NCP 3 - Deficient Fluid Volume
NCP 3 - Deficient Fluid Volume
NCP 3 - Deficient Fluid Volume
NCP #3
Objective: Fluid Volume Deficient Fluid Volume is a NOC: Hydration NIC: Hypovolemia Management
Deficit decreased intravascular,
interstitial, and/or Long Term Goal: Long Term Goal:
Vital signs:
intracellular fluid. This - After 2 hours of - After 2 hours of
BP - 90/60
HR – 130 refers to dehydration and nursing intervention, nursing intervention,
the patient will be able the patient was able to
RR – 27 water loss alone without
to maintain fluid maintain fluid volume
Temp. – 38.2. a change in sodium.
volume at a functional at a functional level as
(Nanda,15 edition) level as evidenced by evidenced by
SpO2 60%
individually adequate individually adequate
Deficient Fluid urinary output with urinary output with
ABG result: Volume (also known as normal specific gravity, normal specific
pH-7.6, Fluid Volume Deficit stable vital signs, moist gravity, stable vital
PaO2-120 (FVD), hypovolemia) is a mucous membranes, signs, moist mucous
mmHg, state or condition where good skin turgor, membranes, good skin
PaCO2 - 31 the fluid output exceeds prompt capillary refill, turgor, prompt
mmHg, and the fluid intake. It occurs and resolution of capillary refill, and
HCO3 - 25 when the body loses both edema. resolution of edema.
mmol/L water Short Term Goal:
and electrolytes from the
After 1 hour of
ECF in similar
nursing intervention,
Subjective: N/A proportions. Short Term Goal:
the patient was able
( After 1 hour of nursing to:
intervention, the patient
will be able to:
1. Maintain vital
Monitor and document vital signs and there
1. Maintain a were no
signs, especially BP and HR.
normal vital A decrease in circulating abnormal vital
sign. blood volume can cause signs reported.
hypotension and tachycardia.
Alteration in HR is a
compensatory mechanism to
maintain cardiac output.
Usually, the pulse is weak and
irregular if electrolyte
imbalance also occurs.
Hypotension is evident in
2. Have a normal
Monitor and document temperature of
temperature. 36.1°C to
Febrile states decrease body 37.2°C.
fluids by perspiration and
increased respiration. This is
known as insensible water 3. Monitor
loss. ABG’s and the
Monitor ABGs for changes to maintains
prevent respiratory failure. ABGs and
Oxygen saturation should be normal oxygen
kept at 90% or greater saturation of
(preferably 94% or higher, but 95%-100%
this will depend on the
patient’s medical history).