Core CH 15 Detecting The Environment Part 2
Core CH 15 Detecting The Environment Part 2
Core CH 15 Detecting The Environment Part 2
Structure Functions
Pinna Helps collect and direct sound waves into
the auditory canal
Auditory canal Directs the sound waves to the ear drum
Ear drum -converts the sound waves into
mechanical vibrations
-transmits the vibrations to the ear bones
in the middle ear
Ear bones Amplify and transmit the vibrations to
oval window
Eustachian tube Equalizes the air pressure between
middle ear and the atmosphere
Oval window Transmits the vibrations from the ear
bones to the fluid in the inner ear
Round window Releases the fluid pressure within the
inner ear
Cochlea Contains sensory hair cells to detect
Semicircular canals Contains sensory hair cells to detect head
the pressure inside the middle ear becomes higher than the external air pressure
the ear drum bulges outwards and cannot vibrate freely
such hearing difficulty can be solved by yawning (opening the mouth
cavity->decreasing the pressure inside the cavity)
(b) If the external air pressure increases
(e.g. in a downhill tram, descending lift/plane)
the pressure inside the middle ear becomes lower than the external air pressure
the ear drum bulges inwards and cannot vibrate freely
such difficulty can be solved by swallowing air (increasing the pressure inside the
mouth cavity)
Sensitivity (★★★★)