a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Bioremediation of a PAH-contaminated soil was carried out with a bacterial consortium enriched from
Received 13 September 2011 the soil. The soil contained 9362.1 mg kg1 of USEPA priority PAHs, 90.6% of which were 4- and 5-ring
Received in revised form PAHs. After incubation for 56 days, 20.2% and 35.8% of total PAHs were removed from the soil with
10 February 2012
the addition of 10% and 20% of a bacterial consortium suspension. The soil microbial population
Accepted 12 March 2012
Available online 6 April 2012
increased in the early days but decreased by the end of the experiment. Denaturing gradient gel elec-
trophoresis (DGGE) analysis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified bacterial 16S rRNA gene
fragments revealed that DGGE profiles of the soil with the addition of the consortium were clustered
together and distinct from those of control soil. Sphingobacteria and Proteobacteria were found to be the
Biodegradation dominant bacterial groups in the soil according to the sequence analysis of DGGE bands. The results
PAHs indicate that incubation with a bacterial consortium may be a promising method for bioremediation of
HMW PAH-contaminated soils.
Bacterial consortium Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0964-8305/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
142 J. Mao et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012) 141e147
Table 1
Concentration and composition of PAHs in the contaminated soil and removal of individual PAHs under different treatments after 56 days of bioremediation.
PAH Number of rings Concentration (mg kg1 soil) PAH removal (%)
Data are presented as means SD. Means in the same row with a letter in common are not significantly different among treatments (P < 0.05).
treatment B (20% consortium), which lost 20.2% and 35.8% of total when the consortium suspension was added in treatments A and B at
PAHs respectively. day 0, and the highest microbial population (9.7 107 MPN g1 soil)
The extents of degradation of individual PAHs are also shown in was detected in treatment B. However, the size of soil microbial
Table 1. In treatment A the highest PAH removal occurred in population soon decreased. After 56 days the microbial population
chrysene (27.6%), benzo[a]pyrene (24.3%) and pyrene (22.5%). In maintained in treatment B was only 1.3 107 MPN g1 but this was
treatment B the highest degree of degradation was found in benzo still higher than that of other two treatments.
[b]fluoranthene (44.2%), chrysene (41.2%) and benzo[k]fluo-
ranthene (40.7%). In treatment B removal of benzo[b]fluoranthene,
3.4. Changes in soil bacterial community structure during the
benzo[k]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene, fluoranthene, and benz
bioremediation process
[a]anthracene were significantly different (P < 0.05) from that of
control soil and treatment A.
A DGGE analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was
Over the 56 days the degree of degradation of 4-ring PAHs
conducted to investigate differences in the bacterial populations
(21.8%) was higher than that of 3- and 5-ring PAHs (18.7% and 17.3%)
present in soil with different treatments. Bacterial community
in treatment A. In treatment B the removal of 5-ring PAHs was the
profiles elucidated by DGGE of different soils collected at day 0 and
highest (40.5%) and the losses of 3- and 4-ring PAHs were similar to
day 56 are shown in Fig. 3. Three independent replicates per
one another (35.2% and 33.2%).
treatment and per sampling time were analyzed for DNA extrac-
tion, and there were no differences between them in DGGE profiles.
3.3. Enumeration of the heterotrophic microbial population in soil At day 0, after the addition of the consortium suspension, the
bacterial community profiles of the soils exhibited changes in
An MPN method was employed to evaluate the heterotrophic contrast to the control soil. It also can be seen that there were more
microbial population in the soil during the bioremediation process bands with deeper intensity in the soil sample of treatment B. After
and the results are shown in Fig. 2. In control soil the size of the
heterotrophic population remained constant until day 56. In contrast
to the control soil, much higher microbial counts were observed
Treatment B
Treatment A
0 14 28 56
Time (days)
Fig. 1. Concentration of total PAHs in soil under different treatments over the 56-day
bioremediation process (mg kg1 soil). Each point represents the average value of Fig. 2. Heterotrophic microbial populations in the soil of treatment A, treatment B, and
triplicate samples. control soil at days 0, 14, 28 and 56 over the course of the 56-day bioremediation.
144 J. Mao et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012) 141e147
% Similarity
40 60 80 100
B- 1
B- 3
B- 2
A- 2
A- 3
86 C- 1
C- 2
88 100
C- 3
A- 4
A- 6
A- 5
85 B- 4
Fig. 3. DGGE profiles of bacterial community composition in soils of treatment A (lane 99
A-1 to A-6), treatment B (lane B-1 to B-6), and control (lane C-1 to C-6) at day 0 and B- 5
day 56. The bands marked with arrows were excised and sequenced (Table 2). 100
B- 6
56 days of incubation, in the lanes of the different treatments,
a significant shift in community structure was noted by the pres-
C- 4
ence and absence of some bands.
The dendrogram of the UPGMA analysis of the DGGE patterns
C- 5
for the soil with different treatments is presented in Fig. 4. This
C- 6
shows that the soil samples at different days (days 0 and 56) are 100
clustered into two main groups. Furthermore, the DGGE profiles of A- 1
treatment A and treatment B were clearly different from the control
soil at both day 0 and day 56. Fig. 4. Cluster analysis of community composition for different soil samples.
Prominent bands were excised, PCR-amplified, and sequenced
(indicated by arrows in Fig. 3). The closest relatives of DGGE bands
degraders. In previous studies pure PAH compounds (Boonchan
are shown in Table 2 and most of the sequences exhibited levels of
et al., 2000; Jacques et al., 2007) or creosotes (Mueller et al.,
similarity greater than 95%. Bands 3, 9, 12, 13, and 14 appeared at the
1989; Vinas et al., 2005a) were most commonly used to enrich
same positions in all treatments, which was the most abundant band
PAH degraders. In our study a bacterial consortium was enriched
in the soil, were detected as Sphingobacteria. Several of the domi-
from the soil with the PAH extracts as an energy source, which
nant bands observed in the soil of day 0, such as band 2 (Pedobacter
contained 28779.2 mg l1 of total PAHs. The PAH extracts might
sp.), band 5 (uncultured Sphingobacteriales), band 6 (Bacillus sp.),
contain other organic matters besides PAHs, but their composition
band 7 (uncultured Sphingobacteriales), and band 8 (Paenibacillus
was more similar to the soil than simple addition of pure PAHs. The
sp.) were not present or present at relatively reduced levels on day
consortium cannot utilize DMF (data not shown), so this method is
56. On the other hand, band 11 (Uncultured Proteobacterium) was
feasible for the enrichment of PAH-degraders.
a new dominant band which appeared at day 56 in treatment B.
Microbial consortia have been used in several studies to reme-
A phylogenetic tree was constructed to show the relationship of
diate PAH-contaminated soils. Ruberto et al. (2006) found that
all the partial 16S rDNA sequences representing the respective
a combination of bioaugmentation with a consortium and bio-
excised DGGE bands (Fig. 5). The neighbor-joining analysis revealed
stimulation with organic nutrients caused a significant removal
that most of 14 the bacterial sequences were affiliated with
(46.6%) of phenanthrene after 56 days of incubation in Antarctic
Sphingobacteria (9 sequences, 64.3%), especially uncultured
soil. Vinas et al. (2005b) found that in a bioremediation of heavily
Sphingobacteriales (7 sequences, 50%). The remaining sequences
creosote-contaminated soil for 200 days, PAHs were significantly
were primarily related to Proteobacteria (3 sequences, 21.4%) and
degraded (83e87%).
Firmicutes (2 sequences, 14.2%).
Compared to previous studies, our study showed that after
bioremediation for 56 days, 20.2% and 35.8% of total PAH removal
4. Discussion was detected in the soil with addition of 10% and 20% consortium.
Observed losses of PAHs were probably the result of both primary
As far as microbial biodegradation is concerned, the most utilization and co-metabolism (Mueller et al., 1989). This indicates
important problem is the method for enrichment or isolation of the that the consortium can survive in non-native soil and compete
J. Mao et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012) 141e147 145
Table 2
Sequence analysis of the major DGGE bands appearing in Fig. 3.
Band Accession no. Closest organisms in GenBank database (Accession no.) Phylum or class Similarity (%)
1 EU401890 Pedobacter sp. MSCB-14 (EF103211) Sphingobacteria 100
2 EU401885 Pedobacter sp. hp16 (JN637320) Sphingobacteria 100
3 EU401886 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone CCF88 (JN541184) Sphingobacteria 100
4 EU401880 Uncultured proteobacterium clone GASP-WC2W2-B05 (EF075246) Proteobacteria 96
5 EU401881 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone 366 (FJ645651) Sphingobacteria 100
6 EU401882 Bacillus sp. JC46 (FN430771) Firmicutes 96
7 EU401884 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone CG77 (JN541173) Proteobacteria 99
8 EU401883 Paenibacillus sp. MP7 (AJ582394) Firmicutes 93
9 EU401879 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone DMS07 (FJ536877) Sphingobacteria 99
10 EU401887 Uncultured proteobacterium clone GASP-KC1W1_F10 (EU299390) Proteobacteria 98
11 EU401888 Uncultured Proteobacterium clone GASP-MA1W2_A08 (EF662734) Proteobacteria 100
12 EU401891 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone DMS05 (FJ536875) Sphingobacteria 99
13 EU401889 Uncultured Sphingobacteria bacterium clone BF-48 (HM238164) Sphingobacteria 100
14 EU401892 Uncultured Sphingobacteriales bacterium clone DMS11 (FJ536881) Sphingobacteria 100
with indigenous microbial populations. It was also shown that the conditions. In the bioremediation of an aged PAH-contaminated
bioremediation efficiency was in proportion to the biomass of the soil by a microbial consortium, Li et al. (2009) observed that the
consortium added to the soil. There was 7.1% of total PAH loss biodegradation of 5e6 rings PAHs was significantly higher than
observed in the control soil, which may have been because the soil that of 2e4 rings PAHs. In our study the degradation of 3-ring PAHs
was non-sterile, and the addition of mineral salts medium stimu- was less than that of 4- or 5-ring PAHs, perhaps due to the bacterial
lated the biodegradation capability of indigenous microorganisms consortium being enriched from a soil containing more than 90% of
in the soil (Li et al., 2008). HMW-PAHs, and it had a greater capability to degrade HMW-PAHs.
It is generally accepted that the biodegradation of low- Bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soil with specific isolates
molecular-weight PAHs occurs much more rapidly and exten- of bacteria or fungi has been monitored in other studies showing
sively than that of HMW-PAHs (Nam et al., 2001). However, high opposite results. Some successful examples have shown signifi-
degradation of the latter would have been obtained in some cantly enhanced degradation of HMW-PAHs (Kotterman et al.,
Fig. 5. Phylogenetic tree based on 16S rDNA-V3 sequences representing the respective DGGE bands in Fig. 3. Bootstrap analysis is based on 500 replicates. Scale indicates 5%
sequence divergence.
146 J. Mao et al. / International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012) 141e147
1998; Boonchan et al., 2000), in a similar fashion to in our experi- Yucheng Wu of Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,
ment. These results were especially important for HMW-PAHs and Chinese Academy of Sciences, for his helpful discussions. We also
could be promising for bioremediation of PAH-contaminated soils. thank Dr. Peter Christie of Queen’s University Belfast, School of
Monitoring the microbial community by DGGE analysis Biology and Biochemistry, Belfast, UK, for language revision of this
provided an effective way of visualizing the microbial changes manuscript.
occurring during the bioremediation process. In the present study
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