Video Marketing Excellence GiveawayReport

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Introduction to Video Marketing

If your business or blog isn't using video marketing, then you are missing
out on one of the most engaging, influential and potentially profitable

forms of marketing of them all.

Video marketing has the ability to grab attention and to help you

establish authority in ways that no other form of marketing can approach;
so it's absolutely vital that you start leveraging this type of marketing in
your strategy as soon as possible. In fact, video marketing is so powerful
that it could very well be all that you need in order to get word out about

Goldmine your business.

Recent studies indicate that more than half (57%) of people have watched
at least one video online at some point in their lives, while nearly one-
fifth of people (19%) say they watch videos online every day. These
numbers are rapidly growing as more people are using the Internet and
social media every day.

As much as society loves the television, computers are gradually taking

over the device. If you have a newer model television, all it takes is a USB
cable to connect your TV to your computer. With a variety of online
services and streaming websites out there, you can watch anything you
want online, whether it’s your favorite show, new movies, or your local
news cast.

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Recent studies also project that more than half of people who watch a actually exists, video content is not subject to the same rules as
video they consider “good” will end up sharing the video with their articles and blog posts. This means you can take all the articles you
friends via social media or email. This is an example of how online videos use in your article marketing campaign and turn them into videos
can go viral, which is something we’ll talk about later in this book. without penalty.

• Videos make it easier for you to create new and fresh content

As the Internet has advanced, audio and video files are replacing text and regularly. If you are constantly trying to come up with something

graphics. This extremely powerful medium is something many marketers new to say in articles, this can be frustrating. To keep your website

can use to send their online businesses from the bottom to the top. ranking high, you need to keep the fresh content rolling in, and
videos allow you to do this without much effort on your part.
Video Marketing Benefits
• Videos allow you to capture your audience’s attention in a different
Video marketing has numerous benefits to marketers trying to promote way. If the visitors are used to reading print and seeing static
their online businesses. images, using an audio and video approach will excite them because
it is new and different from what they are used to. This alone may
• Video marketing allows you to highlight your products and services
be the deciding factor in what causes someone to become a paying
in both an informative and entertaining way.
• Video response rates are higher than articles and blogs. Visitors are
• Videos rank high with search engines. Most keyword phrases you
more likely to sit through a two-minute long video than to read a
search now feature at least one or two YouTube™ videos on the first
long blog post.
page of results. As such, you should be creating a few videos to
• Videos allow you to better illustrate the concepts you’re trying to target each one of the keywords you’re going after in your niche.
get across. Some niches are more difficult to convey in print, and
• Creating a video doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor. While
those will benefit the most from video, because you will be able to
you can go all out and stage a major production, it’s not necessary.
show, rather than tell someone something. If you’re in the business
You can do them for free or cheap. It’s pretty safe to say the
of “how tos” and other instructional videos, this is especially true.
majority of the people out there reading this report will not have
• Video marketing allows you to avoid Google’s duplicate content the budget to stage their own major production, but I do have some
penalty. While there is some debate on whether this penalty information later in this book that will help you create awesome

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videos. another and forming active relationships. You don’t typically see

• Video sharing websites such as YouTube allow users to share their this on the article marketing outlets.

favorite videos on their social media websites, such as Facebook • Studies indicate video marketing increases traffic, sales, and opt-
and Twitter™. This is how your videos go “viral.” If someone posts a ins. The majority of marketers who put a real effort into video
video of their kitten doing something cute, sends it to a couple of marketing are happy with their return on investment (ROI.)
friends and later finds out the video has over a million views within
a week or two, then their video is now considered viral. Though it
Video marketing allows you to show another side of your business and
may sound like it’s just too good to be true, the reality is, it
yourself, that you will never be able to showcase with text on a screen.
happens all the time with videos!
The addition of music and graphics can make things more exciting, which
• Basically, when you create videos, other people will do the means your visitors will be more likely to really enjoy your content.
marketing for you when they recommend the video to friends, loved Visitors who really enjoy the content you are sharing are much more
ones, and co-workers. As their recommendations reach out to others likely to purchase whatever it is you’re selling.
in their network who they think may enjoy the video, the marketing

• Video marketing is on the rise. It’s not quite the same golden
nugget it used to be, so competition is getting close to the same
brutality you find with print format. But, there are still plenty of
marketers out there who don’t take advantage of this tactic for
whatever reason, so there’s no reason to avoid jumping on the
bandwagon. Videos will allow you to gain a lot of traffic with a
decent conversation rate, without a lot of elbow grease.

• Video websites such as Youtube seem to have a more sizable

“community.” You will see plenty of videos with more than a
thousand comments, and hundreds of responses to those comments.
The people who post the videos are out there talking with one

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What Makes Your Video “Great?”

Yes, people really enjoy watching videos online, but that doesn’t mean all • A good video provides something of value. It can be a short 30-
you have to do is slap up anything you can come up with and you will see second tip that shows the best way to scoop up cat liter without
results. If the video you make is crappy and boring, people will not watch making a mess, or it could a 10 minute guide that shows how to
it. At the same time though, you don’t have to be some award winning choose the best litter for your cat. Regardless of the path you take,
videographer producing a video capable of winning an Oscar before you it needs to be valuable to the person who is watching it. You won’t
will be able to captivate your audience. To help you in creating the most get very far with a video that says, “Hey! Check out my website!”
effective video, I’m going to share the most common features that most because this will not increase your traffic or improve your
viral videos share. conversion rates. Videos like this will never go viral!

• Focus on the target audience and their demographics. Who will be • Videos should give the viewer a small taste of what they are looking
watching the video? Young people? Old people? Single men? Married for, while leaving them yearning for more. When they want more,
women? Mothers? The target audience of your video will determine they are more likely to visit your website for more information, or
the “voice” of the video, along with its tone and message. All of to purchase the product or service you are offering. This is the same
this, in order to be successful and have a shot at becoming viral, principle as article marketing. You never want to give away all your
needs to appeal to whoever the audience is. information, because if you do, the user doesn’t have any
motivation to visit your website, which is where you need them to
• A good video is not only well made, it is interesting as well. If I had
a dime for all the videos I’ve seen full of long pauses, narrations full
of “uhs” and “ums” and blank screens where nothing is going on, I’d • As a rule, be generous with the information you provide, but leave
be rich, and I mean really rich. No matter what niche you’re serving the most important and highly sought information on your website,
or topic you’re addressing, you need to make sure your videos are so people will be motivated to visit and get it from you. After they
interesting and fun to watch. You can do this in a number of ways: have watched the video, you want them to feel like the most
adding music in the background, or including funny graphics appropriate next step is for them to click the link to your website.

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• The more professional your videos look, the more credibility and Show Your Video To The World
trust you and your product or service will gain from people. Your
reputation will naturally increase, and people will be more inclined Video Websites
From here, I am going to assume you’ve created at least one video, and
to purchase whatever it is you have to offer.
now you want people to see it. You can upload it to your website or blog,
or upload it to a video sharing website. I’ll get to how to upload it to your
website or blog in just a few minutes—for now, I’m going to focus on
video websites.

At this point, you are probably aware of the fact that YouTube is the most
popular video sharing site on the web. Google owns it, so this is major
reason why. Not only is this the top video sharing website, its #4 Alexa
rating shows that it is close to being the most popular website on the
entire Internet. The site gets millions of visitors every day, and hundreds
of thousands of videos are added every day.

There are plenty of regular people who were able to become overnight
Internet sensations thanks to YouTube. Some videos go viral quickly,
especially if they are funny or shocking. YouTube videos that become
really popular really fast, sometimes land local or national news

There are several variables at play here, so it is not surprising that a

video tutorial of how to do something with WordPress would never gain
this kind of popularity. However, it’s not to say that YouTube doesn’t have

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power. Adding your videos to other video websites like YouTube can also •
be powerful, but not as much.
• Yahoo Video

• Myspace
YouTube is also great because it allows you to create a channel, which
• Revver
will list all the videos you’ve created. You can use it to brand your
business, and people can subscribe so they can stay up to date and TubeMogul
receive a notification whenever you post a new video. The best marketing strategy is to upload your video to all the websites I
shared above, to build the most backlinks and traffic potential. But,
Others because there are so many on there, it can be time consuming, right? It
While YouTube is definitely the number one choice for video marketers,
doesn’t have to be!
it’s not the only dog out there, and many marketers are missing out by
not harnessing the power of the others out there. Because there are
fewer videos on these sites, there is also less competition. The more TubeMogul is a free tool that enables you to register for all these sites,
video sites you upload your video to, the more people will see it, and the upload your video once, and write the description with tags, once.
more backlinks you will build to your site… which helps to boost traffic. TubeMogul then distributes the video to all the sites for you, saving you
hours of time!
Here is a list of some of the most popular video websites you can upload

• Viddler With TubeMogul, you’ll also get tracking and analytics data, so you can
easily see which video websites are sending what traffic, and whether
• Vimeo
that traffic is resulting in click-thrus.
• Metacafe

• Google Video
The service is not only easy to use, it comes with tutorials to help you
• Daily Motion learn how to use the service. This is by far the best option for someone
• Veoh who wants to blast videos on the Internet quickly.

• MSN Video

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Uploading Videos On Your Website/Blog However, because YouTube and other video hosting/sharing sites can
delete your videos at their own discretion, and some people don’t like
the idea of sharing a video branded with another company’s logo, there is
a bit of risk involved with using a service like this.

As such, some marketers use a JW Player plugin with their WordPress

blogs that will allow you to create a personalized Flash player that can be
embedded anywhere. You can add watermarks to your videos, and even
monetize them with Google AdSense®.

However, this method tends to eat a lot of bandwidth, and if you run out,
your site goes down until the next month in the billing cycle. Before you
opt to host videos yourself, make sure you contact your hosting company
to find out what your bandwidth limits are.

If you want to offer your videos to your website/blog visitors, there are
If you have limited bandwidth and still do not want to use YouTube or
several paths to choose from.
another video service to share your videos, there is a solution!

Amazon S3
The most common is for a person to upload their video to YouTube, and
You can host your videos with the Amazon S3 Simple Storage System. The
then use the embed code from YouTube to include the video on a page or
service allows for inexpensive unlimited data storage. This is an excellent
in a blog post on the site. The picture above shows you how to do this.
solution for people who do not want to use their own servers to host large
This is the ideal solution for people who don’t have a lot of bandwidth,
because your servers aren’t hosting the video.

You will pay 15 cents for each gigabyte of data you upload, and 187 cents

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for each gigabyte transferred (when someone watches the video, or Video Marketing Tactics
downloads a file.) Essentially, you’ll only pay a few dollars a month for
storage and use. Because there are no recurring charges or fees, you will This is the last thing we’ll cover in this book, because once you learn how

only pay for what you use. to market your videos, you will have everything you need to become
successful with video marketing.

This service is incredibly cheap – $0.15 for each gigabyte of storage

uploaded, and $0.18 for each gigabyte transferred. So basically, you can • Keep your videos targeted. You wouldn’t write about cooking a meal

store dozens of videos for only pennies. Even if thousands of people view on your dog/pet blog, so you need to treat your videos like this as

your videos, you will likely only have to pay a few dollars. There are no well. Keep them focused and laser targeted on exactly what your

recurring fees or charges – you simply pay for what you use. visitors are looking for.

You can also use this service for music files, or to back up important files • Deliver good content. Producing articles and blog posts with spun

on your computer so you have them in case it crashes… and you will pay jargon may help with backlinks, but it’s not going to drive traffic,

far less money than if you would if invested in an external hard drive, and it won’t increase your conversions. Your videos should be

which could be lost or stolen. treated the same way. Crap videos will not offer ROI.

• Tailor your video design to your target demographic.

• Write eye-catching titles and descriptions. Instead of: “How to

Make Money With….” Use “How I Made Over $500 With… While

• If making a “how to” provide the basic steps, but don’t give it all
way. Tease your viewers so they want more. This will help drive

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traffic to your website, and when they find what they need, it could
turn them into buying customers.

• When working on your next project, instead of the traditional

eBook, consider making a video series. The content is still fresh
enough to attract people who don’t feel like downloading yet
another eBook.

• If you are going to speak, write a script for the video before Well, I hope you enjoyed the report! This should give you a great
recording it. Too many videos feature marketers who appear as headstart...
though they have no idea what they are hing to say. Not only does Video marketing is no different from every other aspect of Internet
this make the video boring, it makes the person seem less credible. marketing, because it too, takes hard work, energy, time and effort to
develop, master and profit from.

• If you will be featured in your videos, either as yourself, or just You won’t likely become a millionaire from one video. It will take

your voice, develop a personality to ensure your viewers will enjoy creating consistently valuable content and using proper SEO to be

your presence. Many marketers are dull and boring. Add brightness successful with your video marketing, but this book has everything you

and enthusiasm into your videos, even if you have to fake it. need to get off to a running start.

If you want to discover how to make massive profits by taking advantage

of somebody else’s videos then grab our system below:
• Use videos to continuously develop your brand. Use a style for your
audience. They will become familiar with you and your brand
image, and if they like it,they will come back for more. Click Here To Discover A Brand New WP Video
Machine that Gets You Unlimited FREE TRAFFIC!!

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