YEAR 1 Practicum Observation 2023
YEAR 1 Practicum Observation 2023
YEAR 1 Practicum Observation 2023
Use the components of the school context below to describe the profile of the school.
[20 MARKS]
1. Administration - describe the administrative arrangements at the school, including the leadership, staff, and facilities. .
The establishment is government-owned, and its contemporary principal is Mrs Kathrina Reynolds. The Board of Management of the
school is Mr Lincoln James. The role of the school board is to be in attendance of all board meetings to assist in setting vision and
goals for the district etc. The school has 1 vice principal.
0. The roles for the administrators setting and enforcing school budgets maintaining academic records, assisting students and faculty
and managing staff. Currently there have about 7 ancillary workers. They are responsible for cleaning, cooking and in the school. There
is also a guidance Counsellor and a secretary. The classroom teachers get class monitors so when they leave the classroom they can
i. The school is consisting of 326 students. During my time at John’s Hall Primary School the school starts 8:00 AM and finishes
3:00 PM.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
Complete an organisational chart of the school administration:
Board of Management
VP Guidance Counsellor
Class Monitors
Number of Teachers: 13
2. Physical Environment: Describe the physical space in the school including its geographical location
John’s Hall Primary School has a small physical space and the school ground is taken care of. Anyone can just look and know that this is
John’s Hall Primary School is located in rural John’s Hall Montego Bay, St. James.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
Describe the General Office and Staff Room: The office space is small and can only accommodate a few staff at a time. The staff room is
also a room that can accommodate a few teachers at a time. The staffroom has sofas, microwave and a restroom for the teacher. It is a
quite room and has a nice working environment; the staff room is also always clean.
Does the school have the following facilities? Describe the current state of the facilities.
available in
the school
Lunchroom(s) No lunchroom
Playfields No playfield
Auditorium/Hall No Auditorium
Furniture ✔ Each classroom has enough furniture to accommodate students. The furniture was not old.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
Lighting ✔ Each classroom has good lighting.
Wall Space/Display Area ✔ Decorated with pictures of different learning charts of the different subjects and topics.
3. Psychosocial Environment: Describe the feelings of emotional and physical safety, wellbeing and belonging in the school.
0. The psychosocial environment of the school depicts various cultural aspects. On Monday mornings, devotional exercises are
held, and the students form both girls’ and boys’ lines. There are two (2) ancillary workers that ensure the school is kept as clean as
possible. In relation to the safety and security aspect of the school, the school population is protected by a female security guard that
Describe the School Climate and Culture (include ethos, health and wellness, safety and security, child welfare and nutrition):
The teacher had a great personality and works well with her students which allows me to feel safe. Not all students were very friendly
and welcoming but some of them were especially the lower school grades 1-3. The teacher displays a good leadership style and good
classroom management. She knew how to manage her classroom and the students display respect for example when anyone enters the
classroom they would stand and say “Good morning visitor, at John’s Hall Primary everyone care. Their motto is “Education is the Key
i. In observing the attitude of the teacher towards the students in the classroom, I saw that the teacher was respectful towards the
students. The teacher motivates and encourages students to be respectful and to raise their hands to answer a question. She also respects
each individual child’s response and builds on it for their better understanding. The leadership style that the teacher possesses is
facilitative leadership. In this, communication is open, and the teacher respects each child’s opinion. The student’s behaviours may vary
depending on their age and gender; therefore, they are encouraged and nurtured by the teachers and other staff members to ensure good
behaviour. With this, there are disciplinary rules and procedures, whether written or unwritten to ensure that the children behave in a
respectable manner among their parents, teachers and classmates. There is also a good relationship between the students and the teacher,
hence, a good relationship with parents. The teachers seem to try their very best to maintain a stable connection with students and their
parents alike.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
Section B LESSON OBSERVATIONS (Observe TWO lessons) [24 MARKS]
For EACH lesson you are required to complete the Classroom Observation Instrument below. Use the categories provided to describe the practice,
procedures and process you observed in the classroom. Write a summary of your observations of each lesson.
The observation instrument consists of descriptions of the following components of classroom practices, procedures and processes:
● Lesson Introduction/Engagement
● Instructional Practice
● Assessment Practice
✔ Classroom Atmosphere
● Teacher/Student Interaction
● Student/Student Interaction
✔ Classroom Management
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
The purpose of the Checklist is for student-teachers to observe and record descriptions of teaching and learning protocols and experiences. Student-
teachers should use their observations from this protocol as the basis for developing their Reflective Journal.
Classroom practices should be demonstrated in the following: the classroom atmosphere, teaching strategies, student-teacher interaction, and
classroom management. The instrument is designed on a three-point rating scale (Not Observed, Observed Sometimes, Observed All the Time) to
The student-teacher will record observations of the teachers’ activities by choosing whether the activity is observed all the time, some of the time, or,
not observed during the lesson. The student-teacher should also write notes in the final column to provide a qualitative description of what is
If the classroom is online the sketch of the floor is not required. However, you can describe and illustrate the platform that is used for teaching and
learning, for example, Google Suite Classroom, Zoom, Blackboard Collaborate etc.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
✔ Primary School
Grade: 2
Duration: 40 mins.
1.Teacher set a ✔
positive and
productive tone at
the start of the class
2.Instructional Desk ✔ Student Desk Student Desk
(online and physical)
were used
3.Teacher Desk
provided ✔ Student Desk Student Desk
an overview of the
objectives of the
4. Students were Desk Student Desk
✔ Student Desk
actively involved in
their own learning
5. Good interaction ✔
betweenStudent Desk
teacher and Student Desk Student Desk
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
6. All students were ✔
encouraged to
participate in the
activities of the
7. Teaching the ✔
planned with the
learning of all
students in mind
8. Learning goals ✔
were clear
9.Teacher allowed ✔
students to talk
about what they
learned during the
10.Activities were ✔
interactive and
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
11.Teacher used ✔
technology in the
lesson (e.g.
YouTube, Podcast
Social Media (IG,
Twitter, TikTok,
Facebook, Khan
Academy, Google
Classroom) etc
13.The teaching ✔
appropriate for the
content of the
16. Teacher ✔
allowed students to
themes linked to
the topic
17. Opportunities ✔
were given to foster
students’ own
assessment of their
work and progress
19. Instruction ✔
varied to
different learning
22. Appropriate ✔
degree of challenge
in the lesson
23.Students ✔
participated in the
lesson (raised
hands, responded to
the teacher’s
questions, asked
25.Differentiated ✔
work matched
students’ needs
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
26. Differentiation ✔
evident in content,
process and/or
27. Assessment ✔
procedures and
activities were
clearly outlined in
lesson plan and are
28. Evidence of ✔
ongoing assessment
29. Teacher ✔
checked on and
assisted students
who appeared to be
confused or had
fallen behind
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
30. Teacher used ✔
31. Students ✔
expressed their own
view of the lesson
32. Teacher ✔ She assist and explain even more when they did not
provided support to understand
students with
special needs
36.Teacher ✔ Yes
atic behaviours
37. Students ✔ Not all the time and the teacher would have to say it twice
instruction the first
38.Teacher used a ✔
variety of
39. Positive ✔
reinforcement of
effort was evident
40. Appropriate ✔
behaviours were
recognized and/or
Write a Summary of your Observations (TYPED: No more than 600 words, single space, and Times New Roman 12-point font).
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
The first lesson that was observed was on January 9th. The lesson’s topic was "Family Tree”. The teacher started off her class by asking
the students what they think a family was. She then moved on and began to explain the types of family she drew pictures of the types of John’s
families on the board so the children would have an idea of the different types of family. Additionally, she asked each student to name
the members of their family and asked what type of family they think it was. Most students answered correctly. Hall
She then moved on to family tree for clearer understanding for the students. She drew several types of family tree for the students to
grasp the context in different ways.
The physical setting of the class is just as displayed in the floor plan above. A student’s desk is at the front of the classroom, along with
the teacher’s table, and the other three students' desks stretch from the front of the class to the back of the classroom. There is a
bookshelf near the teacher’s table, and there is also a set of windows at the teacher’s table. The psychosocial setting in the classroom
shows how the students felt comfortable in the class and how they freely spoke to the teacher. The teacher was also comfortable
interacting with the students, and both the teacher and students made eye contact while addressing each other.
Primary School
✔ Primary School
Grade: 4
Floor Plan
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
1.Teacher set a ✔
positive and
productive tone at
the start of the class
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
2.Instructional aids ✔
(online and physical)
were used
3.Teacher provided ✔
an overview of the
objectives of the
4. Students were ✔
actively involved in
their own learning
5. Good interaction ✔
between teacher and
7. Teaching the ✔
planned with the
learning of all
students in mind
8. Learning goals ✔
were clear
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
9.Teacher allowed ✔
students to talk
about what they
learned during the
10.Activities were ✔
interactive and
11.Teacher used ✔
technology in the
lesson (e.g.
YouTube, Podcast
Social Media (IG,
Twitter, TikTok,
Facebook, Khan
Academy, Google
Classroom) etc
13.The teaching ✔
appropriate for the
content of the
17. Opportunities ✔
were given to foster
students’ own
assessment of their
work and progress
20. Teacher
support to students
who needed
22. Appropriate
degree of challenge
in the lesson
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
participated in the
lesson (raised
hands, responded to
the teacher’s
questions, asked
work matched
students’ needs
26. Differentiation
evident in content,
process and/or
27. Assessment
procedures and
activities were
clearly outlined in
lesson plan and are
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
28. Evidence of
ongoing assessment
29. Teacher
checked on and
assisted students
who appeared to be
confused or had
fallen behind
31. Students
expressed their own
view of the lesson
32. Teacher
provided support to
students with
special needs
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
33. Teacher
listened, and
responded to
monitored and
interacted with
atic behaviours
37. Students
instruction the first
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
38.Teacher used a
variety of
39. Positive
reinforcement of
effort was evident
40. Appropriate
behaviours were
recognized and/or
responded to
confusion, boredom
and curiosity
Second Lesson
The second lesson focused on language arts instruction from the teacher. The teacher first played the class 2 video regarding subject verb argument
before beginning her teaching or elaborating on the issue. She requested their full attention before to the video since she would be anticipating an
explanation of what they knew about the subject verb after it. After the class saw the video, the students took part by raising their hands, defining the
subject, and providing some instances from the video. They were able to invent their own examples of subject-verb agreement when they were
finished. This demonstrated to the teacher that they were aware of the subject.
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
After expanding on the issue further, she instructed the students to take out their language arts textbooks and complete the subject verb agreement
worksheets on pages 176–179. Lunch was scheduled to begin around 30 minutes after the lesson ended. Row by row, the instructor lets them out to
wash their hands before allowing them to come back inside for lunch. I took advantage of the opportunity to move about and watch the students and
the classroom in more detail. In grade 4, this occurred. Similar to the blueprint seen above, the classroom's physical layout. The teacher's desk and
one student's desk are located at the front of the classroom while the desks of the other three pupils run from the front of the class to the rear. A trash
can and a lunch kit table are located at the front of the room, respectively. The psychosocial environment of the classroom is a reflection of how the
students feel there and if they feel at ease talking to the teacher. This observation leads me to the conclusion that the pupils enjoy their teacher and
feel at ease in the classroom. The teacher was appreciative of her students and expressed happiness with the classroom environment.
After completing lunch the students returned to their work. The teacher then goes over the assignment and asks specific students to respond to some
of the questions. The teacher then switched to a different subject when this was concluded. The classroom's physical layout is similar to the one seen
in the diagram above. The teacher's table and the desk of one student are located at the front of the classroom, while the desks of the other three
pupils run from the front of the class to the rear. There is a trash can at the rear of the classroom and a table for lunch kits next to the exit/entrance.
The psychosocial environment in the classroom reveals how the students are functioning in the classroom and if they feel at eases talking to the
teacher. I may infer from this observation that the students love their teacher and feel at ease in the classroom. The teacher was appreciative for her
children and conveyed her delight with the classroom.
[25 marks]
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
▪ Write a reflection about your practicum experience using your notes and descriptions from the Observation Instrument.
▪ The reflection should be completed in about 600 words using Times New Roman size 12 Font.
i. What did you expect to see in the online classroom(s) prior to starting your observations? (8 marks)
ii. What are the differences and similarities between your views and expectations of teaching and learning in classrooms and your
actual observations based on the results you recorded in the Observation Instrument? (8 marks).
iii. How will/might this experience of conducting the observations in the classrooms contribute to your development as a teacher? (9
● Demonstrates an awareness that a lesson is aligned to the standards and assessment in the curriculum
● Quality of reflection
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
1. Before beginning my observation at the John's Hall Primary School, I anticipated seeing a variety of things, including: children crying, noise
pollution (especially during lunch and dismissal), teachers entering and exiting their classrooms, children running and playing throughout the
school grounds (particularly at the devotional area), and children's schoolbags, books, lunchkits, and other belongings strewn about on the
classroom floors. I anticipated that both kids and instructors would find the restrooms at the school to be quite clean. In addition, I anticipated
that every classroom would have a clean, emptied trash can and that the school grounds would be tidy when children were in session. I
anticipated that children would be asking their teachers for pencils and rubbers, as well as going to them to get their pencils sharpened. I
anticipated the teacher to do the jobs as best as possible at instructing and to make sure that every student is paying attention and is focused
when the teacher is explaining, demonstrating, or giving a subject. I also anticipated that the teacher would aid any student who asked for it,
regardless of the student's background.
2. Prior to attending the institution, my impressions about the school and its subjects were accurate. However, when I did go to the school, I
found that my expectations were not only met but also far exceeded. My real impressions of the school were accurate. The restrooms at the
school were equally pristine, particularly the one for the teachers. A particular student would remove the bins from each classroom and
dumped the contents before, during, and during lunch and recess, as well as at the end of the school day. I was definitely right about teaching
and learning as predicted contrasted to actual observations since teachers did give it their hardest to help students with any problems they
encountered as well as making sure everyone was paying attention to the teacher or any assignments. The teachers were excellent in retaining
control of the class and ensuring that the students performed what was required of them to perform. They were also energetic enough to keep
up with the even more active children. Additionally, the teachers made sure that every child was fully engaged in every lesson and job. It was
also expected that the pupils would parade around the school's grounds a lot. The pupils, as was to be expected, were ecstatic to leave the
classroom and instead spend time outside.
3. Based on my observations at John’s Hall Primary School as a student-teacher in training, I believe that this experience will help me develop
as a teacher because it gave me the chance to learn about a variety of things that I had previously encountered in actual classroom settings and
circumstances. Regardless of the gender or age of the pupils, my expertise will allow me to be able to know how to function in a classroom
and what to anticipate from them in terms of behaviour and work ethic. Additionally, I'll be prepared to deal with tough parents, help pupils
produce excellent work, and educate to the best of my ability. Knowing the best practices for lesson planning and the approaches to use in
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
order to explain the lesson to the pupils in a way that they can grasp, Additionally, I'll be able to run a class. Because it gives me the
confidence to give it my all, this observation will also help me grow as a teacher. In addition, I'll be able to demonstrate abilities like
creativity, multitasking, and classroom efficiency. I will be able to address any issues or difficulties that could develop in the classroom and
throughout the school as a result of this experience, which will also aid in my professional development. I will also be able to effectively
handle any circumstance that may arise between or involving kids and other students, as well as parents who may or may not need me to deal
with difficulties or concerns relating to their children because I got to observe classroom everyday life firsthand, this observation will also
help me improve as a teacher. As a result, I can relate better and perform better than if I were to take direction from a professional.
Additionally, it has made it possible for me to keep up with my school's slogan of "Service, Commitment and Excellence."
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
Shows understanding of concepts related to classroom practice, procedures and processes (2 marks)
□ good □ limited
□ good □ limited
Demonstrates an awareness that a lesson is aligned to the standards and assessment in the curriculum: (2
□ good □ limited
□ good □ limited
2. Balanced and critical assessment of the differences and similarities between prior views and expectations
□ good □ limited
● Provides a clear assessment of the differences/similarities between own views and observations
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023
A INFORMATION Students use the template to provide a descriptive account of the school climate and culture:
B TWO LESSON Students should provide a concise and coherent description in the ‘general comments’ column
Classroom Atmosphere……………………………../2
Instructional Practice………………………………./2
Assessment Practice………………………………../2
Teacher-Student Interaction………………………../2
Classroom Management………………………….../2
Year 1 Teaching Practice Observation 2023