Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns NOTES

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Direct Object Pronouns in Spanish

A direct object pronoun (un pronombre de objeto directo)

replaces a direct object, which is a noun that directly receives the
action of a verb in a sentence.

Just like subject pronouns replace the subject noun in a sentence,

direct object pronouns replace the direct object noun in a sentence,
which can be a person, thing, noun phrase, or nominalized clause.
Direct Object Pronouns

The table below shows the different forms direct objects can take in

Subject Singular Plural

me nos
First person
(me) (us)

Second person
(informal you)

lo, la los, las

Third person
(it, him, her, formal you) (them, formal you)

Direct Object Pronouns at Work

Let's take a look at how direct object pronouns can do the work of
direct objects in Spanish sentences.

Direct Object Pronouns and People

A direct object pronoun can take the place of a direct object referring
to a person. In the first sentence below, the direct object is mi
mamá. It can be replaced by the direct object pronoun la, as shown
in the second example.

Llamaron a mi mamá.
They called my mother.

La llamaron.
They called her.
Direct Object Pronouns and Things

In the first sentence below, la pelota receives the action of tiró, and
thus is the direct object of the sentence. It is singular, feminine, and a
thing, so it is in the third person. Therefore, you can replace it with
the direct object pronoun la, as shown in the second example.

Sandra tiró la pelota.

Sandra threw the ball.

Sandra la tiró.
Sandra threw it.

Direct Objects and Phrases

In the first sentence in the pair of examples below, muchos

libros receives the action of leen. It is plural, masculine, and a plural
noun phrase, so it can be replaced with the direct object pronoun los,
as shown in the second example.

Los niños leen muchos libros.

The boys read lots of books.

Los niños los leen.

The boys read them.
Direct Object Pronoun Placement
Direct object pronouns don't always go in the same place in a
sentence. Their placement depends on things like the mood of the
sentence (such as indicative or imperative) and whether the sentence
is affirmative or negative.

Indicative Sentences

The indicative is one of three moods in Spanish. It's typically used for
making factual statements or describing obvious qualities of a person
or situation.

Simple Verbs and Perfect Verbs

In indicative sentences with one simple verb, the direct object

pronoun comes before the verb.

Yo la veo.
I see her.

Carmen no lo lee.
Carmen doesn't read it.

Manuel la tiene.
Manuel has it.

María no los tiene.

Maria doesn't have them.

Mi hermano las compra.

My brother buys them.
Direct object pronouns also come before the conjugated verb in
sentences that use perfect tenses.

No la he visto.
I haven't seen her.

Los he comprado.
I've bought them.

Infinitives and Present Participles

In indicative sentences that use infinitives or present participles, you

can either attach the direct object pronoun to the end of the verb or
put it before the first conjugated verb. Check out these examples.

I CLEAN THE ROOM. Yo limpio el dormitorio. Lo


I want to clean the room. Yo quiero limpiar el dormitorio.

Lo quiero limpiar.

Quiero limpiarlo.

Yo la estoy limpiando.
I'm cleaning it.

Yo estoy limpiándola.
I'm cleaning it.
Lo voy a comprar.
I'm going to buy it.

Voy a comprarlo.
I'm going to buy it.

Note the accent on limpiándola. This is used to preserve the stress

on the correct syllable.

Imperative Sentences

The imperative mood is used for giving commands in Spanish. With

sentences in the imperative, the placement of direct object pronouns
depends on whether the command is affirmative or negative.

 Direct object pronouns are always attached to the end of

affirmative commands.
 Direct object pronouns always go between the negative word
(no, nunca, etc.) and the verb in negative commands.

Check out these examples.

Affirmative Commands

Read it.

Take it out.

Negative Commands
No lo leas.
Don't read it.

Nunca la saques.
Never take it out.

Note the addition of the accent to the affirmative command


I have the book. - Tengo el libro. - Lo tengo.

I wrote a letter. - Escribí una carta. - La escribí

I want to write a letter. – Quiero escribir una carta. La

quiero escribir/
Quiero escribirla

I need the pants. - Necesito los pantalones. Los necesito.

She buys the skirts. Compra las faldas. Las Compra.

Buy the skirt! Compra la falda. Cómprala.


The indirect object (IO) tells us where the direct object (DO) is going.

He gives the book to María.

Where is the book going?
To María.

He gives María the book.

Where is the book going?
To María.

The indirect object answers the question “To whom?” or “For whom?”
the action of the verb is performed.

He gives María the book.

To whom does he give the book?
To María.
He buys me flowers.
For whom does he buy the flowers?
For me.
Sentences that have an indirect object usually also have a direct
object. Remember, the IO tells us where the DO is going. Notice how
the sentences below just wouldn’t work without a direct object.

He gives María . . .
the book, the pen, the diamond, etc.
He buys me . . .
flowers, candy, an ironing board, etc.

Sometimes the direct object is not stated; rather it is implied, or


My mother writes me every week.

DO=letter (understood)
(My mother writes me a letter every week.)

She told him.

DO=it (understood)
(She told it to him.)
To identify the indirect object use our two guidelines:

1. The IO tells us where the DO is going.

2. The IO answers the question “to whom?” or “for whom” the
action of the verb is performed.

When a pronoun takes the place of the name of the indirect object,
use the following pronouns:
me (me)
te (you-familiar)
le (him, her, you-formal)

nos (us)
les (them, you-all-formal)

In an affirmative statement with one verb, the indirect object pronoun

comes immediately before the conjugated verb.

Juan me compra un regalo.

John buys me a gift.
John buys a gift for me.
Juan te compra un regalo.
John buys you a gift.
John buys a gift for you.
Juan le compra un regalo.
John buys her a gift.
John buys a gift for her.

Juan nos compra un regalo.

John buys us a gift.
John buys a gift for us.

Juan les compra un regalo.

John buys them a gift.
John buys a gift for them.
Now, focus in on one part of each of the previous examples:

Juan me compra un regalo.

John buys (for) me a gift.
Juan te compra un regalo.
John buys (for) you a gift.
Juan le compra un regalo.
John buys (for) her a gift.

Juan nos compra un regalo.

John buys (for) us a gift.
Juan les compra un regalo.
John buys (for) them a gift.

The IO pronouns le and les present a special problem because they

are ambiguous. That is, they can stand for different things.

to (for) him
to (for) her
to (for) you-formal

to (for) them
to (for) you-all-formal
The following sentences, while grammatically correct, are ambiguous:

Ella le escribe una carta.

Ella les escribe una carta.

Since le and les can mean more than one thing, a prepositional
phrase is often added to remove the ambiguity.

Ella le escribe a Juan una carta.

Ella le escribe a su hermana una carta.
Ella le escribe a usted una carta.
Ella les escribe a sus padres una carta.
Ella les escribe a ustedes una carta.

Sometimes a prepositional phrase is added not for clarity, but rather

for emphasis.

Juan me da a mí el dinero.
John gives me the money.
(emphasizing that the money is given to me and not to someone else)
Juan te da a ti el dinero.
John gives you the money. (emphasis on you)
There is no ambiguity in the following sentence. It can only mean one

Juan me da el dinero.
John gives me the money.
The addition of a prepositional phrase merely adds emphasis.

Juan me da a mí el dinero.
John gives me the money.
Let’s sum up the important points of this lesson:

 The IO tells us where the DO is going.

 The IO answers the question “to whom” or “for whom.”
 Sentences that have an IO usually also have a DO
 Sometimes the DO is not stated, but rather is implied, or
 The IO pronouns are: me, te, le, nos, os, les.
 Place the pronoun before the conjugated verb.
 Think in phrases, do not translate word-for-word.
 Le and les are ambiguous.
 Prepositional phrases are often used for clarity and for

Here are the direct object pronouns and the indirect object pronouns
side by side:

DO IO English Equivalent
Pronouns Pronouns

me me me

te te you (familiar)

lo, la le him, her, it, you


nos nos us

los, las les them, you-all (formal)

When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object
pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes

Ellos me los dan.

They give them to me.
IO pronoun: me
DO pronoun: los

Ella te la vende.
She sells it to you.
IO pronoun: te
DO pronoun: la

Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter “l” change the first
pronoun to “se.”

le lo = se lo
le la = se la
le los = se los
le las = se las
les lo = se lo
les la = se la
les los = se los
les las = se las

The reason for changing “le lo” to “se lo” is merely to avoid the
tongue-twisting effect of two short consecutive words that begin with
the letter “l”. To demonstrate this, first quickly say “les las” and then
quickly say “se las.” See how much easier it is to say “se las?”

In negative sentences, the negative word comes directly before the

first pronoun.
No se lo tengo.
I don’t have it for you.

Nunca se los compro.

I never buy them for her.
Because the pronoun se can have so many meanings, it is often
helpful to clarify it by using a prepositional phrase.

Él se lo dice.
Ambiguous. He tells it to (whom?).

Él se lo dice a Juan.
He tells it to him. (to Juan)

Él se lo dice a María.
He tells it to her. (to María)

Él se lo dice a ella.
He tells it to her.
In sentences with two verbs, there are two options regarding the
placement of the pronouns. Place them immediately before the
conjugated verb or attach them directly to the infinitive.

She should explain it to me.

Ella me lo debe explicar.
Ella debe explicármelo.
I want to tell it to you.
Te lo quiero decir.
Quiero decírtelo.

You need to send it to them.

Se la necesitas enviar a ellos.
Necesitas enviársela a ellos.
Note that when attaching the pronouns to the infinitive, a written
accent is also added to the final syllable of the infinitive. This
preserves the sound of the infinitive.

When the pronouns are attached to the infinitive, make the sentence
negative by placing the negative word directly before the conjugated

Ella debe explicármelo.

Ella no debe explicármelo.

Quiero decírtelo.
No quiero decírtelo.
Necesitas enviársela a ellos.
No necesitas enviársela a ellos.

When the pronouns come before the conjugated verb, make the
sentence negative by placing the negative word directly before the

Ella me lo debe explicar.

Ella no me lo debe explicar.

Te lo quiero decir.
No te lo quiero decir.

Se la necesitas enviar a ellos.

No se la necesitas enviar a ellos.
Mi hermana dio un regalo a su amiga.
Indirect – su amiga - le
Direct – el regalo – lo
Mi hermana se lo regalo.

My mother wants to buy me a book.

Mi mama me quiere comprar un libro.
I – yo - me
D – el libro – lo
Mi mama me lo quiere comprar.
Mi mama quiere comprármelo.

The boy gives the pen to his sister.

El niño le da la pluma a su hermana.
I – su hermana - le
D – la pluma - la
El niño se la da.

¿Quién te mando este correo?

Mi amiga, Flora me lo mandó.

Miguel y Rebeca recibieron tu mensaje ayer por la tarde.

¿Cuándo se lo enviaste?

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