Examen Aptis 3
Examen Aptis 3
Examen Aptis 3
Mary: Hi there! When did you become interested in photography?
I Become interested in photography when my mother will gifting a camera and she
intent explain what used to this camera. But alone is very difficult to learn to make
photograph. I want to learn all about cameras and photographs.
Juan: Welcome! Which one of your photos are your most proud of?
I don't feel proud whit none photograph in concrete only I likes a little some of the
photographs of natural landcapes but not because It are good otherwise because I made
them. For this reason i want to learn.
Lucy: ¿What kind of things do you like photographing?
I would like to learn to make photographs of monuments, persons, animals, natural
scenery, special event, and other details.
because when I travel to some country I like make photographs to everything for me to
have those souvenir photographs.
Task 4:
Dear Verónica,
I think that for the types to travel that we make is the better that choose the second
option because we like the most visit citys.
You will be see eye to eye with me that it is very difficult to make this photographs.