D&D 3.0 Level 11 Adventure - A Giant Ransom
D&D 3.0 Level 11 Adventure - A Giant Ransom
D&D 3.0 Level 11 Adventure - A Giant Ransom
Cliffhangers Adventures
A Giant Ransom
Episode One: The Big Deal
By Stephen Schubert
A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy,
stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure
can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains.
Adventure Background
The newly appointed Duke Castaril Ambrinigan has recently relocated to a modest, newly
constructed keep near the frontier town of Ormanlak. He and his family arrived safely, but a
caravan containing family heirlooms was waylaid by a band of frost giant raiders. Most of the
items were of no consequence to the Duke, with the exception of one: a three-foot tall golden
statue of a lion.
The Duke, wanting to avoid a war, sent an emissary to the frost giants. He offered gems totaling
10,000 gold pieces in value as ransom for the lion. The giants accepted, and a time and place
was set for the exchange.
But there is more. A white dragon named Whildenstrank lives in the midst of a nearby glacier,
and has maintained a network of winter wolf spies, including some in the frost giants' camp.
Through these spies, Whildenstrank learned of the capture of the golden lion, and the upcoming
trade. Thinking that the lion would make a fine addition to his frozen treasure hoard,
Whildenstrank has prepared to strike.
Hooking the Characters
Duke Ambrinigan wants the exchange to occur, but is concerned that the giants might doublecross him. Even a platoon of troops would be short work for a few frost giants. So he has
decided to enlist the aid of more powerful allies -- the PCs. The PCs could become involved in a
number of ways.
The Duke may have provided for the PCs in the past, and is now calling in a favor.
Upon hearing of the reputation of the party, the Duke approaches them with a business proposition. He
will pay 1000 gp per person for the return of the golden lion.
One or more organizations with which the PCs are affiliated is sympathetic to the Duke's problem, and
Whildenstrank dropped from the clouds in a dive attack at the leader of the giant band. In a few
short rounds the dragon was able to take down two giants and escape with the golden lion. A
PC that succeeds at a Spot check (DC 25) might notice that the dragon is carrying a bag of
some sort in its claws.
The horns are the means of distance communication for the giants. The echoing of the horns
was actually additional frost giants, relaying the message of the attack.
Even if the PCs are able to attack the dragon at this distance, he mostly ignores them, since he
wants to return to his lair with his new treasure.
The Cliffhanger
http://om.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/ch/ch20010709a,0 (2 of 3) [9/10/2001 5:29:22 PM]
The heroes hear horns sounding again in the distance. Someone, or something, survived that
dragon attack...
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boards for a lively discussion of all aspects of the D&D game.
Cliffhangers Adventures
A Giant Ransom
Episode Two: Giant Trouble
By Stephen Schubert
A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy,
stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure
can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains.
Adventure Background
In the first episode, the PCs were employed by Duke Ambrinigan to exchange a ransom of
10,000 gp in gems for a golden lion that was taken by frost giants in a recent raid. While waiting
for the giants to arrive at the designated meeting place, the PCs watched as the white dragon
Whildenstrank attacked the giants and then flew off with the statue. Charged with returning the
golden lion statue at all costs, the PCs move to investigate the site of the battle.
Angry Giants (EL 10)
The PCs may elect to go search the site of the dragon attack. There they find two dead giants,
and two others that survived the attack, but are obviously nervous.
As the characters approach the clearing, read or paraphrase the following text:
The target of the dragon's attack becomes evident as you approach the clearing. Two wounded
frost giants remain standing in the clearing, and the bodies of two others lay on the ground. The
two live ones scan the sky frantically, perhaps waiting for the dragon to return.
The giants are concentrating skyward, so it would be relatively easy to sneak up on them from
below. If the PCs remain hidden, the frost giants will complain loudly about the dragon attack,
and suggest to each other that the dragon must be working with the Duke, and they blame the
humans for setting up the ambush. After a few more minutes, they will gather up the bodies of
their companions, and head back to their tribe. If the PCs are detected, give them enough time
to attempt to explain themselves, but any overt offensive action will result in the giants attacking.
The giants will initially believe that the PCs are in league with the dragon, and have plotted to
finish what the dragon started. Therefore the giant's initial attitude toward the PCs is hostile, and
they will first threaten the party before attacking. These giants speak both giant and common.
The PCs can attempt Diplomacy, or Charisma checks:
Unfriendly (DC 20): Information: the giants will indicate that the dragon took the statue. If the
giants learn that the PCs have the gems for the exchange, they may attack the bearer of the
gems, and then flee when they have the loot (perhaps even taking the gem-bearer!).
Indifferent (DC 25): Information: the giants will relate general information about the area. They
know the dragon lives in the midst of the glacier, past the "ice canyons."
Friendly (DC 35) or Helpful (DC 50): Information: the giants avoid the glacier because of the "hot
worms" that live there. The last horn blast should have alerted Velg the Dragon Tamer, and Velg
will likely be on his way soon to the glacier.
If the PCs loot the corpses of the fallen giants, the remaining giants will become hostile.
Treasure: a sack on the 110-hp frost giant contains 1071 gp, and a +1 longspear is on the
corpse of the leader.
Wounded Frost Giants (2): hp 80, 110; see Monster Manual page 98.
Velg the Dragon Tamer (EL 13)
The party must now head west, in the direction the dragon flew, toward its lair. Assuming normal
means of transportation, the trek to the glacier takes about a day. During this time, the frost
giant ranger Velg, also known as Velg the Dragon Tamer, heard the warnings of the horns, and
has likewise journeyed to the glacier to do battle with this draconic foe. His trusty servant Zim is
with him.
When the PCs arrive at the glacier, they see Velg and Zim sitting on the ice, about 200 feet from
the tree line, finishing off a meal of venison. Velg wears eyes of the eagle, and has +16 to Spot
checks, so unless the PCs were particularly sneaky, Velg has spotted them as they approach
the edge of the glacier.
Initial reaction: Indifferent: Velg will start the encounter by lobbing large snowballs at the nearest
PCs. He lobs one per round as Zim busily packs more snowballs. Treat the snowball as a rock
attack, +12 ranged, 1d6+9 subdual damage, with a 100-ft range increment. If the PCs respond
with regular attacks, Velg's attitude will become unfriendly and he will throw until he or Zim has
taken 20 points of damage, at which point Velg he will call for a cease-fire. If the PCs persist in
their attacks, the giants will become hostile and move to engage in melee.
Friendly (DC 15, 25 if the PCs attacked): Velg will share his meal, and talk about his upcoming
conquest over the white dragon Whildenstrank. He will also warn of the dangers of the "ice
canyons": the "hot worms" that melt weapons, so use ranged attacks on them, and the "cold
worms" that stun opponents with a screeching trill. He might join the group if asked, but will
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demand the dragon's hide and half of the dragon's treasure other than the golden lion. Zim will
stay behind and await word.
Helpful (DC 30, 40 if the PCs attacked): Velg will join the group for the dragon's hide and an
equal share of the hoard. Zim will still be ordered to stay behind, to inform others of Velg's fate.
For the DM: The addition of Velg to the group could make combat encounters easier for the
party. Consider increasing the strength of the creatures in subsequent encounters, or have Velg
refuse to fight, and instead save his strength for the dragon.
Velg the Dragon Tamer: Male frost giant Rgr3; CR 12; Large giant; HD 14d8+70, 3d10+15; hp
164; Init +3; Spd 40 ft.; AC 21 (touch 8, flat-footed 21); Atk +11/ +6/ +1 ranged (2d6+9rock); or
+23/ +18/ +13 melee (2d8+14/19-20/x2, Huge +1 greatsword); SA Rock throwing; SQ cold
subtype, darkvision 60 ft., favored enemy dragons, rock catching; AL CN; SV Fort +17, Ref +4,
Will +9; Str 29, Dex 9, Con 21, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13.
Skills and Feats: Climb +14, Hide -7, Intuit Direction +7, Jump +14, Knowledge (nature) +5,
Listen +6, Spot +9, Wilderness Lore +6; Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Initiative,
Iron Will, Power Attack , Sunder, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Cold Subtype: Immune to cold damage; takes double damage from fire unless a saving throw
for half damage is allowed, in which case it takes half damage on a success and double damage
on a failure.
Darkvision: The creature can see in the dark as though in normal daylight.
Favored Enemy: The ranger has selected dragon as a favored enemy. He gains a +1 bonus to
his Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore checks when using these skills
against this type of creature. He gets the same bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures
of this type. He also gets the damage bonus with ranged weapons if the target is within 30 feet.
The bonus doesn't apply to damage against creatures that are immune to critical hits.
Possessions: Chain shirt, eyes of the eagle, Huge +1 greatsword (not useable by most PCs due
to size), 2 longswords, large white dragon hide cloak, black dragon hide boots, 656 gp, platinum
belt buckle (400 gp value).
Zim, male frost giant: hp 120; wields huge greataxe; see Monster Manual page 98
The Cliffhanger
A few hours after the encounter with Velg, while they are traveling west across the glacier, allow
the PCs Listen and Spot checks. A successful Listen check (DC 15) reveals a low rumbling
sound. A successful Spot check (DC 20) is required to see the ice shifting 100 feet away, as if
something were burrowing under it, headed straight toward the heroes...
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Cliffhangers Adventures
A Giant Ransom
Episode Three: Thin Ice
By Stephen Schubert
A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy,
stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure
can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains.
Adventure Background
In the first episode, the PCs were employed by Duke Ambrinigan to exchange a ransom of
10,000 gp in gems for a golden lion that was taken by frost giants in a recent raid. While waiting
for the giants to arrive at the designated meeting place, the PCs watched as the white dragon
Whildenstrank attacked the giants and then flew off with the statue. Charged with returning the
golden lion statue at all costs, the PCs dealt with the remaining frost giants and then headed
west, toward the lair of the dragon in the midst of the nearby glacier.
Along the way, they encountered Velg the Dragon Tamer, another frost giant who was also on
the trail of the dragon. Velg may or may not be with the party now.
The PCs are now traveling across the flat icy surface of the glacier, and may have just noticed
something burrowing under the ice, heading straight toward them.
Atop the Glacier
The eastern edge of the glacier is mostly flat ice, with the occasional crevasse or sinkhole.
Travel is relatively safe, and the surface is perhaps 4 inches of heavy snow or slush, soft
enough that feet sink in an inch or two, but not so wet that water puddles in footprints. The flats
of the glacier eventually give way to the "ice canyons", a maze of ice walls and pillars. The white
dragon Whildenstrank makes his home in a spire of volcanic rock that juts out above the glacier
like a black fang in the middle of the icy expanse.
Tunneling Trouble (EL 9)
The PCs have not been unnoticed as they cross the snowy landscape. A pair of bulettes has
adapted to living under the glacier, and they have noticed the presumably armor-clad meals
marching above. Not bulettes of the sort to allow a meal to walk by, they burrow up to the PCs
and attack.
Bulettes (2): hp 90, 100; see Monster Manual page 28
Walking on Thin Ice (EL 8)
Once the bulettes are defeated, the PCs will discover another danger: the tunneling of the
bulettes has weakened the ice beneath their feet, and it is about to give way! Read or
paraphrase the following text:
You sigh with relief as the last of the landsharks slumps motionless to the ice. Before you can
begin your next thought, however, the ice beneath your feet shifts, nearly throwing you to the
ground. You see cracks and crevices begin to appear on the surface of the ice, and the small rifts
begin to spread, becoming larger, as if the glacier were opening a gaping maw to swallow you up!
The PCs have very little time before the ice gives way. Have each PC roll for initiative, and begin
a round. At initiative 10, the ice gives way. Any PC still within 30 feet of the bulettes will fall into
the sinkhole with the ice. A PC that falls into the sinkhole must make a Reflex saving throw (DC
15). Success means the PC has managed to stay atop the ice as she falls, failure indicates that
the PC will be buried.
Treat this situation as a cave-in (see Dungeon Masters Guide page 114). A PC that succeeded
his first saving throw will need to make another Reflex save (DC 15), or sustain 3d6 points of
damage and become pinned in the ice. Any PC that failed his first saving throw will be buried,
and will take 8d6 points of damage, or half that if another Reflex saving throw (DC 15) is
successful, and is pinned beneath the ice.
Pinned characters take 1d6 points of subdual damage per minute while pinned. Buried
characters are under 1d6 feet of ice, and digging them out will require moving 500 pounds per
foot of depth, or about one minute per foot of depth for the average PC working alone. Velg, with
his 29 Strength, can dig down about 14 feet in one minute, if he is there. See the Dungeon
Masters Guide, page 114, for rules on cave-ins and digging. Characters who are not buried, but
still pinned, can free themselves with a Strength check (DC 25), or can break free in one minute
with some assistance.
The Ice Canyons
After the characters dig themselves out of the sinkhole, they should continue west, toward the
dragon's den. The relatively smooth surface of the glacier slowly gives way to a network of
interweaving Ice Canyons. The walls of the canyons rise nearly one hundred feet above the
canyon floors, which vary from twenty to thirty feet wide.
The canyon floors are covered with a layer of ice dust, and there are some tracks in the snow. A
Wilderness Lore check (DC 18) by a PC with the Track feat will reveal a set of large wolf-tracks
leading into the canyon maze. The tracks are from the winter wolves that act as spies for the
dragon Whildenstrank. The PCs could even try to follow the tracks through the twisting paths to
the dragon's lair.
The PCs should reach the Ice Canyons near dusk, and may wish to rest. Throughout the night,
they hear the whistling of the wind through the twisting ravines, and very faintly they might hear
what sounds like the howling of wolves, or the sound of the frost giant horns carrying on the
The Cliffhanger
The next day, or when the PCs head into the twisting canyon maze, they hear a high-pitched
screeching echoing off the canyon walls, followed by a raspy roar. The sounds of combat
resonate in the narrow fissures for a few seconds, another roar is heard, followed by a noise not
unlike thousands of icicles shattering on the ground. The sound seems to be coming from just
around the next bend...
Go to the D&D main news page for more articles and news about the new D&D or check out the D&D message
boards for a lively discussion of all aspects of the D&D game.
Cliffhangers Adventures
A Giant Ransom
Episode Four: The Worms Go In
By Stephen Schubert
A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy,
stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure
can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains.
Adventure Background
In the story thus far, the PCs have been tasked by Duke Ambrinigan, a local lord, to recover a
stolen statue of a golden lion. The lion was stolen in transit by frost giant raiders, and was to be
ransomed back to the Duke for 10,000 gp. The PCs were sent to perform the exchange. The
giants, however, were attacked by the white dragon Whildenstrank, who stole the statue and
retreated to his lair in the middle of a nearby glacier.
The PCs encountered the remaining giants, and then set off westward toward the dragon's lair.
They traveled across the flat part of the glacier, encountering the frost giant ranger Velg the
Dragon Tamer, as well as some burrowing bulettes. The PCs now have entered the Ice
Canyons: a maze of twisting passageways surrounding the black spire of rock that the dragon
calls home. They have just heard sounds of a battle ahead.
Recent Battle
Around the next corner, the PCs find the remains of a battle between a remorhaz and a frost
worm. Both creatures are dead. Read or paraphrase the following text:
Shards of ice are scattered across the ground at an intersection of two canyons. In the middle lays
a enormous blue-white segmented worm, with dozens of legs and winglike fins near its head. The
back of the worm glows faintly red, and steam is rising slowly from its body. It does not appear to
be moving. The entire area is covered with shards of ice.
The high-pitched scream the PCs heard was the keening of the frost worm. It attacked the
remorhaz, but was destroyed by the heat generated by the remorhaz. When the frost worm died,
it turned to ice and exploded, killing the remorhaz. The shards of ice on the ground are all that
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If the characters flee, the worm will only pursue 100 feet from the intersection. If the worm is
defeated, the PCs may find a mound of oval-shaped ice formations. A successful Knowledge
(nature) or Wilderness Lore (DC 20) check will reveal that the ice formations are actually four
frost worm eggs.
Frost worm: hp 154; see Monster Manual page 92.
The Cliffhanger
After overcoming the obstacles of the Ice Canyons, the heroes finally make it to the black spire
of rock that is the home of the dragon...
Go to the D&D main news page for more articles and news about the new D&D or check out the D&D message
boards for a lively discussion of all aspects of the D&D game.
Cliffhangers Adventures
A Giant Ransom
Episode Five: The Wyrms Go Out
By Stephen Schubert
A Giant Ransom is a short adventure for four 11th-level characters. There are opportunities for diplomacy,
stealth, and combat, based on the choices the PCs make, so any mix of classes is appropriate. The adventure
can be set in any campaign world, in a frontier region near glacier-covered mountains.
Adventure Background
In the story thus far, the PCs have been tasked by Duke Ambrinigan, a local lord, to recover a
stolen statue of a golden lion. The lion was stolen in transit by frost giant raiders, and was to be
ransomed back to the Duke for 10,000 gp. The PCs were sent to perform the exchange. The
giants, however, were attacked by the white dragon Whildenstrank, who stole the statue and
retreated to his lair in the middle of a nearby glacier.
The PCs encountered the remaining giants, and then set off westward toward the dragon's lair.
They traveled across the flat part of the glacier, encountering the frost giant ranger Velg the
Dragon Tamer, as well as some burrowing bulettes. Then they braved the hazards of frost
worms and remorhaz in the Ice Canyons: a maze of twisting passageways surrounding the
black spire of rock that the dragon calls home. The PCs now stand at the edge of an open
space, looking at the towering edifice in front of them.
The Approach (EL 8)
While in its lair, the dragon Whildenstrank relies on his winter wolf spies to inform him of
trespassers. The entry to the lair is a simple affair, with a gaping hole in the side of the black
stone spire that leads down a tunnel to an inner grotto. Whildenstrank has covered the drab
black walls of the tunnel and the entry with ice, and icicles hang from the lip of the cave mouth.
A narrow footpath used by the winter wolves, climbs up the steep slope to the entry.
Three winter wolves rest in the entry. If they see the PCs (Spot +9), they will trot down the
footpath and challenge the party, demanding to know why they have come to the spire. The
initial attitude is unfriendly, and they will attack if the party does not leave. If the PCs try to talk
their way past the wolves, have the speaker make a Diplomacy check:
Indifferent (DC 15): The wolves will allow them to pass, but will follow them into the tunnel. If
http://om.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/ch/ch20010806a,0 (1 of 4) [9/10/2001 5:30:42 PM]
combat breaks out with the dragon, the wolves will join in and attack from behind.
Friendly (DC 25): Information: the wolves don't like working for the dragon, and could be
convinced to ignore the party, for a sufficient bribe of 1,000 gp.
Helpful (DC 40): The wolves will let the PCs pass, for an unspecified favor in the future.
If Velg is with the party, he will wait for the wolves to come down, and will then attack, explaining
later that they might warn the dragon.
If two of the wolves are killed, the third will try to run back to the cave, to warn Whildenstrank.
Winter wolves (3): hp 42, 46, 64; see Monster Manual page 184.
Lair of the Dragon (EL 12)
From the entry, a wide tunnel leads inward and slightly downward to Whildenstrank's lair in a
large hollow in the middle of the black spire. The cavern is roughly 60 feet across, and is ringed
by a dozen 5-foot wide columns made of ice. As light shines on the columns, it reflects off the
gems, jewels, and thousands of coins embedded in the ice. One column is half-formed, and the
head of a golden lion protrudes from the top of the ice mound. Whildenstrank is most likely
working on encasing his newfound treasure by using slow, controlled breaths of ice.
When the PCs arrive, Whildenstrank is disturbed by the interruption, but is curious as to why the
PCs journeyed all the way to his lair. His patience will last long enough for the PCs to briefly
explain their presence. He is initially unfriendly, unless Velg is present, and his actions are
further influenced by the results of a PC's Diplomacy check:
Hostile (less than 5): He attacks. See tactics, below. He will also attack if Velg is present.
Unfriendly (DC 5): He demands that they pay tribute (1,000 gp each should do) and leave. If
they do not pay and leave, he attacks. See tactics, below.
Indifferent (DC 15): He will be open to discussing a trade for the golden lion statue. The initial
price will be 20,000 gp in gems and/or items. A PC may attempt to negotiate a better deal, with
opposed Diplomacy checks (Whildenstrank has +9 on Diplomacy), but the dragon will not go
lower than 15,000 gp.
Friendly or Helpful (DC 25): The dragon will trade, and the initial price will be 12,000 gp, and he
will negotiate down to 8,000 gp.
Alternatively, the PCs could attempt to sneak in and steal the statue. That approach is best
when the dragon is either gone hunting or sleeping. If the party waits for it to sleep, they can
sneak in, but any loud noise will rouse the dragon (Move Silently DC 20). The golden lion statue
is stuck halfway in the ice pillar, and will require a Strength check (DC 20) to pull out, and will
most assuredly wake the dragon. The party may come up with more clever methods of retrieving
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end up with coins, art objects, and gems worth a total of 11,700 gp, a suit of +1 blue scale mail,
a ring of sonic resistance, a +1 quarterstaff of shock, and a +3 icy burst warhammer.
Continuing the Adventure
Once the statue is secured, the PCs can return it to Duke Ambrinigan. They may have
encounters with the wildlife of the glacier on their journey back, or may meet another band of
frost giants, who may or may not be hostile. Upon their return, the Duke will reimburse the
characters for any reasonable expenses they may have incurred. The heroes could then choose
a number of avenues:
Depending on the results of the encounters with the frost giants, the frost giant tribe may have a
different attitude toward the human settlement. If all the giants were killed, they may decide to attack
more caravans to exact revenge.
If Whildenstrank was not killed, then he may prove a threat to the region, or could perhaps be
considered as an ally against the frost giants.
The winter wolves working for Whildenstrank may be just the outer ring of a more elaborate wilderness
information network.
The mystery of the golden lion statue remains. Why was Duke Ambrinigan willing to pay so much for its
return? Is it worth more than it seems?
Velg the Dragon Tamer, if still alive and on good terms, may contact the PCs to help him in further
dragon "taming" exploits.
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