Antinutrients and Heavy Metals in New Nigerian Musa Hybrid Peels With Emphasis On Utilization in Livestock Production

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Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Nigerian Musa hybrid

peels with emphasis on utilization in livestock production
T. Adebayo ADENIJI1*, I. Samuel BARIMALAA1, A. TENKOUANO2, L. Oladimeji SANNI2, Alexander D. HART1

Department of Food Science Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Nigerian Musa hybrid peels with
and Technology, Rivers State emphasis on utilization in livestock production.
University of Science and
Technology, PMB 5080, Abstract –– Introduction. A comparative study of antinutrients and heavy metals in the peels
of five improved varieties of plantain and banana hybrids was investigated. Our aim was to provide
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
information on plantain and banana peels that may circumvent huge losses during fruit processing by converting waste into wealth and health. Materials and methods. Four new plantain hybrids
developed at the IITA, Nigeria, named PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 and PITA 26, one cooking banana
International Institute of hybrid (BITA 3) and an African plantain landrace, Agbagba, were investigated. Antinutrient and
Tropical Agriculture, PMB 5320 heavy metal contents of the dried peels from the different cultivars were determined and the data
Oyo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria were statistically analyzed. Results and discussion. The plantain hybrid PITA 14 differed
significantly from other cultivars in saponin, tannin and oxalate. A significant difference was
observed between PITA 17 in phytate compared with other cultivars. Cyanogenic glucosides found
in PITA 17, PITA 26 and BITA 3 differed significantly from the values obtained in other cultivars.
Both BITA 3 and Agbagba are significantly different from other cultivars in phenolic content, while
PITA 24 and Agbagba differed significantly from other cultivars in lead. PITA 24 peels differed
significantly from other cultivars in cadmium, but no significant difference was found among the
different Musa varieties in mercury. Conclusion. In spite of the antinutritional properties ascribed
to the various constituents investigated, the levels found in the peels of new Musa hybrids suggest
that new varieties might not constitute a health hazard when ingested. Plantain and banana peels
may be converted into livestock feeds, which will eventually provide protein and other nutrients
to humans from consumption of meat and other products derived from the animals.
Nigeria / Musa / fruit peels / antinutritional factors / chemical composition /
heavy metals / cyanogenic glucosides / health hazards

Substances antinutritionnelles et métaux lourds dans la peau des bananes

de nouveaux hybrides nigérians potentiellement utilisables en production
Résumé –– Introduction. Une étude comparative des substances antinutritionnelles et des
métaux lourds dans la peau de cinq variétés de plantain améliorées et hybrides de bananier a été
effectuée. Notre but a été de fournir des informations sur la peau de plantains et bananes, qui pour-
raient limiter les énormes pertes occasionnées par la transformation des fruits en convertissant ces
pertes en profits et santé. Matériel et méthodes. Quatre nouveaux hybrides de plantain (PITA
14, PITA 17, PITA 24 et PITA 26) développés à l'IITA, au Nigéria, un hybride de banane à cuire
(BITA 3) et un plantain local africain, Agbagba, ont été évalués. La teneur en substances antinu-
tritionnelles et en métaux lourds a été déterminée dans la peau sèche des différents cultivars et
les données ont été statistiquement analysées. Résultats et discussion. La peau de l'hybride de
* Correspondence and reprints
plantain PITA 14 a différé de manière significative des autres cultivars en saponine, tannin et oxa-
late. Par rapport aux autres cultivars, PITA 17 a présenté une amélioration en phytate. Les gluco-
sides cyanogéniques trouvés dans la peau de PITA 17, PITA 26 et BITA 3 ont différé de manière
significative des valeurs obtenues dans les autres cultivars. BITA 3 et Agbagba se sont démarqués
Received 18 June 2007 par leur teneur en phénols, alors que PITA 24 et Agbagba ont différé de manière significative des
Accepted 31 August 2007 autres cultivars pour leur teneur en plomb. La peau de PITA 24 a eu la plus forte teneur en cadmium,
mais aucune différence significative n'a été trouvée parmi les différentes variétés de Musa quant
à leur teneur en mercure. Conclusion. Malgré les propriétés antinutritionnelles attribuées aux
Fruits, 2008, vol. 63, p. 65–73
divers constituants étudiés, leur niveau trouvé dans la peau des fruits de nouveaux hybrides de
Musa suggère que leur ingestion ne pourrait pas constituer un risque sanitaire. Les épluchures de
© 2008 Cirad/EDP Sciences plantains et de bananes peuvent être converties en aliments pour le bétail qui fourniront par la
All rights reserved suite des protéines et d'autres éléments à l'homme par consommation de la viande et d'autres pro-
DOI: 10.1051/fruits:2007048 duits dérivés des animaux ainsi alimentés.
Nigéria / Musa / pelure de fruits / facteur antinutritionnel / composition
RESUMEN ESPAÑOL, p. 73 chimique / métal lourd / glucoside cyanogène / danger pour la santé

Fruits, vol. 63 (2) 65

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at or

T.A. Adeniji et al.

1. Introduction of Izonfuo and Omuaru [7]. The inclusion of

plantain and banana peels in the rations of
The annual world production of plantain goats and sheep should be encouraged to
and banana (Musa spp.) is estimated at enable the animals to derive protein and
75 Mt [1]. This includes approximately 19 Mt other nutrients from the peel, which could
of peel. Dessert banana is often eaten raw have been discarded as waste. The starch
when ripe, during which the fruit is peeled, content of plantain pulp is higher than that
and often discarded as waste. Similarly, dur- of the peel; however, higher concentrations
ing plantain processing, peels are usually of sugars have been reported in the peel
considered as waste. Like other fruits, the compared with the pulp [5]. Studies have
peel of plantain and banana protects the edi- also revealed that plantain peels contain
ble pulp from the surrounding environment. alcohol, and aromatic and phenolic com-
The use of a plantain and banana pulp and pounds [1].
peel combination in wine manufacturing
has been reported [2, 3]. Rahman [4] Unavailability of conventional ingredi-
reported on the use of whole plantain fruit, ents is one of the major constraints to live-
consisting of both pulp and peel, in flour stock production in the developing coun-
production, while the peels and trunks are tries [12]. The concentrated feedstuffs being
utilized for various agricultural purposes [5, produced are competed for by humans and
6]. Plantain peels are good for feeding rumi- their livestock: usually the humans have to
nants, especially in the ripe form [7]. Ketiku satisfy their needs, leaving the remnant for
[5] also reported that plantain skins are livestock. Animal scientists have increased
important fodder for ruminants, especially the use of unconventional feed ingredients,
goats and sheep. One other important use notably the agro-industrial by-products and
of plantain peel lies in its utilization as a ten- farm wastes for which humans do not com-
derizer for vegetables and meat when con- pete, in livestock production to circumvent
verted into powder [8]. In Uganda, banana the problem of inadequacy of feeding stuffs.
peels are used as cattle feed and for the pro- A need therefore exists to explore the vast
duction of “fuel briquettes”. In the Philip- under-exploited inedible portions of agri-
pines, banana peels are sun-dried and fur- cultural products, such as plantain and
ther processed into chips for export to Japan banana peels, to increase livestock feed. In
and Taiwan for use as feed or fillers in chem- its attempt to produce cheaper and cost-
ical processing [9]. In the USA, the govern- effective feeds from agro-industrial prod-
ment has set a goal of replacing up to 30% ucts, the federal government of Nigeria set
of the nation’s gasoline use with bio-fuels up a task force on alternative formulations
by 2030, and therefore bringing the cost of of livestock feeds [12].
ethanol, the leading alternative fuel, down Every part of plantain and banana, except
to $1.07 a gallon by 2012 [10]. Plantain and the roots and suckers, can be and has been
banana are potential bio-energy plants that used to feed livestock in various parts of the
could constitute a genetic recipe for produc- world [12]. For fresh green plantain or
ing bio-fuels. banana, the best way of feeding them to
The chemical composition of plantain ruminants is to chop the fruits and sprinkle
peels and pulps [5, 7], and peels only [6] has some salt on the slices, since Musa spp. fruits
been documented. Baiyeri [11] also reported are low in the inorganic nutrients. Clavijo
on the mineral concentration of unripe and et al. [13] reported that gestating sows fed
ripe plantain pulps and peels. Izonfuo and on a banana plus supplement diet per-
Omuaru [7] reported higher levels of some formed better than those on the control diet,
important minerals in the ripe and unripe gaining significantly more weight during
peel of plantain compared with the pulp, gestation and producing heavier piglets at
which is in agreement with the report of birth. The use of dried, milled banana in
Baiyeri [11]. Ketiku [5] reported that the peel livestock feed enables it to be incorporated
of both ripe and unripe plantain contains into diets at much higher levels than those
higher levels of protein compared with the obtained using fresh banana. In another
edible pulp, in consonance with the work study, Fetuga et al. [14] reported on the use

66 Fruits, vol. 63 (2)

Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Musa hybrid peels

of plantain peels, yellow maize, maize cobs In spite of their nutritional composition
and yam peels for feeding pigs. Göhl [15] and extensive reports on the composition
reported that banana leaves could be used and uses of plantain and banana peels, their
as emergency feed for ruminants, but that potential in livestock production is yet to be
the digestibility decreased as the level of fully explored. Investigations into the anti-
banana leaves increased in the ration. The nutritional factors and heavy metal constit-
author therefore recommended that no more uents of new plantain and banana hybrid
than 10% of the grain of poultry diets should peels were therefore undertaken as a
be replaced by banana meal because high renewed effort to promote their application
levels of banana meal depress the growth in livestock production. To the authors’
rate and reduce feed efficiency. In addition, knowledge, there are no published reports
banana pseudostems could be fed fresh, but on the antinutrient and heavy metal contents
chopped, ensiled pseudostems enriched with of new Musa hybrids developed at the Inter-
readily fermentable carbohydrates is the best national Institute of Tropical Agriculture
way of feeding them to ruminants. Dehy- (IITA).
drated, green, milled banana has been suc-
cessfully utilized as a source of starch in the
preparation of calf feeds and specifically in
the manufacture of milk replacers [16]. 2. Materials and methods
Chenost et al. [17] carried out digestibility tri-
als on goats and reported that, when banana
2.1. Collection of samples
and forages were blended, the dry matter
and digestible organic matter rose sharply as
the content of bananas increased in the Five new Musa hybrids developed at the
ration from 0–20%. Similarly, Geoffroy and IITA, Nigeria, named either PITA (Plantain
Chenost [18] reported that replacement of International Institute of Tropical Agricul-
cereals with banana meal and banana silage ture) or BITA (Banana International Institute
in a concentrated diet resulted in increased of Tropical Agriculture) were investigated.
dry matter intake, significantly higher milk The cultivars included four plantain hybrids
yield and better weight gains. Viswanathan (PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 and PITA 26) and
et al. [19] reported that feeding of sheep with one cooking banana hybrid (BITA 3), with
banana stalk does not have a detrimental an African plantain landrace, Agbagba, as
effect on the health of the animals, although control. Green (unripe) fruit samples were
the daily live-weight gains were low. Suc- obtained from the experimental station of
cessful inclusion of up to 7.5% of dried plan- the IITA, High Rainfall Station, Onne Agro-
tain peels in maize used for broiler diets has ecology, located at lat. 04° 43' N, long. 07°
also been reported [20], beyond which it is 01' E and 10 m alt., near Port Harcourt,
detrimental. It has been well established that Nigeria. Three representative fruit samples
the greatest limitation to using banana as a were collected from the second hand from
feed for ruminants is the lack of fermentable the proximal end of the bunch, following
nitrogen, and hence banana diets must the recommendation of Baiyeri and Ortiz
always be supplemented with a source of [23]. The same day, the bunch was
nitrogen such as urea [21]. The most com- harvested.
mon non-essential but nutritionally impor-
tant minerals, as far as toxicity is concerned, 2.2. Preparation of samples
are lead, mercury, arsenic and chromium
[22]. Cadmium is an extremely toxic metal Fruit samples were washed and peeled
commonly found in industrial workplaces, manually with a stainless steel kitchen knife
particularly where any ore is being proc- and the peels sliced longitudinally. Peel
essed or smelted. These elements, also samples were cut into small sizes, then
known as heavy metals, and some other placed in petri dishes and covered with filter
trace elements and antinutrients found in paper to prevent contamination. Samples
foods are toxic when ingested in quantities were dried in a Forced-Air Moisture Extrac-
above critical amounts [22]. tion Plus II oven (Sanyo Gallenkamp PLC,

Fruits, vol. 63 (2) 67

T.A. Adeniji et al.

United Kingdom), at 65 °C for about 48 h, cultivars. Cyanogenic glucoside contents

and they were milled with a stainless steel found in BITA 3, PITA 17 and PITA 26 peels
Kenwood Chef Blender, Model KM001 were significantly higher (p < 0.05) com-
(0067078) series. pared with values obtained in other culti-
vars. The mean phenolic contents observed
in both BITA 3 and Agbagba peels were sig-
2.3. Analytical procedures nificantly higher (p < 0.05) compared with
the values found in the other cultivars.
The antinutrient content and heavy metals
in the banana peel flour were determined The lead contents of PITA 24 and
using AOAC [24] procedures. All chemical Agbagba peels were significantly higher
analyses were performed in the Plant Anat- (p < 0.05) compared with those of the other
omy & Physiology Research Laboratory, cultivars (table II). Similarly, the cadmium
Faculty of Science, University of Port Har- content of PITA 24 peels was significantly
court, Herbarium, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. (p < 0.05) the highest, but no significant dif-
ference (p < 0.05) was found among the dif-
ferent Musa varieties in mercury contents.
2.4. Data analyses
This study revealed that plantain and
banana peels had higher levels of antinutri-
The data generated were analyzed using the
ents than those reported by Adeniji et al.
Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) version 9.1
[26] for the antinutrients and heavy metals
[25] software package. Significance of treat-
in plantain and banana flour of pulp. Even
ment means was tested at the 5% probability
though anti-nutritional properties have
level using Duncan’s New Multiple Range
been ascribed to saponins, they are harm-
Test (DNMRT).
less when ingested by chicks, rats and mice
at 0.5% to 3% of the diet because neither
saponins nor sapogenins were found in the
3. Results and discussion blood of chicks, rats and mice kept on a diet
containing 20% soybean meal [27]. Suffice to
say that saponins are not absorbed, but
3.1. Antinutrients remain intact until they leave the intestine.
The Merck Index [28] also reported that
The saponin, tannin and oxalate contents in saponins are practically non-toxic to
the peel of PITA 14 were significantly (p < humans when taken orally. They are known
0.05) higher compared with those obtained to have a number of advantages, of which
in other cultivars (table I). The phytate con- the most interesting is that they can lower
tent in the peel of PITA 17 was significantly plasma cholesterol concentrations [29, 30].
(p < 0.05) the highest compared with other Food rich in saponins may reduce the effect

Table I.
Antinutrients (%) measured in dried plantain and banana peel at harvest (Nigeria).

Cultivar Saponin Tannin Oxalate Phytate Cyanogenic glucosides Phenolic compound

AGBAGBA 3.0 f 9.8 e 0.35 e 0.28 e 0.22 c 0.124 a

BITA 3 6.2 e 10.8 d 0.66 b 0.38 c 0.65 a 0.124 a
PITA 14 26.5 a 12.0 a 0.73 a 0.28 e 0.25 b 0.123 b
PITA 17 7.6 d 11.0 c 0.47 c 0.62 a 0.65 a 0.119 c
PITA 24 24.6 b 11.8 b 0.22 f 0.39 b 0.25 b 0.119 c
PITA 26 21.3 c 8.4 f 0.42 d 0.32 d 0.65 a 0.113 d

Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at p < 0.05.

68 Fruits, vol. 63 (2)

Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Musa hybrid peels

of heart disease [31, 32]. There is therefore

a need to identify actual and potential Table II.
sources of dietary saponins. For instance, Heavy metals (µg·g–1) measured in dried plantain and banana peel
the bitter taste of oil bean seed is due partly at harvest (Nigeria). Mercury content is inferior to 0.01 µg·g–1 in all
to saponin glycoside [33]. Sirtori et al. [34] the samples.
associated soybean saponins with the low-
ering of serum cholesterol, and Oakenful Cultivars Lead Cadmium
et al. [29] showed that saponins were hypo- AGBAGBA 0.70 a 0.04 d
cholesterolaemic. These findings suggest
BITA 3 0.66 b 0.05 c
that food containing saponins could be ben-
PITA 14 0.46 e 0.05 c
eficial to humans.
PITA 17 0.56 d 0.05 c
The presence of antinutrients in the PITA 24 0.70 a 0.07 a
human diet prevents the digestion, availa-
PITA 26 0.65 c 0.06 b
bility and assimilation of food substances,
depending on their concentration [35–37]. Values in the same column with different letters are significantly different at
Specifically, oxalate at high concentrations p < 0.05.
is known to strongly chelate with dietary cal-
cium and other divalent metals [38], thereby
making the complexed calcium unavailable
for absorption. Like oxalates, tannins also lower value of 0.145% of phytic acid in shea-
form complexes with proteins, divalent met- nut. A substantial decrease in phytin in edi-
als, cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin and ble parts of food crops could improve iron,
other carbohydrates [39]. Tannins therefore zinc and calcium availability to the con-
reduce the availability of these nutrients. sumer [46]. Much of the phosphorus in soy-
Elemo et al. [40] reported 0.021% tannins in bean is unavailable because it is tied up in
sheanut, which is far lower than those the phytate molecule (40% to 60%), and
obtained in this present research. The tannin phytate chelates with di- and trivalent met-
levels found in our study may therefore be als, such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and
regarded as high concentrations and thus iron to form poorly soluble compounds that
can be assumed to be toxic. Processing are not easily absorbed from the intestine
should be carefully carried out to reduce the [27]. Investigations carried out in vivo and
levels in the peels prior to utilization. in vitro have demonstrated anti-cancer
(both preventive and therapeutic) proper-
The oxalate levels shown in this present ties of phytic acid [47].
study are much lower in comparison with Olusi and Oke [48] administered several
the estimated threshold of oxalate toxicity in times the lethal dose of cyanide as KCN to
humans [(2 to 5) g·100 g–1 daily] as given by experimental animals with no necrosis,
Munro and Basir [41]. This therefore sug- necrobiosis or other cellular or tissue dam-
gests that consumers of plantain, banana age, most of the glucoside being excreted
and their derived hybrids, including the intact in the urine as inert substances. Krebs
peel, stand no risk of oxalate toxicity. One [49] also reported that most of the gluco-
advantage of high concentrations of oxalate sides are excreted unchanged in urine and
in plants, however, is that it deters herbiv- faeces and thus present no toxic problems,
ores from feeding on such plants [37, 42]. and this has been confirmed by the work of
Phytate occurs in soybeans and most soy- Matsumoto et al. [50]. The lethal dose of
bean products to the extent of 1.0% to 1.5% hydrocyanate is believed to be about
of the dry weight [43, 44]. Bioavailability of 60 mg·day–1 in an adult man [51]. Tichy
iron, zinc and calcium for humans is a cru- [52] observed that the fatal dose of cyano-
cial factor since their absorption from plant genic glycoside in food is 50 mg·day–1,
food is often low, which is mainly due to while another study suggested a level of 10–
the presence of phytic acid [45]. The phytate 20 mg·100 g in foods for safety [53]. In our
content of plantain and banana peels as study, the 0.216% to 0.648% cyanogenic glu-
shown in our study is much lower than these coside obtained in plantain and banana
values. Elemo et al. [40] earlier reported a peels may be toxic. Ihekoronye and Ngoddy

Fruits, vol. 63 (2) 69

T.A. Adeniji et al.

[54] reported that the high prussic acid, 4. Conclusion

linamarin and lotaustralin content of most
cassava cultivars implies that elaborate This new study was realized to unveil the
processing is required before consumption. antinutrient and heavy metal concentrations
Adequate heat treatment could inactivate in some new Musa hybrid peels with
various antinutrients in foods, and therefore emphasis on their utilization in livestock
detoxify them. production. The concentration of antinutri-
ents and heavy metals found in the new
3.2. Heavy metals plantain and banana hybrid peels may be
considered safe for use in livestock produc-
The heavy metal contents of plantain and tion. However, reduction of antinutrients is
banana hybrid peels are in consonance with an important step to enhance nutritional
the 0.01 mg·kg–1 to 0.006 mg·kg–1 lead, cad- qualities, and increase palatability and
mium, mercury and chromium levels reported digestibility of foods, which could be
in some seafoods [55] in Rivers State waters accomplished through different hydrother-
in Nigeria. However, these new data are mal treatments. Application of plantain and
higher than those reported in plantain and banana peels as composite ingredients in
banana flour [26]. Lead concentrations rang- the formulation of safe and cost-effective
ing from 1.2–7.4 μg·g–1 and 1.1–2.6 μg·g–1 meal for livestock production is therefore
have been reported in cassava roots and recommended.
cocoyam (corm) obtained from some oil-
prospecting locations in Rivers State [56]. Lead
concentrations ranging from 2.9–9.1 μg·g–1, Acknowledgements
2.4–8.6 μg·g–1 and 2.0–7.6 μg·g–1 in okra,
pumpkin leaves and waterleaf were obtained Assistance with sample preparation by Miss
from six oil-prospecting locations in Rivers Jacinta Ndidiamaka Ezurike and Miss Bless-
State [56]. Lead concentrations found in the ing Ada Ezeagwula is gratefully acknowl-
new Musa hybrid peels were much lower edged.
than these values. The heavy metal contents
of the new Musa hybrid peels are very low,
especially mercury. Rahman et al. [57]
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72 Fruits, vol. 63 (2)

Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Musa hybrid peels

Sustancias antinutricionales y metales pesados en la piel de los bananos de

nuevos híbridos nigerianos potencialmente utilizables en producción animal.
Resumen –– Introducción. Se efectuó un estudio comparativo de las sustancias
antinutricionales y de los metales pesados en la piel de cinco variedades mejoradas de llantén
y de híbrido de banano. Nuestro objetivo pretendió proporcionar las informaciones sobre la
piel de llantenes y bananos, que podrían limitar las enormes pérdidas ocasionadas por la
transformación de los frutos, convirtiendo dichas pérdidas en beneficios y en salud. Material
y métodos. Se evaluaron cuatro nuevos híbridos de llantenes (PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 y
PITA 26) desarrollados en el IITA, en Nigeria, un híbrido de banano para cocinar (BITA 3) y
un llantén local africano, Agbagba. Se determinaron el contenido de sustancias antinutriciona-
les y de metales pesados en la piel seca de los diferentes cultivares; y, se analizaron estadísti-
camente los datos obtenidos. Resultados y discusión. La piel del híbrido de llantén PITA 14
difirió de modo significativo de los otros cultivares en saponina, tanina y oxilato. Con relación
a los otros cultivares, PITA 17 presentó una mejora en fitato. Los glucósidos cianogénicos
encontrados en la piel de PITA 17, PITA 26 y BITA 3 difirieron de manera significativa de los
valores obtenidos en los otros cultivares. BITA 3 y Agbagba se demarcaron por su contenido
en fenoles, mientras que PITA 24 y Agbagba difirieron significativamente de los otros
cultivares por su contenido en plomo. La piel de PITA 24 tuvo más contenido en cadmio,
pero no se encontró ninguna diferencia significativa entre las diferentes variedades de Musa
en cuanto a su contenido en mercurio. Conclusión. A pesar de las propiedades
antinutricionales atribuidas a los diversos constituyentes estudiados, su nivel encontrado en la
piel de los frutos de nuevos híbridos de Musa sugiere que su ingestión no constituiría un
riesgo saludable. Las cáscaras de los llantenes y de los bananos pueden transformarse en
alimentos de ganado que después proporcionarán las proteínas y otros elementos para el
hombre, mediante el consumo de la carne y de otros productos derivados de los animales
alimentados de este modo.

Nigeria / Musa / piel de frutas / factores antinutricionales / composición

química / metales pesados / glucósidos cianogénicos / peligro para la salud

Fruits, vol. 63 (2) 73

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