Oxygenplant Vaporizer Explosion
Oxygenplant Vaporizer Explosion
Oxygenplant Vaporizer Explosion
thus compensating for part of the de- method to achieve maximum possible
krll Ilne: beginning of warm period
, dotted line: end of warm period
warm end of the regenerator
sorption heat which causes the N, to purification of the air in full-scale
be cooled over the gel. These are the plants.
reasons why the temperature curve in Method 5. Total combustion of the
the regenerator at the gel layer is hydrocarbons before the air enters the
' B cold end of the regenerator S-shaped, Figure 3. An appropriate separator should reduce the C3Hs to
length of the regenerator
C layer of adsorbent
quantity of heat storing material must 0.02 ppm (10% of the concentration
be placed adjacent to the gel layer that would pass through the old end
for the exchange of adsorption and of the regenerators). This requirement
desorption heat. The quantity of 0, is high, but is ~ossibleif the initial
additional filling mass taken up by the gel and given off content of C3H, in the air does not
to the N, stream amounts to about exceed 10 ppm.
0.5 to 0.75% of the production. ~f the bulk of the C,H, is to be con-
TOcheck the behavior of the hydro- verted, the temperature must be set
carbons in regenerative adsorption and 50 to 100°C higher than usual for the
desorption, air at a pressure of 5 atm.; combustion of C,H,, CSHR, CZHP
a temperature of 100°K; and contain- This will not be difficult if heat ex-
ing about 1 ppm C,H,, 1 ppm C,H,, changers for outlet and inlet air can
0.3 ppm C3&, 0.7 ppm C,H,, and a be built cheaply enough.
surplus of CO, was passed over a layer A great advantage of the precom-
of alumina gel or sovabeds in one bustion method would be that the
direction for a period of 15 min. Sub- air sepsation processes could be sub-
sequently the same quantity by weight jected to changes in gas and liquid
of pure N, at the same temperature flow to obtain desired results, without
and about atmospheric pressure was having to devise new safety measures
figure 3. Temperature curve in the re- passed over in the opposite direction. in each case. The safety measures dis-
generator with a gel layer. These operations were repeated alter- cussed under previous methods do not
nately over the course of several fulfill this requirement.
rough after a short time, and the weeks. The air remained practically
,,HA a little later. Operational free from hydrocarbons. The hydro- LITERATURE CITED
eriods of several months can be carbons' with the of 1. ~ ~ E,, Chem,~ ~ Progr.,
Eng. ~ 51, tNo. ,
hieved up to the break-through of amounts of C,H,, were found in the lo. p. 96-101, (1968').
,H, and even longer periods for recycled N,. We concluded from these 2. German Patents 633 277 and 534, 565, on
March 7, 1930: anh 8.h. 106, NOV.11.
experiments that it is possible by this 1949.
Method 4. The most effective way
air impurities is by
I,,,,,, "
,,,I*,*,,'I,,"." *,,*I,,*,,,.,,,",,
pressure column where further rectifi- sheet and are slotted to distribute the purity was very low. Subsequent ex-
cation takes place. Liquid 0, is then liquid 0, around the inside periphery aminations showed one vaporizer tube
pumped to &e main <aporizer which of the tube. N, at 65 lb./sq. in. con- had ruptured.
is flanged on top of the high pressure denses on the outside of the tube and
column. Gaseous 0, is withdrawn boils the 0, inside. Explosion at 8: 10
from the vaporizer through heat ex- The plant started in August, 1956, On the day of the explosion, the
changers to reciprocating compressors. and was derimed in November, 1956, wind had blown 5 to 15 mi./hr. from
The vaporizer is a vertical shell and because of mechanical trouble with the direction of our coke oven battery
tube unit about 5 ft. in diameter and the main blower. It operated continu- and rain had fallen in the afternoon.
25-ft. high. It is a failing-film type ously until April 23, 1958, when a At about 5 P.M. the flexotimers,
and has 1600 X-in. copper tubes in minor explosion occurred. At this time which control the reversal of the re-
a stainless steel shell. These tubes the booster compressor stopped mo- generators, stuck, and one regenerator
project 6 in. through the top tube mentarily, and after start-up, the o? warmed up at the mid point from
olumes of CO, would also pass into positive C,H, test had ever been re- Table 1. Acetylene contaminant levels
he high pressure column. The warm in plant operation.
corded after the rich-liquid filters. A
p of the regenerator also caused the test of the rich-liquid filters on the No. 1 No3
emperature of the vaporizer to fluc- No. 2 and No. 3 plants after one LOCATION PLANT PLANT
'uate. month's operation showed less than After compressor 0.026 pprn 0.024 pprn
0.2 g., Table 2. This indicates the After catalyticfilter no filter 0.015 pprn
2. The foundation of the cold box
rich-Equid filters were operating at After watkr
llad previously heaved from frost, and 0.032 pprn 0.013 pprn
:awed hie vaporizer to be pitched 99%efficiency. scrubber
After regenerator 0.028 ppm 0.015 ppm
tway from the side where the explo- Plant safety changes After exchanger 0.055 ppm
iion took place. It is possible this The following changes were made Bottom of G.P.
taused some tubes to be starved of to improve the operation of the-~lant Cof. 0.12 ppm 0.051 ppm
liquid. and prevent any further explosions: After rich-liquid
3. The wind was very gentle and filter 0 0
1. Alaims have been installed on Bottom of L,P.
from the direction of the coke ovens. the three plants to warn the operator col. 0 0
It is probable that a higher than
normal level of contamination existed. filter 0 0
4. A freshly regenerated rich-liquid G. T. Wright is Vaporizer 0 0
Mechanical Superin-
filter had been put into senice' 12 hr. tendent of Domin-
before the explosion. This Sovabead ion Foundries and Table 2. Contaminants on the rich-
showed traces of C,H, on the inlet Steel, Ltd., Hamil- liquid and liquid oxygen fiiters in NO.
ton, Ontario, where 2 and No. 3 olants.
side of the filter, but none on the he has worked in
exit side. RICH-LIQ. LIQUID0 2
maintenance a n d FILTER FiLTEU
5. Because of production require- eng~neering since
No. 2 No. 3 No. 2 No. 3
ments, the plant had been on stream 1939..His depart-
ment IS responsible
for 17 months which is longer than NO,, g. 1.1 0.27<0.015 <0.04
for the mechanical maintenance of the KO, g. <200 700 700 900
usual. plant and generation of steam, com-
6. The contaminants after each unit pressed air, and oxygen. Wright received co,, g. 1500 4500 130 800
a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from CZHZ, g. 52 0.46 <0.01 <0.18
in the plant .in normal operation were Hydro-
Queens Univ., Kingston, Ontario. He is
; checked, Table 1. Everything was a member of the Association of Pro- car-
normal and the silica-gel filter was fessional Engineers of Ontario. bons, g. <80 120 1000 600