Module 1

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Module 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles and Human Development

Module Overview:

Hello everyone! You are now on the first phase of this course, the Module 1. This
module provides you an overall introduction of learner-centered psychological
principles and the human development. You will be exploring the developmental
tasks for each stage of development which are relevant in the teaching profession.
Have fun while learning the lessons. Good luck!

Module Objective/Outcome:

At the end of Module 1, you will be able to:

 Evaluate the importance of the learner-centered psychological principles and
human development to the teaching profession.

Lessons in the Module:

Lesson 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP)

Lesson 2: Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

Lesson 3: Stages of Human Development and Developmental Tasks

Module 1 1
Module 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles and Human Development

Lesson 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles (LCP)

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. Explain the 14 LCP principles.

2. Identify ways on how to apply the 14 principles in instruction as a future

Time Frame: Week 2


The learner is the center of the teaching learning process. This lesson introduces you
to the fourteen (14) learner-centered principles which shall be used throughout the
course as a guide in determining appropriate pedagogy for learners at different life
stages. Have fun while learning these principles!


Perform the following:

1. Examine the title, “Learner-Centered Principles”. Jot down at least 5 words
that come to your mind.
2. Explain why you think the each word can be associated with LCP.

Words Associated with LCP Justification



What do you think is the focus of the Learner-Centered Principles?


What are your expectations of the Philippine educational system?


Module 1 2

Learner-centered Psychological Principles

The American Psychological Association introduced 14 psychological principles

pertain to the learner and learning process. The principles are grouped according to
factors namely: cognitive and meta-cognitive; motivational and affective;
developmental and social; and individual differences. The principles are intended
to be applied to all learners -- from children to teachers, to administrators, to parents,
and to community members involved in our educational system.

Cognitive and Meta-cognitive Factors

1. The nature of the learning process.

The learning of complex subject matter is most effective when it is an
intentional process of constructing meaning for formation and experience.
2. Goals of the learning process
The successful learner, over time and with support and instructional guidance,
can create meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge.
3. Construction of knowledge
The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in
meaningful ways.
4. Strategic Thinking
The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and
reasoning strategies to chive complex learning goals.
5. Thinking about thinking
Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations
facilitate creative and critical thinking.
6. Context of Learning
Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture,
technology, and instructional practices.

Motivational and Affective Factors

7. Motivational and emotional influences on learning

What and how much is learned is influenced by the learner’s motivation.
Motivation to learn, in turn, is influenced by the individual’s emotional states,
beliefs, interests and goals, and habits of thinking.
8. Intrinsic motivation to learn
The learner’s creativity, higher order thinking and natural curiosity all
contribute to motivation to learn. Intrinsic motivation is stimulated by tasks of
optional novelty and difficulty, relevant to personal interests, and providing
for personal choice and control.
9. Effects of motivation
Acquisition of complex knowledge and skills requires extended learner effort
and guided practice. Without learner’s motivation to learn, the willingness to
exert this effort is unlikely without coercion.

Module 1 3
Development and Social Factors

10. Development influences on learning

As individuals develop, there are different opportunities and constraints for
learning. Learning is the most effective when differential development within
and across physical, intellectual, emotional, and social domains is taken into

11. Social Influences on learning

Learning is influenced by social interactionsl, interpersonal relaations,
and communication with others.

Individual Differences Factors

12. Individual differences in learning

Learners have different strategies, approaches, and capabilities for learning
that are a function of prior experience and heredity.

13. Learning and diversity

Learning is most effective when differences n learners’ linguistic, cultural and
social backgrounds are taken into account.

14. Standards and assessment

Setting appropriately high and challenging standards and assessing the learner
as well as learning progress -- including diagnostic, process, and outcome
assessment -- are integral parts of the learning process.


Make a reflection paper on how to apply the 14 LCP principles in

your instruction as a future teacher. Cite some teaching activities
and strategies where u can apply these principles.


Module 1 4

You did a great job in this lesson! For now, keep the 14 principles in mind as you
explore the rest of the topics. Always try to relate these principles to the concepts you
will learn and acquire in this course. Congrats!

Module 1 5
Module 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles and Human Development

Lesson 2: Human Development: Meaning, Concepts and Approaches

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

 Define human development in your owns words; and
 Distinguish between the traditional and life-span approach of development
 Evaluate the educational implications of each characteristic of human
development form a life-span perspective.

Time Frame: Week 3


As you perform the activities of Lesson 2, you are undergoing process of

development. How does this development take place? What do experts say about
development? These are the things that you will be exploring in this lesson. Get


Here are pictures of three-year old John and seven-year old Anna.

Describe what they were before (their point of origin) and who they will possibly be
after birth unto adulthood. What will they possibly become?

Answer the following questions:
1. Will the three-year old John be able to do all that seven-year old Anna can do?

Module 1 6
2. Will there be similarities and differences in their development? If yes, please
enumerate some.
3. Do you believe that John and Anna will continue to develop even in
adulthood? Or will they stop developing in adulthood?


Defining Human Development

Human development refers to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development

of humans throughout the lifespan. What types of development are involved in each
of these three domains, or areas, of life? Physical development involves growth and
changes in the body and brain, the senses, motor skills, and health and wellness.
Cognitive development involves learning, attention, memory, language, thinking,
reasoning, and creativity. Psychosocial development involves emotions, personality,
and social relationships (Lumen, n.d.).

Two Approaches of Human Development

1. Traditional Perspective – believes that individuals will show extensive change

from birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in late
old age. If you believe that John and Anna will show extensive changes from
birth to adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in late span
perspective, your approach to development is traditional.
2. Life-span Development – believes that even in adulthood, developmental
change takes place as it does during childhood. If you believe that even in
adulthood, developmental change takes place to John and Anna as it does
during their childhood, your approach is termed life-span.

Characteristics of Human Development from a Life Span Perspective

German psychologist Paul Baltes, a leading expert on lifespan development and

aging, gives the following characteristics as presented in the matrix below:

Life Span Characteristics Explanation

1. Development is lifelong. Lifelong development means that development is
not completed in infancy or childhood or at any
specific age; it encompasses the entire lifespan,
from conception to death.
2. Development Development involves the dynamic interaction of
is multidimensional factors like physical, emotional, and psychosocial

Baltes argues that a dynamic interaction of these

factors is what influences an individual’s

Module 1 7
3. Development is relatively Development occurs in an orderly, sequential way
orderly. which is the same for all human beings. The
pattern is so orderly that we know what will occur
and approximately when it will happen, it is so
orderly that we can accurately predict adult height
from certain measurements given at birth (Baby
and Toddler Help, 2012).
4. Development takes place While some changes occur in a flash of insight,
gradually. more often it takes weeks, months or years for a
person to undergo changes that result in the
display of developmental characteristics.
5. Development Development of a particular domain does not
is multidirectional and occur in a strictly linear fashion but that
results in gains and losses development of certain traits can be characterized
throughout life as having the capacity for both an increase and
decrease in efficacy over the course of an
individual’s life.
6. Development is plastic. Plasticity denotes intrapersonal variability and
focuses heavily on the potentials and limits of the
nature of human development. The notion of
plasticity emphasizes that there are many possible
developmental outcomes and that the nature of
human development is much more open and
pluralistic than originally implied by traditional
views; there is no single pathway that must be
taken in an individual’s development across the
7. Development is influenced In Baltes’ theory, the paradigm of contextualism
by contextual and socio- refers to the idea that three systems of biological
cultural influences. and environmental influences work together to
influence development. Development occurs in
context and varies from person to person,
depending on factors such as a person’s biology,
family, school, church, profession, nationality,
and ethnicity.
8. Development Many disciplines are able to contribute important
is multidisciplinary. concepts that integrate knowledge, which may
ultimately result in the formation of a new and
enriched understanding of development across the
9. Development involves Growth, maintenance and regulation are 3 goals of
growth, maintenance and human development. The goals of individuals
regulation. vary among developmental stages.


1. Define human development in your own words.

Module 1 8

2. Discuss the difference between traditional and life-span approaches to human



3. State eight (8) characteristics of human development from a life-span

perspective and their implications to education:
Characteristic of human development Educational implications
from a life-span perspective
1. Development is lifelong.


You have now discovered the meaning, concepts and approaches of human
development. Knowledge on these is important as you explore the different stages of
development in the next lesson. Congratulations!

Module 1 9
Module 1: Learner-Centered Psychological Principles and Human Development

Lesson 3: Stages of Human Development and Developmental Tasks

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

 Define developmental tasks in your own words;
 Describe the developmental tasks in each developmental stage; and
 Evaluate what should you do as a teacher to facilitate your students’
acquisition of these developmental tasks.

Time Frame: Week 3


What aspects of ourselves change and develop as we journey through life? We move
through significant physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes throughout our
lives—do these changes happen in a systematic way, and to everyone? Is there just
one course of development or are there many different courses of development? In
this module, we’ll examine these questions and learn about the major stages of
development and what kind of developmental tasks and transitions we might expect
along the way. Good luck!


Study the pictures and the descriptions below each set of pictures. Discuss with your
classmates through group chat your observations in each picture. Write down your

Module 1 10

Answer the following questions:

1. Can you see differences in the three pictures presented? What development
have you noticed?
2. What do you think are the developmental changes happened to the baby inside
the womb? Enumerate your answers.


Stages of Human Development and Developmental Task

Ever wondered why you weren’t the same as when you were still a baby? We will
find out how it all happened by analyzing two different versions of the stages of
development and developmental tasks of the two famous professors/educators and
Authors, Dr. Robert Havighurst (1948-1953) and Dr. Kohn Santrock (2002).

In Dr. Havighurst stages of development, he identified six major stages. Read the
description of each stage and its developmental tasks in the matrix below:

Module 1 11
Santrock (2002) also identified eight (8) stages of development with the following
developmental tasks:
Stage of Development Developmental Tasks
1. Prenatal Period  Development happens quickly during this stage
(conception to birth) (tremendous growth from a single cell to an
organism complete with brain and behavioral
2. Infancy  Time of extreme dependence on adults.
(from birth to 18-24 months)  Many psychological activities are just
beginning ( language, symbolic thought,
sensori- motor coordination & social learning)
3.Early Childhood  Young children learn to become more self-
(End of infancy to 5-6 years sufficient and care for themselves, develop
old / preschool years-grade 1) school readiness skills and spend many hours
in play with peers
4. Middle & Late Childhood  Fundamental skills of reading, writing, and
(6-11 years old / elementary arithmetic are mastered.
school years)  Child is formally exposed to larger world and
its culture.
 Achievement becomes a more central theme of
the child’s world and self-control increases
5. Adolescence  Begins with rapid physical changes (dramatic
(10-12 years old to 18-22 gains in height in weight, changes in body
years old) contour, and development of sexual
characteristics such as enlargement of breasts,
development of pubic and facial hair,
deepening of voice).
 Pursuit of independence & identity are
 Thought is more logical, abstract & idealistic.
 More time is spent outside family
6.Early Adulthood  Time of establishing personal & economic
(Late teens or early 20s to independence, career development, selecting a
30s) mate, learning to live with someone in an
intimate way, starting a family & rearing
7.Middle Adulthood  Time of expanding personal & social
(40 to 60 years old) involvement & responsibility
 Assisting next generation in becoming
competent & mature individuals, reaching &
maintaining satisfaction in a career
8. Late Adulthood  Time for adjustment to decreasing strength and
(60s and above) health, life review, retirement and adjustment
to new social roles

Module 1 12

1. Symbolize each developmental stage. Give a symbol that stands for the
developmental task for each stage. You may choose one from the stages of
development presented by Havighurst and Santrock.

2. If you were given a chance, which developmental stage would you like to be
in? Why?

3. Having mastered the developmental tasks, reflect on what you should do as a

teacher to facilitate your students’ acquisition of these developmental tasks.
Write down your reflections.


Congratulations for a job well done! May this lesson on the developmental tasks has
helped you understand other persons. May you utilize the learning you have acquired
in dealing with your future students appropriately according to their period of
development. The best of luck!

Module 1 13
Module Assessment

Answer the following:

1. You are meant to develop like any other living or else you will rut. Remember,
“Growth is an evidence of life.” If you are alive, then you must be growing
and developing. Are you on your way to development? Explain.
2. Like you, each of your future student is also a bundle of possibilities. How
should you look at them in terms of development? Write down your

Module Summary

There are many processes on how to develop ourselves, what are the several factors
that can affect our development and perspective and how these factors influence us in
learning something. The 14 Learner-Centered Psychological Principles are divided
into four: Cognitive and Metacognitive Process, Motivational and Affective Factors,
Developmental and Social Factors and lastly the Individual Differences Factors
influence learners and learning. It is applied to all learners - all people, from children
to professionals.

We all have a different process of learning things, how can we adopt to these and how
to understand the different concepts that may take place in our learning process.

Human development refers to the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development

of humans throughout the lifespan. Each stage of human development has
corresponding developmental tasks that need to be considered especially by you,
future educators, in understanding your learners better and in designing activities and
strategies that are anchored on the developmental tasks and needs of your students.


Acero, V.D., Javier, E.S., and H.O. Castro (2010). The child and adolescent learners.
Child and Adolescent Development. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Alberto, C.H. (2018). Santrock and Havighurst's Developmental Stages, Retrieved

August 20, 2020 from

American Psychological Association (1997). Learner-centered principles: A

framework for school reform and redesign. Retrieved August 22, 2020 from

Baby and Toddler Help (2012). Growth and development: An orderly process.
Retrieved August 23, 2020 from

Module 1 14
Baltes, P. (1987). Theoretical propositions of life-span developmental psychology: On
the dynamics between growth and decline. Developmental Psychology, 23(5),
611-626. Retrieved August 23, 2020 from

Eguac, J.R. (2015). The Stages of Development and Developmental tasks. Retrieved
August 20, 2020 from

Module 1: Lifespan Development. Retrieved August 23, 2020 from

Slideshare (2016). Module 2- The Stages of Development and Developmental Tasks.

Retrieved August 20, 2020 from

Module 1 15

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