The mineral chemistry of epidote and chlorite from the propylitic halo at El Teniente, in samples collected at
distances up to 6.6 km from the deposit center, was determined by microprobe and laser ablation-inductively
coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Results show that both minerals systematically incorporated a range of
trace elements that define a much larger footprint to the system than is easily recognized using conventional
means such as whole-rock geochemistry. Apart from Fe and Mg in chlorite, there is no significant control of
mineral chemistry by bulk-rock composition. For chlorite, geothermometry temperatures and Ti and V con-
centrations are high proximal, whereas Li, As, Co, Sr, Ca, and Y are low proximal and elevated in distal posi-
tions. Ratios of these elements define gradients toward ore varying over three to five orders of magnitude. The
proximal-high Ti content is thought to reflect crystallization temperature, whereas proximal-low signatures are
believed to characterize elements that are relatively fluid mobile in the inner parts of the propylitic halo in the
presence of mildly alkaline to mildly acidic and oxidized fluids so that they are not incorporated into crystallizing
chlorite, despite being generally compatible within the mineral structure. These elements begin to substitute
into chlorite in the distal parts of the propylitic halo where fluids are largely rock buffered in terms of major
element chemistry. In epidote, As defines a broad proximal low and is generally elevated at distances of at least
3 km from the edge of the ore shell. Zinc, La, Yb, Y, and Zr in epidote, among others, appear to define a geo-
chemical shoulder that surrounds the deposit. These patterns are broadly similar to those observed in previous
work at Batu Hijau and in the Baguio district, suggesting that these minerals behave consistently in porphyry
systems and can therefore provide useful exploration tools within propylitic green rocks.
Introduction al., 2018; also see Ahmed et al., 2020; Baker et al., 2020; Cooke
Porphyry ore deposits represent remarkable accumulations et al., 2020; Pacey et al., 2020a), part of a series of AMIRA re-
of metals—in particular Cu, Mo, and Au—typically precipi- search projects led by the University of Tasmania, has shown
tated from hydrothermal fluids in an intrusive host and its that valuable chemical information is locked up in epidote and
surrounding country rocks. Deposits are normally centered chlorite that can provide useful exploration insights.
within an alteration halo with characteristic mineralogical and Here, we present the results of a study of the propylitic
chemical zoning patterns (Cooke et al., 2014a). This footprint halo of El Teniente, Chile, one of the largest porphyry Cu-Mo
is a key guide for exploration, providing a larger (several km systems known, in order to assess whether previously docu-
radius) target area within which mineralization may exist. mented patterns are reproduced and to evaluate whether the
The most distal alteration facies—the propylitic zone—has alteration mineral chemistry footprint extends beyond that de-
been traditionally regarded as a largely isochemical alteration fined by conventional whole-rock geochemistry. We consider
domain (e.g., Sillitoe, 2010) containing little information of use the differences between the giant El Teniente Cu-Mo system
in exploration once beyond the pyrite halo (which may extend and previous results from the smaller, Cu-Au porphyry systems
into proximal propylitic rocks). Furthermore, the mineral as- studied in the Baguio district, Philippines, Batu Hijau, and In-
semblages that characterize propylitic alteration (including donesia and also from metamorphic background suites.
actinolite, magnetite, albite, pyrite, epidote, chlorite, seric- El Teniente Geology and Propylitic Alteration
ite, calcite, prehnite, hematite, and zeolites; e.g., Ballantyne,
1981) may be present within barren hydrothermal systems or El Teniente is located on the western margin of the Andean
produced by processes such as regional metamorphism. The Cordillera, approximately 70 km southeast of Santiago, within
lack of research in this environment means that the controls on the confines of the Central Chilean porphyry copper belt. It is
the formation of these huge alteration zones are incompletely the world’s largest underground Cu mine, hosting a premin-
understood. However, because they are so laterally extensive ing resource of approximately 95 million tonnes (Mt) of fine
and frequently encountered, an enhanced capability to explore Cu (Camus, 2002; Stern et al., 2010), and is the world’s larg-
within this domain would be extremely powerful. Indeed, re- est known resource of Mo (Sillitoe, 2010) with a current plus
cent work (Cooke et al., 2014b; Wilkinson et al., 2015; Neal et mined resource total of approximately 2.5 Mt (Camus, 2002).
The deposit is hosted by a late Miocene volcano-plutonic
†Corresponding author: e-mail, complex, the Teniente Mafic Complex, which occurs within the
© 2020 Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY-NC license.
5 km
La Huifa
El Teniente
lltt ua
6226000 Agua Amarga
a Ff fFaau
rg ulltt
u aA
6218000 N
La Juanita
mid-late Miocene Farellones Formation, a >2,500-m-thick se- 25% of the assemblage and decreases in abundance outward.
quence of extrusive and intrusive rocks of basaltic to rhyolitic Accessory magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, rutile, anhydrite,
composition (Fig. 1; Skewes et al., 2002; Cannell et al., 2005). quartz, sporadically developed epidote after plagioclase, and
In the late Miocene-Pliocene (~6.5–4.5 Ma), the Teniente Maf- rare phengitic muscovite also occur (Cannell, 2004). Propyl-
ic Complex was intruded by a series of diorite to granodiorite itic alteration of intrusive rocks (e.g., Sewell diorite, Teniente
intrusions associated with multiple igneous and hydrothermal dacite porphyry) is typified by chlorite and epidote alteration
breccia complexes. Mineralization developed in concert with of the ferromagnesian minerals, plus magnetite, hematite, py-
three main magmatic episodes (Spencer et al., 2015), each of rite, sericite, and calcite (Ossandon, 1974). Veins of quartz-
which was associated with its own pulse of hydrothermal ac- epidote (-calcite-chlorite) are variably developed and are cut
tivity (Vry et al., 2010). Thus, it has been concluded that the by quartz-pyrite veins with sericitic alteration halos. Examples
deposit represents a nested Cu-Mo porphyry system formed of propylitically altered rocks are illustrated in Figure 3.
by the emplacement and overprinting of a number of porphyry Previously, this deposit-related alteration was believed to grade
intrusions that evolved separately in space and over time (Astu- out to a district-scale alteration at distances >1 km from the sys-
dillo et al., 2010; Vry et al., 2010; Spencer et al., 2015). tem center (Fig. 1), characterized by replacement of primary
A number of neighboring hydrothermal centers exist in the mafic minerals and amygdules by chlorite, magnetite, epidote,
district, some of which have distinct surface color anomalies and hematite, accompanied by weak sericite and albite replace-
due to argillic alteration at surface (Fig. 1). Olla Blanca, ~6 km ment of plagioclase (Villalobos, 1975; Floody and Huete, 1998).
to the north-northwest of El Teniente, is the oldest (~9 Ma:
Maksaev et al., 2004), and mineralization at La Huifa, ~4 km Methods
to the north-northeast, has been dated at ~6.6 to 6.5 Ma One hundred eighty-nine samples of the Farellones Forma-
(Re-Os molybdenite: Pardo, 2015), slightly predating El Teni- tion (mostly from the Teniente Mafic Complex), comprising
ente at ~6.3 to 4.6 Ma (Spencer et al., 2015). largely basaltic to andesitic volcanic rocks and younger intru-
Propylitic alteration assemblages are widely developed in sions from the El Teniente area, were sampled (Fig. 2).
the El Teniente district (Fig. 1). North of the Agua Amarga
fault, pervasive propylitic assemblages occur in the Coya- 6234000 mN
Machali Formation and, to a lesser extent, in the Farellones
Formation. These assemblages are characterized by pervasive
chlorite-epidote-calcite ± hematite, and shallowly dipping
carbonate veins (±hematite-epidote halos) are common (Can-
nell, 2004). The similarity between this alteration and the 6232000 mN
regional lower greenschist metamorphic assemblage that oc-
curs in Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks has been noted (Morel,
1984). South of the Agua Amarga and Codegua faults (Fig. 1),
the intensity of propylitic alteration of the Farellones Forma-
tion decreases significantly. Only weak chlorite-carbonate al- 6230000 mN
376000 mE
372000 mE
Whole-rock major and trace element data were generated No corrections for interfering molecular or isobaric species
at Acme Analytical Laboratories Ltd. (now Bureau Veritas) were required due to the selection of appropriate analytical
in Vancouver, Canada. Samples were jaw crushed to 70% isotopes and the minimization of molecular species formation.
passing 10 mesh (2 mm); a 250-g aliquot was riffle split and Signal processing was done using an in-house Excel macro and
pulverized to 95% passing 150 mesh (100 μm) in a mild-steel the ExLAM Excel VBA application (Zacharias and Wilkin-
ring-and-puck mill. A 0.2-g powdered sample was fused in a son, 2007). In total, 641 LA-ICP-MS spot analyses of chlorite
graphite crucible with 1.5 g of LiBO2/LiB4O7 flux at 980°C (from 115 samples) and 592 of epidote (from 103 samples)
for 30 min and then dissolved in 5% HNO3. Major elements meeting quality control criteria (i.e., avoiding contamination
were determined using a Jarrel Ash AtomComp Model 975/ from mineral inclusions) were obtained.
Spectro Ciros Vision inductively coupled plasma-emission Aluminum and calcium concentrations determined by mi-
spectrograph. Trace elements were analyzed using a Perkin- croprobe were used as the internal standards for reduction of
Elmer Elan 6000 or 9000 inductively coupled plasma-mass chlorite and epidote LA-ICP-MS data, respectively. NIST612
spectrometer. For major and trace elements, calibration standard reference material was used for external calibration
standards, verification standards, and reagent blanks were of the LA-ICP-MS results according to standard practice. Full
included in the sample sequence. Reported detection limits LA-ICP-MS results are reported in Appendix Table A4.
are 0.04 wt % for the major elements and 0.5 ppm for the
majority of the trace elements, excluding the rare earth ele- Results
ments (REEs; 0.05 ppm). Whole-rock major and trace ele-
ment data for selected samples are listed in Table 1. Whole- Whole-rock geochemistry
rock major and trace element data for all samples are listed Key pathfinder elements were grouped into eight percen-
in Appendix Table A1. tile bins (1, 5, 10, 25, 75, 90, 95, and 99%) and plotted in
One hundred thirty-five representative samples containing plan view to define the conventional geochemical footprint of
minerals of interest were prepared as 25-mm polished resin the deposit. Anomalous Cu above a background population
mounts for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) backscat- (>230 ppm), defined by a natural break in the cumulative
tered electron imaging of mineral relationships, electron mi- probability curve, is observed in a fairly coherent anomaly sur-
croprobe-wavelength dispersive spectrometry analysis (EMP- rounding the deposit, extending up to 1 km from the edge of
WDS), and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass the 0.5 wt % Cu contour. Some additional anomalous samples
spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). are observed between El Teniente and La Huifa but none in
Major and minor elements in individual chlorite and epi- the vicinity of Olla Blanca (Fig. 4A).
dote grains were determined using a Cameca SX100 electron Anomalous Mo (>2.1 ppm) is somewhat erratically distrib-
microprobe housed in the Central Science Laboratories at the uted across the district. Consistently elevated values are ob-
University of Tasmania. Full results from 755 analyses of chlo- served close to El Teniente but are very proximal, occurring
rite and 316 from epidote are reported in Appendix Tables within the 0.5 wt % Cu contour. As with Cu, there are elevated
A2 and A3, respectively. Major, minor, and trace elements values in the vicinity of La Huifa, but for Mo there is a marked
in the same grains were measured using a New Wave 193- gap between the two systems, with background values in be-
nm solid-state laser coupled to an Agilent 7500cs quadrupole tween (Fig. 4B). Olla Blanca samples are not anomalous in Mo.
mass spectrometer, located in the School of Physical Sciences, Anomalous Mn (>1,280 ppm) is more broadly distributed
Discipline of Earth Sciences, University of Tasmania. Typi- than the principal ore metals and appears to form a crude halo
cally, five to 10 spot analyses were acquired from each sample, around the 0.5 wt % Cu ore shell, with maximum values be-
from within three to five separate mineral grains. For each tween 0.5 and 1 km from its edge and lower concentrations
analysis, 30 s of background signal was acquired prior to 60 s within it (Fig. 4C). Neither La Huifa nor Olla Blanca show
of mineral ablation. Ablation was performed in an atmosphere Mn anomalism.
of pure He (~0.7 L/min) using spots ranging in diameter from The Zn anomaly around El Teniente (>170 ppm) is slightly
30 to 55 μm with a laser repetition rate of 10 Hz. Laser beam better developed than Mn, but they are comparable in form
fluence at the sample was ~3 J/cm2. (Fig. 4D). Their covariance is confirmed by a robust linear re-
For epidote, a total of 37 elements were determined on each gression that yields an R2 value of 0.74. One point to note for
spot by analysis of the following isotopes: 23Na, 24Mg, 27Al, 29Si, both Mn and Zn is that the results for neighboring samples,
39K, 43Ca, 47Ti, 51V, 55Mn, 57Fe, 59Co, 65Cu, 66Zn, 69Ga, 75As, 88Sr, or for those from the same drill hole, can be very variable,
89Y, 90Zr, 95Mo, 107Ag, 118Sn, 121Sb, 137Ba, 139La, 140Ce, 153Eu, indicating a nugget effect on the hand-sample scale. As with
157Gd, 172Yb, 175Lu, 178Hf, 181Ta, 197Au, 205Tl, 208Pb, 209Bi, 232Th, Mn, neither La Huifa nor Olla Blanca show enrichment in Zn.
and 238U. Acquisition time for each mass was set to 0.02 s, Lead shows a similar pattern to Cu with a slight asymmetry
with the exceptions of Na, Al, and Si (0.005), Mg, K, Ca, Ba, to the north and west but has a greater extent of anomalism
La, Ce, and U (0.01), and Mo, Ag, Sn, and Au (0.03). For (above 12.9 ppm) up to 2.5 km from the edge of the 0.5 wt %
chlorite, 32 elements were determined on each spot by analy- Cu contour (Fig. 4G). There is arguably a small separation
sis of 7Li, 9Be, 11B, 23Na, 24Mg, 27Al, 29Si, 39K, 43Ca, 47Ti, 51V, between El Teniente and La Huifa, with the latter system
53Cr, 55Mn, 57Fe, 59Co, 60Ni, 65Cu, 66Zn, 69Ga, 75As, 88Sr, 89Y, showing some apparently associated anomalous samples to
90Zr, 107Ag, 118Sn, 121Sb, 137Ba, 139La, 140Ce, 208Pb, 209Bi, and the south and east, very much like Cu and Mo. Olla Blanca
238U. Acquisition time for each mass was set to 0.02 s, with the is not anomalous in whole-rock Pb (Fig. 4G).
exceptions of Na, Mg, and Si (0.005), Al, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, and It is difficult to define the background level for As in the
U (0.01), and Co, Cu, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, and Bi (0.03). district, because ~90% of the data fall above the upper crust-
El Teniente El Teniente
Fig. 4. Footprint of El Teniente as defined by whole-rock geochemistry. A-D. A. Cu using percentile bins at 1, 5, 10, 25, 75, 90, 95, 99, and 100%. B. Mo (same percen-
tiles). C. Mn (same percentiles). D. Zn (same percentiles).
by guest
El Teniente El Teniente
Fig. 4. (Cont.) Footprint of El Teniente as defined by whole-rock geochemistry. E-H. E. As (same percentiles). F. As using natural breaks in the data. G. Pb (same per-
centiles). H. Na (using natural breaks in the data). Inferred extent of coherent anomaly associated with El Teniente is shown in the gray field. Note: Na is a low-proximal
anomaly. Thick dashed line indicates El Teniente 0.5% Cu grade contour. Northing grid has 1-km spacing.
Table 1. Mean Compositions of Selected, Relatively Unaltered Lithologies from the Farellones Formation and
Younger Intrusive Rocks in the El Teniente Area
Quartz Quartz
Grano- monzo- Monzo- Grano- monzo- Monzo-
Rhyolite Dacite Andesite Basalt diorite nite nite Diorite Rhyolite Dacite Andesite Basalt diorite nite nite Diorite
N 1 2 23 1 6 2 2 8 N 1 2 23 1 6 2 2 8
SiO2 68.72 67.10 54.60 49.25 64.95 67.94 59.79 58.89 Ho 0.11 0.18 0.66 0.47 0.26 0.54 0.54 0.48
Al2O3 17.57 16.08 17.64 17.68 16.62 14.75 17.15 17.47 In <0.02 0.02 0.05 0.20 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03
Fe2O3 1.62 3.50 8.70 11.87 4.28 3.55 6.46 6.74 La 7.0 11.6 13.6 5.0 15.6 18.3 18.3 17.6
MgO 0.65 1.14 3.92 6.03 1.60 1.16 2.24 2.46 Li 1.70 4.65 9.51 21.8 3.45 5.40 4.80 6.04
CaO 0.44 2.86 5.99 5.52 3.43 2.45 5.45 5.40 Lu 0.03 0.06 0.26 0.20 0.11 0.27 0.23 0.19
Na2O 4.54 4.71 3.79 2.19 4.80 3.39 4.03 4.00 Mn 18.0 301 1,100 1,970 174 469 231 480
K2O 4.30 2.86 1.36 0.73 2.57 4.95 2.26 2.13 Mo 6.76 5.65 1.40 2.28 2.38 3.39 1.46 1.54
TiO2 0.38 0.38 0.91 0.95 0.50 0.42 0.73 0.75 Nb 2.60 3.05 3.53 1.70 3.25 6.40 4.55 4.68
P2O5 0.18 0.12 0.24 0.14 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.22 Nd 7.10 10.45 18.70 8.40 17.28 19.25 22.00 21.28
MnO <0.01 0.05 0.20 0.27 0.04 0.09 0.07 0.12 Ni 0.80 6.05 20.9 56.2 8.90 5.70 9.70 13.5
Cr2O3 <0.002 0.003 0.008 0.020 0.004 <0.002 0.004 0.003 Pb 14.2 6.3 8.5 2.7 14.6 9.8 3.5 10.1
LOI 1.30 1.00 2.39 5.00 0.87 1.10 1.45 1.63 Pd <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10
S C <0.01 0.04 0.20 0.26 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.02 Pr 1.92 2.89 4.28 1.92 4.31 5.15 5.32 5.15
SS 0.23 0.07 0.52 1.04 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.36 Pt <2 <2 4 3 <2 <2 <2 3
Ag 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.30 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.05 Rb 99.3 75.7 42.1 36.6 77.1 164 67.0 67.5
As 3.4 15.5 33.8 7.0 13.7 33.9 29.6 14.4 Re 3.0 4.0 13 14 1.5 4.0 <1 4.0
Au 1.4 3.3 1.5 1.5 0.8 0.5 0.7 3.4 Sb 0.07 0.39 1.00 0.58 0.43 1.62 0.42 0.37
B 10.0 10.5 4.5 7.0 4.5 3.5 6.5 3.1 Sc 3.00 4.50 18.9 26.0 6.00 6.00 10.5 11.1
Ba 742 604 281 59.0 559 572 460 435 Se 0.20 0.15 0.47 0.30 0.14 0.25 0.25 0.27
Be 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.12 Sm 1.31 1.78 4.19 2.29 2.97 3.86 4.38 4.21
Bi 0.23 0.22 0.40 1.16 0.19 0.03 0.03 0.03 Sn 2 <1 1 3 n.d. n.d. n.d. 2
Cd 0.42 0.11 0.12 0.02 0.11 0.07 0.05 0.09 Sr 280 547 524 375 643 326 591 580
Ce 16.2 24.8 31.0 13.1 33.3 40.9 36.2 39.6 Ta 0.20 0.30 0.23 <0.1 0.27 0.55 0.30 0.30
Co 0.60 6.9 23.0 42.4 9.3 6.2 14.1 14.7 Tb 0.11 0.18 0.62 0.40 0.28 0.51 0.55 0.50
Cr 1.8 10.9 34.2 106 16.9 9.0 16.4 18.1 Te 0.04 0.04 0.17 0.26 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.07
Cs 2.7 3.7 1.9 11.5 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.6 Th 4.00 8.30 4.89 1.00 8.83 24.7 8.20 7.53
Cu 615 182 161 474 154 24.2 79.0 123 Tl 0.05 0.06 0.28 0.05 0.04 0.07 <0.02 0.04
Dy 0.64 0.95 3.36 2.32 1.40 2.75 2.77 2.47 Tm 0.03 0.05 0.29 0.20 0.11 0.27 0.23 0.21
Er 0.49 0.55 1.86 1.33 0.71 1.60 1.47 1.33 U 1.70 2.70 1.47 0.50 2.52 7.25 2.50 2.18
Eu 0.45 0.55 1.14 0.88 0.78 0.67 1.13 1.05 V 43.0 51.5 199 247 88.3 61.0 141 139
Ga 20.7 19.0 19.1 20.7 19.4 18.0 20.1 20.0 W 24.6 3.15 1.86 4.60 2.25 1.00 0.90 1.55
Gd 1.08 1.45 3.90 2.39 2.07 3.10 3.66 3.36 Y 5.00 5.45 18.75 12.60 7.78 17.15 16.35 14.13
Ge <0.1 <0.1 0.15 0.20 <0.1 0.20 0.10 0.10 Yb 0.39 0.52 1.77 1.24 0.73 1.73 1.44 1.30
Hf 2.70 3.45 3.49 1.60 3.73 6.90 4.50 4.34 Zn 146 48.4 124 305 101 52.0 26.0 73.7
Hg 17.0 6.0 5.20 9.0 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 15.0 Zr 101 109 117 54.7 123 208 150 147
The limit of detection where concentrations could not be determined is denoted by “<xx”; all major oxides, total C, S, and loss on ignition (LOI) in wt %;
trace elements in ppm apart from Au, Pd, Pt, and Re, which are in ppb; N = number of analyses included in average; n.d. = not determined; representative
samples of different rock types were used, screened for alteration effects, such as elevated LOI (>2.5 wt %) or ore metals, and excluding outlying composi-
tions for a given rock type; full data set reported in Appendix Table A1
al average of 4.8 ppm (Rudnick and Gao, 2003) suggesting a Na, based on natural breaks in the data, anomalously low con-
very broad enrichment that may be partly premineralization centrations below 2.45 wt % fairly effectively define a proxi-
in origin based on the elevated values in ostensibly unaltered mal footprint broadly centered on the orebody but extending
samples (Table 1). Using the same percentile bins as above, up to 1.5 km from the 0.5 wt % Cu contour to the north and
a relatively weak footprint is defined (Fig. 4E) with elevated west (Fig. 4H).
values (>31 ppm) occurring in a halo around El Teniente In all cases, the whole-rock anomalies defined are imper-
at a distance of 0.5 to 1 km from the edge of the ore shell. fect in the sense that the samples with elevated values in the
La Huifa shows no As anomalism; conversely, Olla Blanca inferred footprints are frequently accompanied by neighbor-
has markedly elevated As concentrations in a number of ing samples with background-level concentrations. This im-
samples. Alternatively, if a complex set of natural breaks in plies heterogeneity in pathfinder metal distribution that may
the data are considered, values above a putative background reflect control by somewhat erratically distributed, perhaps
of 15 ppm define a very broad, asymmetric footprint that structurally controlled, sulfides.
extends up to 7.5 km from the edge of the 0.5 wt % Cu con-
tour in the northwest quadrant and to the limit of sampling Chlorite major element chemistry and thermometry
in most areas (Fig. 4F). The most clearly defined limit is at Major element compositions of chlorite correspond to the
around the 6225000 northing, to the south of which only low clinochlore-chamosite solid solution with a wide range in Fe
As concentrations are observed. (8.4–26.6 wt %) and Mg (5.1–15.2 wt %) content determined
Several elements show proximal low patterns that can be by microprobe, excluding one very Fe rich sample (Fig. 5).
discerned in whole-rock data, most notably Na and Sr. For Median Al and Si contents determined by microprobe were
n = 786
10.2 and 13.2 wt %, respectively. Manganese contents deter- Table A2) should be treated with caution, we are confident
mined by microprobe ranged up to 6.1 wt %, but the vast ma- of the thermal footprint defined.
jority were <2 wt % Mn.
Chlorite crystallization temperatures were calculated from Chlorite trace element chemistry
microprobe data using the thermodynamic model of Walshe Manganese, Ca, Zn, V, K, Co, Ni, Ti, Li, Na, and Ga were the
(1986). Sample average temperatures derived from this ap- most common trace elements (generally 10s to 100s of ppm)
proach are in the range 113° to 356°C with an overall mean determined in chlorite in decreasing order of abundance (Fig.
of 241°C (App. Table A2). Gridding the data shows that the 7). The presence of Mn, Zn, Ni, and Li is not unexpected, as
temperatures define a clear thermal anomaly associated with they represent partial solid solution toward pennantite, bai-
the ore deposit and with a subsidiary anomaly in the vicinity leychlore, nimite, and cookeite end members, respectively,
of La Huifa (Fig. 6). of the chlorite series. Vanadium3+ may substitute for Al3+ in
Although chlorite thermometry is complex, with the tem- octahedral coordination, analogous to Cr3+ in kämmererite,
perature-related AlIV Tschermak substitution (Si4+)IV(Mg2+) and Co2+ has similar ionic radius to Fe2+ and Ni2+, so it is likely
VI = (Al3+)IV(Al3+)VI also related to a
H4SiO4, aAl3+/(aH+) , aFe2+/ to occur in similar octahedral coordination. Titanium4+ is also
5000 m
X 000
6232 380
0 000
623 378 Y
622 376
N 37
226 m
22 kkm
6 40
Fig. 6. Chlorite geothermometry temperatures at El Teniente shown as sample averages, plotted in 3-D coordinates (no
vertical exaggeration) and projected onto plan view. Warm symbol colors = higher temperatures. Cross shows the location of
the inferred center of the ore deposit. Note steep thermal gradients to the south of the deposit, broadly coincident with the
position of the Teniente fault zone and the southern boundary of the Sewell diorite, parallel to the Agua Amarga fault. The
thermal anomaly to the northeast corresponds to the position of the La Huifa deposit (11.1 Mt at 1% Cu and 0.039% Mo;
Floody and Huete, 1998).
Mn Ca Zn V K Co Ni Ti Li Na Ga Cr Cu B Sr As Ba Sn Pb Mo Sb Y Zr Ce La Ag Bi U
Fig. 7. Summary of compositional ranges for minor and trace elements in chlorite from El Teniente. Dot represents mean
value; horizontal line represents median; box represents 25th to 75th percentiles; whiskers represent maximum and minimum
excluding outliers; circles represent outliers (>1.5× interquartile range from the box); triangles represent far outliers (>3×
interquartile range from the box).
log Ti (ppm)
Chlorite spatial variations
ET The major elements do not show very systematic spatial pat-
6226000 terns. Iron and Mg are influenced by protolith as noted above,
6225000 which obscures spatial patterns, but there is possibly a high
shoulder in the Fe data located outside the ore shell (see App.
Fig. A2), similar to what was observed at Batu Hijau (Wilkin-
6223000 son et al., 2015). Aluminum perhaps displays a tendency to-
ward higher concentrations in proximal positions (indirectly
reflecting a higher formation temperature) and Si tends to be
6233000 low in proximal samples (see App. Fig. A2).
OB Clear spatial zonation patterns are observed for a num-
ber of trace elements in chlorite, including a proximal high
6231000 for Ti, with additional small anomalies spatially associated
6230000 LH with La Huifa and Olla Blanca (Fig. 8). Vanadium shows a
proximal shoulder, with lows in the core of the deposit and
log V (ppm)
6230000 LH LH
Log As (ppm)
Log Li (ppm)
6230000 LH LH
Log Co (ppm)
Log Sr (ppm)
6230000 LH LH
Log Ca (ppm)
Log Y (ppm)
Fig. 9. Gridded chlorite compositional data (log of sample average, cell size 200 m, minimum smoothing distance four cells)
for trace elements showing proximal lows. Note the apparent slight northwest-westward offset between some of the chlorite
anomalies and the location of the orebody at depth. The El Teniente (ET) dashed line is the 0.5 wt % Cu shell; other dashed
lines delineate the appromiate extent of the other alteration systems (LH = La Huifa, OB = Olla Blanca). Color scales show
range of values for each element, in percentile bands.
n =378
Fig. 10. Iron and aluminum content of epidotes, determined by electron microprobe.
epidote structure. The REEs are common, and sometimes frequently observed in SEM-backscattered imaging and in
major, structural components in the epidote group, substi- LA-ICP-MS maps (Cooke et al. 2014b, 2020).
tuting into the trivalent M site. Potassium, Cu, Co, Mo, Bi,
Hf, Au, Tl, and Ta were also detected but less consistently Protolith controls of epidote chemistry
and may be present in mineral nanoinclusions that were too For epidote, there are no discernible effects of protolith on
small to be discriminated as separate phases during laser sig- epidote major element chemistry (App. Fig. A3A). For the
nal processing. For K (Na), Cu, and Bi, this interpretation trace elements, the vast majority show no discernible relation-
is supported by the marked positive skew observed in the ship to lithology, perhaps with the exception of Ba, Pb, Sr,
results, with markedly higher mean than median concentra- and Zr (App. Fig. A3B). Barium appears to be slightly richer
tions (Fig. 11). The particularly wide ranges observed for Sb, in basalts relative to andesites and monzonites; however, the
the REE-Y, Th, and U is due to compositional zoning that is granodiorite-hosted samples tend to be slightly enriched.
Mn Sr Mg Ti V As Ga Pb Na Sb K Zn Ce La Y Zr Sn Ba Eu Cu U Yb Co Mo Bi Hf Th Lu Au Tl Ta
Fig. 11. Summary of compositional ranges for minor and trace elements in epidote from El Teniente. Dot represents mean
value; horizontal line represents median; box represents 25th to 75th percentiles, whiskers represent maximum and minimum
excluding outliers; circles represent ouliers (>1.5× interquartile range from the box); triangles represent far outliers (>3×
interquartile range from the box).
Lead is variable and probably responds more strongly to spa- this from any spatial effects. This is illustrated by Zr, which is
tial position, but epidote is possibly slightly enriched in lead in relatively low in epidote in the more felsic (Zr-rich) host rocks
more Pb-rich granodiorite samples. Epidote in the more fel- and therefore may reflect a predominant spatial control with
sic samples is generally enriched in strontium but, because of proximal epidotes showing depletion in Zr (Fig. 12), similar
the spatial distribution of lithologies, it is difficult to separate to its behavior in the Collahuasi district (Baker et al., 2020).
6230000 LH LH
Log As (ppm)
Log La (ppm)
Log Zn (ppm)
Log Yb (ppm)
Log Zr (ppm)
6230000 LH LH
Log Y (ppm)
370000 372500 375000 377500 370000 372500 375000 377500
Fig. 12. Gridded epidote compositional data (log of sample average, cell size 200 m, minimum smoothing distance four cells)
for trace elements showing proximal lows. Note the apparent slight westward offset between some of the epidote anomalies
and the location of the orebody at depth. The El Teniente (ET) dashed line is the 0.5 wt % Cu shell; other dashed lines delin-
eate the appromiate extent of the other alteration systems (LH = La Huifa, OB = Olla Blanca). Color scales show range of
values for each element, in percentile bands.
log Cu (ppm)
(App. Fig. A4). Systematic patterns are observed for a num-
ber of trace elements in epidote, including Cu, As, La, Yb, Zn,
6230000 LH
Y, and Zr (Figs. 12, 13). A prominent, proximal, positive Cu 6229000
anomaly overlaps with the ore shell, comparable to the pattern 6228000
around the Rosario porphyry (Baker et al., 2020), but appears
to be offset to the southeast. A second Cu anomaly is located 6227000
to the west-southwest, related to localized mineralization inter- 6226000 ET
cepted in one drill core in the Agua Amarga area that also had
elevated trace elements in whole rock (e.g., Fig. 4B-E). 6225000
Arsenic displays the most coherent halo (also observed at
Ujina; see Baker et al., 2020), with a very broad, butterfly-
shaped, proximal low that is offset slightly to the north and 6233000
west of the orebody and extends for >3 km from the edge
of the ore shell. At the limits of sampling there is a sugges-
tion that a distal high is developed. Halo-type anomalies ap- 6231000
pear to be present for the other elements shown, with peak LH
log Fe (ppm)
concentrations reached about 1 to 2 km from the edge of the
orebody and with the addition, in the case of Zn and perhaps 6229000
the REEs, of a small proximal anomaly. 6228000
Discussion 6227000
A number of mineral chemistry features identified in this study
display gradients away from the core of the El Teniente hy-
drothermal system, as defined by the position of the ore shell.
When considering such relationships, it is important to bear in 370000 372500 375000 377500
mind the third dimension; on average, the surface samples col-
lected are ~800 m above the level of the center of the deposit Fig. 13. Gridded epidote compositional data (log of sample average, cell size
as currently mined (Teniente-8, the deepest level is at 1,980 m 200 m, minimum smoothing distance four cells) for trace elements showing
above sea level) and some are nearly 1,600 m higher, so there is proximal highs. The El Teniente (ET) dashed line is the 0.5 wt % Cu shell;
a significant vertical component. Furthermore, the deposit has other dashed lines delineate the appromiate extent of the other alteration sys-
tems (LH = La Huifa, OB = Olla Blanca). Color scales show range of values
been tilted, postmineralization, by ~10° to the west (Vry et al., for each element, in percentile bands.
2010), so that a slight westward offset of the overlying propylitic
anomaly might be anticipated. This could be further exagger-
ated by the topography. Thus, on the west side, the proximal Chlorite is also enriched in Ti in a bullseye-type anomaly
propylitic zone might extend farther, and propylitic grade might that is coincident with the thermal anomaly (Figs. 6, 8), consis-
be lower on the west side for a given elevation (Fig. 14). tent with the conclusion from Batu Hijau that Ti substitution
into chlorite is thermally controlled (Wilkinson et al., 2015).
Chlorite vectoring and fertility indicators The Ti content of chlorite is a more sensitive vector toward
Results from chlorite geothermometry confirm that El Teni- the porphyry center than temperature, because it varies over
ente sits within a strong thermal anomaly that can be resolved two orders of magnitude (6–650 ppm). It also defines a gradi-
for approximately 2 to 2.5 km beyond the edge of the 0.5 wt % ent that seems to extend out farther laterally, between 1.5 to
Cu grade contour. This is comparable to that previously ob- 2.5 km beyond the upward vertical projection of the ore shell,
served for Batu Hijau (Wilkinson et al., 2015). As with Batu depending on direction (Fig. 8). There is a distinct westward
Hijau, it is noteworthy that the thermal anomaly closely maps expansion of the Ti anomaly that could reflect the geomet-
the form of the ore deposit itself and is asymmetric in the sur- ric and geologic factors noted above. Comparable, proximal
rounding propylitic rocks. In the case of El Teniente, there is enrichment of Ti in chlorite is also noted at the Resolution
a steeper gradient to the south. We suggest that this southern porphyry Cu-Mo deposit (Cooke et al., 2020).
boundary is modified by the presence of the Teniente fault Vanadium in chlorite also shows a proximal anomaly but
zone and the southern boundary of the Sewell diorite, both of forms more of a geochemical shoulder that sits on the fringe of
which are parallel to the Agua Amarga fault (Fig. 1). Thus, this the ore shell (Fig. 8)—behavior that is also very similar to Batu
may reflect a postmineralization offset that has down-dropped Hijau. Outside this shoulder, V gradients extend at least 2.5 km
the southern block, thereby concealing more proximal propy- beyond the upward vertical projection of the edge of the ore
litic signatures at depth. The data also resolve a second ther- shell, with the greatest extension again to the west. Although
mal anomaly to the northeast that corresponds to the position care must be taken not to overinterpret the gridded data, the
of the La Huifa deposit, with lower thermal gradients devel- V map suggests the presence of a west-northwest structural
oped in the area between La Huifa and El Teniente (Fig. 6). corridor, marked by a pronounced concentration low, be-
Braden breccia
Diorite porphyry 3500
Sewell diorite
Elevation (m)
Teniente Mafic Complex
0. 5 w t % Cu c
rox. position
0 km 1
Fig. 14. True scale west-east topographic profile across El Teniente constructed at a northing of approximately 6228000
through the center of the Braden Pipe showing simplified geology. Thick dashed line shows approximate limit of the 0.5 wt %
Cu contour. Cartoon representation of propylitic intensity contours to illustrate the potential effects of topography and tilt on
mineral chemistry vectors in surface samples. Orange line shows possible greater extent of an inner propylitic zone at surface
to the west of the orebody. This asymmetry may be further enhanced by the greater permeability and reactivity of the volcanic
rocks of the Teniente Mafic Complex compared to the Sewell diorite.
tween El Teniente and La Huifa (also observed, though less to define one of the broadest halos at Batu Hijau, extending
clearly, in the Ti map). This trend is coincident with the Co- ~5 km from the center of the deposit (Wilkinson et al., 2015).
degua fault, which bounds El Teniente to the northeast (Fig. Significantly, all the Ti-based ratios also show positive
1) and is thought to have played an important role in control- anomalies associated with the neighboring alteration-mineral-
ling the emplacement of magmas and hydrothermal activity ization systems of La Huifa (to the north-northeast) and Olla
in the deposit, as well as being a long-lived basin-bounding Blanca (to the north-northwest), with the anomalies appearing
structure that is still active (e.g., O. Rivera and M.F. Falcón, to define a connected, lower-intensity corridor. This is simi-
unpub. report, 1998). The Codegua fault is one of many such lar to the trend noted at Batu Hijau between the deposit and
arc-transverse structures developed along the Andean margin the Sekongkang prospect, interpreted to reflect the geometry
that are thought to reflect reactivation of a pre-Andean base- of the underlying parental batholith (Wilkinson et al., 2015).
ment fabric (O. Rivera and M.F. Falcón, unpub. report, 1998). For El Teniente, although the propylitic alteration system ap-
A number of elements show proximal lows, with Li being a pears connected between the prospects and deposit, the pat-
particularly good example (Fig. 9). This is attributed to mobil- tern must be composite, built from overlapping events, given
ity of Li (together with Co, Sr, Ca, and REE-Y) in high-tem- the difference in age of the neighboring systems (Olla Blanca,
perature potassic and mildly acidic proximal propylitic fluids, ~9 Ma; La Huifa, 6.6–6.5 Ma; El Teniente, ~6.3–4.6 Ma).
as has been constrained by chemical mass transfer analysis in Plotting the El Teniente data as a function of radial distance
the Northparkes Cu-Au porphyry cluster, New South Wales, from the deposit center shows the same general trends of de-
Australia (Pacey, 2016). Very similar patterns have also been creasing proximitor ratios with distance that were observed
observed at Batu Hijau (Wilkinson et al., 2015) and at Resolu- at Batu Hijau, as exemplified by the Ti/Sr ratio (Fig. 16). A
tion (Cooke et al., 2020). robust regression of the data defines a proximitor equation
As vectoring tools, element ratios in chlorite (proximi- that predicts distance from the center of El Teniente (X) to an
tor ratios; Wilkinson et al., 2015) are particularly effective accuracy of ±640 m (1σ):
because they can enhance significantly the signal gradient
around a porphyry center and provide a better discrimination
from background. Useful ratios identified at Batu Hijau are
{ ln(Ti/Sr)
1607 }/
–0.001872 (1)
shown in Figure 15 for El Teniente, with the addition of V/Li. This equation has a slight negative bias, particularly at
These ratios vary over three to five orders of magnitude and greater distances, where it tends to slightly underestimate dis-
clearly define the mineralized center of the system. The Ti/Li tance to center. Data derived from samples proximal to the La
anomaly is rather remarkable in that it precisely maps the ore Huifa and Olla Blanca centers plot off this trend, as would be
shell, including its triangular form, and extends at least 3 km expected if these samples reflect the local anomalies associ-
from the edge of the ore shell. This ratio was also very effec- ated with these centers.
tive in defining the center of the Resolution porphyry system The specific characteristics of the chlorite anomalies associat-
(Cooke et al., 2020). All of the Ti-based ratios, with the excep- ed with the two prospects differ in a number of ways from those
tion of Ti/K, clearly coincide with the system center, although developed around El Teniente itself (e.g., La Huifa has a proxi-
Ti/Ni shows a proximal shoulder with the maxima aligning with mal V/Ni anomaly, perhaps due to its small dimensions, and
the 0.5 wt % Cu grade contour. Similar behavior is observed both of the prospects are subdued with respect to the Li-based
for V/Li. The V/Ni ratio displays an intermediate halo with ratios), likely due to different exhumation levels and geologic
maxima developed just outside the ore shell to the east but environments. Olla Blanca is interpreted as an eroded caldera
shifted 1 to 2 km away from it in the west and northwest. The with extensive silification and hot spring activity surrounded by
distal expression of this pattern arguably extends 5 km from propylitic alteration but with porphyritic intrusions and strong
the ore shell in this direction; the same ratio was considered propylitic alteration at depth (Camus, 1977). La Huifa is a
6230000 LH LH
Log Ti/Sr
Log Ti/Li
6226000 ET ET
6230000 LH LH
Log Ti/Pb
Log Ti/Ba
6226000 ET ET
6230000 LH LH
Log Ti/Co
Log Ti/Ni
6226000 ET ET
6230000 LH LH
Log V/Ni
Log V/Li
6226000 ET ET
Fig. 15. Gridded chlorite trace element ratios (log of sample average, cell size 200 m, minimum smoothing distance five cells).
The El Teniente (ET) dashed line is the 0.5 wt % Cu shell; other dashed lines delineate the appromiate extent of the other
alteration systems (LH = La Huifa, OB = Olla Blanca). Color scales show range of values for each ratio, in percentile bands.
{ } -0.00187
X = ln Ti/Sr
El Teniente
La Huifa
Olla Blanca
Batu Hijau
X = ln Ti/Sr
} -0.00823
Fig. 16. Plot of the natural log of the Ti/Sr ratio in chlorite as a function of radial distance from the center of El Teniente com-
pared with results from Batu Hijau (Wilkinson et al., 2015). As expected, data from samples proximal to La Huifa and Olla
Blanca (shown in yellow and blue) do not follow the trend. Robust linear regression of the El Teniente data (red) produces a
reasonable regression fit (R2 = 0.69) that defines the relationship between Ti/Sr ratio and distance. A new, robust regression
of the Batu Hijau data (Wilkinson et al., 2015; data in the range 764–2,300 m, excluding data from the west traverse) gives a
good fit (R2 = 0.84) but with a much steeper slope.
mineralized tourmaline breccia, the Extravío breccia, poten- andesitic composition of the majority of the remainder (App.
tially linked to a porphyry system at depth. From an exploration Table A1).
standpoint, it is significant that the El Teniente anomaly differs In terms of fertility assessment, the Mn and Zn contents
significantly from the subeconomic prospects. of chlorite appear to provide a useful guide, being gener-
The Mg-bearing ratios proposed for Batu Hijau (Mg/Ca ally rich in porphyry systems. Comparison of the El Teni-
and Mg/Sr) do not clearly define the system at El Teniente, ente data with results from the Baguio district and several
probably because of the influence of protolith composition, background data sets, including some regional metamorphic
which can influence the Mg and Fe content of chlorite: very terranes (Fig. 17), shows that although there is a lot of over-
proximal samples at El Teniente are dominated by intermedi- lap at low concentration ranges (which tend to be chlorite
ate to felsic intrusive lithologies as opposed to the basaltic to data from very proximal or very distal locations relative to
El Teniente
Baguio district
Central Chile (outliers)
Fig. 17. Zn versus Mn plot for chlorites from the El Teniente area (n = 640) compared with data from the Baguio district (n =
273) and from a variety of metamorphic terranes (n = 457; West Scotland, Georgetown inlier, Harts Range, Central Chile; shown
as a point density field), and with a handful of outliers from Central Chile shown as green dots. Data from Wilkinson et al. (2017).
the porphyry centers), it is almost exclusively the porphyry the La Huifa and Olla Blanca systems are not so evident in the
systems that have elevated values, above ~4,000 ppm for Mn gridded epidote data (Figs. 12, 13).
and 900 ppm for Zn (also see data from Resolution; Cooke The most diagnostic features of El Teniente epidote chem-
et al., 2020). istry in relationship to background metamorphic rocks and
smaller deposits, such as those of the Baguio district in the
Epidote vectoring and fertility indicators Philippines, are the significantly elevated As and Sb concentra-
Epidote trace element patterns generally define a broader but tions, as well as a general depletion in heavy REEs (Fig. 18).
less well-defined footprint than chlorite. Arsenic is the best It is noteworthy that the maximum As and Sb concentrations
vector element, displaying a broad low in proximity to ore, reached in the El Teniente district are broadly similar to, but
with a distal enrichment to at least 5 km from the system cen- extend to higher values than, those reported from the Collahua-
ter, especially to the north and west (Fig. 12). Other elements si district (Baker et al., 2020). Such signatures may therefore
appear to define a geochemical shoulder, or halo, with maxima be an indicator of super-giant systems, although the possibility
at varying distances from the center, but typically at 1 to 2 km of anomalous As and Sb addition in continental arc porphyry
from the edge of the ore shell. These patterns are broadly sim- systems as opposed to oceanic arcs cannot be excluded, so this
ilar to those identified in the Baguio (Cooke et al., 2014b) and relationship may not extend to Cu-Au porphyries developed in
Collahusai (Baker et al., 2020) districts. It is noteworthy that island arcs. Nonetheless, it is clear that the significant fluxing
the features identified in chlorite that appear to correspond to of such metals in porphyry-related magmatic-hydrothermal
El Teniente
Baguio district
Georgetown inlier
Harts Range
West Scotland
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sions. In particular, we thank Alfredo Bertens, Domingo Dic. 1983 – Abril 1984: Superintendencia de Geología, El Teniente,
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A., Sievwright, R.H., Hart, L.A., and Brugge, E.R., 2017, Porphyry indicator ogy, geochemistry, and economic geology. He has
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logical Survey of Canada, Open File 8345, p. 67–77, doi: 10.4095/306305. of methods for the microanalysis of rocks, minerals, and fluid inclusions and
Wilkinson, J.J., Pacey, A., Hart-Madigan, L.A., Longridge, J., Cooke, D.R., studies of hydrothermal and magmatic ore-forming systems. In 2014, he partly
Baker, M.J., Boyce, A.J., and Wilkinson, C.C., 2019, A new paradigm for relocated to the Natural History Museum to become a Research Leader in
the origin of propylitic alteration in porphyry ore systems: Applied Earth
mineral deposits, spearheading the Museum’s research initiative in ore depos-
Science: Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy B, v. 128,
no. 2, 1 p. its research and engaging with the minerals industry via collaborative research
Zacharias, J., and Wilkinson, J.J., 2007, ExLAM 2000: Excel VBA application projects and consulting. He is cofounder and director of the London Centre for
for processing of transient signals from laser ablation (LA-ICP-MS) of fluid Ore Deposits and Exploration (LODE) and recently held the post of visiting
inclusions and solid phases: Biennial Conference on European Current research professor at CODES, University of Tasmania (2008–2010). A focus
Research on Fluid Inclusions, 19th, Bern, Switzerland, July, 17–20, 2007, of current research is the use of mineral chemistry for vectoring and fertility
Abstracts, p. 194. assessment in porphyry-epithermal systems.