Deficit Fluid Volume

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(Cite sources)
Objective Cues: Deficient Short term: Independent Short term:
- usage of 3 Fluid Volume At the end of 3 At the end of 3 hours
pads per day; related to hours of nursing a. Monitor vital signs – a. To ensure of nursing interventions,
- (+) light – Blood Loss interventions, the PR, BP. effectiveness the patient was able to:
moderate as evidenced client will be able of therapy - Adapt to the
vaginal by low to: recommended
bleeding potassium - Hydrate one’s b. Encourage the b. To ensure an hydration therapy.
- Hemoglobin count of 3.2 self to treat or client/caregiver to accurate - Attend to early signs
Count: 11.00 prevent fluid maintain a diary of picture of fluid and symptoms of fluid
- Hematocrit volume loss. fluid intake, number status imbalance.
Count: 33.1 - Describes of voidings, and - Maintain a balanced
- Potassium symptoms that estimate of other intake and output
Count: 3.2 indicate the losses. record.
need for rapid
intervention. c. Encourage client to c. To prevent Long term:
Subjective Cues: - Prevent drink plenty of fluids. dehydration At the end of 2-3 days, the
Patient verbalized, imbalances in progression patient was able to:
“Kinahanglan ko fluid levels - Show vital signs and
magnapkin aron d. Educate the client on d. To allow early laboratory values
dili ko malapsan.” Long term: signs and symptoms intervention within normal range.
At the end of 2-3 that requires (BP 120/80; PR 50-
days of nursing immediate attention 100; Hgb 12-16; Hct
interventions, the (dizziness, 36-46)
client will be able headache) - Slowly adapt to
to: lifestyle changes to
- Demonstrate Dependent: Dependent: prevent fluid
adequate fluid imbalance.
balance as a. Regulate IVF – a. IVF therapy
evidenced by PNSS as prescribed maintains an
normal vital by the physician. appropriate
signs, and fluid balance
values. b. Administer Kalium b. To prevent
- Demonstrates Durule 1 tab TID severe cases
lifestyle (8am, 1pm, 6pm) of hypokalemia
changes to
progression of Collaborative Collaborative:
dehydration. a. Review laboratory a. To evaluate
data fluid and

Doenges, M.,
Moorhouse, M. F.,
& Murr, A. (2019).
Nurses Pocket
Guide (15th
Edition). FA Davis

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