Evaluation of The Effect of Processing On The Observed Profile of Ripe and Unripe Plantain

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Scientia Agriculturae Sci. Agri.

www.pscipub.com/SA 5 (1), 2014: 15-18

E-ISSN: 2310-953X / P-ISSN: 2311-0228 © PSCI Publications
DOI: 10.15192/PSCP.SA.2014.1.1.1518

Evaluation of the effect of processing on the observed profile

of Ripe and Unripe Plantain
Nwaichi E. O1., Peters, D.E.,2. and Onome, E3.
1. Institute of Agrophysics, Felin Lublin Poland.
1,2,3 . Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Port–Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
Corresponding author email: nodullm@yahoo.com

Paper Information ABSTRACT

The influences by heat teatment of the proximate profile, vitamins and
Received: 04 December, 2013 minerals levels in ripe and unripe plantain pulp was studied owing to the
prevalent method (roasting) of one of the staple foods in the Niger Delta.
Accepted: 26 December, 2013 Raw and roasted types were investigated in triplicates. For all proximate
parameters studied, significantly higher levels were observed in ripe
Published: 20 January, 2014 samples for both raw and processed pulps. Carbohydrate and moisture
contents were observed to dominate the pulp profile. Vitamins B 2, B3 and
B12 were low in all samples. Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium,
and β-Carotene were significantly higher in unripe plantain pulp in
comparison to the ripe. This observed trend was reversed however with
processing. Phosphorus gave an opposite pattern as higher levels were
observed in processed pulp. Generally, increased fibre, fat and protein
content and decreased carbohydrate content could be attributed to starch
hydrolysis with ripening. Despite heat treatment (roasting) given to all
samples, nutrient loses were minimal and roasting as a method of Plantain
preparation is therefore recommended. Protein supplementation is
therefore recommended owing to observed low amounts.
© 2014 PSCI Publisher All rights reserved.
Key words: Effect of heat treatment; Ripening; Plantain; Proximate profile; Vitamins; Minerals.

Modern method of analysis makes it possible for scientist to determine individual nutrient content of food. Proximate
analysis of food divides nutrient into protein, carbohydrate, lipid, moisture, fibre, vitamins, minerals, ash (Ketiku, 1973;
Atinmo et a., 1988).
Plantain belongs to the musacace family and is cultivated in many tropical and sub tropical zones of Africa, Asia,
Central and South America and is an important staple food in Africa although some cultivars are not identified by
morphological characteristics alone (Shaibu et al.,2003).
In west and central Africa, plantain tends to be cooked or otherwise processed and are used either when green or
unripe (and therefore less starchy) or ripe and (therefore sweet). These cooking or processing method employed, influences the
biochemical and nutritional composition of plantain. Plantain is found all over the world, and is one of the most abundant and
accessible medicinal herbs (Greeen, 2001).
It contains many bioactive compounds, including allantoin, aucubin, ursolic acid, flavonoids, and asperuloside
(Duke, 2001). Scientific studies have shown that plantain extract has a wide range of biological effects, including "wound
healing activity, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, weak antibiotic, immuno modulating and antiulcerogenic
activity"(Duke, 2001; Agoreyo et al., 2008). For millennia, poultices of plantain leaves have been applied to wounds, sores,
and stings to promote healing (Duke, 2001). The active constituents are the anti-microbial compound aucubin, the cell-growth
promoter allantoin, a large amount of soothing mucilage, flavonoids, caffeic acid derivatives, and alcohols in the wax on the
leaf surface. Scientific studies have shown that plantain extract has a wide range of biological effects, including "wound
healing activity, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, weak antibiotic, immuno modulating and antiulcerogenic
activity"(Duke, 2001). When ingested, the aucubin in plantain leaves leads to increased uric acid excretion from the kidneys,
and may be useful in treating gout (Meuninck, 2008). A patient suffering from diarrhoea losses much potassium through
excess loss of fluid (Ketiku, 1973;).This result in weakness and in an acute case which can cause paralysis. By eating plantain
the patient recovers the potassium because plantain is a rich source of potassium (Ketiku, 1973).
Sci. Agri. 5 (1), 2014: 15-18

Plantain can be processed into different food for human consumption; itcan be used for cooking at any stage of
ripeness, and very ripe plantain can be eaten raw. As the plantain ripens it becomes sweeter and the colour changes from green
to yellow to black. In Nigeria, plantain is eaten boiled, fried or roasted; roasted plantain, called boli is usually eaten with palm
oil or groundnut. Plantains are also dried and ground into flour. When an unripe plantain is cooked, peeled, and pounded a
meal (fufu type dish) is obtained which can be eaten with any of the popular soup. The rapid softening which occurs during
ripening is presumed to depend on interconversion of pectic substance which is accomplished enzymatically (Ketiku, 1973).
The significance of the study stems from the popularity (in consumption) among the people of the Niger Delta. This study
therefore seeks to evaluate the proximate profile, vitamins and minerals content of ripe and unripe plantain and the effect of
processing on the observed profile.

Materials and Methods

Sample collection and preparation
Ripe and unripe plantain were purchased from Choba market, Choba, Port Harcourt Nigeria. The samples were
washed and then peeled using a clean knife. The bark was discarded and the pulp used for analysis. Some pulps were subjected
to heat treatment by roasting with coal prior to analysis.

Analytical procedure
Proximate (Moisture content, Fibre content, Fat content, Protein content, Carbohydrate, and Ash content), vitamins
and minerals were assayed.
Moisture content: Air oven method which involved placing a weighed sample wrapped in foil paper in the oven at
1000C for 8hrs. On cooling in a desiccator, the final weights were taken thereafter.
Protein content: Digestion of 0.1g sample with 15ml cH 2SO4 placed on a digestion box and heated at 130 0C until the digest
was colourless and then cooled and diluted to 100ml with distilled water, was done. Kjeldahl method was then followed.
Crude fibre content: 2g of the sample in 150ml of preheated 0.128M H 2SO4 heated to boiling while covered for 30mins,then
washed thrice with hot water. 150ml of preheated 0.225M KOH was added and heated to boil. Few drops of antifoaming
agents was added then boiled for 30mins, filtered, washed thrice with hot acetone then dried at 1300c for 1hrs and then
Fat content: 5g of the sample was placed in the soxhlet apparatus connected to a weighed flask containing 100ml
petroleum ether. The extractor was connected to the liebig condenser and the sample extracted under reflux in water bath for
about 3hrs. The petroleum ether extract were then evaporated to dryness, 2ml acetone was added and air was gently blown into
the flask to remove the last traces of solvent. The flask containing the fat residue was dried in an air oven for about 5mins.
After cooling in a desiccator, the flask with its content was weighed.
Ash content: 2g of the sample was weighed into a clean dry crucible and was transferred to the muffle furnance and
ashed at 7000c for 3hrs and then cooled in a desiccator.
Carbohydrate content: This was done by difference.
%Carbohydrate =100 - [% fat - % ash - % moisture - % fibre - % protein]
Minerals: The minerals analyzed for in the plantain samples were Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium and
Phosphorus. Ashing of 5g sample (in a crucible) in the furnace was done at 700 0C for 4 hours, then cooled. The sample was
transferred to a 100ml volumetric and 5ml of 30% HCl was added, then made up to mark with distilled water. The sample
solution was ready for the analyses of the minerals.
Ca: 25ml of distilled water was added to 10ml of the sample solution in a conical flask. 25ml of 10% KOH was added
followed by a pinch of calceine indicator. The solution was titrated with 0.01N EDTA.
Mg: 25ml of distilled water was added to 10ml of the sample solution in a conical flask. 25ml of ammonium buffer
was added followed by 2 drops of Erichrome Black-T indicator and the solution was titrated with 0.01N EDTA.
Na: The sample solution was put into a vial and placed in a flame photometer and the meter reading was set at 100%E
(Emission), the reading of 0% and 100% E were recorded of both the blank and top standard.
K: The flame photometer procedure was also used for potassium.

The vitamins analyzed in the plantain samples were Vitamin B 2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C and Β-
Vitamin B2: 50ml distilled water was added to massarate suspension of 1g sample in a conical flask. This was filtered
into another conical and 6.5ml of distilled water was added to the solution and then 2mls of Denigees’ reagent was added.
After 15mins the resulting solution was put into a vial and the absorbance was measured at a wavelength of 525nm using a
Sci. Agri. 5 (1), 2014: 15-18

Vitamin B3: 50ml of 1N H2SO4 was added to massarate 1g sample in a conical flask. Weighing balance was used to measure
1g of the sample and It was allowed to stand for 30mins; 3drops of ammonia solution was added and then filtered into another
conical flask. 10ml of the filtrate (sample solution) was put into a 50ml volumetric flask and 5ml of potassium cyanide added
and was acidified with 5ml of 0.02N H2SO4. The resulting solution was put into a vial and the absorbance was measured at
430nm using a spectrophotometer.
Vitamin B12: 50ml of distilled water was added to massarate 1g of sample in a conical flask. The pH of the solution
was adjusted to 10 using 10% NAOH. 0.1g of sodium cyanide was added to the solution and it was allowed to stand for 5hrs
after which 1g of sodium sulphate was added and the pH adjusted again to between 11.5. 2ml of benzyl alcohol was added and
the aqueous layer discarded leaving behind the benzyl layer. 3ml each of chloroform and distilled water was added to the
benzyl layer and the solution rocked for 5min. Again aqueous layer resulting from the solution was discarded living behind an
organic layer. 10ml of distilled water was added to the organic layer and 5ml of the solution was transferred to a conical flask
and 1ml of sodium cyanide solution was added and the pH was finally adjusted to between 6 using 12.5% potassium
dihydrogen Phosphate. Absorbance of the solution was measured at wavelength of 528nm using the spectrophotometer.
Vitamin C: 20ml of 0.4% oxalic acid was added to masarate 1g sample in a conical flask and was filtered. 1ml of the filtrate
was measured into another conical flask and 9ml of indolephenol reagent was added. The absorbance was measured at a
wavelength of 520nm using a spectrophotometer.
Β - Carotene: The same procedure and method used in vitamin c was also used. The absorbance was measured at a
wavelength of 430nm.

Statistical analysis
Means of triplicate determinations were subjected to ANOVA using SPSS vs 10 at 95% confidence level.

Results and Discussion

Proximate analysis: The proximate profile of the samples are as given in table 1. The heat treatment on the nutrient
content of ripe and unripe plantain showed a marked effect. Analysis on the raw plantain where used as standard to compare
each percentage value obtained. The result showed that plantain pulp is composed essentially of water and carbohydrate. The
moisture content is higher in the ripe plantain than in the unripe even after treatment with heat. Due to the high moisture
content of ripe plantain, they are used for correcting intestinal disorders such as constipation (Crouch et al., 1998). The
carbohydrate content of the pulp in raw unripe, raw ripe, roasted unripe and roasted ripe are 28.81%, 51.6%, 48.3% and 53.7%
respectively and this is in agreement with the findings of Giam (1993) and Ketiku (1973) who reported lower carbohydrate
content of unripe plantain as 32.6% and value 24% respectively. The seeming differences is attributable to the cultivars used.
Giam’s study used Agbagba (a false horn plantain) while in this study, a local plantain was used. The carbohydrate found in
unripe plantain are complex; they are amylase and amylopectin. Their digestion is slow and therefore does not cause sudden or
severe increase in blood sugar after meal - this is why unripe plantain is recommended as a staple food for diabetic patients.
From table 1, it is obvious that protein content of the ripe plantain is significantly higher compared to the unripe, even when
treated with heat, ripe plantain was still higher in protein content and this agrees with Ketiku (1973) who stated that ripening
increases the crude protein content. Fibre content was statistically significantly higher in ripe plantain than in unripe plantain.
The roasted ripe type has more fibre than the roasted unripe. Due to the high fibre content in ripe plantain, it helps in
preventing rapid absorption of simple sugar as well as adding bulk to food which in turn prevents overfeeding and obesity in
due course while providing satiety. Fiber also provides bulk to the intestinal content thereby promoting regular expulsion of
soft feacal matter.
Ash level of 2.27% obtained in this study is comparable to the findings of Ketiku (1973) who reported 2.2% for
unripe plantain sample. This value was consistently lower than those obtained for the ripe samples despite the heat treatment
given. Fat content of ripe plantain pulp (raw and roasted) doubled the concentration in unripe samples. From table 2, it is
obvious that both ripe and unripe plantain has very low vitamin B 2, B12 and B3 content. These levels are quite low and there is
need for vitamin supplementation in plantain dominant diet. Ketiku (1973) observed that thiamin was higher than riboflavin
and then niacin respectively; this study also agrees with that. Unripe plantain pulp gave more significant (p < 0.05) β-carotene
level than the ripe. This agrees with the study carried out by (Asenjo and Porrata, 1956; Foster et al., 2002). This makes unripe
plantain a good source of vitamin A.
Vitamin C content of the ripe plantain was slightly higher than those of the unripe. Unripe plantain gave higher
Potassium content when compared to ripe plantain (table 3). The sodium content of plantain was very low both in ripe and
unripe although the unripe content was higher than those of the ripe. This also agrees with the findings of Crouch et al.
(1998).That is why plantain can be recommended in the formulation of a low sodium diet. Calcium and magnesium, gave
elevated levels in unripe samples while Phosphorus exhibited such only with heat treatment. Limitations of this study included
non – availability of adequate data for further comparison.
Sci. Agri. 5 (1), 2014: 15-18

Table 1. Mean Proximate profile (%) of studied samples

Sample Moisture Ash Fibre Fat Protein Carbohydrate
RR 35.43±4.3a 3.12±0.22m 2.48±0.1x 2.28±0.07a 8.38±2.02a 48.32±3.9m
RU 33.36±4.3a 2.38±0.21n 2.28±0.15y 0.93±0.07b 7.33±1.8a 53.73±5.2n
UP 38.24±1.23b 2.27±0.17n 3.85±1.01z 1.56±0.2c 2.43±0.13b 51.64±6.4n
RP 60.47±5.8c 2.45±0.4m 4.27±1.21u 4.27±1.4d 3.16±0.9b 28.81±3.8o
RR = Roasted ripe, RU = Roasted unripe, UP = Unripe plantain, RP = Ripe plantain. Means in the same column with different alphabets are
significant (P < 0.05).

Table 2. Amount of Vitamins (%) of studied samples

Sample Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B12 β-Carotene Vitamin C
RR 0.58±0.02a 0.63±0.2e 0.11±0.01m 3.56±0.9a 4.37±1.2x
RU 0.55±0.01a 0.63±0.01e 0.096±0.03n 3.71±0.77b 4.22±0.6x
UP 0.37±0.11b 0.56±0.02e 0.087±0.02n 3.33±1.01b 3.97±0.54y
RP 0.47±0.02c 0.59±0.01e 0.085±0.02n 2.38±0.8c 4.18±0.49z

Table 3. Amount of Minerals (%) of studied samples

Sample K Na Ca Mg P
RR 1.94±0.03a 0.43±0.01x 1.69±0.06p 3.97±0.05e 2.18±0.01m
RU 1.87±0.02a 0.38±0.01y 1.64±0.08p 3.67±0.05e 2.27±0.02n
UP 1.47±0.02a 0.29±0.03z 1.58 ±0.05q 3.36±0.04e 2.16±0.02o
RP 1.34±0.02a 0.28±0.01z 1.42±0.02q 3.25±0.07e 2.23±0.05p

From this study, plantain was found to be a good source of carbohydrate. It can be used as supplement for the
increasing inadequate animal feed. It showed that the pulp is essentially composed of moisture and carbohydrate. Plantain is
not a rich source of protein, so it is usually supplemented with food rich in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals because of their
low concentration. Also, from the results obtained it could be seen that starch hydrolysis occurred during ripening hence
elevated fibre, fat and protein levels and decreased carbohydrate content.

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