Geriatric Case Kit
Geriatric Case Kit
Geriatric Case Kit
Butuan City
Use “N” to indicate “normal” condition and “A” to indicate “altered” condition. Write your assessment
findings at right indicating the location of the problem.
How has the patient been managing the above problem at home?
Report of dyspnea, cough or orthopnea etc. Breath sounds, sputum, etc. Respiratory Rate
Depth and Quality
Therapeutic diet
Height ________ Weight _______ Dentures _______
Bowel habits, voiding pattern, hemorrhoids, Diaphoresis, bowel sounds, appearance of urine,
description of menstrual pattern if applicable feces, vomitus, etc.
Reports of pruritus, eczema, psoriasis, etc. Inspection for rashes, open areas and abnormal nail
conditions, etc.
Report of pain, quality, location, precipitating Facial grimacing, guarding of affected areas, etc.
factors, duration and how pain is relieved (Note: There may be no observable signs with
chronic pain)
1. Name: ____________________________________ Age: ____ Status: ______ Sex: ____ Nationality: ______
Address: ___________________________________________________ Occupation: __________________
Educational Level: _____________________________ Religion: _____________________________
2. Diagnosis: _______________________________________________________________________________
Date Admitted: ________________________ Blood Type: ___________
3. Operation/ Delivery: _______________________________________________________________________
4. Allergies (specify in red ink) : ________________________________________________________________
5. Mental State: 8. Activities: 12. Bladder/ Bowel 14. Diet/ Nutrition:
_____ conscious _____ ambulant ______ intake/ output_____ NPO
_____ drowsy _____ dangle & sit up ______ incontinence _____ clear liquids
_____ stuporous _____ bedrest with toilet ______ catheter/ Foley _____ general liquids
_____ unconscious privileges ______ straight/ suprapubic _____ soft full
_____ comatose _____ complete bedrest drainage _____ computed
_____ others _____ others ______ colostomy _____ ability to eat
6. Motor status: 9. Hygiene & Comfort 13. Tubes 15. Osteorized/ Formula
_____ normal _____ oral care ______ thora tubes __________________
_____ slurred speech ______ NGT __________________
_____ hemiplegia 10. Bath ______ tracheostomy
_____ paraplegia _____ nurse / SO ______ jejunostomy 16. Food idiosyncrasies
_____ paresis _____ partial ______ colostomy __________________
_____ complete ______ stump/ penrose drain _________________
7. Mood or affect ______ others
_____ calm 11. Perineal care 17. Drip feeding
_____ anxious _____________________ ______________________________________