Chapter 2.1 Energy
Chapter 2.1 Energy
Chapter 2.1 Energy
China 736
Brazil 449
Canada 377
United States
Russia 173
Energy efficiency simply means using less energy to perform the same task –
that is, eliminating energy waste. Energy efficiency brings a variety of
benefits: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, reducing demand for energy
imports, and lowering our costs on a household and economy-wide level.
While renewable energy technologies also help accomplish these objectives,
improving energy efficiency is the cheapest – and often the most immediate
– way to reduce the use of fossil fuels. There are many initiatives on energy
efficiency in industries such as energy auditing of industries, demonstration
projects, rating of high efficient equipment and increasing the awareness
among industrial consumers on energy efficiency.
Fuel switching
Efficiency Alternative vehicles
Plug leaks
What Can You Do?
• Drive a car that gets at least 15 kilometers per liter (35 miles per
gallon) and join a carpool.
• Use mass transit, walking, and bicycling.
• Turn off lights, TV sets, computers, and other electronic
equipment when they are not in use.
• For cooling, open windows and use ceiling fans or whole-
house attic or window fans.
• Buy the most energy-efficient lights, cars, and appliances
The Energy Challenge
• Increase in energy consumption, with the
risk of a major environmental impact, and
climate change, as a result of the
combustion of fossil fuels.
• The right for development is a basic
human right, and there is no possible
development without energy supply.
• For environmental reasons, the first
priority should be the development of all
the technically, economically and
environmentally feasible potential from
clean, renewable energy sources, such as