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International Surgery Journal

Pimpale R et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Jun;6(6):2133-2138

http://www.ijsurgery.com pISSN 2349-3305 | eISSN 2349-2902

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20192380
Original Research Article

Cholelithiasis: causative factors, clinical manifestations and

Renu Pimpale, Pradeep Katakwar, Murtaza Akhtar*

Department of Surgery, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre and Lata Mangeshkar Hospital,
Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

Received: 09 March 2019

Revised: 13 May 2019
Accepted: 15 May 2019

Dr. Murtaza Akhtar,
E-mail: murtazaakhtar27@gmail.com

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Cholelithiasis is a common gastrointestinal disorder with an overall prevalence of 2-29%. This study
aims to evaluate the evolution of demographic and etiological factors, the clinical manifestations of Cholelithiasis, the
surgical management with its post-operative complications and the histopathological findings of the post-
cholecystectomy specimen of gallbladder, in central India.
Methods: Patients symptomatic or asymptomatic diagnosed ultrasonically as cholelithiasis were included in the study
and patients with primary choledocholithiasis were excluded.
Results: A total of 92 patients were enrolled, of which 62 (68.89%) were female, with mean age of 45.03yrs ± 13.59.
Fifty four patients (58.69%) were having BMI >25. Pain was most common complaint seen in all patients. Jaundice
was observed in 13 patients (14.13%) who had associated CBD calculus. Sickling was positive in 8.69% of patients.
Lap cholecystectomy was done in 71 (77.17%) patients with a conversion rate of 6.57%. Nineteen (20.65%) were
open cholecystectomy with or without CBD exploration and 2 underwent Lap cholecystostomy. Post operatively,
surgical site infection was seen in 3 patients (4.22%) of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, 5 patients (26.31%) of open
cholecystectomy and biliary leak was seen in 3 patients (15.78%) of open cholecystectomy. Histopathology of
gallbladder was chronic cholecystitis in 70 patients (77.77%), malignancy was detected in 5 patients (5.55%) and
Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis in 2 patients (2.22%).
Conclusions: Cholelithiasis is commonly seen in females in 4th and 5th decade mainly presenting with abdominal
pain and dyspepsia. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy offers best surgical management with lesser complications.

Keywords: Cholecystectomy, Cholelithiasis, Gallstones, Laparoscopy

INTRODUCTION states as compared to southern states.3,4 Changing

scenario in India is mainly attributed to availability of
Cholelithiasis is one of the most frequently encountered investigation such as ultrasound in urban as well as rural
disease and one of the major causes of abdominal areas and also because of increasing affordability.
morbidity throughout world.1 Incidence of gall stone
disease is on a rise globally due to the vast changes in the The present study aims to evaluate the demographic and
dietary habits, life style changes associated with high etiological factors, the clinical manifestations of
junk diet consumption and increased sedentary life style.2 Cholelithiasis and its surgical management with its post-
Its prevalence in India is estimated to be around 2 to operative complications. Also, it will study the
29%, where it is most commonly prevalent in northern

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histopathological findings of the post-cholecystectomy RESULTS

specimen of gallbladder.
A total of 92 patients of gallstones were enrolled with the
METHODS mean age of 45.03±13.59 years in a range from 19 to 80
years with peak incidence in 4th and 5th decade,
The present study was done at NKPSIMS & RC, Lata accounting for more than half of all cases (51.08%). If we
Mangeshkar hospital, Hingna, Nagpur, a tertiary care divide the age groups into 3 groups as ≤30, >30-50 and
hospital. It was an observational study carried out in an >50 years, the number of patients in the age group >30-
academic hospital over a period of 2 years from October 50 are significantly more than the other two groups (p
2016 to October 2018. value- 0.0106). The decade of peak incidence of
cholelithiasis is same for both the genders. Female
All patients above 18 years of age presenting with upper preponderance was seen with 62 patients (68.89%) being
abdominal pain, dyspepsia with or without jaundice females and 30 patients (31.11%) males and Male:
diagnosed ultrasonically as cholelithiasis and Female ratio is of 1:2.06 which is statistically a
choledocholithiasis with cholelithiasis were included in significant difference (p value- 0.0165).
the study and patients managed conservatively, patients
with primary choledocholithiasis and with asymptomatic On studying the etiological factors, 54 patients (58.69%)
gallstones were excluded from the study. had BMI of >25 out of which 52 patients (56.52%) were
overweight (25-29.99) and 2 patients were obese
Using a proforma following study factors were studied (2.17%), while rest of the 38 patients (41.30%) had a
and data recorded was entered into an excel sheet and normal BMI (19-24.99). This is not statistically
analyzed using standard statistical methods. Descriptive significant (p value- 0.2370). Fifty two patients (56.52%)
statistics like mean and standard deviation were consumed a mixed diet, which included both vegetarian
calculated to summarize continuous variable. Percentages and non-vegetarian food, while the remaining forty
were used to summarize categorical variables. Inferential patients (43.48%) consumed purely vegetarian diet. This
statistics included tests of significance. Fischer‘s exact was not statistically significant (p value- 0.3753).
test was used for small sample size. P value <0.05 was
considered statistically significant. Associated symptoms with cholelithiasis were pain in
abdomen, which was observed in all the patients (100%).
Demographic and etiological factors like age, gender, Of these, 68 patients (73.91%) presented with chronic
body mass index (Based on WHO classification) and upper abdominal pain and 24 patients (26.09%) presented
dietary factors (vegetarian diet and mixed diet) were with acute upper abdominal pain. Other presentations
included. Clinical factors based on history of pain, were of dyspepsia, observed in 61 patients, followed by
dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, fever and jaundice were presentation of GI symtoms like nausea in 51 patients and
studied. Baseline investigations of patients were done vomiting in 40 patients. Fever was seen in 19 patients
[haemogram, random blood sugar, liver function test, (20.65%), of which 4 patients had acute cholecystitis and
coagulation profile and sickling profile 2 patients had empyema gall bladder. Jaundice was
(immediate/delayed)]. Imaging studies like noticed in 16 patients (17.40%) of which 6 patients
ultrasonography and MRCP (Magnetic resonance (6.52%) had pruritus and 13 patients had CBD calculus
cholangiopancreatography) (Cholelithiasis with dilated on ultrasonography (Table 1).
CBD >7 mm; Raised alkaline phosphatase) were done.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography Table 1: Clinical presentation in patients of
(ERCP) as per indications were done (suspected cases of cholelithiasis.
CBD calculus, suspected cases of periampullary
malignancy, for therapeutic stenting or stone removal in Clinical presentation N Percentage (%)
obstructive jaundice prior to surgical intervention, Abdominal pain 92 100
removal of retained stones after laparoscopic/open Dyspepsia 61 66.30
cholecystectomy). Nausea 51 54.34
Vomiting 40 43.47
All patients underwent surgery depending on surgeon’s Fever 19 20.65
decision and available resources. Open cholecystectomy, Jaundice 16 17.40
laparoscopic cholecystectomy, CBD exploration and
Pruritus 6 6.52
cholecystostomy were the operations that were
performed. All cholecystectomy specimens were sent for
histopathological examination and their results were On investigating these patients for haematological
studied. Post operative complications like the surgical site disorder sickling was found to be positive in 8 patients
infections and bile leak (as per Strasberg classification) (8.69%), out of the 92 patients. Out of these, 2 patients
were compared in the open and laparoscopic were in the age group of 20-30 years and 6 patients were
cholecystectomy group. in age group of 30-40 years. Out of the total 8 sicklers, 6

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Pimpale R et al. Int Surg J. 2019 Jun;6(6):2133-2138

were female and 2 were male (Male: female ratio 1:3) cholecystectomy and in one patient no stone was found
showing female preponderance. on exploration. Of the 2 patients who underwent
cholecystostomy, 1 died due to sepsis and another
Abdominal ultrasound was the investigation of choice for underwent an open cholecystectomy (Table 2).
diagnosing cholelithiasis and out of the 92 patients,
solitary stone was seen in 7 patients (7.60%) and multiple Table 2: Operative management in patients of
calculi in 85 patients (92.40%). Ultrasound detected cholelithiasis.
thickened gall bladder wall in 22 patients (23.91%), out
of which 5 patients had carcinoma gall bladder, 2 had Surgery N Percentage (%)
xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis, 1 had cholesterolosis, Laparoscopic
71 77.17
9 had acute cholecystitis and 4 patients turned out to be cholecystectomy
chronic cholecystitis on histopathological examination. Open
19 20.65
Out of the 24 patients presenting with acute abdominal Laparoscopic
pain, 2 had solitary stones, 22 had multiple gallstones 6 2 2.17
had CBD calculus with gallstones and 11 had thickened
gall bladder wall on ultrasonography. Whereas, out of the On comparing the post operative complications in
68 patients presenting with chronic abdominal pain, 5 had laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy, 8 (8.69%) out of
solitary stones, 63 had multiple gallstones, 7 had CBD 92 patients had surgical site infection (Grade A, CDC
calculus with gallbladder calculus and 11 had thickened guidelines), of which 3 patients (4.22%) were in
gall bladder wall on ultrasound examination. laparoscopic cholecystectomy group and 5 (26.31%) in
open cholecystectomy group. Bile leak was seen in 3
All the 92 patients (100%) underwent surgery. Seventy patients of open cholecystectomy group which were
one patients (77.17%) underwent laparoscopic minor leaks that healed spontaneously while none were
cholecystectomy, 19 (20.65%) open cholecystectomy and seen in lap cholecystectomy group. This difference of
2 cholecystostomy for empyema gall bladder. CBD post operative complications observed in the laparoscopic
calculus was seen in 13 patients of which 6 had CBD and open approach was found to be statistically
exploration with open cholecystectomy and 6 had ERCP significant (Table 3).
guided stone removal followed by open or lap
Table 3: Comparison of postoperative complications in laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy patients.

Complications N Laparoscopic Open P value (Chi square test)

Post operative fever 16 7/73 (9.85%) 9/19 (47.36%) 0.0004
Surgical site infection 8 3/73 (4.22%) 5/19 (26.31%) 0.0092
Biliary leak 3 0/73 (0) 3/19 (15.78%) 0.0154 (Fischer’s exact test)

Histopathological evaluation was done in 90 patients of the 68 patient presenting with chronic abdominal pain,
(97.82%) of the 92 patients. 2 patients underwent 64 were found to be chronic cholecystitis, 2 were
cholecystostomy. Of the 90 patients 70 patients (77.78%) carcinoma gall bladder, 1 was xanthogranulomatous
patient had chronic cholecystitis, 12 patients (13.33%) cholecystitis and 1 was cholesterolosis on
had acute cholecystitis, 5 patients (5.55%) had carcinoma histopathological examination.
gall bladder, 2 (2.22%) had xanthogranulomatous
cholecystitis and 1(1.11%) had cholesterolosis of DISCUSSION
Cholelithiasis is most commonly prevalent in northern
Of the 5 patients diagnosed of carcinoma gallbladder, 2 states as compared to southern states. It is 7 times higher
patients had carcinoma confined to muscularis mucosa in northern states.4 There are very few studies for
with negative margins and no metastasis, hence no prevalence in central India. This study aims to study the
further surgical management was advised and the rest of causative factors, clinical manifestation and management
the 3 patients had either metastasis or positive margins of gallstones in central India.
which were managed as per standard guidelines.
The mean age in present study was 45.03±13.59 years.
Of the 24 patients, presenting with acute abdominal pain This is consistent with the study of Muthalaisamy.6
12 were found to be acute cholecystitis on (Trichy) with mean age in the study of 43.56±13.18 years
histopathological examination, 6 were chronic and other studies in literature like Shukrya Kamil Khalaf
cholecystitis, 3 were carcinoma gall bladder, 1 was (Iraq) and Adam Gyedu (Ghana).9,10
xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis and 2 patients
underwent Laparoscopic cholecystostomy. Whereas, out Maximum patients were observed in 4th and 5th decade in
present study, which is suggestive of early occurrence of

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gallstone disease in Indian population that is consistent prevalence of 25.2% and the prevalence in a study by
with study done by Bhatti in Lahore Pakistan and Gumi et al was 45%.22,23 This difference could be due to
Muthalaisamy in Trichy but Veerbhadrappa in Madhya the exclusion criteria of the present study being patients
Pradesh found an increased incidence in 5th and 6th less than 18 years of age and the geographical variation.
decade in India.5-7
Ultrasound revealed 7.60% of patients with solitary
The decade of peak incidence in the present study is same stones and 92.40% with multiple stones in the present
for both genders but Selvi et al found the decade for peak study which was similar to the study of Verma et al and
incidence of cholelithiasis in females was 5th decade and other studies in literature.18 The CBD calculus in present
6th decade for males.8 This difference indicates study was 14.13% which was consistent with the
geographical variation with incidence of cholelithiaisis. literature.21
The present study observed the female preponderance
with 68.88%. A study by Cirillo et al suggested a causal All patients (100%) in the study underwent surgery. The
association between estrogen and gallstone disease percentage of patients undergoing laparoscopic
indicating the cause of preponderance.11 This finding is cholecystectomy was 77.17%, open cholecystectomy
consistent with the literature like Alghaythi et al and Sun were 20.65%. The percentage of patients who underwent
et al with male: female ratio of 1:1.5 and 1:1.27 CBD exploration with open cholecystectomy was 6.52%
respectively.12,13 which was similar to that found in literature.6,24 Also the
conversion rate found in the present study (6.57%) was
In the present study, although the number of patients with similar to that found in literature.6,25 (Table 4).
BMI >25 were 58.70% as compared to 41.30% of
patients with normal BMI (<25), this difference was not Table 4: Comparison between conversion rate in
statistically significant. A study by Shukrya Kamil Khalaf patients of cholelithiasis.
in 2016 stated that an increased BMI was independently
associated with a higher risk of gallstones.9 Similar Conversion
Study n Year
rate (%)
findings were seen in the studies by Talseth, in Sweden,
in 2016 and Stender in 2013 in which a causal association Csikesz et al26 859,747 2008 9.5
between elevated BMI and increased risk of symptomatic Muthailasamy et al6 104 2017 9.6
gallstone disease was seen.14,15 But a study by Hui Sun et Kemal Beksacet al27 1335 2016 7.7
al. in 2009 (China) stated that the causal association is Present study 92 2018 6.57
gender specific and obese women are more significantly
associated with gallstone disease compared to obese Post-operative complications in the laparoscopic group
men.13 and open cholecystectomy group were compared in the
present study, it was observed that the complications like
In the present study, 56.52% patients had mixed diet as bile leak, surgical site infection and fever were found
compared to 43.48% patients with vegetarian diet but this more after the open cholecystectomy compared to the
association was not statistically significant. Similar laparoscopic group and this difference was statistically
finding was seen in a study by Shabanzadeh in which it different. These findings were similar to that found in
was stated that there is no significant association of studies by Barase et al and Rachamalla et al.24,28
clinical gallstone events and diet.16 But this association is
variable in literature like a study by Verma and by Most common histopathological finding was chronic
McConnell are of exactly contrast opinion in relation to cholecystitis (77.78%), followed by acute cholecystitis
association with vegetarian and non vegetarian diet.17,18 and carcinoma gall bladder which is quite consistent with
the literature except for carcinoma gall bladder which is
Pain in abdomen is the most common presentation of more than that in literature which may be due to the
cholelithiasis. In the present study all patients (100%) had geographical variation.
pain, as it was an inclusion criterion. This finding is well
documented in the literature.18-21 Dyspepsia was seen in CONCLUSION
66.30% patients in the present study which were similar
to the findings of Lokesh et al.19 In the present study Cholelithiasis is commonly seen in females in 4th and 5th
jaundice was seen in 17.40% and fever was seen in decade mainly presenting with abdominal pain and
20.65% which was more than that seen in the literature dyspepsia. Multiple gallstones are common and
this difference may be due to small sample size.7,21 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy offers best surgical
management with 6.57% of conversion rate to open
In the present study the total patients with sickle cell cholecystectomy, with lesser complications.
disease were 8 (8.69%) of which 2 were <30 years of age
and 6 were in the age group of 30-40 years of age. A ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
study by Martins et al in Germany states that the vast
majority of the patients are diagnosed before 30 years of Authors would like to thanks Dr Kajal Mitra, Dean,
age, with an average age at diagnosis of 16 years and a NKPSIMS, Nagpur, for permitting us to publish this

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Conflict of interest: None declared gallstone diseases. World J Gastroenterol [Internet].
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