Geologia 3
Geologia 3
Geologia 3
Recommended citation: Shewchuk, C., Ferbey, T., and Lian, O.B., 2020. Detecting porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization using major oxides and
pathfinder elements in subglacial till, Highland Valley mine area, south-central British Columbia. In: Geological Fieldwork 2019, British
Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01, pp. 169-187.
Major oxides and pathfinder elements are not typical analytes used in drift prospecting. Testing these analytes by applying principal component
analysis to published data from the silt-plus-clay (<0.063 mm) fraction of subglacial tills near the Highland Valley mine, we find that the major
oxides Al2O3 Fe2O3, K2O, and Na2O can detect drift-covered porphyry alteration and Cu-Mo mineralization. In addition, the pathfinder elements
Pb, Zn, As, and Sb can also identify local dispersal from drift-covered porphyry Cu-Mo (and related) mineralization, and CaO and Ni are linked
to peripheral mafic phases of the Guichon Creek batholith (Late Triassic) and regional-scale basalt flows of the Kamloops Group (Eocene).
However, Ag, Hg, and Mn values in till do not reliably detect porphyry mineralization, nor do they have a coherent signal that can be related to
a specific bedrock unit.
Keywords: Till geochemistry, calc-alkaline porphyry, major oxide, pathfinder element, drift prospecting, Highland Valley mine, Guichon Creek
1. Introduction With notable exceptions (e.g., Cook and Fletcher, 1993), the
Calc-alkaline Cu-Mo and alkalic Cu-Au porphyries are effectiveness of major element oxides at detecting dispersal from
common mineral exploration targets in British Columbia, buried mineralized bedrock sources has not been examined.
and many have been developed into producing mines (Fig. 1; The present study complements previous work in the Highland
e.g., Gibraltar, Mount Polley, New Afton, Copper Mountain, Valley mine area (Ferbey et al., 2016) and uses analytical data
and Highland Valley). Although continuous bedrock outcrops from this work. We look for statistically significant correlations
are rare because of extensive and commonly thick (>2 m) between commodity elements (Cu, Mo) and major oxides
Quaternary drift deposits, the Interior Plateau is underlain (Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O) and pathfinder elements (Ag,
by rocks of the Quesnel and Stikine terranes, which have As, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Zn) in subglacial till and assess their
high potential to host buried porphyry deposits. New buried spatial distribution to determine if they can detect porphyry Cu-
discoveries will likely rely on surface sediment geochemistry Mo mineralization at the Highland Valley mine.
and mineralogy to see through the glacial sediment cover.
Drift prospecting can be used to assess the mineral potential of 2. Background
glaciated terrain and is ideally suited to explore for porphyry 2.1. Porphyry deposits
mineralization in the Interior Plateau. The British Columbia Porphyry systems are generated mainly in magmatic arcs
Geological Survey (BCGS) and Geological Survey of Canada where metal-rich hydrothermal fluids move through, and
(GSC) have been developing drift prospecting in the province interact with, batholith-scale bodies and adjacent country
for decades and have built up a catalogue of case studies that rock to form mineral deposits (Sinclair, 2007; Berger et al.,
demonstrate its effectiveness (Bustard and Ferbey, 2017). 2008; Sillitoe, 2010). Undeformed porphyry deposits display
Most of these studies focus on commodity and pathfinder concentric alteration zones where the primary dispersion of
element determinations on the matrix of subglacial tills (e.g., major elements is predominantly controlled by hydrothermal
Plouffe and Ballantyne, 1993; Levson et al., 1994; Plouffe and alteration and mineralization processes (Fig. 2; Olade, 1977;
Williams, 1998; Levson, 2002; Ferbey, 2011). More recent Sillitoe, 2010). Mineralogical variation in these zones, some
work has focussed on indicator mineral grain abundances in of which is common to all porphyry systems, is generally
subglacial tills (e.g., Hashmi et al., 2015; Ferbey et al., 2016; predictable. However, mineralogical details can vary from
Plouffe et al., 2016). deposit to deposit and depend on the composition of the
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
? ?
? 60 678'<
$5($ %5 %ULGJH5LYHU
&' 07
1 07 0HWKRZ
2. 2.
1DQDLPR %5 07
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Fig. 1. Location of study area (modified from Ferbey et al., 2016). Terranes of the southern Canadian Cordillera after Nelson et al. (2013).
intrusion and the country rocks, the temperature and chemistry on the <0.063 mm size fractions for commodity elements,
of the hydrothermal fluids, and the interaction between these pathfinder elements and, potentially, major element oxides,
fluids and ambient water (Byrne et al., 2013; Sillitoe, 2010). can also be used to explore for mineralized bedrock subcrop
(Levson, 2001). A detailed multi-element-mineral assemblage
2.2. Drift prospecting investigation on subglacial till matrix can potentially be used
Drift prospecting is a geochemical exploration method used to identify the porphyry system zones that were eroded and
to assess mineral potential in glaciated terrain (Fig. 3; e.g., incorporated into subglacial tills because of the mineralogical
Levson, 2001; Lian and Hickin, 2017). The elemental and variability in each (Fig. 2; Plouffe and Ferbey, 2017).
mineralogical composition of a subglacial till is dependent on
the material exposed at surface to glacial erosion. Minerals like 2.3. Principal component analysis
apatite, epidote, jarosite, and chalcopyrite (recovered from the Principal component analysis (PCA) is a multivariate
0.25 mm to 0.5 mm fraction of subglacial till matrix) can be statistical technique that is used to reduce multi-dimensional
indicators of porphyry mineralization (Kelley et al., 2011, Mao datasets (Gazley et al., 2015). It is ideally suited for exploring
et al., 2016, 2017; Plouffe and Ferbey, 2017). Determinations large geochemical datasets consisting of many samples
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
Fig. 2. Porphyry system zonation and mineralogy (modified from Sillitoe, 2010). Mineral abbreviations: ab=albite, act=actinolite, alu=alunite,
au=gold, bn=bornite, bt=biotite, cb=carbonate, ccp=chalcopyrite, chl=chlorite, cv=covellite, dck=dickite, eng=enargite, ep=epidote,
hem=hematite, kfs=potassium feldspar, kln=kaolinite, mag=magnetite, mo=molybdenite, prl=pyrophyllite, py=pyrite, qz=quartz, ser=sericite.
Three scenarios showing different levels of erosion, where mineral contribution to subglacial till composition depends on the porphyry zone(s),
if any, exposed to glacial erosion (from Plouffe and Ferbey, 2017).
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
DQRPDO\ $ % & '
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Fig. 3. Drift prospecting dispersal model (modified after Miller, 1984). Deeper blue shades indicate greater element and indicator mineral values.
with determinations for many analytes (Chen et al., 2019). of crag and tails and in deeper road cuts. Where the cover is
Principal component analysis concentrates on variance, but thin, bedrock is commonly exposed as discontinuous outcrop
also considers covariance and correlations (Jolliffe, 2011) and, (Ferbey et al., 2016).
in the case of geochemistry, calculates which analytes best
summarize the variation of the dataset (Abdi and Williams, 3.1. Regional bedrock geology
2010). Eigenvectors can also be included in PCA plots, with The study area is in the Quesnel terrane, which includes richly
their length proportional to the analyte’s influence on data set endowed Triassic and Jurassic island arc volcanosedimentary
variance, and their direction indicating covariance with other and intrusive rocks (McMillan et al., 2009; Logan and
analytes. Eigenvector angles of less than 90° between analytes Mihalynuk, 2014). The Guichon Creek batholith (Late
indicate a positive correlation, an angle of 90° indicates zero Triassic) is a large calc-alkaline body, 30 km wide and 70 km
correlation, and angles greater than 90° signify a negative long (Roy and Clowes, 2000). It is zoned, with a mafic facies
correlation. on its margins and a younger more felsic facies in its interior
(Casselman et al., 1995; McMillan et al., 2009; Byrne et al.,
3. Study area 2013; Lesage et al., 2019; Fig. 4). The porphyry deposits at the
The Guichon Creek batholith (Fig. 1) hosts the porphyry Highland Valley mine (Bethlehem, Valley, Lornex, Highmont,
Cu-Mo deposits at the Highland Valley mine (Byrne et al., and JA) are hosted in the younger, more felsic rocks of the
2013). Quaternary sediments generally cover bedrock. Where Bethlehem and Bethsaida phases (Fig. 4; Byrne et al., 2013).
the cover is thick (> 2m), bedrock is exposed at the stoss ends Mineralization occurs as vein fills, disseminations in veins,
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
Fig. 4. Bedrock geology of the Guichon Creek batholith and Highland Valley mine area (McMillan et al., 2009; Cui et al., 2017) with subglacial
till sample locations. Highland Valley mine porphyry centres are shown with hatched red and labeled.
fracture halos, breccia infills and disseminations, and along decrease away from the inner zones of intense hydrothermal
faults (Byrne et al., 2013), and includes chalcopyrite, bornite, alteration and mineralization, whereas concentrations of Na2O,
and molybdenite (Casselman et al., 1995). The deposits CaO, MgO and total Fe (as Fe2O3) increase (Olade, 1977).
contain a bornite-rich core, which transitions outwards into
chalcopyrite-rich domains. Alteration minerals include quartz, 3.2. Quaternary geology
potassium feldspar, sericite, biotite, anhydrite, magnetite, The Highland Valley mine area was covered by the Cordilleran
calcite, hematite, kaolinite, chlorite, epidote, and fluorite; ice sheet during the Late Wisconsinan glaciation (Clague and
propylitic alteration (sericite, chlorite, epidote) extends Ward, 2011 Atkinson et al., 2016). Except for JA, the deposits
outwards up to 15 km from the main deposits (Casselman at Highland Valley mine were at least partially exposed to
et al., 1995; Byrne et al., 2013; Lesage et al., 2019). At the glacial erosion during the Late Wisconsinan and then covered
Bethlehem, JA and Valley deposits, K2O and K2O/Na2O ratios by glacial sediments (Bobrowsky et al., 1993; Byrne et al.,
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
2013). JA is overlain by Tertiary sedimentary bedrock, which elements to Cu and Mo, which have been demonstrated to
protected it from glacial erosion during the Quaternary (Lesage detect porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization at Highland Valley
et al., 2019). mine (Ferbey et al., 2016). The following summarizes the
Glaciers advanced out of accumulation areas to the east geochemical datasets and the statistical and spatial analyses we
and west of the study area at the onset of glaciation, coming used to assess if major oxides and pathfinder elements in till
together to form an ice divide north of the study area (~52° can detect covered bedrock mineralization.
north) during the Late Wisconsinan glacial maximum (Clague
and Ward, 2011; Bobrowsky et al., 1993; Ferbey et al., 2016). 4.1. Till geochemical data
Based on multi-scale ice-flow indicators, regional ice flow was Existing geochemical data from 95 subglacial till samples,
initially to the south-southeast, but was later to the southeast originally reported by Ferbey et al. (2016), were used for this
(Fig. 5; Bobrowsky et al., 1993; Ferbey et al., 2016; Plouffe study. Samples were collected from 130 to 150 cm below
and Ferbey, 2018). surface at road and stream cuts largely within the confines of the
Guichon Creek batholith, including exposures at the Highland
Valley mine (Fig. 4). These 1 to 2 kg samples were dry sieved
4. Methods
at the Sedimentology Laboratory of the GSC (Ottawa, ON) to
We chose the major oxides Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, K2O, Na2O, and
produce a silt plus clay-sized pulp (<0.063 mm). All analytical
pathfinder elements Ag, As, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn, from
procedures were conducted at Bureau Veritas Commodities
the silt plus clay-size till fraction (<0.063 mm) for statistical
Canada Ltd. (Vancouver, BC); these are detailed in Ferbey
analysis because they are in calc-alkaline porphyry systems et al. (2016) and summarized here. Sample aliquots of 0.2 g
and can be linked to the mineralogy of specific alteration zones were analyzed for major elements by lithium metaborate/
in these systems (Olade, 1977; Panteleyev, 1995; Sillitoe, tetraborate fusion and inductively coupled plasma emission
2010). We compared the concentrations of these oxides and spectrometry (ICP-ES; laboratory code LF200). Aliquots
of 30 g were analyzed for trace elements by modified aqua
regia inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-
MS; laboratory code AQ252_EXT_REE). In the total fusion
method the sample material is totally decomposed, whereas
with aqua regia digestion some of the sample may remain,
depending on the element and the mineral phase (e.g., sulphide
minerals are soluble in aqua regia but silicate minerals are not).
Total trace element data were not used here. Blanks, analytical
duplicates and field duplicates were inserted into the sample
sequence to assess precision and accuracy (Spirito et al., 2011;
McClenaghan et al., 2013; Ferbey et al., 2016). Stated analytical
detection limits, and the decomposition and analytical methods
used for each analyte are presented in Table 1.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
Table 2. Summary statistics for silt plus clay-sized fraction (<0.063 mm) of till samples (n=95).
(Levson, 2001). For the discussion that follows, background with Cu values. Ideally, the correlation would be positive and
concentrations are defined as the mean for a given element; closer to 1, although a strong negative correlation could also
>95th percentile concentrations are considered elevated. be meaningful. The analytes Ag, Mo, Ni, Al2O3, CaO, K2O,
Analytes discussed here roughly conform to a log-normal and Fe2O3 have a statistically significant correlation with Cu
distribution. at P0.05, but the analytes As, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sb, Zn, and Na2O do
not (Table 3).
5.1. Statistical analysis The first three principal components account for 77.0% of the
Correlation values with respect to Cu in a log-transformed variability within the dataset and so were chosen for analysis.
correlation matrix (Table 3) were used to assess the effectiveness Principal component plots (PC1 versus PC2, PC1 versus
of selected analytes at detecting porphyry mineralization. A PC3, and PC2 versus PC3) visually illustrate the statistical
higher value indicates a stronger positive or negative correlation correlation between analytes and commodity elements. In all
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
Table 3. Pearson correlation matrix of log-transformed data. Bold type values are statistically significant correlations with Cu at
P0.05 (n=95).
three plots, Mo, Al2O3, and K2O are positively correlated to Cu Lornex and Highmont porphyry deposits (Fig. 11). Locally,
(Figs. 6-8) and Ni, Fe2O3, and CaO are negatively correlated >90th percentile values of K2O can occur down-ice of Valley
(Figs. 6-8). This element assemblage (minus Ni) might be and Highmont, but they are also in a group of samples along
expected from a calc-alkaline porphyry Cu-Mo system when the eastern margin of the Guichon Creek batholith (Fig. 12).
element signatures from the mineralized core and peripheral Here, Cu and Mo values range from 90th percentile (locally)
hydrothermal alteration are accounted for (Panteleyev et al., down to background. Fe2O3, CaO, and Ni have an almost
1995). These relationships with Cu are stronger than those inverse spatial distribution to that of Cu and Mo (Figs. 13-15).
of As, Ag, Hg, Sb, Zn, and Na2O, which are only positively In general, samples elevated in Fe2O3, CaO, and Ni are near
correlated in two plots, PC1 versus PC2 (Fig. 6) and PC1 versus the periphery of the Guichon Creek batholith, not near the core
PC3 (Fig. 7). Mn and Pb have a variable and weak correlation as with Cu and Mo. All >90th percentile values of Na2O are in
with Cu (Figs. 6-8). These relationships support the correlation the southern part of the study area (Fig. 16), south of Lornex
values to Cu presented in Table 3 with one exception. It is and Highmont, where K2O, Fe2O3, CaO, and Ni are at low to
unknown why Ag is not positively correlated to Cu in all three background values. In this cluster, northern samples can have
plots (Figs. 6-8) given its statistically significant correlation >90th percentile values of Cu and Mo, although most samples
value to Cu is 0.289, higher than As is to Cu (Table 3). have <90th percentile concentrations.
The spatial agreement between elevated Pb, Zn, As, and Sb
5.2. Spatial analysis values, and Cu, is less robust (Figs. 17-20). A group of samples
Copper shows a general trend of elevated values near the west, and immediately down-ice, of Valley and Lornex deposits
Highland Valley mine that decrease to the southeast, down ice- have >90th percentile values of Pb, Zn, and As. Down-ice of
flow direction (Fig. 9). This plot, along with the one for Mo Lornex is one sample with >95th percentile Sb. Some of these
(Fig. 10), supports the notion that porphyry mineralization can same samples, or neighbouring samples, can also have above
be detected using the spatial distribution of elevated commodity background Cu and Mo values. The elements Ag, Hg, and Mn
element values in subglacial tills. The absence of Mo in till have spatial distributions that do not follow that of Cu and
down ice-flow direction from Bethlehem reflects the lack of Mo; they are more diffuse regionally and are not shown here.
molybdenite in the deposit. They could still be related to mineralized sources hosted by
Some of the major oxide and pathfinder element the Guichon Creek batholith (indicating dispersal that is local
concentrations follow the same trend as those of Cu and Mo. and short), but do not have the same response as Cu and Mo to
For example, Al2O3 is elevated within 3 km of the Valley, known sources of mineralization at Highland Valley mine.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
standardized PC2 (26.8% explained varLDQFH)
As Ag
0.0 K2O
-1.0 Cu
standardized PC3 (10.1% explained varLDQFH)
Na2O 1L
KO Cu Mo
3 Mn
Zn Sb
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
6. Discussion (Byrne et al., 2013) and it is located ~10 km up-ice from these
This study shows that major oxides measured in 95th percentile K2O values. Although the Highland Valley phase
subglacial till samples have the potential to detect porphyry granodiorites have upwards of 13% primary K-feldspar (Byrne
mineralization and alteration associated with emplacement of et al., 2013), this is likely not enough to account for the >2%
the Guichon Creek batholith. This conclusion is supported by K2O found in tills there. These tills may have been derived from
the calculated correlation matrix (Table 3), visual correlations potassically altered rocks from a porphyry system southeast of
with commodity elements shown in PCA plots (Figs. 6-8), and Highmont. Olade (1977) found a positive correlation between
by the spatial distribution of elevated values relative to known K2O and Cu values in porphyry deposits of the Guichon Creek
sources of bedrock mineralization and hydrothermal alteration batholith. It is worth noting that maximum till values of Al2O3
(Figs. 9-20). This study also shows that major oxide and (17.8%) and K2O (2.5%) are equal to or exceed the average
pathfinder element concentrations can differentiate other rock compositions of intrusions in the Highland valley mine area
types at the batholith and regional scales. (Al2O3=16.7%, K2O=2.5%; Byrne et al., 2013), and average
continental crust (Al2O3=15.0%, K2O=2.6%; Wedepohl, 1995).
6.1. Al2O3 and K2O Given that the geochemical signature of till is inherently
Al2O3 and K2O concentrations in till can detect covered diluted relative to its bedrock source, these tills appear to have
mineralized porphyry systems at the Highland Valley mine. been derived from bedrock with even greater values of Al2O3
Both have a statistically significant positive correlation to Cu and K2O.
values, and Al2O3 has a similar spatial distribution to samples
elevated in Cu and Mo. Elevated Al2O3 could be related to biotite 6.2. Na2O
in zones of potassic alteration and/or other mainly phyllosilicate Rocks in the central part of the Guichon Creek batholith seem
alteration zones that are more central to a porphyry system that to be responsible for the Na2O response in tills there. These
also contain Cu-bearing minerals (Fig. 2, e.g., chlorite-sericite, elevated values could be related to high-temperature sodic-
sericite, advanced argillic). K2O concentrations are spatially calcic alteration (representing the deepest part of a porphyry
coincident with higher Cu and Mo values, but not as strongly system; Fig. 2). This agrees with the idea that the Valley deposit
as Al2O3. They are also elevated in a group of till samples along has been deeply eroded, exposing the lowermost phases of
the eastern margin of the Guichon Creek batholith, where <90th that porphyry system (Byrne et al., 2013). Byrne et al. (2017)
percentile Cu and Mo values (down to background) can occur. mapped domains of sodic-calcic alteration up to 3 km west
The Highmont deposit is the nearest know altered source for of Lornex and upwards of 6 km southeast of Highmont. The
K2O, but potassic alteration is only weakly developed there group of samples elevated in Na2O are in this same area and
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m ±
Ç !
3 Í
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3 Í
3 Í
3 Í Í
3 Í
Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç !Ç!Ç!!ÇÇ!Ç
Ç Ç Ç! Ç
Ç !Ç Ç !Ç
Ç!Ç !
3 Í
Ç !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
Cu 0 3.25 6.5 13 Mo 0 3.25 6.5 13
PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres
37.04 - 178.13, n= 48 (50%) 0.48 - 1.13, n= 50 (50%)
Mineral occurences Mineral occurences
178.14 - 228.01, n= 18 (20%) 1.14 - 1.44, n= 17 (20%)
Ç Producer Ç Producer
Showing Showing
Fig. 9. The spatial distribution of Cu in the silt plus clay-sized fraction Fig. 10. The spatial distribution of Mo in the silt plus clay-sized fraction
(<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow. (<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow.
Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m m
! (
( !
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Ç!( !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
Al2O3 0 3.25 6.5 13 K2O 0 3.25 6.5 13
%, <0.063mm Kilometres %, <0.063mm Kilometres
! 13.2 - 15.62, n= 47 (50%) 1.39 - 1.79, n= 49 (50%)
Mineral occurences Mineral occurences
( 15.63 - 16.01, n= 19 (20%) 1.80 - 1.90, n= 20 (20%)
Ç Producer Ç Producer
16.02 - 16.78, n= 19 (20%) !
Ç Past Producer 1.91 - 2.03, n= 16 (20%) !
Ç Past Producer
( Developed Prospect Developed Prospect
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m m
Ç !
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í Í
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!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç !Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç
Ç Ç !
Ç !Ç Ç !Ç
Ç!Ç !
3 Í
Ç !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
CaO 0 3.25 6.5 13
Fe2O3 0 3.25 6.5 13
%, <0.063mm Kilometres
%, <0.063mm Kilometres
2.51 - 4.72, n= 48 (50%)
3.64 - 6.32, n= 50 (50%) Mineral occurences
Mineral occurences
4.73 - 5.56, n= 18 (20%)
6.33 - 6.67, n= 16 (20%) Ç Producer
Ç Producer
5.57 - 6.55, n= (20%) !
Ç Past Producer
6.68 - 7.44, n= 19 (20%) !
Ç Past Producer
Developed Prospect
Developed Prospect
6.56 - 7.36, n= 5 (5%) Í
3 Prospect
7.45 - 7.60, n= 5 (5%) Í
3 Prospect
Highland Valley porphyry centres
Highland Valley porphyry centres 7.37 - 10.71, n= 5 (5%)
7.61 - 8.19, n= 5 (5%)
Fig. 13. The spatial distribution of Fe2O3 in the silt plus clay-sized fraction Fig. 14. The spatial distribution of CaO in the silt plus clay-sized fraction
(<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow. (<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow.
Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m m
Ç !
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç !Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç
Ç! Ç Ç! Ç
Ç !Ç Ç !Ç
Ç!Ç !
3 Í
Ç !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
Ni 0 3.25 6.5 13 Na2O 0 3.25 6.5 13
PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres %, <0.063mm Kilometres
5.1 - 21.1, n= 48 (50%) 2.70 - 3.55, n= 48 (50%)
Mineral occurences Mineral occurences
21.2 - 24.9, n= 18 (20%) 3.56 - 3.83, n= 18 (20%)
Ç Producer Ç Producer
Showing Showing
Fig. 15. The spatial distribution of Ni in the silt plus clay-sized fraction Fig. 16. The spatial distribution of Na2O in the silt plus clay-sized fraction
(<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue (<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow.
arrow. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m m
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3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
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3 Í
Ç !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
Pb 0 3.25 6.5 13 Zn 0 3.25 6.5 13
PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres
1.65 - 3.33, n= 48 (50%) 18.1 - 49.8, n= 48 (50%)
Mineral occurences Mineral occurences
3.34 - 4.08, n= 19 (20%) 49.9 - 54.8, n= 18 (20%)
Ç Producer Ç Producer
Showing Showing
Fig. 17. The spatial distribution of Pb in the silt plus clay-sized fraction Fig. 18. The spatial distribution of Zn in the silt plus clay-sized fraction
(<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue arrow. (<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue
Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend. arrow. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
m m
Ç !
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í
3 Í Í
3 3 3
3 Í
Ç!Ç!!ÇÇ!Ç !Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç!Ç
Ç Ç !
Ç !Ç Ç !Ç
Ç!Ç !
3 Í
Ç !
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
3 !
Ç !
As 0 3.25 6.5 13 Sb 0 3.25 6.5 13
PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres PPM, <0.063mm Kilometres
1.2 - 3.7, n= 51 (50%) 0.11 - 0.30, n= 48 (50%)
Mineral occurences Mineral occurences
3.8 - 4.4, n= 16 (20%) 0.31 - 0.38, n= 18 (20%)
Ç Producer Ç Producer
Showing Showing
Highland Valley porphyry centres Highland Valley porphyry centres
8.7 - 39.4, n= 5 (5%) 0.60 - 0.98, n=5 (5%)
Fig. 19. The spatial distribution of As in the silt plus clay-sized fraction Fig. 20. The spatial distribution of Sb in the silt plus clay-sized fraction
(<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue (<0.063 mm) of subglacial till. Ice flow direction indicated with blue
arrow. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend. arrow. Refer to Fig. 4 for bedrock geology legend.
Geological Fieldwork 2019, British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Paper 2020-01
Shewchuk, Ferbey, and Lian
we attribute their more diffuse spatial distribution (relative to compare their response with that of Cu in till, which is known
the mapped bedrock domains) to glacial transport. A magmatic to reflect the presence of buried mineralized bedrock. Sample
source of elevated Na2O can be ruled out because porphyry locations and concentrations were plotted to assess the spatial
deposits at Highland Valley mine are calc-alkaline, not alkalic. relationship of elevated values with locations of known sources
of porphyry mineralization at the Highland Valley mine and
6.3. Fe2O3, CaO, and Ni elevated concentrations of commodity elements in till (Cu and
Elevated Fe2O3, CaO, and Ni concentrations in till are Mo).
peripheral to the central phases of the Guichon Creek batholith. The major oxides Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, and Na2O in till
They have statistically significant negative correlations to Cu can detect drift-covered porphyry alteration and Cu-Mo
values, and have an almost inverse spatial distribution to that mineralization hosted at the Highland Valley mine. Elevated
of samples elevated in Cu and Mo. We rule out a relationship Al2O3 and K2O values in till could be related to zones of potassic
between Fe2O3 and distal pyrite alteration given that pyrite alteration and/or to other mainly phyllosilicate alteration zones
is only a minor constituent of the Highland Valley porphyry (e.g., chlorite-sericite, sericite, advanced argillic) that are more
deposits (Byrne et al., 2013) and that elevated Fe2O3 (up to 8%) central to a porphyry system that also contain Cu-bearing
is distributed at the batholith scale. Elevated Fe2O3 in bedrock minerals. Likewise, elevated Na2O in till could be sourced
and in till could be related to propylitic alteration, given the size from sodic-calcic alteration, derived from the deeper, higher-
and fertility of the Guichon Creek batholith and that propylitic temperature porphyry system core at the Valley and Lornex
alteration can extend 10 to 15 km out from Highland Valley deposits. Elevated Fe2O3 values in till are probably related to
mine deposits (Fig. 4; Casselman et al., 1995; Byrne et al., extensive propylitic alteration.
2013). Olade (1977) observed a similar relationship in bedrock Pathfinder element concentrations in till can identify drift-
where Fe2O3 and CaO values near the Bethlehem, JA, and covered porphyry Cu-Mo mineralization at the Highland
Valley porphyry deposits increased outwards from the central Valley mine. The Valley deposit can be detected by till samples
mineralized core. Tills elevated in Ni and CaO values were elevated in Pb, Zn, and As values, and the Lornex deposit by
likely derived from the more mafic intrusive phases along the elevated Pb, Zn, As, and Sb values. Elevated Pb and Zn values
batholith’s periphery (e.g., Border phase, Fig. 4; Byrne et al., occur in a cluster of samples west of these porphyry deposits
2013) and/or from up-ice basalt flows of the Kamloops Group and might record polymetallic vein mineralization.
(Fig. 4, Ewing, 1981; Schiarizza and Preto, 1987). These mafic Elevated CaO and Ni values in till could be related to
units could also be responsible for elevated Fe2O3 in tills, but different batholith phases or regional-scale bedrock units. They
a hydrothermal source seems more likely given that it is more are likely derived from the more mafic margins of the Guichon
widely distributed than CaO. Creek batholith (e.g., Border phase) and/or from basalt flows
of the Kamloops Group exposed up ice-flow direction. Ag, Hg,
6.4. Pb, Zn, As, and Sb and Mn values in till do not reliably detect large-scale porphyry
These elements lack a statistically significant correlation mineralization hosted by the Guichon Creek batholith, nor do
with Cu values in till, but can locally have a similar spatial they have a coherent signal that can be related to a specific
distribution to samples elevated in Cu and Mo. The group of mapped bedrock unit.
samples with >90th percentile Pb and Zn values west of the
Valley and Lornex porphyry deposits could reflect polymetallic Acknowledgments
vein mineralization. Till samples elevated in As and Sb are We thank an anonymous reviewer for providing comments
widely distributed (i.e., not clustered) and probably reflect and suggestions that improved the manuscript. C. Shewchuk
dispersal from isolated bedrock sources. was supported by an Undergraduate Student Research Award
from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
6.5. Ag, Hg, and Mn (NSERC) of Canada and O.B Lian acknowledges support from
Ag, Hg, and Mn values in till do not reliably detect porphyry an NSERC Discovery Grant.
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