Family Case Presentation
Family Case Presentation
Family Case Presentation
San Francisco St. Butuan City 8600, Region XIII Caraga, Philippines
Nursing Program
February 11, 2023
Family visits are a tool for data collection. It is used to skillfully provide
health action or interventions to promote healthy living for the basic unit of
society. It inspects environmental conditions, family and neighbor relationships,
basic needs and individual family member's health. Striving to maintain the
wellness of a family leads the community away from risks and dangers to health.
This is a goal that the CH nurses must take to keep the community in check for
communicable diseases and achieve high-level wellness.
The family is composed of different generation of the family that lives in one
home. The structure is considered an Extended Family. Extended Family is a
family that includes in one household near relatives (such as grandparents,
aunts, or uncles).
4. Dominant Family Members in Terms of Decision Making Pertaining in Health
Grand mother makes the decision since it's her house. The granddaughter and
family only lives with her temporarily due to their original house was destroyed
by typhoon.
The family has a good and healthy relationship with cooperation and unity.
Great great - - -
grand son
B. Adequacy to Meet Basic Needs
Note: If you have a lot of items to list down, you may use a separate
Mrs. B decides what to buy and how much money she will give to her grand
daughter to do grocery shopping or to buy foods.
2. Educational Attainment of Each Member
All members of the family belongs to the same religion which is Roman Catholic.
They go to the same church as well every sunday.
1. Housing
a. Adequacy of Living Space
b. Sleeping Arrangement
c. Adequacy of Furniture
There are limited furnitures in their house but not enough for them to have their
own chairs and table. The furnitures available are only 3 monoblock chairs and
The family stated that there are mosquitos in the area especially at night. There
are also rodents near their area. Ants are also a common problem.
The family has no cabinets. They only use tupper wares to store food. They used
to cover the plates with food if there were leftovers since there are no
refrigerators available in their home.
f. Water Supply
Water pump from well. The water they used to take a bath, drinking water and
water for washing their clothes are the same source. The water is considered safe
as it was tested and resulted in safe drinking water.
g. Toilet Facility
The family has no toilet available at home. They can only used the toilet by going
to the toilet of their neighbor.
Family B has no enough garbage trash can and proper compospit. They only
used 2 rice sacks for garbage disposal, meaning they have no proper garbage
i. Drainage System
There is no drainage system near the area. They washed the dishes and poured
the wastewater directly into the soil. It has an open drainage system
2. Kind of Neighborhood
The neighborhood are peaceful and friendly. They are surrounded by their
relatives. They get a long because they are family related.
They used mobile phones for communication and used bus or motorcycle for
1. Medical and Nursing History of Past Significant Illness and Whom to Approach
in Times of Illness?
High blood pressure. “ Malipong ko pag mutindog ug mulakaw ko pero naa koy
tambal para highblood” as verbalized by client.
2. Nutritional Assessment
a. Anthropometric Data
b. Dietary History
Mrs. B and Her great grand daughter frequently prepares vegetables and
sometimes fish and processed foods.
The family eats solid foods 3x a day. And eat sweets once or twice aday
The family used mosquito net every night.Protection for the children and adults
from directly getting bit by harmful insects that lead to diseases which
sometimes are deadly,
1 3 5 Ms. B is physically
1. Physical Independence independent as she can do
her own chores though is
slow because of her age.
Total 1.67
Subjective: Related to Short Term: After the 1. Assess the Material Short Term:
disintegrated After 1 hour nursing needs of the resources: After 1 hour of
"4 years na manual of nursing intervention, client regarding Woods, nursing
naguba ang cooking intervention, the family food storage plywoods, intervention,
abuhan, the family will be able nails, the family was
niya way will be able to: 2. Discuss with hammer, able to:
maka-ayo (abohan) to: client on plans of saw.
kay wala 1. Prevent making "abohan" Attained the
ang anak Attain the further back or cooking facility Human manual
kay manual pain on the resources: cooking facility
nagtrabaho, cooking client 3. Refer to the Labor of that was
gihulatan facility that family members students. restored and
nako akong will be 2. Achieve on the decision Time and functioned
apo pero di restored and comfortability making in the effort of accordingly.
ko sure function when arrangement of both
basig April according to cooking the cooking students Long Term:
pa muabot" its purpose facility and family.
3. Construct After 2 weeks
Objective: Long Term: a new and 4. Measure the of nursing
functional space in the intervention,
Collapsed After 2 cooking families kitchen the family was
manual weeks of facility able to:
cooking nursing 5. Gather
facility intervention, materials and Cook
the family equipment such comfortably
will be able as: Woods, and minimized
to: plywoods, nails, the clients
hammer, saw. back pain as
Cook verbalized by
comfortably 6. Collaborate the client
and with groupmates
minimize the and implement in "Dili na
clients back building of magsakit
pain "abohan" akong likod
kay di nako
7. Test the mag umpo og
abohan if its safe magdungo-du
and correctly ngo og
made magpaypay sa
8. Show to the
family members
the result of the
Objective: Inability to Short Term: After the 1. Establish Material Short term:
recognize After 1 hour nursing rapport with the Charts/pictu
> Open problem due of nursing intervention, family. re After 1 hour of
drainage to: intervention, the family Illustrations nursing
> Presence the family will be able 2. State the intervention,
of flies on 1. Lack will be able to: purpose of the Human the family will
the drainage to decide action. Resources: be able to
system. and A. Be Time and determine and
>Presence inade demonstrate orient 3. Assess the effort of the show
of stagnant quate appropriate ed family’s student acceptable
water at knowl measures to with willingness to nurse and ways to
thInadequat edge. eliminate, if the participate in the family. eradicate and
e food 2. Attitud not reduce probl solving the enhance
intake both e or problems to em problem. environmental
in quality improve and cleanliness.
and environment identif 4. Assess the
quantitye ophy al sanitation. y at family’s level of Long term:
end of the in least awareness in
drainage which 3 comprehending After 2 weeks
tube. life Long Term: impor the condition. of nursing
hinder After 2 tance intervention,
weeks of of 5. Discuss with the family will
nursing havin the family their be able to
recog intervention, ga present condition maintain
nition the family drain and allow them to monitoring
or will be able age verbalize their and
accep to maintain syste perception about cleanliness of
tance drainage m. the problem. the drainage
of a system B. Enum system.
surveillance erate 6. Discuss with
and at the family the
m. cleanliness. least importance of
3. Low 3 proper drainage
salien disad system such as:
ce of vanta a. Prevention Partially the
the ges of possible goal was met.
of breeding
havin sites of
g an vectors.
proble impro b. Prevention
m. per s of
drain acquisition
age of vector
syste related
m. illness.
C. Cite c. Providing a
at sanitary
least home
3 environmen
vecto t.
ed 7. Encourage
illnes them to maintain a
s that suitable
the environment for
family the family.
acqui 8. Discuss with
re if the family
impro disadvantages of
per having an
drain improper drainage
age system such as:
syste a. Foul odor
m will b. Presence
not of vectors
be c. Increase
corre presence of
cted. left-overs
D. Identi d. Increase
fy at risk of
least vector
3 related
altern illness.
cours 9. Discuss with
es of the family
action examples of
to vector related
corre illness that the
ct the family may
impro acquire if
per improper drainage
drain system will not be
age correct such as:
syste a. Diarrhea
Subjective: Inadequat Short At the end of 1. Assess the Family After 1 hour of
e food Term: nursing family members Resources: nursing
"Usahay wa koy intake After 1 interventions of their weight interventions,
sud an luto ra ra both in hour of the client will and height to Initiative the client was
lun2x ako nursing be able to: determine the Time and able to
kaonon." interventio BMI Full Understand
and n, the 1. Identify Participatio the
Objectives: quantity family will cheaper yet 2. Give health n of family importance of
- Inadequat be able nutritious and teaching about members, making the
e calorie to: nutritious the importance especially healthy food
intake by foods; of proper the client in choice in
ingesting Verbalize nutrition doing the consuming
only on how to 2.Demonstrate coping; daily meals
carbohydr maintain a the proper 3. Explain the and achieved
ates like healthy meal plan disadvantages Student healthy
rice. She and preparing the of malnutrition Nurse outcomes.
lacks conducive nutritious to give Resources:
protein environm foods; and awareness to Knowledge,
and ent. the family and Skills, and
minimal fat 3. Verbalize for the Proper
consumpti the occurrence of Attitude in Partially the
on. disadvantages the disease. discussing goal was met.
- Skinny im of malnutrition the nature
appearanc as a result. 4. Encourage of the
e them to identify problem.
- Pale skin cheaper yet
nutritious and
healthy foods to
maintain a
diet of everyday
5. Give health
about the
importance of
Problem Identified: Improper Garbage/Refuse Disposal Date: 02/10/23
Subjective: Inability to Short Term: After the Short term: Material Short term:
provide a home After 1 hour of intervention Resources:
“Ang basura home nursing the family 1. Establish After 1 hour
kay dili na environment intervention, the client will: rapport Visual aids of nursing
namo which is family will be to be use in intervention
masegregat conductive to able to know a. Ident 2. Discuss with discussing the family
e kay wala health the importance ify the different the proper client
pami tarong maintenance of proper waste the methods of ways of recognize
laboganan and personal disposal and differ garbage garbage the
ug walay development proper ent disposal disposal and importance
pud mo due to; sanitation to ways a. Recycli sack for proper
kolekta og have healthy on ng proper waste
basura diri.” a. Failure environment prop b. Segreg garbage disposal
to see er ating disposal and the
the Long Term: disp 3. Discuss the wastes was
benefits osal the effects of Human
of proper After 2 weeks of of proper and Resources: Long term:
garbage nursing garb improper
disposal intervention, the age garbage Time and Verbalize
b. Inadequ family will be b. Kno disposal effort of the on
ate able to: w 4. Encourage student maintaining
knowled a. Verbalize the the family not nurses and the
ge of the the posit to burn their the active cleanliness
importan importan ive garbage participation of the
ce of ce of effec especially of the family environmen
proper maintaini t of plastics client t and
waste ng the prop proper
disposal cleanline er Long term: segregation
ss in the garb 1. Provide of the
environm age sack to garbage
ent disp store
osal the
2. Emphas Partially the
ize to goal was
maintai met.
ess by
ng the
the sack
to the
3. Teach
client to
te the
Problem Identified: Cigarette/ Tobacco Smoking Date: 02/10/23
6. Discuss with
the client about
the reasons and
possible problems
for not following
the prescribed
plan of care.
7. Provide
guidance to
maintain and
manage effective
health practices
during periods of
8. Identify ways
client can adapt to
9. Advice to seek
practitioner to
know present