I. Objectives

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School SHS in San Nicholas III, Grade Level 11

DAILY Bacoor City

LEARNIN Teacher Ruie Lorenz M. Reyes, Ed.D. Learning Area Entrepreneurship
G Teaching Date February 13-17, 2023 Quarter 3rd (2nd Semester)

1st Session 2nd Session 3rd Session 4th Session

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, underlying principles, and core competencies in
Standards Entrepreneurship.

B. Performance The learner independently creates/provides a quality and marketable product and/or service in
Standards Entrepreneurship.
C. Learning At the end of the At the end of the session, At the end of the session, At the end of the
Competencies / session, learners are learners are expected to: learners are expected to: session, learners are
Objectives expected to: 1. explain the key 1. explain the core expected to:
1. discuss the relevance concepts of common competencies in 1. explore job
of the course. competencies. Entrepreneurship. opportunities for
Entrepreneurship as a
II. CONTENT Relevance of the Course Key Concepts and Core Competency in Career Opportunities
Common Competencies Entrepreneurship
A. References Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurship in 7 Awesome
Philippine Setting for Philippine Setting for Philippine Setting for Opportunities for
Senior High School by Senior High School by Nick Senior High School by Nick Entrepreneurs by Murray
Nick L. Aduana. L. Aduana. L. Aduana. Newlands
https:// http://careers-in-
entrepreneurship0.weeb business.com/
ly.com/relevance-of-the- enoptions.htm
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Material pages
3. Textbook pages pp. 1 – 8 pp. 52 – 68 pp. 69 – 81
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. PREPARATION / 1. Prayer 1. Prayer 1. Prayer 1. Prayer
ROUTINARY 2. Checking of 2. Checking of attendance. 2. Checking of attendance. 2. Checking of
ACTIVITIES / attendance. 3. Checking the 3. Checking the attendance.
PRIMING ACTIVITY 3. Checking the cleanliness and cleanliness and 3. Checking the
cleanliness and orderliness of the orderliness of the cleanliness and
orderliness of the classroom. classroom. orderliness of the
classroom. 4. Checking the 4. Checking the classroom.
3. Classroom orientation assignment. assignment. 4. Checking the
and organization assignment.
4. Introduce to the
B. ACTIVITY The learners will answer The learners will answer The learners will answer The teacher will present
the question “What the question “What are the question “What kind series of pictures of job
comes into your mind the key concepts and of skills should be opportunities in
when you hear the word common competencies in acquired and developed in Entrepreneurship.
entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship?” a deliberate and
entrepreneurship?” systematic fashion by a
person who has an
intense desire of
becoming a successful
C. ANALYSIS • So what does this • Are you a person who • What cognitive skills • In starting a new
subject provide for your desire to be an achiever in should you practice in the business, what idea you
entrepreneurial journey the field of field of entrepreneurship? will come up for an
as a learner? entrepreneurship? • What proficiency and innovative business?
• Do you imagine • Do you begin the day ability should you develop • As a future
yourself becoming an with a specific plan and in technical skills of an entrepreneur, how will
entrepreneur and ends it with a review of entrepreneur? you maximize your
managing your own the progress or status of • What interpersonal skills opportunities to make it
business in the future? your plan? must have in big in business?
• What is the • Do you have persuasive entrepreneurship about • If you were given a
importance of studying or convincing power? the relationship and chance to invest in a
Entrepreneurship? interaction of the business, what kind of
entrepreneur with the business would you
workers, suppliers, prefer?
creditors, prospective
customers and other
members of the business
D. ABSTRACTION The advantage of The principle of knowing The entrepreneurial core There is always another
learning entrepreneurial oneself has very competency is a opportunity coming
skills over more important role in combination of down the road, but your
traditional subjects is entrepreneurship. By entrepreneurial concepts job is to distinguish the
that they are not knowing yourself and principles, good ones from the bad
uniquely relevant to a completely, you will be entrepreneurial character ones and make smart
career as an able to determine the traits, and entrepreneurial business decisions that
entrepreneur. The skills necessary skills and skills that provide and will set you or your start
needed to start your expertise that you possess become the ultimate up ahead in the long run.
own business are and how you can use source of competitive There are definitely ways
relevant in any field and them in responding to the advantage of the to go about this that will
would also be desirable business opportunity. entrepreneur. set you ahead, and
attributes for being an Always remember not to things that you can take
employee. In fact, having engage in a particular advantage of to give you
a wide range of venture unless you have or your start-up business
business-relevant skills determined that you are an edge.
acquired through fully equipped to do so.
entrepreneurship would
make you an ideal
candidate in most fields.
Group Activity Describe the importance Pair and up and with your Explain briefly how you
E. APPLICATION Give at least five of knowing oneself in the seatmate and select a can be an entrepreneur
advantages that will field of entrepreneurship. product that you will and not merely a
provide to a person who present to the class. businessperson?
is interested in becoming Prepare your presentation
a successful using any available
entrepreneur? materials, media and
resources. Show the
importance of your
product in terms of health
benefits, preservation of
the environment, and
other related social
F. ASSESSMENT Pretend that you will be I KNOW MYSELF Identify your present Among the seven job
My How My How
putting up a small stre will I weakn will I cognitive skills and those opportunities for
business venture intend ngth use my esses stren that you wish to acquire Entrepreneurship, what
s strengt gthe
to open and why you hs to n my
and develop and list them will you choose and
have chosen it. conque weak down in a table. why?
r ness My present Cognitive
unities Cognitive/ Skills that I
Technical/ Want to
Interperson Acquire
al Skills and
On one whole sheet of
paper, fill the blanks with
necessary information.

G. ASSIGNMENT Research about some Give the core What are the possible job Research about how to
key concepts and competencies in opportunities in prepare Business Plan?
common competencies Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship?
in Entrepreneurship.


A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Noted by:


Master Teacher II Principal II

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