Antinutrients and Heavy Metals in New Nigerian Musa Hybrid Peels With Emphasis On Utilization in Livestock Production
Antinutrients and Heavy Metals in New Nigerian Musa Hybrid Peels With Emphasis On Utilization in Livestock Production
Antinutrients and Heavy Metals in New Nigerian Musa Hybrid Peels With Emphasis On Utilization in Livestock Production
Department of Food Science Antinutrients and heavy metals in new Nigerian Musa hybrid peels with
and Technology, Rivers State emphasis on utilization in livestock production.
University of Science and
Technology, PMB 5080, Abstract –– Introduction. A comparative study of antinutrients and heavy metals in the peels
of five improved varieties of plantain and banana hybrids was investigated. Our aim was to provide
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
information on plantain and banana peels that may circumvent huge losses during fruit processing by converting waste into wealth and health. Materials and methods. Four new plantain hybrids
developed at the IITA, Nigeria, named PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 and PITA 26, one cooking banana
International Institute of hybrid (BITA 3) and an African plantain landrace, Agbagba, were investigated. Antinutrient and
Tropical Agriculture, PMB 5320 heavy metal contents of the dried peels from the different cultivars were determined and the data
Oyo Road, Ibadan, Nigeria were statistically analyzed. Results and discussion. The plantain hybrid PITA 14 differed
significantly from other cultivars in saponin, tannin and oxalate. A significant difference was
observed between PITA 17 in phytate compared with other cultivars. Cyanogenic glucosides found
in PITA 17, PITA 26 and BITA 3 differed significantly from the values obtained in other cultivars.
Both BITA 3 and Agbagba are significantly different from other cultivars in phenolic content, while
PITA 24 and Agbagba differed significantly from other cultivars in lead. PITA 24 peels differed
significantly from other cultivars in cadmium, but no significant difference was found among the
different Musa varieties in mercury. Conclusion. In spite of the antinutritional properties ascribed
to the various constituents investigated, the levels found in the peels of new Musa hybrids suggest
that new varieties might not constitute a health hazard when ingested. Plantain and banana peels
may be converted into livestock feeds, which will eventually provide protein and other nutrients
to humans from consumption of meat and other products derived from the animals.
Nigeria / Musa / fruit peels / antinutritional factors / chemical composition /
heavy metals / cyanogenic glucosides / health hazards
of plantain peels, yellow maize, maize cobs In spite of their nutritional composition
and yam peels for feeding pigs. Göhl [15] and extensive reports on the composition
reported that banana leaves could be used and uses of plantain and banana peels, their
as emergency feed for ruminants, but that potential in livestock production is yet to be
the digestibility decreased as the level of fully explored. Investigations into the anti-
banana leaves increased in the ration. The nutritional factors and heavy metal constit-
author therefore recommended that no more uents of new plantain and banana hybrid
than 10% of the grain of poultry diets should peels were therefore undertaken as a
be replaced by banana meal because high renewed effort to promote their application
levels of banana meal depress the growth in livestock production. To the authors’
rate and reduce feed efficiency. In addition, knowledge, there are no published reports
banana pseudostems could be fed fresh, but on the antinutrient and heavy metal contents
chopped, ensiled pseudostems enriched with of new Musa hybrids developed at the Inter-
readily fermentable carbohydrates is the best national Institute of Tropical Agriculture
way of feeding them to ruminants. Dehy- (IITA).
drated, green, milled banana has been suc-
cessfully utilized as a source of starch in the
preparation of calf feeds and specifically in
the manufacture of milk replacers [16]. 2. Materials and methods
Chenost et al. [17] carried out digestibility tri-
als on goats and reported that, when banana
2.1. Collection of samples
and forages were blended, the dry matter
and digestible organic matter rose sharply as
the content of bananas increased in the Five new Musa hybrids developed at the
ration from 0–20%. Similarly, Geoffroy and IITA, Nigeria, named either PITA (Plantain
Chenost [18] reported that replacement of International Institute of Tropical Agricul-
cereals with banana meal and banana silage ture) or BITA (Banana International Institute
in a concentrated diet resulted in increased of Tropical Agriculture) were investigated.
dry matter intake, significantly higher milk The cultivars included four plantain hybrids
yield and better weight gains. Viswanathan (PITA 14, PITA 17, PITA 24 and PITA 26) and
et al. [19] reported that feeding of sheep with one cooking banana hybrid (BITA 3), with
banana stalk does not have a detrimental an African plantain landrace, Agbagba, as
effect on the health of the animals, although control. Green (unripe) fruit samples were
the daily live-weight gains were low. Suc- obtained from the experimental station of
cessful inclusion of up to 7.5% of dried plan- the IITA, High Rainfall Station, Onne Agro-
tain peels in maize used for broiler diets has ecology, located at lat. 04° 43' N, long. 07°
also been reported [20], beyond which it is 01' E and 10 m alt., near Port Harcourt,
detrimental. It has been well established that Nigeria. Three representative fruit samples
the greatest limitation to using banana as a were collected from the second hand from
feed for ruminants is the lack of fermentable the proximal end of the bunch, following
nitrogen, and hence banana diets must the recommendation of Baiyeri and Ortiz
always be supplemented with a source of [23]. The same day, the bunch was
nitrogen such as urea [21]. The most com- harvested.
mon non-essential but nutritionally impor-
tant minerals, as far as toxicity is concerned, 2.2. Preparation of samples
are lead, mercury, arsenic and chromium
[22]. Cadmium is an extremely toxic metal Fruit samples were washed and peeled
commonly found in industrial workplaces, manually with a stainless steel kitchen knife
particularly where any ore is being proc- and the peels sliced longitudinally. Peel
essed or smelted. These elements, also samples were cut into small sizes, then
known as heavy metals, and some other placed in petri dishes and covered with filter
trace elements and antinutrients found in paper to prevent contamination. Samples
foods are toxic when ingested in quantities were dried in a Forced-Air Moisture Extrac-
above critical amounts [22]. tion Plus II oven (Sanyo Gallenkamp PLC,
Table I.
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