Chem For Eng 1
Chem For Eng 1
Chem For Eng 1
Electrochemistry is a branch of chemistry which deals with the relationship
between electrical energy and chemical energy. It deals the chemical reactions brought
by electric current and chemical reaction producing electrical current.
Electrochemical reactions find applications in many industries.
Electrochemistry broadly discusses about electrical effects on passing electricity
through a solution.
Electrolysis comes under this category and finds applications in
i) Metallurgy
ii) Electroplating
• The nickel or copper coated iron article (base metal) is placed at the cathode.
• A lead-antimony rod is used as the anode
• A solution of chromic acid and sulfuric acid (100:1) is used as the electrolyte.
• Temperature of the electrolytic solution is maintained at 400C to 500C.
• A current density of 100 – 200 mA/cm2 is used.
• Sulphate ions act as catalyst for coating.
• When electric current is passed, electrolysis takes place and chromium is
deposited over the base metal.
• A schematic diagram of coating of chromium is given above.
Electroless Plating
Electroless plating is a technique of depositing a noble metal (from its salt
solution) on a catalytically active surface of a less noble metal by employing a suitable
reducing agent and without using electrical energy.
The reducing agent causes reduction of metallic ions to metal which gets plated
over the catalytically activated surfaces giving a uniform thin coating.
Metal ions + Reducing agent Metal + Oxidized products
The pretreated object (example: Stainless steel) is immersed in the plating bath
containing NiCl2 and a reducing agent, sodium hypophosphite for the required time.
During the process, Ni gets coated over the object.
Anodic reaction:
H2PO2- + H2O H2PO3- + 2H+ + 2e-
Cathodic reaction:
Ni2+ + 2e- Ni
Advantages of Electroless plating over electroplating
1. No electricity is required for Electroless plating.
2. Electroless plating on insulators (like plastics, glass) and
semiconductors can be easily carried out.
3. Complicated parts can also be plated uniformly in this method.
4. Electroless coatings possess good mechanical, chemical and magnetic
Applications of Electroless plating
1. Electroless nickel plating is extensively used in electronic appliances.
2. Electroless nickel plating is used in domestic and in automotive fields.
3. Electroless nickel coated polymers are used in decorative and functional
4. Electroless copper and nickel coated plastic cabinets are used in digital as well
as electronic instruments.
5. Electroless copper plating is used in the manufacture of double sided and
multilayered printed circuit boards (PCB).
In this lesson, types of electrolytes, mechanism of electrolysis, industrial
applications of electrolysis, preparation of surface, factors affecting coating,
electroplating, electroless plating, its advantages and applications are discussed.
PART - A 4. Give any three advantages of
1. What is an electrolyte? Electroless plating over
2. Give two examples for strong electroplating.
electrolytes. 5. Give any three applications of
3. Give two examples for weak Electroless plating.
electrolytes. PART - C
4. Define strong electrolyte. 1. Explain electrolysis with a
5. Define weak electrolyte. suitable example.
Representation of cell:
Galvanic cell is generally represented as follows.
M1 / M1+ || M2+ / M2 or M1 / (Salt of M1) || (Salt of M2) / M2
Where, M1 & M2 are Anode and Cathode respectively and M1+ & M2+ are the metal ions in
respective electrolyte. The symbol || denotes salt bridge. The above representation of
galvanic cell is known as galvanic cell diagram.
Single electrode potential
The measure of tendency of a metallic electrode to lose or gain electrons when in
contact with a solution of its own salt in a half cell of an electrochemical cell is called as
single electrode potential.
The tendency of an electrode to lose electrons is called oxidation potential while
the tendency of an electrode to gain electrons is called reduction potential.
Formation of Da niel Cell
This cell consists of a zinc rod as anode dipped in zinc sulphate solution
(electrolyte) in a glass tank and copper rod as cathode dipped in copper sulphate
(electrolyte) in another glass tank. Each electrode is known as half cell. The two half cells
are interconnected by a salt bridge and zinc and copper electrodes are connected by a
wire through voltameter. The salt bridge contains saturated solution of KCl in agar-agar
gel. The cell diagram of Daniel cell is
Zn / Zn2+ || Cu2+ / Cu or Zn / ZnSO4 || Cu / CuSO4
Electrochemical series
When various metals as electrodes are arranged in the order of their increasing
values of standard reduction potential on the hydrogen scale, then the arrangement is
called electrochemical series.
Electrochemical series
Electrode Electrode Reaction Reduction Nature
(E0 ) Volts
Li+ / Li Li+ + e─ Li -3.01 Anode
Mg2+ / Mg Mg2+ + 2e─ Mg -2.37 Anode
Pb2+ / Pb Pb2+ + 2e─ Pb -1.12 Anode
Zn2+ / Zn Zn2+ + 2e─ Zn -0.76 Anode
Fe2+ / Fe Fe2+ + 2e─ Fe -0.44 Anode
Sn2+ / Sn Sn2+ + 2e─ Sn -0.13 Anode
H+ / H H+ + e─ H 0.00 Pt – reference
Cu2+ / Cu Cu2+ + 2e─ Cu +0.34 Cathode
Ag+ / Ag Ag+ + e─ Ag +0.80 Cathode
Au+ / Au Au+ + e─ Au +1.50 Cathode
Higher the value of standard reduction potential (+vevalue) greater is the tendency
to get reduced. Thus, metals on the top having more negative (–ve) values are more
easily ionized (oxidized).
iii. In another half-cell the zinc is placed in its high concentrated solution.
In this lesson, electrochemical cells, single electrode potential, galvanic cell,
construction and working of Daniel cell, significance and applications of
electrochemical series and two types of concentration cells are discussed
1. What is an electrochemical cell?
2. Give two examples for electrochemical cell.
3. Define single electrode potential.
4. What is galvanic cell?
5. Write an example for a galvanic cell.
6. What is Daniel cell?
1. How will you write a short representation of a Daniel cell?
2. Define electrochemical series.
3. Write any three applications of electrochemical series.
4. Define concentration cell.
5. What are the types of concentration cells? Give examples.
6. Give an example for electrode concentration cell.
7. Give an example for electrolyte concentration cell.
1. Explain electrochemical cell with example.
2. Explain the construction and working of Daniel cell.
3. Describe the galvanic cell with cell reactions.
4. What are the applications of electrochemical series?
5. Explain the construction and working of a concentration cell with example.
Battery is a device that stores chemical energy and releases it as electrical
energy. Hence a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is
called battery, cell, or storage battery.
A battery is an electrochemical cell which is often connected in series in
electrical devices as a source of direct electric current at a constant voltage.
A cell contains one anode and one cathode. The EMF of a single cell is
around 2 volts. A battery contains several anode and cathode. The EMF of a
battery which contains six anodes and six cathodes is around 12 v.
Battery is a device that stores chemical energy and releases it as electrical
energy. Hence a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is
called battery or cell.
Batteries are classified as follows,
i) Primary battery
Primary battery
Primary battery is a cell in which the cell reaction is not reversible. Thus, once the
chemical reaction takes place to release the electrical energy, the cell gets exhausted.
They are use and throw type.
Example: Dry cell, Leclanche cell etc.
Secondary battery
Secondary battery is a cell in which the cell reaction is reversible. They are
rechargeable cells. Once the battery gets exhausted, it can be recharged.
Example: Nickel-Cadmium cell, Lead-acid cell (storage cell), etc.
Dry Cell
A cell without fluid component is called as dry cell.
Example: Daniel cell, alkaline battery.
Construction and working of Dry cell:
The anode of the cell is zinc container containing an electrolyte consisting of
NH4Cl, ZnCl2 and MnO2 to which starch is added to make it thick paste-like so that
is less likely to leak. A graphite rod, serves as the cathode, is immersed in the
electrolyte in the centre of the cell.
The electrode reactions are given below.
Anodic reaction
Zn (s)———> Zn2+ (aq) + 2e─ (Oxidation)
Cathodic reaction
2MnO2 (s) + H2O + 2e─ Mn2O3 (s) + 2OH– (aq) (Reduction)
NH4+ (aq) + OH─ NH3 (g) + H2O (l)
2MnO2 (s) + 2NH2+ (aq) + Zn 2+ (aq) + 2e─ [Zn(NH3)2]Cl2 (s)
Overall reaction
Zn(s) + 2NH4+(aq) +2Cl─ (aq) +2MnO2(s)Mn2O3(s) + [Zn(NH3)2]Cl2(s) + 2H2O
The dry cell is a primary battery, since no reaction is reversible by supplying
electricity. Dry cell is very cheap to make. It gives voltage of about 1.5V.
But, it has few demerits: i) When current is drawn rapidly, drop in voltage
occurs. ii) Since the electrolyte is acidic, Zn dissolves slowly even if it is not in use.
Dry cells are used in flash-lights, transistor radios, calculators, clocks etc.
Secondary battery
Secondary battery is a cell in which the cell reaction is reversible. They are
rechargeable cells. Once the battery gets exhausted, it can be recharged.
Example: Nickel-Cadmium cell, Lead-acid cell (storage cell), etc
Lead – acid storage cell
The typical example for storage cell is Lead-acid storage cell. A secondary
battery can operate as a voltaic cell and as an electrolytic cell. When it acts as a
voltaic cell, it supplies electrical energy and becomes run down. When it is
recharged, the cell operates as an electrochemical cell.
Construction and Working:
A lead – acid storage cell consists of a number of voltaic cells (3 to 6)
connected in series to get 6 to 12 V battery. In each cell, a number of Pb plates, used
as anodes are connected in parallel and a number of PbO2 plates, used as cathodes
are connected in parallel. The plates are separated by insulators like rubber or glass
fibre. The entire combination is immersed in 20% dil.H2SO4.
The cell is represented as
Pb | PbSO4 || H2SO4 || PbSO4 | PbO2 | Pb
When the lead-acid storage battery operates, the following cell reactions occur.
Anodic reaction:
Oxidation reaction takes place at anode. The electrons are released from anode.
Hence the anode is called as negative anode and is represented as
Lead is oxidized to Pb2+ ions and gives two electron, which further combines
with SO42- to form insoluble PbSO4.
From the above cell reactions, it is clear that PbSO4is precipitated at both the
electrodes and the concentration of H2SO4 decreases. So, the battery needs
Overall cell reaction during recharging:
The cell can be recharged by passing electric current in the opposite direction. The
electrode reaction gets reversed. As a result, Pb is deposited on anode and PbO 2 on
the cathode. The concentration of H2SO4 also increases. 2PbSO4 (s) +
2H2O + Energy Pb (s) + PbO2 (s) + 2H2SO4 (aq)
Advantages of Lead – acid batteries:
1. It is made easily.
2. It produces very high current.
3. The self discharging rate is low.
4. It works effectively even at low temperatures.
1. Lead – acid batteries are used in cars, buses, trucks etc.
2. It is used in gas engine ignition, telephone exchanges, power stations hospitals.
3. IT industry, educational institutions, laboratories etc.
Non-conventional Energy Sources
Energy received from the sun is the best example for non-conventional energy
resources. Example: Solar cell
Solar cell
A device which converts the solar energy (energy obtained from the sun)
directly into electrical energy is called ‘Solar cell’. This is also called as ‘Photovoltaic
The basic principle involved in the solar cells is based on the photovoltaic
(PV) effect. When sun rays fall on the two layers of semiconductor devices, potential
difference between the two layers is produced. This potential difference causes flow
of electrons and thus produces electricity.
Example: Silicon solar cell
Solar cell consists of a p-type (such as Si doped with boron) and a n-type (such as Si
doped with phosphorous) semiconductor plates. They are in close contact with each
When the solar rays fall on the top layer of p-type semiconductor, the
electrons from the valence band get promoted to the conduction band and cross the
p-n junction into n-type semiconductor. Thereby potential difference between two
layers is created, which causes flow of electrons (i.e. electric current). The potential
difference and hence current increases as more solar rays falls on the surface of the
top layer.
Thus, when this p- and n- layers are connected to an external circuit, electrons
flow from n-layer to p-layer and hence current is generated.
Applications of solar cells:
1. Solar cells are used in street lights.
2. Water pumps are operated by using solar batteries.
3. They are used in calculators, watches, radios and TVs.
4. They are used for eco-friendly driving vehicles.
5. Silicon Solar cells are used as power source in space crafts and satellites.
6. Solar cells can even be used in remote places and in forests to get electrical
energy without affecting the atmosphere.
In this lesson, various types of batteries, construction, working with cell
reactions of storage batteries like, dry cell, lead - acid cell, solar cell and their uses
are discussed.
1. Define a storage battery.
2. What is a primary battery? Give example.
3. What is a secondary battery? Give example.
4. Define a fuel cell.
1. What is dry cell? Give an example.
2. Write short representation of lead - acid storage cell.
3. Give any three uses of lead – acid battery.
4. What is a solar cell?
5. Give any three applications of solar cells.
1. Explain construction and working of dry cell with example.
2. Explain the construction and working of lead – acid battery.
3. Write a note on solar cell.
4. Explain the uses of solar cells.
Chapter II
1. to learn the types of radioactive decay
2. To understand Half-life
3. To learn to write nuclear equation for radioactive decay
2.1 Introduction:
Radioactive decays occurs in unstable atomic nuclei, that is ones that don’t have
enough binding energy to hold the nucleus together due to an excess of either protons
or neutrons.
Radioactive ray from a sample leads box passing through between the positive and
negative charged plates and separating it into alpha, beta and gamma particles:
1. Alpha radiation consists of positively charged particles with a charge of +2 and a
mass of 4 on the atomic mass of scale. These particles are identical with the nucleus of
an ordinary helium atom 24 He
When an atom losses am alpha partic e, the atomic number of the product atom is
lower by two and its mass number is lower by four. Because of their large mass and
charge, alpha particles do not travel very far and are not very penetrating. They are
easily stopped by a sheet of paper or by the dead cells on the surface of the skin. They
are dangerous when in ingested because they easily penetrate soft tissues. Consider,
for example, the loss of an alpha particle by a uranium atom with atomic number 92
and mass number 238. This example gives an isotope of Thorium with atomic number
90 and mass number 234. The nuclear reaction is represented by the equation
→ He2 + Th90
238 4 234
U 92
Here, is in all nuclear equations, there is a balance of both atomic number (90 + 2 =
92) and mass number (4 + 234 = 238) on the both sides.
→ e−1 + Pa91
234 0 234
Th 90
The symbol e −1
stands for beta particles.
→ Ra
+ He
Radium-226 Radon-222 Alpha Gamma ray
→ Pa
+ e
Thorium-234 Protactinum-234 Beta Particles Gamma Ray
Table 15.1
Characteristics of Some Ionizing Radiation
PROPERTY Alpha Radiation Beta Radiation Gamma Radiation
1. Composition Alpha particle Beta particle High energy
(helium nucleus) (electron) (electromagnetic
2. symbol a;
He 2 e −1
3. Charge 2+ 1- 0
4. Mass, amu 4 1/1837
5. Common Source Radium-226 Carbon-14 Cobalt-60
6. Approximate 5MeV 0.05 to 1MeV 1MeV
7. Penetrating Low(0.05mm body Moderate (4mm Very High,
Penetrates body
Power tissue) body Tissue) easily
8. Shielding Paper; clothing Metal Foil Lead, concrete
Units of Radiation
Several units of measurements that is describe specific features about a
radiation source and its radiation are discussed in the following:
1 The Curie. Intensity of radiation depends on the number of atoms that decay
in a given period of time, this break down is called the rate of decay. One curie (C 1) is
3.7 x 1010 disintegration per second of one gram of pure radium.
2. The Roentgen. Like the curie, the roentgen (R) named after Wilhelm
Roentgen (1845-1923), the German Physicist who discovered X-rays, is a measure of the
output from a radiation source. One roentgen is the amount of X-rays or gamma
radiation that produces ions carrying 2.1 x 109 units of electrical charge in 1 cm3 of dry
air at 0o C and 1 atm pressure.
3. The Rad. The Rad (radiation absorb dose) is the measure of energy absorbed
by the object exposed to radiation source. One rad is the quantity of ionizing radiation
which delivers 100 ergs of energy to 1 g of substance (erg is a very small unit of energy).
When we are dealing with a soft tissue , the Rad and the roentgen are equivalent. The
delivery of 1 R to self tissue results in the absorption of 1 rad, a single total body dose
of 600 rads will kill a human being.
4. The Rem. The rem (roentgen equivalent medical) is a measure of a quantity
of radiation. The quantity differs with the type of radiation exposure. The absorption
of 1 rem of any ionizing radiation produces the same biological effect as the absortion
of 1 R (1 rad) of gamma rays of X- rays. Since biological damage caused by 1 rad of
alpha particles differs from that caused by 1 rad of gamma rays or X- rays, the rem
measure is used to compensate. For example, 1 rad of alpha radiation causes 15 times
more radiation damage than 1 rad of X- rays; 1 rem dose of alpha is therefore 15 times
less radiation than 1 rem dose of X-rays.
The stability of a nucleus depends on its neutron-to-proton ratio. For elements of low
atomic number below 20, this ratio is 1. this means that the nuclei have equal numbers
of neutrons to protons.
Above atomic number 20, the stable nuclei have more neutrons than protons. The
neutron-to-proton ratio reaches about 1.5 with heavy elements.
The stable of nuclei on a neutron versus proton plot are located in a band of stability.
The nuclei in region A, to the left of the band stability, have too many neutrons. They
turn a neutron into a proton a proton by emitting a beta particle or electron from the
→ H 1 + e−1
1 1 0
n 0
This process is known beta decay or beta emission. When it produces a
simultaneous increase in the number of protons and decrease in the number of
→ Zn30 + e−1
66 66 0
Cu 29
→ N 7 + e−1
14 14 0
C 6
The nuclei in region B, to the right of the band of stability, have too many
They increase their stability by converting a proton into a neutron. An electron
is captured in this process:
+ e−1 → Co27
59 0 59
Ni 28
+ e−1 → Cl17
37 0 37
Ni 18
A Positron is a particle with the mass of an electron but a positive charge e +1
positron maybe emitted as a proton changes into a neutron
→ Be4 + e+1
8 8 0
B 5
→ N 7 + e+1
15 15 0
O 8
And too many protons. They emit alpha particles. Alpha emission results in an
increase in the neutron to proton ratio. This is a favorable change for it increases
nuclear stability.
→ Hg + He2
204 4
Pb 82 80
In alpha emission, the mass number decreases by four and the atomic number
decreases by two. All nuclei with atomic number greater than 82 are radioactive. A
majority undergoes alpha emission.
→ Rn86 + He2
226 222 4
Ra 88
→ Ra88 + He2
232 228 4
Th 90
a) Discuss the operation of a typical fuel cell
b) Describe the 3 classifications of fuels
c) Define and differentiate the concepts of energy and fuel. Define and
differentiate the concepts of energy and fuel.
d) Fossil Fuels: be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various
fossil fuels, including cleanliness and available lifetimes of various forms.
e) Alternative fuels: to be able to discuss the various ‘new’ fuels available, H2,
bio-ethanol, bio-diesel.
In this present age of rapid industrial development, the power requirement is
increasing day-by-day. Heat energy is the main source of power. Burning of carbon, an
exothermic reaction produces heat energy. Hence, the carbon compounds have been
used as the main source of heat energy.
A fuel is a substance, which on proper burning gives large amount of heat energy
on combustion. It is used for domestic and industrial purposes. They contain carbon as
a main constituent.
Fossil fuel
The main sources of fuels are coal and petroleum oils available in earth’s crust
and they are called fossil fuels.
The other sources of fuels are:
1. Radioactive elements and
2. Sunlight
Calorific value of a fuel
Calorific value of a fuel is the total quantity of heat liberated when a unit mass
or volume of the fuel is completely burnt.
Unit of heat
Heat energy is measured in terms of calorie or kilocalorie.
Calorie is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of
water through 1° Centigrade (1 kcal = 1000 calories)
Gross calorific value
Gross calorific value of a fuel is defined as the total quantity of heat liberated
when a unit mass of the fuel is completely burnt and the combustion products are
cooled to room temperature
Gross calorific value = Heat of reaction + Latent heat of steam produced +
Sensible heat obtained by cooling the combustion Products to room temperature
Net calorific value
The net calorific value of a fuel is the actual amount of heat available when unit
mass of the fuel is completely burnt and combustion products are permitted to escape.
Net Calorific Value = Gross calorific value – Latent heat of water vapour formed.
Classification of fuels
Fuels are classified into natural or primary fuels and artificial or secondary fuels.
Each type is further subdivided into solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
It is a low-grade fuel. Freshly cut wood contains 25-50% moisture. Moisture
may be reduced to 25% on air-drying. The composition of moisture free wood is C =
55%; H2 = 6%; O2 = 43% and ash = 1%. The calorific value of dried wood is 3500 to 4500
kcal/kg. It burns with a long and non-smoky flame. It is used as a domestic fuel.
Coal is a natural fuel formed by the slow carbonization of vegetable matter
buried under the earth some thousands of years ago. It is classified into four kinds
based on the carbon content and the calorific value.
1. Peat
2. Lignite
3. Bituminous coal
4. Anthracite coal
1. Peat
It is the first stage of formation of coal from wood. It is brown, fibrous
jelly-like mass. It contains 80-90% moisture. The composition of peat is C =
57%; H2 = 6%; O2 = 35% and ash = 2.5%. The calorific value of peat is 5400
kcal/kg. It is a low-grade fuel due to high water content.
➢ It is used as fertilizer.
➢ It is used as packing material.
2. Lignite
Lignite is immature form of coal. It contains 20-60% moisture. Airdried
lignite contains C = 60-70% and O2 = 20%. It burns with a long smoky flame.
The calorific value of lignite is 6500-7100 kcal/kg.
➢ It is used as a domestic fuel.
➢ It is used as a boiler fuel for steam production.
3. Bituminous coal
It is a high-quality fuel. Its moisture content is 4%. Its composition is
C = 83%; O2 = 10%; H2 = 5% and N2 = 2%. Its calorific value is 8500 kcal/kg.
➢ It is used in metallurgy.
➢ It is used in steam production.
➢ It is used for making coal gas.
➢ It is also used for domestic heating.
4. Anthracite coal
It is the superior form of coal. It contains C = 92-98%; O2 = 3%; H2 = 3%
and N2 = 0.7%. It burns without smoke. Its calorific value is 8700 kcal/kg.
➢ It is used for steam production and house hold purposes.
➢ It is used for direct burning in boilers and in metallurgy.
➢ It is used in thermal power plant.
➢ It is used in coal tar distillation.
➢ It is used in glass furnaces.
Petroleum (Crude oil) is a naturally available liquid fuel. It is a dark greenish-
brown viscous oil found deep in earth’s crust. It is composed of various
hydrocarbons with small amount of other organic compounds as impurities.
1. Refining of petroleum
The process of purification and separation of various fractions present
in petroleum by fractional distillation is called refining of petroleum. Refining
is carried out in oil refineries.
2. Fractional distillation
It is the process of separation of various components of a liquid mixture
based on the difference in their boiling points by repeated evaporation and
3. Refining of petroleum – Process
The crude oil is treated with copper oxide to remove Sulphur impurities.
Then it is repeatedly washed with sulphuric acid to remove basic impurities. It
is then washed with sodium hydroxide to remove acidic impurities. Then it is
subjected to fractional distillation and various fractions are collected. The various
fractions obtained, and their uses are given in the table below.
5 Diesel oil or gas oil 250°C to 320°C Used as fuel for diesel engine
Cracking is a process by which the hydrocarbons of high molecular
mass are decomposed into hydrocarbons of low molecular mass by heating
in the presence or absence of a catalyst.
CO 2 + C 2 CO
The reactor consists of a steel vessel lined inside with refractory bricks. At the top, it
is provided with cup and cone arrangement and an exit for producer gas. At the
bottom, it has an inlet for passing air. There is an exit for the ash at the base.
➢ It is used as a fuel in the extraction of metal.
➢ It is used in the manufacture of glass.
➢ It is used as a reducing agent in metallurgy.
3. Water gas
Water gas is a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. It also
contains traces of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
The average composition of water gas is CO = 41%; H2 = 51%; N2= 4%
and CO2 = 4%. Its calorific value is 2800 kcal/m3.
C + H2O CO + H2
(Endothermic reaction) (Coke) (Steam)
But, the reaction between carbon and air is exothermic and raises the
temperature to about 1000°C
C + O2 CO2 (Exothermic reaction)
Thus, the steam and air are sent in alternatively to maintain the
temperature at about 1000°C.
The reactor consists of a steel vessel lined inside with refractory bricks. At the top, it
has cup and cone feeder and an exit for water gas. At the base, inlet pipes for steam
and air are provided. At the bottom, out let for ash is also available.
➢ It is used as a source of hydrogen gas.
➢ It is used as an illuminating gas.
➢ It is used as a fuel in ceramic industries.
In this lesson, different types of fuels, their composition and uses are
discussed. The manufacture, composition and uses of producer gas, water gas
and some details about CNG and LPG are also discussed.
1. Define fuel.
2. Define fossil fuel.
3. Define calorific value of a fuel.
4. How are fuels classified?
5. Give two examples for solid fuels.
6. Give two examples for liquid fuels.
7. Give two examples for gaseous fuels.
8. What are the varieties of coal?
9. What is petroleum?
10. What is meant by cracking?
11. What is producer gas?
12. Give the composition of producer gas.
13. What is water gas?
14. Give the composition of water gas.
15. What are the components present in CNG?
16. Mention the uses of CNG.
17. What are the components present in LPG?
18. Mention the uses of LPG.
1. What is refining of petroleum?
2. Write a note on liquid hydrogen as fuel.
3. Give the composition and uses of producer gas.
4. Give the composition and uses of water gas.
5. Give the composition and uses of CNG.
6. Give the composition and uses of LPG.
1. Write a note on solid fuels.
2. Explain the fractional distillation of petroleum.
3. Describe the manufacture of producer gas. List its uses.
4. Describe the manufacture of water gas. List its uses.
5. Write a note on CNG.
6. Write a note on LPG.
7. Compare the relative advantages of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.
Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction accompanied by heat
and light. To ensure complete combustion, substance should be brought to its
ignition temperature. Most of the combustible substances are enriched with
carbon, hydrogen and Sulphur. During combustion they undergo thermal
decomposition and oxidation to give products like CO2, H2O and SO2 etc.
Hence for an efficient combustion it is essential that the fuel must
contact sufficient quantity of air. The air contains oxygen which is used for
combustion. But the non-combustible constituents like N2, CO2, and H2O do
not take any oxygen from air.
Incomplete combustion occurs only when there is too little air or
oxygen is supplied. During incomplete combustion the carbon monoxide is
formed instead of CO2.
Ignition temperature:
The minimum temperature at which a fuel catches fire and burns is
called ignition temperature.
The chemical reaction of a fuel with oxygen (oxidizing agent) which
produces heat and light energy is called combustion of a fuel.
Example: Combustion of carbon
C+ O2 CO2(g) + 97 kcal
The gaseous products of combustion are mainly CO, CO2, N2, SO2, O2
and H2O which are known as flue gases. The main elements present in most
of the fuels are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), oxygen (O) and Sulphur (S).
Air contains 23% by mass of oxygen and 21% by volume of oxygen.
2. Combustion of Hydrogen
2 H2(g) + O2(g) 2 H2O(l)
4 32 36
4 kg of hydrogen requires 32 kg of oxygen for complete combustion
Example 1
A fuel contains 90% carbon, 3.5% hydrogen, 3% oxygen and 0.5% Sulphur
Determine stoichiometric mass of air required to completely burn 1 kg of this
C= 90% = 0.9 kg
H = 3.5% = 0.035 kg O =
03% = 0.03 kg
S= 0.5% = 0.005 kg
1. Combustion of carbon
2. Combustion of hydrogen
= 8 x 0.35=0.28 kg
3. Combustion of Sulphur
= 2.685 kg
Minimum mass of oxygen required = Theoretical O2 required – O2 present in
= 2.685 – 0.03
= 2.655 kg
= 11.54kg
Example 2:
Calculate the minimum mass of air required for complete combustion of 1 kg
of a fuel having the composition C = 92%, H2 = 4%, O2 = 2% and ash = 2% by
C = 92% = 0.92 kg
H2 = 04% = 0.04 kg
O2 = 02% = 0.02 kg
1. Combustion of carbon
= 2.45 kg
2. Combustion of hydrogen
= 0.32 kg
= 2.77 kg
Minimum mass of oxygen required = Theoretical O2 required – O2 present in
= 2.77 – 0.02
= 2.75 kg
= 11.96kg
Example 3:
Calculate the minimum amount of air by mass required for complete
combustion of 2 kg of coke assuming 100% carbon.
= 23.17 kg
Excess air
During combustion, there is an incomplete combustion, when
stoichiometric air is supplied. In practice, excess amount of air is supplied to
get complete combustion. To avoid cooling effect, about 25% to 50%
preheated air is supplied.
Total mass of air/kg of fuel = Stoichiometric mass of air + Excess mass of air
Example 4
Calculate the mass of air to be supplied for the combustion of 1 kg of a fuel
containing 75% carbon, 8% hydrogen and 3% oxygen, if 40% excess air is
C = 75% = 0.75 kg H =
8% = 0.08 kg
O = 3% = 0.03 kg
1. Combustion of carbon
2. Combustion of hydrogen
= 0.64 kg
= 2.64 kg
Minimum mass of oxygen required = Theoretical O2 required – O2 present in
= 2.64 – 0.03
= 2.61 kg
= 11.35kg
Excess air supplied = 40%
= 15.89 kg
Combustion calculation by volume(for gaseous fuels):
Stochiometric or minimum volume of air required for the complete
combustion of 1 m3 gaseous fuels
The volume of air required for the combustion of gaseous fuels is calculated
mainly based on the balanced combustion equation.
1. Combustion of carbon monoxide
2CO + O2 2CO2
2 vol 1 vol 1vol
2m3 of CO needs 1m3 of oxygen
1 m3 of CO needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
2. Combustion of hydrogen
2H2 + O2 2H2O
2 vol 1 vol 1vol
2m3 of Hydrogen needs 1m3 of oxygen
1 m3 of H2 needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
3. Combustion of methane
CH4 + 2 O2CO2 + 2 H2O
1 vol 2 vol 1 vol 2 vol
1 m3 of CH4 needs 2 m3 of O2 for combustion
4. Combustion of ethane
2C2H6 + 7O24 CO2 + 6 H2O
2 vol 7 vol 4 vol 6 vol
2m3 of ethane needs 7 m3 of oxygen
1 m3 of C2H6 needs 3.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
5. Combustion of ethylene
C2H4 +3O2 2CO2 +2H2O 1
Example 1
Determine the volume of air needed for complete combustion of one cubic
meter of producer gas having the following composition by volume.
H2 = 30%, CO = 12%, CH4 = 5% and N2 = 50%.
H2 = 30% = 0.3 m3
CO = 12% = 0.12 m3
CH4 = 05% = 0.05 m3
1. Combustion of hydrogen
1 m3 of H2 needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
0.3 m3 of H2 requires oxygen for complete combustion = 0.5 x 0.3
= 0.15 m3
2. Combustion of carbon monoxide
= 1.48 m3
Example 2
A fuel contains 45% of H2, 40% CO, 12% CH4 and 3% O2 by volume.
Determine volume of air required to burn 1 m3 of this fuel.
H2 = 45% = 0.45 m3
CO = 40% = 0.4 m3
CH4 = 12% = 0.12 m3
O2 = 03% = 0.03 m3
1. Combustion of hydrogen
1 m3 of H2 needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
0.45 m3 of H2 requires oxygen for complete combustion = 0.5 x 0.45
= 0.225 m3
2. Combustion of carbon monoxide
= 3.023 m3 of air
Example 3
Volumetric analysis of producer gas supplied to a engine is,
H2 = 20%, CO = 22%, CH4 = 3%, CO2 = 8% and N2 = 47%
Excess air supplied is 50%. Estimate the volume of air required for
combustion of 1 m3 of gas. H2 = 20% = 0.2 m3
CO = 22% = 0.22 m3
CH4 = 3% = 0.03 m3
1. Combustion of hydrogen
1 m3 of H2 needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
0.2 m3 of H2 requires oxygen for complete combustion = 0.5 x 0.2
= 0.1 m3
2. Combustion of carbon monoxide
1 m3 of CO needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
A gas has the following % composition by volume
H2 = 14% = 0.14 m3
CO = 22% = 0.22 m3
CH4 = 4% = 0.04 m3
1. Combustion of hydrogen
1 m3 of H2 needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
0.2 m3 of H2 requires oxygen for complete combustion
= 0.700 m3
2. Combustion of carbon monoxide
1 m3 of CO needs 0.5 m3 of O2 for combustion
= 0.08 m3
Oxygen already in
the fuel =0.24
Total volume of oxygen required for the complete combustion is=0.26-0.02
=0.24 m3
Flue gas
Flue gas is a mixture of gases produced from the products of
combustion of a fuel. Its major constituents are CO, CO2, O2 and N2.
The efficiency of combustion can be understood by quantitative
analysis of flue gas. Usually, excess oxygen in the flue gas suggests that excess
of air is supplied for combustion. More carbon monoxide content, suggests,
incomplete combustion process. Based on flue gas analysis, improvement in
the design of internal combustion engines, combustion chamber, furnace, etc.,
can be done.
Flue gas analysis by Orsay’s apparatus
Mainly, the flue gases CO, CO2 and O2 are quantitatively analyzed by
Orsay’s apparatus.
The apparatus consists of a graduated burette (100 ml) surrounded by
water, for maintaining constant temperature. One end of burette is connected
to a levelling bottle through a rubber tube. The levelling bottles contain
saturated NaCl solution which does not absorb any flue gases. By raising and
lowering the levelling bottle, the volume of gases present in it are made to
overflow and have close contact with three absorption pipette solutions.
The absorption pipettes have solution for absorption of CO2, O2 and CO
respectively. The first pipette is filled up to the mark with standard KOH
solution to absorb CO2. The second pipette is filled with standard alkaline
pyrogallol solution. This solution absorbs CO2 and O2. The third pipette is
filled with standard ammoniacal cuprous chloride. This solution absorbs CO2,
O2 and CO. Hence, it is necessary to pass the flue gas first through standard
KOH solution and then through standard alkaline pyrogallol solution and
finally through standard ammoniacal CuCl2 solution.
To flush out the air in the apparatus, the three ways stop clock is
opened to the flue gas supply after closing the entries of absorption pipettes.
By lowering the levelling bottle, the flue gas is admitted in the burette and the
three ways stop clock is opened to the flue gas supply after closing the
absorption pipettes. Now, the levelling bottle is raised, and the gas-air
mixture is pushed out into the atmosphere. The procedure is repeated until
the pure flue gas occupies the apparatus.
Then adjust the levelling bottle and exactly permit 100 ml of the flue gas as
noted in the burette and close the three way stop clock completely. First, the
stopper of the first absorption pipette having KOH solution is opened and the
flue gas in the burette is forced into pipette solution by raising the levelling
bottle. By repeatedly raising and lowering the levelling bottle, the gas is
brought into intimate contact with the pipette KOH solution which absorbs
the CO2 gas completely. Then, the residual gases are taken into the burette
and the levels of the KOH solution is made to stand in fixed mark. By
adjusting the levelling bottle, the volume of residual gases after the removal of
CO2 by the absorption pipette is measured in the burette. The decrease in
volume gives the volume of CO2 in 100 ml.of the sample flue gas.
The same procedure is then repeated with the alkaline pyrogallol solution.
After the absorption of O2 in the absorption pipette, the pipette level is fixed
and entry closed. After that the burette reading is noted by levelling with the
levelling bottle. The further decrease in volume gives the volume of O2 in 100
ml.of the flue gas.
Finally, the third absorption pipette is opened and by adjusting the
levelling bottle up and down, the remaining flue gas is forced to pass through
the ammoniacal cuprous chloride solution of the absorption pipette. This is
done to have complete absorption of the remaining CO gas in the absorption
After this, the level of pipette is made fixed and entry closed. The
residual gas finally present in the burette is then measured by using the
levelling bottle. The decrease in value from the last noted value gives the
volume of CO present in 100 ml. of the flue gas.
The percentage of nitrogen is obtained by the difference.
In this lesson, combustion, combustion calculations and flue gas
analysis are discussed.
1. Define combustion.
2. Write the complete equation for the combustion of methane present in a fuel.
3. What is flue gas?
1. Mention the use of flue gas analysis.
2. Name the reagents used for the absorption of CO 2, O2 and CO in flue gas
1. Explain flue gas analysis by Orsat apparatus.
2. Calculate the mass of oxygen required for the combustion of 1 kg of a carbon,
hydrogen and sulphur.
3. A sample of hydrocarbon contains 18.18% hydrogen and 81.82% of carbon
by weight. Find the mass of air required for the complete combustion of 1
kg of the fuel.
4. A sample of coal was found to have the following composition.
C = 75%, H2 = 5.2%, O2 = 12.1%, N2 = 3.2% and ash = 4.5% by mass.
i. Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of
coal. ii. Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of 1
kg of coal if 40% excess air is used.
5. A fuel is found to contain C = 90%, H = 6%, S = 2.5%, O 2 = 1% and ash =
0.2% by mass.
i. Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of
ii. Calculate the amount of air required for complete combustion of 1 kg of
fuel if 25% excess air is used.
6. A gaseous fuel has the following composition by volume.H 2 = 15%, CO =
30%, CH4 = 3%, CO2= 5%, O2 = 2% and remaining N2.Calculate the volume
of air needed for complete combustion of 1 m3 of fuel.
7. The composition of gaseous fuel is Carbon monoxide = 22%, Hydrogen =
14%, Methane = 4%, Carbon dioxide = 6%, Nitrogen = 52% and Oxygen =
2% by volume. Calculate the volume of air required for the combustion of 1
m3 of the fuel.
8. A gaseous fuel has following composition by volume. Methane = 5%,
Hydrogen = 20%, CO = 25%, CO2 = 6% and the rest nitrogen. If 20% excess
air is used for combustion, calculate the volume of air supplied per m3 of
9. A fuel contains 45% H2, 40% CO, 12% CH4 and 3% O2 by volume. Excess air
supplied is 50%. Determine the volume of air required to burn 1 m3 of the
1. How to distinguish between complete and incomplete
combustion of coal.
2. How can you analyze the masses of CO2 and H2O produced during
combustion of a fuel?
3. Why a good fuel must have low ash content?
1. To understand that the uses for certain metals relate to specific properties
2. To understand that the properties of metals can be improved by producing
3. Defines alloys and describe how their properties are useful
4. Construct equations, with state symbols, for the reaction of metals with water,
steam and HCI
Most of the elements are metals. Metals occur in nature sometimes freely but
mostly in the combined state as oxides, sulphides, carbonates etc.,
Metallurgy deals with extraction of a metal in its pure form from its ore.
The various stages involved in extracting a metal from its ore are
This lesson deals with the metallurgy of two important metals namely
tungsten (W) and titanium (Ti) which are mainly used to prepare hard steel varieties.
Metallurgy of tungsten
2. Scheelite (CaWO )
3. Tungstenite (WS )
4. Solzite (PbWO )
5. Cuproscheelite (CuWO )
4 FeWO + 4 Na CO + O2 Fe O + 4 Na WO + 4 CO 4 2 3 2
2 3 2 4 2
2 MnWO + 2 Na CO + O 2 MnO + 2 Na WO + 2 CO
4 2 3 22 2 4 2
3. The fused mass is extracted with water. The solution of sodium tungstate is
concentrated to get the crystals. The crystals are filtered out. Sodium
tungstate crystals are again dissolved in minimum quantity of water and
acidified with hydrochloric acid. Hydrated tungstic acid is precipitated.
4. Tungstic acid thus obtained is ignited strongly to remove water. The formed
WO3 is reduced with hydrogen to get tungsten.
Tungsten is a hard silvery white metal. It is as heavy as gold. It has highest melting
point (8377°C). Its wire is very hard and has high tensile strength. It is resistant to
Metallurgy of titanium
The concentrated ore is treated with hot concentrated sulphuric acid and then
digested with excess of water. Titanium hydroxide is precipitated.
Stage II
The pure titanium dioxide is converted into titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) vapours by
heating it with carbon in a current of chlorine at 900°C.
Stage III
The vapours of TiCl4 are collected and condensed to get TiCl4 liquid. TiCl4 liquid,
which boils at 136°C, is purified by distillation.
Stage IV
TiCl4 is then reduced with sodium metal in an argon atmosphere to get titanium.
TiCl4 + 4 Na Ti + 4 NaCl
The metal thus obtained is washed with 3% nitric acid to remove the impurities.
Stage V
Van Arkel Method
Finally, the metal is purified by Van Arkel method. In this method, impure titanium
is heated with iodine vapours to get titanium tetra iodide vapours. These vapours are
taken to a different chamber and passed over a heated tungsten wire at 1400°C. TiI4
decomposes to give pure titanium.
Ti + 2 I
Titanium is a shining white metal. It has low density and high melting point. It is a
good conductor of heat and electricity. It has better corrosion resistance.
In this lesson, extraction of tungsten and titanium, their properties and uses are
1. Explain the extraction of tungsten from its ore. Mention its uses.
2. Explain the extraction of titanium from its ore. Mention its uses.
Generally, metal components are prepared by pouring molten metal in the mould
castings. Powder metallurgy is a new technique in which moulds are made using
compressed metal powders, even though this method is more expensive (As it
involves preparation of metal powder). This method has many advantages over the
traditional method. Metals and alloy can be made into metal powders. The metal
powder is then used for making the articles.
Powder metallurgy
Powder metallurgy is an art of making metal articles of desired shape using metal
powder by heat treatment and compression. By this method, even complicated
structures can be moulded easily.
Eg. Aluminium and bronze powders are used in paints. Iron powder is used in
welding rods.
The powder metallurgical process consist of the the following two steps.
1. Powder production
2. Powder fabrication
Powder production
Metal powders with particle size ranging from 1 to 100 microns are produced.
Usually metal powders with particle size 10 to 20 microns are predominant. The
metal powders produced should be pure. They should also have the correct particle
size and shape.
1. Atomization
Atomisation method is suitable for metals with low melting point like zinc, lead,
tin, aluminium etc.
In this method, a metal is heated to convert it into a molten metal. The molten metal
is then forced through an orifice. A compressed stream of air is passed over the
molten metal. The liquid metal is broken and sprayed into minute droplets. The
droplets are cooled and condensed to get metal powder.
To avoid oxidation of metal powder, inert gas is used instead of air. Powders of low
melting metals like zinc, lead and tin are produced by this method.
Reduction method is suitable for the metals with high melting point like tungsten,
iron, copper, nickel etc.
Metal powder can be obtained by passing reducing agent like carbon monoxide or
hydrogen on heated metal oxides. The metal thus obtained is then crushed and
ground to particle of desired size.
Cu2O + H2 2 Cu + H2O
A metal that is normally very soft and malleable, such as aluminium, can be altered
by alloying it with another soft metal, like copper. Although both metals are very soft
and ductile, the resulting aluminium alloy will be much harder and stronger. Gold
when combined with copper becomes suitable to make jewels.
The melting point of Lead is 3270c.The melting point of tin is 2310c.solder is an alloy
of tin and lead. The melting point of solder is 1830c. The low melting point of this
alloy is made use of in electrical connections.
The mechanical properties will often be quite different from those of its individual
constituents. Hence alloys play an important role in engineering materials.
Generally, alloys are prepared by fusing together the different ingredients (metals) in
a furnace. The alloys exhibit different properties when compared with the properties
of metals in them.
Purpose of alloying
1. Ferrous alloys
2. Non-ferrous alloys
Ferrous alloys
Alloys which contain containing iron as the main (major) constituent are
called as ferrous alloys.
Non-ferrous alloys
Alloys which do not contain containing iron as the main constituent are called as
non-ferrous alloys.
Examples: Nichrome, Dutch metal, German silver, gun metal and duralumin
Iron = 26%
2 Dutch Copper = 80% 1.Used for making cheap jewellery
metal Zinc = 20%
2.Used for making musical
In this lesson, the importance of alloying, composition and uses of ferrous alloys and
non-ferrous alloys are discussed.
e. Duralumin
What are the alloys used in aircraft parts and automobile parts?
We have observed different hard and soft substances used for the cutting, grinding
and polishing surfaces in day-to-day life.
Abrasives are a hard substance which is used for cutting, grinding and polishing
the surface of other materials.
Hardness of an abrasive
Moh’s scale
Hardness of abrasives is measured in a scale called Moh’s scale. In Moh’s scale, the
hardness of Diamond, which is the hardest among all the substances, is taken as 10.
The hardness of Talc, which is the softest substance, is taken as 1. Thus, the hardness
of other substances in Moh’s scale lies in between 1 and 10.
Abrasives are classified as natural and artificial abrasives. They are further classified
as follows.
Important natural abrasives
1. Diamond
2. Corundum
3. Emery
• It is a natural, hard, non-siliceous abrasive.
• It is a mixture of corundum (Al2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4).
• The presence of magnetite decreases the hardness of corundum.
• Its hardness in Moh’s scale is 7 to 9. Uses
• It is mainly used for scratching and rubbing surfaces.
• It is used for making abrasive paper and cloth.
Types of emery
Depending on the percentage of alumina, emery is classified into the following three
4. Garnet
Silicon carbide is prepared by fusing a mixture of silica (sand) and carbon (coke) with
some salt and saw dust in an electric arc furnace at 3000°C.
Salt and saw dust is added to infuse air into the product so that it can be broken into
pieces easily.
The product obtained is first washed with strong acid followed by strong base to
remove basic and acidic impurities respectively. Finally, it is washed with water.
Boron carbide is prepared by heating a mixture of boron oxide (B2O3) and carbon
(coke) in an electric arc furnace at 2500°C.
The product obtained is first washed with strong acid followed by strong base to
remove basic and acidic impurities respectively. Finally, it is washed with water.
• It is chemically inert.
• It is harder than silicon carbide.
• Its hardness in Moh’s scale is 9.5 to 9.7.
3. How is silicon carbide prepared? Explain. Give its properties and uses.
4. How is boron carbide prepared? Explain. Give its properties and uses.
1. What is grit or grain size of an abrasive material? How does it help to select
abrasives for specific jobs?
2. What is mesh number? Explain.
Cement is a building material. It is applied in the form of a soft paste with sand and
water and later its sets into a hard mass. It is a mixture of calcareous material and
argillaceous material. It is a mixture of silicates of calcium and aluminium.
Portland cement
A paste of cement with water on setting and hardening gave a hard mass whose
colour and hardness were similar to those of stones from Portland in England. Thus,
it derived the name Portland cement. Portland cement is a mixture of silicates of
calcium and aluminium.
1. Dicalcium silicates(2CaO.SiO2)-28%[C2S]
2. Tricalcium silicates(3CaO.SiO2)-46%[C3S]
3. Tricalcium aluminates(3CaO.Al2O3)-10%[C3A]
4. Tetra calcium aluminoferrite(4CaO.Al2O3.Fe2O3)-9%[C4AF]
5. Small quantities of CaO and MgO-7%
10.The cement coming out of the grinding mills is stored in concrete storage tanks
and then packed in bags.
Setting of cement
When water is added to cement, sudden setting of cement occurs (flash set). The
hardening of cement by the addition of water is known as setting of cement.
The setting and hardening of cement are mainly due to hydration and hydrolysis
reactions of the different constituents present in cement.
The dicalcium silicate (C2S), tricalcium silicate (C3S), tricalcium aluminate (C3A) and
tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF) present in cement undergoes hydration.(Equation
not for Examination)
During this process, anhydrous soluble compounds are converted into hydrated
insoluble compounds. The hydrated insoluble gel hardens due to dehydration.
Finally, after dehydration, the insoluble gel sets into hard mass. It surrounds the sand
and binds it strongly with interlocking crystals of Ca(OH)2. This process is known as
setting of cement.
In this lesson, manufacture of Portland cement and setting of cement are discussed.
1. What is cement?
2. What is Portland cement?
3. Why is gypsum added during the manufacture of cement?
1. What are the raw materials required for the manufacture of Portland
2. Write a note on setting of cement.
They are ceramic materials of china clay which is in white colour after firing is called
white wares. They consist of a refractory body and glossy coating.
The raw materials used for manufacture of white pottery are given below.
3. Flint (SiO2)/quartz.
The raw materials are made into fine powder and mixed with water to form a paste.
The excess of water is removed by filtration. The article is prepared from the paste
either by hand moulding or by using potter’s wheel.
It is dried and then fired in a ‘biscuit’ oven to get porous ware called ‘Bisque’.
In order to make the porous ware (Bisque) into water-tight article, it is covered with
glaze by melting it over the surface of the body.
Slurry of glaze is prepared by mixing Feldspar, silica and boric oxide with water.
Now the fired articles are dipped in the slurry of glaze and again fired. Now a
smooth, glossy and non-porous surface is formed on the articles.
To decorate the article, design are made on the article using pigments and fired again.
Iron oxide pigments red colour.
1. Spark plugs
2. Electrical insulators
3. Laboratory equipments
4. Crucibles, dishes, insulators sanitary wares etc.
A glaze is a fine powder consisting of glass forming materials like lead silicates,
borosilicates etc. They are colourless glazing and colour glazing mixtures. Colourless
glazing is done with glass forming materials like lead silicate and borosilicate. Colour
glazing is done by mixing coloured metal pigments with glass forming materials.
Purpose of glazing
Methods of glazing
1. Salt glazing
2. Liquid glazing
1. Salt glazing
In salt glazing, common salt (sodium chloride) is used for getting glossy films over
articles. The process consists of throwing sodium chloride into furnace, when the
article is in red-hot condition. At high temperature, sodium chloride vapours reacts
with silica in the article to form a smooth glossy and impervious film of ‘sodium
silicate’. This is known as salt glazing.
2. Liquid Glazing.
Slurry of glaze is prepared by mixing Feldspar, silica and boric oxide with water.
Now the articles are dipped into the slurry of glaze and then fired. Now a smooth,
glossy and non-porous surface is formed on the articles. This is known as Liquid
In this lesson, various steps involved in the manufacture and uses of ceramics are
discussed. Glazing, purpose of glazing and salt glazing are also discussed.
1. What are the raw materials required for the manufacture white pottery?
2. List the uses of white pottery.
3. Explain salt glazing.
Whenever a machine works, its moving, sliding or rolling parts rub against each
other with the result of that a friction is developed. This friction causes a lot of wear
and tear of the concerned surfaces. Further due to friction, large amount of energy is
dissipated in the form of heat and thus causes loss in the efficiency of a machine.
Moreover, the heat produced due to friction causes damage to the moving parts.
The above ill effects can be minimized by applying a thin layer of certain substances
known as lubricant in between the moving parts.
The process of applying the lubricant in between the two moving or sliding surfaces
is called as lubrication.
Lubricant may be defined as the substance which reduces the friction between the
two moving surfaces or parts of a machine.
Characteristics of a lubricant
Classification of lubricants
1. Solid lubricants
2. Semi-solid lubricants
3. Liquid lubricants
Solid lubricants
The most widely used solid lubricants are graphite and molybdenum sulphide.
(a) For heavy machinery working as a crude job at very high loads.
(b) When the operating temperature or load is very high.
(c) Where a liquid or semi-solid lubricant film cannot be maintained.
1. Graphite
A dispersion of graphite in water is called aqua dag and that in oil is called oil dag.
2. Molybdenum sulphide
Semi-solid lubricant
It is a mixture of mineral oil and soap. It is used for heavy load and low speed
machines. It is mainly used in bearing and gears. Grease is a semisolid lubricant
obtained by thickening of lubricating oil by the addition of a metallic soap. The
thickener is usually sodium, calcium, and lithium or aluminium soap.
Liquid lubricants
Vegetable oils
They are classified as drying and semi-drying oils. They are easily oxidized by
Animal oils
They are oils of animal origin. They are mainly animal fats.
Examples: Tallow oil, whale oil, lards oil, coconut oil and olive oil etc.,
They are very costly. Hence, they find little use as lubricants. They are also easily
oxidized by atmosphere.
Mineral oil
Blended oils
They are mixture of vegetable oils and petroleum products. They show improved
properties. Different oils are suitably mixed depending on the requirement. They are
synthetic lubricants.
In this lesson, lubricant, purpose of lubrication, properties and types of lubricants are
1. What is a lubricant?
2. How are lubricants classified?
3. Mention the uses of graphite.
4. Mention the uses of molybdenum sulphide.
Any substance capable of holding materials together by surface attachment is
known as adhesive.
The bodies held together by an adhesive are known as ‘adherends’, while the process
of holding one adherend to another by adhesive is called ‘bonding’.
The final assembly of two adherends and the adhesive is called ‘bond’.
Starch adhesives are obtained by heating a starch suspension in water at 150oC. The
characteristics of starch adhesives are,
They are used in making envelopes, stamps, note books, binding books, etc. b)
Shellac is one the oldest adhesive. It has to be applied in hot condition. The bond
developed has good strength, good hardness and low thermal conductivity.
c) Asphalt
Synthetic adhesives
1) Cellulose nitrate
Cellulose nitrate is used as a raw material for solvent adhesives. Cellulose nitrate
mixed with alcohol is well known as ‘colloidon’. The adhesive film developed by
cellulose nitrate is tough. But, the adhesive film is inflammable and affected by strong
acids and strong alkalies.
PVC forms hard adhesive films, resistant to atmospheric conditions and chemicals.
1) Phenol-formaldehyde resin
This is pressure sensitive type of adhesive. The adherend surfaces after being coated
with this adhesive are subjected to curing by heat and pressure. It is available as solid
or liquid form. The bonded film obtained is hard, highly resistant to the action of
water, fungi, insects, etc.
2) Urea-formaldehyde resin
In this lesson, adhesives, their requirements, classification and uses are discussed.
1. Define adhesive.
2. Name two natural adhesives.
3. Name two synthetic adhesives.
4. Mention the uses of shellac.
5. Mention the uses of asphalt.
6. Mention the uses of cellulose nitrate.
7. Mention the uses of PVC.
8. Mention the uses of phenol-formaldehyde.
The name plastics or plastic materials in general is given to organic materials of high
molecular mass, which can be moulded into any desired form when subjected to heat
and pressure in presence of catalysts.
Polymer resin is the basic binding material, which forms the major part of
plastics. In the recent years, plastics have attained greater importance in every walk
of life due to their unique properties.
Now, plastics substitute all engineering materials like wood, metal, glass, etc. because
of their special advantages over other conventional materials.
Plastics are organic polymer materials of high molecular mass, which can be
moulded into different shapes by using heat and pressure.
1. Addition polymerization
2. Condensation polymerization
1. Addition polymerization
In this type of polymerization, polymers are formed by simple addition reaction
between small molecules containing double or triple bonds.
2. Condensation polymerization
In this type of polymerization, polymers are formed by the reaction between small
molecules with elimination of molecules like H2O, H2S, NH3, etc.
(Phenol-formaldehyde resin)
Types of plastics
1. Thermoplastics
2. Thermosetting plastics
1. Thermoplastics
They are the resins which soften on heating and set on cooling. Thus, they can be
remoulded any number of times and used.
2. Thermosetting plastics
They are the resins which set on heating and cannot be resoftened. Hence, their scrap
cannot be reused.
The differences between the two types of plastics arise mainly due to the difference in
their chemical structure.
The stress to strain ratio of a plastic is higher than that of the lightest metals namely
Al or Mg.Plastics have good strength when compared to the light weight metals like
aluminium, magnesium, etc. Hence, they replace metals like aluminium and
magnesium in many fields. Therefore plastics are mainly used for rocket and space
ship constructions.
3. Thermal stability
Plastics either degrade or soften at high temperatures. Hence, they cannot be used at
high temperatures.
4. Softening temperature
Some of the plastics are transparent like glass. Hence, they can be substituted for
glass in optical instruments.
6. Electrical properties
Plastics are good insulators as they are poor conductors of electricity. So, they are
mainly used for electrical insulation purposes.
7. Hardness
8. Impact strength
9. Tear resistance
The resistance to tearing is an important property when plastic films are used as
packing material. It is measured by using a falling pendulum with a striking edge.
Plastics have poor tear resistance
Advantages of plastics over other traditional materials (Like wood, metals, glass,
Wood flour, saw dust, ground cork, asbestos, marble flour, china clay, paper pulp,
corn husk, mica, pumice powder, carbon, cotton fibres, boron fibres, graphite, silicon
carbide, silicon nitride, alumina, glass fibres, metallic oxides like ZnO, PbO, etc. and
metallic powders like Al, Cu, Pb, etc.
Biomaterials are the materials that can be implanted in the body to provide special
prosthetic functions and used in diagnostic, surgical and therapeutic applications
without causing adverse effect on blood and other tissues.
Polymers used for medical application should be biocompatible. It should possess the
following characteristics.
The mostly used polymers in medical applications are silicone rubber and
polyurethane. Polymers used in specific medical applications in medicine are given
1. What is polymerization?
2. What are the types of polymerization?
3. How polythene is formed?
4. How Bakelite is formed?
5. Define plastic.
6. What are the types of plastics?
7. What are reinforced plastics?
8. What are biomaterials?
Rubber is a natural elastic polymer of isoprene (C5H8). It is obtained from the milk of
rubber called ‘Latex’.
This is called ‘Creep rubber’. Thus natural rubber is obtained from latex.
Compounding of rubber
They are compounded with natural rubber to give strength to the rubber.
2. Softeners
They are added to make the rubber more soft and elastic.
3. Anti-oxidants
4. Vulcanization
Example: sulphur.
6. Accelerators
Example: Benzothiozole
7. Fillers
Fillers are added to increase the quantity without affecting the quality. The
production cost is reduced.
Vulcanization of rubber
Reclaimed rubber
Rubber prepared from waste rubber articles such as worn out tyres, tubes, gaskets,
hoses, foot wears and other rubber wastes is called reclaimed rubber.
1. The waste rubber is cut into small pieces and powdered by using a cracker.
2. Then iron impurities, if any present, is removed by using electromagnetic
3. The purified waste rubber is digested with caustic soda solution at 200°C
under pressure for 8 to 15 hours in ‘steam jacked autoclaves’. This process
hydrolyses the fibres present in the waste rubber.
4. After the removal of fibres, reclaiming agents like petroleum or coal tar
based oils and softeners are added.
5. Sulphur gets removed as sodium sulphide and rubber gets devulcanized.
6. The rubber is thoroughly washed with water spray and dried in hot air
7. Finally, the reclaimed rubber is mixed with small portions of reinforcing
agents like clay, carbon black, etc.
1. Reclaimed rubber has less tensile strength, low elasticity and possesses
very low wear resistance when compared to natural rubber.
2. However, it is much cheaper and has uniform composition.
3. It has better ageing property.
4. It is quite easy for fabrication.
In this lesson, extraction of natural rubber from Latex, defects of natural rubber,
compounding of rubber, vulcanization and reclaimed rubber are discussed.
1. What is rubber?
2. What is Latex?
3. What is compounding of rubber?
4. What is vulcanization?
5. Define reclaimed rubber.
6. Give any two defects of natural rubber.
1. How natural rubber is obtained from Latex? Explain.
2. What are the defects of natural rubber?
3. What is compounding of rubber? Mention the ingredients and their
4. Explain vulcanization of rubber.
5. What is reclaimed rubber? Explain the process of reclamation of rubber.
Each class of basic engineering materials like metals, high polymers and ceramics has
its own outstanding and distinct characteristics as well as laminates. However very
stringent requirements of supersonic aircraft, gas turbines and high temperature
reactors have forced to develop a new class of materials called “composites”.
The composite materials are generally made by placing the dissimilar materials
together in such a manner that they work as a single mechanical unit. The properties
of new materials so produced are different in kind and scale from those of any
constituents. Thus, it has become possible to incorporate or alter properties, more
than that, introduces a combination of properties like high strength and stiffness at
elevated temperatures.
Metals for instance, lose their strength at elevated temperatures. High polymeric
materials in general can withstand still lower temperatures. Ceramics, due to their
brittleness are unsatisfactory structural materials. This led to the exploration of
combination of metals and polymers with ceramics resulting in composites having
required properties which seems to be the hope for the future.
Composite material
1.Matrix phase
2.Dispered phase.
Matrix phase:
A continuous body constituent which encloses the composite and gives a bulk form is
called matrix phase.
The matrix acts as a medium which protects and binds the dispersed phase.
Dispersed phase:
The substance which is dispersed in the matrix phase is called the dispersed phase. It
constitutes the internal structure of the composite.
Thus, using composites it is possible to have such combination of properties like high
strength and stiffness, corrosion resistance and ability to withstand extreme high
temperature conditions.
The important advantages of composite materials over metals and polymers are
given below.
In recent days, everyone speaks about pollution. We are all facing huge
risks due to pollution. The air we breathe the water we drink and the place
where we live and work in may be full of toxic substances. The adverse effects
of these pollutants may affect the future generation also.
Environment includes air, water and land. The harmful substances that
cause damage are called pollutants. They are discharged from various
industries, automobiles, microorganism, volcanic eruptions, forests and strong
Causes of pollution
Classification of pollution
To understand the magnitude of pollution problems, it may be
classified into three types as follows.
1. Air pollution
2. Water pollution
3. Land pollution
Air pollution
Acid rain
The gases like SO2 and NO2 emitted from various industries react with
moisture present in the atmosphere to form corresponding acids. It means
that rain water contains more acids. The rain water containing the acid is
called acid rain. They slowly fall down on the earth as acid rain during snow
fall or normal rainfall. This is called as acid rain.
1. Acid rain makes the soil more acidic and thereby reduces the fertility of
the soil.
2. It affects the growth of crops, plants, etc.
3. It affects the survival of fishes and reduces the population of aquatic
4. It badly makes damage to buildings, vehicles, structural materials, etc.
5. It affects human being’s life system and organs like skin, lungs and hair.
6. It damages the memorable monuments, buildings, etc. The famous ‘Taj
Mahal’ is being affected severely.
7. It causes corrosion in metal.
8. Acid rain damages automobiles coatings and oil based paints.
The earth surface gets warmed due to the blanketing effect of pollutants
like CO2 present in the atmosphere. It is known as green house effect.
Several radiations like UV, visible and infra-red rays from the sunlight
reaches the earth surface and produce heat energy. Some of the heat that is
absorbed by the earth’s surface is radiated back into the space. The pollutants
like CO2 and other gases which form a blanket around the earth prevent the
heat energy to escape from the surface of earth. Hence the earth gets warmed.
It is similar to green glass houses where heat radiation cannot escape from
Gases that cause green house effect are mainly CO2, methane, water vapour
and chloro fluoro carbons (CFC). These gases are called green house gases.
Global warming
Ozone layer
1. Ozone layer covers the earth’s surface and prevents the entry of harmful
UV radiation. It saves the lives of human beings and animals. If not so, no life
is found on earth.
2. If the ozone layer is not present in the atmosphere, the harmful UV
radiations will enter the earth. This will destroy human and animal life, change
the wind pattern, rain fall, climatic change and global temperature.
Chlorine plays a vital role in the depletion of ozone layer. Chloro fluoro
carbons are released from the supersonic jets, air crafts and jet engines. They
get accumulated at high altitude and undergo decomposition in the presence
of ultraviolet radiations. Chlorine is the main decomposition product. It reacts
with the ozone and converts it into oxygen.
Chlorine converts the ozone molecules into oxygen in the presence of UV
radiation as follows.
Cl + O3 ClO + O2
ClO + O Cl + O2
1. Due to ozone layer depletion, the harmful UV radiation may enter freely
into the earth’s surface and affect the lives on earth.
2. They affect human beings and cause skin cancer, skin aging, breast
cancer, lungs cancer, eye defects and visual defects.
3. They reduce the population of aquatic species.
4. They affect the growth of plants and vegetables.
5. They affect the eco-system very badly.
6. The sea food production also decreases due to the depletion of ozone
7. Depletion of ozone layer causes the change in earth’s climate, wind
pattern, rainfall and global warming. Control of air pollution
The following are the steps to be taken for controlling air pollution.
Solar energy, tidal power, nuclear power and electricity should be used for
domestic and industrial purpose.
6. Acid and chemical fumes are absorbed in water, concentrated and
7. Growing of trees reduces more pollution as well as the harmful carbon
dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. Plants take carbon dioxide during
photosynthesis and releases oxygen to environment. Hence, more trees
should be planted.
In this lesson, air pollution, acid rain, green house effect, global
warming, ozone layer depletion, their causes and harmful effects and methods
to control the air pollution are discussed.
1. Define pollution.
2. Define air pollution.
3. Give examples for air pollutants.
4. Mention the harmful effects of SO2.
5. Mention the harmful effects of H2S.
6. Mention the harmful effects of HF.
7. Mention the harmful effects of CO.
8. Mention the harmful effects of dust.
9. Give examples for gases causing acid rain.
10. Give two examples for green house gases.
11. What is global warming?
12. Mention the names of pollutants responsible for depletion of
ozone layer.
1. What is acid rain?
2. Mention the harmful effects of acid rain.
3. What is green house effect?
4. Mention the harmful effects of global warming.
5. What is the importance of ozone layer?
6. Mention the harmful effects of ozone layer depletion.
1. What are the major air pollutants? Give their source and harmful effects.
2. What is acid rain? Mention its harmful effects.
3. Write a note on green house effect.
4. What is global warming? List its harmful effects.
5. What are the causes of ozone layer depletion? List the problems caused
by ozone layer depletion.
6. Write a note on control of air pollution.
Discuss the various techniques employed for the control of air pollution.
Water is more important for all the living things. Water is essential for
the plants to grow. If the water is contaminated with any foreign substance, it
is harmful to human beings, plants, animals, etc.
Water Pollution
1. Sewage
2. Effluents
3. Algae and
4. Microorganisms
Sewerage(Treatment of sewage):
Treatment of effluents
1. Affects skin
2. Causes vomiting and diarrhea
3. Causes irritation
4. Causes dizziness and itching
5. Causes nausea
1. Presence of algae in water produces foul odour and bad taste to water.
2. They block the pipelines and filters.
3. They affect the aquatic animals due to depletion of oxygen.
Treatment of algae
Causes of Eutrophication
1. Give two examples for water pollutants.
2. What is sewage?
3. What is sewerage?
4. What are industrial effluents?
5. Give the problems of lead in water.
6. Give the problems of copper in water.
7. Give the problems of cadmium in water.
8. Give the problems of zinc in water.
9. What is eutrophication?
1. What are the major water pollutants? Give their harmful effects.
2. What is sewage? What are its harmful effects? How it is disposed?
3. What are effluents? Explain the problems and treatment of effluents.
4. Mention the harmful effects of metallic pollutants (lead, copper,
cadmium and zinc) in water.
5. Define eutrophication. Mention its harmful effects.
Annual municipal waste in India is about 280 million tons per year and
is creating huge problems for the country. Hence there is an urgent need to
tackle this problem.
Solid waste
Any substance that is discarded is called waste. The waste may solid, liquid of
gaseous substances. The solid waste arises from human and animal activities.
1 Commercial Bricks, cement, sand, etc.,
2 Agricultural waste Herbicides, pesticides, crop residue,
animal and poultry waste, etc.,
3 Rural waste Bagasse, cow dung garbage, rice husk, etc.,
4 Plastic waste Plastic toys, cosmetics, food packaging,
5 Medicinal waste Cotton containing blood, dressing linen,
syringes, waste medicines, etc.,
6 Domestic waste & Food waste, plastics, computer, TV,
waste broken bottle, ceramic materials, metallic
containers, kitchen waste, etc.,
7 Municipal garbage Food waste, plastics, metals, paper and
paper board, etc.,
8 Industrial waste Products of iron, cadmium, tin, lead,
arsenic, mercury, radioactive materials,
The aim of waste management is to extract maximum benefit from the wastes
and to reduce the amount of waste. The final disposal of solid wastes can be
carried out by the following methods.
1. Land fill
Modern land fill contain a series of three dimensional control cells. The
wastes dumped in the appropriate cells can be covered by a layer of soil at the
end of each day. Below the wastes dumped in the cell, a double liner system is
provided to prevent the leachates from polluting the soil and ground water
beneath the site. The upper liner must be a well flexible membrane lining
made of plastic or rubber.
A properly designed and well managed land fill can be a hygienic and
relatively inexpensive method of disposing of waste materials.
In this lesson, various types of solid wastes, their problems and need for the
management and methods of management are discussed.
1. Write a note on land fill.
2. Write a note on incineration.
Green chemistry
Natural processes are ‘green’ while synthetic processes are often ‘grey’.
Cleaner process and cleaner synthesis will certainly contribute to better
environmental protection.
10.To reduce the quantity of highly hazardous chemicals during the process.
Recycling reduces the need for “conventional” waste disposal methods and
there by lower green house gas emissions. Recycling is a key component of
modern waste reduction and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle” waste.
Examples of recycling
Advantages of recycling