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[Tender No. 2143-FS/O/Sectt/IT-10/2012
(Part-I) dated 19/08/2020]

(12 X 7 FOOD


Food & Supplies Department

Government of West Bengal

S.No. Chapter Page
1 Introduction 3-6
2 Name of the Work 6
3 Scope of Work 6-12
4 Pre-bid Meeting 13
5 Data Ownership 13
6 Period of assignment 13-14
7 Eligibility Criterion 14-15
8 Two stage Bidding Process 15-16
9 Bid Documents 16
10 Date, time and manner of submission of Technical & Financial Bids 16-17
11 Earnest Money 17
12 Technical Bids 17-18
13 Financial Bids 18
14 Informations 18
15 Validity of rates 18
16 Evaluation process 18-20
17 Period of Bid Validity 20
18 Right of the Department to accept or reject the Bid 21
19 Implementation and payment schedules 21
20 Performance Bank Guarantee 21
21 Signing of Contract 22
22 Notification of award 22
23 Submission of qualification documents 22
24 Governing Law & Disputes 22
25 Force Majeure 22-23
26 Limitation of liabilities 23
27 Conditions under which this RFP is issued 23-24
28 Termination Clause 24
29 Date and Time Schedule of the NIT 25
30 Annexure-I 26
31 Annexure-II 27
32 Financial BID Format (BOQ Format) 28-29
1. Introduction

Food & Supplies Department (hereinafter will be called ‘Department’) is one of the
most important Departments of the Government of West Bengal and is providing
benefits under Public Distribution System to the poor people. The main function of
the ‘Department’ is to make arrangements for identification of the poor for
delivery of food grains and its distribution in a transparent and accountable
manner at the FPS level. The Government of India had introduced a Plan Scheme
on "End-to-end Computerizations of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS)
Operations” to bring reforms in the Public Distribution System and to improve the
distribution of food grains. Setting up Information Technology based grievance
redressal system was an essential component for implementation of National Food
Security and an integral part of the End-to-End computerization of PDS.

To fulfill its commitment towards providing better Public Services to the citizens,
the Government of West Bengal has emphasized on use of smart governance
practices by leveraging the benefits of latest Information and Communication
Technologies systems to enable responsive, transparent and efficient delivery
mechanism for various public services and benefits.

E-Governance has been accepted worldwide both as a value to improve efficiency

and transparency of service delivery mechanism, and as an administrative goal for
reaching out to the farthest beneficiary effectively and efficiently. It has been
recognized that for Governments, mustering developmental schemes for huge
number of beneficiaries, ICT is the tool for achieving such reaching out and
improving the quality of life of common citizens.

Various initiatives to establish digital interactions between the Government and its
citizens, employees, other stakeholders and agencies and undertake various
process reforms leveraging the benefits of ICT projects have been conceived,
nurtured and promoted by the State Government.

1.1. About Department of Food & Supplies

Of all Govt. schemes reaching out to pre-defined beneficiaries in recurrent manner,

the Department of Food & Supplies manages the single largest one in terms of
number of beneficiaries – Public Distribution System. While the significance of food
and nutritional entitlement to citizens cannot be over emphasized, the Department
wields several other important schemes for the Govt. of West Bengal. The
department formulates its policies for the benefit of public and implements through
its various arms at State, district and field levels.

The Food & Supplies Department discharges the important responsibilities of
Public Distribution, enforcement of markets discipline through procurement of
food grains at Minimum Support Prices (MSP) and protection of their interest.

The organizational structure and functionalities of the Food & Supplies

Department are enumerated below:

A. Secretariat
B. Directorates
a. District Distribution, Procurement and Supply
b. Rationing
c. Consumer Goods
d. Storage
e. Finance
f. Transportation
g. Inspection & Quality Control
h. Sr. Accounts Officer
i. Textiles & Production-cum-Distributionn Scheme
j. Non-Cereal Essential Commodities
k. Statistics
l. Controller of Sugar
C. Corporations
a. WBECSC Ltd.
b. WBSWC Ltd.
D. District level
E. Sub-division level
F. Block / Municipality level

In a district the Department is represented by a District Controller of Food &

Supplies at district level, a Sub-Divisional Controller of Food & Supplies at Sub-
Divisional Level and an Area Inspector/Sub-Inspector of Food & Supplies at the
block/municipality level. Kolkata and adjoining municipal conglomerates
(Howrah, Barrackpore, Hooghly, Asansol) are manned by Dy. Directors and
Rationing Officers under the Directorate of Rationing.

1.2. Functions of the Department

Footprints of the Department among the multitude of activities run by the Govt. of
West Bengal can be traced for a large part by the flow of food grains. However, it
starts with identification of a ration beneficiary and giving him/her a Ration Card.
1.2.1 Based on various Deprivation Criteria and Auto-Exclusion Criteria application of
an individual / a family is examined. According to levels of eligibility of the
applicant Ration Card under National food Security Act (Antyodaya Anna
Yojana, Priority Household or Special Priority Household) or Rajya Khadya
SurakshaYojana (Category I or II) is given. Among them primitive tribal groups
and inhabitants of jungle mahal, Aila-affected, Hill area and closed tea gardens
receive special packages of food grains for their sustenance.
At present, the ceiling of 6.01 cr. beneficiaries in NFSA being touched already,
applicants are given Ration Card under any of the two categories of RKSY.
Currently, there are 2.50 cr. RKSY-I beneficiaries and 1.48 cr. RKSY-II
1.2.2 Paddy procurement is conducted on Kharif Monsoon Season basis (October to
September) from the Centralized Procurement Centers run directly by the
Department or through Cooperative Societies directly from the farmers.
1.2.3 In the ongoing KMS 2019-20 to ensure catering to maximum number of small and
marginal farmers, a farmer has been given opportunity to sell 90 qt. of paddy.
From the 351 CPCs and 51 Direct Purchase Camps (a spinoff of the CPC) 24.86
LMT and through 1091 Cooperative Societies and 545 women run SHGs 23.07
LMT paddy has been procured this KMS. In total 12.35 lakhs farmers have been
given the benefit of Minimum Support Price. IN this season a record of over 52
Lakh MT of paddy has been procured.
1.2.4 The procured paddy is milled by Rice Mills under agreement with the
Department and resultant rice delivered to designated godowns. The resultant
Custom Milled Rice has to meet the 68% out turn ratio for quantity and certain
specifications for quality.
In KMS 19-20 about 592 such Rice Mills are operating.
1.2.5 The CMR is received in the godowns designated by the Department for scientific
storage and maintenance and quality. While WBSWC Ltd. runs 109 (own 87 +
hired 31) godowns, there are 76 (own 58 + hired 19) godowns directly under the
Department. Of the total 8.2 LMT storage capacity in the State at present 5.06 LMT
is occupied for storage of procured CMR.
1.2.6 The supply chain of the PDS starts with Secretariat allotting food grains (rice,
wheat and atta) to the Directorates of DDP&S and Ratioing. The Directorates then
in turn, allot the same to the districts and DDRs who issue Delivery Orders to the
licenced wholesalers, called MR Distributors for lifting of rice and wheat (from
FCI) and to the Flour Mills for lifting of wheat (from FCI). The Flour Mills crush
the wheat and mill into fortified atta. The MR Distributors again lift that fortified
atta from the Flour Mills.
Presently, there are 499 MR Distributors and 99 Flour Mills working in PDS.
1.2.7 The MR Distributors, as per allocation orders issued by the SCF&Ss, deliver the
food grains at the doorstep of the Fair Price Shop Dealers – the retailers. An FPS
dealer distributes such food grains to the beneficiaries (as mentioned in 1.2.1)
tagged to him/her as per entitlement and price. 20,353 FPS Dealers at present are
engaged at the front end of the PDS.
Every month 2.28 LMT rice and 2.89 LMT wheat (including fortified atta) are
distributed to beneficiaries of all categories. Apart from such regular flow of food
grains, all Severely Acute Malnourished children and their mothers every month
are supplied with rice, masur dal, Bengal gram for improvement of their
nutritional level.
1.2.8 Other than food grains various non-PDS items like carbolic soap, detergents,
incense sticks, toothpaste of recognized brands are also sold from the FPSs at
lower than market rate for which the Department enters into agreement with the
supplier. Recently, consequent upon Bengal Global Business Summit multi brand
retail giant Future Group has also entered into agreement with the Department. A
pilot run of their supplies is being conducted in North 24 Parganas.
Also, during Durga Puja and Eid specially allotted festival packages containing
vegetable oil, mustard oil, sugar, Bengal gram etc. are distributed among ration
1.2.9 There is an analogous but not identical supply chain of Superior Kerosene Oil
wherein all Ration Card holders of Specially designated areas of Alipurduar,
Bankura, Birbhum, Coochbehar, Jhargram, North 24 Parganas, Paschim
Bardhaman, Paschim Medinipur, Purba Bardhaman, Purulia and South 24
Parganas are supplied 1 lit./person/month, all other Digital Ration Card holders
in the state @500 ml/person/month and old paper Ration Card holders @150
468 SKO Agents (wholesalers) lift SKO as allocated by the Director of Consumer
Goods from the PSU Oil Marketing Companies and deliver to 29,343 SKO Retail
Dealers who in turn distribute the same to 10.04 cr. beneficiaries.
1.2.10 The Director of Consumer Goods also is the nodal Govt. organization for
licencing and monitoring of supply of other petroleum products like Motor
Spirit (petrol), High Speed Diesel, Cooking Gas (LPG), Auto LPG, Naphtha and
1.2.11 The Director of NCEC is the nodal Govt. office for monitoring inter-state supply
of salt.

2. Name of the Work:

Running a “Helpdesk-cum-Call Centre” (12 X 7 Food Helpdesk)

3. Scope of Work:

The Food and Supplies Department, Government of West Bengal intends to

engage an agency being a Government, Semi Government or Non-Government
Institution/ Organization/ Company / Firm / LLP, having experience of similar
type of work i.e. running of Call Centre (12x7 or 24x7 helpline) in any Government
Departments/ Organizations / Registered Firm giving/involved in public services
or a very reputed private sector (hereinafter referred to as Agency). The Agency will
have to run the Call Centre (hereinafter called 12x7Food Helpdesk) which will be
operated from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM for all 7 days in a week for providing citizen
centric informations related to Public Distribution System in West Bengal, receiving
calls from the public, registering their complaints/grievances, disposal of
complaints, development of portal and/or providing customized / customizable
software for proper disposal of complaints and/or dissemination of information etc.
Purpose of the 12x7 Food Helpdesk is to ensure a closer liaison, understanding and
exchange of information between the Food and Supplies Department and citizens &
other stakeholders and to establish better feedback mechanism to facilitate better
management of PDS, Ration Card related matters and procurement activities. The
call center will also be instrumental for capturing / logging public grievances and
also for escalating the grievances to the higher authorities and also will
communicate the status of the grievance redressal to the citizen.
The following services are to be provided by the “Agency”:-

A. Services & support to be provided :

a. The "Agency" would have to provide a well trained and dedicated manpower
and robust technical solutions required for running the “12x7 Food
Helpdesk”.Agency has to arrange adequate persons for attending phone calls
with the knowledge of different languages viz. Bengali, English and Hindi.
Initially there will be 10 (ten) seats in the Helpdesk. 6 (six) seats will be
operational from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 10 (ten) seats will be operational from
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and again 6 (6) seats will be operational from 5:00 PM to
8:00 PM. Thus 16 (sixteen) Helpdesk operators would have to be deployed (6
operators from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, 4 operators from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and
6 operators from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Number of seat vis-a-vis Operators may
be increased / decreased as per direction of the Food and Supplies
Department, depending on the volume of calls received. If number of seat
and/or operator is increased / decreased, payment of the Agency will be
made after enhancing / deducting the amount @ unit rate of seats and/or
manpower to be quoted by the successful bidder, as the case may be.
b. The proposed system should have a capacity of handling multiple calls during
peak time per day. The optimum capacity of the proposed solution/ Call
Center to handle calls during peak hour should be clearly indicated by the
interested bidder. The call centre should have all the latest features like call
routing as per the skills, call recording for future and quality monitoring, call
barging Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) with dynamic queuing. IVR with
intelligent routing, integration with database, call back scheduling, rule based
dialling etc.The Call Centre Operator’s shall have excellent knowledge of
various dialects of the respective Local Language as per scope and
communication skills so that the Operator is able to communicate and
understand the queries of people easily. The Department will have the right to
evaluate the Call Centre Operators appointed by the Service Provider/
Agency/ Bidder at any stage and can reject them in case they are not found
suitable. Under such circumstances, the Service Provider shall replace the Call
Centre Operators within one week. Also Department shall have right to
increase or decrease the number of Call Centre Operators depending on the
response received over a period.
c. The Department has two toll free numbers - 1967 and 18003455505. The
ownership of these toll free numbers shall be with the Food & Supplies
Department or its nominated agency. The Agency has to arrange for required
number of terminals at its own cost.
d. The project is required to be executed on a service based solution, which
includes the placement/ implementation of appropriate Hardware, System
Software and MIS Software and maintenance supporting all the potential users
of the system. The bidder needs to ensure that the Call Centre and associated
MIS maintain the highest update possible near to real-time. Towards this end,
it is expected that the bidders will incorporate fault-tolerance into their ICT and
RDBMS setup. Data security will also be the responsibility of the selected
e. The Call Centre should be capable of receiving queries / complaints of all
descriptions from the citizens / Dealer / Distributors / Government
functionaries over telephone / SMS / WhatsApp / e-mail / Mobile App /
Software. The Helpline is to be commissioned with Phone-in facilities & SMS /
Internet integration.
f. Incoming calls to the Helpline would be toll free. The complainant may call
from a mobile phone or land line alike. Caller Identification System facilities
are to be provided for registering the number of the caller in the software. The
identity of each caller will have to be validated and registered by making query
from the operators attending the call centre; and each and every validated
query / complaint should be registered in the application software.
g. Action to satisfy the query or to attend to the complaint should be initiated
immediately on receipt of the query / complaint, irrespective of the day of the
week or the hour of complaint, by escalating the issue at the appropriate level
in accordance with the protocol specified by the Food and Supplies
h. Information on the action taken on each query / complaint would thereafter
have to be incorporated in the application software so that it is visible on the
website in real time basis. Password protected / OTP base access to the
helpline website should be provided to the Administrators in the Food and
Supplies Department and to selected users as may be specified by the said
Department, so that status of resolution of any query / complaint can be
directly uploaded by them.

i. Periodic reports on the problems resolved and remaining unresolved will also
have to be generated in the formats prescribed, posted in the website and
transmitted electronically to the specified functionaries of the Food and
Supplies Department.
j. The “12x7 Food Helpdesk” would remain functional from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM
on all days in a week including Saturdays / Sundays / Government Holidays.
Initially there will be 10 (ten) seats in the Helpdesk. 6 (six) seats will be
operational from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM, 10 (ten) seats will be operational from
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and again 6 (6) seats will be operational from 5:00 PM to
8:00 PM. Thus 16 (sixteen) Helpdesk operators would have to be deployed (6
operators from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM, 4 operators from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM and
6 operators from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Number of seat vis-a-vis Operators may
be increased / decreased as per direction of the Food and Supplies
Department, depending on the volume of calls received. If number of seat
and/or operator is increased / decreased, payment of the Agency will be made
after enhancing / deducting the amount @ unit rate of seats and/or manpower
to be quoted by the successful bidder, as the case may be.
k. The Helpdesk operators to be deployed for running the 12x7 PDS Helpline
should be capable of handling the incoming calls in a suave and composed
manner, escalate the problem at the appropriate level for redress and revert to
the complainant with the solution/ action taken report within the shortest
possible time.
l. Payment of wages and other service benefits admissible to the Helpdesk
operators, including grant of weekly and compensatory holidays, subscription
to Social Security Schemes etc. would be governed by the extant orders of the
Labour Department of the Government of West Bengal and expenses in this
regard are to be borne by the “Agency”.
m. The telephone line of the Helpdesk should be linked/mapped with a pre-
defined number for which tie-up with BSNL will be provided. Hunting facility
would have to be inbuilt so that at any point of time, an incoming call can land
on one of the free lines. The configuration of the number would have to be such
that it is easy to remember.
n. It will have to be ensured that the same telephone number is displayed as
Caller Line Identification (CLI) in respect of all outgoing calls originating from
any of the terminals of the Helpdesk to facilitate easy recognition by the Food
Officials. The 12x7 Food Helpdesk is proposed to be made operational with 10
(ten) Terminals initially and the system may then be augmented from time to
time depending on the actual volume of calls handled.
o. Installation charges of terminals from the tele service providers connection
point to the Helpdesks to be used for the “12x7 Food Helpdesk” would have to
be borne by the Agency, but the actual call charges, charges against toll-free
facility for operation of the Helpline / Call Centre, and proportionate share of
taxes etc. would be reimbursed to the Agency as a component of the periodic
bills raised by the Agency for offering the services. Details of the Telephone
Service Provider's Plan, the call log showing the complaint number against
each call would have to be submitted along with the claims for reimbursement.
p. A dedicated server / web space with appropriate configuration will have to be
provided by the “Agency” for installation of the Software to be used for
processing the Queries / Complaints received at the Helpline and the each
Helpdesk operators & officers / users will have to be provided with a Thin
Client / PC / Laptop linked to the server. High Speed Internet Connectivity
should also be provided as per requirement.
q. The software to be provided by the “Agency” for the Helpline should have all
features to ensure that it can be web enabled in due course, enabling citizens to
lodge complaints / raise queries and view status of complaint resolution by
accessing the application from the internet. The State and District Level officials
of the Food and Supplies Department should also have access to the website
for updating the status of complaint escalated to them. The Software should
also be capable of accepting Value Added Services like Interactive Voice
Response System (IVRS) and SMS (Short Messaging Service) Based
Applications for registering requests and disseminating information.
r. The software should have features for voice recording of all complaints /
quarries received through the Helpline, and action taken in each case, in
consultation with the Department, preferably using open source database
software, and modify it to suit the requirements of the Department as and
when required.
s. Cost of developing the Software for management of the Helpline or purchase
of the Call Resource Manager (CRM) Software, as the case may be, is to be
factored in the ‘Overhead Cost’. In case CRM is used, the license of the
Software is to be purchased by the “Agency” on behalf of the Food and
Supplies Department and cost in this regard is also to be factored in the
‘Overhead Cost’. Also cost for the facilities / equipments to be provided by the
Agency as mentioned at 3 (C) and supervising cost are to be factored in the
‘Overhead Cost’’. The agency has to deploy two supervisors in two shifts (from
8:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm).
t. In cases where the Software is proposed to be developed by the “Agency”
solely for the purpose of Food and Supplies Department, the source code and
updated database of the software so developed will have to be handed over to
the Department on expiry of the contract or termination of the contact, and
Knowledge Transfer incidental to such handover will also have to be arranged
by the “Agency” during the last 3 months of the contractwithin 1 month from
the date of notice of termination of contract in case of pre-mature termination
of contract.

u. If the application software is procured by the Agency, then the installer,
Database installation guideline, procedure to modify the software, the
agreement with the producer of the software for maintenance contract is to be
handed over to the Food and Supplies Department 3 months before the
termination of contract in case of normal termination or within 1 month from
the date of notice of termination of contract in case of pre-mature termination
of contract.
v. The software should be developed in such a manner as would facilitate
integration of the Helpline Portal with the official website of the Department in
due course.The website developed for the 12x7 Food Helpdesk should be
security compliant in consonance with the Information Technology Act, 2000
and have a trust worthy access-control technology and authorization policy,
with inbuilt security features. Third Party Security Audit of the developed Web
Portal will have to be arranged through any recognized Agency like STQC by
the “Agency” at its own cost.
w. The contract will be initially for a period of two years from the date of
operation of the “12x7 Food Helpdesk” which can be extended further on a
yearly basis for a maximum period of another 3 years if the performance is
satisfactory without any escalation of the cost for five years taken together save
& except the enhanced rate of minimum wages & its allied statutory liabilities.
x. One Service Level Agreement is to be made between the Food and Supplies
Department and the Agency. Provided that if the Terms and Conditions
mentioned in this bid document and also the conditions to be stipulated in the
Service Level Agreement, the contract may be terminated by either party after
giving a notice of one month. Provided further that the Agency will comply
with the conditions mentioned in (v) above before termination of the contract.
y. All the logistic and manpower has to be arranged by the Agency save & except
whatever is mentioned in this document to be provided by the Department.
z. The manpower deployed to receive and make calls at the call centre should
have the following skill sets and qualities:
i. Good Communication Skills

ii. Excellent command over Bengali language and ordinary English and Hindi

iii. Problem solving skills.

iv. Minimum Educational Qualification of 12th Class. List of IT personnel

having experience in working in analogous position and possessing
adequate technical background will be given additional weightage.

v. The Supervisors should have a better understanding of the scheme

guidelines, experience in people management and good communication
vi. Capable of handling different situations and be able to handle the query/
issues arising during the calls to the satisfaction of the callers.
B. Procedure of handling the calls :
a. Well oriented and trained manpower should receive the calls, record the call
details and provide the response also instantaneously along with raising a
ticket by an email or web software.
b. The persons who receive the calls will have to be conversant with the subject
and also be courteous and patient and must endeavour to satisfy the callers.
c. The calls received should be properly stored, for retrieval in future and for
performance audit. A knowledge management system should be developed to
facilitate the call operators who receive the calls to access the knowledge
system easily and provide appropriate responses to the callers. This is required
to improve the quality and promptness of responses to the callers. Calls
receivedfor registering grievance will have to be entered (data punched) into
MIS cum Ticket Management System. The daily, weekly and monthly reports
of the MIS system will have to be submitted to the Department via email in the
mutually agreed format. However, as and when demanded by the Department
a backup of the MIS has to be provided as database dump (.sql or .csv) file
format along with script documents including a handholding understanding of
the same to the Department or its nominated representative.
d. Queries received from the callers will be as far as possible replied by the
authorized person instantly. Complaints/grievances which could not be
responded by the call centre officials instantly will be transmitted to concerned
authority at the State level or as informed by the Department for response. A
Unique Ticket Number has to be allotted to each complaint received at the Call
centre by whatever means for future response. The response shall be directly
given by the authority at the State level.

C. Some of the facilities / equipments which have to be provided by the Agency:

i. Desktop PCs with dialing facilities for incoming & out going for each
ii. Secured Server space / Web space storage to save the captured data
and local server for dialing facility.
iii. Software required – Web based CRM software, dialing software.
iv. Local Area Network
v. Appropriate no. of terminals from tele service provider’s connection to
the local server.
vi. Required no. of telephone instruments of appropriate technology
vii. Call transfer Facility on Telephone sets.
viii. Good Quality Head phones for each operator.
ix. IVRS
x. PRI cards & Modems
4. Pre-bid Meeting:

A pre-bid meeting would be held at 2:00 pm on 08/09/2020 in the conference

room of Khadyasree Bhaban (7th floor) located at 11 A, Mirza Ghalib Street,
Kolkata-87. Those bidders desirous of attending the pre-bid meeting may please
register their names with Mobile/WhatsApp / email ID number by sending an
email addressed to dsitbudgetfswb@gmail.com latest by 06/09/2020.

If due to COVID-19 situation physical meeting is not possible, then the pre-bid
meeting will be held through Video Conference and link will be sent to the
registered Mobile/WhatsApp / eMail ID number of the prospective interested

Bidders are required to direct all communications, queries, suggestions for any
clarification related to this RFP, to The Department either during the pre-bid
meeting or through email to dsitbudgetfswb@gmail.com (latest by 2:00 pm on
08/09/2020). All queries relating to the RFP, technical or otherwise, must be in
writing only. The written queries must reach by 3 PM one day before the pre-bid
meeting. The Department will try to respond / reply, without any obligation in
respect thereof, every reasonable query raised by the bidders. However, the
Department will not answer any communication initiated by bidders after the
completion of pre-bid meeting. The response / clarification / modification as
decided by the bid inviting authority in response to pre-bid meeting or otherwise
shall be posted in the website of the Department (wbpds.gov.in). Bidders should
invariably provide details of their email address as the Department will try
to communicate the responses to queries to the bidder via email. However, non
receipt of the response shall not be a ground for any dispute. The bidders are
requested to see the website every day till closure of the bid. If the Department in
its sole and absolute discretion deems that the originator of the query will gain an
advantage by a response to a question, then the Department reserves the right to
communicate such response to all bidders.

5. Data Ownership

The ownership of entire data collected from the caller or collected during the
validity of contract on or behalf of the Department shall be owned by the
Department. Similarly, the ownership of all telephone or toll free number
shall be with the Department. The Department reserves the right to change the
tele-service provider with one month notice period.

6. Period of Assignment

The initial assignment, i.e. contract, of providing Toll Free Helpline Services will
be for a period of 2 years and can be extended further on a yearly basis for a
maximum period of another 3 years, i.e., totally 5 years. However, both parties
will have the option to terminate the contract with a notice period of one month
or on mutually agreed notice period.

7. Eligibility Criterion

A. Technical Eligibility Criteria

i. The bidder should be a registered company / an agency being a
Government, Semi Government or Non-Government Institution /
Organization / Company / LLP / Firm having experience of similar type of
work i.e. running of Call Centre (12x7 or 24x7 helpline) in any Government
Departments / Organizations / Registered Firm giving / involved in public
/ customer serviceswith at least 5 years’ experience in operating Call Center
Services may apply.
ii. The bidder should have a fully functional Call Center operated by it on
service based modelin Kolkata in any Government Department /
Organizations or Registered Firm or a large private sector service provider
giving public / customer service.

B. Financial Eligibility Criteria

i. The bidders should have an average annual turnoverof Rs. 1 (one) crore
during the last 3 financial years ending 31st March, 2016-17; 17-18; 18-19.
ii. The bidders should have a minimum annual turnover of Rs. 75 lakhs every
year during the last 3 financial years ending 31st March, 2016-17; 17-18; 18-19.
C. Documentary requirement
i. A company / partnership firm / any other which shall provide evidence
that it is a current legal entity in India, with impeccable repute in
managing equally large and data oriented helpline or call center
ii. The bidder must submit audited Balance Sheet and Financial Statement in
support of annual turnover and average turnover.
iii. The bidder should submit proof of running of a Call Centre (12x7 or 24x7
helpline) in any Government Departments / Organizations / Registered
Firm giving / involved in public / customer services.
iv. The bidder should submit proof of experience in operating Call Center
Services(12x7 or 24x7 helpline) for at least 5 years’.
v. The bidder should have a fully functional Call Center operated by it on
service based model in Kolkata in any Government Department /
Organizations or Registered Firm or a large private sector service provider
giving public / customer service.
vi. A declaration about Total number of Employees in the Company. The
declaration must have a table with details of employee in following format
Designation / Category of employees (like
project in charge, project, manager, Team Nos.
Lead, Employee)


vii. The bidder must warrant through a declaration that no legal action has
been taken or being undertaken against it for any cause in any legal
jurisdiction or has been barred or black listed in last 3 years where it was
or has been providing services. If such an action exists and the bidder
considers that it does not affect its ability to deliver the RFP requirements,
it shall provide details of the action(s).
viii. The bidder should have sufficient manpower & infrastructure
facilities including modern office equipment’s at the local office to be able
to conduct this assignment smoothly.
ix. The bidder shall preferably have a valid ISO quality certification.
x. Any sort of sub-letting or forming a consortium or cartel is strictly
xi. In case of non-compliance to the above mentioned eligibility criteria, the
bid shall be summary rejected.
xii. Submission of any wrong information or document during or after the bid
or after selection may invite appropriate legal action and forfeiture of
EMD, Performance Guarantee or claims.

8. Two-Stage Bidding Process

i. For the purpose of selection of the vendor, a two-stage Quality- and Cost-
Based Selection (QCBS) bidding process will be followed with
70% weightage towards Technical Bid and 30% weightage towards
Financial Bid. The response to the present expression of interest is to
be submitted in two parts, i.e. Technical Bid and Financial Bid. These
are two distinct and separate parts of the tender and shall be packed /
submitted in separate envelopes.
ii. The ‘Technical Bid’ will contain technical details, whereas the ‘Financial
Bid’ will contain pricing information.

iii. The Technical Bid should NOT contain any pricing or commercial
information at all. Submission of the wrong type of Technical Proposal
will result in the Proposal being deemed non-responsive.
iv. The proposal as well as all related correspondence exchanged by the
bidder shall be written in English language, unless specified otherwise.
v. In the first stage, only the ‘Technical Bids’ will be opened and evaluated.
vi. Those bidders whose bids satisfy the technical requirements and
meet the minimum eligibility criteria as detailed in this RFP shall be
short-listed for an individual presentation.
vii. Under the second stage, the Financial Bids of those companies whose bids
have been short-listed earlier on the basis of evaluation of their Technical
Bids and Presentation, will only be opened for further processing.
viii. Bidders(s) shall express the price of their Assignment/Job in Indian
ix. The Department may call for further clarifications, additional particulars
required, if any, on the technical / financial bids submitted. The bidders
have to submit the clarifications/additional particulars in writing within
the specified date and time. The Department at its discretion may
disqualify the bidder’s offer, if the clarifications / additional
particulars sought are not submitted within the specified date and
x. Amendments to this bid document may be issued at any time, prior
to the deadline for the submission of bids. From the date of issue,
amendments to the bid document shall be deemed to form an integral part
of the bid document.
9. Bid Document: There are three sections of the Bid Document viz:

Section-I Details of Earnest Money Deposit

Section-II Technical Bid
Section-III Financial Bid

10. Date, Time and Manner of Submission of Technical and Financial Bids:

Submission of Bids:
A. Tender document shall be downloaded from the Website
https://wbtenders.gov.in. The filled in tender document should be signed on
every page by the authorized signatory with seal of the firm / company affixed
below it as a token of confirmation that the tender document has been read
and understood. Any corrections or overwriting should also be duly
B. Any bidder willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be
enrolled & registered with the Government e-Tender / e-Procurement
system; through log in to https://wbtenders.gov.in using the option "Click here
to Enroll". Possession of a Valid Class II Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) in the
form of smart card / e-token in the Company's name is a prerequisite for
registration and participating in the bid submission activities through this web
site. Digital Signature Certificates can be obtained from the authorized certifying
agencies, details of which are available in the web site https://wbtenders.gov.in
under the link "Information about DSC".
C. Intending tenderers can search and download NIT and tender documents
electronically by log in to the website https://wbtenders.gov.in, using the Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC). This is the only mode of collection of tender

11. Earnest Money:

An amount of Rs. 30,000/- as earnest money is to be deposited through e-Tender
portal by selecting from either of the following payment modes; (a) Net Banking
(any of the banks listed in the ICICI Bank payment gateway) in case of payment
through ICICI Bank payment gateway. (b) RTGS/NEFT in case of offline
payment through bank account in any bank with his/her tender as per memo no.
3975-F(Y) Dt. 28.07.2016. Earnest money will be liable to be forfeited if the bidder
withdraws the bid after the opening of bids or if the bidder fails to furnish
performance security after award of contract. Earnest money of the unsuccessful
Bidders will be released within 30 (thirty) working days after issue of work order.
12. Technical Bid:
The Technical Bid should contain scanned copies of the following documents as
mentioned in "A" and "B" in two covers (folders).

A. Statutory / Technical cover containing:-

i. Copy of Notice Inviting Tender digitally signed by the bidder to be uploaded.
ii. Supportive documents with reference to eligibility criteria mentioned in Technical
& Financial Parameters for Evaluation section in RFP.
iii. Filled in Section-1 (EMD details) of the Bid Document.
iv. Filled in Section-II (Format for Technical Bid) of the Bid Document.
v. Filled in and signed Annexure-I (Declaration by Bidder)and Annexure-II (Letter
by Bidder)
Tenders will be summarily rejected if any item in the statutory cover is missing.

B. Non-Statutory/ Technical cover containing:

i. Professional Tax (PT) Clearance Certificates and IT PAN valid up to the date of
opening of the tender. Application for such clearance addressed to the competent
authority may also be considered.
ii. GST Registration Certificate.
iii. Certificate of incorporation in case of registered Companies.
Besides that Agencies will have to submit a MS Power Point Presentation of about
15 minutes duration, in a Presentation Session to be organized at Khadyasree
Bhavan on the date & time intimated later on. The Presentation should flag the
salient features of the proposed Helpline, highlight the additional features
proposed, if any, compliance with the terms and conditions indicated in the
Notice Inviting Expression of Interest, and provide detailed explanation in respect
of each of the evaluation parameters indicated in Section II of the Bid Document.

13. Financial Bids:

Agencies will have to submit Financial Bids in the prescribed BOQ Format. Rates
quoted should be inclusive of all duties, taxes, charges, levies and incidental
charges etc.

14. Information:
Information requested should be indicated in the format provided in Section-II
only. Information submitted in any other form shall not be taken into
consideration for evaluation. Bidders will have to submit proper documents in
support of such information, wherever relevant.

15. Validity of Rates:

The successful Agency will have to sign a rate contract agreement indicating that
the rates offered as Overhead Charges and Charges Per Seat Per Month will
remain effective for 2 (two) years from the date of signing the agreement. The
Helpline/ Call Centre will have to handle queries/ complaints of all description/
nature, as per actual requirement, within the aforesaid period of two years.

16. Evaluation Process:

For evaluation of bids, information submitted by the Agencies in Section-II will be

considered in conjunction with the rates quoted in BOQ. Suitable weightage will
be assigned to different parameters for the evaluation of the overall capability,
credibility, experience and efficiency of the Agency. Award of the Contract will be
based on the total score of the Agency as may be obtained through calculation of
weighted averages in the manner hereinafter prescribed.

A. Parameters for Evaluation: The evaluation would consist basically of two

components - Technical and Financial.

a. Technical Evaluation:
Technical Score of an Agency would be computed based on the following
i. Core business areas of operation, number of years in the business, ownership
and organizational structure of Firm.
ii. Clientele and Project brief details of similar projects.
iii. What is the Firms vision for call centre solutions?
iv. Project Plan for the proposed project along with System design, technical
solution and detailed specifications together with a Project Tracker showing
anticipated time schedule with milestones.
v. Any other relevant information adding value to the technical proposal.

The Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) will evaluate the Technical Proposals of
the Pre- Qualified bidders as per below criteria:

Sl Description Marks
Past Experience of Similar projects - No of similar Integrated call center
projects handled by the bidder along with the features mentioned in the RFP in
the last three Financial three i.e., 2016-17, 2017- 18 & 2018-19.
1 Project – 5 Marks
2 ormore Projects – 10 Marks
1 Supporting documents including Purchase Orders / work orders & Satisfactory 10
Performance/ Completion Certificate should be submitted. If any supporting
document is not submitted, then marks in this respect will be “0”
Total no. of seats in the Project Experiences claimed in PQ bid:
More than 15 seats - 15marks
10 seats – 15 seats - 10 marks
5 seats – 10 seats - 5 marks
2 15
Relevant supporting documents for the total seats to be submitted. If any
supporting document is not submitted, then marks in this respect will be “0”
ISO Certifications. If certificate is not submitted, then marks in this respect
3 05
will be “0”
Software application Proposed :
 Quality of software application and algorithms with relevant features -3
4  Call center design and operationalization Procedure – 2 marks 10
 Innovative features specified for Effective and efficient call center
Approach & Methodology of Operations & Maintenance of all services
– 5 marks

Understanding the overall management of services:

 Methodology for the proposed service Proposed – 2 marks
5  Work plan based on Innovative services, Integrations and 05
interoperability of the system with external and internal
components/systems – 3 marks

Proposed Security model, Data Safety with authorizations and authentications

 Redundancy & Data Security plan – 3 marks
 Performance Auditing & reporting model – 2 marks
6 10
 System Level, Application Level & Database Level Security – 3 marks
 User Level Security – 2 marks

Sl Description Marks
Key Professional Staff – Qualification and Competence for the assignment.
The evaluation will be done on the following sub criteria:
 Helpline Manager / Supervisor with experience - 5 Marks
7  Key Staff (Operators, in charges etc. experience) – 5 marks. 10

Relevant supporting documents for the total seats to be submitted. If any

supporting document is not submitted, then marks in this respect will be “0”
Bidders vision for call center solutions and Project Plan for the proposed
8 project along with System design and detailed specifications together with a 05
Project Tracker showing anticipated time schedule with milestones

9 Live Demo of any Client Implementation 10

10 Technical Presentation 20
Grand Total 100

b. Financial Evaluation:
The cost indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be deemed as final and
reflecting the total cost of services and should be stated in INR only.
Omissions, if any, in costing of any item shall not entitle the Applicant to be
compensated and the liability to fulfill its obligations as per the Terms of
Reference within the total quoted price shall be that of the bidder. The bidder
shall bear all taxes, duties, fees, levies and other charges other than service tax
imposed under the Applicable Law as applicable on foreign and domestic
inputs. The lowest Financial Proposal (Fm) will be given a financial score (Sf) of
100 points. The financial scores (Sf) of the other Financial Proposals will be
determined using the following formula:
Sf = 100 x Fm/F
Here Sf is the financial score, Fm is the lowest Financial Proposal, and F is the
Financial Proposal (in INR) under consideration.

c. Combination of Technical & Financial Bids:

Proposals will be finally ranked in accordance with their combined technical (St)
and financial (Sf) scores:
S = St x Tw + Sf x Fw
Where S is the combined score, and Tw and Fw are weights assigned to Technical
Proposal and Financial Proposal that will be 0.70:0.30. The bidder achieving the
highest combined technical and financial score will be considered to be the
successful bidder and will be issued the work order (the Successful Bidder).
17. Period of bid validity:
The Bids shall be valid for a period of 120 days from the closing date for
submission of the bid.
18. Right of the Department to accept or reject the bid:

The Department reserves the right to accept/reject any or all offers submitted in
response to this without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Department also
reserves the right to short-list the vendors based on the requirement of the
Department and may call bidders for a presentation or otherwise before an
evaluation committee, at bidder’s cost.

19. Implementation and Payment Schedules:

The total time for full project implementation will be 15 days from the date of
signing of the contract. In case the proposal of the successful bidder is accepted
and order is placed, the work as per scope of work mentioned in this RFP against
the order should be completed within the period stipulated in the order. The
Department reserves the right to recover any loss sustained due to delayed
delivery by the way of penalty. Failure to complete the work within the
stipulated period shall entitle the Department for imposition of penalty without
assigning any reasons at 0.25 percent of the total value of the contract as penalty
per day subject to a maximum of 10% unless extension is obtained in writing
from the Department on valid ground before expiry of delivery period. The
Department expects the service provider to submit a clear road map for
achieving the timelines. The ownership of customized software and the proposed
solutions, its related Intellectual Property Right (IPR) with reference to Food
Helpdesk will lie with the Department only. In case, the Department wishes to
change the service provider for the scope of work mentioned in this RFP at any
time, the existing vendor / agency shall handhold and support the new
vendor to migrate the existing services and its database within a time bound
20. Performance Bank Guarantee:
The vendor shall, at his own expense, deposit with the Department, within 15
working days of the date of notice of award of the tender, a Performance Bank
Guarantee from a scheduled commercial bank, payable on demand, for an
amount equivalent to ten percent (10%) of the contract price for the due
performance and fulfillment of the contract by the bidder. After submission of
Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG), EMD shall be returned to the firm. The
Performance Bank Guarantee may be discharged by the Department upon being
satisfied that there has been due performance of the obligations of the vendor
under the contract. The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be valid for 1 year
from the date of notice of award of the tender. Failure on the part of the vendor
to comply with the above requirement, or failure of the vendor to enter into a
contract within 15 days or within such extended period, as may be specified by
the Department, shall constitute sufficient grounds, among others, if any, for the
annulment of the award of the bid.
21. Signing of Contract
The vendor shall be required to enter into a contract with the Department, within
07 days of the award of the bid or within such extended period, as may be
specified by the Department, on the basis of the Bid Document.

22. Notification of Award

The acceptance of a bid, subject to contract, will be communicated in writing at
the address supplied by the bidder in the tender response. Any change of
address of the bidder should therefore be promptly notified to the Department.

23. Submission of Qualification Documents:

Bidders will have to upload the qualification documents and the Technical and
Financial Bids in the formats prescribed for the purpose along with an Affidavit in
the format provided in Annexure I along with a forwarding letter as per
Annexure II.

24. Governing Law and Disputes

The bids and any contract resulting there from shall be governed by and
construed according to the Indian Laws. All disputes or differences
whatsoever arising between the parties (i.e., the Department and the
Agency) out of or in relation to the construction, meaning and operation or effect
of this Bid Document or breach thereof, shall be settled amicably. If, however,
the parties, as above, are not able to resolve them amicably, the same shall
be settled by arbitration in accordance with the applicable Indian Laws, and
the award made in pursuance thereof shall be binding on the parties, as
above. The Arbitrator/Arbitrators shall give a reasoned award. Any appeal will
be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Kolkata. The agency shall
continue work under the Contract during the arbitration proceedings unless
otherwise directed in writing by the Department or unless the matter is such that
the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrator or of
the umpire, as the case may be, is obtained. The venue of the arbitration shall be
at Kolkata.
25. Force Majeure

In case either party is prevented from performing any of its obligations due to any
cause beyond its control, including but not limited to act of God, fire, flood,
explosion, war, action or request of governmental authority, systemic
breakdown, failure of electricity supply, accident and labor trouble, the time for
performance shall be extended until the operation or such cause has ceased,
provided the party affected gives prompt notice to the other party of any such
factors or inability to perform and resume performance as soon as such factors

disappear or are circumvented. Decision of the Departments in this regard shall
be final and shall not be questioned in arbitration or other legal proceedings

26. Limitation of Liability:

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere contained in this RFP,
neither Party shall, in any event, regardless of the form of claim, be liable for any
indirect, special, punitive, exemplary, speculative or consequential
damages, However, the foregoing shall not include any loss of data, business
interruption, and loss of income or profits, irrespective of whether it had an
advance notice of the possibility of any such damages. Subject to the above and
notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere contained herein, the
aggregate liability of bidder under the Agreement shall not exceed the amount
of Professional Fees actually paid by the Department. Provided, that aforesaid
limitation of liability shall not be applicable in respect of claims arising as a result
of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of a third party.
27. Conditions under which this RFP is issued
1. This RFP is not an offer and is issued with no commitment. The Department
reserves the right to withdraw the RFP and change or vary any part thereof
at any stage.
2. The Department also reserves the right to disqualify any bidder, should it be so
necessary at any stage.
3. Information provided in this RFP to the Applicants is on a wide range of matters,
some of which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not
a complete or authoritative statement of law. The Authority accepts no
responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion
on the law expressed herein.
4. The Department may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any
obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or
assumption contained in this RFP.
5. The Applicant shall bear all its cost associated with or relating to the
preparation and submission of its proposal including but not limited to
preparation, copying postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any
demonstration or presentations which may be required by the Department
or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its proposal. All such
cost and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the Department shall not be
liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other expenses
incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the Proposal.
6. The Department reserves the right to withdraw this RFP, if it is in the bestinterest
of the organization. Timing and sequence of events resulting from this RFP shall
ultimately be determined by the Department.
7. No oral conversations or agreements with any official, agent or employee of the
Department shall affect or modify any terms of this RFP and any alleged oral
agreement or arrangement made by a bidder with any department, agency,
official or employee of the Department shall be superseded by the definitive
agreement that results from this RFP process. Oral communications by the
Department to bidders shall not be considered binding on the Department, nor
shall any written materials provided by any person other than the Department.
Neither the bidder nor any of the bidder’s representatives shall have any claims
whatsoever against the Department or any of their respective officials, agents, or
employees arising out of, or relating to this the Department or these procedures
(other than those arising under a definitive service agreement with the
bidder in accordance with the terms thereof).
8. Applicants who are found to canvass, influence or attempt to influence in any
manner the qualification or selection process, including without limitation, by
offering bribes or other illegal gratification, shall be disqualified from the process
at any stage.
9. The Department is not restricted in its rights to use or disclose any or all of the
information contained in the proposal and can do so without compensation to
the bidders.
10. The Department shall not be bound by any language in the proposal indicating the
confidentiality of the proposal or any other restriction on its use or disclosure.
11. In case of any bidder doesn’t qualify as per the eligibility criteria mentioned
in this document or submitted any false or invalid document to establish its
eligibility shall be disqualified and EMD shall be forfeited.
12. By submitting a proposal, each bidder shall be deemed to acknowledge that it has
carefully read all sections of this RFP, including all forms, schedules and
annexure hereto, and has fully informed itself as to all existing conditions and

28. Termination Clause:

If the Terms and Conditions mentioned in this bid document and also the
conditions to be stipulated in the Service Level Agreement, the contract may be
terminated by either party after giving a notice of one month. Provided that the
Agency will comply with the conditions mentioned in 3 (A) (v) above before
termination of the contract.

DATE and TIME schedule for the

NIT No. 2143-FS/O/Sectt/IT-10/2012 (Part-I) dated 19/08/2020

Sl No Event particulars Date & Time

Date of Publishing of NIeT and Tender Documents by Food and 25/08/2020 at

Supplies Department (online publishing date) 3:00 pm

Tender Documents downloading by prospective bidders (online 25/08/2020 at

opening) 4:00 pm

3 Start Date of Bid Submission (Technical and Financial) (online)
from 4:00 pm

Pre Bid Meeting with the intending Bidders (Optional for the 08/09/2020 at
Bidders) 2:00 pm

14/09/2020 at
5 Closing date and time of download of Tender Document (online)
4:00 pm

Closing date and time of Bid Submission (Technical and Financial 14/09/2020 at
(Online) 5:00 pm

18/09/2020 at
7 Date and time of opening of Technical Proposals(online)
12 noon
Will be
Date and time of uploading of list of Technically qualified
8 notified later
Will be
Date of uploading of final list of technically qualified bidders after
9 notified later
disposal of appeals, if any
Will be
10 Date and time of opening of Financial Proposal(online) notified later

Signature of the Tender Inviting Authority

Annexure I

Declaration by the bidder

(Affidavit on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs 10/- duly attested by a

This is to certify that we, M/s , in submission of this offer, confirm that:-
1. We have not made any misleading or false representation in the forms, statements
and attachment in proof of the qualification / bid requirements;
2. We do not have records of poor performance such as abandoning projects, not
properlycompleting a contract, inordinate delays in completion for reasons only
attributable to us or financial failures etc.
3. Business with us is not currently banned by any Central / State Government
Department / Public Sector Undertaking or Enterprise of Central / State
4. We are currently not blacklisted by any Central / State Government Department /
Public Sector Undertaking or Enterprise of Central / State Government.
5. We have submitted all supporting documents and furnished the relevant details as
per prescribed format.
6. The information and documents submitted with the tender by us are correct and
we are fully responsible for the correctness of the information and documents
submitted by us.
7. We understand that in case any statement / information / document furnished by
us is found tobe incorrect or false, our earnest money deposit will be forfeited
without any further reference to us.

(Signature of Bidder)

Annexure II

Qualification information / checklist of documents / letter by bidder

(On the letter head of the Bidder)


The Secretary to the Government of West Bengal

Food and Supplies Department

Sub: Submission of Qualification information /documents as perchecklist.

1. We hereby submit the following documents in support of our Qualification


a. Self attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company

b. Self attested copy of PAN/TAN issued by Income Tax Department.
c. Self attested copy of GST Certificate.
d. Self attested copies of Sales Tax, Works Contract Tax and Service Tax
Registration Certificate etc. (as may be applicable).
e. Any other document on qualification and experience as required hereunder.
2. We have furnished all the information and details necessary to substantiate our
3. We authorize you to approach any Bank, Individual, Employer, Firm or
Corporation whethermentioned in the enclosed documents or not, to verify the
genuineness of the documents adduced and our competence and general
4. We have also enclosed written Power of Attorney in favor of the signatory in this

End: As in Para 1
Yours faithfully,

(Signature of the Bidder)


Financial BID format (BOQ format)

Sl No of Total price (in

Items Unit Rate Remarks
No Unit Indian rupees)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Wages to the operators is to be paid
as per the minimum wages of the
skilled labour duly notified by the
Labour Department, Government of
Manpower Per To be West Bengal from time to time. Other
1 16 (d) x (e)
cost operator quoted statutory liabilities such as PF, ESI,
Bonus & other allowances admissible
as per Act/Rule are the obligations of
the Agency. All these things are to be
factored in the Manpower Cost.
Cost of developing the Software for
management of the Helpline or
purchase of the Call Resource
Management (CRM) Software, as the
case may be, is to be factored in the
‘Overhead Cost’. In case CRM is
used, the license of the Software is to
be purchased by the “Agency” on
Overhead To be behalf of the Food and Supplies
2 Per seat 10 (d) x (e)
cost quoted Department and cost in this regard is
also to be factored in the ‘Overhead
Cost’. Also cost for the facilities /
equipments to be provided by the
Agency as mentioned at 3 (C) of the
RFP and supervising cost for two
supervisors as mentioned at 3 (A) (s)
are to be factored in the ‘Overhead
Any other incidental charges as may
One time
3 Lump sum be required to run the Helpdesk
cost, if any
Comparative statement will be
4 Grand Total (1f +2f+3f) prepared on the basis of total rate
arrived at sl 4 (1f + 2f + 3f)

Note: Initially there will be 10 (ten) seats in the Helpdesk and 16 operators. Number of
operators and/or number of seats may be increased as per the volume of the call. If number

of operator is increased keeping the seat number intact, the Department will pay extra
amount as per unit rate for manpower cost to be quoted by the selected bidder. If both
number of seat and number of operator are increased, the Department will pay extra
amount as per unit rate for manpower cost & overhead cost to be quoted by the selected
bidder. During the term of contract, if the minimum wages increased that has to be paid to
the operators by the agency and the extra amount to be paid towards increase of minimum
wages & other statutory payments will be reimbursed to the Agency on production of
relevant order and proof of payment. Electricity charges, internet services will be provided
by the Department. Space and furnitures required for setting up the Helpdesk will be
provided by the Department. There are two toll free numbers (1967 and 18003455505) taken
by the Department and the internet line of BSNL taken through the backbone of WBSWAN
which will be used in the Helpdesk. The Agency has to arrange for required number of
terminals from the tele service providers connection point to the Helpdesk at its own cost.
The actual call charges, charges against toll-free facility for operation of the Helpline / Call
Centre, and proportionate share of taxes etc. would be reimbursed to the Agency as a
component of the periodic bills raised by the Agency for offering the services.


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