This document summarizes the rules for a pod racing competition between several racers, each with their own customized pod. Key aspects include:
1) Racers do secret qualifying rolls to determine betting odds before the race. The owner John takes a cut of betting profits.
2) During the 3-lap race, racers make piloting, perception, and reflex rolls each turn to navigate the course, spot shortcuts/obstacles, and avoid damage. Failing rolls can cause position changes or pod damage.
3) John's racer receives a special wager and John may sabotage one opponent or place a one-time trap on the course. The pit crew can also assist one racer.
This document summarizes the rules for a pod racing competition between several racers, each with their own customized pod. Key aspects include:
1) Racers do secret qualifying rolls to determine betting odds before the race. The owner John takes a cut of betting profits.
2) During the 3-lap race, racers make piloting, perception, and reflex rolls each turn to navigate the course, spot shortcuts/obstacles, and avoid damage. Failing rolls can cause position changes or pod damage.
3) John's racer receives a special wager and John may sabotage one opponent or place a one-time trap on the course. The pit crew can also assist one racer.
This document summarizes the rules for a pod racing competition between several racers, each with their own customized pod. Key aspects include:
1) Racers do secret qualifying rolls to determine betting odds before the race. The owner John takes a cut of betting profits.
2) During the 3-lap race, racers make piloting, perception, and reflex rolls each turn to navigate the course, spot shortcuts/obstacles, and avoid damage. Failing rolls can cause position changes or pod damage.
3) John's racer receives a special wager and John may sabotage one opponent or place a one-time trap on the course. The pit crew can also assist one racer.
This document summarizes the rules for a pod racing competition between several racers, each with their own customized pod. Key aspects include:
1) Racers do secret qualifying rolls to determine betting odds before the race. The owner John takes a cut of betting profits.
2) During the 3-lap race, racers make piloting, perception, and reflex rolls each turn to navigate the course, spot shortcuts/obstacles, and avoid damage. Failing rolls can cause position changes or pod damage.
3) John's racer receives a special wager and John may sabotage one opponent or place a one-time trap on the course. The pit crew can also assist one racer.
○ determines the racers odd's or advantage for placing bets, for example they roll 20-16 the odds would be 4:1, so if someone bet on that racer they'd get 4x their bet ■ 20-16 x4 ■ 15-11 x3 ■ 10-6 x2 ■ 5-1 x1 ○ John takes % of all profits: 1d20 deception(cha)/2 plus bonuses ○ John needs to think of something to wager for adolescent rancor (johns racer just needs to beat cousins racer) ● Racing rules ○ Racers do not know the course till after the first lap ○ 3 rolls per turn ■ Piloting, perception, reflex (optional) ○ Course divided into 4 sections, 1 piloting roll (int) must be passed to complete each section in current position, fail sets you back 2 positions, crit fail sets you back 4 positions, hard success grants 1 position gained, crit success grants 2 positions gained. ○ Perception roll (wis) to find shortcuts/look for obstacles ■ Once a shortcut or obstacle is recognized you gain +2 to reflex bonus for the rest of the race against shortcuts and ramps. Every player will have observed the all of the native obstacles after the first lap, however it is required that you continue to roll perception every turn to look for shortcuts, ramps, and new debris on track. ● Shortcuts vary in length and can increase your position by up to 4 (dm rolls 1d4) ● Ramps increase your position by 1 ■ Success locates an obstacle, hard success locates a ramp, critical success locates a shortcut ○ Reflex (dex save throw) to navigate through shortcut/avoid obstacles/use ramps/ram players ■ You do not need to make a reflex roll every turn. Previously seen obstacles are automatically avoided on consecutive laps. ■ Failing a reflex roll causes 1d10 damage roll to pod. If the pod receives critical damage, player must roll 1d8 damage, if player receives more than 50% damage in 1 roll they become unconscious and roll 1d10 for carnage. If pod drops to 0 health, roll 1d10 for carnage. ● Carnage table ○ 1-2 pod ricochets off obstacle, takes out 1d3 racers within 3 positions ○ 3-4 pod explodes on impact of obstacle, scattering debris on field. Racers roll reflex to dodge debris ○ 5-6 pod both pod engines fail, stranding racer in middle of course. If this happens in the narrow section, all racers behind your position must roll perception or reflex to dodge ○ 7-8 your pod crashes into the closest racer to you within 3 positions ○ 9 you skid uneventfully off course, no repercussions ○ 10 your pod flips end over end and sends you flying, roll luck to land on closest players pod (within 4 positions), if successful, roll vs strength to take over that players pod and continue the race. (if player succeeds luck but is unconscious, the player driving the pod they fall on must roll reflex to avoid crashing) ■ Players may attempt to ram each other if they are within one position of one another. Ram attempts require both players involved to make a reflex roll. If the player making the attempt fails, they roll luck. A fail causes 1d10 damage and they keep their current position. If the attempt succeeds, they take 1d4 damage and gain a position. If the player who was rammed succeeds, they take 1d4 damage and drop a position, if they fail they roll luck, and if that fails they take 1d10 damage. ○ Player may pit each lap to repair 1d6 damage. Roll 1d4 for positions dropped during repair. ○ Positions: a player’s podium position may not necessarily indicate their relative position within the race. For our purposes, 1 position=1 pod length. Eg. a player in 1st podium position may be 3-4 pod positions away from the player in the 2nd podium position. ● John can have 1 racers pod sabotaged pre race or 1 trap placed on course to be used at his discretion. ○ Sabotaged racers must roll luck each lap until damage is taken. If luck roll fails you must roll 1d10 damage ○ Traps may only be used once ■ Traps can consist of falling objects, raiders, pitfalls, energy shields, explosives, stun traps ● raiders remain active for the rest of the duration of the race and target every racer ● Stun traps disable the racers pod and turn them into a course obstacle until their pod is restarted (see carnage table roll 5-6). Player must succeed pilot roll to restart their pod and continue. Each failed roll = 1 position dropped. ● Pit crew chief (joe) may choose to either roll at the beginning of each lap and raise perception bonus by 2 for arins character, or may reroll a perception test for arin twice per lap (base 10). ● Roll for sponsor spots (1d4) ○ Sponsors influence how competitive your pod is and determines many points you can add to your piloting, perception, and reflex bonus. 1 sponsor = 1 point ■ You may only add 2 points max to any one skill