05-Mutations and Variations
05-Mutations and Variations
05-Mutations and Variations
o Monosomy X (Turner’s
Syndrome)- The complete
absence of an X chromosome
generally occurs because of an
error in the father's sperm or
in the mother's egg. This
characteristics. - A chromosome’s structure is altered due to
o Trisomy 13 (Patau either deletion, duplication, or translocation
Syndrome) - Individuals with
trisomy 13 often have heart o Cri-du-chat- Cri-du- chat is
caused by a deletion of
chromosome 5p, which is written
"5p-." Babies with Cri-du-chat have
a high-pitched cry, poor muscle
tone, a small head size, and low
birth weight.
o Pallister-Killian Syndrome-
Pallister-Killian syndrome is a result
defects, brain or spinal cord
of extra #12 chromosome
abnormalities, very small or
material. Babies with this
poorly developed eyes
syndrome have many problems.
(microphthalmia), extra
These include severe intellectual
fingers or toes, an opening in
disability, poor muscle tone,
the lip (cleft lip).
"coarse" facial features, and a
o Trisomy 16 - most common
autosomal trisomy in humans
which is almost uniformly
embryonic lethal.
prominent forehead.
These are the mutations that result from changes caused
by environmental chemicals or radiation.
• Strand Slippage- This may occur when
Mutagen- Any environmental agent that significantly
one nucleotide strand forms a small loop. If
increases the rate of mutation above the spontaneous
the looped out nucleotides are on the newly
synthesized strand, an insertion results.
Charlotte Auerbach- The first to discover a chemical