hafnium Hf 2227 13.31 2160 2250 ---- G C

Holmium Ho 1474 8.80 650 770 950 G Y -

Inconel 1425 8.5 - - - G Y Low rate required for smooth films

Mo, Wets tungsten . Use molybdenum or ceramic

Indium In 157 7.30 487 597 742 Ex N
PBN crucible. May condense at crucible exit.

Iridium Ir 2410 22.42 1850 2080 2380 F - Y -

Al2O3 below melting point,BeO above melting

Al2O3, < 10E-4
Iron Fe 1535 7.86 858 998 1180 Ex point. Films hard, smooth. Preheat gently to
BeO torr

Lanthanum La 921 6.15 990 1212 1388 Ex W, Ta N Films will burn in air if scraped.

Lead Pb 328 11.34 342 427 497 Ex W, Mo N Toxic.

Lead Tellu- Mo, Pt, < 10E-6

PbTe 917 8.16 780 910 1050 - Vapors toxic. Deposits are tellurium rich.
ride Ta torr
SS, Reacting quickly in air, fill under protective
Lithium Li 179 0.53 227 307 407 G Y
PBN atmosphere

Lutetium Lu 1663 9.84 - - 1300 Ex - Y -

Manganese Mn 1244 7.20 507 572 647 G - Y -

Mo 2610 10.2 1592 1822 2117 Ex - Y Films smooth, hard. Careful degas required.

MoO3 795 4.69 - - ~900 - Mo, Pt N Slight oxygen loss.
num Oxide

< 10E-5
Neodymium Nd 1021 7.01 731 871 1062 Ex Ta Low tantalum solubility.

Nichrome IV Ni/Cr 1395 8.50 847 987 1217 Ex - Y Alloys with refractory metals.

< 10E-2 Alloys with refractory metals. Forms smooth

Nickel Ni 1455 8.90 927 1072 1262 Ex W
torr adherent films.

Niobium Nb 2468 8.57 1728 1977 2287 Ex - Y Attacks tungsten source.

Osmium Os 2700 22.48 2170 2430 2760 F - Y -

< 10E-2 Alloys with refractory metals. Rapid evaporation

Palladium Pd 1554 12.02 842 992 1192 Ex -
torr suggested.

< 10E-4
Permalloy Ni/Fe 1395 8.7 947 1047 1307 G W Film low in nickel.

< 10E-4
Platinum Pt 1772 21.45 1292 1492 1747 Ex C Alloys with metals. Films soft, poor adhesion.

Pra- < 10E-6

Pr 931 6.77 800 950 1150 G Ta -
seodymium torr

Rhenium Re 3180 20.53 1928 2207 2571 P C N Fine wire will self-evaporate.

April 08
46 EFM-Manual

Rhodium Rh 1966 12.4 1277 1472 1707 G - Y E-beam gun preferred.

Ruthenium Ru 2310 12.3 1780 1990 2260 P W N -

Samarium Sm 1074 7.52 373 460 573 G - Y -

Scandium Sc 1541 2.99 714 837 1002 Ex - Y Alloys with tantalum.

Mo, Ta,
Selenium Se 217 4,2 89 125 170 G Y

Ta,G, < 10E-2

Silicon Si 1410 2.32 992 1147 1337 F -
PBN torr

W, Mo, < 10E-4 Rod evaporation with W-wire wound around the
Silver Ag 962 10.5 847 958 1105 Ex
Ta torr silver rod.

W, Ta, Wets but does not alloy with refractory metals.

Strontium Sr 769 2.6 239 309 403 P N
Mo May react in air.

Tantalum Ta 2996 16.6 1960 2240 2590 Ex - Y Forms good films.

Terbium Tb 1356 8.23 800 950 1150 Ex W Y -

Thorium Th 1875 11.7 1430 1660 1925 Ex Y Toxic, radioactive.

Thulium Tm 1545 9.32 461 554 680 G - Y -

Wets molybdenum. Use tantalum or PBN in E-

Tin Sn 232 7.28 682 807 997 Ex Ta, PBN N
beam guns.

Titanium Ti 1660 4.5 1067 1235 1453 Ex - Y Alloys with refractory metals; outgas gently.

Tungsten W 3410 19.35 2117 2407 2757 G - Y Forms volatile oxides. Films hard and adherent.

Uranium U 1132 19.05 1132 1327 1582 G Mo, W N Films oxidize.

Wets molybdenum. E-beam-evaporated films

Vanadium V 1890 5.96 1162 1332 1547 Ex W Y

Ytterbium Yb 819 6.96 520 590 690 G - Y -

Yttrium Y 1522 4.47 830 973 1157 Ex - Y High tantalum solubility.

< 10E-6
Zirconium Zr 1852 6.49 1477 1702 1987 Ex C Alloys with tungsten. Films oxidize readily.

* Ex = Excellent, G = Good, F = Fair, P = Poor

** Y = rod always possible, N = not recommended due to melting point or e-beam suitability. Otherwise recommeded pres-
sure limit is given.

NOTE: This information has been collected to give customers a brief overview
about material deposition techniques. The provider of this information is
not responsible for the performance of any evaporation process which is
developed based on the informations provided in this table.
Some materials in this table are hazardous. Determine toxicity, flamma-
bility radioactivity or any other risks for health, environment or system
components before using.

Version 3.9
Appendix 47

For some materials experimental hints for evaporation with the EFM evaporators are addi-
tionally given below. The provider of this information is not responsible for the perform-
ance of the described evaporation process in this table.
Pb, Cu, Ag, Au: W or Mo crucible, Cu gives max values exceeding
10 ML/ sec., Cu wets Mo.

Ag: high voltage 800V, emission 15-20 mA, flux 1-10 µA

Au: IFil= 2A, IE=20 mA, UHV= 750 V flux approx.
900nA. Attention: reacts with W under high e-beam cur-
rent. Films soft, not very adherent.
alternatively : Au wire 1 mm diameter, supported by spi-
ral of tungsten, wire 0.25mm dia. at 800V, 2mA
Fe, Co: bar 2 mm ∅, 800 V, 5-10 mA, 20 nA of ion current giving
about 1 ML/minute
alternatively: BeO-crucible (ideal) or ZrO2 -crucible
W: wire 1-1.5 mm dia.: 900 V, 50-70 mA, flux up to 3 µA,
above about 2 µA molten material may drop from the tip
Al: pBN crucible, 800 V, 25 mA
C60 or other low melting point stainless steel crucible with nozzle, high voltage typ.
(T<500°C) materials 200 V
Si: rod ∅ 2 mm or a nearly square package of wafer strips

500 V, 40-50 mA yields 20 nm in 3 h

This is just one example, a much higher flux is a attain-
A supply source for rods of Si ( either square or circular
cross section) is: Holm, Gigerenz 1, D - 84367 Tann
(Niederbayern), Tel: +49-8572/91213
Nd, Ce, Gd Mo-crucible, fill under nitrogen atmosphere in glove box.

Note that rare earth materials (as some other materi-

als) yield extremely high flux-monitor currents due to
their anomalous high impact collision ionisation
cross sections.

April 08
48 EFM-Manual

B. List of Thermovoltage
Nickelchromium (NiCr) / coppernickel (CuNi), type E (steps by 10)
Reference temperature 0°C

°C µV °C µV °C µV

-270 -9835 160 10501 590 44278

-260 -9797 170 11222 600 45085
-250 -9719 180 11949 610 45891
-240 -9604 190 12681 620 46697
-230 -9455 200 13419 630 47502
-220 -9274 210 14161 640 48306
-210 -9063 220 14909 650 49109
-200 -8824 230 15661 660 49911
-190 -8561 240 16417 670 50713
-180 -8273 250 17178 680 51513
-170 -7963 260 17942 690 52312
-160 -7631 270 18710 700 53110
-150 -7279 280 19481 710 53907
-140 -6907 290 20256 720 54703
-130 -6516 300 21033 730 55498
-120 -6107 310 21814 740 56291
-110 -5680 320 22597 750 57083
-100 -5237 330 23383 760 57873
-90 -4777 340 24171 770 58663
-80 -4301 350 24961 780 59451
-70 -3811 360 25754 790 60237
-60 -3306 370 26549 800 61022
-50 -2787 380 27345 810 61806
-40 -2254 390 28143 820 62588
-30 -1709 400 28943 830 63368
-20 -1151 410 29744 840 64147
-10 -581 420 30546 850 64924
0 0 430 31350 860 65700
10 591 440 32155 870 66473
20 1192 450 32960 880 67245
30 1801 460 33767 890 68015
40 2419 470 34574 900 68783
50 3047 480 35382 910 69549
60 3683 490 36190 920 70313
70 4329 500 36999 930 71075
80 4983 510 37808 940 71835
90 5646 520 38617 950 72593
100 6317 530 39426 960 73350
110 6996 540 40236 970 74104
120 7683 550 41045 980 74857
130 8377 560 41853 990 75608
140 9078 570 42662 1000 76358
150 9787 580 43470

Version 3.9
Appendix 49

C. Calibration of Flux Monitor

a) MEED assembly:
MEED (Medium Energy Electron Diffraction)
curve measured for the epitaxial system co-
balt on copper (100). Specular (0,0) beam at
grazing incidence as a function of evapora-
tion time. The equidistant oscillations indi-
cate layer-by-layer growth. The evaporation
rate was kept constant using the flux moni-
Ref.: C.M. Schneider, J.J. de Miguel, P. Bressler, J. Garbe, S. Ferrer, R. Miranda
and J. Kirschner, Journal de Physique C8, 1657 (1988)

b) Quartz thickness monitor

d) SPA-RHEED (= Spot Profile-Analysis Rheed)
e) Conductivity measurement
see M. Henzler, W Göpel: Oberflächenphysik des Festkörpers,
Stuttgart 1991, p.535

f) Hall Effect
see W.D. King et al, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B9 (1991) 2771

g) Ellipsometry
Meyer, F.: Ellipsometric Study of Adsorption Complexes on Silicon
Surf.Sci. 27 (1971) 107
Habraken, F. et.al.: Ellipsometry of Clean Surfaces, Submonolayers and Mono-
layer Films, Surf.Sci. 96 (1980) 482

h) Dynamic Optical Reflectivity In Situ (DORIS)

III - Vs Review, Val 5, p. 40:
Real-time monitoring of the growth of AlGaAs layers by dynamic optical reflectivity
T. Farrell, J.V. Armstrong, P. Kightley: Dynamic Optical Reflectivity,
Appl.Phys.Lett. 59 (10) 1991, 1203 - 1205
J.V. Armstrong et.al., Appl.Phys.Lett 61 (23) (1992) 2770
for details on instrumentation contact Omicron

April 08
50 EFM-Manual

D. Literature

General literature

[1] S. Schiller, U. Heisig: Bedampfungstechnik, Berlin 1975

[2] M.v. Ardenne, Tabelle zur Angewandten Physik Bd II B, Berlin 19753
[3] S. Dushman: Scientific Foundations of Vacuum Technique; New York, London
[4] Balzers AG: Aufdampf- und Zerstäubungs- Materialen, Verdampfungsquellen,
Lichtenstein, 1990
[5] Balzers AG: Coating Materials and Sources Selector Guide.
[6] Jeffrey Y. Tsao: Materials Fundamentals of Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Academic
Press 1992

IBAD evaporation with EFM 3i

[7] J. Kirschner, H. Engelhard and D. Hartung, Rev. Sci. Intrum., Vol. 73, No. 11,
Nov. 2002.
(Description of EFM 3i)
and references therein.

Version 3.9
Appendix 51

E. Options

E 1. Crucibles O.D.

Dimensions of crucibles
* can be used with EFM 3T
and EFM 3i

I.D./mm O.D./mm L / mm capacity Tmax (°C) order
3 -4
/ mm @10 Torr code

Tungsten*, small 4,0 6.0 6.5 75 2750 CWS

Tungsten*, medium 6.0 8.0 9.0 250 2750 CWM

Tungsten, large 8.0 10.0 12.0 600 2750 CWL

Mo small* 4.0 6.0 6.5 75 2120 C Mo S

Mo medium* 6.0 8.0 9.0 250 2120 C Mo M

Mo large( esp. for EFM 4) 8.0 10.0 12.0 600 2120 C Mo L

Ta small* 4.0 6.0 6.5 75 2590 C Ta S

Ta medium* 6.0 8.0 9.0 250 2590 C Ta M

Ta large 8.0 10.0 12.0 600 2590 C Ta L

Al2O3 small* 3.0 7.5 5.5 60 1320 C HA S

Al2O3 medium 5.0 9.0 8.0 150 1320 C HA M

Al2O3 large 6 10 10 280 1320 C HA L

Al2O3 x-large 10 11 13 650 1320 C HA XL

Silica s,m,l on request 1025 C Q xx

Silica x-large 8 11 15 630 1025 C Q XL

Pyrolytic BN medium for 3T/I * 5.5 8.0 8.0 190 1600 C BN S

Pyrolytic BN medium 5.5 8.5 8.0 190 1600 C BN M

Pyrolytic BN large 8 11 12 600 1600 C BN L

April 08
52 EFM-Manual

Graphite small* 4.0 6.0 6.5 75 >1800 C Gr S

Graphite medium* 4.5 6.0 8.0 125 >1800 C Gr M

Graphite large* 6.0 8.0 9.0 300 >1800 C Gr L

Graphite x-large 9.0 11.0 12.0 700 >1800 C Gr XL

Stainless Steel (St/St)* with 5.0 7.0 8.0 150 800 C SS

removeable nozzle (i.d. 1mm)

Beryllium Oxide (BeO) small* 4.0 8.0 7 85 1900 C BO S

Beryllium Oxide (BeO), medi- 6.0 10.0 7 190 1900 C BO M


Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2)* 4.5 8.0 7.6 110 n.a. C ZrO

PBN-crucibles: For temperatures above 1300° the heating of the PBN results in a
raising N2 background pressure

BeO-crucibles: WARNING! Safety precautions must be followed

Beryllium oxide ceramics are harmless as supplied but should be
handled with care. A potential health hazard may exist if secondary
operations which can generate dust or fumes are carried out. It is
recommended not to machine the beryllium oxide crucibles.
Ceramic crucibles: The ceramic crucibles consists of a ceramic insert with a Mo-liner.
This must be considered for evaporation of materials with a ten-
dency to react or alloy with molybdenum. Then the crucible should
not be heated too fast and must not be filled to a large extend.

Version 3.9
Appendix 53

E 2. Shutter Motor

The shutter motor is either mounted at the factory or can easily be refitted by the cus-
tomer. It serves to operate the shutter for all EFM evaporators including EFM 3T.
The shutter electronics is integrated in the evaporator power supply EVC 300, EVC 300s
or EVC300i, which can be driven from RS232 interface of a computer. See related EVC
manual for details.
Order Code: EFM SM

E 3. Port Aligner




±3° type° L = 46mm

Order Code: PA3

E 4. Elongated target shift (50mm)

The standard target shift is 25mm.

With rod evaporation 25mm longer rods, wires or bars can be used with the elongated
target shift.
Order Code EFM LW

April 08
54 EFM-Manual

E 5. Barrel connectors for larger rods

Different barrel connectors are availbel to support the use of crucibles and rods with dif-
ferent diameter. The evaporators EFM2/3/3s/4, EFM 3i and EFM 3T use different models,
please refer to the table:

Order Code maximum rod material use with comment


EFM BC Mo1.5 1.5 mm molybden with EFM2/3/3s/4 standard barrel

molybden screws connector; it is
EFM 3i supplied with the
spare kit box
EFM BC Mo2.0 2.0 mm molybden with EFM2/3/3s/4
molybden screws
EFM 3i
EFM BC Mo4.0 4.0 mm molybden with EFM2/3/3s/4
molybden screws
EFM 3i
EFM BC Mo6.0 6.0 mm molybden with EFM2/3/3s/4
molybden screws

EFM BC SS1.5 1.5 mm non magnetic EFM2/3/3s/4

stainless steel
EFM 3i
EFM BC3T 1.5 mm molybden with EFM 3T standard barrel
stainless steel connector of EFM
screws 3T; one mounted
per cell

E 6. Quick-lock water hose connectors

To facilitate the connection and de-connection of the water hose for e.g. baking the sys-
Order Code: EFM QWC

Version 3.9
Service at OMICRON 55

Service at OMICRON

Should your equipment require service

• Please contact OMICRON headquarters or your local OMICRON

representative to discuss the problem. An up-to-date address list is
available on our website under

or via e-mail reply service under


• Make sure all necessary information is supplied. Always note the

serial number(s) of your instrument and related equipment (e.g.
head, electronics, preamp…) of your instrument or have it at hand
when calling.

If you have to send any equipment back to OMICRON

• Please contact OMICRON headquarters before shipping any


• Place the instrument in a polythene bag.

• Reuse the original packaging and transport locks.

• Take out a transport insurance policy.

For ALL vacuum equipment:

• Include a filled-in and signed copy of the "Declaration of Decon-

tamination" form which can be found at the back of the equipment

No repair of vacuum equipment without a legally

binding signed decontamination declaration !

• Wear suitable cotton or polythene gloves when handling the equip-


• Re-insert all transport locks (if applicable).

• Cover the instrument with aluminium foil and/or place it in a poly-

thene bag. Make sure no dust or packaging materials can contami-
nate the instrument

• Make sure the plastic transport cylinder (if applicable) is clean.

Fix the instrument to its plastic cylinder (if applicable).

April 08
56 EFM-Manual

Service FAX Reply

To From
OMICRON Nanotechnology GmbH ...............................................
Test and Service Department ...............................................
Limburger Str. 75 ...............................................
D - 65232 Taunusstein ...............................................
Germany ...............................................
Tel: +49 - 61 28 - 987-230 Tel: ........................................
FAX: +49 - 61 28 - 987 33 230 FAX: ......................................

Type of Instrument ..........................................................................................

Serial Number ..........................................................................................

Purchasing Date ..........................................................................................

(Last Service Date .......................................................................................... )


Date: Signature:

Version 3.9
Decontamination Declaration 57

Decontamination Declaration

If performing repair or maintenance work on instruments which have come into

contact with substances detrimental to health, please observe the relevant regula-

If returning instruments to us for repair or maintenance work, please follow the

instructions below:

• Contaminated units (radioactively, chemically etc.) must be decon-

taminated in accordance with the radiation protection regulations
before they are returned.

• Units returned for repair or maintenance must bear a clearly visible

note "free from harmful substances". This note must also be pro-
vided on the delivery note and accompanying letter.

• Please use the attached attestation declaration at the end of this


• "Harmful substances" are defined in European Community Coun-

tries as "materials and preparations in accordance with the
EEC Specification dated 18 September 1979, Article 2" and in
the USA as "materials in accordance with the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 40 Part 173.240 Definition and Preparation".

No repair will be carried out without a

legally binding signed declaration !

April 08
58 EFM-Manual

Declaration of Decontamination of Vacuum

Equipment and Components
The repair and/or service of vacuum equipment/components can only be carried out if a correctly completed
declaration has been submitted. Non-completion will result in delay. The manufacturer reserves the right to
refuse acceptance of consignments submitted for repair or maintenance work where the declaration has been

This declaration may only be completed and signed by authorised and qualified staff.

1. Description of components

Type: __________________________________ Serial No: ____________________________________

2. Reason for return __________________________________________________________________

3. Equipment condition

Has the equipment ever come into contact with the following (e.g. gases, liquids, evaporation products,
sputtering products…)

• toxic substances? Yes  No 

• corrosive substances ? Yes  No 
• microbiological substances (incl. sample material)? Yes  No 
• radioactive substances (incl. sample material)? Yes  No 
• ionising particles/radiation (α,β,γ, neutrons, …)? Yes  No 

For all harmful substances, gases and dangerous by-products which have come into contact with the
vacuum equipment/components please list the following information on (a) separate sheet(s): trade
name, product name, manufacturer, chemical name and symbol, danger class, precautions associated with
substance, first aid measures in the event of an accident.

Is the equipment free from potentially harmful substances? Yes  No 

The manufacturer reserves the right to refuse any contaminated equipment / component without writ-
ten evidence that such equipment/component has been decontaminated in the prescribed manner.

4. Decontamination Procedure

Please list all harmful substances, gases and by-products which have come into contact with the vacuum
equipment/components together with the decontamination method used.


(continue on a separate sheet if necessary)

5. Legally Binding Declaration
Organisation: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
Tel.: ________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________
Name: ______________________________ Job title:________________________________________
I hereby declare that the information supplied on this form is complete and accurate.

Date:___________ Signature: ______________ Company stamp:

Version 3.9

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