AECC-I Env - Science - Question and Answers 2022-23
AECC-I Env - Science - Question and Answers 2022-23
AECC-I Env - Science - Question and Answers 2022-23
Biotic structures
b. Chemoautotrophs:
➢ Microbes which can produce organic matter to some extent through the oxidation
of certain chemicals in the absence of sunlight.
➢ In oceans, at depth sunlight is not available.
➢ Chemoautotrophic sulphur bacteria make use of heat generated by the decay of
radioactive elements present in the Earth’s core and released in the ocean’s
➢ They use their to convert dissolved hydrogen sulphide of H2S, CO2 into organic
2. Consumers:
Get organic food by feeding upon other organisms.
Decomposers are organisms that act on dead plants and animals, and convert them into a dark
colored substance called humus. Bacteria and some fungi act as decomposers. They play a key
role in releasing the nutrients present in dead plants and animals into the soil.
Decomposers are the organisms that decompose the dead organisms and break down the complex
compounds of dead organisms into simple nutrients. They play a very important role as they
decompose the complex compounds (dead organisms) into simple components
Decomposers include saprophytes such as fungi and bacteria. They directly thrive on the dead and
decaying organic matter. Decomposers are essential for the ecosystem as they help in recycling
nutrients to be reused by plants.
Example: Bacteria, fungi, millipedes, slugs, woodlice, and worms represent different kinds of
decomposers. Scavengers find dead plants and animals and eat them.
The Indian Forest Act, 1927 was enacted after repealing the Indian Forest Act, 1878 for the purpose of
consolidating the law relating to forests, the transit of forest produce and the duty leviable on timber and
other forest produce.
The main objective of the Indian Forest Act (1927) was to secure exclusive state control over forests to
meet the demand for timber. Most of these untitled lands had traditionally belonged to the forest dwelling
▪ To give the Government the power to create different classes of forests for their effective usage for
the colonial purpose.
▪ To regulate movement and transit of forest produce, and duty leviable on timber and other forest
▪ To define the procedure to be followed for declaring an area as Reserved Forest, Protected Forest or
Village Forest.
▪ To define forest offences acts prohibited inside the Reserved Forest, and penalties leviable on the
Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earth's average surface temperature over the past
century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. ... Despite ups and
downs from year to year, global average surface temperature is rising. Global warming, the gradual
heating of Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere, is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of
fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
A renewable resource is a resource which can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally. ... The five
major renewable energy resources are solar, wind, water (hydro), biomass, and geothermal. Essentially,
a renewable resource, such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal pressure, has an endless supply
. Other resources are considered renewable even though some time or effort must go into their renewal
(e.g., wood, oxygen, leather, and fish).
Biodiversity is in peril while being one of the most crucial and complicated traits without which life
would not exist.
Changes in the climate-Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as
climate change.
Changes in Habitat- Natural occurrences such as droughts, illnesses, fires, hurricanes, mudslides,
volcanoes, earthquakes, small changes in seasonal temperature or precipitation, etc. can cause habitat
Pollution and nutrient loading- When too many nutrients, primarily nitrogen and phosphorus, are added
to water bodies, they can function as fertilisers and encourage an excessive amount of algae growth.
Alien invasive species- Alien species invasion is the decline or extinction of native species brought
about by the deliberate or accidental introduction of alien species.
Non-renewable energy resources are available in limited supplies, usually because they take a long time
to replenish. The advantage of these non-renewable resources is that power plants that use them are able
to produce more power on demand. The non-renewable energy resources are:
• Coal
• Nuclear
• Oil
• Natural gas
Renewable resources, on the other hand, replenish themselves. The five major renewable energy
resources are:
• Solar
• Wind
• Water, also called hydro
• Biomass, or organic material from plants and animals
• Geothermal, which is naturally occurring heat from the earth
While renewable energy resources have the advantage of unlimited supply over the long haul
The major thrust of the programme of the department of women and child development is to ensure the
all round development of children and empowerment of women. The department aims at economics
development and integration of women into the mainstream of economy, equity and social justices.
Considering the above facts, the objective of women and child welfare is: (i) To improve the social,
economical, health and nutritional status of women. (ii) To improve the physical, mental, intellectual, and
nutritional status of children.
The existing schemes of One Stop Centres (OSC), Women Helplines (181-WHL) and Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao (BBBP) have been made part of Sambal sub- scheme; while the existing schemes of Ujjwala,
Swadhar Greh and Working Women Hostel, National Creche Scheme and the Pradhan Mantri Matru
Vandana Yojana (PMMVY).
➢ It is a technique of increasing the recharge of ground water by capturing and storing rain water.
➢ This is done by constructing special water harvesting structures like dug wells, percolation pots,
lagoons, check dams etc.
Watershed management:
The watershed is defined as the land area from which water drains under gravity to a common
drainage channel.
➢ To rehabilitate the watershed through proper land use adopting conversation strategies for
minimizing soil erosion and moisture retention so as to ensure good productivity of the land for
the farmers.
➢ To manage the watershed for beneficial developmental activities like domestic water supply,
irrigation, hydro power generation etc.
1. Water harvesting:
➢ Storage of water to use it in dry season or low rain fall areas.
2. Afforestation agro forestry:
➢ Help to prevent soil erosion and retention of moisture eucalyptus grasses are grown along with
maize in Dehradun.
3. Mechanical measures for reducing soil erosion and runoff losses:
➢ Terracing, contour farming, strip cropping are used to minimize run off.
4. Scientific mining and quarrying:
➢ Planting trees like ipomoea and vitex and of raining of water courses in the mined area are
recommended for minimizing the destruction effects of mining in watershed areas.
5. Public participation:
➢ People’s involvement including the farmers and tribals is the key to the success of any
watershed management programme for the soil and water conversation.
Areas that are rich in species diversity and most threatened reservoirs of plant and animal life on
earth are called hotspot region.
Water pollution:
“The alteration in physical, chemical & biological characteristics of water which may cause
harmful effects on humans and aquatic life”.
Uses of water:
➢ Used by man for recreation and aesthetic aquatic life, public water supply, agriculture and
industry etc.
Cadmium (Cd): The disease caused by cadmium is contaminated rice. The rice fields were irrigated
with effluents of zinc smelters and drainage water from mines.
Symptoms: Bones, kidney, lungs, pancreas and thyroid are affected.
These pollutants deteriorate the quality of water, thereby affecting the aquatic ecosystems.
Point sources:
Point sources are discharged pollutants at specific locations through pipes, ditches or sewers into
bodies of surface water.
Example: factories, sewage treatment plants, etc
➢ Judicious use of agrochemicals like pesticides and fertilizers which will reduce their surface run-
off and leaching.
➢ Use of nitrogen fixing plants to supplement the use of fertilizers.
➢ Adopting integrated pest management to reduce reliance on pesticides.
➢ Prevent run-off of manure.
4. Discuss about the role of information Technology in Environment and human Health
There are a lot of Information technological software that have been developed for
environmental and health studies which are used friendly and can help an early learner in
knowing and understanding the subject.
The computer age has turned the world around due to the incredible rapidity with which IT
spreads knowledge.IT can do several tasks extremely rapidly, accurately and spread the
information through the world’s networks of millions of computer systems.
• Database is the collection of inter-related data on various subjects. It is usually in computerized
form and can be retrieved whenever required. There are several Distribution Information
Centres (DICs) in our country that are linked with each other and with the central information
network having access to international database. The Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India has taken up the task of compiling a database on issues like wildlife, forest
cover, wastelands etc.
Understanding the meaning of database is super easy and straightforward; it is a collection of
connected data on some subjects. It comes in a computerized form, and you can retrieve the data
at any hour of the day whenever needed. The information of database can easily extract in a
• B.Geographical Information System (GIS):
GIS or geographic information system consider as one of the most effective tools in the entire
environmental management topic. It is a process of superimposing different thematic maps with
the help of digital data on a large scale of interconnected aspects. The different thematic maps
that contain digital information and database on various elements such as forest land, water
resources, soil type, cropland, industrial growth, human settlement, and industrial growth, etc.
are placed in a layered prospectus in the computer with the help of software.
• C.Environmental Information System (ENVIS):
The Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India has created an information
System called Environmental Information System (ENVIS). With its headquarters in Delhi, it
functions in 25 different centres all over the country.
• D.National Management Information System (Nmis):
These are also called “Eltonian Pyramids” after C.Elton (1927). He explained the concept of
ecological pyramid who noted ‘that the animals at the base of a food chain are relatively abundant
while those at the end are relatively few in number.
Ecological Pyramid:
A graphical representation of an ecological parameter like number of individuals or
amount of biomass or amount of energy present in various tropic levels of a food chain with
producers forming the base and top and carnivores at the tip.
Each step food web is called tropic level. These tropic levels together form the ecological
pyramid. Energy is transferred from one level to another level. At each transfer, large amount of
energy is lost in the form of heat.
1. Pyramid of Number:
In graphical representation the no. of individual organisms at each tropic level is
pyramid of number. We may have upright or inverted pyramid.
Hawk B. Fish
Frogs S. Fish
Insects Zooplanktons
Grass Phytoplanktons
Grass land Pond Ecosystem
(Upright) (Upright)
2. Pyramid of Biomass:
The total biomass i.e. dry organic matter at each tropic level in a food chain is represented
graphically is known as pyramid of biomass.
Lion (1kg)
Fox (10kg)
Rabbit (100kg)
Grass (1000kg)
Terrestrial Ecosystem
• In a terrestrial ecosystem, the maximum biomass occurs in producers and there is progressive
increase in biomass from lower to higher tropic levels.
• It is found that 10 -20% of biomass is transferred from one tropic level to next in the food
• Thus 1000kg of vegetation produces a biomass of only 100kg of herbivores, which in turn
form only 10kg of biomass of first order, carnivores that gives rise just 1kg of biomass of
second order carnivores and so on.
3. Pyramids of Energy:
The graphical representation of the amount of energy present at each tropic level is
known as Pyramid is Energy. This pyramid is always upright. At each successive tropic
level, there is huge loss of energy in the form of heat.
L. Fish
126 KJ/m2
Insects S. Fish
7980 KJ/m2
31080 KJ/m2
6. Why is there a need to conserve biodiversity? And what are the methods of conservation.
The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985.
Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological
complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types of
ecosystems, different species of organisms with the whole range of their variants and genes adapted
to different climates, environments along with their interactions
Uses of Biodiversity:
Biodiversity has the following uses for the development humanity:
(i) It provides food of all types.
(iii) It provides different types of oil seeds for the preparation of oils.
(iv) It provides new varieties of rice, potato etc. through the process of hybridization.
(v) It provides different drugs and medicines which are based on different plant products.
Conservation Methods:
There are two types of conservation methods namely in-situ and ex-situ conservations. Let us discuss
the different conservation methods along with their importance.
The stresses on living organisms due to competition for food, water, space etc. can be avoided by ex-
situ conservation there by providing conditions necessary for a secure life and breeding.
7. What is Air Pollution?Write in detail about Air Pollution and measures to control it.
Air pollution refers to any physical, chemical or biological change in the air. It is the contamination of air
by harmful gases, dust and smoke which affects plants, animals and humans drastically.
Primary Pollutants
The pollutants that directly cause air pollution are known as primary pollutants. Sulphur-dioxide emitted
from factories is a primary pollutant.
Secondary Pollutants
The pollutants formed by the intermingling and reaction of primary pollutants are known as secondary
pollutants. Smog, formed by the intermingling of smoke and fog, is a secondary pollutant.
The combustion of fossil fuels emits a large amount of sulphur dioxide. Carbon monoxide released by
incomplete combustion of fossil fuels also results in air pollution.
The gases emitted from vehicles such as jeeps, trucks, cars, buses, etc. pollute the environment. These are
the major sources of greenhouse gases and also result in diseases among individuals.
Agricultural Activities
Ammonia is one of the most hazardous gases emitted during agricultural activities. The insecticides,
pesticides and fertilizers emit harmful chemicals in the atmosphere and contaminate it.
Factories and industries are the main source of carbon monoxide, organic compounds, hydrocarbons and
chemicals. These are released into the air, degrading its quality.
In the mining process, the minerals below the earth are extracted using large pieces of equipment. The
dust and chemicals released during the process not only pollute the air, but also deteriorate the health of
the workers and people living in the nearby areas.
Domestic Sources
The household cleaning products and paints contain toxic chemicals that are released in the air. The smell
from the newly painted walls is the smell of the chemicals present in the paints. It not only pollutes the air
but also affects breathing
Air pollution has resulted in several respiratory disorders and heart diseases among humans. The cases of
lung cancer have increased in the last few decades. Children living near polluted areas are more prone to
pneumonia and asthma. Many people die every year due to the direct or indirect effects of air pollution.
Global Warming
Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, there is an imbalance in the gaseous composition of the air. This
has led to an increase in the temperature of the earth. This increase in earth’s temperature is known
as global warming. This has resulted in the melting of glaciers and an increase in sea levels. Many areas
are submerged underwater.
Acid Rain
The burning of fossil fuels releases harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides in the air.
The water droplets combine with these pollutants, become acidic and fall as acid rain which damages
human, animal and plant life.
The release of chlorofluorocarbons, halons, and hydro chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is the major
cause of depletion of the ozone layer. The depleting ozone layer does not prevent the harmful ultraviolet
rays coming from the sun and causes skin diseases and eye problems among individuals.
The air pollutants suspend on the water bodies and affect the aquatic life. Pollution also compels the
animals to leave their habitat and shift to a new place. This renders them stray and has also led to the
extinction of a large number of animal species.
Following are the measures one should adopt, to control air pollution:
People should avoid using vehicles for shorter distances. Rather, they should prefer public modes of
transport to travel from one place to another. This not only prevents pollution, but also conserves energy.
Energy Conservation
A large number of fossil fuels are burnt to generate electricity. Therefore, do not forget to switch off the
electrical appliances when not in use. Thus, you can save the environment at the individual level. Use of
energy-efficient devices such CFLs also controls pollution to a greater level.
The use of solar, wind and geothermal energies reduce air pollution at a larger level. Various countries,
including India, have implemented the use of these resources as a step towards a cleaner environment.
Disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, destruction and devastation to
life and property. The damage caused by disaster is immeasurable and varies with the
geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface. This influences the mental, socio-
economic, political and cultural state of the affected area. Generally, disaster has the following
effects in the concerned areas,
1. It completely disrupts the normal day to day life
2. It negatively influences the emergency systems
3. Normal needs and processes like food, shelter, health, etc. are affected and deteriorate
depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster. I
t may also be termed as “a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread
human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected society to cope
using its own resources.”
Types of Disaster Generally, disasters are of two types – Natural and Manmade. Based on the
devastation, these are further classified into major/minor natural disaster and major/minor
manmade disasters. Some of the disasters are listed below,
Major natural disasters: • Flood • Cyclone • Drought • Earthquake
Minor natural disasters: • Cold wave • Thunderstorms • Heat waves • Mud slides • Storm
Major manmade disaster: • Setting of fires • Epidemic • Deforestation • Pollution due to prawn
cultivation • Chemical pollution. • Wars
Minor manmade disaster: • Road / train accidents, riots • Food poisoning • Industrial disaster/
crisis • Environmental pollution
Disaster Management
There are no standardized rules defining the different phases of the disaster management cycle.
Different agencies use different cycles depending upon their objectives. However, while
approaches vary, it is agreed that disaster management activities should be carried out in a cycle.
Disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness The first important steps towards reducing
disaster impact are to correctly analyse the potential risk and identify measures that can prevent,
A flood is an expanse of water submerging land. A flood is caused by excess water in a location,
usually due to rain from a storm or thunderstorm or the rapid melting of snow. A flood happens
when an area of land, usually low-lying, is covered with water. The worst floods usually occur
when a river overflows its banks. The flood is constituted not only of the overflowing water but
also of all other waters that are unable to drain off into water channels.
Causes of floods
1) When snow on a mountain melts or when a river or a lake of some sort overflows
2) Flooding from water displacement, such as in a landslide,
3) The failure of a dam,
4) An earthquake induced tsunami,
5) A hurricane’s storm surge or melt water from volcanic activity.
6) Flooding of Coastal areas by high tides or by tsunami waves caused by undersea earthquakes.
7) A flood that rises and falls rapidly with little or no advance warning is called a flash flood.
Flash floods usually result from intence rainfall over a relatively small area.
Elements at risk
1) Buildings built of earth (mud),weak foundation and water soluble material.
2) Basement of buildings.
3) Utilities such as sewerage, water supply.
4) Agricultural equipment and crops, vehicles, fishing boats etc. Effects of flood o Physical
damage- structures such as buildings get damaged due to flood water. Landslides can also take
place. Top soil gets washed away o Causalities - people and livestock die due to drowning. It can
also lead to epidemics and diseases. o Water supplies- Contamination of water. Clean drinking
water becomes scarce. o Crops and food supplies- shortage of food crops can be caused due to
loss of entire harvest.
The name cyclone was first coined by Captain Henry Piddington, Chairman of Marine Court,
Calcutta in 1848. It is derived from Greek word means coil of a snake. Cyclone is an
meteorological phenomena in which an area of low pressure characterized by inward spiraling
winds that rotate counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern
hemisphere of the earth. Near the places of their origin they are only 80 Km in diameter, but well
developed cyclones have their diameter ranging from 300 to 1500 km. They move at faster rate
over the oceans than over the land because the irregularities of the land surface retard their speed.
The six main types of cyclones are polar cyclone, polar low, extra tropical, subtropical, tropical
and mesoscale.
Depending on their location and strength, there are various terms by which tropical cyclones are
known, such as hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm and tropical depression. They
are all cyclonic storm systems that form over the oceans. Tropical cyclones can produce extremely
strong winds, tornadoes, torrential rain, high waves, and storm surges. The heavy rains and storm
surges can produce extensive flooding. Although one cannot control cyclones, the effects of
cyclones can be mitigated through effective mitigation policies and strategies.
• Installation Of Earth Warning Systems : Such systems fitted along the coastlines can
greatly assist forecasting techniques, thus helping in early evacuation of people in the
storm surge areas.
• Developing communication infrastructure Amateur Radio has today emerged as second
line unconventional communications systems and is an important tool for disaster
• Developing shelter belts: Shelter belts with plantations of trees can act as effective wind-
and tide-breakers. Apart from acting as effective windbreakers and protecting soil crops
from being damaged, they also prevent soil erosion.
• Developing community cyclone shelters: Cyclone shelters at strategic locations can help in
minimizing the loss of human life. In the normal course of life, these shelters can be used
as public utility buildings.
• Construction of permanent houses: There is a need to build appropriately-designed
concrete houses that can withstand high winds and tidal waves.