DR 800

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DR 800


User Manual

0392C EN 20210309 1049

ii | DR 800 | Contents

Legal Notice .......................................................................... 8
Introduction to this Manual ................................................... 9
Scope of this Manual ................................................10
About the safety notices in this document ................ 11
Disclaimer ............................................................... 12
Introduction ........................................................................ 13
Intended Use ............................................................14
Indications for Use ................................................... 15
Intended User .......................................................... 16
DR 800 System Overview .........................................17
Radiographic Table ...................................... 19
Position Controls ..........................................21
Worklist window ..........................................25
Software Console .........................................26
Exposure Controls ........................................28
Examination window ...................................30
Acquisition window ..................................... 31
Editing window ........................................... 32
Main Menu window ..................................... 33
Monitor for reference images ....................... 34
DR detector switch .......................................35
Collimator ................................................... 36
Portable DR Detector ................................... 38
Compressor ................................................. 39
FLFS overlay ................................................ 40
Emergency stop button .................................41
Emergency shutdown power switch ............. 42
Cabinets and power switch .......................... 43
Radiographic wall stand .............................. 44
Ceiling Suspension ...................................... 49
Messages ................................................................. 52
Labels ...................................................................... 53
Additional labeling of the radiographic table ...
Additional labeling of the positioning console ..
Additional labeling of the wireless console ...59
Additional labeling of the DR 800 sync cabinet
Additional labeling of the positioner cabinet ....
Additional labeling of the radiographic wall stand
Additional labeling of the collimator ............ 63

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DR 800 | Contents | iii

Additional labeling of the X-ray tube ceiling

suspension ...................................................64
Additional labeling of the Full Leg Full Spine
overlay .........................................................65
Additional labeling of components with
earthquake resistance .................................. 66
Installation .............................................................. 67
Mains supply ................................................68
Radiation protection .................................... 69
Radiation Protection ................................................70
Fluoroscopy ................................................. 71
Monitoring of Personnel .............................. 72
Protected area and significant zones of occupancy
Maintenance ............................................................77
Maintenance of the ceiling suspension and the
radiographic wall stand ............................... 80
Offset calibration ......................................... 81
Checking the automatic collimation .............82
Cleaning and Disinfecting .................................................... 83
Cleaning .................................................................. 84
Use of protective covers and sheaths ........................ 85
Disinfecting ............................................................. 86
Disinfecting safety directions ................................... 87
Approved disinfectants ............................................ 88
FLFS Overlay ........................................................... 89
Safety Directions ..................................................................90
Dangerous areas ...................................................... 94
Patient visibility ....................................................... 98
Wireless console .................................................... 100
Getting on and off the table ....................................101
Preventing damage to the equipment ..................... 102
Attention to overhead loads ................................... 103
Full Leg Full Spine ................................................. 104
Digital tomosynthesis .............................................105
Ceiling suspension and radiographic wall stand ..... 106
Basic Workflow .................................................................. 107
Starting the System ................................................108
Warming-up of X-ray tube .......................... 109
Automated workflow for warming-up of X-ray
tube ...........................................................110
DR workflow with fluoroscopy for positioning ....... 111
DR workflow for dynamic images ........................... 117
DR workflow for digital tomosynthesis ...................124
DR workflow for digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
DR workflow for DSA roadmapping ....................... 135
Stopping the System ...............................................141
Application Examples .........................................................142
Positioning the patient on the examination table ....143

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Fine‐tuning the table position and centering of the

examination area ................................................... 145
Gastrointestinal examinations: oesophagus and stomach
Gastrointestinal examinations: small intestine and colon
.................................................................................... 147
Skeleton .................................................................148
Cervical spine ........................................................ 149
Abdominal and lumbar region ............................... 150
Upper limbs and lower limbs (also with load) .........151
Thorax and lungs ................................................... 152
Urography and pyelography ...................................153
Hysterosalpingography .......................................... 154
Guidelines for Pediatric Applications ..................... 155
Typical examination settings .................................. 157
Full Leg Full Spine ............................................................. 159
Retrieve the patient info .........................................160
Select the exposure ................................................ 160
Prepare the Full Leg Full Spine configuration ......... 161
Prepare the examination ........................................ 163
Prepare the X-Ray system for the examination ........166
Check the exposure settings ................................... 167
Execute the exposure ............................................. 169
Perform a quality control ....................................... 170
Finalize the examination ........................................173
Storing the FLFS overlay .........................................174
Manually adjusting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image ....
To rotate all partial images ......................... 176
To stitch a set of partial images ...................177
To align the partial images based on their
projection on the stitching grid .................. 178
To align the partial images based on the analysis
of the anatomical information in the image ....
To manually align two partial images ......... 180
To turn the black borders or cropping on or off
To save the stitched image ..........................183
Rejecting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image ................184
Making measurements ...........................................185
Software Console ...............................................................187
Examination overview ........................................... 188
X-ray modality status frame ........................190
Ready For Exposure Status ......................... 191
Modality Position ....................................... 192
DR detector switch ..................................... 193
DR Detector Status ..................................... 194
Performing offset calibration ......................195
Unknown status ......................................... 196

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DR 800 | Contents | v

Filter Status ................................................197

Grid Status .................................................198
Heat Units ..................................................199
Radiation status .........................................200
DAP Value .................................................. 201
Fluo timer ..................................................202
Resetting the fluo timer ............................. 203
Generator controls for static image, rapid sequence or
DSA ....................................................................... 204
Radiography imaging modes ......................206
Patient age group .......................................207
One point, two point and three point working
modes ........................................................208
Sensor area ................................................209
Radiographic Parameters ........................... 210
Focal Spot Indicator ................................... 211
Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) ............ 212
AEC field selection ..................................... 213
Dose ...........................................................214
Density ...................................................... 215
Patient Size ................................................ 216
AEC dose failure .........................................218
Generator controls for fluoroscopy or roadmapping ....
Fluoroscopy imaging modes .......................220
Patient age group .......................................221
Sensor area ................................................222
Radiographic Parameters for fluoroscopy .. 223
Automatic Brightness System (ABS) ...........224
Collimator camera ..................................... 227
X-ray modality controls ..........................................228
Positioning controls ............................................... 229
Automatic position .....................................230
Actual and target position parameters ........ 231
Collimation controls .................................. 232
Wireless console status .............................. 234
Controls for digital tomosynthesis ..........................235
Radiographic Parameters for digital tomosynthesis
Position parameters for digital tomosynthesis ..
Reconstruction parameters ........................ 238
System messages ................................................... 239
Options and accessories ..................................................... 241
Mounting the patient footrest ................................ 242
Mounting the patient footrest as a seat .......244
Removing the patient footrest .................... 245
Mounting the hand grips ........................................246
Mounting the shoulder rests ...................................247
Mounting the compression belt ..............................248

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Mounting the lower limbs support, ankle support or head

contention device .................................................. 250
Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic table
Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic wall
stand ..................................................................... 253
Mounting the lateral cassette/detector holder ........254
Mounting the joystick console on the radiographic table
Attaching the cushion to the tabletop ..................... 257
Mounting the paediatric cradle .............................. 258
Using the paediatric cradle in vertical position .
Exposure control pedals ......................................... 261
Problem solving ................................................................. 263
Compressor cannot be released ..............................264
DR Detector must be Recalibrated ..........................265
DR 800 sync cabinet is down ..................................266
Anatomical stitching is not optimal ........................ 267
Stitching fails .........................................................268
Only part of the full leg full spine image is displayed ....
Full Leg Full Spine examination is interrupted ....... 271
Wireless console with position controls cannot restore
connection .............................................................272
Problems with the ceiling suspension .....................273
Error messages on the ceiling suspension ............... 274
Product Information .......................................................... 275
Compatibility ......................................................... 276
Compliance ............................................................276
General ......................................................277
Safety ........................................................ 277
X-Ray Safety ...............................................277
Electromagnetic Compatibility ................... 277
Earthquake resistance ................................ 277
Equipment Classification ....................................... 278
Exposure control foot pedals ...................... 279
Applied Parts ............................................. 279
Patient data security .............................................. 280
Requirements on the operating environment ...
Product Complaints ............................................... 282
Environmental protection ...................................... 283
System Documentation ..........................................284
Training .................................................................285
Performance .......................................................... 286
Technical Data ....................................................... 287
DR 800 Technical Data ...............................288
Radiographic table .................................... 290
Fixed DR Detector Technical Data .............. 292

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DR 800 | Contents | vii

Wireless console ........................................ 295

Collimator Technical Data ..........................296
Radiographic wall stand ............................ 297
Ceiling suspension ..................................... 298
Workstation PC technical data ................... 300
DR 800 FLFS overlay .................................. 301
Equivalent filtration ...................................302
Dosimetric and quantitative information (IEC
60601-2-54, IEC 60601-1-3) ...................... 303
Mains supply ..............................................307
Technical data of options and accessories ... 311
Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic
table) .....................................................................312
Immunity to RF wireless communication
equipment ..................................................314
Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic
wall stand) .............................................................315
Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic
wall stand bucky with moving grid) ....................... 319

0392C EN 20210309 1049

8 | DR 800 | Legal Notice

Legal Notice


Agfa NV, Septestraat 27, B-2640 Mortsel - Belgium

For more information on Agfa products, please visit www.agfa.com.
Agfa and the Agfa rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium or
its affiliates. NX and DR 800 are trademarks of Agfa NV, Belgium or one of its
affiliates. All other trademarks are held by their respective owners and are
used in an editorial fashion with no intention of infringement.
Agfa NV makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, with
respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information
contained in this document and specifically disclaims warranties of suitability
for any particular purpose. Products and services may not be available for
your local area. Please contact your local sales representative for availability
information. Agfa NV diligently strives to provide as accurate information as
possible, but shall not be responsible for any typographical error. Agfa NV
shall under no circumstances be liable for any damage arising from the use or
inability to use any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in
this document. Agfa NV reserves the right to make changes to this document
without prior notice. The original version of this document is in English.

Copyright 2021 Agfa NV

All rights reserved.

Published by Agfa NV

B-2640 Mortsel - Belgium.

No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, adapted or transmitted

in any form or by any means without the written permission of Agfa NV

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DR 800 | Introduction to this Manual | 9

Introduction to this Manual


• Scope of this Manual

• About the safety notices in this document
• Disclaimer

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10 | DR 800 | Introduction to this Manual

Scope of this Manual

This manual contains information for safe and effective operation of the DR
800 system.

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DR 800 | Introduction to this Manual | 11

About the safety notices in this document

The following samples show how warnings, cautions, instructions and notes
appear in this document. The text explains their intended use.
A danger safety notice indicates a hazardous situation of direct,
immediate danger for a potential serious injury to a user,
engineer, patient or any other person.

A warning safety notice indicates a hazardous situation which
can lead to a potential serious injury to a user, engineer, patient
or any other person.

A caution safety notice indicates a hazardous situation which
can lead to a potential minor injury to a user, engineer, patient
or any other person.

An instruction is a direction which, if it is not followed, can

cause damage to the equipment described in this manual or any
other equipment or goods and can cause environmental

A prohibition is a direction which, if it is not followed, can cause

damage to the equipment described in this manual or any other
equipment or goods and can cause environmental pollution.

Note: Notes provide advice and highlight unusual points. A note is

not intended as an instruction.

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12 | DR 800 | Introduction to this Manual

Agfa assumes no liability for use of this document if any unauthorized
changes to the content or format have been made.
Every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this
document. However, Agfa assumes no responsibility or liability for errors,
inaccuracies or omissions that may appear in this document. To improve
reliability, function or design Agfa reserves the right to change the product
without further notice. This manual is provided without warranty of any kind,
implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Note: In the United States, Federal law restricts this device on order
of a physician for prescription use only.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 13


• Intended Use
• Indications for Use
• Intended User
• DR 800 System Overview
• Messages
• Labels
• Installation
• Radiation Protection
• Maintenance

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14 | DR 800 | Introduction

Intended Use
The DR 800 is an X-ray modality. It is designed for general radiography and
dynamic (fluoroscopy and/or rapid sequence) applications. The DR 800 will
be used in a radiological environment by qualified staff to capture and route
static and dynamic X-ray images.
The DR 800 is not intended for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular contrast
studies and mammography applications.

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Indications for Use

The DR 800 system is indicated for performing dynamic imaging
examinations (fluoroscopy and/or rapid sequence) of the following
• Positioning fluoroscopy procedures
• Gastro-intestinal examinations
• Urogenital tract examinations
• Angiography
• Digital Subtraction Angiography
It is intended to replace fluoroscopic images obtained through image
intensifier technology.
In addition, the system is intended for projection radiography of all body
In addition, the system provides the Agfa tomosynthesis option, which is
intended to acquire tomographic slices of human anatomy and to be used with
Agfa DR X-ray systems. Digital tomosynthesis is used to synthesize
tomographic slices from a single tomographic sweep.
Not intended for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular contrast studies.
Not intended for mammography applications.

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16 | DR 800 | Introduction

Intended User
This manual is written for trained users of Agfa products. Users are considered
as the persons who actually handle the equipment as well as the persons
having authority over the equipment. Before attempting to work with this
equipment, the user must read, understand, note and strictly observe all
warnings, cautions and safety markings on the equipment.
Only a physician or a legally certified operator should use this product.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 17

DR 800 System Overview

The complete DR 800 consists of the following components:
• Radiographic table with X-ray tube, collimator and integrated DR Detector
for dynamic imaging.
• X-ray generator
• MUSICA Acquisition Workstation
(further referred to as the NX workstation)
• Positioning console and exposure controls
• DR Generator Sync Box
• Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
• Dose Area Product Meter (DAP, optional)
DR 800 can be extended with
• Ceiling suspension with a second X-ray tube and collimator.
• Radiographic wall stand with bucky. In the bucky a DR Detector or a CR
cassette can be inserted.
• Monitor for displaying a reference image.
• Duplicate operation controls in the examination room:
• Wireless console with position controls.
• Monitor for the NX workstation.
• Monitor for displaying a reference image.
• Double fluoroscopy and radiography foot pedal.
• Accessories for the radiographic table.
X-ray parameters are controlled using the Software Console on the NX
DR 800 can be used in combination with portable DR Detectors. DR 800 can
be used in combination with a CR digitizer.

4 7 8

1 2 5 6 5

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18 | DR 800 | Introduction

1. Radiographic table
2. Position controls on the table
3. Collimator
4. X-ray tube
5. Exposure controls
6. Position controls
7. NX workstation software
8. Software console
• Examination overview
• Generator controls for static image or rapid sequence
• Generator controls for fluoroscopy
• X-ray modality controls
• Positioning controls
• Messages
Figure 1: DR 800 configuration


• Radiographic Table
• Position Controls
• Worklist window
• Software Console
• Exposure Controls
• Examination window
• Acquisition window
• Editing window
• Main Menu window
• Monitor for reference images
• DR detector switch
• Collimator
• Portable DR Detector
• Compressor
• FLFS overlay
• Emergency stop button
• Emergency shutdown power switch
• Cabinets and power switch
• Radiographic wall stand
• Ceiling Suspension

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Radiographic Table
The radiographic table is used for positioning of the patient lying, sitting or
standing in front of the detector for exposure.
The radiographic table has various degrees of freedom to allow different
The radiographic table contains a built-in DR detector to acquire radiography
or fluoroscopy images.
The radiographic table has two variants:
• Radiographic table with a built-in set of focused grids. Exposures can be
made with or without a grid. The grid is automatically selected based on
the SID.
• Radiographic table with removable grids. The focal distance of the grid is
detected in the bucky.

1. Table height
2. Table tilting angle
3. Source image distance (SID)
4. X-ray tube tilting angle, coupled to a displacement of the DR detector (for
oblique exposures)
X-ray tube rotation (to direct the X-ray tube away from the radiographic

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20 | DR 800 | Introduction

5. Longitudinal and transversal displacement of the tabletop

6. Longitudinal displacement of the X-ray tube and the DR detector
Figure 2: Radiographic table movements

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Position Controls
The position controls are available in the operator room. Optionally a wireless
console with position controls is available in the examination room.
1 2 3 4

8 7 6 5
1. Emergency stop button for motor driven movements of the radiographic
2. Indicator light is blinking if an automatic position is selected, until the
automatic movement has finished
3. Move to the selected automatic position, while the indicator light is
While the indicator light is off:
• Longitudinal displacement of the tabletop
• Operation of the compressor
4. Exposure button
5. • Transversal displacement of the tabletop
• Longitudinal displacement of the DR detector
6. • Table tilting angle
• Table height
7. • X-ray tube tilting angle
• Source image distance (SID)
8. Collimator
Figure 3: Position controls

To allow movement using one of the joysticks, keep the button on the joystick
pressed while operating the joystick. Movement may stop on preconfigured
threshold positions and can be continued by releasing the joystick and
operating it again.
The tilting angle to which the joystick lever is pushed controls the speed of the
The direction in which the joystick is pushed, corresponds to the direction in
which the region of interest is moved on the image as it is visible on the

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22 | DR 800 | Introduction

Another set of position controls is available on the radiographic table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Emergency stop button for motor driven movements of the radiographic
2. Release position control. Keep the button pressed to allow movement.
3. Source image distance (SID)
4. Table tilting angle
Table height
5. X-ray tube tilting angle
6. Longitudinal displacement of the tabletop
7. Transversal displacement of the tabletop
Longitudinal displacement of the DR detector
Figure 4: Position controls on the radiographic table

A joystick console can be available on the radiographic table. To allow

movement, keep the button pressed to release position control while
operating the joystick.

1. Transversal displacement of the tabletop
2. Longitudinal displacement of the DR detector
Figure 5: Optional joystick on the radiographic table

Incorrect installation of the joystick can cause damage to
patients, operators and equipment.

All position controls are enabled simultaneously. Do not run
controls on different consoles simultaneously.

Related Links

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DR 800 | Introduction | 23

Positioning controls on page 229


• Position read-outs on the radiographic table

• Wireless console with position controls

Position read-outs on the radiographic table


1. X-ray tube tilting angle

2. Table tilting angle
Figure 6: Digital read-out of tilting angles

Figure 7: Scale read-out of source image distance (SID)

Wireless console with position controls

The wireless console has the same positioning controls, except the control of
automatic positioning.
The wireless console has indicators for the status of the battery and that status
of the wireless connection to the radiographic table.

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24 | DR 800 | Introduction

1 2

1. On/off button with a multi-functional indicator light that indicates the

on/off status of the console and the status of the battery charge.
To turn on the wireless console, press and release the on/off button.
To turn off the wireless console, press and hold the start up button for 3
seconds until the indicator light turns off.
2. Indicator light for the status of the wireless connection. The indicator light
is on when the wireless connection is active. The indicator light blinks
when the connection is lost.
To activate the wireless connection, move the wireless console within the
bluetooth communication range of the radiographic table.
Figure 8: Wireless console

At the foot of the wireless console, a power socket and a main power switch
are available to connect the console to the mains power and charge the
Related Links
Wireless console status on page 234
Wireless console with position controls cannot restore connection on page 272

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Worklist window

Figure 9: Worklist Window

In the Worklist window, you can view and manage the exams that are
scheduled and that have been performed.

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26 | DR 800 | Introduction

Software Console
The software console is available to support X-ray exposure and position
parameter control on the NX workstation. It is displayed on the NX
workstation next to the NX application.
The software console is used to control the X-ray exposure settings.
The software console is used to adapt the parameters for automatic
positioning on the full automatic configuration.
The software console contains the DR detector switch.

Figure 10: Software console examination overview

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DR 800 | Introduction | 27

Figure 11: Software console controls for generator, fluoroscopy, X-ray

modality, positioner and system messages

Related Links
Software Console on page 187

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28 | DR 800 | Introduction

Exposure Controls

2 2 3
1. The exposure button is used to obtain a static image, to acquire a rapid
sequence or to acquire a tomosynthesis sequence, depending on the mode
that is selected in the software console.
The exposure button is available on the console with the position controls.
The console is located in the operator room and another console can be
located in the examination room.
The exposure button can be pressed and hold down to the first pressure
point to prepare the X-ray tube for exposure.
The exposure button is pressed and hold down fully to make the exposure
or during acquisition of the rapid sequence.
2. The fluoroscopy pedal is used to acquire a fluo sequence.
The fluoroscopy pedal is available in the operator room as a single pedal
or together with a radiography pedal. Another fluoroscopy pedal can be
located in the examination room together with a radiography pedal.
The fluoroscopy pedal is pressed during acquisition of the fluo sequence.
3. The radiography pedal is used to obtain a static image or to acquire a rapid
sequence, depending on the mode that is selected in the software console.
The radiography pedal can be available in the examination room together
with a fluoroscopy pedal.
The radiography pedal is pressed to make the exposure or during
acquisition of the rapid sequence.
Figure 12: Exposure controls

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The sound signals that are heard when pressing the pedals are different for
fluoroscopy and for radiography.
Depending on the configuration, the exposure button on the wireless console
and the footswitch in the examination room are disabled when an
examination for the ceiling suspension is selected.
Related Links
Radiography imaging modes on page 206
Fluoroscopy imaging modes on page 220
Exposure control pedals on page 261

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30 | DR 800 | Introduction

Examination window

Figure 13: Examination window

In the Examination window, you can view and manage the details of a
specific examination. The drop-down list in the title bar of the window shows
the name of the patient for which the examination is performed. You can
select another name from the list to display the examination of the patient.
Also the most important tools to prepare the images for diagnosis are available

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Acquisition window

Figure 14: Acquisition window

In the Acquisition window, you can manage the image acquisition for
radiography and fluoroscopy examinations.
A fluo group supports a DR workflow with fluoroscopy for positioning and
contains a set of fluo sequences and a single static image.
A dynamic group supports a DR workflow for dynamic images and can contain
fluo sequences, rapid sequences and static images.
Fluo sequences and rapid sequences can be reviewed in a dynamic image
viewer or a mosaic view and prepared for diagnosis.

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Editing window

Figure 15: Editing window

In the Editing window, you can prepare the image for printing.

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Main Menu window

Figure 16: Main Menu window

In the Main Menu window, you can manage certain aspects of the NX
Workflow which do not belong to the daily workflow.

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34 | DR 800 | Introduction

Monitor for reference images

An optional monitor can be installed in the operator room and/or in the
examination room, on which images can be displayed during the examination,
that have been acquired earlier on during the same examination.

Figure 17: Action button to display reference image

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DR detector switch
The DR detector switch is available in the X-ray modality status frame of the
software console.
The DR detector switch shows which DR detector is active and shows its
status. The DR detector switch can be used to activate another DR Detector.
The DR detector switch can be switched to CR, depending on the

Figure 18: DR detector switch

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36 | DR 800 | Introduction

The collimator controls consist of a button to switch on the collimator lamp
and two knobs to open or close the internal blades of the collimator.
When pressing the collimator lamp push-button, the collimator light turns on.
It remains lit for 30 seconds before it switches off automatically (lighting time
can be configured).
Exposure field on the receptor is adjusted by setting the two knobs. The table
on the front panel shows the number to set with the knobs to open the blades
according to the SID and X-ray field to be used.

1. Knobs to open or close the Collimator blades

2. Indicator light that lights up while the X-ray tube is selected
3. Collimator lamp push-button
Figure 19: Collimator controls

Note: Refer to the corresponding collimator manual for extended

information about operation or technical description needed to
maintain compliance with Standard IEC 60601--1--3: 2008.


• Collimator camera
• Collimator rotation

Collimator camera
The collimator has a built-in camera to visualize the anatomical region of
interest on the software console while adjusting the patient position remotely.
To hide the camera image on the software console, push the image. To display
the camera image, push the camera icon.

Figure 20: Camera image is not displayed

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Collimator rotation
Depending on the configuration, the collimator can be rotated around the axis
of the X-ray beam.
Note: Black borders are not applied to dynamic images if the
collimator is rotated. Put the collimator in the default position
for performing dynamic imaging examinations.

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Portable DR Detector
When performing an exposure, keep in mind the following detector
orientation aids:
1. Tube side
2. Patient orientation marker
For an overview of the operation controls of the DR Detector, refer to the user
manual of the DR Detector.
The DR Detector may come in contact with the patient.
Note: DR Detectors that operate wireless contain an RF
transmitter. For detailed information, refer to the DR Detector
User Manual.

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The remote controlled compressor allows an effective though not traumatic
palpation. The default compression force is 150 N. The compressor is designed
for mechanical and electrical safety, as well as safety against wrong
The compressor has a parking position from which it automatically moves in
and out.

Figure 21: Compressor moving automatically into parking position

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FLFS overlay
The FLFS overlay consists of a stitching grid and a mounting unit. The
stitching grid must be attached to the radiographic table using the mounting
The partial images of the FLFS examination are automatically stitched to
create the DR Full Leg Full Spine image. Stitching is applied based on a grid of
markers inside the stitching grid and a correction is applied based on the
alignment of the anatomical information in the image.

1. Mounting unit
2. Stitching grid
Figure 22: FLFS overlay

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DR 800 | Introduction | 41

Emergency stop button

If a system malfunction causes an emergency situation involving the patient,
operating personnel or any system component, activate the emergency stop

• On the position controls console

• On the position controls
Figure 23: Multiple emergency stop buttons are available on the system

The emergency stop buttons are red with the word "STOP" for easy
By pressing an emergency stop button, electric power to the remote controlled
tabletop is shut off, thus stopping all table movements.
The emergency stop button must be unlocked (pull the red
button) only after the cause of the hazard has been clearly
identified and eliminated.

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42 | DR 800 | Introduction

Emergency shutdown power switch

Use the emergency shutdown power switch, if a dangerous situation cannot be
eliminated by pressing the emergency stop button.
Use the emergency shutdown power switch in case of danger to
patients, operators, third parties, or one of the units. The entire
system will be shut down and the power supply will be
disconnected. In this situation, the system must not be restarted
and the Agfa service organization must be promptly contacted.
An installation must be fitted with two emergency stop buttons. They must be
effectively arranged so that the first button is close to the radiographic table
and easily reached by the operator. The second button must be in the operator
room and also easily reached by the operator. The emergency stop buttons are
installed and labeled by customer.
It must be ensured that the emergency switches are always
freely accessible.

Figure 24: Example of a typical placement of the emergency stop buttons in

the examination room and in the operator room.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 43

Cabinets and power switch

The main electrical panel of the examination room has an electrical switch
that is used for starting and stopping the system.
Three electronic cabinets are installed in the room:
• Generator cabinet
• Positioner cabinet
• DR 800 sync cabinet
The DR 800 sync cabinet is installed on top of the generator cabinet or nearby
the NX workstation. These are the functions of the DR 800 sync cabinet:
• connection between the NX workstation and the other cabinets
• synchronization of DR detector and generator
The DR 800 sync cabinet has an on/off switch.
Related Links
Starting the System on page 108
Stopping the System on page 141

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44 | DR 800 | Introduction

Radiographic wall stand

The radiographic wall stand is used for positioning of patients standing
upright or sitting towards the bucky for exposure.
The radiographic wall stand has two variants:
• Wall stand with vertical bucky
• Wall stand with tilting bucky


1. Wall stand column

2. Bucky
3. Patient hand grips
4. Bucky tray handle
5. Tilting brake
6. Vertical movement brake
Figure 25: Wall stand with tilting bucky

The bucky has two variants, depending on the orientation for loading a
detector or cassette:
• Right hand side loading
• Left hand side loading
Related Links
Ceiling suspension and radiographic wall stand on page 106


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DR 800 | Introduction | 45

• Positioning the wall stand bucky

• Inserting a DR detector in the wall stand bucky
• Securing the detector in the bucky

Positioning the wall stand bucky

To adjust the height (mechanical brake):

Figure 26: Mechanical brake

1. Release the mechanical brake for vertical movement, by turning the knob
of the vertical movement brake counterclockwise.
The bucky can be moved up and down.
2. Lock the bucky into position, by turning the knob clockwise.
When the brakes are released, the carriage tends to lift upward
with the bucky. This balancing helps the user to vertically
position the bucky. With empty bucky and no additional
accessories mounted, it is necessary to accompany the bucky
along its vertical movement and to avoid violent collision when
reaching the bumper at the upper end of the travel range.
Do not move the bucky with excessive force to the end stop

To tilt the bucky:

Figure 27: Tilting brake

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46 | DR 800 | Introduction

1. Relesae the tilting brake, turning the knob of the tilting brake
2. Adjust the tilting angle.
3. Lock the bucky into position, turning the knob clockwise.
To rotate the bucky:


1. Detector tray lock

2. Detector tray
3. Rotation lock lever
Figure 28: Rotation controls

1. Make sure the detector tray is locked, to protect the DR detector from
2. Hold the bucky with one hand and with the other hand release the lever
that locks the rotation.
3. Rotate the bucky to the right orientation and release the lever.
4. Continue the rotation until the lock closes.
Verify that the bucky tray has been blocked firmly into position
when making rotations! If the device has not been locked down,
it may be ejected from the rotation movement and fall to the
ground causing damage to it or injury to the patient and/or the
Never extract bucky tray when the loading position is pointed
towards the ground! It can easily fall to the ground causing
damage to it or injury to the patient and/or the operators!

Always keep the rotation of the bucky under control. Do not
rotate the bucky in an uncontrolled manner or allow it to
forcefully strike the mechanical stops. This could damage the
components or cause premature failures.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 47

Inserting a DR detector in the wall stand bucky


1. Bucky
2. Bucky drawer
3. DR Detector or CR cassette
4. Lever to lock the clamps
5. Bucky drawer handle
6. Clamp
7. Vertical center indicator
8. Vertical stop
Figure 29: Bucky

Make sure your fingers are not crushed by components inside
the bucky drawer. Use the bucky drawer handle when opening
or closing the drawer.

Securing the detector in the bucky

To secure the removable DR detector in the bucky, the bucky can be equipped
with a number of locks:

Figure 30: Detector tray lock for tilting buckies

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48 | DR 800 | Introduction

Push the lever to release the detector tray lock

Figure 31: Detector tray lock for earthquake resistance

To secure the lock for earthquake resistance, first turn the knob on the lever
counterclockwise to allow the lock to be released.

Figure 32: Lock for earthquake resistance

Press the lever to release the lock for the removable grid.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 49

Ceiling Suspension

1. Transversal rails
2. Carriage
3. Longitudinal rails
4. Telescopic column
5. X-ray tube head unit
6. Collimator
Figure 33: Ceiling Suspension

• Positioning the X-ray tube of the ceiling suspension
• Collimator of the ceiling suspension

Positioning the X-ray tube of the ceiling suspension

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50 | DR 800 | Introduction

1. Display for X-ray tube rotation angle and SID value

2. Positioning controls
3. Collimator controls
Figure 34: Control panel of the X-ray tube

The operation controls of the X-ray tube head unit are located at the control
panel. The X-ray tube can be positioned by the operator manually.
To release the brake for the selected movement direction or rotation, press
and hold the button and move the X-ray tube head unit. To improve the ease of
performing the movement, the movement is supported by motors.
To stop the movement and activate the brake, release the button.
The display of the control panel shows the rotation angle of the X-ray tube and
the SID value. The SID value can only be calculated correctly when the X-ray
tube is perpendicular to the bucky of the radiographic wall stand. This
function does not account for physical alignment of the X-ray source to the DR
detector. Always visually verify that the X-ray source is aligned to the DR
detector before taking exposures!
To avoid collisions, the movement of the radiographic table is blocked until
the X-ray tube of the ceiling suspension is moved back into the parking
position. The parking position of the ceiling suspension can be detected by
detents on the rails.

Table 1: Positioning controls

X-ray tube rotation (beta)

Transversal axis movement (back & front).

Vertical axis movement (up & down)

Longitudinal axis movement (right & left)

X-ray tube angle (alpha)

Transversal, vertical and longitudinal movement.

If movement in any direction blocks, do not apply force to
overcome the blocking. Contact your local service organization.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 51

Note: To avoid shock and damage, move the tube head unit with
normal speed and slow down when reaching the mechanical
end stops.

Rotation may be limited by cables. Avoid strain on the cables
during rotation.

Related Links
Ceiling suspension and radiographic wall stand on page 106

Collimator of the ceiling suspension

The collimator controls consist of a button to switch on the collimator lamp,
two knobs to open or close the internal blades of the collimator and a filter
selection wheel.
When pressing the collimator lamp push-button, the collimator light turns on.
It remains lit for 30 seconds before it switches off automatically (lighting time
can be configured).
Exposure field on the receptor is adjusted by setting the two knobs. The table
on the front panel shows the number to set with the knobs to open the blades
according to the SID and X-ray field to be used.

1. Knobs to open or close the Collimator blades

2. Filter selection
3. Collimator lamp push-button
Figure 35: Collimator controls

Note: Refer to the corresponding collimator manual for extended

information about operation or technical description needed to
maintain compliance with Standard IEC 60601--1--3: 2008.

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52 | DR 800 | Introduction

Under certain conditions the system shows a dialog box in the middle of the
screen containing a message, or a message is displayed in a fixed message area
in the user interface. This message informs the user that either a problem has
occurred or that a requested action cannot be performed. The user must read
these messages carefully. It will provide information on what to do from then
on. This will be either performing an action to resolve the problem or to
contact the service organization. Details on the contents of messages can be
found in the service documentation which is available to service personnel.
Related Links
System messages on page 239

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Introduction | 53

Do not remove the labels applied to the equipment, they are an integral part of
the instructions and documentation that accompany it.

Symbol Explanation

General warning, caution, risk of danger.

Read and understand all instructions and warning labels in the

product documentation before using the equipment. Keep man-
ual for future reference.

Ionizing radiation

Electrostatic sensitive devices.

Dangerous voltage

Warning symbol that indicates that fingers may be crushed.

Laser Warning
Indicates the presence of a laser device.

Don't push the unit, except during movement with breaks re-

Do not sit Warning

Indicates that sitting on a component can cause damage to the
Emergency stop

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54 | DR 800 | Introduction

Symbol Explanation

On (power: connection to the mains)

Off (power: disconnection from the mains)

On - off (push-push)

Protective earth (ground)

Functional earth

This mark indicates that this is a Type B Equipment

Symbol of filtration.


Date of manufacture

Serial number

This mark shows compliance of the equipment with Directive

93/42/EEC (for European Union).

This symbol on the products, and/or accompanying documents

means that used electrical and electronic products should not be
treated as, or mixed with general household waste.

Connector for fluoroscopy and radiography foot pedal.

Pollution Control. (Only applicable to People’s Republic of China

(PRC)). This symbol indicates the product contains hazardous
materials in excess of the limits established by the Chinese
Standards. It must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal
waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an au-
thorized representative of the manufacturer or an authorized

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Introduction | 55

Symbol Explanation

waste management company for information concerning the de-

commissioning of your equipment.


• Additional labeling of the radiographic table

• Additional labeling of the positioning console
• Additional labeling of the wireless console
• Additional labeling of the DR 800 sync cabinet
• Additional labeling of the positioner cabinet
• Additional labeling of the radiographic wall stand
• Additional labeling of the collimator
• Additional labeling of the X-ray tube ceiling suspension
• Additional labeling of the Full Leg Full Spine overlay
• Additional labeling of components with earthquake resistance

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56 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of the radiographic table

Type label of the radiographic table is on
the lower left side of the central table

Figure 36: Sample of type label

Warning symbol that indicates that fingers

may be crushed.

Warning for maximum load on the table, as

specified in the technical data of the radio-
graphic table.

Release the compressor.

This mark indicates that this is a Type B


Related Links
Radiographic table on page 290

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Introduction | 57

Warning labels on the radiographic table


1. Warning for crushing by the longitudinal and transversal displacement of

the tabletop
2. Warning for crushing by the transversal displacement of the tabletop
3. Warning for maximum load on the table
Figure 37: Location of the labels

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58 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of the positioning console

Type label at the rear side
of the positioning console.

Figure 38: Sample of type label

The 21 CFR Subchapter J

label is positioned close to
the type label.

Type label at the rear side

of the positioning console.

Figure 39: Sample of type label

WARNING: Warning label in English

This x-ray unit may be danger- on the front of the casing
ous to patient and operator un- of the positioning console.
less safe exposure factors, oper-
ating instructions and mainte-
nance schedules are observed.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 59

Additional labeling of the wireless console

Following warning is printed on the
rear side of the wireless console in
English and Italian:
Figure 40: Sample of warning label
Board powered in battery.
A wrong replacement of the battery
may involve a risk of explosion.
Make sure to replace the battery
with a battery of the same model or
with a model recommended by the
manufacturer. Replaced batteries
must be scrapped according to the
maufacturer’s instructions.

WARNING: Warning label in English on the front

This x-ray unit may be of the casing of the wireless console.
dangerous to patient
and operator unless
safe exposure factors,
operating instructions
and maintenance
schedules are ob-

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60 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of the DR 800 sync cabinet

Type label of the DR 800 sync cabinet is on
the side of the cabinet.

Figure 41: Sample of type label

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DR 800 | Introduction | 61

Additional labeling of the positioner cabinet

Type label on the foot of the positioner cabi-

Figure 42: Sample of type label

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62 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of the radiographic wall stand

The type label of the radiographic
wall stand is on top of the column.

Figure 43: Sample of type label

The maintenance label is on top of

the column on the left side.

Figure 44: Sample of maintenance label

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DR 800 | Introduction | 63

Additional labeling of the collimator

Figure 45: Sample of type label Type label of the collimator.

Laser power.

Laser source location.

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64 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of the X-ray tube ceiling suspension

The type label of the ceiling sus-
pension is on the front side of the
telescopic column.

Figure 46: Sample of type label

The maintenance label is on the

front side of the telescopic column.

Figure 47: Sample of maintenance label

Perform regular cable inspections.

Figure 48: Sample of warning label

High voltage equipment

Figure 49: Sample of warning label

Maintenance must be performed

by qualified personnel only.

Figure 50: Sample of warning label

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DR 800 | Introduction | 65

Additional labeling of the Full Leg Full Spine overlay

Table 2: FLFS Overlay

Label Meaning

This mark shows compliance of the equip-

ment with Regulation 2017/745 (for Euro-
pean Union).

Type label on the reverse of the Ful Leg

Full Spine overlay

Type label on the rear side of the mounting


Handle with care

Tube side

Top side according to patient orientation

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66 | DR 800 | Introduction

Additional labeling of components with earthquake resistance

The label indicates that the component is
tested for earthquake resistance.

Figure 51: Example of the label

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DR 800 | Introduction | 67

Installation and configuration is performed by an Agfa trained and authorized
service engineer. Contact your local support organization for more
The unit shall not be installed in wet enviroments like emergency operation
rooms and operating theatre.
This unit shall not be installed in environments where there are explosion

• Mains supply
• Radiation protection

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68 | DR 800 | Introduction

Mains supply
All the components of the X-ray installation must be connected to the
electrical mains by means of a socket or another multi-polar connector that
must be installed by the customer. The room of the installation must be in
compliance with the IEC/CEI or UL/CSA prescriptions in force (where
The relevant national regulations must be applied in all countries.
Nonetheless, compliance with the abovementioned standards is strongly
recommended, when they do not contradict the national regulations in force,
to ensure safety for the operator, the patient and third parties.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 69

Radiation protection
The system is intended to be used in X-ray rooms with appropriate shielding.

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70 | DR 800 | Introduction

Radiation Protection
X-ray radiation can cause serious damage to the health, therefore observe
great care and ensure that protection against X-ray exposure is always applied.
Some of the effects of X-ray radiation are cumulative and may extend over a
period of time. Therefore the X-ray operator should avoid exposure by X-ray
radiation at all times.
Objects in the path of the X-ray beam may produce scattered radiation. The
intensity depends on the energy and intensity of the X-ray exposure and the
material of the object. Protective measures have to be taken to prevent
exposure through scattered radiation.
Protective measures include:
• structural configuration of the X-ray room (e.g. lead shielded rooms)
• radiation protection for the operators (e.g. personal radiation dosimeters,
lead aprons, radiation protection glasses, mobile lead screens, keep
maximum distance from X-ray source, regular training, etc.)
• protection of patients against unnecessary radiation (e.g. limitation of X-
ray field by collimation, lead shielding, lead aprons, etc.)


• Fluoroscopy
• Monitoring of Personnel
• Protected area and significant zones of occupancy

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DR 800 | Introduction | 71

Fluoroscopy is a radiological technique used to obtain real time images of a
patient's internal anatomy, with the possibility of registering and reproducing
the obtained images on monitor.
The use of X-rays and subsequently fluoroscopy, requires that potential risks
of exposure be carefully balanced by the benefits in terms of diagnosis, that
the examination is able to offer. Despite trying to use reduced doses of
radiation, fluoroscopy sequence time can be rather long and the absorbed
dose can be relatively high.
Repetitive or prolonged exposures may result in local skin dose
levels that cause adverse tissue reactions.

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72 | DR 800 | Introduction

Monitoring of Personnel
The monitoring checks the amount of X-ray radiation the personnel has been
exposed to. It determines safety of the operators and it helps checking if safety
measures of the X-ray environment are adequate. Inadequate or improper
protection can lead to serious damage to the health.
To measure radiation, personal radiation dosimeters are typically used. They
are worn on the body at all times during working in an environment where X-
ray radiation is applied. They provide an indication for the amount of
radiation the operator was exposed to.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 73

Protected area and significant zones of occupancy

If the operator or staff does not need to be close to the patient during the
exposure, the operator and staff use the protected area to control the
following functions:
• selection of mode of operation
• selection of exposure settings (X-ray loading factors)
• positioning of the X-ray system
• actuation of the exposure button
• other necessary controls for the operator during exposure


1. X-ray room
2. Patient environment
3. Workstation
4. Operator room: protected area
Figure 52: Protected area and significant zones of occupancy

Warning: The radiation protection has to be applied to the


Significant zones of occupancy at the radiographic table

If operator or staff needs to be close to the patient during normal use (e.g.
some pediatric examinations or types of examinations for which the patient
requires assistance or procedures that require the physician to be present next

0392C EN 20210309 1049

74 | DR 800 | Introduction

to the patient), the significant zone of occupancy applies for operator and
Warning: The radiation protection has to be applied to the
patient and to the operator.

200 cm

0 cm

1. Vertical axis indicating the operator position (at 60 cm distance from

central X-ray beam) and height range of stray radiation measurement (0
cm - 200 cm)
2. Horizontal axis indicating the table height
3. Stray radiation in mGy measured at the operator position
Figure 53: Significant zone of occupancy and stray radiation during
examination with horizontal table

Table 3: Conditions for measuring stray radiation values represented in the


Workflow Fluoroscopy
Object Anthropomorphic abdomen phantom
SID 115 cm
Exposure parameters 100 kV, 50 mA, 10 frames per second, 10 ms pulse
Total exposure time 100 s
Inherent filtration 2.9 mm Al equivalent

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DR 800 | Introduction | 75

Total radiation dose 6600 cGy·cm2

200 cm

0 cm
2 1

1. Vertical axis indicating operator position at the right side of the table (at
15 cm from the right side of the tabletop and at 50 cm distance from
central X-ray beam) and height range of stray radiation measurement (0
cm - 200 cm)
2. Vertical axis indicating operator position at the left side of the table
3. Horizontal axis indicating the position of the X-ray tube
4. Stray radiation in mGy measured at the operator position [1]
Figure 54: Significant zone of occupancy and stray radiation during
examination with vertical table

Note: The stray radiation will be significantly lower at a position

at the left side of the tabletop (indicated with number [2] in the
illustration). The operator should take this position during the
exposure, and still be able to give assistance to the patient.

Table 4: Conditions for measuring stray radiation values represented in the


Workflow Fluoroscopy
Object PMMA phantom measuring 25 x 25 x 25 cm3
Collimation 10 cm x 10 cm
Exposure parameters 125 kV, 80 mA, 10 frames per second, 10 ms pulse

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76 | DR 800 | Introduction

Total exposure time 200 s

Inherent filtration 2.9 mm Al equivalent
Total radiation dose 3000 cGy·cm2

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DR 800 | Introduction | 77

The X-ray unit and all components require regular maintenance to ensure the
equipment is safe and reliable for operation.
Operation in unsafe condition includes the risk of radiological
exposure and injury of the patient and/or the operator. The
customer is responsible to ensure the fault-free condition of the
Improper, irregular or lack of maintenance of the equipment can
lead to injuries to persons (e.g. by radiation hazard) and
property damage as a result of malfunctions and defects of the
Wear of equipment due to excessively long intervals between
service may lead to personal injury and property damage due to
worn and unsafe parts.

Incorrect or defective spare parts may adversely affect the safety
of the system and lead to damages, malfunctions or total failure.
Use only original spare parts provided by the manufacturer.

Improper changes, additions, maintenance or repair of the
equipment or the software can lead to personal injury, electrical
shock and damage to the equipment. Safety is only guaranteed
when changes, additions, maintenance or repairs are carried out
by an Agfa certified field service engineer. A non certified
engineer performing a modification or service intervention on a
medical device, acts on his own responsibility and makes the
warranty void.
During all functional tests requiring the activation of the
radiological generator, protective garments must be worn,
maintaining an adequate distance and, if necessary, a pen
dosimeter for checking personal X-ray exposure must be used.
Before starting the maintenance procedures, it is recommended
to read the safety directions in this manual.

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78 | DR 800 | Introduction

In case of functional defects or other deviations from normal
operation behavior the unit has to be switched off immediately
and the service to be informed. The equipment must only be put
back into operation when the fault has been repaired.
The use of spare parts from third party suppliers can affect the
safety of the equipment. If components fail, use only original
spare parts.

Table 5: Maintenance

Expected lifetime for the X-ray system 10 years
Periodic maintenance
In order to ensure good and safe functioning conditions Every 12 months
of the equipment, preventive maintenance must be car-
ried out. If you have not signed a maintenance contract,
please contact the manufacturer’s service department or
its agent.
Maintenance by the user
Clean any residual contrast mediums from the tabletop. Daily
Do a visual check of the equipment movement, the dis- Daily
plays and the luminous signals.
Make sure that the necessary accessories for immobiliz- Daily
ing the patient are properly fixed to the equipment, and
particularly the handgrips.

Check the correct functioning of the ceiling suspension: Daily

• Verify that no error messages appear on the display.

• Push the movement stop button and perform a
movement of the system.
• Check if movements can be performed easily and
without impedance.
• Check the proper functioning of the collimator unit.

Check that the movement stop buttons function proper- Every 6 months
Check the dimensions of the luminous field delimited by Every 6 months
the collimator by following the procedure included in
the technical manuals.

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DR 800 | Introduction | 79

Check the cables. Ensure that cables are not damaged Every 6 months
and cable jackets are not torn.
Check the automatic collimation Every 6 months
Replace the batteries in the wireless pedal Every 12 months
The DR detector requires regular calibration. Calibra- A message is dis-
tion instructions are described in the DR Detector Cali- played on MUSI-
bration Key User Manual (doc 0134). CA Acquisition
Workstation indi-
cating that the DR
detector must be


• Maintenance of the ceiling suspension and the radiographic wall stand

• Offset calibration
• Checking the automatic collimation

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80 | DR 800 | Introduction

Maintenance of the ceiling suspension and the radiographic

wall stand
The steel cable and winding drums must be checked every year.
The steel cable must be replaced following the indication on the
label that is placed on the equipment and in the latest every 5
years for the ceiling suspension and every 10 years for the wall
The manufacturer declines every responsibility for any kind of
negligence in following the instructions. The lack of check and
controls may cause the system to fall and represents a serious
threat to life for both patient and operator.
A broken spring causes a deficit of several kilograms of force in
the telescope balancing system. The braking system will
compensate the force and keep the movement stable. The ceiling
suspension must not be used until the broken spring is replaced.

Table 6: Maintenance

Periodic maintenance
All steel cables, winding drums, pulleys and Every 12 months
safety devices of the ceiling suspension and
the radiographic wall stand shall be checked
Condition of the tension springs of the ceil- Every 12 months
ing suspension.
Replacement of steel cables of the ceiling Every 5 years, indicated on
suspension the label that is placed on the
Replacement of steel cables of the wall stand Every 10 years, indicated on
the label that is placed on the
Replacement of tension springs of the ceiling As needed

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DR 800 | Introduction | 81

Offset calibration
The integrated DR detector is set up to automatically perform an offset
calibration every minute. The user can manually trigger the offset calibration
by pushing the Offset Calibration button on the software console.
The DR Detector switch indicates when the offset calibration is ongoing.

Figure 55: Offset calibration ongoing

Offset calibration is not performed automatically while on the NX workstation

a thumbnail is selected for an exposure on the integrated DR detector. If
automatic offset calibration has not been performed for too long, the Offset
Calibration button on the software console will start blinking, to remind the
user to manually trigger the offset calibration by pushing the button.
Image artifacts after delay of offset calibration. Perform the
manual offset calibration as soon as possible when the Offset
Calibration button starts blinking.

Image artifacts after exposure of the system to foreign X-ray
radiation. If another X-ray device (X-ray tubes not connected to
the DR 800 generator) has been used nearby the system and you
are not sure that automatic offset calibration has been
performed (e.g. because a thumbnail on the NX was selected all
the time), perform a manual offset calibration before making
new exposures on the system.
Related Links
X-ray modality controls on page 228
DR Detector Status on page 194

0392C EN 20210309 1049

82 | DR 800 | Introduction

Checking the automatic collimation

1. Move the focal distance to 115 cm.
2. Select the second sensor area and check that the collimator automatically
sets to the selected value (30x30).
3. Vary the focal distance and check that the selected format keeps the right
4. Select the third sensor area and check that the collimator automatically
sets to the selected value (20x20).
5. Vary the focal distance and check that the format remains unchanged even
if the focal distance varies.
6. Select the fourth sensor area and check that the collimator automatically
sets to the selected value (15x15).
7. Vary the focal distance and check that the format remains unchanged even
if the focal distance varies.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting | 83

Cleaning and Disinfecting

All appropriate policies and procedures should be followed to avoid
contamination of the user/staff, patients and other equipment. All necessary
precautions shall be taken to avoid patient contact or contact with potential
sources of contamination. Cleaning agents and disinfectants should only be
used by trained people with required knowledge to complete the cleaning and
disinfecting task in a save and effective way. The selection of the appropriate,
legally marketed disinfecting agents and procedures is the responsibility of the
hospital. The selection shall be performed according, amongst others, to the
severity of the contamination.

• Cleaning
• Use of protective covers and sheaths
• Disinfecting
• Disinfecting safety directions
• Approved disinfectants
• FLFS Overlay

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84 | DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting

To clean the exterior of the equipment:

1. Stop the system

When the equipment is going to be cleaned, be sure to turn
off the main power of the system. Never use anhydrous or
high solvency alcohols, benzine, thinner or any other
flammable cleaning agent. Otherwise, it may result in fire or
electric shock.
2. Wipe the exterior of the system with a cloth slightly moistened with a
neutral detergent.
Make sure no liquid gets in the device.

Clean the equipment with only a little moisture. Do not
spray disinfectants or detergents directly on the equipment.
Do not pour liquid directly on the equipment.

Do not use solvents such as anhydrous or high solvency
alcohols, thinner or benzine. Do not use any corrosive,
dissolving or abrasive cleaning or polishing detergents.
Doing so may damage the surface of the equipment. Using
unsuitable cleaning agents or methods can damage the
property when surface becomes dull and brittle (e.g. by
using alcohol-containing agents).
Avoid to spray degreasing agent at the blue rail, because it
will cause rust.
Note: Do not open the equipment for cleaning. No
components inside the device require cleaning by the user.

3. Start up the system.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting | 85

Use of protective covers and sheaths

If the system is used in an environment where disinfection is required or
where it may get into contact with blood or other body fluids, use covers or
sheaths to protect the system from direct patient contact. Only use legally
marketed protective covers.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

86 | DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting

To disinfect the device, use only disinfectants and disinfection
methods that are approved by Agfa and that correspond to the
national regulation and guidelines as well as explosion
If you plan to use other disinfectants, approval of Agfa is needed before use, as
most disinfectants can damage the device. UV disinfection is also not allowed.
Perform the procedure following the instructions for use, the disposal
instructions and the safety instructions of the selected disinfectants and tools
and of the hospital.
Items contaminated with blood or body fluids, which may contain blood-
borne pathogens, should be cleaned and then receive intermediate level
disinfection with a product having an EPA-registered claim for activity against
hepatitis B.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting | 87

Disinfecting safety directions

Using a disinfectant that can form an explosive or flammable
gas mixtures is hazard to life and health because of explosion
risk. Switch the equipment off before disinfecting. Allow the gas
mixture to evaporate before switching the x-ray system back on.
Using unsuitable disinfectants can cause discoloration and
damage of the surface of the equipment. If a functional
degradation or malfunctioning of the product is noticed due to
disinfection, contact the medical device manufacturer.
To disinfect the device:
• Do not use any corrosive, soluble or gaseous disinfectants.
• Consult the manufacturer’s Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and
recommendations on the product label for additional information prior to
• Use of spray disinfection can cause malfunctions due to ingress of the
disinfectant into the equipment. Disinfect all parts of the unit, including
the accessories and connection cables by just wiping them. Switch off the
system and cover the cooled system carefully before performing a room
disinfection using nebuliser.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

88 | DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting

Approved disinfectants
Refer to the Agfa website for specifications on the disinfectants that have been
found compatible with the cover material of the device and can be used on the
outer surface of the device.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Cleaning and Disinfecting | 89

FLFS Overlay
All appropriate policies and procedures should be followed to avoid
contamination of the user/staff, patients and other equipment. All existing
universal precautions should be extended to avoid coming into contact with
patient or close contact with patient or potential contaminations. The user is
responsible for selecting a disinfection procedure.
• If required, wipe the patient contact surfaces of the FLFS overlay using
disinfectants such as ethanol (70%), to prevent the risk of infection.
• Do not spray the equipment directly with disinfectants or detergents.
• Wipe it with a cloth slightly damped with a neutral detergent. Do not use
solvents such as anhydrous or high solvency alcohols, thinner or benzine.
Doing so may damage the surface of the equipment.
• Take care that by using disinfectants, the skin of the user or of the patient
cannot be irritated.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

90 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Safety Directions
Safety is only guaranteed when an Agfa certified field service
engineer has installed the product.

The product must only be installed using released components
and in released configurations.

To avoid risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be
connected to a supply mains with protective earth.

Do not connect additional extensions cords or multiple power
socket outlets to the system.

Do not connect the equipment with anything other than
specified. Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

To avoid risk of electric shock, do not remove any covers.
Changes, additions, maintenance or repairs must be carried out
by an Agfa certified field service engineer.

The user must not touch part of the console or the X-ray
generator, and patient simultaneously.

Ionizing radiation can lead to radiation injuries if handled
incorrectly. When radiation is applied, the required protective
measures must be complied with.

The operator and end-user must take precautions to protect
themselves against dangerous X-ray exposure when using the
DR Detector in the X-ray beam path of an X-ray source.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 91

The DR Detector is not intended to be used as a primary barrier
to X-rays. The user is responsible for ensuring the safety of the
operator, bystanders, and the subjects being radiographed.

X-ray radiation will extend beyond the primary protective
shielding when rotating the X-ray tube away from the
radiographic table or when manually adjusting the collimator
up to its mechanical limits and making free exposures.
Operating the equipment when it is faulty includes the risk of
radiological exposure and injury to the patient and to the
operator. Operate the equipment only in safe and fault-free
The accessories for the radiographic table may slide off the
radiographic table if they are not properly mounted, causing
injury or damage to the equipment. Always tightly fasten the
accessories on the tabletop guides.
Do not subject the unit to dangerous stresses, eg. violently
stopping the moving parts at the end of the movement range,
twisting the electrical cables excessively or forcing movements
without having released the brakes.
The table can tilt in negative position (head down). This can
create a hazardous situation where the patient can slip from the
table. Always verify the automatic position before activating the
automatic movement and observe the patient during
Check upfront, before starting the digital subtraction
angiography or roadmapping procedure, that the setting of the
maximum mAs is appropriate for the targeted body part of that
specific patient.
System unavailability due to hardware or software failure. If the
product is used in critical clinical workflows, a backup system
has to be foreseen.

All the necessary precautions must be taken to prevent
unauthorized or unskilled personnel from operating this
equipment, thus jeopardizing themselves and other people.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

92 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Incorrect and inappropriate use of the machine by poorly
qualified personnel who are unsuitable and insufficiently
trained can cause fatal accidents.

This unit must be disposed by qualified personnel in order to
prevent the occurrence of danger.

When disposing of the collimator, X-ray tube, generator or other
significant system devices, refer to the technical manuals that
comes with them.

Damaged grid. Reduced image quality. Please handle the grids
with special care.

When inserting the scattered radiation grids, it is essential that
the grid corresponds to the intended source-image-distance
(SID) to which the grid is focussed. Because of the focussing of
the grids, the tube unit must be centered onto the bucky.
Laser radiation is potentially dangerous for skin and eyes. Do
not stare directly or through optical instruments at the laser
beam. Do not point the laser beam on the face or the eyes of the
Do not stare at the collimator light for prolonged time because it
could be dangerous for the eyes.

Strictly observe all warnings, cautions, notes and safety
markings within this document and on the product.

All Agfa medical products must be used by trained and qualified


• Dangerous areas
• Patient visibility
• Wireless console

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 93

• Getting on and off the table

• Preventing damage to the equipment
• Attention to overhead loads
• Full Leg Full Spine
• Digital tomosynthesis
• Ceiling suspension and radiographic wall stand

0392C EN 20210309 1049

94 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Dangerous areas
During movement of the X-ray system, dangerous areas can be identified in
the surrounding space. It is necessary to pay special attention to such areas, in
order to prevent collisions or crushing.
Before switching on the equipment, check for:
• dangerous areas on the system, where there are potential risks of collision
or crushing
• dangerous areas on the system where the patient or operator could get
• dangerous movements that might damage the equipment
Collisions may occur between the moving system and objects in the room
positioned within the movement range of the system, such as: stretchers,
chairs, mobile tables with instruments aboard, baskets, stands, pedals,
suspended devices, etc.
Collision with objects within the movement area of the system.
Do not activate automatic movement if extraneous objects are in
the allowed movement area of the system.

Crushing may occur between the moving system and the operator, the patient
or other persons within the movement range of the system.
Before activating any movement of the system, verify that no
one but the patient is present within the machine moving area
and that the patient is properly positioned and secured on the
tabletop. While controlling the position of the system, do not
remain standing close to the machine. While controlling the
position of the system, do not assume a working position seated
directly on the equipment. Be particularly wary of the risk of
crushing feet when the radiographic table tilts.
When the equipment is moving or the patient is being
positioned, personnel and patient may only grasp the grips that
have been provided specifically for this purpose.

The operator must keep hands, feet, clothing, jewelry and hair
away from moving parts to avoid that they get tangled in the
moving mechanisms.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 95

0392C EN 20210309 1049

96 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Figure 56: The cross-hatched area indicates where there is a risk of collision or
crushing depending on the position of the system

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 97

Figure 57: The black arrows indicate where there is a risk of collision and the
white arrows indicate where there is a risk of crushing

A pair of handgrips is a standard accessory of the system. Make sure that these
handgrips are always installed.
If the handgrips cannot be used:
• pay particular attention to the potential threat of crushing between mobile
parts and openings
• during the examination, make sure the patient does not grasp the edge of
the tabletop

0392C EN 20210309 1049

98 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Patient visibility

1. Positioning console and exposure controls in the operator room

2. Radiographic table
3. DR 800 sync cabinet
4. Generator cabinet
5. Positioner cabinet
Figure 58: Typical room layout (A is the maximum longintudinal dimension;
safety area is indicated with cross-hatches)

The room layout must allow the operator to keep complete visual contact with
the moving tabletop and monitor the patient even from the operator room.
If the positioning console is installed in other positions (for instance laterally
with respect to the tabletop), the operator and the patient are both exposed to
risks caused by lack of visibility when the machine is moving.
To give the operator complete control of all movement activities, following
measures can be taken:
• Remove the patient footrest when working in a horizontal direction with
the patient on the tabletop.
• If necessary, arrange some mirrors which ensure the patient can be
monitored even in positions where the tabletop hides the patient from
• Always watch the machine and the patient when performing all

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 99

In order to guarantee patient safety, a camera which displays the patient's

image is built in the collimator, so the operator can monitor the patient
position. This camera image is displayed on the software console.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

100 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Wireless console
Bluetooth communication works up to a maximum distance of
10 metres. For proper operation of the system, use the wireless
console exclusively within the operating room.

To conserve battery power, the wireless console automatically
turns off 3 minutes after the equipment has been turned off.

When the charge of the battery is less than 10%, it is necessary
to recharge the battery by connecting the power cord and
turning on the mains network switch.

The wireless console should not be left unattended when active.
Failure to do so may result in unintended movement of table.

When the wireless console is not in use, turn it off and park it
outside the movement range of the radiographic table.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 101

Getting on and off the table

If the tabletop is moved to the left or to the right, it is prohibited
to let the patient get on or off the tabletop at the protruding end
of the tabletop.

2 3 2

1 1

1. Protruding end of the tabletop

2. Prohibited to get on or off the table
3. Allowed to get on or off the table
With a patient weighing more than 265 kg (up to max. 320 kg),
the radiographic table must be in the lowest position and not
moved while it is under load.

For patient weights higher than 265 kg (up to max. 320 kg) it is necessary to
place the table at its minimum height, to position the mobile area based on
the area to be examined and, only later, to allow the patient on the tabletop.
Related Links
Positioning the patient on the examination table on page 143

0392C EN 20210309 1049

102 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Preventing damage to the equipment

Before starting any movement, make sure there are no obstacles in the
movement area.
No object or material must be placed on the tabletop, the image receptor or
the bars. While the image receptor or tabletop are moving, these objects could
be crushed.
Do not place any objects on any other surface. During tilting, such objects
could fall, causing damage or injury.
Do not climb up on any part of the tabletop cover or the image receptor. The
covers could be damaged and create problems or malfunctions.
Do not sit on the column or the X-ray tube arm when the equipment is in the
vertical position. The load could break the material and damage it.
Do not place glasses for contrast liquids or other containers on the equipment,
the console or the cabinet. The contrast liquid could penetrate some
components of the equipment causing malfunctions or incorrect
interpretation of the X-ray images. We suggest that you immediately eliminate
contrast liquid stains.
The position controls prevent unintended movement and stop the movement
as soon as the operator releases the controls.
The low ceiling sensor guarantees that the system will never collide with the
ceiling of the examination room in which it is installed. The sensor is optional
and gets enabled in case that the software for low ceiling limits fails to work. If
the sensor is triggered, a service intervention is needed to reactiate the

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 103

Attention to overhead loads

The X-ray tube ceiling suspension is designed to support and move overhead
devices. This system may be in use with other overhead or protruding devices,
that can be either mobile or fixed, and can present hazards to both the
patients and the operators that are located within the examination room. Pay
attention to where these devices are located to avoid coming into accidental
contact with them. Always control the movements of the patient while in the
working area to protect them and prevent their contact with the equipment.

This mobile equipment is designed to carry overhead loads: the

patient or operator should remain in the equipments vicinity on-
ly for the time necessary to perform examinations or to service
the equipment.
Take care of where the suspension unit may be parked to avoid
accidental contact with the overhead mass.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

104 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Full Leg Full Spine

Do not use the FLFS overlay if it is damaged, to avoid injury.

Handle the FLFS overlay and the mounting unit with care to
avoid damage.

The FLFS overlay may slide off the radiographic table when
tilting the table if it is not properly mounted, causing injury or
damage to the equipment. Always consider the patient
orientation (head left or head right) when mounting the FLFS

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Safety Directions | 105

Digital tomosynthesis
Metal structures in the image might affect the image quality of
the tomosynthesis reconstruction.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

106 | DR 800 | Safety Directions

Ceiling suspension and radiographic wall stand

All movements of the ceiling suspension are blocked by
permanent magnet brakes that require power to be turned ON to
release them. This means that in the event of accidental
interruption of power, the brake remains active, so one must
avoid manually force the movement of the device.
Keep a firm grip on the handle of the X-Ray tube head unit
whenever activating the brakes, to keep the tube housing under
full control.

Use the brakes correctly. Activate the positioning controls to
move the equipment. Release the positioning controls only after
the equipment is set in place.

In the bucky and in the bucky drawer there are metal
protrusions and pinch points that can cause damage to the
user’s hands. So use only the proper handle to pull out and
insert the cassette tray from the bucky.
Do not try to force the X-ray tube towards the bottom when the
main rope is broken! Never use the ceiling suspension after the
safety device intervention. Immediately contact service and
replace the broken rope.
If the wall stand unit is used with a mobile table or stretcher, it is
important that the operator must block the wheels to firmly
position the stretcher while helping the patient on or off the
Do not use the wallstand if it shows damage to one of the two
ropes or obvious signs of breakage or wear. Contact service to
replace broken ropes.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 107

Basic Workflow

• Starting the System

• DR workflow with fluoroscopy for positioning
• DR workflow for dynamic images
• DR workflow for digital tomosynthesis
• DR workflow for digital subtraction angiography (DSA)
• DR workflow for DSA roadmapping
• Stopping the System

0392C EN 20210309 1049

108 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Starting the System

No patient should be near or on the table until the system has
started and is in its starting position.

To start the system:

1. Switch on the electrical room switch.

Check that the emergency shutdown power switch for the system and the
emergency stop button for the radiographic table is not activated.
Check that the power switch of the DR 800 sync cabinet is on.
2. Start the NX workstation.
For detailed information about starting up NX, refer to the NX User
Manual, document 4420.
The NX application and the software console are available on the NX
3. In a configuration with a wireless DR Detector, power on the DR Detector:
a) attach a fully charged battery pack to the DR Detector.
b) turn on the DR Detector.
c) if needed, register the DR Detector to the NX workstation.
For detailed information about starting up the DR Detector, refer to the DR
Detector User Manual.


• Warming-up of X-ray tube

• Automated workflow for warming-up of X-ray tube

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 109

Warming-up of X-ray tube

The X-ray tube needs to be warmed-up before making X-ray exposures at the
start of each day and when the X-ray tube has not been in use for more than an
hour. This extends the X-ray tube lifetime.
To warm-up the X-ray tube

1. Close the collimator blades fully

2. Set exposure settings: 80 kV, 200 mAs, 100 mA and large focus
3. Ensure that no one will be exposed
4. Make a total of three exposures, 30 seconds apart

This procedure is used for a typical X-ray tube. Consult the X-ray tube
manufacturer instructions for the actual X-ray tube in use and comply with the
instructions if there is conflict with this procedure.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

110 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Automated workflow for warming-up of X-ray tube

The software console provides an automated workflow for warming-up of the
X-ray tube.

1. Close the collimator blades fully.

2. Make sure that no one will be exposed.
3. On the software console, go to the screen with modality controls.

Figure 59: Navigation button for modality controls

4. Click the button to start the automated workflow for warming-up of the X-
ray tube.
Figure 60: Button to start the automated workflow for warming-up of the
X-ray tube

A table is displayed with a list of exposures.

1. Table with list of exposures

2. Button to cancel the warming-up procedure
Figure 61: List of exposures for warming-up of the X-ray tube
5. Make sure that the collimator blades are fully closed and that no patient is
present in the room.
To avoid radiation on a DR detector, remove the detector, turn the tube
away from the detector, or cover the detector with a lead apron.
6. Perform the exposures and wait for the timer icon to finish between
The exposure parameters are set automatically.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 111

DR workflow with fluoroscopy for positioning

This workflow is available only on DR systems that support dynamic imaging.
Fluoroscopy can be used as a guide for positioning the patient before
performing the planned exposure.
To use fluoroscopy for positioning:

1. Add a fluo group to the Image Overview pane.

If a fluo group has already been added based on data from the RIS, this
step can be skipped.
a) In the Examination window, click Add Image.
The Add Image window appears.

Figure 62: Add Image

b) Specify the exam group and exam type by clicking on the buttons.
c) Select an exam type that is configured as a fluo group and click OK.
The fluo group thumbnail is added to the Image Overview pane.
A fluo group thumbnail is indicated with an icon in the top right corner of
the thumbnail.

Figure 63: Thumbnail for a fluo group

2. Select the thumbnail for the fluo group in the Image Overview pane of
the Acquisition window.
The selected DR detector is activated. The default X-ray exposure
parameters and X-ray system position for the selected examination are
sent to the modality. The software console displays these settings in the
examination overview.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

112 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

2 3

1. X-ray modality settings

2. Generator settings for the static image
3. Generator settings for fluoroscopy
4. Automatic position
Figure 64: Examination overview

a) Check the X-ray modality settings.

Figure 65: X-ray modality controls on the software console

b) Check the exposure settings.
The fluo group contains settings for fluoroscopy and for the static

Figure 66: Generator controls for fluoroscopy

Figure 67: Generator controls for the static image

3. Move the X-ray system to the right position.
a) Check if a correct automatic position is selected.

Figure 68: Positioning controls on the software console

b) Move to the selected automatic position.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 113

1 2

1. Indicator light is blinking if an automatic position is selected, until

the automatic movement has finished
2. Operate the joystick to move to the selected automatic position,
while the indicator light is blinking
Figure 69: Position controls

The actual and target position parameters are displayed on the

software console. When the target position is reached, the movement
stops and the indicator light on the console goes out.
c) Adjust the position using the position controls.
4. Position the patient.
a) Press and hold down the fluoroscopy pedal to view a real-time
fluoroscopy image in the dynamic image screen.

Information about the dynamic image is displayed next to the image.


1. Current frame number

2. Duration up till now of the current fluoroscopy sequence
3. Total duration up till now of all fluoroscopy sequences in this

0392C EN 20210309 1049

114 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

4. Warning sign for delay on real-time imaging

Figure 70: Dynamic image screen

A warning sign can be displayed if the real-time imaging is not

The fluo timer displays the total duration up till now of all fluoroscopy
sequences in this examination. When the alarm time is reached, a
sound signal is heard. When the maximum duration time is reached,
the fluoroscopy sequence is stopped.

Figure 71: Fluo timer

b) Release the fluoroscopy pedal to stop the fluoroscopy sequence.
The fluo sequence is stored and displayed as a fluo sequence
thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane. The last
image of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail.
A fluo sequence thumbnail is indicated with a transparant Play icon in
the center.

Figure 72: Thumbnail of a fluo sequence

If required, multiple fluo sequences can be made.
5. After stopping a dynamic exposure, the dynamic image screen remains
visible and the acquired sequence is played continuously.

Table 7: Buttons in the dynamic image screen after stopping the exposure

Button Function
Display the dynamic image in full screen mode for further edit-

Return to the Acquisition window.

Depending on the configuration, this step is skipped and the screen

returns to the Acquisition window right after stopping the exposure.
6. Make the exposure.
Use the exposure button or the radiography pedal to make the planned

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 115

The image is acquired from the DR detector and displayed in a new

thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane.
After the exposure is made, the Acquisition window looks as follows:


1. Fluo group thumbnail

2. Fluo sequence thumbnail
3. Image thumbnail
Figure 73: Result of the exposure

After making the exposure, no more fluo sequences or static images can be
added to the fluo group.
7. Perform quality control.
8. If all images in the examination are OK, click Close and Send All.
If configured, the image is sent to the printer and/or PACS archive. The
exam is placed in the Closed Exams pane.
Fluo sequences are by default deleted after the examination is closed and
not stored and not sent to a PACS archive. This is indicated by the yellow
icon in the top right corner of the fluo sequence thumbnail. To store and
archive a selected fluo sequence, click the Store Sequence button before
clicking Close and Send All.

Figure 74: Icon indicating that the fluo sequence will not be saved

Related Links

0392C EN 20210309 1049

116 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Resetting the fluo timer on page 203

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 117

DR workflow for dynamic images

This workflow is available only on DR systems that support dynamic imaging.
To acquire a set of fluo sequences, rapid sequences and static images for

1. Add a dynamic group to the Image Overview pane.

If a dynamic group has already been added based on data from the RIS,
this step can be skipped.
a) In the Examination window, click Add Image.
The Add Image window appears.

Figure 75: Add Image

b) Specify the exam group and exam type by clicking on the buttons.
c) Select an exam type that is configured as a dynamic group and click
The dynamic group thumbnail is added to the Image Overview pane.
A dynamic group thumbnail is indicated with an icon in the top right
corner of the thumbnail.

Figure 76: Thumbnail for a dynamic group

2. Select the thumbnail for the dynamic group in the Image Overview pane
of the Acquisition window.
The selected DR detector is activated. The default X-ray exposure
parameters and X-ray system position for the selected examination are
sent to the modality. The software console displays these settings in the
examination overview.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

118 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

2 3

1. X-ray modality settings

2. Generator settings for the static exposure or the rapid sequence
exposure, depending on the mode that is selected in the generator
controls screen of the software console
3. Generator settings for fluoroscopy
4. Automatic position
Figure 77: Examination overview

a) Check the X-ray modality settings.

Figure 78: X-ray modality controls on the software console

b) Check the exposure settings.
The fluo group contains settings for fluoroscopy, for static images and
for rapid sequence exposures.

Figure 79: Generator controls for fluoroscopy

Figure 80: Generator controls for static images and for rapid sequence
3. Move the X-ray system to the right position.
a) Check if a correct automatic position is selected.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 119

Figure 81: Positioning controls on the software console

b) Move to the selected automatic position.
1 2

1. Indicator light is blinking if an automatic position is selected, until

the automatic movement has finished
2. Operate the joystick to move to the selected automatic position,
while the indicator light is blinking
Figure 82: Position controls

The actual and target position parameters are displayed on the

software console. When the target position is reached, the movement
stops and the indicator light on the console goes out.
c) Adjust the position using the position controls.
4. Position the patient.
5. Acquire a set of fluo sequences, rapid sequences and static images.
Any number of fluo sequences, rapid sequences or static images can be
acquired, in any order.

Table 8: Supported workflows

Image type Settings Step 1: activate Step 2: start ex- Result

Fluorosco- not needed
fluoroscopy pedal

Rapid se-

0392C EN 20210309 1049

120 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Image type Settings Step 1: activate Step 2: start ex- Result


exposure button
or radiography
Static im-
exposure button
or radiography

Information about the dynamic image is displayed next to the image.


1. Current frame number

2. Duration up till now of the current fluoroscopy or rapid sequence
3. Total duration up till now of all fluoroscopy sequences in this
4. Warning sign for delay on real-time imaging
Figure 83: Dynamic image screen

A warning sign can be displayed if the real-time imaging is not

6. Acquire a fluo sequence.
a) Press and hold down the fluoroscopy pedal to view a real-time
fluoroscopy image in the dynamic image screen.

b) Release the fluoroscopy pedal to stop the fluoroscopy sequence.

The fluo sequence is stored and displayed as a fluo sequence
thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane. The last
image of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 121

A fluo sequence thumbnail is indicated with a transparant Play icon in

the center.

Figure 84: Thumbnail of a fluo sequence

7. Acquire a rapid sequence.
a) Select the rapid sequence mode in the software console.

Figure 85: Rapid sequence mode

b) Press and hold down the exposure button or the radiography pedal to
make a rapid sequence exposure.

c) Release the exposure button or the radiography pedal to stop the rapid
The rapid sequence is stored and displayed as a rapid sequence
thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane. The last
image of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail.
A rapid sequence thumbnail is indicated with a white Play icon in the

Figure 86: Thumbnail of a rapid sequence

In exceptional occasions the last image of a rapid
sequence may not be of appropriate quality due to an
uncompleted exposure. In this case the user can choose
to keep or or disregard this image on the NX workstation
and use the second last image instead.
8. After stopping a dynamic exposure, the dynamic image screen remains
visible and the acquired sequence is played continuously.

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122 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Table 9: Buttons in the dynamic image screen after stopping the exposure

Button Function
Display the dynamic image in full screen mode for further edit-

Return to the Acquisition window.

Depending on the configuration, this step is skipped and the screen

returns to the Acquisition window right after stopping the dynamic
9. Acquire a static image.
a) Select the static image mode in the software console.

Figure 87: Static image mode

b) Press and hold down the exposure button or the radiography pedal to
make an exposure to acquire a static image.

The image is stored and displayed as a thumbnail in the lower half of

the Image Overview pane.

Figure 88: Thumbnail of a static image

If required, multiple static images can be made.

10. Perform quality control.
11. If all images in the examination are OK, click Close and Send All.
If configured, the fluo sequences, static images and rapid sequences are
sent to the printer and/or PACS archive. The exam is placed in the Closed
Exams pane.
Depending on the configuration, fluo sequences may not be stored and not
be sent to a PACS archive. This is indicated by the yellow icon in the top
right corner of the fluo sequence thumbnail. To store and archive a
selected fluo sequence, click the Store Sequence button before clicking
Close and Send All.

Related Links
Resetting the fluo timer on page 203

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DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 123

0392C EN 20210309 1049

124 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

DR workflow for digital tomosynthesis

This workflow is available only on DR systems that support digital
The result of a digital tomosynthesis examination is an acquisition sequence
and a reconstruction sequence.
The acquisition sequence is a sequence of static images that is acquired during
the tomographic movement of the X-ray tube around the center of the region
of interest. The images of the acquisition sequence are not of diagnostic
quality. The acquisition sequence is the input for calculating the
reconstruction sequence.
The reconstruction sequence is a set of slices, representing the 3D volume of
the examined bodypart within a specified region of interest.
To perform a digital tomosynthesis examination:

1. Add a digital tomosynthesis group to the Image Overview pane.

If a digital tomosynthesis group has already been added based on data
from the RIS, this step can be skipped.
a) In the Examination window, click Add Image.
The Add Image window appears.

Figure 89: Add Image

b) Specify the exam group and exam type by clicking on the buttons.
c) Select an exam type that is configured as a digital tomosynthesis group
and click OK.
The digital tomosynthesis group thumbnail is added to the Image
Overview pane.
A digital tomosynthesis group thumbnail is indicated with an icon in the
top right corner of the thumbnail.

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Figure 90: Thumbnail for a digital tomosynthesis group

2. Select the thumbnail for the digital tomosynthesis group in the Image
Overview pane of the Acquisition window.
The selected DR detector is activated. The default X-ray exposure
parameters and X-ray system position for the selected examination are
sent to the modality. The software console displays these settings in the
examination overview.

1. X-ray modality settings

2. Generator settings for the static image
3. Automatic position
Figure 91: Examination overview

a) Check the X-ray modality settings.

Figure 92: X-ray modality controls on the software console

b) Check the exposure settings.

Figure 93: Generator controls for static images

a) Check the digital tomosynthesis settings.
The digital tomosynthesis group contains X-ray modality settings to
control the X-ray system movement, the X-ray exposure parameters
and the image processing for the reconstruction.

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Figure 94: Digital tomosynthesis controls

3. Move the X-ray system to the right position.
a) Check if a correct automatic position is selected.

Figure 95: Positioning controls on the software console

b) Move the X-ray system to the selected automatic position.
The actual and target position parameters are displayed on the
software console. When the target position is reached, the movement
c) Adjust the position using the position controls.
4. Position the patient.
The patient position can be verified using the collimator camera.
Warn the patient that the X-ray tube will perform a sweeping
movement during the examination. Give instructions to
avoid that the patient looses balance and to avoid injuries in
patient hands or fingers.
5. On the collimator, switch on the light localizer. Apply collimation.
6. Acquire a static image.
If a reference image is required, acquire a static image. The images of the
acquisition sequence should not be used to replace a static image.
Press and hold down the exposure button or the radiography pedal to
make an exposure to acquire a static image.
The image is stored and displayed as a thumbnail in the lower half of the
Image Overview pane.

Figure 96: Thumbnail of a static image

If required, multiple static images can be made.

Depending on the configuration, the acquisition of static images during a
DR workflow for digtial tomosynthesis may not be possible.
7. In the digital tomosynthesis screen of the software console, click the
button to start the digital tomosynthesis workflow.

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1. Digital tomosynthesis screen of the software console
2. Button to start the digital tomosynthesis workflow
Figure 97: Button to start the digital tomosynthesis workflow

If the X-ray system position is not suitable to perform the examination, the
button is disabled. Try adjusting the X-ray system to enable the button.
8. Position the X-ray tube vertically with respect to the table.
If the X-ray tube tilting angle is not at 0°, use the automatic position
controls to change the X-ray tube tilting angle to the required position.
9. Press and hold down the exposure button in prep mode.
The X-ray tube is moved to the start position of the digital tomosynthesis
10. Press and hold down the exposure button to make a digital tomosynthesis
acquisition sequence.
Hold the exposure button pressed until three beeps are heard to indicate
that the examination has finished.
Together with the auditory signal, messages are displayed on the software
console to indicate that the examination has finished.
When the exposure button is released before the movement has finished,
the exposure sequence is aborted and the reconstruction may fail.
The acquisition sequence is stored and displayed as an acquisition
sequence thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane.
The last image of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail. An acquisition
sequence thumbnail is indicated with a white Play icon in the center.

Figure 98: Thumbnail of an acquisition sequence for digital tomosynthesis

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The image processing to create the reconstruction sequence is started

automatically and may take up to a minute.

Figure 99: Progress indicator for the image processing to create the
reconstruction sequence

The reconstruction sequence is displayed as a reconstruction sequence

thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane.
The middle slice of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail. An acquisition
sequence thumbnail is indicated with a white Play icon in the center.

Figure 100: Thumbnail of the reconstruction sequence

After the reconstruction sequence becomes available, the Acquisition

window looks as follows:

2 3

1. Digital tomosynthesis group thumbnail

2. Image thumbnail (if a reference image is acquired)
3. Acquisition sequence
4. Reconstruction sequence
Figure 101: Result of the exposure

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After making the digital tomosynthesis exposure, no more static images or

digital tomosynthesis sequences can be added to the digital tomosynthesis
11. Perform quality control.
The reconstruction sequence can be viewed in the Acquisition window as a
dynamic image. The slices of the reconstruction sequence are the frames
of the dynamic image. The first frame is the lowest slice (closest to the
In the dynamic image player, a dynamic image is played that is composed
of all slices.
In the mosaic viewer all slices are displayed as separate images.
12. If all images in the examination are OK, click Close and Send All.
If configured, the static images and reconstruction sequence are sent to
the printer and/or PACS archive. The exam is placed in the Closed Exams
Acquisition sequences are not sent to a PACS archive. To archive a selected
acquisition sequence, click the Store Sequence button before clicking
Close and Send All.

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130 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

DR workflow for digital subtraction angiography

This workflow is available only on DR systems that support digital subtraction
angiography (DSA).
The result of a DSA examination is a DSA sequence. Also roadmapping
sequences, fluo sequences and static images can be acquired during a DSA
The DSA sequence consists of a rapid sequence exposure. Right after the start
of the exposure, a first set of frames is used to generate a mask image. Then a
contrast medium is injected. Subsequent frames from the same exposure are
displayed after subtraction of the mask image. Blood vessels that contain the
contrast medium, become clearly visible without the interference of bones or
dens soft tissue in the environment.
To perform a DSA examination:

1. Add a DSA group to the Image Overview pane.

If a DSA group has already been added based on data from the RIS, this
step can be skipped.
a) In the Examination window, click Add Image.
The Add Image window appears.

Figure 102: Add Image

b) Specify the exam group and exam type by clicking on the buttons.
c) Select an exam type that is configured as a DSA group and click OK.
The DSA group thumbnail is added to the Image Overview pane.
A DSA group thumbnail is indicated with an icon in the top right corner of
the thumbnail.

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Figure 103: Thumbnail for a DSA group

2. Select the thumbnail for the DSA group in the Image Overview pane of
the Acquisition window.
The selected DR detector is activated. The default X-ray exposure
parameters and X-ray system position for the selected examination are
sent to the modality. The software console displays these settings in the
examination overview.

2 3

1. X-ray modality settings

2. Generator settings for DSA image acquisition
3. Generator settings for fluoroscopy or for roadmapping image
acquistion (roadmapping is not part of this workflow)
4. Automatic position
Figure 104: Examination overview

a) Check the X-ray modality settings.

Figure 105: X-ray modality controls on the software console

b) Check the exposure settings.
The DSA acquisition group contains settings for fluoroscopy, for static
images and for DSA exposures (based on rapid sequence).

Figure 106: Generator controls for static images and for DSA

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Figure 107: Generator controls for fluoroscopy and for roadmapping

Higher frame rates (FPS) for DSA lead to shorter
examination times until the heat limit is reached. Lower
frame rates are recommended where applicable, especially
in combination with thicker or more absorbing body parts
3. Move the X-ray system to the right position.
a) Check if a correct automatic position is selected.

Figure 108: Positioning controls on the software console

b) Move the X-ray system to the selected automatic position.
The actual and target position parameters are displayed on the
software console. When the target position is reached, the movement
c) Adjust the position using the position controls.
4. Position the patient.
Use patient fixations available to avoid patient movement during
interventional procedures.
The patient position can be verified using the collimator camera.
5. On the collimator, switch on the light localizer. Apply collimation.
6. Acquire a set of DSA sequences, roadmapping examinations, fluo
sequences and static images.
Any number of DSA sequences, roadmapping examinations, fluo
sequences or static images can be acquired, in any order.

Table 10: Supported workflows

Image Settings Step 1: activate Step 2: start Result

type exposure
Road- Roadmapping
map- mask:
After the final expo- pedal
sure, finish the
workflow using the
same button:
One or more

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DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 133

Image Settings Step 1: activate Step 2: start Result

type exposure


button or ra-
button or ra-
Fluoro- not needed

The workflow for acquiring a DSA sequence is explained in the next steps.
The other workflows are explained in other sections in this manual.
7. Select the DSA mode in the software console.

Figure 109: DSA mode

The DSA image processing relies on absence of movement.
Do not change the position of the table, X-ray tube or
collimator during the DSA examination.
8. Press and hold down the radiography pedal or the exposure button.

A first set of frames is used to compose the mask image. The subsequent
frames are displayed with the mask image subtracted. The syringe icon
indicates that the mask image has been created.

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Figure 110: Icon indicating that injection of the contrast medium can start
9. Start injecting the contrast medium when the syringe icon is shown.
Blood vessels that contain the contrast medium, become clearly visible.
10. Release the radiography pedal or the exposure button to stop the
The DSA sequence is stored and displayed as a DSA sequence thumbnail in
the lower half of the Image Overview pane. The last image of the
sequence is visible in the thumbnail
A DSA sequence thumbnail is indicated with a transparant Play icon in the

Figure 111: Thumbnail of a DSA sequence

11. Perform quality control.
DSA sequences can be post-processed to change the mask image, to apply
pixel shift to correct for movement in the subtracted image, or to apply
landmarking by making anatomical background as visible as desired.
By modifying the MUSICA settings of the image, the presentation of the
DSA sequences can be fine-tuned.
12. If all images in the examination are OK, click Close and Send All.
If configured, the static images and DSA sequences are sent to the printer
and/or PACS archive. The exam is placed in the Closed Exams pane.
Fluo sequences are not sent to a PACS archive. To archive a selected
acquisition sequence, click the Store Sequence button before clicking
Close and Send All.

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DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 135

DR workflow for DSA roadmapping

This workflow is available only on DR systems that support digital subtraction
angiography roadmapping.
The roadmapping examination is performed as part of a DSA examination.
The result of a roadmapping examination is a roadmapping sequence. Also
DSA sequences, fluo sequences and static images can be acquired in the same
session, before or after the roadmapping examination.
First a roadmapping examination produces the roadmapping mask by
acquiring a fluo sequence during injection of a contrast medium. The
roadmapping mask is displayed as a subtracted image in which the blood
vessels are filled with contrast medium. If the maximum opacity functionality
is enabled, the blood vessels are visualized with maximum opacity.
The last image of this first sequence is used as a mask to subsequent
fluoroscopy exposures during the same roadmapping session. Blood vessels
become clearly visible (as a roadmap), as well as catheters or guide wires that
are moved through the vessels.
The user has to finish the roadmapping workflow completely
before performing any other actions. This means that e.g.
checking or selecting previous (reference) images should be
done upfront, prior to starting a roadmapping workflow.
Otherwise these actions may cause the roadmapping workflow
to be closed and the whole procedure has to be restarted.
To perform a roadmapping examination:

1. Add a DSA group to the Image Overview pane.

If a DSA group has already been added based on data from the RIS, this
step can be skipped.
a) In the Examination window, click Add Image.
The Add Image window appears.

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Figure 112: Add Image

b) Specify the exam group and exam type by clicking on the buttons.
c) Select an exam type that is configured as a DSA group and click OK.
The DSA group thumbnail is added to the Image Overview pane.
A DSA group thumbnail is indicated with an icon in the top right corner of
the thumbnail.

Figure 113: Thumbnail for a DSA group

2. Select the thumbnail for the DSA group in the Image Overview pane of
the Acquisition window.
The selected DR detector is activated. The default X-ray exposure
parameters and X-ray system position for the selected examination are
sent to the modality. The software console displays these settings in the
examination overview.

2 3

1. X-ray modality settings

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DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 137

2. Generator settings for DSA image acquisition (DSA is not part of this
3. Generator settings for fluoroscopy or for roadmapping image
4. Automatic position
Figure 114: Examination overview

a) Check the X-ray modality settings.

Figure 115: X-ray modality controls on the software console

b) Check the exposure settings.
The DSA acquisition group contains settings for fluoroscopy, for static
images, for DSA exposures (based on rapid sequence) and for
roadmapping (based on fluoroscopy).

Figure 116: Generator controls for static images and for DSA

Figure 117: Generator controls for fluoroscopy and for roadmapping

3. Move the X-ray system to the right position.
a) Check if a correct automatic position is selected.

Figure 118: Positioning controls on the software console

b) Move the X-ray system to the selected automatic position.
The actual and target position parameters are displayed on the
software console. When the target position is reached, the movement
c) Adjust the position using the position controls.
4. Position the patient.
Use patient fixations available to avoid patient movement during
interventional procedures.
The patient position can be verified using the collimator camera.
5. On the collimator, switch on the light localizer. Apply collimation.
6. Acquire a set of roadmapping examinations, DSA sequences, fluo
sequences and static images.

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138 | DR 800 | Basic Workflow

Any number of roadmapping examinations, DSA sequences, fluo

sequences or static images can be acquired, in any order.

Table 11: Supported workflows

Image Settings Step 1: activate Step 2: start Result

type exposure
Road- Roadmapping
map- mask:
After the final expo- pedal
sure, finish the
workflow using the
same button:
One or more


button or ra-
button or ra-
Fluoro- not needed

The workflow for performing a roadmapping examination is explained in

the next steps. The other workflows are explained in other sections in this
7. In the fluoroscopy screen of the software console, click the button to start
the roadmapping workflow.

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Figure 119: Roadmapping workflow is started

The roadmapping image processing relies on absence of
movement. Do not change the position of the table, X-ray
tube or collimator during the roadmapping examination.
8. Press and hold down the fluoroscopy pedal to start the fluo sequence for
generating the roadmapping mask.

A first set of frames is used to compose a mask image. The subsequent

frames are displayed subtracted. The syringe icon indicates that the
contrast medium can be injected to create the roadmapping mask.

Figure 120: Icon indicating that injection of the contrast medium can start
9. Start injecting the contrast medium when the syringe icon is shown.
Roadmapping does not work with negative contrast media.

The blood vessels gradually fill with contrast medium and become visible
on the screen. If the option max opacity is enabled, the blood vessels stay
visible, even if the contrast medium has moved on.
10. Release the fluoroscopy pedal when the blood vessels are sufficiently filled
with contrast medium.
The roadmapping mask is stored and displayed as a thumbnail in the
lower half of the Image Overview pane.

Figure 121: Thumbnail of the roadmapping mask

11. Press and hold down the fluoroscopy pedal to start a roadmapping

The previously acquired roadmapping mask is subtracted from the live

fluo sequence to visualize the blood vessels, as well as catheters or guide
wires that are moved through the vessels.

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12. Release the fluoroscopy pedal to stop the exposure.

The roadmapping sequence is stored and displayed as a roadmapping
sequence thumbnail in the lower half of the Image Overview pane. The
last image of the sequence is visible in the thumbnail.
A roadmapping sequence thumbnail is indicated with a transparant Play
icon in the center.

Figure 122: Thumbnail of the roadmapping sequence

13. Make as many roadmapping exposures as desired, using the same
roadmapping mask, by pressing the fluoroscopy pedal.
14. Click the roadmapping button in the software console to finish the
roadmapping workflow.

Figure 123: Roadmapping workflow is ended

The current roadmapping mask cannot be used any more to perform

another roadmapping examination.
15. To perform another roadmapping examination, using a new mask, start
another roadmapping workflow in the software console.
If multiple roadmapping workflows are performed, a filled or hollow
triangle at the bottom of the thumbnails provides a visual link between
roadmapping sequences that have been acquired using the same mask.
16. Perform quality control.
Roadmapping sequences can be post-processed to apply landmarking and
to adjust brightness and contrast.
17. If all images in the examination are OK, click Close and Send All.
If configured, the static images, roadmapping sequences and DSA
sequences are sent to the printer and/or PACS archive. The exam is placed
in the Closed Exams pane.
Fluo sequences are not sent to a PACS archive. To archive a selected
acquisition sequence, click the Store Sequence button before clicking
Close and Send All.

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DR 800 | Basic Workflow | 141

Stopping the System

To stop the system:

1. Stop the NX workstation.

For a proper shutdown of the system, the NX workstation must be
shutdown first.
a) Go to the Main Menu.
b) Click the Exit NX action button.
c) In the MUSICA Acquisition Workstation Control Center, select Stop
To open the menu, go to the Windows taskbar and click the MUSICA
Acquisition Workstation Control Center.
Stopping the NX software also triggers the shutdown of the DR 800
sync cabinet.
d) In Windows, perform a shutdown of the PC.
2. In a configuration with a wireless DR detector, power off the DR detector:
• turn off the DR Detector.
• remove the battery pack.
3. Switch off the electrical room switch.

If the system has just been stopped, wait at least 10 seconds
before starting it again.

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142 | DR 800 | Application Examples

Application Examples
Following sections provide examples of how to use the system, considering a
patient lying or resting against the tabletop of the radiographic table,
according to the main intended use.

• Positioning the patient on the examination table

• Fine‐tuning the table position and centering of the examination area
• Gastrointestinal examinations: oesophagus and stomach
• Gastrointestinal examinations: small intestine and colon
• Skeleton
• Cervical spine
• Abdominal and lumbar region
• Upper limbs and lower limbs (also with load)
• Thorax and lungs
• Urography and pyelography
• Hysterosalpingography
• Guidelines for Pediatric Applications
• Typical examination settings

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Positioning the patient on the examination table

When positioning the patient, the examination table can be lowered to 50 cm

from the floor, to provide easy access and positioning of persons with motor
disorders, the elderly or children.
Should the patient not be able to keep the standing position, it will be possible
to allow the same to sit on the footrest, (instructions on how to assemble the
footrest in stool mode, are provided in the "Accessories" chapter). This makes
it easier to perform examinations such as the chest, cervical, spine and skull
on patients who cannot maintain a standing position.

If projections are required on patients in wheelchairs, it will be possible to

approach the patient to the examination table, removing the footrest
(instructions on how to assemble/remove the footrest in stool mode, are
provided in the "Accessories" chapter).

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144 | DR 800 | Application Examples

A patient lying on a stretcher can be moved onto the examination table more
easily by first moving the tabletop to the left or to the right.
Related Links
Getting on and off the table on page 101

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DR 800 | Application Examples | 145

Fine‐tuning the table position and centering of the

examination area

If corrections are required to the focal distance, the tilting angle, the
examination area centring and tube incidence, the operator can use the main
control console or the control panel onboard the machine.

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146 | DR 800 | Application Examples

Gastrointestinal examinations: oesophagus and


During the examination of the alimentary tract, the esophagus can be

analysed, in radioscopy in continuous manner, following the course of the
contrast mean after executing the centring on the hypopharynx. This
procedure can be carried out by moving the X-ray tube and DR detector group
The examination of the stomach can be executed by tilting the table a few
degrees, so that the patient can stand in a more comfortable position and, at
the same time, better adhere to the tabletop so as to further reduce the
distance between examination area and detector. Possible angles of the X-ray
tube column can be useful to better put on evidence the little curve of the
intestine or the duodenal bulb as well as the morphological characters of the

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DR 800 | Application Examples | 147

Gastrointestinal examinations: small intestine and


All projections on the duodenal and small intestine are easy to perform with
the patient lying face down, face up or in an oblique position on the table top
and with the table in a horizontal position. The operator can inclinate the X-
ray tube to obtain the projections needed to provide the required examination
results. In addition, medical staff can work in the room, using the controls
onboard the table, to position the table as required.

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148 | DR 800 | Application Examples


The ample examination field that can be obtained, thanks to the movement of
the X-ray tube and DR detector group group, allows the operator to execute
the most thorough analysis of the patient. Examinations of the skull under any
incidence, of the back spine, and of the lower and upper limbs can be
performed with the table in both a horizontal and vertical position.

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Cervical spine

Radiography can be executed, with the adequate incidences, on the cervical

spine of particularly tall patients too: it will be sufficient to move the X-ray
tube and DR detector group towards the upper end of the examination table.
The optional possibility to change the focal distance from 115 cm to 180 cm,
also allows to further reduce the geometrical blurring, ensuring a greater
definition of the cervical bone structures.

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150 | DR 800 | Application Examples

Abdominal and lumbar region

By moving the X-ray tube and DR detector group downwards, it will be

possible to execute examinations on the abdominal region as well as on the
lumbar column even with oblique projections, with no need to raise the

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DR 800 | Application Examples | 151

Upper limbs and lower limbs (also with load)

The complete accessibility to the patient tabletop makes it possible to perform

examinations on the upper and lower limbs even on patients suffering from
restricted movement (e.g. those in a wheelchair).
It is also possible to perform examinations on the knee or ankle under load,
using the footrest to support the patient. Even without the displacement of the
patient tabletop in a longitudinal direction (optional), it is possible to reach
the ankle, moving the column/detector unit downwards and mounting the
footrest in stool mode.

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152 | DR 800 | Application Examples

Thorax and lungs

The radiography of the thorax can be executed with a focus-detector distance

of 180 cm.

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Urography and pyelography

Examinations of loins and urinary ducts may require the Trendelenburg

position. Using accessories such as the shoulder rest or the compression belt,
guarantees the stability of the patient on the exam tabletop and optimising of
image quality.

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154 | DR 800 | Application Examples

The possibility of moving the X-ray tube and DR detector group towards the
front end (or the back end) of the table, allows the operator to easily execute
any radioscopic examinations and radiographs of the uterine cavity and
fallopian tube.

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DR 800 | Application Examples | 155

Guidelines for Pediatric Applications

Use special care when imaging patients outside the typical adult
size range. Children are more radiosensitive than adults.

Reducing dose for radiographic procedures while maintaining acceptable

clinical image quality will benefit patients. The user documentation of this
product contains a set of guidelines for pediatric applications, applicable in
the U.S.A. Refer to document "Exposure Techniques for pediatric and adult
use with DR 800".
Adopting the Image Gently campaign guidelines and reducing dose for
radiographic procedures while maintaining acceptable clinical image quality
will benefit patients. Please review the following link and reduce pediatric
technique factors accordingly: http://www.imagegently.org
As a general rule, next recommendations shall be observed in pediatrics:
• X-Ray Generator must have short exposures times.
• ΑΕC must be used carefully, preferably use manual technique setting,
applying lower doses.
• If possible, use high kVp techniques.
Positioning the pediatric patient: Pediatric patients are not as likely as adults
to understand the need to remain still during the procedure. Therefore it
makes sense to provide aids to maintaining stable positioning. It is strongly
recommended the use of immobilizing devices such as bean bags and restraint
systems (foam wedges, adhesive tapes, etc.) to avoid the need of repeating
exposures due to the movement of the pediatric patients. Whenever possible
use techniques based on the lowest exposure times.
Shielding: We recommend you provide extra shielding of radiosensitive
organs or tissues such as eyes, gonads and thyroid glands. Applying a correct
collimation will help to protect the patient against excessive radiation as well.
Please review the following scientific literature regarding pediatric
radiosensitivity: GROSSMAN, Herman. “Radiation Protection in Diagnostic
Radiography of Children”. Pediatric Radiology, Vol. 51, (No. 1): 141--144,
January, 1973:
Technique factors: You should take steps to reduce technique factors to the
lowest possible levels consistent with good image acquisition and to limit the
duration of fluoroscopy sequences and rapid sequences.
For example if your adult abdomen settings are: 70--85 kVp, 200--400 mA,
15--80 mAs, consider starting at 65--75 kVp, 100--160 mA, 2.5--10 mAs for a
pediatric patient. Whenever possible use high kVp techniques and large SID
(Source Image Distance).

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156 | DR 800 | Application Examples

• Image only when there is a clear medical benefit.

• Image only the indicated area.
• Use the lowest amount of radiation for adequate imaging based on size of
the child (reducing tube output -- kVp and mAs, limiting the duration of
dynamic imaging).
• Try to use always short exposure times, large SID values and immobilizing
• Avoid multiple scans and use alternative diagnostic studies (such as
ultrasound or MRI) when possible.

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Typical examination settings

Table 12: Static images

kV AEC mAs
Oesophagus 75-85 x
Stomach 90 x
Small intestine 85-95 x
Colon 100 x
Skull 70 x
Femur 70 16
Shoulder 65 x
Shoulder ar- 65 16
Cervical spine 65 x
Abdomen 80 x
Lumbar spine 80 x
Hand 50 2.5
Wrist 50 3
Wrist arthrogra- 50 4
Chest 117 x
Intravenous Pye- 75 x
logram (IVP)
Hysterosalpin- 85 x

Table 13: Rapid sequence


Oesophagus 75-85 x 5
Stomach 90 x 2
Small intes- 85-95 x 1

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Colon 100 x 1
Shoulder ar- 65 8 5
Wrist ar- 50 2 5
Hysterosal- 85 x 5

Table 14: Fluoroscopy

Oesophagus 75-85 x 5-10
Stomach 85-95 x 5-10
Small intestine 85-95 x 5
Colon 90-110 x 5
Shoulder ar- 65-70 x 5
Wrist arthrogra- 50-55 x 5
Hysterosalpin- 75-90 x 5

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Full Leg Full Spine


• Retrieve the patient info

• Select the exposure
• Prepare the Full Leg Full Spine configuration
• Prepare the examination
• Prepare the X-Ray system for the examination
• Check the exposure settings
• Execute the exposure
• Perform a quality control
• Finalize the examination
• Storing the FLFS overlay
• Manually adjusting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image
• Rejecting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image
• Making measurements

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Retrieve the patient info

In the operator room at the NX workstation:

1. When a new patient comes in, define the patient info for the exam.
2. Start the exam.

Select the exposure

In the operator room at the NX workstation:

1. In the Image Overview pane of the Examination window, select the

thumbnail for the DR Full Leg Full Spine (FLFS) examination.
2. In the Image Detail pane, click Start FLFS.

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Prepare the Full Leg Full Spine configuration

Position the X-Ray system and the FLFS overlay:

1. Place the tabletop in the horizontal position.

2. Position the FLFS overlay on the radiographic table.
a) Insert the mounting unit on the tabeltop guide.
If the patient is positioned with the head on the left side, the mounting
unit must be inserted on the rear guide. If the patient is positioned
with the head on the right side, the mounting unit must be inserted on
the front guide.
b) Fasten the mounting unit by turning both the handle and the smaller
knob thoroughly clockwise.

Figure 124: Fastening the mounting unit (head left)

c) Put the overlay on the tabletop and slide it into the mounting unit until
it automatically fixes.

Figure 125: Mounting the overlay (head left)

NX is configured for a specific patient orientation, either head left
(default) or head right.
In longitudinal direction the position of the overlay on the tabletop can be
chosen depending on the reqion of interest of the planned examination.
The overlay should not protrude from the sides of the tabletop.

3 1 4

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1 4
4 1


1. Patient orientation
2. Mounting unit
3. Tabeltop guides
4. FLFS overlay
Figure 126: FLFS overlay on radiographic table (head left, head right)
3. Use the positioning console to move the X-ray system to the automatic
The X-Ray system moves to the default position for preparing the DR Full
Leg Full Spine examination.
If the radiographic table is tilted to vertical position, assure that the FLFS
overlay remains flat against the tabletop.
After doing vertical FLFS exposures the grid can swing away
from the table and disturb the patient. Set the inclination of
the table to 89 instead of 90 degrees.

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Prepare the examination

Position the patient and specify the region of interest for the examination:

1. Position the patient on the radiographic table relative to the FLFS overlay
and make sure that the region of interest for the planned examination is
within the range of the overlay.
Monitor with special care the patient position (hands, feet,
fingers, etc.) to avoid injury to patient caused by unit
movements. Patient hands must be kept away from mobile
components of the X-Ray device.
Intravenous tubing, catheters and other patient connected
lines should be routed away from moving equipment.

Use always the hand grips to avoid injuries in patient hands
or fingers when the tabletop is in movement. Patient's hands
must be kept far away from the tabletop edges in every
2. Move the tabletop longitudinally and make sure that the region of interest
is within the travel area of the DR bucky.
3. On the collimator, switch on the light localizer.
If required, collimate in transversal direction.
Instruction: For automatic stitching, the width of the
collimated area must be more than 15 cm.

4. Move the X-ray tube and DR detector in longitudinal direction to the

position that matches the top most position for the examination.
For setting the positions to define the ROI, the X-ray tube
tilting angle must be at 0°.

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Figure 127: X-ray tube moved to top most position

Verify the position on the image from the collimator camera that is
displayed in the software console.

Figure 128: Setting the top most position for the examination
5. Press the ROI 1 button to confirm the position.
6. Move the X-ray tube and DR detector to the position that matches the
bottom most position for the examination.

Figure 129: X-ray tube moved to bottom most position

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Figure 130: Setting the bottom most position for the examination
7. Press the ROI 2 button to confirm the position.
To adjust the positions, press the waste bin icon and repeat the
8. Enter the value for the distance by using the up and down arrows at the
touch screen console.
Distance/OID: if the image is used for making length measurements in NX
or on true size printed images, estimate the distance between the FLFS
overlay and the horizontal plane in which measurements are to be made.
This distance is used for calibrating distance measurements on the image
in NX. If no calibration is required, leave the default value.
9. Confirm the positioning.

Figure 131: Confirmation button

Note: The maximum size of the region of interest is

approximately 140 cm. For using the maximum region of
interest, the X-ray tube must be exactly in the middle of the
region of interest.

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Prepare the X-Ray system for the examination

Prepare the X-Ray system for the examination:

Use the positioning console to move the X-ray system to the automatic
The X-Ray system moves to the starting position for the examination.

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Check the exposure settings

The availability of following controls depends on the configuration.
The Image Overview pane displays the empty thumbnails for the exposures
that are required for the examination.

1. Check if the settings for patient size that are displayed on the console are
suitable for the examination.

Figure 132: Exposure parameters for the partial images

2. If other exposure values are required, edit the settings.
a) Touch the displayed setting.
The editing screen is displayed.

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1. Partial images
2. Confirmation button
Figure 133: Edit exposure settings for partial images
b) Select the partial image for which settings must be changed.
c) Modify the settings.
d) Confirm the settings.

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Execute the exposure

In the operator room:

Press the exposure button to execute the examination. Hold the exposure
button pressed until three beeps are heard from the NX Workstation to
indicate that the examination has finished.
Depending on the configuration, the system will perform the series of
exposures starting at the top most position or at the bottom most position.
Together with the auditory signal, messages are displayed on the software
console and on the X-Ray system control panel to indicate that the
examination has finished.
The partial images are sent to the NX workstation.
During exposure ionizing radiation is emitted by the X-ray
system. To indicate the presence of ionizing radiation, the
radiation indicator on the control console lights up.

In the operator room at the NX workstation:

• A green OK mark appears on all thumbnails for which exposures are
going to be made during the examination.
• The image is acquired from the DR detector and displayed in the
• If collimation is applied, the image is automatically cropped at the
collimation borders.
• The actual X-Ray exposure parameters are sent back from the console
to the NX workstation.

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Perform a quality control

In the operator room at the NX workstation, the DR Full Leg Full Spine image
is displayed in the Stitching pane.

Figure 134: Stitching pane

Stitching is applied based on grid markers in the stitching grid and a

correction is applied based on the alignment of the anatomical information in
the image.
The stitching parameters are displayed on the right side of the image:

Table 15: Stitching parameters

Button Parameter

Vertical correction, in respect to the stitching grid, for the align-

ment of the anatomical information in the image.

Horizontal correction, in respect to the stitching grid, for the align-

ment of the anatomical information in the image.

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Button Parameter

Indication that automatic stitching has been performed based on

the alignment of the anatomical information in the image.

Indication that patient movement is detected.

Indication that automatic stitching has been performed based on

the stitching grid.

Indication that manual corrections have been applied to the align-

ment of the partial images.

Patient movement can cause inaccurate alignment of the partial
images. Patient movement is not always detected by the system.
The user is responsible for observation of the movement of the
patient during the examination.
To perform quality control:

1. If required, adjust the stitching.

2. Click Accept.
Depending on the configuration settings, the stitching parameters are
added to the image as a text annotation.
The text annotation contains following information:

Table 16: Annotations

V Vertical correction, in respect to the stitching grid, for the alignment

of the anatomical information in the image.

H Horizontal correction, in respect to the stitching grid, for the align-

ment of the anatomical information in the image.

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M Indication that manual corrections have been applied to the align-

ment of the partial images.

G Indication that automatic stitching has been performed based on the

stitching grid.

A Indication that automatic stitching has been performed based on the

alignment of the anatomical information in the image.

Y Indication that patient movement is detected.

N Indication that no patient movement is detected.

Figure 135: Example of a text annotation containing stitching parameters

3. Prepare the image for diagnosis by using e.g. L/R markers or annotations.
4. If the image is OK, send the image to a hardcopy printer and/or PACS
(Picture Archiving and Communication System).

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Finalize the examination

In the operator room:

1. Let the patient step down from the radiographic table.

The patient may need help to step down from the radiographic table.
2. Remove the FLFS overlay from the radiographic table and store it.

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Storing the FLFS overlay

To safely store the FLFS overlay while it is not in use:

Hang the FLFS overlay on the hook on the wall or on a flat surface.

When the overlay stays askew at a wall or is not fully supported on a table, the
overlay will be bent after some time. A bent overlay cannot be used anymore
due to possible distortions in the resulting image.

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Manually adjusting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image


• To rotate all partial images

• To stitch a set of partial images
• To align the partial images based on their projection on the stitching
• To align the partial images based on the analysis of the anatomical
information in the image
• To manually align two partial images
• To turn the black borders or cropping on or off
• To save the stitched image

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To rotate all partial images

Rotate all partial images
• Click the following button to rotate 90° clockwise:

Figure 136: Rotate clockwise

• Click the following button to rotate 90° counterclockwise:

Figure 137: Rotate counterclockwise

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To stitch a set of partial images

To stitch a set of partial images:

1. In NX, go to the Examination window.

2. In the Image Overview pane, select the thumbnail of one of the partial
3. Click Stitch Images.
The Stitching pane is displayed.
Stitching is applied based on grid markers in the stitching grid and a
correction is applied based on the alignment of the anatomical
information in the image.
The area of the image where two partial images are stitched together is
indicated by the stitching tools displayed on the right side of the image. In
this area, the two partial images slightly overlap. If the anatomical
structures in the overlapping area are not aligned, stitching can be
adjusted manually.

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To align the partial images based on their projection on the

stitching grid
To align the partial images based on their projection on the stitching grid:

Click Grid.

Figure 138: Stitch mode: grid

The anatomical structure in the partial images may not be aligned, due to
patient movement during the examination.
The values of the horizontal and vertical correction are set to zero. Next to
the stitching areas the following label is displayed.



Figure 139: Stitching tools: align partial images

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To align the partial images based on the analysis of the

anatomical information in the image
To align the partial images based on the analysis of the anatomical infor-
mation in the image:

Click Anatomic.

Figure 140: Stitch mode: anatomic

The anatomical structures in the overlapping areas are aligned by

automatically shifting the partial images in vertical and horizontal
The new alignment is applied to each stitching area. Next to the stitching
areas this label is displayed, as well as the vertical and horizontal relative
position of the partial images.



Figure 141: Stitching tools: align partial images (via anatomical


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To manually align two partial images

To manually align two partial images:

1. Click the Alignment button.

Figure 142: Alignment button

A detail of the overlapping area is displayed.

Figure 143: Detail overlapping area

2. Align the two partial images:

Table 17: Manual alignment

Adjusting the posi- Right click-hold the image and drag the mouse
tion of the lower im- arrow to any direction.
Press the SHIFT or CTRL button while dragging
the mouse arrow to adjust the vertical or horizon-
tal alignment only.
Use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Click the arrow buttons on the screen.
Roaming over the Left click-hold the image and drag the mouse ar-
images row to any direction.
Zooming in/out on Use the scroll wheel on the mouse.
the images

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Restoring the origi- Click the Revert button.

nal alignment

Figure 144: Revert button

The relative position of the partial images, compared to their initial

relative position, is illustrated by two crosshairs displayed in the image,
each of which is locked to the position of one of the partial images.
3. If the anatomical structures in the partial images are aligned, click Accept
to confirm.
Next to the stitching areas this label is displayed, as well as the vertical and
horizontal relative position of the partial images.



Figure 145: Stitching tools: manual alignment

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To turn the black borders or cropping on or off

To turn the black borders or cropping on or off:

Click the following icon:

Figure 146: Crop/uncrop button

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To save the stitched image

To save the stitched image:

Click Accept.
The DR Full Leg Full Spine image is available in the examination.
Depending on the configuration settings, the stitching parameters are
added to the image as a text annotation.
Note: After saving, the DR Full Leg Full Spine image cannot be
adjusted. The same set of partial images can be used to create
another DR Full Leg Full Spine image.

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Rejecting a DR Full Leg Full Spine image

By rejecting an image you indicate that the image is not suitable for diagnosis
and that a retake is needed. Rejecting an image does not remove the image
from the exam.
To reject a DR Full Leg Full Spine image:

1. Reject each partial image.

2. If the DR Full Leg Full Spine image was created, reject this image also.
No images will be sent and a thumbnail for a new DR Full Leg Full Spine
examination is created.

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Making measurements
Distance measurements on DR Full Leg Full Spine images in NX are calibrated
based on the Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor. The calibration
factor is calculated based on:
1. the distance between the patient and the stitching grid. This distance is
entered during the acquisition workflow.
2. the Source Image Distance (SID). This distance is received together with
the X-Ray generator parameters.
Note: If the distance between the patient and the stitching grid is
not entered (or entered as zero), no calibration is applied on NX.
Measurements on the DR Full Leg Full Spine image are based on the
projection of the object on the stitching grid.

To make measurements, see the NX User Manual on Adding annotations to an

image and using the measurement tools.
To modify the Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor, see the NX User
Manual on Adding an Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor (ERMF).

2 3

1 5 6 7 4

8 9

1. X-ray tube
2. Patient location
3. Stitching grid
4. DR Detector
5. Distance to be measured on the object, in a plane parallel to the stitching
6. Projection of the object on the stitching grid. This is the measured distance
on the DR Full Leg Full Spine image on NX if no calibration is applied.
7. Projection of the object on the DR Detector. This is the measured distance
on a partial image on NX.
8. Distance between the plane in which the measurement is made and the
stitching grid. This distance is estimated by the user and entered at the
touch screen console while preparing the examination.
9. Distance between the stitching grid and the DR Detector. This distance is
configured during installation of the system.

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10. Source image distance (SID). This distance is received together with the X-
Ray generator parameters.
Figure 147: Making measurements on DR Full Leg Full Spine images

The respective distances between the plane in which the measurement is

made, the stitching grid, the DR Detector and the X-ray tube are used to
calculate the Estimated Radiographic Magnification Factor to calibrate the
distance measurement on NX.

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Software Console
Table 18: Navigation

Navigation button Software console screen

Examination overview

Generator controls for static image, rapid sequence or


Generator controls for fluoroscopy or roadmapping

X-ray modality controls

Positioning controls

Digital tomosynthesis controls

System messages


• Examination overview
• Generator controls for static image, rapid sequence or DSA
• Generator controls for fluoroscopy or roadmapping
• X-ray modality controls
• Positioning controls
• Controls for digital tomosynthesis
• System messages

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Examination overview
In the examination overview the most important parameters are displayed. To
display more detailed parameters or to modify the parameters, navigate to the
screens with detailed controls by pushing the navigation buttons or the
corresponding area on the examination overview screen.

2 3
4 5


1. X-ray modality status frame

(navigate to the X-ray modality controls by pushing this area)
2. DAP value
3. Fluo timer
4. Generator controls for static image or rapid sequence
(navigate to the detailed controls by pushing this area)
5. Generator controls for fluoroscopy
(navigate to the detailed controls by pushing this area)
6. Positioning controls
(navigate to the detailed controls by pushing this area)
7. Collimator camera image
8. Navigation buttons
9. Collimator light

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10. Messages
Figure 148: Examination overview screen

Related Links
Generator controls for static image, rapid sequence or DSA on page 204
Generator controls for fluoroscopy or roadmapping on page 219
Positioning controls on page 229


• X-ray modality status frame

• Ready For Exposure Status
• Modality Position
• DR detector switch
• DR Detector Status
• Performing offset calibration
• Unknown status
• Filter Status
• Grid Status
• Heat Units
• Radiation status
• DAP Value
• Fluo timer
• Resetting the fluo timer

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X-ray modality status frame


2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Ready for exposure status
2. Modality position
3. DR detector switch
4. Filter status
5. Grid status
6. Heat units
7. Radiation status
Figure 149: X-ray modality status frame

Related Links
X-ray modality controls on page 228

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Ready For Exposure Status

Table 19: Exposure ready

Color Description

Exposure ready. Indicates that the selected technique is properly set
and there are no interlock failures or system faults.

Exposure not ready.
Check the message frame for more information. It is not possible to
perform an exposure due to an error.
The status will turn to green when problem is solved.

Exposure not ready.
No examination defined.

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Modality Position
The modality position is automatically selected, based on the selected
To modify the position on the modality where the exposure will be made,
navigate to the X-ray modality controls screen and select the modality

Table 20: Modality Position

Icon Description

The image is planned for the radiographic table.

The image is planned for the radiographic wall stand.

The image is planned as a free exposure.

A manual X-ray exposure can be made. No image will be ac-

quired on the NX workstation.

The available workstations depend on the modality type and configuration.

On a configuration with a ceiling suspension, a number '1' or '2' is displayed
on the icon to identify the X-ray tube that will be used for the exposure.

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DR detector switch
The DR detector switch is available in the X-ray modality status frame of the
software console.
The DR detector switch shows which DR detector is active and shows its
status. The DR detector switch can be used to activate another DR Detector.
The DR detector switch can be switched to CR, depending on the

Figure 150: DR detector switch

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DR Detector Status
Battery status icon

Meaning Full Medium Low Empty

Connection status icon (wifi/


Meaning Good Low Bad Wired DR Detector

DR detec-
tor status ?

Meaning Ready Initializing Error Sleep Offset cali- One DR de-

exposure bration is tector must
ongoing be selected

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Performing offset calibration

Figure 151: Offset Calibration button

The Offset Calibration button reminds the user to manually trigger the offset
calibration in case the system cannot perform the offset calibration
It is required to manually trigger the offset calibration, in order to prevent
image artifacts caused by delayed offset calibration.

1. Press the offset calibration button in the DR Detector switch.

The X-ray modality controls are displayed on the software console.
2. Press the offset calibration button.
The offset calibration is performed.

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Unknown status
If a status is unknown, a question mark icon is displayed:

Figure 152: Unknown status

Depending on the component for which the unknown status is displayed, an

action is required on the component or on the software to provide the system
with the missing information.
E.g. to solve the unknown detector status, one DR detector must be selected.

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Filter Status
On systems with automatic filtering, the filter is automatically set, based on
the selected exposure.
The filter setting can be modified on the software console.

Table 21: Collimator with automatic filter

(no icon) No filter is used.

A filter is used. Material and thickness of the filter are speci-


Table 22: Collimator with manual filter

(no icon) No filter is required.

A filter is required. Insert the filter manually.

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Grid Status
Table 23: Grid status - removable grid

(no icon) No grid is in use.

The correct grid type is in use.

The correct grid type is not inserted.

A grid is inserted, but no grid is required.
The SID does not correspond to the inserted grid.

The grid type is displayed inside the icon.

Table 24: Grid status - automatic grid

(no icon) No grid is required.

A grid is required.

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Heat Units
The status of the heat units is displayed below the X-ray icon.
During exposures, the heat units are calculated and totalled. The heat units
display shows the percentage of the thermal capacity of the X-ray tube that is
used. For example, a display of “HU 0” would indicate that all the heat units
capacity of the X-ray tube remains. A display of "HU 100" would indicate that
maximum heat capacity of the X-ray tube is reached and no exposures can be
made until the tube has cooled down.

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Radiation status
Table 25: Radiation status

Icon Description
This icon indicates that there is no specific radiation status to be re-
ported. By touching the icon, the exposure controls of the system are
disabled, regardless of the ready for exposure status.
The exposure controls of the system are disabled. No exposure can
be made. When this status is active, the X-ray modality status frame
is highlighted with a hatch pattern. Touch the icon to release the ex-
posure controls.
The exposure button is pressed halfway and the X-ray tube is pre-

The exposure button is pressed completely and the X-ray exposure is

made. The indicator on the console will light up.

The examination room door is open.

Press the exposure button halfway (“Prep” position) to prepare the X-ray tube
for exposure. The indicator will light up when the X-ray tube is prepared and
there are no interlock failures or system faults.
After pressing the exposure button, the following functions are activated:
• Anode rotation.
• Filament current switches from stand-by to the selected mA.

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DAP Value
The DAP value shows the radiation value of the last exposure. The radiation
measure is read as DAP value (Dose Area Product) in cGy*cm2 (for example:
DAP 12.22).
A new exposure resets the DAP value.

Dose measurement values

When the screen with generator controls is displayed, more dose
measurement values become visible:
• DAPR (Dose Area Product Rate) in cGy*cm2/s
• AK (Air Kerma) in mGy (calculated value)
• AKR (Air Kerma Rate) in mGy/min (calculated value)
Keep in mind that the Air Kerma value is not correct when using the optional
ceilling suspension with extra filtration.

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Fluo timer
The fluo timer displays the total duration up till now of all fluoroscopy
sequences in this examination.

Figure 153: Fluo timer

To prevent excessive fluoroscopy time, an alarm time and a maximum

duration time can be configured.
When the alarm time is reached, a sound signal is heard and the fluo timer is
blinking orange.
When the maximum duration time is reached, the fluoroscopy sequence is
There can be a difference of a few seconds between the value of the fluo timer
in the software console and the value of the total duration of all dynamic
images in the NX software.

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Resetting the fluo timer

After the maximum duration time has been reached, fluoroscopy can be
continued by resetting the fluo timer.
To reset the fluo timer:

Press and hold the fluo timer icon.

The fluo timer is set to zero.

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Generator controls for static image, rapid sequence or


1. Imaging mode
2. Patient age group
3. Radiographic working mode
4. Sensor area
5. Radiographic parameters
6. Automatic exposure control
7. Maximum rapid sequence time
Figure 154: Generator controls (example for rapid sequence)

To change a value, use the + and - buttons. The values increase or decrease
step by step each time the corresponding button is pushed. To change a value
without repeatedly pushing the buttons, push the value twice. The buttons
change into arrow up and arrow down buttons. Push and hold the button to
change the value.
After exposure all values reflect the settings actually used by the generator.

• Radiography imaging modes

• Patient age group
• One point, two point and three point working modes

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• Sensor area
• Radiographic Parameters
• Focal Spot Indicator
• Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
• AEC field selection
• Dose
• Density
• Patient Size
• AEC dose failure

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Radiography imaging modes

The selection of the imaging mode determines the function of the exposure

Table 26: Radiography imaging modes

Static image mode

Pressing the exposure button will trigger a single X-ray ex-

Rapid sequence mode

Pressing the exposure button or radiography pedal will trig-
ger a rapid sequence of X-ray exposures, lasting until the
button is released.

DSA mode
Pressing the exposure button or radiography pedal will trig-
ger a DSA examination, lasting until the button is released.
DSA mode uses the same radiographic parameters as rapid
sequence mode.

If a mode is not available, the icon is grayed out.

Related Links
Exposure Controls on page 28
Fluoroscopy imaging modes on page 220

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DR 800 | Software Console | 207

Patient age group

The pediatric patient age group can be configured with lower dose values
when using AEC or ABS.

Table 27: Patient age group



Related Links
Dose on page 214

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One point, two point and three point working modes

You can select following radiographic working modes according to the
parameters to be controlled and the degree of automation:

Table 28: Radiographic working modes

One point mode, by selecting kV. The

mAs mA,ms exposure is controlled by AEC.

Two point mode, by selecting kV and

mAs mA,ms mAs. AEC is disabled.

Three point mode, by selecting kV,

mAs mA,ms mA and exposure time independent-
ly. AEC is disabled.

To switch to one point mode, activate one or more AEC fields.

Depending on the radiographic working mode, some of the generator controls
will be disabled.

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Sensor area
When in rapid sequence mode or in fluoroscopy mode, a smaller active area
on the DR detector can be selected to get better image resolution or more
frames per second.
Different sets of sensor area sizes are available for fluoroscopy and for rapid
sequence mode. When you select a sensor area for fluoroscopy mode, an equal
or larger sensor area is automatically activated for rapid sequence mode. The
collimation is automatically adjusted to match the smallest sensor area and
applies to both modes.

mAs mA,ms

Figure 155: Sensor area

Related Links
Dynamic imaging modes on page 293

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Radiographic Parameters
You can set up following radiographic parameters:
• kV: shows the radiographic kV value (X-ray tube voltage) selected for the
• mAs: shows the radiographic mAs value selected for the exposure.
• mA: shows the radiographic mA value (current) selected for the exposure.
• ms: shows the time value (in milliseconds) selected for the exposure.
• Max ms: shows the integration time of the DR detector. When operating
the DR detector, the calculated exposure time (ms) or manual overrides
can never exceed the integration time (detector ms) of the DR detector.
• Max mAs: shows the maximum allowed mAs value for exposures using
AEC. The highest allowed setting for max mAs depends on the mA setting
and the detector ms setting. Only available in AEC mode.
When an exposure is made, the actual exposure parameters are displayed in a
When using AEC, the exposure is terminated by the detector ms or max mAs
settings or by the AEC dose failure safety device, even if the target dose is not
Related Links
System messages on page 239
Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) on page 212
AEC dose failure on page 218

Extra parameters in rapid sequence mode

Following parameters are only available in rapid sequence mode:
• FPS: frames per second
• Binning: when capturing dynamic images the amount of data to be
transferred can be reduced by lowering the resolution of the captured
images. This is achieved by combining the readouts of adjacent pixels into
a single value and this process is called binning.
• Max RS shows the maximum time that is available to perform rapid
sequence exposures, based upon the load of the X-ray tube and the heat
unit status.
Related Links
Heat Units on page 199

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DR 800 | Software Console | 211

Focal Spot Indicator

A focal spot indicator shows the selected focal spot of the X-ray tube: “Small”
or “Large”.

Table 29: Focal Spot Indicator



You can change the focal spot by touching this indicator. It keeps kV and
constant mAs, whenever it is possible. The mA value available is set according
to maximum power, instantaneous power, space charge, etc.
When a focal spot is selected, it sets the highest mA value available for the
selected focal spot and the respective exposure time in order to keep constant
mAs, whenever the mA value does not exceed the maximum tube power and
the exposure time value does not exceed the maximum integration time of the
DR detector or the maximum exposure time of the generator.

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Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)

Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) produces consistent detector dose
regardless of the radiographic technique selected and of the patient size.
To activate AEC mode, push any of the three AEC field buttons.

mAs mA,ms

Figure 156: AEC field buttons

To deactivate AEC mode, select the two point or three point radiographic
working mode.

mAs mA,ms

Figure 157: Buttons to select two point or three point radiographic working

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DR 800 | Software Console | 213

AEC field selection

Each button indicates its related physical location of the selected field in the
AEC exposure detector, and you may select or deselect it by touching it.
Any combination of fields can be selected and the color of the buttons changes
(highlighted) when active. The exposure is ended if any of the selected fields
measures the AEC cut-off dose.

Table 30: Automatic filter

Left field

Middle field

Right field

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214 | DR 800 | Software Console

Each of these buttons allows adjustment of the AEC cut-off dose (low dose,
middle dose and high dose), depending on configuration at installation time
and on the selected patient age group. Each time a button is selected
(highlighted), the others are automatically deselected.

Table 31: Automatic filter


low dose

middle dose

high dose

Related Links
Patient age group on page 207

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DR 800 | Software Console | 215

These buttons are used to adjust the AEC cut-off dose (and patient entrance
dose accordingly).
Density can be increased and decreased in a range of -4 to +4, representing a
change of -50% to +100% in dose. When disabled, the density range number
appears in black.

Table 32: Dose variation compared to reference dose


-4 0.50

-3 0.63

-2 0.75

-1 0.88

0 1 (reference dose)

+1 1.25

+2 1.50

+3 1.75

+4 2.00

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Patient Size
The size of the patient is classified in five categories: Extra Small, Small,
Medium, Large and Extra Large.
Touch the UP or DOWN arrows to select the desired patient size.

Table 33: kV variation over patient size

Patient size kV
Extra Small normal kV * 0.9

Small normal kV * 0.95

Medium normal kV

Large normal kV * 1.05

Extra Large normal kV * 1.1

Patient Size using two point mode

When using two point mode, the patient size setting affects the mAs value.

Table 34: mAs variation over patient size

Patient size mAs

Extra Small normal mAs * 0.25

Small normal mAs * 0.5

Medium normal mAs

Large normal mAs * 2

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DR 800 | Software Console | 217

Patient size mAs

Extra Large normal mAs * 4

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AEC dose failure

The AEC dose failure safety device terminates the X-ray exposure when no
radiation is detected in the ionization chamber or when the selected
parameters (short backup time/mAs) are not appropriate for an exposure
with AEC.

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DR 800 | Software Console | 219

Generator controls for fluoroscopy or roadmapping


1. Pulsed fluoroscopy and continuous fluoroscopy

2. Patient age group
3. Sensor area
4. Radiographic parameters
5. Automatic brightness system
6. Collimator camera
Figure 158: Generator controls (example for pulsed fluoroscopy)

To change a value, use the + and - buttons. The values increase or decrease
step by step each time the corresponding button is pushed. To change a value
without repeatedly pushing the buttons, push the value twice. The buttons
change into arrow up and arrow down buttons. Push and hold the button to
change the value.

• Fluoroscopy imaging modes

• Patient age group
• Sensor area
• Radiographic Parameters for fluoroscopy
• Automatic Brightness System (ABS)
• Collimator camera

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Fluoroscopy imaging modes

The active imaging mode determines the function of the fluoroscopy pedal.

Table 35: Fluoroscopy imaging modes

Pulsed fluoroscopy
Pressing the fluoroscopy pedal will trigger a fluoroscopy ex-
amination, lasting until the button is released.

Continuous fluoroscopy
Pressing the fluoroscopy pedal will trigger a fluoroscopy ex-
amination, lasting until the button is released.

Pressing the fluoroscopy pedal will start fluoroscopy expo-
sure for generating the roadmapping mask
Roadmapping mode uses the same radiographic parameters
as pulsed fluoroscopy mode.

Unsharpness of moving objects when using continuous
fluoroscopy can occur. Sharpness of moving objects can be
improved by switching to pulsed fluoroscopy.

Related Links
Radiography imaging modes on page 206

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DR 800 | Software Console | 221

Patient age group

The pediatric patient age group can be configured with lower dose values
when using AEC or ABS.

Table 36: Patient age group



Related Links
Dose on page 214

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222 | DR 800 | Software Console

Sensor area
When in rapid sequence mode or in fluoroscopy mode, a smaller active area
on the DR detector can be selected to get better image resolution or more
frames per second.
Different sets of sensor area sizes are available for fluoroscopy and for rapid
sequence mode. When you select a sensor area for fluoroscopy mode, an equal
or larger sensor area is automatically activated for rapid sequence mode. The
collimation is automatically adjusted to match the smallest sensor area and
applies to both modes.

mAs mA,ms

Figure 159: Sensor area

Related Links
Dynamic imaging modes on page 293

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DR 800 | Software Console | 223

Radiographic Parameters for fluoroscopy

You can set up following radiographic parameters:
• kV: shows the radiographic kV value (X-ray tube voltage) for the exposure.
• mA: shows the radiographic mA value for the exposure.
When the automatic brightness system is on, an initial kV value is selected.
During the examination the radiographic parameters are adjusted
automatically and displayed in the software console.

Extra parameters for pulsed fluoroscopy

Following parameters are only available for pulsed fluoroscopy:
• ms: shows the pulse width (in milliseconds) selected for the exposure.
• FPS: frames per second
When the automatic brightness system is on, an initial kV value is selected.
During the examination the radiographic parameters are adjusted
automatically and displayed in the software console.

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224 | DR 800 | Software Console

Automatic Brightness System (ABS)

The Automatic Brightness system (ABS) continuously adjusts the exposure
parameters to achieve an optimal dose for an optimal image quality,
compensating for variation of patient thickness and density of body parts.
To activate ABS mode, switch the ABS toggle button to ON.


Figure 160: ABS on

To deactivate ABS mode, switch the ABS toggle button to OFF.


Figure 161: ABS off


• Lock brightness
• Brightness curve
• Region of interest
• Dose
• Fluoroscopy boost

Lock brightness
Table 37: Lock brightness

When brightness is unlocked, ABS is active. The exposure

parameters are adjusted automatically during the fluorosco-
py sequence.

When brignthess is locked, ABS is deactivated. The exposure

parameters are fixed until brightness is unlocked again.

Brightness curve
The X-ray generator can be configured with a set of different curves to control
the exposure parameters when ABS is active.
To select another curve from the list of configured curves, use the + and -

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Figure 162: Brightness curve

Region of interest
To optimize the image quality of the anatomatically relevant region in the
image, the automatic brightness system can be applied to a smaller region in
the center of the image. Only the brightness of the region of interest is taken
into account to control the exposure parameters.
To select another region of interest from the list of configured sizes, use the +
and - buttons. The size of the region of interest is displayed in cm.

Figure 163: Region of interest

Each of these buttons allows adjustment of the ABS dose (depending on
configuration at installation time). Each time a button is selected
(highlighted), the others are automatically deselected.

Table 38: Automatic filter


low dose

high dose

Fluoroscopy boost
To temporarily increase the dose while performing a fluoroscopy sequence,
push the BOOST button. To return to the normal level, push the button again.

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Table 39: Fluoroscopy boost

Normal dose level.

Increased dose level. The button is blinking.

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Collimator camera
The collimator has a built-in camera to visualize the anatomical region of
interest on the software console while adjusting the patient position remotely.
To hide the camera image on the software console, push the image. To display
the camera image, push the camera icon.

Figure 164: Camera image is not displayed

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X-ray modality controls



1. Select the modality position.

All configured modality positions are displayed. Only the allowed
modality positions can be selected.
2. Select the DR detector or switch to CR.
All configured detectors are displayed. Only the detectors that can be used
with the selected modality position, can be selected.
3. Start the offset calibration.
The button is enabled when the DR detector for dynamic imaging is
selected. Push the button to manually trigger the offset calibration.
4. Select the filter.
5. Enable or disable the grid.
Figure 165: X-ray modality controls

Related Links
Modality Position on page 192
DR detector switch on page 35
Filter Status on page 197
Grid Status on page 198
Offset calibration on page 81

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DR 800 | Software Console | 229

Positioning controls

1. Automatic position
2. Actual and target position parameters
3. Collimation controls
4. Wireless console status
Figure 166: Positioning controls


• Automatic position
• Actual and target position parameters
• Collimation controls
• Wireless console status

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Automatic position
Table 40: Automatic position

The name of the target automatic position is

To select another automatic position from the
list of configured positions, use the + and -

A preview of the target automatic position is

Use the controls on the positioning console to
move the system to the target position.
Push the preview image to disable automatic
positioning and enable the manual controls
on the positioning console.

Quickly select one of the default automatic

positions: D1, D2 or P (parking position).

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Actual and target position parameters

The target position parameters correspond to the selected automatic position.

Table 41: Position parameters

Source image distance (SID)

X-ray tube tilting angle

Table tilting angle

Table height

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Collimation controls
Table 42: Collimation controls

Single collimation.
A The collimation is automatically adjusted to match the selected
sensor area. The same collimation is used for fluoroscopy as for
static images and rapid sequences.
The actual collimation setting is displayed on the software console.

Double collimation. Different collimator settings are used for fluo-

roscopy and for static images.
• For fluoroscopy the collimation is automatically adjusted to
match the selected sensor area.
• For static images the preconfigured collimation setting is used.
The preconfigured collimation setting is not displayed on the soft-
ware console.
The actual collimation setting after making adjustments to the col-
limation is displayed on the software console.
For rapid sequences the single collimation is applied.
Manual collimation.

Readout of the actual collimation setting.

For double collimation, the preconfigured collimation setting is dis-
played instead.
Restore the collimation setting of the previous exposure.

Previewing Collimation
After acquisition of a dynamic image, collimator adjustments can be
previewed on the acquired image.

1. In the Image Overview Pane, select a dynamic group.

2. Acquire a rapid sequence or a fluo sequence or a static image.
The acquired image is displayed.
3. Adjust the setting of the collimator.
A set of lines is drawn on the image, providing a preview of how the
collimation area will look like when a next exposure is made without

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DR 800 | Software Console | 233

repositioning the patient. Collimation borders that exceed the frame size
of the dynamic image are drawn orange.

Note: For oblique exposures, the previewed collimation area

may be smaller than the actually collimation area.

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234 | DR 800 | Software Console

Wireless console status

Table 43: Battery status

Software console On/off but- Battery status

ton light
Yellow Battery charge level at least 85%.

Yellow blink- Battery charge level between 20% and

ing 85%.
Red blinking Battery charge level between 10% and
It is necessary to power the console by
connecting the power cord to continue
its use.
Red Battery charge level below 10%.
It is necessary to power the console by
connecting the power cord to continue
its use. A warning is displayed on the
software console.

Green blink- The battery is being charged.

ing (on)
Red blinking
Green blink- Battery charging is completed.
Off Battery status is unknown.

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DR 800 | Software Console | 235

Controls for digital tomosynthesis



1. Radiographic parameters for acquisition

2. Positioning controls for acquisition
3. Recontruction parameters
4. Button to start the digital tomosynthesis workflow
Figure 167: Positioning controls


• Radiographic Parameters for digital tomosynthesis

• Position parameters for digital tomosynthesis
• Reconstruction parameters

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236 | DR 800 | Software Console

Radiographic Parameters for digital tomosynthesis

You can set up following radiographic parameters for the exposures in the
digital tomosynthesis acquisition sequence:
• kV: shows the radiographic kV value (X-ray tube voltage) for the exposure.
• mAs: shows the radiographic mAs value for the exposure.
• FPS: frames per second. This value is fixed.
Related Links
Focal Spot Indicator on page 211
Patient Size on page 216

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DR 800 | Software Console | 237

Position parameters for digital tomosynthesis

Table 44: Position parameters

Source image distance (SID)

The actual SID is displayed. A warning sign is displayed if the ac-
quisition cannot be performed using the actual SID.

X-ray tube sweep angle

The range of the X-ray tube tilting angle during the tomographic
To select another angle, use the + and - buttons.

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Reconstruction parameters
Table 45: Reconstruction parameters

Start Height - (cm) The height of the first slice

of the reconstruction sequence, relative to the
End Height - (cm) The height of the last slice
of the reconstruction sequence, relative to the
Slice Thickness - (mm) The thickness of the

Sharpness - Increasing the sharpness will im-

prove the quality of the image but the image
processing will take longer

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System messages
System messages are displayed at the bottom of the software console.
The color of the message indicates the importance:

Blue Information
Yellow Warning
Orange Error

Messages that require feedback from the user contain a button that can be

Figure 168: Error message requiring user feedback

More than one message can be active. The number of active messages and the
type of messages is indicated on the navigation button.

Figure 169: Icon indicating that messages are waiting

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The system messages screen lists all messages since the last startup of the

Figure 170: Messages history

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DR 800 | Options and accessories | 241

Options and accessories

• Patient footrest
• Hand grips
• Shoulder rest
• Compression belt
• Lower limbs support
• Ankle support
• Head contention device
• Lateral arm rest on the radiographic table
• Lateral arm rest on the radiographic wall stand
• Lateral cassette/detector holder
• Positioning joystick on the radiographic table
• Cushion for the tabletop
• Paediatric cradle
• Exposure control pedals
• Concave tabletop
• Remote controlled compressor
• Tabletop with asymmetric movement
• Support for glass of barium
• Intercommunication system
• FLFS grid


• Mounting the patient footrest

• Mounting the hand grips
• Mounting the shoulder rests
• Mounting the compression belt
• Mounting the lower limbs support, ankle support or head contention
• Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic table
• Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic wall stand
• Mounting the lateral cassette/detector holder
• Mounting the joystick console on the radiographic table
• Attaching the cushion to the tabletop
• Mounting the paediatric cradle
• Exposure control pedals

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242 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the patient footrest

When examinations are to be executed with the table in the vertical position,
the patient support footrest can be used as a base support to keep the patient
in the standing position or seated.
The footrest can be mounted either on the right end (normally the foot side)
or the left end (normally the head side) of the tabletop.
1. Place the table in the horizontal position.
2. Hold the footrest so that its guides are perfectly aligned with the guides of
the tabletop.
3. Insert the footrest in the guides.

1. Footrest
1 guides
4. Turn and press the knobs on both sides to release the locks.
5. Make the footrest slide by keeping the knobs pressed until the footrest is
almost completely inserted in the guides.

2 3 1

2 1
1. Footrest guides
2. Turning the1 knob
3. Pressing the knob 1
6. Release the knobs and make the footrest slide some cm more until you can
3hear the click 1of the locking device of the footrest.

3 2

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1. Footrest guides
2. Footrest locking device
3. Lock positions on the table
7. Make sure that the footrest is firmly secured to the guides by bearing down
and pressing on the longitudinal direction onwards and backwards.

Make sure the footrest is correctly assembled on guides using
the locks. If this is not the case, it could come loose and cause
injuries to persons and objects during machine tilting or
Do not execute any adjustment of the footrest when the table is
in the vertical position: you would take the risk to make the
patient fall or hurt your feet.

Table 46: Technical data

Weight 6 kg

Maximum load 265 kg


• Mounting the patient footrest as a seat

• Removing the patient footrest

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244 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the patient footrest as a seat

The footrest can also be fastened in a more advanced position compared with
the center of the tabletop. Normally this position is used when the operator
wishes to seat the patient on the footrest.

1. Turn and press the knobs on both sides to release the locks.
2. Push the footrest some centimetres onwards.
3. Release the knobs and make the footrest slide some cm more until you can
hear the click of the locking device of the footrest.
4. Make sure that the footrest is firmly secured to the guides by bearing down
and pressing on the longitudinal direction onwards and backwards.

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DR 800 | Options and accessories | 245

Removing the patient footrest

1. Turn and press the knobs on both sides to release the locks.
2. Pull the footrest to draw it out from the guides (in the opposite direction
compared to the center of the table) by keeping the knobs pressed at least
until they are beyond the external edge of the tabletop guides.

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246 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the hand grips

The hand grips ensure the patient a safe and firm holding position as well as
an increased sensation of safety. The hand grips can be fixed in any position
on the tabletop guides.

1. Place the table in the horizontal position.

2. Loosen the knob of the hand grip as much as it is necessary, by turning it
counter clockwise.
3. Insert the hand grip support on the tabletop guide.
4. Place the hand grip in the required position.
5. Fasten the hand grip by turning the knob thoroughly clockwise.


1. Inserting the hand grip

2. Fastening the hand grip

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Mounting the shoulder rests

The shoulder rests ensure complete safety to the patient when, during the
examination, it is necessary to place him in the trendelenburg position (e.g.
Since it is possible to use the shoulder rests together with the handgrips,
before mounting the shoulder rests it will be necessary to fix the hadgrips (if
they are not already1mounted on the guides).

1. Place the table in the horizontal position.

2. Loosen the knobs of the shoulder rest.
3. Insert the shoulder rest on the tabletop guide.
4. Place the shoulder rest in the required position.
5. Fasten the shoulder rest by turning the knob thoroughly clockwise.

1. Inserting the shoulder rest
2. Fastening the shoulder rest

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248 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the compression belt

This accessory is normally used for compressing possible layers of tissue
during the execution of abdominal examinations in order to reduce the
volume of the irradiated masses and thus reducing the quantity of radiation
scattering. The compression belt is also used to secure particularly emotional
or unstable patients.
This accessory consists of two mechanical supports for tension of a plastic belt
which is normally wound around one of the two supports and can be removed
to be periodically washed and sterilized. By means of knobs it is possible to
dose the compression belt’s tension.
1. Place the table in the horizontal position.
2. Insert one of the two mechanical supports in the guides of the tabletop
and turn the locking knob clockwise in order to fix the support onto the
guide in the requested position.
3. Insert the other mechanical support in the opposite guide symmetrically to
the first, using the same precautions and locking it in the desired position.

1. Inserting the mechanical support

2. Fastening the locking knob
4. Raise the pawl of1 the2support containing the compression belt so that it is
free 4to unwind.
5. Make the free end of the belt, inside which has been previously inserted a
special rigid rod, pass under the bar of the opposite belt.
6. Insert the same end1 of the belt with the rigid rod inside the cleft of the
3 roller.
7. Lower the pawl of the mechanical support from which the belt was
unwound so as to stop its unwinding.
8. Turn the2knob of the take-up roller at least one turn clockwise.
9. In order to properly extend the belt, turn clockwise the knob of the belt
placed towards the free external side of the tabletop.

1 2

3 5

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1. Raising the pawl

2. Free end of the belt
3. Bar at the opposite end
4. Cleft of the take-up roller
5. Turning the knob of the take-up roller

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250 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the lower limbs support, ankle support or

head contention device
The lower limbs support device consists of two separate elements.
To mount the lower limbs support:

1. Place the tabletop in the horizontal position.

2. Loosen the knob of the lower limbs support.
3. Insert the lower limbs support on the tabletop guide.
4. Fasten the lower limbs support by turning the knob thoroughly clockwise.

1. Inserting the lower limbs support
2. Fastening the lower limbs support

Mounting of ankle support and head contention device are done in the same
manner as for the lower limbs support.

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DR 800 | Options and accessories | 251

Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic

The lateral arm rest is used for examinations with the table in vertical
Do not mount the lateral arm rest when the table is in horizontal
position. Do not tilt the table while the lateral arm rest is
The lateral arm rest can support a maximum weight of 30 kg.
Do not hang from the lateral arm rest. Do not use the lateral arm
rest as a holder for objects, such as paper rolls or leaded aprons.

1 2 3
1. Clamp for side rails of the radioagraphic table
2. Knob for loosening or fastening the rotation of the lateral arm rest
3. Knob for loosening or fastening the clamp on the side rails of the
radiographic table

Figure 171: Lateral arm rest

To mount and position the lateral arm rest:

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252 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

1. Place the table in the vertical position.

2. Loosen the knob of the clamp as much as it is necessary, by turning it
counter clockwise.
3. Insert the clamp on the tabletop guide.
4. Place the lateral arm rest in the required position.
The lateral arm rest can be mounted anywhere on the side rails of the
tabletop on either side.
5. Fasten the clamp by turning the knob thoroughly clockwise.
Check that the knob is fully screwed in and the attachment is
properly secured to the table rails. If not properly secured,
the accessory may fall, be damaged, and be dangerous for
people in the room.
6. Adjust the position of the lateral arm rest.
The lateral arm rest can be rotated to adjust it to the preferred height.

a) Loosen the round knob while supporting the lateral arm rest with your
other hand.
b) Place the lateral arm rest in the required position.
c) Fix the position by turning the round knob thoroughly clockwise.
This adjustment should always be made with one hand
acting on the knob and the other hand holding the rod. The
rod has no mechanical stops, if not restrained, it may collide
with nearby objects or people.
7. After usage, remove the lateral arm rest from the radiographic table.
Loosen the knob of the clamp by turning it counter-clockwise and slide the
lateral arm rest off the side rail of the tabletop.
Hold the accessory firmly to prevent it from falling.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Options and accessories | 253

Mounting the lateral arm rest on the radiographic wall

Take care that the lateral arm rest does not collide with the ceiling when
moving the bucky upward.
Take care when changing the bucky position (tilting, rotating) that the lateral
arm rest does not collide with the column of the wall stand.

Figure 172: Knob for locking the lateral arm rest

To mount and position the lateral arm rest:

1. Insert the lateral arm rest in the mounting slot at the top of the bucky
2. Turn the knob clockwise to lock the lateral arm rest.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

254 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the lateral cassette/detector holder

Both the mounting and the use of the lateral cassette/detector
holder are allowed only with the table in the horizontal
position. In no case is the operator allowed to use this accessory
with the table in vertical position.
A DR detector can be mounted in landscape or portrait position, with or
without a handle unit.

1. Place the table in the horizontal position.

2. Mount the detector holder on the table.

a) Loosen the knob on the mount of the lateral detector holder.

b) Insert the detector holder on the tabletop guide.
The detector holder must only be mounted such that the
detector holder is positioned above the surface of the
c) Fasten the detector holder by turning the knob thoroughly clockwise.
3. Adjust the height of the detector holder.

a) Hold the detector holder with one hand and loosen with the other
hand the knob that secures the arm.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Options and accessories | 255

The arm is not equipped with mechanical stops. If it no
held manually, it may cause the detector holder to fall
onto the tabletop.
b) Position the detector holder at the desired height.
c) Secure the position of the arm by turning the knob thoroughly
4. Mount the detector (or cassette) in the detector holder.

a) Loosen the two knobs to release the two adjustable clamps.

b) Widen the clamps enough to fit the detector size.
Hold the clamps on the outside to prevent crushing your

c) Insert the detector and close the clamps, making sure it is properly
secured and supported.
d) Fasten the clamps by turning the two knobs thoroughly clockwise.

Related Links
Mounting the lower limbs support, ankle support or head contention device on
page 250

0392C EN 20210309 1049

256 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the joystick console on the radiographic

To assemble the control joystick, as indicated by the arrow.
1. Insert the accessory on the edge of the patient tabletop.

Figure 173: Joystick inserted on the edge of the tabletop

2. Position the joystick at the required position on the length of the tabletop.
3. Turn the knob clockwise to fasten it to the patient tabletop.
4. Connect the plug to the connector at the foot of the radiographic table.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Options and accessories | 257

Attaching the cushion to the tabletop

To provide extra comfort for patients, a cushion can be positioned on the
examination tabletop (available only for tabletop length=2100mm).

1. Place the tabletop in the horizontal position.

2. Press firmly the Velcro strips on the tabletop foot end to fasten onto the
Velcro strips on the cushion foot end.
3. Press firmly the Velcro strips on the tabletop head end to fasten onto the
Velcro strips on the cushion head end.

Figure 174: Attaching the cushion

In order to ensure proper hygienic conditions the medical staff
must make sure the parts of the device that come into contact
with the patient (such as examination tabletop, tabletop and
stretcher cushions) are protected using biocompatible material

0392C EN 20210309 1049

258 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Mounting the paediatric cradle

The paediatric cradle is mounted to the tabletop by means of two special hand
grips provided with the accessory. The accessory is composed of a support
with fittings and a contention structure.

1. Place the tabletop in the horizontal position.

2. Mount the special hand grips in the same manner as those provided as
standard accessory.
The hand grips must be positioned on the tabletop so that the knobs are
perfectly aligned.
3. Position the support on the tabletop and attach the two ends to the tube
supports of the knobs.

3 1

1. Special hand grips
3 2. 1
Support for the contention structure
3. Hooks for attaching the support to the hand grips
4.2 Tighten the belts, on both sides, keeping the support in the middle and
tighten3the safety buckles.

1. Belt
2. Safety buckle
5. Ensure it is firmly fastened, lifting the support a few centimetres from the
tabletop surface.
6. Insert the contention structure in the support, fitting the groove on the
end octagon in the support.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Options and accessories | 259


1. Support for the contention structure

2. Contention structure
7. Wind the steel cable around the bottom of the groove on the octagon and
insert the ring in the corresponding recess on the support.
1 2

2 1

1 2

1. Support for
1 the contention structure
2 ocatagonal contention structure
2. Groove on the outside of the
3. Steel cable attaching the contention structure to the support
8. Ensure that the cable has enough friction to prevent it from coming out
spontaneously, otherwise the metal cable must be replaced.
2 2
16kg is the maximum weight allowed on the paediatric cradle
for small patients.

Using the paediatric cradle in vertical position

1. Place the tabletop in the horizontal position.
2. 2 paediatric cradle.
Mount the
3. Mount the patient footrest as a seat.
4. Make sure 3
1 that the base of2 the cradle rests firmly on the footrest.
Otherwise, loosen the belts
1 to adjust and place the paediatric cradle stably
on the footrest.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

260 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

1. Footrest
2. Base of the cradle
5. Place the tabletop in vertical position.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Options and accessories | 261

Exposure control pedals

The exposure control pedals are available as either a single pedal to control
fluoroscopy or a double pedal to control fluoroscopy and radiography.
Whether a footswitch for the exam room is present on the
system, it is possible that its use has been limited and that it is
disabled for radiographic exams.

Do no step on the footswitch top cover.

An optional wireless double pedal is available for use in the examination

room. The wireless pedal is powered by three standard batteries. It is the
operator's responsibility to check the state of charge of the batteries and
replace them if necessary.

Figure 175: Wireless double pedal

Batteries: 3 x LR14 (1.5 V DC), 7500-8000 mAh

Table 47: Status indicator lights on the wireless double pedal

Symbol Status Description

Connection status Off (and battery Footswitch in sleep mode

status off)
Off (and battery No pairing partner found (receiver
status on) out of range, switched off)
Green Radio connection established
Green blinking Radio connection established, limited
(slowly) connection quality
Green blinking Footswitch is in pairing mode

0392C EN 20210309 1049

262 | DR 800 | Options and accessories

Symbol Status Description

Red System error. Maintenance required.

Battery status Off Footswitch in sleep mode

Green Battery capacity > 50% (>3.75 …
4.5 V)
Orange Battery capacity between 20% and
50% (≤ 3.75 … 3.3 V)
Blinking orange Battery capacity < 20% (≤ 3.3 … 3.0
(slowly) V)
Blinking orange Battery level below limit value = 5%,
(fast) < 3.0 V (deep sleep mode)

Store the wireless pedal, when not in use, in a safe area that
excludes the risk of accidental activation. Do not take the device
out of the examination room.

Related Links
Exposure Controls on page 28

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 263

Problem solving

• Compressor cannot be released

• DR Detector must be Recalibrated
• DR 800 sync cabinet is down
• Anatomical stitching is not optimal
• Stitching fails
• Only part of the full leg full spine image is displayed
• Full Leg Full Spine examination is interrupted
• Wireless console with position controls cannot restore connection
• Problems with the ceiling suspension
• Error messages on the ceiling suspension

0392C EN 20210309 1049

264 | DR 800 | Problem solving

Compressor cannot be released

De- A patient is lying on the table and the compressor is lowered, but
tails cannot be released using the position controls.

Cause Power failure.

System failure that prevents the remote control of the compressor.

Brief 1. Fetch the wrench.

tion The wrench is attached to the cable support turret.

Figure 176: Cable support turret with wrench attached to it

2. Turn the bolt on the rear side of the compressor carriage coun-
terclockwise (seen from the rear).
The compressor moves upward as the bolt is turned.

Figure 177: Rear view of the compressor carriage

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 265

DR Detector must be Recalibrated

Details A message is displayed on NX indicating that the DR De-
tector must be recalibrated.

Cause A DR Detector must be recalibrated at regular interval.

Brief Solution Follow the instructions in the DR System Key User Man-
ual to calibrate the DR Detector:
• DX-D DR Detector Calibration Key User Manual,
document 0134

0392C EN 20210309 1049

266 | DR 800 | Problem solving

DR 800 sync cabinet is down

Details The DR 800 sync cabinet is down.

Cause A shutdown of the NX workstation triggers the shutdown of

the DR 800 sync cabinet.

Brief Solution Turn the power switch on the DR 800 sync cabinet off and on

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 267

Anatomical stitching is not optimal

Table 48: Problem: Anatomical stitching is not optimal

Details The anatomic information in the partial images cannot

be automatically fully aligned. If the result of automatic
stitching based on the alignment of the anatomical in-
formation in the image is suspicious because of possible
movement of the patient during the examination, this
icon is displayed in the Stitching pane:

Cause The patient has changed position during the examina-


Brief Solution Manually adjust the DR Full Leg Full Spine image.
If the partial images cannot be manually adjusted, click
Cancel in the Stitching pane. No DR Full Leg Full Spine
image is available.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

268 | DR 800 | Problem solving

Stitching fails
Table 49: Problem: Stitching fails

Details The partial images cannot be stitched because the grid

markers in the stitching grid are not visible in the parti-
al images.

Cause The stiching grid was not used for the examination.

Brief Solution Click Cancel in the Stitching pane. No DR Full Leg Full
Spine image is available.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 269

Only part of the full leg full spine image is displayed

Details Full leg full spine images are cropped to the collimation
area that is automatically detected by NX. The cropping
is intended to remove non relevant areas of the image.
Nevertheless it can occur that the cropping makes useful
diagnostic information invisible. In this case you must be
able to turn black border and cropping off or re-colli-
mate the image manually.

Cause Failing auto collimation.

Brief Solution This problem is solved by:

• Turning off the black border and cropping on the
stitched image.
• Applying manual collimation.
To prevent this problem, use the ROI detection exposure
techniques as described in “Working with collimation”.

Solution Steps To turn the black borders and cropping on or off:

1. Select an image in the Image Overview pane.
2. From the first drop-down list in the Image Process-
ing tool section, select the following icon.

To draw a rectangular collimation area:

1. Select an image in the Image Overview pane.
2. In the Editing window, from the first drop-down list
in the Image Processing tool section, select the icon

3. Click once to define one corner of the rectangle.

4. Move the pointer.
5. Click again to define the opposite corner.
6. To display the collimation area, select the icon below.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

270 | DR 800 | Problem solving

To draw a polygonal collimation area:

1. Select an image in the Image Overview pane.
2. In the Editing window, from the first drop-down list
in the Image Processing tool section, select the icon

3. Click to define the starting point.

4. Move the pointer and click to define each corner.
5. Click the starting point to close the polygon.
6. To display the collimation area, select the icon below.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 271

Full Leg Full Spine examination is interrupted

Table 50: Problem: Examination is interrupted

Details The DR Full Leg Full Spine examination is aborted before it has
completely finished.

Cause The exposure button is released by the user before the complete
examination has finished.

Brief Sol- If you release the exposure button by accident, you can press it
ution again to continue the examination.
If the exposure button remains released for more than 2 seconds,
the examination is aborted. You can use the available partial im-
ages to create a DR Full Leg Full Spine image.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

272 | DR 800 | Problem solving

Wireless console with position controls cannot restore

Details The wireless console is moved outside of the bluetooth communi-
cation range of the radiographic table and the connection is lost.
Afterwards, the wireless console is moved within the bluetooth
commmunication range of the radiographic table again.
The indicator light for the status of the wireless connection keeps
blinking, indicating that the connection is not restored.
Cause Failure to setup the bluetooth connection.
Brief Sol- Stop the wireless console using the power button at the foot of
ution the console and start it again.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Problem solving | 273

Problems with the ceiling suspension

Operating er- Possible cause Possible solution
There are no Referencing device or For system with automatic con-
lateral SID indi- related hardware has trols, only manual functions are
cations. failed or is not connec- allowed. Contact technical serv-
ted. ice for support to correct the
hardware fault.
This function is ena- Verify that it is a supported op-
bled only for compati- tion. For version CS3101, it is not
ble Tubestands. an option.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

274 | DR 800 | Problem solving

Error messages on the ceiling suspension

Table 51: Error messages are displayed on the display of the control panel of
the X-ray tube of the ceiling suspension

Error Possible cause Possible solution

FAULT EE- Read Only Memory Stop use of the system and call technical
PROM 567 (EEProm) of the PCB service. This may require a PCB replace-
567 of the ceiling ment.
suspension unit main
CPU has stopped
FAULT EE- Read Only Memory Stop use of the system and call technical
PROM 628 (EEProm) of the PCB service. This may require a PCB replace-
628 of the ceiling ment.
suspension unit con-
trolbox has stopped
SHORT Brake short circuit to Stop use of the system and call technical
CIRC. 567 ceiling suspension. service. A hardware device has failed.
The lateral SID is un- The ceiling suspension must be set into
known. one of three programmed positions to
display the lateral SID (with digital
If the SID does not display at one of the
positions, a mechanical switch may be
damaged, its connection wire discon-
nected, or it is out of alignment. The sys-
tem will only allow manual controls.
Contact technical service for support.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 275

Product Information

• Compatibility
• Compliance
• Equipment Classification
• Patient data security
• Product Complaints
• Environmental protection
• System Documentation
• Training
• Performance
• Technical Data
• Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic table)
• Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic wall stand)
• Remarks for HF-emission and immunity (radiographic wall stand bucky
with moving grid)

0392C EN 20210309 1049

276 | DR 800 | Product Information

The system must only be used in combination with other equipment or
components if these are expressly recognized by Agfa as compatible. A list of
such equipment and components is available from Agfa service on request.
Changes or additions to the equipment must only be carried out by persons
authorized to do so by Agfa. Such changes must comply with best engineering
practice and all applicable laws and regulations that have the force of law
within the jurisdiction of the hospital.


• General
• Safety
• X-Ray Safety
• Electromagnetic Compatibility
• Earthquake resistance

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 277

• The product has been designed in accordance with the MEDDEV
Guidelines relating to the application of Medical Devices and have been
tested as part of the conformity assessment procedures required by
93/42/EEC Medical Device Directive (European Council
Directive93/42/EEC on Medical Devices).
• IEC 62366

• IEC 60601-1
• IEC 60601-1-6

X-Ray Safety
• IEC 60601-2-54
• IEC 60601‐1‐3

Electromagnetic Compatibility
• IEC 60601-1-2

Restrictions on outdoor use

There are restrictions on the outdoor use of the U-NII Low (5150-5250 MHz)
and U-NII Mid (5250-5350 MHz) bandwidths of the WLAN module
incorporated in the device in the following Member States: Belgium (BE),
Bulgaria (BG), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Germany (DE), Estonia
(EE), Ireland (IE), Greece (EL), Spain (ES), France (FR), Croatia (HR), Italy
(IT), Cyprus (CY), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Hungary
(HU), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Austria (AT), Poland (PL), Portugal
(PT), Romania (RO), Slovenia (SI), Slovakia (SK), Finland (FI), Sweden (SE)
and United Kingdom (UK).

Earthquake resistance
Earthquake resistance is available on system configurations containing the
earthquake kit.

• CBSC Title 24, Part 2 (OSHPD)

After an earthquake, preventive maintenance is recommended.

After an earthquake, the lifetime of the system may be reduced and there is no
warranty for the complete lifetime anymore.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

278 | DR 800 | Product Information

Equipment Classification
Per EN/IEC60601-1, Medical Electrical Equipment, General Requirements for
Safety 3rd Edition, this device is classified as following:

Table 52: Equipment classification

Class I equip- Equipment in which protection against electric shock does

ment not relay on basic insulation only, but includes a power sup-
ply cord with protective earth conductor. For earth reliability
always plug the main power cord into an earthed mains
power outlet.

Type B equip- A Type B piece of equipment is one that provides a particular

ment degree of protection against electric shock particularly re-
garding allowable leakage current and reliability of the pro-
tective earth protection.

Water ingress IPX0

This device does not have protection against ingress of wa-

Cleaning See section on cleaning and disinfecting.

Disinfection See section on cleaning and disinfecting.

Flammable The equipment is not type AP or APG.

This device is not suitable for use in the presence of a flam-
mable anesthetic mixture with air, or in presence of a flam-
mable anesthetic mixture with oxygen or nitrous oxide.

Operation Continuous operation with intermittent load.


• Exposure control foot pedals

• Applied Parts

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 279

Exposure control foot pedals

Table 53: Equipment classification of the exposure control foot pedals

Water ingress IP21

The device is protected against dripping water.

Applied Parts
Applied Parts refer to parts of the medical electrical equipment that in normal
use necessarily comes into physical contact with the patient for the equipment
to perform its function. The tabletop is the applied part of this system.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

280 | DR 800 | Product Information

Patient data security

The user must ensure that the patients’ legal requirements are met and that
the security of the patient data is guarded.
The user must define who can access patient data in which situations.
The user must have a strategy available on what to do with patient data in
case of a disaster.

Requirements on the operating environment

These operating environment requirements for information security and
privacy (ISP), set in compliance with point 17(4) and 18(8) of Annex I of the
EU Medical Device Regulation 2017/745, must be implemented and used in
connection with the use of the Agfa medical device by the Customer (User).
These are minimum requirements and designed to protect against
unauthorised access that could hamper the device from functioning as
Although Agfa has defined these ISP Operating Environment Requirements
for implementation by the Customer, Agfa makes no warranties, expressed or
implied regarding those ISP Operating Environment Requirements.
Agfa disclaims all liability if a security incident would occur despite the
implementation of these ISP Operating Environment Requirements by the
Agfa reserves the right to revise these ISP Operating Environment
Requirements and to make changes to them at any time. Possible revisions of
the ISP Operating Environment Requirements will only be available in an
electronic form, on request, via our website, by using the user documentation
request form http://www.agfahealthcare.com/global/en/library/index.jsp.
The information presented herein is sensitive and is company confidential.
Without written authority from Agfa, further distribution outside the
company is not allowed.
• Perimeter firewalls shall be in place and appropriately configured in order
to ensure that communications between medical devices and external
resources are either denied or restricted to just the communications that
are essential for the medical devices to properly function.
• Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (NIDS/NIPS) shall be in
place at the perimeter and appropriately configured, in order to provide
early warning of an attack attempt or successful compromise of a medical
device as well as to attempt to prevent compromise of medical devices.
• A Network Time Protocol Server shall be configured in the medical devices
in order to synchronize the time in the audit logs with the time on the NTP

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 281

• Medical devices shall be on an isolated network segment that restricts

communication of the medical devices to the systems that are required for
the device to function.
• Internal firewalls shall be put in place to improve upon network
segmentation and to further restrict communications of medical devices to
the systems (internal and external) that they need to interact with.
• Medical device configurations shall be backed up in a secure separate
• Security controls shall be put in place to ensure that physical access to
medical devices is limited only to authorized individuals and that physical
theft of the device is prohibited.
• An incident response plan detailing responsibilities and how to react and
recover from incidents, shall be in place. Staff involved in the incident
response plan shall be trained to respond appropriately and effectively.
• A formal user provisioning and de-provisioning process shall be
implemented to enable the appropriate management of access rights to
medical devices.
• Users shall be assigned unique accounts to medical devices.
• User access rights to medical devices shall be reviewed for appropriateness
and corrected as needed, at regular intervals not exceeding once a year.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

282 | DR 800 | Product Information

Product Complaints
Any health care professional (for example a customer or a user) who has any
complaints or has experienced any dissatisfaction with the quality, durability,
reliability, safety, effectiveness, or performance of this product must notify
For a patient/user/third party in the European Union and in countries with
identical regulatory regimes (Regulation 2017/745/EU on Medical Devices);
if, during the use of this device or as a result of its use, a serious incident has
occurred, please report it to the manufacturer and/or its authorised
representative and to your national authority.
Manufacturer address:
Agfa Service Support - local support addresses and phone numbers are listed
on www.agfa.com
Agfa - Septestraat 27, 2640 Mortsel, Belgium
Agfa - Fax +32 3 444 7094

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 283

Environmental protection

Figure 178: WEEE symbol

Figure 179: Battery symbol

WEEE end user notice

The directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) aims to
prevent the generation of electric and electronic waste and to promote the
reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery. It therefore requires the
collection of WEEE, recovery and reuse or recycling.
Due to the implementation into national law, specific requirements can be
different within the European Member States. The WEEE symbol on the
products, and/or accompanying documents means that used electrical and
electronic products should not be treated as, or mixed with general household
waste. For more detailed information about take-back and recycling of this
product please contact your local service organization and/or dealer. The
recycling of materials will help to conserve natural resources.
c2-caution: By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help
prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
this product.

Battery notice
The battery symbol on the products, and/or accompanying documents means
that the used batteries should not be treated as, or mixed with general
household waste. The battery symbol on batteries or its packaging may be
used in combination with a chemical symbol. In cases where a chemical
symbol is available it indicates the presence of respective chemical substances.
If your equipment or replaced spare parts contain batteries or accumulators
please dispose of them separately according to local regulations.
For battery replacements please contact your local sales organization.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

284 | DR 800 | Product Information

System Documentation
The documentation shall be kept with the system for easy reference.
The most extensive configuration is described within this manual, including
the maximum number of options and accessories. Not every function, option
or accessory described may have been purchased or licensed on a particular
piece of equipment.
Technical documentation is available in the product service documentation
which is available from your local support organization.
The most recent version of this document is available on http://

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 285

The user must have received adequate training on the safe and effective use of
the system before attempting to work with it. Training requirements may vary
from country to country. The user must make sure that training is received in
accordance with local laws or regulations that have the force of law. Your local
Agfa representative can provide further information on training.
The user must note the following information in the system documentation:
• System overview
• Radiation protection
• Safety directions
• Application examples

0392C EN 20210309 1049

286 | DR 800 | Product Information

Note: For specific information on performance with regard to
particular digitizers, refer to the respective digitizer (system)
User Manuals.

The composite, stitched image which results from the image stitching process
of the Full Leg Full Spine application is compressed. Furthermore, technical
acquisition factors vary greatly with Full Leg Full Spine imaging; for example,
a Full Leg Full Spine image may be intentionally acquired with low dose or no
anti-scatter grid to reduce exposure to a pediatric patient.
The resulting image quality is generally suboptimal for most skeletal studies
when compared to normal computed radiographic techniques.
The composite, stitched image is created to allow accurate softcopy
measurement of distances and angles by qualified medical practitioners.
Any incidental clinical findings that are seen on the original or
stitched images, beyond the scope of measurements of angles
and distances between skeletal entities, should be verified or
further evaluated by additional diagnostic methods.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 287

Technical Data

• DR 800 Technical Data

• Radiographic table
• Fixed DR Detector Technical Data
• Wireless console
• Collimator Technical Data
• Radiographic wall stand
• Ceiling suspension
• Workstation PC technical data
• DR 800 FLFS overlay
• Equivalent filtration
• Dosimetric and quantitative information (IEC 60601-2-54, IEC
• Mains supply
• Technical data of options and accessories

0392C EN 20210309 1049

288 | DR 800 | Product Information

DR 800 Technical Data

Manufacturer Agfa NV
Septestraat 27
2640 Mortsel, Belgium

Type 6010/200

Electrical connection

DR 800 system 400/480 V, 3~, 50/60 Hz, 155/130 A

(type 6010/200)

X-ray generator 400/480 V ± 10%, 3~, 50/60 Hz, 100/80 A

Output power 50 kW

400/480 V ± 10%, 3~, 50/60 Hz, 135/110 A

Output power 65 kW

400/480 V ± 10%, 3~, 50/60 Hz, 168/140 A

Output power 80 kW

Positioner cabinet 220/230/240 V~, 50/60 Hz, 20 A

(type 6010/50) Output power 5 kW

DR 800 sync cabinet 100-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 3 A

(type 6010/300)


Positioning console and ex- 80 kg

posure controls
(base plate 0.15 m2)

Generator cabinet 150 kg

(base plate 0.21 m2)

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 289

Environmental conditions

Table 54: Environmental conditions for the X-ray system

Environmental Conditions (during storage and transport)

Temperature (ambient) between -10° and 50° Celsius

Humidity (non condensing) between 20 and 80 % relative humidity

Atmospheric pressure between 70 and 101.5 kPa

Environmental Conditions (during normal operation)

Temperature (ambient) between 15° and 35° Celsius

Humidity (non condensing) between 30 and 75 % relative humidity

Atmospheric pressure between 80 and 101.5 kPa

For overall system environmental conditions, the environmental conditions of

the DR Detector or image plate should be taken into account. Refer to the
related User Manual for environmental conditions for the DR Detector or
image plate.
For overall system environmental conditions, the environmental conditions of
the monitor should be taken into account. Refer to the documentation
provided with the monitor for environmental conditions for the monitor.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

290 | DR 800 | Product Information

Radiographic table
Type 6010/050
Manufacturer Agfa NV
Septestraat 27
2640 Mortsel, Belgium
Tabletop height between 50 cm and 100 cm
Tabletop dimensions 240 cm x 80 cm (long tabletop)
210 cm x 80 cm (short tabletop)
Distance between the tab- 78 mm (concave surface)
letop surface and the de-
tector 95 mm (flat surface)

Tilting range between -90° and +90°

Longitudinal tabletop optionally +55/-55 or +80/-80 or +100/-20

movement (long tabletop)
(cm) optionally +47.5/-47.5 or +80/-15 or +80/-80
(short tabletop)
Longitudinal movement of 161 cm (system with fixed tabletop and remov-
X-ray tube and DR detector able grid)

154 cm (system with fixed tabletop and auto-

matic grid)
145 cm (system with moving tabletop and re-
movable grid)
138 cm (system with moving tabletop and au-
tomatic grid)
Transversal tabletop move- 35 cm
SID between 115 and 180 cm
Built-in anti-scatter grids 120 cm (47 inch), 85 lines/cm (215 lines/
inch), 12:1
180 cm (71 inch), 85 lines/cm (215 lines/
inch), 12:1

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 291

Longitudinal incidence an- between -40° and +40°

X-ray tube rotation 270°
Compressor force Maximum 200 N
Compressor travel range 55 cm
Maximum load on the ta- 265 kg
up to 320 kg on condition that the radiograph-
ic table is in the lowest position and not moved
while it is under load.

Radiographic table 950-984 kg

(base plate 1.00 m2)

Tabletop X-ray absorption < 0.5 mm Al eq.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

292 | DR 800 | Product Information

Fixed DR Detector Technical Data


Manufacturer DR Detector THALES AVS FRANCE SAS

460 Rue du Pommarin – BP122

Supported model

Pixium RF4343 FL

Warming-up time

270 minutes


Estimated product life (if regularly serviced minimum 10 years or 100 Gy

and maintained according to Agfa instruc-

Pixel Matrix

Pixel size 148 µm

Pixel matrix 2840 x 2874

Active area size 43 x 43 cm


• Fixed DR Detector environmental conditions

• Dynamic imaging modes

Fixed DR Detector environmental conditions

Pixium RF4343 FL

Environmental Conditions (during normal operation)

Temperature Refer to environmental conditions of the X-ray

Atmospheric pressure

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 293

Maximum altitude

Vibration (10 Hz - 200 Hz) maximum 0.3 g

minimum maximum

Distance to calibration temperature -6 °C +6 °C

Dynamic imaging modes

Table 55: Pulsed fluoroscopy

43 cm x 43 cm sensor area

Frame rate 10 5 2.5 1

Binning 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3

30 cm x 30 cm sensor area

Frame rate 15 7.5 5 2.5 1

Binning 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3

20 cm x 20 cm sensor area

Frame rate 15 7.5 5 2.5 1

Binning 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2

15 cm x 15 cm sensor area

Frame rate 7.5 2.5 1

Binning 1x1 1x1 1x1

Table 56: Continuous fluoroscopy

43 cm x 43 cm sensor area

Frame rate 15 7.5 5

Binning 3x3 3x3 3x3

28 cm x 28 cm sensor area

Frame rate 30 15 7.5 5

Binning 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3

20 cm x 20 cm sensor area

Frame rate 20 10 5

0392C EN 20210309 1049

294 | DR 800 | Product Information

Binning 2x2 2x2 2x2

Table 57: Rapid sequence

43 cm x 43 cm sensor area

Frame rate 5 2.5 1

Binning 2x2 2x2 1x1

30 cm x 30 cm sensor area

Frame rate 10 5 2.5 1

Binning 2x2 2x2 2x2 2x2

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 295

Wireless console
Type 6010/050
Manufacturer Agfa NV
Septestraat 27
2640 Mortsel, Belgium

Electrical connection

Wireless console 100-240 V~, 50/60 Hz, 240-100 mA

Power 24 VA
Battery life in standby mode 24 hours

0392C EN 20210309 1049

296 | DR 800 | Product Information

Collimator Technical Data

Manufacturer Ralco
Via dei Tigli 13/G
20853 Biassono (MB), Italy

Supported type R 302 MLP/A

Customization 006S

Maximum radiation leak- 150 kVp – 4 mA


Inherent filtration 2 mm Aluminum equivalent

Added filtration 0mm Al

2mm Al
1mm Al + 0.1mm Cu (3.8 mm Aluminum
1mm Al + 0.2mm Cu (6.5 mm Aluminum

Maximum field Size at SID 48 cm x 48 cm

of 100 cm

Dimensions 19.6 cm x 26.8 cm x 20.7 cm (WxDxH)

Weight 9.5 kg

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 297

Radiographic wall stand

Model Vertical bucky: TRN430
Tilting bucky: TRT430
Via Partigiani, 25 - 24068 - Seriate (BG) -
Column height 230 cm
Minimum distance between 67 cm (vertical bucky)
the floor and the top of the
bucky 72 cm (tilting bucky)

Bucky vertical movement 157 cm (vertical bucky)

140 cm (tilting bucky)

Tilting angle range between -20° and +90°

(tilting bucky)

Tilting angle detents -20°, 0°, +90°

(tilting bucky)
Movement controls Manual movement, balanced by counter-
weights and with mechanical brakes.
Weight 130 kg (vertical bucky)
190 kg (tilting bucky)
Wall stand X-ray absorption 0.6 mm Al eq.
Anti-scatter grids 180 cm (71 inch), 79 lines/cm (200 lines/
inch), 12:1
180 cm (71 inch), 35 lines/cm (90 lines/
inch), 12:1

0392C EN 20210309 1049

298 | DR 800 | Product Information

Ceiling suspension
Model MSP150
Via Partigiani, 25 - 24068 - Seriate (BG) -
Longitudinal rails 440 cm
Transversal rails 300 cm
Weight ~270 kg

Longitudinal range 326 cm

Transversal range 202 cm

Movement controls Manual movement, balanced by counter-

weights and with electrical brakes, with
permanent magnet.

Telescopic column vertical 150 cm


Movement controls Manual movement, spring loaded and

with electrical brakes, with permanent

X-ray tube rotation (vertical ax- between -135° and 200°


X-ray tube angle (horizontal ax- between -190° and 150°


Movement controls Manual movement, with electrical brakes,

with permanent magnet.

Collimator of the ceiling suspension Technical Data

Manufacturer Ralco
Via dei Tigli 13/G
20853 Biassono (MB), Italy

Supported type R 302 F/A

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 299

Maximum radiation leak- 150 kVp – 4 mA


Inherent filtration 2 mm Aluminum equivalent

Added filtration 0mm Al

2mm Al
1mm Al + 0.1mm Cu (3.8 mm Aluminum
1mm Al + 0.2mm Cu (6.5 mm Aluminum

Maximum field Size at SID 48 cm x 48 cm

of 100 cm

Dimensions 19.6 cm x 26.8 cm x 20.7 cm (WxDxH)

Weight 9.4 kg

0392C EN 20210309 1049

300 | DR 800 | Product Information

Workstation PC technical data

Table 58: Minimum hardware requirements for the workstation PC

OS Windows 10 IoT LTSB build1607 64-bit English-US

Processor must have a PassMark CPU mark (see http://www.cpubench-
mark.net/) equal or higher than: Dual Intel Xeon E5-2637 v4 @
3,50 GHz; minimum 8 physical cores of minimum 3.1 GHz
Voltage 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Hard drive minimum requirement: 4 x minimum 500 GB in RAID 1+0 con-
RAM minimum size requirement: 32GB @ minimum 2.4 GHz
Standards IEC 60950-1

IEC 62368-1

NX software must only be used on PC models that have been tested and
released by Agfa.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 301

DR 800 FLFS overlay

Table 59: DR 800 FLFS overlay technical data

Dimensions Width: 615 mm

(including mounting unit) Length: 1600 mm
Thickness: 30 mm (4 mm overlay

Weight of the FLFS overlay, without < 6 kg

the mounting unit

Weight of the mounting unit < 3.5 kg

X-ray Absorption < 0.1 mm Al

Maximum patient weight 320 kg

Environmental requirements (storage)

Temperature -25 °C to +55 °C

Relative humidity 10% to 95%

Environmental requirements (transport)

Temperature -25 °C to +60 °C

Relative humidity Maximum 85% (at 30 °C)

0392C EN 20210309 1049

302 | DR 800 | Product Information

Equivalent filtration
Equivalent filtration at 75 kV.

IAE housing inherent filtration 1.2 mm Al

Collimator inherent filtration 1 mm Al
Additional filtration 0.3 mm Al
2.5 mm Al

VARIAN housing inherent filtration 0.7 mm Al

Collimator inherent filtration 1 mm Al
Additional filtration 1 mm Al
2.7 mm Al

DAP inherent filtration 0.2 mm Al

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 303

Dosimetric and quantitative information (IEC 60601-2-54, IEC

The dosimetric information have been obtained by using the following test
procedure (defined by standard IEC 60601-2-54).

Table 60: System configuration used for testing


X-RAY TUBE/HOUSING Varian (G292/B130)

In various load, filtration and collimation conditions which are typical of

intended uses as defined in the relevant paragraph, dosimetric information
were detected by using:
• PHANTOM: a 20 cm thick polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) rectangular
block with slides equal to or exceeding 25 cm (20 PMMA 1 cm thick and
50 cm wide plates have been used, as representative of abdominal region).
Place the PHANTOM as close as possible to the X-ray image receptor.
• DOSIMETER with a measuring detector small enough to cover no more
than 80% of the area of the X-ray beam in the plane of measurement.
Measuring detector has to be positioned 20 cm from PMMA PHANTOM.
• FILM-FOCUS DISTANCE (FFD): 115 cm or 180 cm.

115/180 cm
20 cm

20 cm

The measured values have been recalculated by relating them to the patient
entrance reference point (30 cm above patient support).
The values thus obtained have been then compared with those measured by
the system in the same operating conditions.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

304 | DR 800 | Product Information

The variance between the values measured by the system and the values
obtained with the test is included within the limit range defined by the
Upon customer request the company can provide further dosimetric
information referred to specific
0Al and1Alpeculiar
- 0,1 Cu work techniques.
1Al - 0,2 Cu 2 Al
Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate
RADIOSCOPY (*) Dose level kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min
field size Level table
1 summarizes
58 1,5 7,89 doses
61 1,7 expressed
3,21 62 1,8 as Air
2,10 kerma
59 1,6 rate
4,44(Ak rate,
zoom 20x20 Level 1 67 2,3 15,54 70 2,6 6,91 71 2,7 4,93 69 2,5 9,62
maximum /fieldmin)
size or2Air kerma
Level 62 1,8 (AK
11,59 mGy)
65 2,1considering
4,98 66 a set3,29of typical
2,2 64 2,0 modes
6,91 of
zoom 20x20 Level 2 73 3,0 24,67 75 3,3 11,22 77 2,8 8,16 74 3,1 14,80
maximum field size Level 3 68 2,4 17,32 67 2,3 7,67 72 2,8 5,55 69 2,5 10,69
zoom 20x20 Level 3 73 3,0 37,00 79 3,8 18,13 85 4,2 13,44 81 4,0 23,68
0Al 1Al - 0,1 Cu 1Al - 0,2 Cu 2 Al
Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate
RADIOSCOPY (*) Dose level kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min
maximum field size Level 1 58 1,5 7,89 61 1,7 3,21 62 1,8 2,10 59 1,6 4,44
zoom 20x20 Level 1 67 2,3 15,54 70 2,6 6,91 71 2,7 4,93 69 2,5 9,62
maximum field size Level 2 62 1,8 11,59 65 2,1 4,98 66 2,2 3,29 64 2,0 6,91
zoom 20x20 Level 2 73 3,0 24,67 75 3,3 11,22 77 2,8 8,16 74 3,1 14,80
maximum field size Level 3 68 2,4 17,32 67 2,3 7,67 72 2,8 5,55 69 2,5 10,69
zoom 20x20 Level 3 73 3,0 37,00 79 3,8 18,13 85 4,2 13,44 81 4,0 23,68

0Al 1Al - 0,1 Cu 1Al - 0,2 Cu 2 Al
RADIOSCOPY Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate
4 frame/sec (*) Dose level kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min
maximum field size Level 1 49 37,7 10,44 53 38,9 3,74 55 39,5 1,88 51 38,3 4,15
zoom 20x20 Level 1 56 40,0 16,06 60 41,0 5,24 63 42,4 3,49 59 40,7 7,61
maximum field size Level 2 54 39,2 12,34 58 40,4 4,88 60 41,0 3,37 56 39,8 5,82
zoom 20x20 Level 2 63 43,1 20,11 67 45,2 8,04 69 47,3 5,24 66 44,5 11,00
maximum field size Level 3 60 41,0 18,92 64 43,8 4,98 66 45,2 3,57 62 42,4 7,10
zoom 20x20 Level 3 71 48,8 28,34 75 50,0 ADDED FILTERS
8,21 78 50,8 5,42 73 49,2 11,19
0Al 1Al - 0,1 Cu 1Al - 0,2 Cu 2 Al
RADIOSCOPY Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate Ak rate
4 frame/sec (*) Dose level kV mA 0AlmGy/min kV mA mGy/min kV mA mGy/min 1AlkV- 0,2mA
Cu mGy/min
maximum field size Level 1 49 37,7 10,44 53 38,9 3,74 55 39,5 1,88 51 38,3 4,15
zoom 20x20 Level 1 56 40,0 16,06 Ak 41,0
60 Collimation
5,24 63 42,4 3,49 59 40,7 Ak
maximum field Level 2 kV 54 39,2mAs 12,34 mGy
58 40,4 4,88 cm 60 41,0 kV
3,37 56mAs39,8 mGy5,82
zoom 20x20
25x20 Level 2 45 63 43,1 5 20,11 67 45,2
0,255 8,0415x2069 47,3 5,24
40 663,2 44,5 11,00
maximum field size Level 3 60 41,0 18,92 64 43,8 4,98 66 45,2 3,57 62 42,4 7,10
zoom 20x20 Level 3 58 71 48,8 2 28,34 0,180
75 50,0 8,2115x1078 50,8 50
5,42 73 5 49,2 0,110
30x20 58 32 2,546 20x20 50 10 0,062
30x30 68 2 0,278 15x10 55 10 0,093
30x30 68 5,0 0,644 25x25 60 3,2 0,070
30x30 68 10 1,627 10x30 60 5 0,078
30x30 68 32,0 4,144 20x20 60 10 0,025
25x20 70 2,5 0,287 43x43 60 10 0,026
43x30 70 5 0,619 25x30 70 1,6 0,050
25x20 70 8 0,767 25x30 70 5 0,170
25x20 70 10 0,952 20x20 70 10 0,214
43x30 70 32 2,940 43x43 70 20 0,441
25x20 70 32 2,830 20x20 75 10 0,268
20x20 75 32 3,186 43x43 75 10 0,281
43x43 75 32 3,340 20x20 75 20 0,526
20x20 75 63 6,230 43x43 75 20 0,552
43x43 75 63 6,512 20x20 75 32 0,805
43x43 80 2 0,418 43x43 75 32 0,843
43x43 80 10 2,553 20x20 75 63 1,570
20x43 85 2,5 0,486 43x43 75 63 1,638
20x43 85 10 2,220 43x43 80 2 0,076
20x20 85 32 4,084 43x43 80 10 0,345
43x43 85 32 4,300 20x20 85 32 1,195
20x20 85 63 7,930 43x43 85 32 1,253
43x43 85 63 8,290 20x20 85 63 2,322
30x30 90 1 0,050 43x43 85 63 2,420
30x30 90 2 0,124 30x30 90 1 0,022
43x43 100 1,0 0,296 30x30 90 5 0,252
43x44 100 5,0 1,480 30x30 90 10 0,513
35x43 105 1 0,295 43x43 100 1 0,078
35x43 105 5 1,296 43x43 100 5 0,356

RADIOGRAPHY FFD 180 cm (***)

0Al 1Al - 0,2 Cu
0392C EN 20210309 1049
Collimation Ak Collimation Ak
cm kV mAs mGy cm kV mAs mGy
43x43 100 1 0,048 25x30 70 2,5 0,015
DR 800 | Product Information | 305

RADIOGRAPHY FFD 180 cm (***)

0Al 1Al - 0,2 Cu
Collimation Ak Collimation Ak
cm kV mAs mGy cm kV mAs mGy
43x43 100 1 0,048 25x30 70 2,5 0,015
43x43 100 2 0,092 30x30 90 2 0,023
43x43 100 6,3 0,270 30x30 90 10 0,132
43x43 100 10 0,420 43x43 100 1 0,020
43x43 100 20 0,977 43x43 100 2 0,038
35x43 105 1,6 0,148 43x43 100 6,3 0,113
35x43 105 10 0,681 43x43 100 10 0,177
43x43 110 2 0,109 43x43 110 2 0,049
43x43 110 6,3 0,329 43x43 110 6,3 0,151
43x43 110 10 0,509 43x43 110 10 0,233

* Radioscopy (continuous and pulsed) used in dynamic examinations (e.g.,

urography, cistography, clisma barium, digestive and alimentary tract)
** Values typical of skeleton examinations (e.g., skull, upper and lower
extremities, spine, pelvis)
*** Values typical of abdomen and thorax examination
The addition of a copper filter is typical of paediatric examination.
It is common knowledge that the ionization process can cause damages to
cellular DNA. See following information about deterministic effects on human
body after localised and whole body irradiation by X-ray (data source: ICRP,
International Commission on Radiological Protection):

Organ/ Effect Short-term expo- Long-term
Tissue sure exposure
Single dose Yearly repea-
ted for many
Testicles Temporary sterility 0.15 0.4

Permanent sterility 3.5 - 6.0 2.0

Ovaries Sterility 2.5 - 6.0 > 0.2
Ocular lens Detectable opacities 0.5 - 2.0 > 0.1

Visual impairment 5.0 > 0.15

Bone mar- Haemopoiesis impair- 0.5 > 0.4
row ment
Skin 1. Erythema 2 -
2. Desquamation 18 -

0392C EN 20210309 1049

306 | DR 800 | Product Information

3. Epidermal necrosis 25 -
4. Skin atrophy with 10-12 1
Whole Acute radiation sickness 1.0 -
body (mild)

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 307

Mains supply

• Radiographic table
• Ceiling suspension
• Radiographic wall stand

Radiographic table
All the equipments of any X-ray installation must be connected to the
electrical mains by means of a contact or another multi-polar sectioning
device that must be installed by the customer. The room of the installation
must be in compliance with the IEC/CEI or UL/CSA prescriptions in force
(where requested). The relative national regulations must be applied in all
countries. Nonetheless, compliance with the above- mentioned standards is
strongly recommended, when they do not contradict the national regulations
in force, to ensure safety for the operator, the patient and third parties.

Table 61: Radiographic table

Rated voltage 230 Vac

Voltage change 220/240 V
Allowed fluctuation of mains voltage ± 10%
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
Electrical current absorption 15 A
Thermal dissipation 500 W
Type of protection Class I
Degree of protection Type B
Degree of casing protection IPX0
Electromagnetic compatibility Equipment in compliance with EN
60601-1-2 standards

Normally the power supply of the remote-controlled table is picked up by a

16A, delayed 400Vac nominal bipolar sectioning automatic switch, placed in
the mains supply panel board of the exam room, with intervention differential
protection not higher than 30mA in compliance with IEC/CEI standards. The
ground terminal of the equipment must be connected in a visible manner to
the earth equipotential node of the diagnostic system by means of a protection
conductor, with the minimum section of 10 mm2. The power cable from the
mains supply panel board to the equipment electrical cabinet must have a
minimum section of 2.5 mm2. All the power connections and earth cables
must be in compliance with the national rules related or equivalent.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

308 | DR 800 | Product Information

To avoid risk of electric shock, this equipment must only be
connected to a grounded electrical network.

Ceiling suspension
The system is not supplied with any type of ON/OFF switch control or related
circuitry. It is required of the installer to complete this external circuit and
instruct the operators on its use and operation once installation is complete.
The stand should be incorporated into the examination room general
emergency shutdown system.
The equipment is factory set for using single-phase mains rated at 230 VAC
50/60 Hz with a maximum power consumption of 300 VA. The system is also
prepared to accept a load from the manual or automatic collimation system
with lamp ratings up to 150 W maximum.
The stand must be connected to a stable power source to obtain the
performances for which it is designed.

Table 62: Power input requirements


F1-FUSE TYPE 6.3 x 32 mm
VA 300

Located on the main electrical plate is power strip terminal [ST2]. This is
provided for aftermarket connection to various collimation systems. The
circuit feeds 24 VAC and is able to power various collimation systems,
including lamps, rated up to 150 watts. Verify that the collimation system or
accessory does not overdraw the current rating on the circuit.

Table 63: Auxiliary power output


F1-FUSE TYPE 6.3 x 32 mm
VA 150

The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes to T1, fuse type, and
ratings (for optimization, enhancements, and in accordance to government
regulations regarding components used in medical devices). For the latest
information regarding voltages and ratings, always refer to the electrical
schematics that come with the equipment.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 309

Radiographic wall stand

This equipment is categorized as a permanently installed device.
It cannot be connected directly to a mains receptacle or mains
power strip using common AC electrical plugs or extension
The system is not supplied with any type of ON/OFF switch control or related
circuitry. It is required of the installer to complete this external circuit and
instruct the operators on its use and operation once installation is complete.
The stand should be incorporated into the examination room general
emergency shutdown system.
For systems with CAN-BUS interconnections, it is recommended that all of the
interconnected devices be switched on simultaneously, by a common relay
switching circuit, to synchronize the network connections and prevent
communication startup errors.
The equipment is factory set for using single-phase mains rated at 230 VAC
50/60 Hz with a maximum power consumption of 185 VA. By modifying the
primary side of the T1 power transformer, which is located on the main
electrical plate, it is possible to adapt the equipment to function with a tension
of either 220-230-240VAC to better match the local electrical mains supply
line. If necessary, reach the transformer and to make any changes. See the
electrical wire diagrams for specific connections.
The stand must be connected to a stable power source to obtain the
performances for which it is designed.

Table 64: Power input requirements


T1 TYPE 09322
F1-FUSE TYPE 6.3 x 32 mm
VA 185

All the power connections and earth cables must be in compliance with the
national rules related or equivalent.
Located on the electrical rack is an auxiliary output for compatible client
devices requiring 24 VDC. Check the electrical diagrams that come with the
unit for more information.
See the accompanying electrical schematics for the protection
devices foreseen on the secondary windings of the transformer.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

310 | DR 800 | Product Information

Verify that the connected auxiliary device power requirements

are compatible with the output of this power supply unit.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 311

Technical data of options and accessories

Name Weight Maximum Dimensions (mm)
(kg) load (kg)
Patient footrest 6 266 845x443x360
Hand grips 0.5 10 75x40x170 each
Shoulder rests 4 40 kg at 280x205x250 each
Compression belt 5 NA 820x410x122
Lower limbs support 6 49 290x210x450 each
Ankle support 3.5 20 495x145x135
Head contention device 4.4 NA 830x390x207
Lateral arm rest on the 2.9 30 628x362x70
radiographic table
Lateral cassette/detector 4.5 7.5 485x262x255
holder (closed)
Cushion for the tabletop 2.5 NA 1960x580x15
Paediatric cradle 7 16 1126x290x282 (no
Support for glass of bari- 0.5 0.5 237x180x345

0392C EN 20210309 1049

312 | DR 800 | Product Information

Remarks for HF-emission and immunity

(radiographic table)
Annex A
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic emissions
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.

Transmission Measure- Agreement Electromagnetic Environment

ments Guidelines

RF emissions in accord- Group 1 The system uses RF energy only

ance with CISPR 11 for its internal function. There-
fore, its RF emissions are very
low and are not likely to cause
any interference in nearby elec-
tronic equipment.

RF emissions in accord- Class A The system is suitable for use in

ance with CISPR 11 all establishments other than
domestic those directly connec-
Harmonic emissions in Not applicable ted to the public low-voltage
accordance with IEC power supply network that sup-
61000-3-2 plies buildings used for domestic
Voltage fluctuations / Not applicable
flicker emissions in ac-
cordance with
IEC 61000-3-3

Annex B
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic immunity
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.
Immunity Test IEC 60601-1-2 Compliance Electromagnetic
Test level level Environment
Discharge of stat- 8 kV contact IEC 60601-1-2 Floors should consist
ic electricity in ac- Test level of wood, concrete or
cordance with IEC 2/4/8/15 kV air ceramic tiles. The
61000-4-2 relative humidity
must be at least

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 313

30%, if the floor is

made of synthetic
Radiated electro- 3 V/m IEC 60601-1-2 Portable and mobile
magnetic field Test level RF communications
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.7 equipment should
GHz be used no closer to
any part of the
equipment, includ-
ing cables, than the
recommended sepa-
ration distance cal-
culated from the
equation applicable
to the frequency of
the transmitter rec-
ommended separa-
tion distance.
Fast transient 2 kV for power IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
electrical disturb- supply lines Test level voltage supplied
ance variables / should correspond
bursts in accord- 1 kV for input/ to a typical commer-
ance with IEC ouput lines > 3 cial or clinical envi-
61000-4-4 m ronment.
Impulse voltages 0.5/1 kV differ- IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
(surges) in ac- ential mode Test level voltage supplied
cordance with IEC should correspond
61000-4-5 0.5/1/2 kV com- to that of a typical
mon mode commercial or clini-
cal environment.
Conducted RF in 3V IEC 60601-1-2 Portable and mobile
acordance with Test level RF communications
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80 equipment should
MHz be used no closer to
6V any part of the
equipment, includ-
ISM frequencies ing cables, than the
recommended sepa-
ration distance cal-
culated from the
equation applicable
to the frequency of
the transmitter rec-
ommended separa-
tion distance.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

314 | DR 800 | Product Information

Voltage dips, 0% Un for 0.5 cy- IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power quality
short interrup- cle Test level should be that of a
tions and voltage typical commercial
0% Un for 1 cycle
variations on or hospital environ-
power supply iput 70% Un for 25 ment. If the user of
lines in accord- cycles the system requires
ance with IEC continued operation
0% Un for 5 s
61000-4-11 during power mains
interruptions, it is
recommended that
the system be pow-
ered from an unin-
terruptible power
supply or a battery.

Magnetic field at 30 A/m IEC 60601-1-2 Magnetic field at the

the supply fre- Test level network frequency
quency (50/60 should correspond
Hz) in accordance to the typical values
with IEC as they are in a com-
61000-4-8 mercial and clinical

• REMARK : Un is the alternating current in the network before the appli-

cation of the test level.

Immunity to RF wireless communication equipment

ISM Band Service Distance Immunity
test level
(MHz) (m)
300-390 TETRA 400 0.3 27
430-470 GMRS 460; FRS 460 0.3 28
704-787 LTE Band 13, 17 0.3 9
800-960 GSM 800/900; TETRA 800, IDEN 0.3 28
820; COMA 850; LTE Band 5
1700-1990 GSM 1800; COMA 1900; GSM 1900; 0.3 28
DECT; LTE Band 1, 3, 4, 25; UMTS
2400-2570 Bluetooth; WLAN; 802.11 b/g/n; 0.3 28
RFID 2450; LTE Band 7
5100-5800 WLAN 802.11 a/n 0.3 9

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 315

Remarks for HF-emission and immunity

(radiographic wall stand)
Annex A
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic emissions
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.

Transmission Measure- Agreement Electromagnetic Environment

ments Guidelines

RF emissions in accord- Group 1 The system uses RF energy only

ance with CISPR 11 for its internal function. There-
fore, its RF emissions are very
low and are not likely to cause
any interference in nearby elec-
tronic equipment.

RF emissions in accord- Class A The system is suitable for use in

ance with CISPR 11 all establishments other than do-
mestic and those directly con-
Harmonic emissions in Not applicable nected to the public low-voltage
accordance with IEC power supply network that sup-
61000-3-2 plies buildings used for domestic
Voltage fluctuations / Not applicable
flicker emissions in ac-
cordance with
IEC 61000-3-3

Annex B
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic immunity
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.
Immunity Test IEC 60601-1-2 Compliance Electromagnetic
Test level level Environment
Discharge of static 6 kV contact IEC 60601-1-2 Floors should con-
electricity in ac- Test level sist of wood, con-
cordance with IEC 8 kV air crete or ceramic
61000-4-2 tiles. The relative
humidity must be

0392C EN 20210309 1049

316 | DR 800 | Product Information

at least 30%, if the

floor is made of
synthetic material.
Fast transient elec- 2 kV for power IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
trical disturbance supply lines Test level voltage supplied
variables / bursts should correspond
in accordance with 1 kV for input/ to a typical com-
IEC 61000-4-4 ouput lines > 3 mercial or clinical
m environment.
Impulse voltages 1 kV differential IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
(surges) in accord- mode Test level voltage supplied
ance with IEC should correspond
61000-4-5 2 kV common to that of a typical
mode commercial or
clinical environ-

Voltage dips, short 0% Un for 0.5 cy- IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power qual-
interruptions and cle Test level ity should be that
voltage variations of a typical com-
40% Un for 5 cy-
on power supply mercial or hospital
iput lines in ac- environment. If
cordance with IEC 70% Un for 25 cy- the user of the sys-
61000-4-11 cles tem requires con-
tinued operation
0% Un for 5 s
during power
mains interrup-
tions, it is recom-
mended that the
system be pow-
ered from an unin-
terruptible power
supply or a bat-

Magnetic field at 3 A/m IEC 60601-1-2 Magnetic field at

the supply fre- Test level the network fre-
quency (50/60 quency should cor-
Hz) in accordance respond to the typ-
with IEC ical values as they
61000-4-8 are in a commer-
cial and clinical

• REMARK : Un is the alternating current in the network before the appli-

cation of the test level.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 317

Tests of Re- IEC Level of Electromagnetic Environ-

sistance to 60601-1-2:2014 Agree- ment
Disruption Test Level ment

Conducted 3V 3V Portable and mobile RF com-

RF munications equipment
150 kHz to 80 MHz
should be used no closer to
any part of the device, includ-
ing cables, than the recom-
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m mended separation distance
calculated from the equation
IEC 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz Spot fre- applicable to the frequency of
61000-4-3 quencies the transmitter.

Recommended separation

d = 1.2 150 kHz to 80


d = 1.2 80 MHz to 800


d = 2.3 800 MHz to 2.5

where ’P’ is the maximum out-
put power rating of the trans-
mitter in watts (W) according
to the transmitter manufac-
turer and ’d’ is the recommen-
ded separation distance in
meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined
by an electromagnetic site
survey, should be less than
the compliance level in each
frequency range.
Interference may occur in the
vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:

0392C EN 20210309 1049

318 | DR 800 | Product Information

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF com-

munication equipment and the device

Rated output Separation distance in accordance with transmission fre-

power of the quency

150 kHz to 80 80 MHz to 800 800 MHz to 2.5


d = 1.2 d = 1.2 d = 2.3

0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73

1 1.2 1.2 2.3

10 3.8 3.8 7.3

100 12 12 23

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the rec-
ommended separation distance ’d’ in meters (m) can be estimated using the
equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where ’P’ is the max-
imum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the
transmitter manufacturer.
• REMARK 1: At 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the
higher frequency range applies.
• REMARK 2: These Guidelines may not be relevant in all situations. The
dispersion of electromagnetic waves is influenced by absorption and re-
flections from buildings, objects and people.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 319

Remarks for HF-emission and immunity

(radiographic wall stand bucky with moving grid)
Annex A
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic emissions
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.

Transmission Measure- Agreement Electromagnetic Environment

ments Guidelines

RF emissions in accord- Group 1 The system uses RF energy only

ance with CISPR 11 for its internal function. There-
fore, its RF emissions are very
low and are not likely to cause
any interference in nearby elec-
tronic equipment.

RF emissions in accord- Class A The system is suitable for use in

ance with CISPR 11 all establishments other than do-
mestic and those directly con-
Harmonic emissions in Not applicable nected to the public low-voltage
accordance with IEC power supply network that sup-
61000-3-2 plies buildings used for domestic
Voltage fluctuations / Not applicable
flicker emissions in ac-
cordance with
IEC 61000-3-3

Annex B
Guidance and manufacturer’s declaration – Electromagnetic immunity
The system is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the system should assure that it is used in
such an environment.
Immunity Test IEC 60601-1-2 Compliance Electromagnetic
Test level level Environment
Discharge of static 6 kV contact IEC 60601-1-2 Floors should con-
electricity in ac- Test level sist of wood, con-
cordance with IEC 8 kV air crete or ceramic
61000-4-2 tiles. The relative
humidity must be

0392C EN 20210309 1049

320 | DR 800 | Product Information

at least 30%, if the

floor is made of
synthetic materi-
Fast transient elec- 2 kV for power IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
trical disturbance supply lines Test level voltage supplied
variables / bursts should corre-
in accordance with 1 kV for input/ spond to a typical
IEC 61000-4-4 ouput lines > 3 m commercial or
clinical environ-
Impulse voltages 1 kV differential IEC 60601-1-2 The quality of the
(surges) in accord- mode Test level voltage supplied
ance with IEC should corre-
61000-4-5 2 kV common spond to that of a
mode typical commer-
cial or clinical en-

Voltage dips, short < 5% UT for 0.5 IEC 60601-1-2 Mains power qual-
interruptions and cycle Test level ity should be that
voltage variations of a typical com-
(> 95% voltage
on power supply mercial or hospi-
dip in UT
iput lines in ac- tal environment.
cordance with IEC 40% UT for 5 cy- If the user of the
61000-4-11 cles system requires
continued opera-
(60% voltage dip
tion during power
in UT
mains interrup-
70% UT for 25 cy- tions, it is recom-
cles mended that the
system be pow-
(30% voltage dip
ered from an un-
in UT
interruptible pow-
< 5% UT for 5 s er supply or a bat-

Magnetic field at 3 A/m IEC 60601-1-2 Magnetic field at

the supply fre- Test level the network fre-
quency (50/60 quency should
Hz) in accordance correspond to the
with IEC typical values as
61000-4-8 they are in a com-
mercial and clini-
cal environment.

• REMARK : UT is the alternating current in the network before the appli-

cation of the test level.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

DR 800 | Product Information | 321

Tests of Re- IEC Level of Electromagnetic Environ-

sistance to 60601-1-2:2014 Agree- ment
Disruption Test Level ment

Conducted 3V 3V Portable and mobile RF com-

RF munications equipment
150 kHz to 80 MHz 150 kHz
should be used no closer to
IEC to 80
any part of the device, in-
61000-4-6 MHz
cluding cables, than the rec-
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m ommended separation dis-
tance calculated from the
IEC 80 MHz to 2.5 GHz 80 MHz equation applicable to the
61000-4-3 to 2.5 frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation

d = 1.2 150 kHz to 80


d = 1.2 80 MHz to 800


d = 2.3 800 MHz to 2.5

where ’P’ is the maximum
output power rating of the
transmitter in watts (W) ac-
cording to the transmitter
manufacturer and ’d’ is the
recommended separation dis-
tance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined
by an electromagnetic site
survey, should be less than
the compliance level in each
frequency range.
Interference may occur in the
vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:

0392C EN 20210309 1049

322 | DR 800 | Product Information

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF com-

munication equipment and the device

Rated output Separation distance in accordance with transmission fre-

power of the quency

150 kHz to 80 80 MHz to 800 800 MHz to 2.5


d = 1.2 d = 1.2 d = 2.3

0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23

0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73

1 1.2 1.2 2.3

10 3.8 3.8 7.3

100 12 12 23

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the rec-
ommended separation distance ’d’ in meters (m) can be estimated using the
equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where ’P’ is the max-
imum output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the
transmitter manufacturer.
• REMARK 1: At 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the
higher frequency range applies.
• REMARK 2: These Guidelines may not be relevant in all situations. The
dispersion of electromagnetic waves is influenced by absorption and re-
flections from buildings, objects and people.

0392C EN 20210309 1049

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