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Letts KS3 Maths Complete Coursebook Extract

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16235_P001.indd 1 06/06/2018 09:18

About this book
Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing or doing (or a mix of all three), this coursebook uses
three different approaches to help you engage with each topic and study in a way that suits you.
It provides complete coverage of the KS3 Programme of Study, with plenty of practice material for
all topics, to support independent study throughout the course, ensure you are well prepared for
tests and assessments, and help you to progress confidently on to your GCSEs.

Key features
Images, diagrams and charts help you engage with the topics.
Hands-on revision activities throughout.
Download the relevant track for an audio walk-through of each topic.

Make the link Clear and

to related skills A learning summary comprehensive
Key words are and ideas. introduces the explanations. Challenge yourself
highlighted in the topics to be covered at the end of each
text and defined in in each chapter. chapter with
a dictionary section. practice questions.

Data collection 9

9 Data collection Bias

The word population is used to describe a set,
collection or group of objects that are being studied.
A sample is a small part of a population.
Anything that distorts the data in a sample, so that it
will not give a representative picture of a population, is Practice
After studying this chapter you should be able to: called bias. When collecting information it is important questio
• identify and obtain necessary information to solve a mathematical problem to make sure that there is no bias. 1. a) Sta ns Data co
n ir height
: • identify and select necessary data te wheth
er each llection
collectio ing to the Learning Bias usually occurs in one of these ways: 9

i) Pam of the foll
9 Data in classe
s accord Summary
• collect and record discrete data
• group data where appropriate into equal class intervals • The population or sample is not chosen correctly. went to owing
data sou
e the libr rces is
compet war rec ary to find
, i.e. s, dogs over • design a survey, questionnaire or experiment identifying possible sources An example of a biased sample would be whilst ord. out mo
or second
ous data petition r mm and ii) Ba re informa
This is
continu For lity com and ove but 390 of bias. investigating homework trends at a school to only rbara con ary.
d by mea
suring. 1. In agi – 430mm over duc tion abo
s 430mm mm and ask students in year 7 how much homework they ted an ut her gra
it is foun
ous data
, the clas • Large rd – less than but 350
ate too experim ndfather’s
continu ally writt
en 390mm do. This is biased because no other year groups iii) Ma k to me ent at hom
s are usu Class • Standa – less than s. Using rcus car lt. e to see
interval m mm. 25 dog have been taken into account. ried out how lon
look • Mediu less than 350 etre s of t watched. a survey g differe (1 mark)
(2 marks)
Identifying and selecting data
using data will
• Small
– in millim into the correc 9.1 • Through the style of questioning. For example, if your opinion is evident: among nt types
s for the heights heights
24 iv) Jam st his fam of
are the se the
“Most people want a new swimming pool. Do you want a new illa went ily to find
like this: below 449
Listed le, organi 346 swimming pool?” across onto the out wh (1 mark)
ency tab inte
mm 328 ich
h˘ 430
443 b) Wh the wo rnet to TV pro
Large: h˘ a frequ 430 rld. find out gramm
mm . ries . 391
458 Data When identifying and selecting data, start with enough primary or secondary ich of the how ma es they
: 430
catego 350 431 data so that a sample can be taken from it. Make sure that the sample is not 2. Study above
examp ny wome
390mm 461 349 the n held (1 mark)
.h˘ 390
347 Every day people are bombarded with information called data. Data are often biased. To avoid bias, ask a sample large enough to fair que following que les will
capture seats in
: 390mm stion. Att stio continu
Medium 335
438 collected to test a hypothesis. A hypothesis is theory or explanation that has represent the whole population but small enough to ach a rea ns taken from ous dat ents
350mm 472 351 y son from que a?
385 Frequenc not been proved. be manageable. Too sen
sitive the box stionnaires. No (1 mark)
mm 412 to the lett ne
350 432 Tally 10 For example, Rhysian is carrying out a survey into a What,
a) Too wo er of the would be con (1 mark)
in your rdy questio sidered
g (mm) how often people do a sporting activity. She will need used, as opinion, n. to be a
t of do
Different methods are used to Too am
hed the 7 oppose are the
establis ct Heigh work out the mean of discrete to ask sufficient people; 10 would be too small, so a d to the strengt big uou s (2 marks)
Having constru
rvals, b) Have propos hs and
class inte
and continuous data. See sample of 50 people would be more reflective. She you eve weakn Too bia
e the
e. Organis ect h ˘ 430 3 Topic 10.2. will need to ask a wide cross-section of people (i.e. a c) How r copied ed tests,
in British
of the rea
the tabl corr often do other stu primary ding tes
into the
heights h ˘ 390 wide range of ages and both males and females). you jog dents’ school ts curren
430 .
g tally answe s?
es, usin Very fre ? rs in an tly being
categori organised with 5 quently exam?
Be Where Rhysian does her survey is also important. For
marks. each
cross off it. Then h ˘ 350 d) Mo Frequent
this and enter 390 . er,,
example, her survey would be biased if she stood M st chi
ldren wh ly
as you
height your tally ich, if eith t, outside a leisure centre because the people she o miss Regularl
ensure h out wh ered tha a)
a lesson y
count to al 25. Finally 350 . 8 to find would ask are more likely to do a sporting activity. s will end
rs 7 and discov Rarely
equ uency ted. He arr 7. up with
e the freq vey in Yea t suppor , 16 we
re in Yea ted b) poor job
complet out a sur each studen United por s, won’t
mn. carried ms wham dents sup City. c) they?
colu 2. Jordan al football tea supported Ne 8, 15 stu wham There are different types of data.
of the loc ts wh o Yea r 7 and por ted Ne 1. Which of the following are primary data and which are secondary?
studen ed y four sup ts
nts d)
compris den
ude Discrete data Can only take particular values. They are often found by
of the 31 students who r 8, onl many stu a) Finding out information on a holiday destination by looking on the
59 ts in Yea out how ted counting. An example is the number of cars in a car park. 3. What
Of the studen to find suppor
r tea m. Of 29 -wa y table eac h year (3 marks) Internet. is w
wro ng with
neithe a two ny from Continuous data Can take any value in a given range. Such data are often b) Measuring the height of all the students in your class. a) Jen the foll
tion into how ma ny con owing
informa City and Totall
With an adult’s permission, found by measuring. Examples include the height and c) Finding out the shoe size of students in your class. Progress ducted survey
Put this wham junctio a survey s?
ted Ne Year 8
look up the definitions
weight of year 8 students. d) Looking at records to see how many babies were born in January. Check n. She to see
suppor 31 observ con
of the words ‘discrete’,
e) Looking at tables of the number of road traffic accidents each year. ation she ducted the sur whether traf
neither Year 7 15 ‘secondary’, ‘primary’ Primary data Data that you collect yourself. et: vey from fic ligh
ts mig
13 3 Vehicl 8am to
ts 16
data on an Internet search
Secondary data 2. Explain why this sample is biased: icles tra 9am on ht be needed
tion can Suppor 4 5 engine. Check definitions Data that somebody else has collected. For example, a
town velling a Tuesda at a par
of info rma
United 15 ‘Investigating the pattern of absences for a school by studying the toward y. This ticular
This kind but by
wham 9 and look at what kind of census is carried out every 10 years in order to provide s was her
ng at first table Ne 10 registers in February.’ Tally
be con
fusi ga
City 5
599 data are collected, how they a ‘snapshot’ of people living in Britain. The census is Vehicle
organisin you wham 5 turned Vehicle
carefully the values Ne 29 are collected, and how they a very rich source of data that is analysed to help the Vehicle
first left s travel (2 marks)
and inpu given, finding turn
t ed town ling aw
ither 30 ut is:
are organised and stored. authorities plan for the future. first righ ay from
n Ne d out Tally
be worke
hav e bee tion Vehicle t
rma Vehicle
sing info turn
tu ed
the mis ier. The
Tot al g val ues can second turned
s eas ssin 179 Vehicle turn left t right
become years and the mi 178 tu ed Vehicle
s are the
sup port. er in which second turned
who the
students The ord – (31 + 15) Vehicle
tur ed
right Vehicle
t left
i.e. 59 third left
13 Vehicle Vehicle
–4 turned turned
9, i.e. 13
third righ sec
Vehicle t Vehicle ond left
59 – 29
r turned
30, i.e. and
t on third righ
– (16 +
9) Year 7 Vehicle t
5, i.e. 30 ts from turned
studen third left
15 – 5. City. 5 Vehicle
10, i.e. wham ther team. carried
port Ne t nei
dents sup
t on
8 suppor
So 13 stu ts from Year
10 studen

Progress checks test
your understanding.
Answers to all questions
Worked questions with are provided; you are
supporting commentary Mixed practice Only use a signposted to the relevant
give guidance on questions cover a range calculator to answer pages if your response to
how to approach test of topics and provide a question where a practice question has
questions. realistic test practice. you see this icon . been incomplete.

Download the FREE audio book from lettsrevision.co.uk/ks3

16235_P002_003.indd 2 05/06/2018 16:43

Chapter 1 Types of numbers Chapter 6 Transformations,
and their applications constructions and loci
1.1 Numbers, powers and roots 4 6.1 Transformations and similarity 124
1.2 Fractions and decimals 14 6.2 Constructions and loci 129
1.3 Percentages 21 Worked questions 132
1.4 Ratio and proportion 28 Practice questions 135
Worked questions 32
Practice questions 35 Chapter 7 Measurement and its
Chapter 2 Calculations applications
7.1 Units of measurement 138
2.1 Methods 40
7.2 Area and perimeter of 2-D shapes 144
2.2 Rounding and estimating 45
7.3 Volume of 3-D solids 148
Worked questions 52
Worked questions 152
Practice questions 54
Practice questions 155

Chapter 3 Equations, Chapter 8 Probability

inequalities and formulae
8.1 The probability scale 158
3.1 Symbols and formulae 56 8.2 Possible outcomes for two
3.2 Equations and inequalities 65 successive events 162
Worked questions 72 8.3 Estimating probability 168
Practice questions 75 Worked questions 172
Practice questions 174
Chapter 4 Sequences, functions
and graphs Chapter 9 Data collection
9.1 Identifying and selecting data 178
4.1 Sequences and functions 78
9.2 Collecting data 180
4.2 Graphs of functions 82
9.3 Organising data 182
4.3 Interpreting graphical information 88
Worked questions 184
Worked questions 91
Practice questions 185
Practice questions 94

Chapter 5 Properties of shapes Chapter 10 Representing and

and solids interpreting data
10.1 Statistical diagrams 187
5.1 Two- and three-dimensional shapes 97
10.2 Averages and range 196
5.2 Angles, bearings and scale
10.3 Cumulative frequency graphs 200
drawings 104
Worked questions 203
5.3 Pythagoras’ theorem 110
Practice questions 205
5.4 Trigonometry in right-angled
triangles 114
Answers to progress check questions 210
Worked questions 118
Answers to practice questions 215
Practice questions 120
Mixed test-style questions 223
Answers to mixed test-style questions 235
Key words dictionary and index 237

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2 Calculations

After studying this chapter you should be able to:

• use a variety of written and mental methods to work out calculations
• use a variety of calculator methods to work out calculations
Summary • use a calculator efficiently and appropriately to perform complex calculations
• approximate and estimate answers to complex calculations.

5 2.1
When adding integers and decimals, the place values must line up in columns.

Work out 5279 + 408 5279
+ This addition can be checked
by partitioning and an empty
5687 number line can help.

!400 !8

5279 5679 5687

The same method can be used when the numbers are decimals.

Work out 127.3 + 9.07 127.3
+ 9.07 Make sure the decimal
points are lined up.
Checking by partitioning gives:
!9 !0.07

127.3 136.3 136.37


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Calculations 2

When subtracting integers and decimals, the place values must line up one
on top of the other. Subtracting is also known as finding the difference.

Work out 2791 – 365 2791 In the units column 1 – 5 won’t
– 365 work. Borrow 10 from the next Make four sets of cards,
column. So the 9 becomes 8 and each numbered with the
2426 the 1 becomes 11. digits 0–9. Turn them face
down. Turn over two cards
Compensation can be used to check the answer, by adding or and say the multiplication
subtracting too much and then compensating. fact and its answer. For
example, you might turn
0400 over a 7 and an 8, so you
!35 would say seven eights
are 56. Then practise your
division facts by turning
2391 2426 2791
over two cards to make
a two-digit number and
state two numbers which
multiply together to make
Multiplication that number. For example,
you might turn over 7 and 2
Multiplication is much easier if you know your multiplication tables. Using a to make 72. You would then
grid method can sometimes help when multiplying, although you do need to say eight nines or six twelves
know how to do formal multiplication. are 72.

Work out 6.24 × 8 6.24
× 8 Multiply each of the digits 6, 2,
4 by 8. Start from the right and
49.92 move to the left.
1 3

Alternatively if a grid method is used:

× 6 0.2 0.04

8 48 1.6 0.32

48 + 1.6 + 0.32 = 49.92

Multiplying two or more numbers together is known as finding the product.


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2 Calculations

How would you spend £1 This calculation involves long multiplication. This is made easier if
million? Find out the prices Work out 1.89 × 23 we multiply 1.89 × 100 to remove the decimal point.
of items you would buy if
you had £1m to spend. 189
Then play around with the × 23
different amounts. Practise
567 189 × 3
addition by choosing four or
five to total. Then practise 3780 189 × 20
subtraction by taking these
totals away from £1m. The answer now needs to be divided by 100 because we
Practise multiplication by multiplied by 100 originally.
imagining that you might 4347
Answer = 100
= 43.47
buy six or seven of one
particular item. Find the Alternatively, using a grid method gives:
average price of several
items to practise division. 100 80 9

20 2000 1600 180

3 300 240 27 3780

+ 567
Answer = 4347 ÷ 100 = 43.47

Take care not to miss out important zeros in long and short division.

Ask at home if you can look
at some utility bills. Try to A bar of chocolate costs 74p. Tracey has £9.82 to
find examples of where the spend. What is the maximum number of bars Tracey
four rules of number (+,–, × can buy? How much change does she have left?
and ÷) have been used.
The method of chunking can be used when dividing.
Always try to estimate the answer to your division.
Long division Chunking (here we take off
multiples of 74)
98 ÷ 74 = 1 remainder 24
74 9 8 2 74 9 8 2
74 – 7 40 0 74 × 10
now bring down the 2
242 242
222 – 222 0 74 × 3

20 242 ÷ 74 = 3 remainder 20 20
Tracey can buy 13 bars Answer = 10 + 3 = 13 bars
and has 20p left over. and 20p left over.
In this example, the 74 is the divisor, the 13 is the quotient and the
remainder is 20p.
If the question had simply been 982 ÷ 74, then the answer could be
written as 13 20 or 13 10
74 37


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Calculations 2
When dividing by decimals, it is useful to change to an equivalent calculation
that does not have a decimal divisor.
For example: This skill is used when
• 372.8 ÷ 0.4 is equivalent to 3728 ÷ 4 estimating calculations. See
• 527.1 ÷ 0.02 is equivalent to 52 710 ÷ 2 Topic 2.2.

Order of operations
BIDMAS is a made-up word that helps you to remember the order in which
calculations take place.


Brackets Indices or Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction


This means that brackets are worked out first and, in the absence of brackets,
division and multiplication are done before addition and subtraction.
For example:
• (3 + 4) × 5 = 35 The brackets are carried out first. The order of operations
• 52 – (2 × 3) = 25 – 6 = 19 applies to algebra as well as
all numerical calculations.
• 6 + 3 × 2 = 12 The multiplication is carried out first.
See Topic 3.1.

Important calculator keys

This calculator shows some of the important calculator keys. Make sure you
know how your calculator works.
SHIFT or 2nd
or 1av allows
functions to be cube root
carried out

square root

trigonometric functions
changes the
number in the
display from
positive to


often gives π


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2 Calculations
For example:

= 10.14 (2 d.p.)

Depending on your model of calculator, this may be keyed in as:

( 15 × 10 + 46 ) ÷ ( 9 . 2 × 2 . 1 ) =

The above calculation can also be done using the memory keys. Try writing
down the key sequence for yourself.

Calculating powers and reciprocals

yx xy or x are used to calculate powers such as 27.
Use the power key on the calculator to work out 27.
Keying in gives:

2 xy 7 =

(Check your answer is 128)

x is the reciprocal key on the calculator. It is used to calculate the
reciprocal of a number.
For example:

• 9 3 × 45 = 2130 (to the nearest whole number)

• The reciprocal of 0.3 = 3.3

Standard form and the calculator

To key a number in standard form into the calculator, use the ×10x key.
Some calculators use EE or EXP . Check your calculator.
For example:
Depending on your model of calculator, 6.23 × 106 may be keyed in as:

6 . 2 3 ×10x 6

4.93 × 10–5 can be keyed in as:

Practise these calculator
techniques over and over
4 . 9 3 ×10x – 5
again to make sure you
are using your calculator Some calculators do not show standard form correctly on the display. For
correctly. Then practise example:
some standard form • 7.6327 means 7.632 × 107
calculations using your own • 4.2–09 means 4.2 × 10–9
It is important to put in the ×10 part when you write your answer.


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Calculations 2

Interpreting the calculator display

When calculations involve money, remember:
• A display of 4.2 means £4.20 (four pounds twenty pence).
• A display of 3.07 means £3.07 (three pounds and seven pence).
• A display of 0.64 means £0.64 or 64 pence.
• A display of 6.2934 means £6.29, i.e. it has to be rounded to 2 d.p.

1. Work out the following, without using a calculator.

a) 27.4 × 32 d) 3729 × 46
b) 3762 ÷ 3 e) 237.2 ÷ 0.8
c) 690 ÷ 15

2. Work out the following on your calculator.

27.1 × 6 .4 (9.3)4
a) b)
9.3 + 2.7 2.7 3 3.6

252 5 Progress
c) d) (25 – 10)
4U 9 Check
3. Which is the correct answer?
a) 2 + 3 × 7 A 35 B 23
b) 4 – 1 × 5 A 15 B –1
c) (9 + 1) × 4 A 1600 B 400
5.79 + 3.27
4. Erin worked out on her calculator. She got 6.12 to 2 decimal
6.32 3 4
a) Work out the calculation.
b) Explain the mistake Erin made in obtaining her answer.

Rounding and estimating 6

Rounding numbers
Large numbers are often approximated to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000 to
make them easier to work with.

Rounding to the nearest 10

To round to the nearest 10, look at the digit in the units column. If it is less
than 5, round down. If it is 5 or more, round up.

568 people attended a concert. Round this to the nearest 10.
There is an 8 in the units column, so round up to 570.
568 is 570 to the nearest 10.


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2 Calculations
Rounding to the nearest 100
To round to the nearest 100, look at the digit in the tens column. If it is less
than 5, round down. If it is 5 or more, round up.

In May, 2650 people went to the zoo. Round this
to the nearest 100.
Since there is a 5 in the tens column, we round
up to 2700.
2650 is 2700 to the nearest hundred.

Rounding to the nearest 1000

To round to the nearest 1000, look at the digits in the hundreds column. The
Use four sets of cards, each same rules apply as before.
numbered with the digits
0–9, placed face down.
Turn individual cards over Example
randomly to make four or
five-digit numbers. Round
Round 16 420 to the nearest 1000. There is a 4 in the hundreds column,
the numbers you create
to the nearest 10, 100 so round down to 16 000.
and 1000. 16 420 is 16 000 to the nearest thousand.

Similar methods can be used to estimate any

number to any power of 10.
Newspaper reports often use rounded numbers.

Decimal places
It is sometimes useful to round decimals to the nearest whole number or to a
specified number of decimal places.
The same rules of rounding shown above are used.
To round to the nearest whole number, look at the number in the first
decimal place:
• If it is 5 or more, round the units up to the next whole number.
• If it is less than 5, the units stay the same.

In many calculations
Round these to the nearest whole number:
involving measurements, the
values are often rounded. a) 12.3 3 is less than 5, so round down
See Topic 7.1.
This is 12 to the nearest whole number.
b) 7.9 9 is more than 5, so round up

This is 8 to the nearest whole number.


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Calculations 2
To round to the nearest tenth (or to 1 decimal place), look at the number in the
second decimal place:
• If it is 5 or more, round the first decimal place up to the next tenth. Use four sets of cards, each
• If it is less than 5, the first decimal place remains the same. numbered with the digits
0–9, placed face down.
Create a further card with a
Example decimal point on it. Turn over
one of the cards, place the
Round these numbers to 1 decimal place. decimal point to the right of it
and turn over one more card,
a) 9.45 placing that to the right of the
4 is rounded up to 5 here because
This is 9.5 to 1 decimal place. the second decimal place is 5.
decimal point. Round your
number to the nearest whole
b) 12.62 number. Create numbers with
Stays the same because
This is 12.6 to 1 decimal place. 2 is less than 5. 2, 3 or 4 decimal places and
practise rounding these to 1,
2 or 3 decimal places.
A similar method can be used when rounding any number to a particular
number of decimal places. For example:
• 16.59 q 16.6 (1 d.p.)
• 12.3642 q 12.364 (3 d.p.)
• 8.435 q 8.44 (2 d.p.)
When calculating with money, we always round to 2 decimal places.
For example, £16.58 ÷ 4 = £4.145 but this would round to £4.15

Significant figures
The rule for rounding to a given number of significant figures is the same as
for decimal places – if the next digit is 5 or more, round up.
The first significant figure is the first digit that is not a zero. The second, third
and fourth significant figures follow on after the first digit. They may or may
not be zero.
For example:
7.021 has 4 significant figures. 0.003 706 also has 4 significant figures.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

It is important that the place value is not changed when rounding. Here are
some examples of rounding to a certain number of significant figures:

Number to 3 s.f. to 2 s.f. to 1 s.f.

4.207 4.21 4.2 4

4379 4380 4400 4000

0.006 209 0.006 21 0.0062 0.006

After rounding, the end zeros must be filled in.

For example, 4380 = 4400 to 2 s.f. (not 44).
No extra zeros should be put in after the decimal point.
For example, 0.013 = 0.01 to 1 s.f., not 0.010


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2 Calculations

Possible error of half a unit when rounding

If a measurement has been rounded, the actual measurement lies within a
maximum of half a unit of that amount. It can be half a unit bigger or smaller.
There are two types of measurement – discrete and continuous.

Discrete measures
Discrete measures are quantities that can be counted, such as people. For
example, a school has 1400 students to 2 significant figures (i.e. the nearest
100). The actual figure could be anything from 1350 to 1449.

Continuous measures
Continuous measures are measurements that have been made by using
a measuring instrument, such as a person’s height or weight. Continuous
measures are not exact.
For example, Nigel weighs 72kg to the nearest kilogram. His actual weight (w)
could be anywhere between 71.5kg and 72.5kg.
We use different calculations – 0.5 + 0.5
on discrete and continuous
data when finding the 71kg 71.5kg 72kg 72.5kg 73kg
average and spread, in
addition to representing These two values are the limits of Nigel’s weight.
the data graphically. See
Chapter 9.2.
If w represents weight, then:
71.5 < w , 72.5

This is the lower limit of Nigel’s This is the upper limit, sometimes
weight, sometimes known as the known as the upper bound of
lower bound. Anything below 71.5 Nigel's weight. Anything from 72.5
would be recorded as 71kg. upwards would be read as 73kg.

Measure some objects in

your home, draw them and
write their measurements Example
rounded to the nearest
centimetre and to the
The length of a seedling is measured
nearest 10cm. Similarly,
weigh different items, draw as 3.7cm to the nearest tenth of a
them and write their weights centimetre. What are the upper and
rounded to the nearest gram lower limits of the length (l )?
and to the nearest 10g. Look
at some of your rounded – 0.05 + 0.05
measurements and work
out the minimum and 3.6 3.65 3.7 3.75 3.8
maximum limits.

Lower limit 3.65 < l , 3.75 Upper limit


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Calculations 2

Rounding sensibly in calculations

When solving problems the answers should be rounded sensibly. It is wise to
go back and check the context of the question.

1. Mr Singh organised a trip to the theatre for 420 students and 10
teachers. If a coach can seat 53 people, how many coaches did
he need?
Obviously, not everybody can get on
430 ÷ 53 = 8.11 coaches 8 coaches (8 × 53 = 424), so we need
9 coaches are needed. to round up to 9 coaches.

2. Work out 95.26 × 6.39

The answer is rounded to 2 d.p.
95.26 × 6.39 = 608.7114 because the values in the question are
= 608.71 (2 d.p.) to 2 d.p.

3. James has £9.37. He divides it equally between 5 people. How

much does each person receive?
£9.37 ÷ 5 = £1.874 This is rounded to 2 d.p. because it
involves money.
= £1.87

Checking calculations
A calculation can be checked by carrying out the inverse operation. For

Calculation Inverse Operation

106 × 3 = 318 318 ÷ 106 = 3

or 318 ÷ 3 = 106

106 318

Calculation Inverse Operation

5 = 2.236 067 977 (2.236 067 977)2 = 5

5 2.234 067 977


A calculation can also be checked by carrying out an equivalent calculation:

692 × 4 = 2768
692 = 700 – 8, so this is an
Check with (700 – 8) × 4 = 2800 – 32 equivalent calculation.
= 2768


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2 Calculations

Estimating or approximating is a good way of checking answers. Estimating
can help you to decide whether an answer is the right order of magnitude,
which means ‘about the right size’.
When estimating:
• round the numbers to ‘easy’ numbers, usually one or two significant figures
• work out the estimate using these ‘easy’ numbers
• use the symbol ø which means ‘approximately equal to’.
For multiplying or dividing, never approximate a number to zero. Use 0.1,
0.01, 0.001, etc.

1. Estimate the following calculations:
a) 8.93 × 25.09 ø 10 × 25 = 250
b) (6.29)2 ø 62 = 36
296 × 52.1
ø 300 × 50 =
c) =1500
9.72 × 1.14 10 × 1
d) 0.096 × 79.2 ø 0.1 × 80 = 8
9.6 × 103
2. Jack does the calculation
a) Estimate the answer to this calculation, without using a calculator.
9.6 × 103 10 × 100 1000 1000
2 ø 2 =
9 ø 10 =100
(2.9) 3
b) Jack’s answer is 1175.7. Is this the right order of magnitude?
Jack’s answer is not the right order of magnitude (size). It is 10 times
too big.

There are different ways of finding an approximate answer. For example:

8.93 × 25.09 ø 10 × 25 = 250
or 9 × 25 = 225
In this case, 9 × 25 is a closer approximation.
You need to be able to recognise what makes a ‘good approximation’. When
adding or subtracting, very small numbers may be approximated to zero.


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Calculations 2

Estimate the following calculations:
a) 109.2 + 0.0002
ø 110 + 0 = 110
b) 63.87 – 0.01
ø 64 – 0 = 64

1. Round the following numbers to the nearest 10.

a) 268
b) 1273
c) 42 956
d) 2385

2. Round the following numbers to 2 decimal places.

a) 47.365
b) 21.429
c) 15.3725

3. Round the following numbers to 2 significant figures.

a) 1247
b) 0.003 729 Progress
4. Paint is sold in 8-litre tins. Sandra needs 27 litres of paint.
How many tins must she buy?

5. Estimate the answers to the following:

29.42 + 106
2.2 × 5.1

6. Mr Johnson tries to work out the answer to 292 × 42. He works it out as
1226.4, but he thinks he has made a mistake.
a) Make a rough estimate of 292 × 42.
b) Compare your estimate with Mr Johnson’s answer. Do you think he
made a mistake?


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2 Calculations

Remember that you cannot

add or subtract different
Worked questions
units. So 19 000g = 19kg. 1. In 5 days, a pet shop sold 9.5kg, 17.37kg, 14.625kg and 19 000g of
Also ensure that your
dog biscuits.
columns line up. With
addition, it helps to put the What total weight of dog biscuits was sold in five days? Give your
numbers in order of size answer in kilograms. (1 mark)
– biggest first. However,
when decimals are involved 14.625 14.625
it is always a good idea to
put the number with most
17.37 17.370
decimal places first. 9.5 9.500
When adding or subtracting
+19 +19.000
decimals, it is also a good
idea to fill up your empty 60.495
decimal columns with
In 5 days, the pet shop sold 60.495kg of dog biscuits.
zeros (shown in red in this
example). You can call
these ‘zombie zeros’. Get
into the habit of putting
the decimal point into the
answer before you do any
Money questions like this 2. How much profit did a car dealer make if he bought a car for £5984.79
will usually involve lots of
and sold it for £10 000? (1 mark)
zeros. Again, take care
9 9 9 9 9
because no pence figures
10 000.00 £110 101010 .1010
are given in the second
amount, so remember
–5984.79 –£ 5 984.79
your ‘zombie zeros’. This
calculation involves six £ 4 015.21
exchanges before you The car dealer made £4015.21 profit.
begin to subtract. The zeros
in 10 000 (except the last
pence zero) should become
10s before they become 9s.

The calculation is 3. a) The rim of a wheel is 3.14 times the diameter of the wheel.
3.14 × 8.7. Before you can Find the distance around the rim if the diameter is 8.7cm. Give your
multiply, the numbers need
answer in centimetres, rounded to 2 decimal places. (2 marks)
to be whole numbers. So
the calculation becomes 3.14 × 100 = 314 and 8.7 × 10 = 87, so this is an increase of
314 × 87. 100 × 10 = 1000 in total
Multiply 314 by 7.
Multiply by 80 = 8 × 10.
When you multiply by 10 ×87
each digit moves one place 2198
to the left. Insert 0 as a
place holder then multiply 25120
by 8.
Now you have to redress
the balance and divide by 27318 ÷ 1000 = 2 7.3 1 8
The rim of the wheel measures 27.32cm.


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Calculations 2
b) How many complete revolutions does a wheel with a circumference
of 4.3m make in covering a distance of 110.08m? (1 mark) The calculation is 110.08 ÷
4.3. In division of decimals,
43 = 4.3 × 10 only the divisor needs to be
25.6 a whole number.
43 1 1 0 0.8 To make an equivalent
86 sum you must also multiply
110.08 by 10.
215 110.08 ÷ 4.3 = 1100.8 ÷
43, so you do not need to
258 balance at the end.

The wheel makes 25 complete revolutions. This is a discrete measure.

The rounded unit is 100.
4. The crowd watching a football match last week was 5700, rounded to
the nearest 100. The minimum value is 5650
5649 or less would have
a) What is the smallest number of people that could have been been rounded to 5600.
present? (1 mark)
The smallest number of people that could have been present
is 5650. The maximum value is
5749. 5750 or more would
b) What is the largest number of people that could have have been rounded to
been present? (1 mark) 5800.
The largest number of people that could have been present
is 5749. These are continuous
measures. The rounded unit
5. A lawn measures 5.6m by 4.7m to the nearest 0.1m. What are the upper is one tenth.
and lower limits of the following?
a) The lawn’s length. (1 mark)
Upper limit = 5.65m
Lower limit = 5.55m
b) The lawn’s width. (1 mark)
Upper limit = 4.75m
Lower limit = 4.65m
c) The lawn’s area. (1 mark)
Upper limit = 5.65m × 4.75m
= 26.84m2
Lower limit = 5.55m × 4.65m
= 25.81m2
d) The lawn’s perimeter. (1 mark)
Upper limit = (5.65 + 4.75) × 2
= 20.8m Do not assume that the
Lower limit = (5.55 + 4.65) × 2 largest limits will give the
= 20.4m greatest overall value.
Dividing by a smaller
6. p and q are continuous values rounded to the nearest 10.
number gives a larger
p = 200 and q = 420 answer. If you are in doubt,
either work out the answer
Work out the greatest possible value of p ÷ q. Round the answer to using all four possibilities
3 significant figures. (2 marks) or substitute complex
numbers with simple ones.
p = 195 – 205
For example, 12 ÷ 2 gives a
q = 415 – 425 larger answer than 12 ÷ 4
205 ÷ 415 = 0.493 975 9
= 0.494 (to 3 s.f.)


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2 Calculations

Practice questions
1. A builder buys a house for £75 999. He wants to make at least £15 950 profit.

a) What is the least amount the builder could sell the house for in order to realise
this profit? (1 mark)

b) Before the builder can sell the house, he has various jobs to do. Here are the quotations
from the plumbers and electricians.

Joe Tap The work will take 42 hours. Charge = £12.50 per hour
Jill Washer The work will take 42 hours. Charge = £96 per day. I work an 8-hour day.
Jason Watt The work will take 38 hours. Charge = £13.75 per hour
Jamilla Spark The work will take 38 hours. Charge = £112 per day. I work an 8-hour day.

Calculate the amount of each quotation.

Which plumber and which electrician should the builder choose to keep his expenses
to a minimum? (3 marks)

c) The money spent on the plumber and electrician has to be taken from the builder’s profit.

Assuming he chooses the plumber and electrician you identified in b), what will the
builder’s profit now be? (2 marks)

2. Magazines are put into bundles of 38 for delivery to the newsagents.

a) How many magazines are needed for 45 bundles? (1 mark)

b) What information will this calculation provide?

2058 ÷ 38 (1 mark)

c) Work out the calculation in b).

How many more magazines are needed to make another bundle? (2 marks)

3. a) Round each number to the required number of significant figures (s.f.).

i) 58 400 (1 s.f.) (1 mark)
ii) 0.078 51 (2 s.f.) (1 mark)

b) By rounding to 1 s.f., estimate:

82 3 2.8
0.437 1 0.396 (2 marks)

4. Choose the correct answer to each calculation by ticking the box next to the correct answer.

a) 76 – (9 × 8) = 536 4 (1 mark)

b) 6 + 5 × 2 = 16 22 (1 mark)

c) 8 × (9 – 2 + 4) = 88 24 (1 mark)

d) (3 + 1)2 × 4 = 40 64 (1 mark)

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Calculations 2
5. a) An aeroplane is carrying 230 people rounded to the nearest 10.
What is the greatest number of people that could be on the aeroplane? (1 mark)

b) The aeroplane is travelling at 500km per hour to the nearest 10km.

What is the aeroplane’s highest possible speed? (1 mark)

6. A patio is measured as being 8.4m × 5.8m to the nearest 10cm.

a) What information does this calculation give?

8.45 × 5.85 (1 mark)

b) What information does this calculation give?

(8.35 + 5.75) × 2 (1 mark)

7. A rectangle measures 15m by 36m to the nearest metre.

What are the upper and lower limits of its perimeter? (2 marks)

8. In Jared’s money box there are 150 pennies rounded to the nearest ten.

What is the largest and smallest number of coins that can be in the box? (2 marks)

9. x and y are continuous values rounded to the nearest unit.

x = 25 and y = 19

a) Work out the greatest value of x – y. (2 marks)

b) Work out the smallest value of x ÷ y. Round your answer to 3 significant figures. (2 marks)

10. a) Maria carried out the following calculation on her calculator:

(25 1 56 )
(32 3 2)
Her answer was 28.5

What did Maria do wrong? (1 mark)

b) Sanya used her calculator to add the costs of the sweater and trousers.



She was unsure how to interpret the answer. How would you explain the answer? (1 mark)

11. Look at this calculation:

(42 3 5.86)
(0.12 1 0.24)
a) By rounding, find an approximate answer to the above calculation. (1 mark)

b) Find the exact answer correct to 2 decimal places without using a calculator.
Check this answer with your estimate. (2 marks)


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7 Measurement and its applications

After studying this chapter you should be able to:

• interpret numbers on a range of measuring instruments, and choose and
use appropriate units
Learning • use metric and imperial units, and solve problems involving the conversion
Summary of units
• find the area and perimeter of 2-D shapes
• know and use the formulae for the circumference and area of a circle
• calculate the volume of a variety of 3-D solids.

18 7.1
Units of measurement
Estimating is a useful skill in everyday life. You need to be able to estimate
measures such as:

Length Capacity Weight Time

A door is about 2m high. A can of soft drink holds A bag of sugar holds
about 330ml or 2 pint. 1kg or about 2.2lb.

Have an estimating day

where you record your
estimates of different objects
you come across. Then
check your estimates by
measuring the objects.


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Measurement and its applications 7

Metric units
Metric units include kilometres (km), metres (m), kilograms (kg) and litres (l). You must know these
relationships inside out.
Make three cards. On one
Length Weight Capacity of them write 10, on the
10mm = 1cm 1000mg = 1g 1000ml = 1 litre second 100 and on the
third 1000. On the other
100cm = 1m 1000g = 1kg 100cl = 1 litre side write the relationships
which match. Just write the
1000m = 1km 1000kg = 1 tonne 1000cm3 = 1 litre
units – no numbers. So, on the
back of 100 you would write
When converting one unit to another, try to decide first whether your answer ‘m and cm’ and ‘cl and litre’.
will be larger or smaller, then multiply or divide as appropriate: Next, turn the cards face up
so the numbers are showing.
Look at them and recite the
Rule Examples facts which are on the back.
You can also use the cards
If changing from small units to large units, 500cm = 5m (÷ 100)
with the units face up and
you divide
3500g = 3.5kg (÷ 1000) recite what you have to do
to change one into the other.
If changing from large units to small units, 5 litres = 500cl (× 100) When you look at mm and cm,
you multiply for instance, you would say
25cm = 250mm (× 10)
‘mm to cm – divide by 10’.

These diagrams may help you to remember:

" 10 " 100 " 1000 " 1000 " 1000 " 10 " 100

mm cm m km g kg t ml cl l Being able to convert

between different
2 10 2 100 2 1000 2 1000 2 1000 2 10 2 100 measurements is necessary
when converting scales on
Imperial units maps and scale diagrams.
See Topic 5.2.
Imperial units include miles, yards, stones, pints, etc. They are sometimes
thought of as the ‘old fashioned’ units of measurement.

Length Weight Capacity

1 foot = 12 inches 1 stone = 14 pounds (lb) 20 fluid oz = 1 pint
1 yard = 3 feet 1 pound = 16 ounces (oz) 8 pints = 1 gallon

Here are some approximate comparisons between metric and imperial units:

Length Weight Capacity

2.5cm ≈ 1 inch 25g ≈ 1 ounce 3
1 litre ≈ 1 4 pints
Look at tins, bottles and
30cm ≈ 1 foot 1kg ≈ 2.2 pounds 4.5 litres ≈ 1 gallon packages in the kitchen to
see the units in which they
1m ≈ 39 inches
are measured. Check with an
8km ≈ 5 miles adult before you do so.


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7 Measurement and its applications

Most measuring jugs and
kitchen scales show both 1. Change 25km into miles.
metric and imperial units. 5
8km ≈ 5 miles so 1km ≈ 8 mile.
Ask an adult first, but
by using these jugs and 25km ≈ 25 × 8 = 15.6 miles (1 d.p.)
scales you can reinforce
your understanding of 2. A plate is 6 inches across. Roughly how many centimetres is this?
conversions. For example,
fill a measuring jug with 2.5cm ≈ 1 inch 6 inches ≈ 6 × 2.5 = 15cm
different amounts of water.
Read and write down both
the metric and the imperial
measurements for different
Choosing the correct units of measurement
volumes of water.
When measuring, it is important that sensible units are used.

Thickness of a book Capacity of a Width of a bookcase The amount of water Height of a house
bottle of wine in a swimming pool

mm cl cm litres m
Weight of a packet Length of a Weight of a bag of Amount of medicine Weight of a lorry
of crisps river potatoes in a spoonful

g km kg ml tonnes

Time measurement
Units of time
You should know these units of time.
There are 60 seconds in one minute.

There are 60 minutes in one hour.

There are 24 hours in one day.

There are seven days in one week.

There are 52 weeks in one year.

There are 365 days in a year, or 366 in a leap year.


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Measurement and its applications 7
This clock reads 10 past 7. The short hand 0
55 5
tells us the hour, and the long hand tells us the 11
minutes. 50 10
10 2 You need a clock with a
face and a digital clock,
The 12 and 24-hour clock 45 9 3 15 both set to the same time.
Time can be measured using the 12- or 24-hour clock. 8 4 At different times of the day
40 20 look at them and make sure
7 5
The 12-hour clock uses am and pm. Times before 6 you understand the readings.
35 25
midday are am; times after midday are pm. 30 Have a go at looking at one
with the other covered. Say
The 24-hour clock numbers the hours from 0 to 24. what the time will be on the
Times are written with four figures. one which is covered. If the
digital clock doesn’t give
24-hour readings, practise
12-hour clock 24-hour clock
converting to the 24-hour
2.42pm is the same as 1442 clock as well.
3.30am is the same as 0330

24-hour clock 12-hour clock

1527 is the same as 3.27pm
0704 is the same as 7.04am

24-hour clock times often appear on bus and train timetables.

The train timetable gives the times from London to Manchester.

London Euston 0702 0740 Every 60 1100 1400

Watford Junction 0732 0812 minutes 1130 1430
Stoke-on-Trent 0850 0930 until – 1545
Manchester 0940 1015 1315 1640

The 0850 train from The 0740 train from London The 1100 train from
Stoke-on-Trent. Euston arrives at 1015. London Euston does not Being able to read from a
stop at Stoke-on-Trent. variety of tables is important
when interpreting data. See
a) Diana is travelling from Watford Junction to Manchester Piccadilly. If Topic 9.3.
she catches the 0732 train from Watford, how long is her journey?

Departs Watford: 0732 Arrives Manchester: 0940

Time = 2 hours 8 minutes
Collect a bus timetable and
b) Sebastian arrives at London Euston at 12 42. How long does he have a train timetable. Study the
to wait for the next train to Manchester? timetables to make sure you
understand them properly.
12 42 → 13 00 = 18 minutes You could ask an adult to
13 00 → 14 00 = 1 hour set you questions about the
Waiting time is 1 hour 18 minutes times shown.


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7 Measurement and its applications

Compound measures
Speed can be measured in kilometres per hour (km/h), miles per hour (mph)
and metres per second (m/s). These are all compound measures because
they involve a combination of two basic measures. Density and pressure are
also examples of compound measures.
The abbreviation for ‘per’ is a ‘p’ or ‘/’ and is used to mean ‘for every’ or ‘in
every’, e.g. mph (miles travelled in every hour).

total distance travelled

Average speed =
total time taken
Average speed =

From this speed formula two others can be obtained:

Time =
speed d
Being able to substitute s"t
and change the subject of Distance = speed × time
a formula is important when
working with compound
measures. See Topic 3.1.
1. Lynette walks 10km in 4 hours. Find her average speed.
Write the letters s (for t
speed), t (for time) and d (for 10
distance) on three separate S=
cards. Write the symbols ×
and ÷ on two separate
S = 2.5km/h
cards. Mix up the cards and 2. Mr Rosenthal drove a distance of 250 miles at an average speed of
rearrange them correctly 70 miles per hour. How long did the journey take?
so that s is the subject of
the formula. Then try again, t=
making t and d the subject s
of the formula. 250
t = 3.57 hours

3.57 hours must be changed into hours and minutes. To do this:

• subtract the hours We multiply by 60 because
Multiplying by decimals is
useful in these calculations.
• multiply the decimal part by 60, there are 60 minutes in 1 hour.

See Topic 2.1. i.e. 0.57... × 60 = 34 minutes (nearest minute)

Journey time = 3 hours 34 minutes


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Measurement and its applications 7
To calculate density, volume and mass, use:

Density =
Volume =
density M
Mass = density × volume D"V

Find the density of an object whose mass is 600g and whose volume is

Density = M
= 12g/cm3

To calculate pressure use:

Pressure = force on surface

surface area

1. Approximately how many pounds are in 2kg of sugar?

2. The following information shows how long it takes to fly between
some cities.
From To Time
London Paris 1 hour 15 minutes
London Tokyo 12 hours 40 minutes
Paris Sydney 22 hours 10 minutes
Tokyo Sydney 9 hours 15 minutes
a) Bina flies from London to Paris and then from Paris to Sydney. How long
is the flight time in total?
b) Jessica leaves Tokyo at 1800. What time will it be in Tokyo when she is
due to land in Sydney?
3. Change 5 litres into ml.
4. Change 5 inches into cm.
5. The mass of an object is 500g. If its density is 6.2g/cm3, what is the volume
of the object?


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7 Measurement and its applications

19 7.2
Area and perimeter of
2-D shapes
Estimating areas of 2-D shapes
The distance around the outside edge of a shape is called the perimeter. The
area of a 2-D shape is the amount of space it covers. Units of area are mm2,
cm2 and m2.
Areas of irregular shapes can be found by counting the squares the shape
covers. Label the squares as you count them. Try to match up parts of
squares to make a whole one.

Examples 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8
1. Find the area of this shape.
9 10 11 12 These make
This shape has an area of about one whole
13 14 15 16 square
20.5 square units.
17 18 19
This is half a square

2. Find the perimeter of this shape. 2.7cm

Perimeter = 4 + 5 + 3 + 2.7 + 2.7 4cm 5cm

= 17.4cm
2.7cm 3cm

Areas of quadrilaterals and triangles

You need to know the formulae for these 2-D shapes.

Area of a rectangle Area of a parallelogram

Area = length × width Area = base × perpendicular height
A=l×w A=b×h
Width Perpendicular
(w) height (h)
Length (l)
Base (b)

Area of a triangle Area of a trapezium

Make a set of revision 1 1
cards with the name and Area = 2
× base × Area = × (sum of parallel sides) ×
a picture of each of the (perpendicular height between sides)
perpendicular height
shapes mentioned here. On
1 1
the back write the formula A= ×b×h A= × (a + b) × h
2 2
you need to calculate that
shape’s area. Practise Perpendicular a
looking at the name of the height (h) Perpendicular height
shape and reciting the b
formula for its area. Base (b)


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Measurement and its applications 7

1. Find the area of these shapes, giving your answers to 3 s.f.
where necessary.
a) 1
A= × (a + b) × h
4.9cm 10.1cm 1
= × (4.9 + 10.1) × 6.2

6.2cm = 46.5cm2

b) Area of 1 =
4.7cm 2
= × 12.3 × 4.7
2 5.5cm = 28.905cm2
12.3cm Area of 2 = b × h
Split the shape into two parts = 12.3 × 5.5
and find the area of each. = 67.65cm2
Total area = 1 + 2
= 28.905 + 67.65
= 96.555
= 96.6cm2 (3 s.f.)

2. If the area of this triangle is 55cm2, find Height

the height giving your answer to 3 s.f.
A= ×b×h
55 = × 16.9 × h Substitute values into the formula.
55 = 8.45 × h
55 Divide both sides by 8.45
Notice that rounding does not take place until the end.
h = 6.51cm (3 s.f.)

3. The perimeter of this shape is 30cm. x–1

Work out the length of the longest side
of this shape. c a
Set up an
x + x – 1 + 2x + 4 + x + 2 = 30 equation first.
5x + 5 = 30 Collect like terms.
2x + 4
5x = 30 – 5
5x = 25
x= Divide both sides by 5. Writing equations, solving
5 equations, substitution into
x = 5cm formulae and rearranging
formulae all apply to
Length of the longest side = 2x + 4
questions involving finding
=2×5+4 areas of shapes. See
= 14cm Topics 3.1 and 3.2.


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7 Measurement and its applications

Circumference and area of a circle

It is important that you remember these formulae:

Circumference = π × diameter C=π×d s

D ad
= 2 × π × radius C=2×π×r ia R O
Area = π × (radius)2 A = π × r2 er

1. Find the circumference and area of this circle.
Use π = 3.142 10cm
C = 3.142 × 10
C = 31.42cm
A = π × r2 Halve the diameter to obtain the radius, which we need when
A = 3.142 × 52 finding the area.

A = 78.55cm2
2. A circular fish pond has a circumference of 12m. Work out the length
of the diameter to 1 d.p. Use π = 3.142
Being able to change the
subject is important in this 12 = 3.142 × d
type of question. See 12
Topic 3.1.
So d = 3.8192
d = 3.8m (1 d.p.)
3. A garden is shown. Fencing is to be placed
around the perimeter of the garden. Work
out the length of fencing that is needed. Use
π = 3.142. Give your answer to 2 s.f.
Work out the circumference of the
semicircle first:
C = 3.142 × 8
C = 25.136 We need to halve this to find the circumference of the semicircle.

25.136 = 12.568m
Adding the horizontal distance will give the perimeter:
12.536 + 8 = 20.568
The length of fencing = 20.568m
= 21m (2 s.f.)

When finding an arc length or a sector area of a circle,

Sector area
it is important to remember that they are just a fraction
O x
of the circumference or the area of the circle.
Arc length


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Measurement and its applications 7

Arc length = ×π×d
You need to be familiar
Sector area = × π × r2 with the π button on your
360° calculator. See Topic 2.1.
where x is the size of the angle between the two bounding radii.

Areas of enlarged shapes

A common mistake is to assume that an enlargement with scale factor
3 makes the area 3 times larger. In fact, the area of the image is 9 times
the area of the original shape.
If a shape is enlarged by a scale factor k, then the area of the
enlarged shape is k 2 times bigger.
For example, if k = 2: Scale factors are also used
A = 4cm2
• the length of the enlarged in ratio, proportion and
A = 1cm2 similarity problems. See
shape is twice as big
Topics 1.4 and 6.1.
• the area of the enlarged shape
1cm 2cm
becomes four times as big (i.e. 22 = 4).

Changing area units

You should know that 1m2 = 10 000cm2
For example, this square has a length of 1 metre. This is the same as a
length of 100cm. 1m 100cm

Hence 1m2 = 100 × 100cm2

1m 100cm
1m2 = 10 000cm2
Always check that the measurements are in the same units before you
calculate an area.

1. Work out the areas of the following shapes, giving your answers to 3 s.f.
Use the π key on your calculator.
a) 4.2cm b) c) d)
12.6cm 15cm
2. Work out the area of the region
shaded green. Use the π key on your
3. Change 5m2 to cm2. Which answer is correct?
A 5000cm2 B 500cm2 C 50 000cm2 D 500 000cm2
4. The diagram shows the plan of a room. Carpet 4.5m
is being laid on the floor. 1m2 of
carpet costs £35.99. 4m
Work out the total cost of carpeting the room.



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7 Measurement and its applications

20 7.3
Volume of 3-D solids
The volume of a 3-D solid is the amount of space it occupies. Units of volume
are cubic millimetre (mm3), cubic centimetre (cm3) and cubic metre (m3).
The volume of a 3-D solid can be
found by counting the number of
1cm3 cubes.
For example, the volume of the
solid opposite is 24cm3. Each 1cm
cube has a volume of 1cm3
(1 cubic centimetre).

Calculating volume and surface area

A prism is any solid which can be cut into slices that are all the same shape.
By knowing the properties
of 3-D shapes, you can work
A prism has a uniform cross-section.
out which are prisms. See
Topic 5.1. Volume of a cuboid
Height (h)
Volume = length × width × height
V=l×w×h Width (w)
Length (l)

Volume of a prism

To find the volume of Volume = area of cross-section × length

prisms you need to know V=A×l Length (l)
how to find the area of the
Area of
end face, i.e. the area of cross-section (A)
cross-section. See Topic 7.2 Surface area of a cuboid

Surface area = the sum of the areas of the faces

= 2 × (l × h) + 2 × (w × h) + 2 × (w × l )
Two faces have Two faces have Two faces
area l × h area w × h have area w × l

Collect some small cartons

Length (l)
of different sizes. Open
them up and measure them
to calculate the surface
Width (w)
area. Draw the net each
one makes and write the
measurements on your
drawing. Height (h)



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Measurement and its applications 7

1. Look at the box opposite. C 2cm
a) Work out the volume of the box. B
Volume = l × w × h Drawing the nets of 3-D
= 10 × 8 × 2 shapes helps work out the
surface area of the shapes.
= 160cm3
See Topic 5.1.
b) The box contains a present. Work out the amount of paper
needed to wrap the box, assuming there is no overlap.
Surface area = 2 × (face A + face B + face C)
Face A = 10 × 2 = 20cm2
Face B = 8 × 2 = 16cm2
Face C = 10 × 8 = 80cm2
Total amount of paper needed = 2 × (20 + 16 + 80)
= 2 × 116
= 232cm2
2. The cross-section of a solid is in the shape of a
trapezium. Work out the volume of the solid. 3 cm
Area of cross-section:
A= × (a + b) × h
1 4cm
A= × (3 + 8) × 5 = 27.5cm2
2 8cm
Volume = 27.5 × 4
= 110cm3

Volume and surface area of a cylinder

Cylinders are prisms whose cross-section is a circle.

Volume = area of cross-section × length

V = π × r2 × h

π × r 2 is the area of the circle at the end of the cylinder.

Surface area of a cylinder = 2πr 2 + 2πrh

Radius (r) r

Height (h)

This length equals the

circumference of the circles.


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7 Measurement and its applications

Cat food is sold in tins. Work out the following using 8cm
π = 3.142. Remember to put units in your answer.
a) The volume of cat food that the tin contains.
V = π × r2 × h 10cm

V = 3.142 × 42 × 10
V = 502.72
V = 503cm3 (3 s.f.)
b) The total area of metal needed to make the tin.
Total area of metal = 2πr 2 + 2πrh
A = 2 × 3.142 × 42 + 2 × 3.142 × 4 × 10
A = 100.544 + 251.36
A = 351.904
A = 352cm2 (3 s.f.)

Volumes of enlarged solids

If a solid is enlarged by a scale factor k, the volume of the enlarged solid is k3
times bigger.
For example, if a cube of length 1cm is enlarged by a scale factor of 2, the
volume of the enlarged cube is eight times bigger (23 = 8).



1cm 2cm

Converting volume units

It is better to change all the lengths to the same unit before starting
a question.
For example, this cube has a length of 1m.
This is the same as a length of 100cm.
Hence 1m3 = 100 × 100 × 100cm3
1m3 = 1 000 000cm3

1m 100cm

1m 1m 100cm 100cm


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Measurement and its applications 7

1. Work out the volumes of the following solids to 3 s.f.






2. Work out the surface area of a cuboid with height 6cm, width 4cm and
length 10cm.
3. The volume of a cylinder is 2000cm3 and its radius is 5.6cm. Work out its
height to 3 s.f. Use the π key on your calculator.
4. A prism has a volume of 10cm3. The prism is enlarged by a scale factor of 3.
What is the volume of the enlarged prism?
A 90cm3 B 27cm3 C 270cm3 D 900cm3 E 30cm3
5. The solid is a prism with height 5x. Write an expression for the volume of
the solid. Show your working and simplify your expression.


Not to scale



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7 Measurement and its applications

Worked questions
1. Mrs Hall’s journey to work normally takes her 1 hour and 18 minutes.
Take extra care with
questions involving a) Mrs Hall starts work at quarter to nine in the morning but it takes her
measures because they 15 minutes to park her car and get to her desk.
often mix up the units of
measurement you have to What is the latest time she can set off in the morning? Give your
deal with. Remember that answer in the 24-hour clock. (1 mark)
at some point you have to
change one into the other. Time taken from home to desk = 1 hour 18 minutes + 15 minutes
= 1 hour 33 minutes
quarter to 9 – one hour = quarter to 8
Now you have to subtract
quarter to 8 – 30 minutes = quarter past 7
1 hour 33 minutes from
quarter to nine.
quarter past 7 – 3 minutes = 12 minutes past 7 = 07.12
8.45 – 1.33 = 7.12 = 07.12
The latest time Mrs Hall can set off is 12 minutes past 7 (or 07.12).
b) On a normal day, Mrs Hall’s average speed is 45 kilometres per hour.
What distance does she travel from home to work? (2 marks)

Distance = speed × time

Mrs Hall’s journey = 45 × 1 hour 18 minutes
Mrs Hall’s journey = 45 × 1
You must change the 60
minutes into a fraction of 3
= 45 × 1 = 58.5km
an hour. 10
or 45 × 1.3 = 58.5km
Mrs Hall travels 58.5km from home to work.
c) Yesterday, because of a traffic jam, it took Mrs Hall 2 hours and 15
minutes to return home.
Speed =
time What was the average speed of her journey home? (2 marks)
Speed = 58.5 ÷ 2.25 = 26 kilometres per hour
The average speed of Mrs Hall’s journey home was 26 kilometres
per hour.
This is probably as easy as
it gets with area questions. 2. A rugby pitch is laid out in a field 180m × 160m. The pitch itself is
Check that the units are the
same and no matter how 105m × 76m.
simple set out your working
out clearly. If no drawing is
a) What area of the field remains for the spectators? (3 marks)
given it is also a good idea F 180m
to make a rough sketch and
label the relevant parts. 105m

P 76m 160m

Area of F = 180m × 160m = 28 800m2

Area of P = 105m × 76m = 7980m2
Area of S = 28 800 – 7980 = 20 820m2
The area of the field remaining for the spectators is 20 820m2.


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Measurement and its applications 7
b) As part of their warm-up, the players jog twice around the outside of
the field and twice around the outside of the pitch. Take care with conversions,
especially when zeros are
How far do they jog altogether? Give your answer in km involved and remember to
and m. (3 marks) make the conversion if the
question asks.
Perimeter of field = 2(180 + 160) = 680m Perimeter = 2 (l + w)
Perimeter of pitch = 2(105 + 76) = 362m
Distance jogged = (680 × 2) + (362 × 2) = 2084m = 2km 84m
The players jog 2km 84m altogether.

3. Joe’s garden has a perimeter of 62m. The length of his garden is 18m.
He wants to cover it with turf. He has a pond in one corner. Across the
opposite corner is a triangular flower bed.




a) How many square metres of turf should he order? Round your

answer to 1 d.p. (4 marks) Before you start, label
Area of T = area of whole – (area of P + Area of F) the relevant areas. So
P = pond, F = flower bed,
Perimeter = 62 = 2(18 + w) T = turf.
= 31 = 18 + w
Before you can find the
Width of garden = 31 – 18 = 13m
area of the garden, you
Area of garden = 18 × 13 = 234m2 need to find the width.
P is a circle so, area of P = πr 2
= π 2.52 Either use the π button on
Area of P = 6.25 × π or 3.142 = 19.63495408 or 19.6375 your calculator or multiply
by 3.142
= 19.6m2
F is a triangle so, area of F = 2
(b × h)
Area of F = 2
(7 × 5) = 17.5m2
Area of T = 234 – (19.6 + 17.5) = 196.9m2
Joe should order 196.9m2 of turf.
b) Joe also wants to tile the floor of his conservatory. The floor measures
8m by 6m. The tiles are 20cm × 15cm.
A bell should ring in your
head because the units are
How many tiles does he need to buy? (3 marks)
different. You can either
Area of floor = 8 × 6 = 48m2 (or 800 × 600 = 480 000cm2) change the cm into m or
Area of one tile = 0.2 × 0.15 = 0.03m2 (or 20 × 15 = 300cm2) vice versa. Try to avoid
dealing with large numbers
Number of tiles = 48 ÷ 0.03 = 1600 (or 480 000 ÷ 300 = 1600)
because you are more likely
Joe needs 1600 tiles to fit the conservatory without overlap. to make a mistake.


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7 Measurement and its applications
4. A block of wood measures 31.5cm × 19cm × 7cm.
a) What is the surface area of the block of wood? (4 marks)
Area of whole = (area of A × 2) + (area of B × 2) + (area of C × 2)
Area of A = 31.5 × 19 = 598.5cm2
You could sketch the block
598.5 × 2 = 1197cm2
of wood and label faces
with the same dimensions Area of B = 19 × 7 = 133cm2
with the same letter. For 133 × 2 = 266cm2
example, two of the faces Area of C = 31.5 × 7 = 220.5cm2
could be labelled A, two 220.5 × 2 = 441cm2
could be labelled B and two
Area of whole = 1197cm2 + 266cm2 + 441cm2 = 1904cm2
could be labelled C.
The surface area of the block of wood is 1904cm2.
b) Mary removes a cylinder of wood with a diameter of 4cm from the
centre of the block.
What is the volume of the block with the cylinder removed? Round
your answer to 1 d.p.


(3 marks)
Volume of new block = volume of original – volume of cylinder
You have two volumes to Volume of original block = 31.5 × 19 × 7
calculate – the volume of
the original block and the = 4189.5cm3
volume of the cylinder of
wood. Volume of cylinder = area of circle × length
= (π × 22) × 7 = 3.142 × 4 × 7 = 87.976cm3
= 88.0cm3
Volume of new block = 4189.5 – 88
= 4101.5cm3
Volume of new block = 4101.5cm3
c) The density of the cylinder of wood removed by Mary is
Calculate the weight of the cylinder to the nearest gram. (2 marks)
Density = volume
Mass = density × volume
Mass of cylinder = 0.097 × 88
= 8.536
= 9 to the nearest gram
The cylinder of wood weighs 9 grams.


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Measurement and its applications 7

Practice questions
1. Here is part of a bus timetable for the 99 route from Newham to Lowermill.
Newham, Bus station 0640 10 40 1710
Newham, Train station 0647 17 47 1720
Tesco, Brook Street 0650 20 50 1725
Sycamore Ave 0653 then 23 53 mins past 1730
Stamford Road 0658 at 28 58 1737
Meadowlands 0703 33 03 1745
Waterhead 0705 35 05 each hour 1748
Tasker 0712 42 12 1757
Carrcote 0720 50 20 1809
Lowermill, The Square 0725 55 25 until 1816

a) How long does the journey take from Meadowlands to Lowermill on the 0640 from
Newham Bus Station? (1 mark)
b) Waleed wants to arrive in Lowermill by 2pm.
What is the latest bus he can catch from Sycamore Avenue? (1 mark)
c) Jane arrives at the Waterhead stop at 1706 and just misses the 1705.
How long will she have to wait for the next bus? (1 mark)
d) How much longer is the 1710 journey from Newham Bus Station to Lowermill than the
1540 journey? (1 mark)
e) The 99 bus travels at an average speed of 20km per hour on its morning journeys.
How far does the bus travel from Newham Bus Station to Lowermill? (2 marks)
f) What is the bus’s average speed on its 1710 journey to Lowermill? Round your answer to
the nearest kilometre per hour. (2 marks)
2. Three flags are being designed.
a) The first flag will measure 1m × 1m and will be green, except for 1000cm2, which will be
red. What fraction of it will be green? (1 mark)
b) The second flag will measure 38cm by 17cm. It will be white with a blue circle in
the middle. The diameter of the circle will be 9cm.
What will be the area of the white part? (1 mark)
c) The third flag will be made up of three triangles as shown in the diagram below.
yellow green



The red triangle will have an area of 24cm2. The green triangle will have an area of 18cm2.
What is the length of the base of the yellow triangle (marked a)? (1 mark)


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7 Measurement and its applications
3. Here is a plan of Terri’s house and garden.









a) The area of the house is 312m2. What are the dimensions of the garage? (2 marks)

b) The summerhouse sits on a quadrant with a radius of 5m.

What is the area of the lawn at the rear of the house? Round the area of the
quadrant to 3 significant figures. (2 marks)

c) Calculate the area of the driveway. (2 marks)

d) The driveway is paved with flags each of which has an area of 900cm2.

How many flags were used? Round your answer to the nearest whole one. (1 mark)

4. Complete the table by converting the given values into kilograms, grams or
kilograms and grams. (4 marks)
kg g kg g
7kg 400g

5. Write km2, m2, cm2 or mm2 after each of the following measures and then draw lines to match
up those which are equal. One has been done for you. (3 marks)
1m2 10 000cm2
2 200
2 20 000
2 2 000 000

6. Mia enlarged a photograph of her daughter by a scale factor of 2. The original photo
measured 7cm by 4cm. What is the area of the enlargement? (1 mark)


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Measurement and its applications 7
7. This question is about three water tanks which are cuboid-shaped.

a) There are 18m3 of water in a tank. If the tank is 2m long and 3m wide, what depth
is the water? (1 mark)

b) A tank half full of water has a layer of ice on top. The tank is 3m long and 0.5m wide.

If the volume of the ice is 7500cm3, what is the thickness of the ice? (1 mark)

c) 1m3 of water measures 1000 litres. A tank holds 200 litres of water when full. The
tank’s internal measurements are 250cm deep and 10cm wide.

What is the length of the tank? (1 mark)

8. Chocolate raisins are packed into boxes measuring 70mm × 50mm × 20mm. The individual
boxes are packed into a larger carton measuring 35cm × 25cm × 10cm.



a) How many boxes of raisins will each carton hold? (3 marks)

b) Each larger carton is then wrapped in plastic shrink film. The roll of film is 550mm wide.


What is the minimum length of film needed to cover each carton? (2 marks)

9. Here is a stainless steel bar shaped like a triangular prism.




a) Calculate the volume of the bar. (1 mark)

b) The bar has a mass of 901.6 grams. What is its density? (2 marks)


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Answers to progress check questions
Chapter 1 1.3 Percentages
1.1 Numbers, powers and roots 20 1
1. a) = = 0.2
1. a) –18 100 5
b) –6 32 8
c) –1 b) = = 0.32
100 25
d) 10
85 17
2. a) True c) = = 0.85
b) True 100 20
c) False 210 1
d) =2 = 2.1
d) False 100 10
e) True 2. £100.80
f) False 62
g) True 3. × 100% = 77.5%
3. a) 65
25 000
b) 4 4. × 100% = 15.2%
c) 612 165 000
d) –4
5. = 12 500
e) 9
f) 64
1.4 Ratio and proportion
g) 10 000
1. £1.60
4. a) 4.2 × 107
2. £30
b) 6.32 × 105
3. 500m
c) 3.21 × 10–2
d) 5.0047 × 104
4. "2 "3 "4
e) 6.4 × 10–5 x 2 4 12 48
5. a) 6 × 1010
b) 6 × 10–6 y 3 12 108 1728
6. a) 1100
"2 2
"3 2
b) 10 111
c) 10 000
1.2 Fractions and decimals Chapter 2
3 2 5 1 2.1 Written and calculator methods
1. , , ,
28 7 14 2
1. a) 876.8
2. a) 0.5? b) 1254
b) 0.8 c) 46
c) 0.4?61 538? d) 171 534
3. b e) 296.5
4. 8 students 2. a) 14.45 (2 d.p.)
5. 0.032, 0.046, 0.4694, 0.4702, 0.471 b) 769.6 (1 d.p.)
7 c) 7.052 (3 d.p.)
9 1 ?
7. 142 630 d) 8 or 8.3
14.263 1426.3
0.001 3. a) B since you do the multiplication part first.
0.1 b) B since you do the multiplication part first.
c) B since you work out (9 + 1)2 first.
4. a) 0.057 067 271 = 0.057 07 (5 d.p.)
1000 1000 b) She did not use brackets when putting the second
142 630 14 263 line in her calculator.
2.2 Rounding and Estimating
0.14 263
1. a) 270
b) 1270
c) 42 960
d) 2390
2. a) 47.37
b) 21.43
c) 15.37
3. a) 1200
b) 0.0037


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Answers to progress check questions
4. Since 8 × 3= 24, which is not enough. Sandra will 2. a) 12x + 2 = 74
need 4 tins of paint. b) 12x + 2 = 74
12x = 72
5. a) ⬇ 72
900 +100 12
= x = 6, l = 34, w = 3
1000 3. 3.3
= 4. a = 2, b = 1
5. a) 2x , 12
= 100
500 +200
b) ⬇ b) 5x ˘ 21 – 1
0.4 x˘4
700 c) 3 ¯ 3x ¯ 9
0.4 1¯x¯3
7000 Chapter 4
= 4.1 Sequences and functions
= 1750 1. a) Pattern number (n) 1 2 3 4 5 6
6. a) 300 × 40 = 12 000 Perimeter (cm) 6 10 14 18 22 26
b) Yes, Mr Johnson did make a mistake since his answer of
1226.4 is of the wrong magnitude. b) 4n + 2
Chapter 3 c) 4 × 50 + 2 = 202cm
3.1 Symbols and Formulae 2. a) 22, 25 (add 3 each time)
1 1
1. a) 4x – 8 + 3x – 3 b) , (multiply the denominator of the previous term
16 32
= 7x – 11 by 2 each time)
b) n2 + 2n + 1 – 2n – 4 c) 81, –243 (multiply the previous term by –3)
= n2 – 3 3. a) T(n) = 2n + 3
2. a) a2 – 2ab + b2 b) T(n) = 3n + 4
b) x2 – x – 12 c) T(n) = 2n2
c) 4a2 + 4a – 3 4. a) 2, 5, 10, 17
3. 60 = 2(20 + w) b) 8, 6, 4, 2
30 = 20 + w c) –1, 6, 15, 26
w = 10 4.2 Graphs of functions
9C 1. a)–b)
4. F – 32 = y y = 4x y = 2x
5 9
C = (F – 32) y=x–1
4 a + 3b 6
5. 5
6. a) 2a10 3
b) 6a4 2
c) 4a 3b 1
d) 64a4 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1–1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
e) or 16a –4 –2
a –3
7. a) (x + 3)(x + 5) –4
b) (x + 5)(x – 2) –5
c) (x + 5)(x – 5) –6
3.2 Equations and inequalities
1. a) 5x = 12 + 2
x = 2.8
b) 4x = 18 – 2
x=4 c) y = 4x is steeper than y = 2x. They both pass through the
c) 5x – 2x = 9 – 3 origin.
3x = 6 d) See grid above
x=2 2. a) Gradient 4, intercept (0, –1)
d) 6x – 2x = 15 + 1 b) Gradient –2, Intercept (0, 3)
4x = 16 c) Gradient 2, intercept (0, 4)
x=4 3. Graph A: y = 3 – x2
e) 2x – 2 = 12x + 12 Graph B: y = 5 – x
–2 – 12 = 12x – 2x Graph C: y = x3
–14 = 10x 4.3 Interpreting graphical information
x = –1.4 1. a) 20mph
f) 7n + 11 = 39 b) Car is stationary
7n = 39 – 11 c) 40mph


97576_P210_214.indd 211 28/04/2014 17:26

Answers to progress check questions
2. a) Point A represents the initial £50 charge for hiring 3608
5. Exterior angle =
the van. 5
b) Gradient = 20. Hence £20 was charged per day. = 72°
c) C = 20d + 50 Interior angle = 180° – 72°
3. A – Graph 2 = 108°
B – Graph 3 5.3 Pythagoras’ theorem
C – Graph 1
1. a) x =
D – Graph 4
x = 17.2 cm (3 s.f.)
Chapter 5
b) x =
5.1 Two and three-dimensional shapes
x = 20.0 cm (3 s.f.)
1. 4cm 2. h =
4cm h = 4.7cm
4cm 4cm 3. a) 10
b) (4, 6)
5.4 Trigonometry in right-angled triangles
5.7cm 5.7cm 1. a) x = 12 × tan 40°
x = 10.1cm
5.7cm 5.7cm 9
b) x =
cos 60º
x = 18cm
2. ⎛ 12 ⎞
2. a) Ƨ = tan–1 ⎝⎜ 25 ⎠⎟
or x = 26°
⎛ 13 ⎞
b) Ƨ = cos–1 ⎝⎜ 28 ⎠⎟
x = 62°
3. Yes congruent because SAS, i.e. two sides and the included
3. 17.3cm
angle are equal.
4. a) 10.0km (1 d.p.)
4. a)–b) Line B b) 059° (nearest degree)
Chapter 6
6.1 Transformations and similarity
R 1. a)–d)
T S Line A y=x
P 4 A B
5. a) b) c) –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 x
y = –1
5.2 Angles, bearings and scale drawings –4
1. True –5
2. a) a = 180° – 70° – 40° –6
a = 70°
b) x = 40°
y =140° 2. Each length should be three times the size of the original.
z =140° x 14
3. =
c) a = 55° 5 9
b = 180° – 55° – 55° 14
b = 70° x= ×5
d) x = 360° – 120° – 90° – 80° x = 7.8cm (2 s.f.)
x = 70° 6.2 Constructions and loci
3. 50 000 × 14 = 700 000 cm 1. R 5m S
700 000
= 2m
100 000 x
= 7 km U T
4. a) R from T = 070° In a test you would be expected to draw a scale diagram.
b) R from P = 115° 2. The angle must be drawn accurately to 40° (61°) and
construction lines shown for the bisector.


97576_P210_214.indd 212 28/04/2014 17:26

Answers to progress check questions
3. b) V = π × r2 × h
V = π × 42.52 × 10.6
V = 60 100 cm3 (3 s.f)
2. SA = 2 × (l × h) + 2 × (w × h) + 2 × (w × l)
= 2 × (10 × 6) + 2 × (4 × 6) + 2 × (4 × 10)
SA = 248cm2
3. h= 2
4. pr
h = 20.3cm (3 s.f)
House Region 4. Volume scale factor = k 3
10 × 33 = 270cm3
5. Area of cross-section = 4x2
Volume = 4x2 × 5x = 20x3
Chapter 8
8.1 The probability scale
(not to scale) Fence 1. a) very unlikely
b) impossible
Chapter 7
c) likely
7.1 Units of measurement
1. 2 × 2.2 = 4.4lb 6
2. a)
2. a) 23 hours and 25 minutes
b) 0315 b) 5
3. 5 ×1000 = 5000ml
4. 5 × 2.5 = 12.5cm c) 11 = 1
5. V = 80.65cm3 (2 d.p.) 11

7.2 Area and perimeter of 2-D shapes d) 0

1 7
1. a) A = 2 × (a + b) × h 3. a)
1 b) 0
A = 2 × (4.2 + 12.6) × 8.1 4
A = 68.0cm2 (3 s.f.) 11
b) A = b × h 15
4. a)
A = 12 × 5.3 28
A = 63.6cm2 13
c) A = π × r 2 28
A = π × 4.52 c) 0
A = 63.6cm2 5. 0.37
d) A = b × h 6. a) = 0.003
A = 15 × 8 1000
A = 120 cm2 20
b) = 0.02
A = π × r2 1000
7.52 c) = 0.021
A=π× 1000
A = 88.357cm2 988
d) = 0.988
Total = 208cm2 (3 s.f.) 1000
2. Area of square = 10 × 10 7. 0.36
= 100cm2 7 2
8. 1– =
Area of circle = π × r2 9 9
= π × 52 8.2 Possible outcomes for two successive events
= 78.54cm2 1. Mushroom and pineapple, pineapple and ham, mushroom
Shaded region = 100 – 78.54 and ham.
= 21.5cm2 (3 s.f.) 2. Dice 1
3. C 1 2 3 4 5 6
4. A = × (a + b) × h
2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 2 4 6 8 10 12
A= × (4.5 + 6) × 4
Dice 2

3 3 6 9 12 15 18
A = 21m2
Cost = £35.99 × 21 4 4 8 12 16 20 24
= £755.79 5 5 10 15 20 25 30
7.3 Volume of 3-D solids 6 6 12 18 24 30 36
1. a) V= ×b×h×l 2 1
a) =
1 36 18
V= × 27.2 × 6.5 × 19.8
V = 1750cm3 (3 s.f.)


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Answers to progress check questions
11 2.
b) Up to 20 miles Over 20 miles Total
3. 0.8 × 0.45 = 0.36 Car 45 55 100
4. a) Train 120 30 150
87 Total 165 85 250
5. a) 30 people had travelled more than 20 miles by train.
Chapter 10
Geography History 10.1 Statistical diagrams
1. a) × 720 = 280 girls.
6 20 18 3608
b) × 720 = 140 girls. Or since 140° = 280 girls then
16 70° = 140 girls.
b) x = 60 – 6 – 20 – 16 2. a) Positive correlation – the better you did in Test 1, the
x =18 better you did in Test 2.
c) 20 + 6 = 26 b) The line of best fit should follow the direction of the data
16 4 and have roughly the same number of points above it
d) =
60 15 as below it.
8.3 Estimating probability 3. There are no scales and Bar B is wider than Bar A.
1. 0.65 × 200 = 130 10.2 Averages and range
Therefore approximately 130 people will pass the test 1. a) 14 0 2
first time.
15 3 3 4 4
58 29
2. = 16 0 2 4 8
320 160
17 2 7
3. × 1800 = 800
9 18 1
Therefore approximately 800 students will get flu
this winter. Key: 14 | 0 means 140cm
4. a) The number 4 has come up far more times than would b) 41cm
be expected, so it seems that the dice is more biased c) 160cm
towards the 4. Sfx 617.5
b) Samuel could throw the dice more times, since the 2. a) =
f 47
greater the number of times it is thrown the nearer to = 13.1cm (3 s.f.)
the theoretical probability. b) 10 ¯ l , 15
Chapter 9 10.3 Cumulative frequency graphs
9.1 Identifying and selecting data 1. A cumulative frequency graph should be plotted with the
1. a) Secondary points (0, 0), (5, 15), (10, 75), (15, 142), (20, 172), (25, 194),
b) Primary (30, 200).
c) Primary 2. a) 12 miles (approx.)
d) Secondary b) 9 miles (approx.)
e) Secondary
2. This would be biased because students are more likely to be
ill in the winter months than the summer months.
9.2 Collecting data
1. a) The groups overlap, for example which box would a
30-year-old person tick?
b) ‘Sometimes’, ‘Occasionally’ and ‘Often’ can mean
different things to different people.
9.3 Organising data
1. a)
Score Tally Frequency

1–10 3

11–20 7

21–30 5

31–40 6

41–50 9

b) The 41–50 class interval.


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Answers to practice questions
Chapter 1 42
1. a) One thousand; 1000 4
3 21
b) Three hundredths; 0.03 or 4
100 3
c) 1 × 103 (1 mark) 3 × 10–2 (1 mark) 12 7
d) 742.7, 742.04, 741, 728.72, 724.8, 724.42 18 42 = 2 × 3 × 7 (1 mark)
(2 marks if fully correct; 1 mark if two numbers are not in ii) 23 × 3 × 7 = 168 (1 mark) 9
the correct order) 7. a) 0.8 17
2. a) ≠ 19
b) = 19 b) 0.26 17
c) ≠ 19 76
3. a)  6 c) 18
b)  6 1
c)  6 8. a) 9
4. a) 31, 41, 61, 71, 101 7 1 5
b) 1 or 9
1 7 4 4
b) = (2 marks) 7
13 91 9. a) 0.125 9
c) 231 is not a prime number. 2 + 3 + 1 = 6.
b) 0.13 9
Therefore it will divide by 3. It is also divisible by 7.
Therefore it cannot be a prime number. 11 c) 0.0∙9∙ 11
5. a) 15m 8
b) 10m 14 10. a) 11 is beech. (2 marks) 15
c) The fishing net and the deck of the boat 8/9
d) 34m 7 b) 0.183∙ 17
6. a) 11. a) i) Both mums ate the same amount. 16
1 24 2 5
ii) Jane’s mum ate of (1 mark)
2 12 5 6
5 2
3 8 Imran’s mum ate of (1 mark)
6 5
4 6
The answer is the same. (1 mark) 16
(1 mark for 12, 8 and 6 correctly placed 5
b) of 30 = 25
in the table) 6
1 32 of 25 = 10
2 16 2
of 30 = 12
3 5
4 8 of 12 = 10
(1 mark for 2, 4, 8 and 16 correctly placed 2 5 1
or × = (after cancelling)
in the table) 5 6 3
1 42 of 30 = 10
2 21 (3 marks for either method) 16
3 14 12. a) 6 hours 30
b) 8 carrots (1 mark) and 28 carrots (1 mark) 28
13. Denmark is 750.25 ÷ 8.62 = £87.04
5 Canada is 150.33 ÷ 1.72 = £87.40
6 7 Spain is 105.5 ÷ 1.16 = £90.95
Denmark would be cheapest.
(1 mark for 2, 3, 6, 7, 14 and 21 correctly placed
(1 mark for the correct individual totals and 1 mark for
in the table) 7
stating Denmark as the cheapest) 29
b) 2 8
14. If Mrs Shoesmith has paid 30%, she has 70% still to pay. To
c) i) 24
find 70% first find 10%, then multiply the answer by 7.
2 10% of £800 = £80
70% = £80 × 7 = £560 23

24 = 2 × 3 (1 mark) 8


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Answers to practice questions
15. a) 10% of £1800 = £180 3. a) i) 60 000 47
5% of £1800 = £90 ii) 0.079 47
% of £1800 = £45 240
2 b) (1 mark)
Mr Brown saves £45 each month 23 = 300 (1 mark) 47
b) 4. a) 4 43
£1600 b) 16 43
7 c) 88 43
= × 100
40 d) 64 43
1 5. a) 234 45
= (after cancelling) 7 × 5 = 17
2 2 b) 505 km per hour 48
1 6. a) The largest area of the patio 48
Mrs Brown saves 17 % of her salary. 23
2 b) The smallest perimeter of the patio 48
16. a) i) 19 600 × 1.03 × 1.03 × 1.03 26 7. Lower limit: 100m (1 mark)
ii) Joan’s new salary after one year = £19 600 + 3% Upper limit: 104m (1 mark) 48
of £19 600 = 1 + 0.03 = 1.03 (1 mark) 8. Largest = 154 (1 mark)
She receives this increase three times. (1 mark) 26 Smallest = 145 (1 mark) 45
b) i) 15 000 × 0.98 × 0.98 × 0.98 26 9. 24.5  x  25.5
ii) Joan’s investment decreased by 2%. So she only 18.5  y  19.5
received 98% of her investment a) Greatest value for x – y = 25.5 – 18.5 (1 mark)
= £15 000 – 2% of £15 000 = 7 (1 mark) 48
= 1 – 0.02 b) Least value for x ÷ y = 24.5 ÷ 19.5 = 1.256 410 3 (1 mark)
= 0.98 (1 mark) = 1.26 (1 mark) 48
This happened in three consecutive 10. a) Maria did not enter the brackets 44
years. (1 mark) 26 b) A display of 42.5 when calculating money means
c) This tells us that Charlie’s car depreciated in value by £42.50 44
14% in the first year (1 – 0.86 = 0.14 = 14%) (1 mark) 11. a) 240 ÷ 0.4
and by 30% in the second year (1 – 0.7 = 0.3 = 30%) = 600 46
(1 mark) 25/26 b) 246.12 (1 mark) ÷ 0.36
d) £146 000 ÷ 1.13 (1 mark) = 683.67 (1 mark) 40/41/42
or (£146 000 ÷ 113) × 100 (1 mark) 27 Chapter 3
17. a) 480 ÷ 20 = 24 1. a) (3 × 32) – 16 = 11 63
24 × 1.5 (1 mark)
b) (3 × 4 × 5) + = 61 63
= 36ml (1 mark) 29
b) 48.75 ÷ 1.5 = 32.5 2. a) 6(3x + 1) cm (1 mark)
32.5 × 20 (1 mark) 18x + 6 (1 mark) 59
= 650kg (1 mark) 29 b) y + 2 + 2y + 4 + 4y – 3 (1 mark)
18. a) 3 : 2 : 1 28 7y + 3 (1 mark) 58
b) 3 + 2 + 1 = 6 parts c) £15s + £20c + £10b 57
1 part = 7.2kg ÷ 6 = 1.2kg (1 mark) 3. a) 2ab2 + a2b 58
Barley = 2 parts = 1.2 × 2 = 2.4kg b) 22t + 3s 59
= 2400g (1 mark) 28 c) 11q + 3p + 6pq + 3 59/60
3 1
19. 3 × or 3 3 ÷ 2 = 1 5 (1 mark) 4. a) p = 64
7 2 7 7 2
z – 4
1 ÷ 1 75 = cm (1 mark) b) p = 64
5 10 3
1 7
Or 1 1 ÷ 3 3 × = cm (2 marks) 16 c) p = 64
5 7 2 10 q
Chapter 2 r
d) p = 64
1. a) 75 999 + 15 950 = £91 949 40 3q
b) Joe Tap = 42 × 12.50 = £525 5. a) 6x2y3 62
Jill Washer = 96 × 5.25 = £504 b) 8x 7 62
Jason Watt = 38 × 13.75 = £522.50 c) 6y4 62
Jamilla Spark = 112 × 4.75 = £532 6. a) x2 + 5x + 4 60
(1 mark for correctly calculating each pair of b) x2 – 3x – 10 60
quotations) c) x2 – 4x + 3 60
The builder should choose Jill Washer and Jason Watt. d) x2 + 6x + 9 60
(1 mark) 42 e) x2 – 8x + 16 60
c) 504 + 522.50 = £1026.50 (1 mark) 7. a) 4x(2x + 3) 60
15 950 – 1026.50 = £14 923.50 (1 mark) 41 b) 3ab(2 + 3b – a) 60
2. a) 45 × 38 = 1710 magazines 42 c) (r – 8) (r + 8) 61
b) The number of bundles which can be made from d) (y + 6) (y + 1) 61
2058 magazines 42 (1 mark for each correct set of brackets)
c) 2058 ÷ 38 = 54.16 (1 mark)
32 more magazines are needed (1 mark) 42/49


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Answers to practice questions
8. a) 3p = –3 b) Substitute £8.25 for a in equation 1.
p = –1 65 £33 + 2c = £44
b) q = 8 × 4 2c = £11
q = 32 65 c = £5.50
c) 4x = x + 15 £5.50 68
3x = 15 c) £22 68
x=5 66 17. a) 3.5 (1 mark for testing 3 and 4, 1 mark for
d) 4x + 8 = 18x – 6 testing 3.5, 1 mark for testing 3.45) 69
4x + 14 = 18x b) 3.91 (1 mark for testing 3 and 4, 1 mark for realising
14 = 14x the number lies between 3.9 and 4.0, 1 mark for
x=1 66 testing 3.95 and 1 mark for testing 3.915) 69
3x 18. a) –3, –2, –1, 0, 1, 2 70
9. a) +5=x–3 67
b) 70
b) 14 67
10. Mary – 12 (1 mark) –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
Alex – 11 c) y
James – 7 (1 mark) 67 4
11. a) i) 4(2x) + 15 = 71
ii) 7km 67 3
b) i) 2p + 35 = 67
ii) 16km 67 2
2x + 1
12. a) 61 Region
3 1
x 17
b) 61
21 0 x
3x –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4
c) (1 mark) –1
3 xy
(1 mark) 61 –2
2 xy 2y –3
d) or (1 mark)
3x 3
(1 mark) 61
(1 mark for dotted vertical line through 4; 1 mark for
13. 4x + 2y = 46 – Equation 1 solid vertical line through +2; 1 mark for labelling the
3x – 2y = 10 – Equation 2 region) 71
4x + 3x + 2y + –2y = 56 19. x = –10 (2 marks) 66
(1 mark for adding the two equations) Chapter 4
7x = 56 1. a) (–2, 3) (4, 3) 82/84
x = 8 (1 mark for correct value for x) b) (4, –5) (4, 3) 82/84
Substitute 8 for x in equation 1 c) (–1, –1) (4, 3) 82/84
32 + 2y = 46 d) (4, –5) (–2, 3) 82/84
2y =14 2. a) P and Q (1 mark for each) 82
y = 7 (1 mark for correct value for y) 68 b) R 82
14. y = 6 – 4x 64 c) S and T (1 mark for each) 82
15. y + 4x = 6 – Equation 1 d) P and Q (1 mark for each) 82
3y – 2x = 4 – Equation 2 3. a)
Make y the subject of equation 1: 70
y = 6 – 4x
Substitute 6 – 4x for y in equation 2: 60
3(6 – 4x) – 2x = 4
18 – 12x – 2x = 4 50
18 – 14x = 4
–14x = –14 40
x = 1 (1 mark for correct value for x) £
So y = 6 – 4 30
y = 2 (1 mark for correct value for y)
(1 mark for showing the substitution clearly.) 68 20
16. a) Joseph: 4a + 2c = £44 × 3
Farrah: 3a + 3c = £41.25 × 2
12a + 6c = £132 – Equation 1
6a + 6c = £82.50 – Equation 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
6a = £49.50 $
a = £8.25 (1 mark for each correctly marked axis. 1 mark for a
Clear use of simultaneous equations (1 mark) correctly plotted line) 88
£8.25 (1 mark) 68 b) See graph above. (1 mark for each
correct conversion) 88


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Answers to practice questions
4. a) B and F (1 mark for each) 89 2. A – isosceles, right-angled
b) C 89 B – equilateral
c) E, 15 minutes. 89 C – isosceles
d) She returned home (1 mark). She travelled by car or bus D – scalene
(1 mark). 89 E – scalene, right-angled
5. a) £300 88 (3 marks for all correct; otherwise, 1 mark for every three
b) £440 88 correct answers) 98
2 3. A and B (SAS) 103
c) 88
3 4. AO – radius
d) Gordon’s wage = + 300 88 DE – chord
e) £580 88 FG – perpendicular bisector
f) 630 boxes 88 HDI – tangent
CA (curved) – arc
Sequence nth term BC – diameter
(3 marks for all correct; otherwise, 1 mark for each pair of
6 11 16 21 26 5n + 1
correct answers) 99
8 17 26 35 44 9n – 1 5. a) 72° 106
b) 5 106
5 8 11 14 17 3n + 2 c) pentagon 106
2 8 18 32 50 2n2 6. a) D is correct 102
b) A is not a mirror image (1 mark)
1 6 13 22 33 n2 + 2n – 2 B is not level (1 mark)
C is too far away from the central line (1 mark) 102
(1 mark for each correct answer) 79 7. 3 – one
7. a) 3n + 1 80 8 – two
b) 121 rings 80 609 – two
8. a) 909 – one
x= –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3
69 – two
x 2
25 16 9 4 1 0 1 4 9 (3 marks for all correct; otherwise, 1 mark for each pair of
correct answers) 102
+2x –10 –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6
–2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2

y= 13 6 1 –2 –3 –2 1 6 13

(4 marks for all y-values correctly calculated; 3 marks

Front Elevation Side Elevation
if at least seven values correctly calculated; 2 marks
if at least five values correctly calculated; 1 mark if at (1 mark for each correct elevation) 101
least three values correctly calculated) 86 9. a) i) 215° 105
b) y
ii) Sum of x and y = 145° (angles of a triangle)
14 (1 mark)
x + a + y + b = 360°
11 360 – 145 = 215° (1 mark) 105
y = x2 + 2x – 2
10 b) x = 65° (1 mark)
y = 57° (1 mark) 106
7 10. a) 39m 115/116
6 b) ZB = 29m (1 mark)
ZA = 31m (1 mark)
3 Ramp = 41m (1 mark) 111
c) 40° 115/116
11. Lawn: 8m × 4m
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6x
–1 Patio: 6m × 4m
Flower bed: 14m × 2m
–4 (1 mark for each correct answer) 109
(2 marks for a fully correct graph) 12. 260° (360 – 45 – 55) 108/109
c) x = 0.8, x = –2.7 (1 mark for each correct value) 86
Chapter 5
1. First row completed as follows: Equilateral triangle
Second row completed as follows: 4, 1, 1
Third row completed as follows: Trapezium
Fourth row completed as follows: 7, 7, 7, 7
Fifth row completed as follows: 0
(4 marks for all correct; otherwise, 1 mark for every three
correct answers) 98/99


97576_P215_222.indd 218 28/04/2014 17:27

Answers to practice questions
Chapter 6
1. a) x = –1 124 8.
b) x = –1 y 124
6 X X X

W 4
2 Circle around Western mast with a radius of 1.5cm (1 mark)
1 Circle around Eastern mast with a radius of 2.5cm (1 mark)
x Circle around central mast with a radius
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 1 2 3 4 5 6 of 3cm (1 mark) 130
–2 Chapter 7
–3 1. a) 22 minutes 141
–4 S b) 13.23 141
–5 c) 42 minutes 141
–6 d) 21 minutes 141
e) D = 20 × 0.75 (1 mark)
⎛ 1⎞ = 15km (1 mark) 142
2. a) Translation (1 mark) by a vector of ⎜ ⎟ (1 mark) 125 f) S = 15 ÷ 1.1 (1 mark)
⎝ −4⎠
= 14 kilometres per hour (1 mark for correct, rounded
b) Triangle D should be plotted with the coordinates (6, 6),
answer) 142
(6, 8) and (8, 6). 125
2. a) Flag = 10 000cm2 in total.
⎛ 6⎞ 9000cm2 will be green.
c) ⎜ ⎟ 125
⎝ −4⎠ 9
= 144
3. a) 90° anti-clockwise (1 mark) about (0, 0) (1 mark) 125 10
b) y b) Area of flag = 646cm2
Area of circle = 63.6cm2
7 646 – 63.6 = 582.4cm2 is white 146
6 c) Area of red = 24cm2
5 A 1 1
24 = (b × h) = (8 × h)
4 2 2

3 h = 6cm
2 Area of green = 18cm2
1 18 = (b × h)
1 2
= (b × 6) (height is same as red triangle, 6cm)
0 x 2
–7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b = 6cm
If base of green is 6cm then base of yellow = 8 – 6
–3 = 2cm 144
–4 3. a) Width of garage = 25 – 18 = 7m (1 mark)
–5 The area of the house can be split into two rectangles,
–6 one measuring 18m by 15m = 270m2, the other 7m by
–7 unknown length.
Total area of house = 312m2
(1 mark for correct orientation, 1 mark for correct Therefore, the area of smaller rectangle = 312m2 – 270m2
position) 125 = 42m2.
1 Unknown length = 42m2 ÷ 7m = 6m
4. a) 1 126
Length of garage = 15m – 6m = 9m (1 mark)
b) 9cm 126 Dimensions of garage = 9m x 7m 144/145
5. a) A reflection (1 mark) in the line x = 1 (1 mark) 124 b) Area of whole = area of lawn + area of quadrant
b) A rotation (1 mark) 180° clockwise (1 mark) around Area of lawn = area of whole – area of quadrant
(–5, 1) (1 mark) 125 Area of quadrant = (pr2) ÷ 4 = (3.142 × 25) ÷ 4 =
c) A translation (1 mark) by vector (1 mark) 125 19.6375 (19.6m2 to 3 s.f.) (1 mark)
Area of whole = 32m × 5m = 160m2
d) An enlargement (1 mark), scale factor (1 mark) Area of lawn = 160 – 19.6 = 140.4m2 (1 mark) 146
around (1, 3) (1 mark) 126 1
c) (12 + 16) × 10 (1 mark)
6. 8.3cm 127 2
7. a = 2m (1 mark), b = 2.25m (1 mark) 128 = 14 × 10 = 140m2 (1 mark) 144
d) 140m2 = 1 400 000cm2
Number of flags = area of trapezium ÷ area of one flag
= 1 400 000 ÷ 900
= 1555.5555
= 1556 flags 144/147


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Answers to practice questions
4. b)
kg g kg g Probability of name Description
being drawn
7.04kg 7040g 7kg 40g (1 mark)
7.004kg 7004g 7kg 4g (1 mark) Marvels Possible
7.4kg 7400g 7kg 400g (1 mark) 1
Owls Possible
0.07kg 70g 0kg 70g (1 mark) 139
United Possible
5. 2cm 2
200mm (1 mark) 2 4
2m2 20 000cm2 (1 mark) 1
2km2 2 000 000cm2 or 2m2 2 000 000mm2 Lightning Possible
(1 mark) 147
6. 14 × 8 = 112cm2 147 Superstars Even chance
7. a) 18 = 2 × 3 × 3
So depth = 3m 148 1
Thunder Certain
b) Volume of ice = surface area × thickness 1
7500cm3 = (300 × 50) × thickness (1 mark for each correct column) 159/161
7500 = 15 000 × thickness 1
Thickness of the ice = 7500 ÷ 15 000 15
= 0.5cm 148 3. a) 0.18 + 0.02 = 0.2 160/163
c) 1m3 = 1000 litres b) 0.6 = 90, so 0.1 = 15
200 1 3 Total = 150 160
Tank holds 200 litres = = 5m
1000 c) 0.2 + 0.02 = 0.22 160
1m3 = 100cm × 100cm × 100cm = 1 000 000cm3 4. a)
1 3
20p 21 22 25 30 40
200 litres = 5
m = 1 000 000 ÷ 5 = 200 000cm
10p 11 12 15 20 30
Volume = length × width × depth
200 000 = length × 250 × 10 = length × 2500 5p 6 7 10 15 25
Length = 200 000 ÷ 2500 Lily’s
2p 3 4 7 12 22
= 80cm 148 choice
8. a) 35 ÷ 7 = 5, 25 ÷ 5 = 5, 10 ÷ 2 = 5 (1 mark) 1p 2 3 6 11 21
5 × 5 × 5 (1 mark) = 125 boxes (1 mark) 148
1p 2p 5p 10p 20p
b) Place 35cm edge along the width of the film (1 mark)
Minimum length of film = 70cm (1 mark) 148 Ellie’s choice
9. a) 2 (4 × 4) = 8 (3 marks if fully correct; 2 marks for 20–24 of the total
8 × 14 = 112cm3 148 values correct; 1 mark for 15–19 of the total values
b) D = 901.6 ÷ 112 (1 mark) correct) 162
= 8.05 grams per cm3 (1 mark) 148 17
b) 162
Chapter 8 25
1. a) The two events are mutually exclusive because they
cannot happen at the same time. 159 c) 1 162
b) Events are exhaustive if their probabilities add up to 1. 12
d) P (odd total) = 25
P(Spearmint) = 5 =
15 3
10 2 P (even total) =
P(LS) = = 25
15 3
1 2
+ =1 158 Theoretically, Lily is more likely to win overall. 162
3 3
5. a)
2. a) 4 4, 1 4, 2 4, 3 4, 4
3 3, 1 3, 2 3, 3 3, 4
2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4
Anil’s 2 2, 1 2, 2 2, 3 2, 4
choice 1 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4
1 1, 1 1, 2 1, 3 1, 4
(S – Superstars; U – United; O – Owls; L – Lightning;
T – Thunder; M – Marvels) 1 2 3 4
(1 mark for an organised list; 1 mark for correct
outcomes) 162 Josh’s choice

(3 marks if fully correct; 2 marks for 17–21 of the total

values correct; 1 mark for 12–16 of the total values
correct) 162


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Answers to practice questions
1 4. a)
b) 162 Time Tally Frequency
c) Least likely = 4, 4 24 ¯ t , 27 5
Most likely = 2, 1 (1, 2) 162
d) 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4 159
27 ¯ t , 30 7
6. a) 25 159/160
b) 159/160
3 30 ¯ t , 33 11
7. a) 164/165
33 ¯ t , 36 7
netball basketball

9 6 12 (2 marks for correct tally column; 1 mark for correct

frequency column) 182
b) 5 182
c) 1 182
b) 3 164/165 5. a)
3 1 RSPB member Non-member Total
c) = 164/165
30 10
First visit 45 165 210
8. Geography = 0.21, History = 0.13, Science = 0.21,
Art = 0.25, Sport = 0.2 (2 marks if all correct; 1 mark for Visited before 306 54 360
at least two correct) 159/160
Total 351 219 570
9. a) 1st attempt = 0.05, 2nd attempt = 0.3,
3rd attempt = 0.27, 4th attempt = 0.19 (3 marks for a fully correct two-way table; 2 marks for
(2 marks if all correct; 1 mark for finding at least three of the missing values; 1 mark
at least two correct) 169/170 for finding at least two of the missing values) 183
b) The 4th attempt because this attempt had b) × 100 = 85% 183
most trials. 171 360
1 c) 38% 183
10. a) 159
4 Chapter 10
b) 48 28 1. a) April 2011 188
c) yellow (stays at 12) 159 b) November 2011 188
1 1 1 c) November 188
11. a) × = 166
6 6 36 d) January 188
5 5 25 2. a) The pie chart should be constructed as follows:
b) × = 166
6 6 36
1 5 5 6 1
c) × = 166 Maths = = = 908
6 6 36 24 4

d) ⎛⎜ 1 × 5 ⎞⎟ + ⎛⎜ 5 × 1 ⎞⎟ = 10 = 5 8 1
⎝ 6 6⎠ ⎝ 6 6⎠ 36 18 English = = = 1208
24 3
1 5 5 1
(1 mark for × or × and 1 mark for correct 4 1
6 6 6 6 Science = = = 608
answer) 166 24 6

4 1
Chapter 9 Geography = = = 608
24 6
1. a) i) Secondary
2 1
ii) Primary History = = = 308
24 12
iii) Primary
(2 marks for a fully correct pie chart; 1 mark
iv) Secondary 178
if the angle for one subject has been wrongly
b) ii) It measures time 178
calculated) 190
2. a) Too wordy 181
b) Too sensitive (a person may not want to admit to having
done something wrong) 181
c) Too ambiguous (everyone’s interpretation of frequently, Maths
regularly and rarely is different) 181 English
d) Too biased (it leads person to agree)
(2 marks for all four correct; 1 mark for at least two
correct) 181 Geography
3. a) Too many variables to deal with (1 mark) History
Limited time of survey will not give a true picture
(1 mark) 180/181
b) Outside a swimming pool will give a biased picture
b) 12 (2 marks) (1 mark for stating 120°) 190
(1 mark)
Observation sheet does not include men and women
(1 mark) 180/181
c) Horses kept in different environments will alter the
results. 180/181


97576_P215_222.indd 221 28/04/2014 17:27

Answers to practice questions
c) Mary is wrong (1 mark) 9. a)
Both charts show 90° for Maths. Frequency Midpoint 
90° = one quarter of 360° Weight (w kg) (f) Midpoint frequency
1 1
However, Year 7 = of 24 = 6 and Year 8 = of 10 ¯ w , 13 8 11.5 92
4 4
36 = 9 (1 mark) 190
13 ¯ w , 16 10 14.5 145
3. a) i) Positive
ii) The longer the study time the higher the SATs score. 16 ¯ w , 19 16 17.5 280
iii) 70 (1 mark)
19 ¯ w , 22 8 20.5 164
22 ¯ w , 25 9 23.5 211.5
15 51 892.5
892.5 (1 mark) ÷ 51 = 17.5 (1 mark) 198
b) 200
0 Cumulative
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Weight (w kg) Frequency ( f ) frequency

(1 mark) 193 10 ¯ w , 13 8 8
b) i) Negative 13 ¯ w , 16 10 18
ii) The longer the time spent on computer games the
lower the SATs score. 193 16 ¯ w , 19 16 34
c) There is no correlation between someone’s shoe size
19 ¯ w , 22 8 42
and their SATs score. 193
4. a) 53 ÷ 14 = 3.79 196 22 ¯ w , 25 9 51
b) 4 196
c) 4 196 10. a) 11 minutes 201
d) 8–0=8 196 1 1
b) 15 – 7 = 8 minutes
5. a) 1.5 197 2 2
b) 1 197 1
(2 marks if fully correct; 1 mark if 15 or
c) 1 197 1
7 seen) 201
d) 5–0=5 197 2
6. a) c)
0 2 6 7 70
1 1 7 9
2 1 3 7 60
3 1 1 1 6 7
4 6 UQ
Number of customers

Key: 2 | 3 = 23
(1 mark for correct diagram and 1 mark for key) 198
30 Median
b) i) 23
ii) 31
iii) 23 20
iv) 46 – 2 = 44 198 LQ
7. a) Approximately 1 million hectares 192 10
b) As the amount of uncultivated land has decreased so
has the lapwing population. 192 0
c) 2003–2008 192 0 5 10 15 20 25
d) Any suitable answer, e.g.: If the land loss continues the Time in minutes
lapwing population could be wiped out. 192
8. a) 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 198
b) 125, 175, 225, 275, 325, 375 198
c) 27.5, 32.5, 37.5, 42.5, 47.5, 52.5 198 (2 marks if fully correct; 1 mark if one error) 202


97576_P215_222.indd 222 28/04/2014 17:27

Key words dictionary and index
Acute angle 104 Correlation 193
An angle measuring between 0⬚ and 90⬚. A measurement of how strong the relationship is
Angle 104 between two sets of data.
A measurement of turn. Cumulative frequency 200
Angle of depression 116 This is found by keeping a running total of the
The angle measured from the horizontal downwards. frequencies.
Angle of elevation 116
Data 178
The angle measured from the horizontal upwards.
A collective name for pieces of information, often
Approximation 45
obtained from an experiment or survey.
A rough answer; approximations are made by rounding
Degree 104
off numbers.
A unit for measuring angles.
Arc 99, 146
Denominator 14
Part of the circumference of a circle.
The number on the bottom of a fraction.
Area 144
Density 142
The amount of space a 2-D shape covers.
The mass per unit volume of a solid.
Bar chart 187 Diameter 99
A diagram made up of a set of bars, of equal width. A straight line that passes through the centre of a
The lengths are proportional to a set of frequencies. circle.
Bearing 107 Difference 41
An angle measured from the North in a clockwise The answer obtained to a subtraction.
direction; bearings have three figures. Discrete data 48, 178
Bias 179 Data that can be counted.
An event that is more likely to give one outcome than
Edge 100
Where two faces meet in a 3-D shape.
Elevation 101
A made-up word which helps you remember the order
The view of a 3-D shape from its front or side.
of calculations.
Empty set 163
Binary 5
The set that contains no members.
Uses 0 and 1 to represent different numbers.
Enlargement 124
Bisect 98
A transformation of a shape to make a similar figure.
To cut exactly in half.
Equation 56
Cancelling 14 A statement that two or more things are equal.
When both the numerator and denominator are divided Estimating 50
by the same number, in order to simplify a fraction. Making a rough calculation which may involve one or
Capacity 100 more approximations.
A measure of the amount of space inside a 3-D object. Expression 56
Chord 99 An algebraic statement containing symbols and
A straight line that joins two points on the possibly numbers.
circumference of the circle. Exhaustive events 158
Circumference 99 Events that account for all the possible outcomes.
The distance around the outside edge of a circle.
Class interval 182 Face 100
A grouping of statistical data. One of the flat surfaces of a 3-D shape.
Coefficient 68 Factor 7
The number in front of a letter in an algebraic A number that divides exactly into another number.
expression. Factorising 60
Compensation 41 Separating an expression into its factors.
A method used in mental subtraction and addition. Finite set 163
Congruent shapes 103 A given number of members of a set.
Figures that are the same size and the same shape. Formula 56
Continuous data 48, 178 A mathematical expression that is used to solve
Data that are obtained by measuring. problems.
Coordinates 82 Frequency 168
Numbers or letters that are used to describe the The number of times that an event has occurred.
position of a point. The x-coordinate is first and then Frequency polygon 191
the y-coordinate. Coordinates are always put in Joins the midpoints of class intervals for grouped or
brackets with a comma in between. continuous data.


16235_P237_240.indd 237 05/06/2018 16:45

Key words dictionary and index
Function 57 Mixed number 14
This is a relationship between two sets of values. A number that includes both whole numbers and
Gradient 83 Mode 197
The slope of a line in relation to the positive direction of The value that occurs most often.
the x-axis. Multiples 7
The numbers in the multiplication tables, e.g. multiples
Highest common factor 8
of 5 are 5, 10, 15, 20, … etc. since 5 will divide exactly
The largest factor that two numbers have in common.
into these numbers.
Horizontal 82
Multiplier 24
A line that goes straight across from left to right.
The same as a scale factor.
Hypotenuse 110
Mutually exclusive 159
The longest side of a right-angled triangle.
Events that cannot happen at the same time.
Hypothesis 178
A statement that can be tested to see if it is true. Net 100
A flat shape that can be folded into a 3-D solid.
Identity function 81
Null set 163
This is when one value is mapped onto itself.
The set that contains no members.
Improper fraction 14
Numerator 14
This is when the numerator is bigger than the
The top part of a fraction.
Independent events 166 Obtuse angle 104
If two events have no effect on each other, they are An angle measuring between 90⬚ and 180⬚.
said to be independent. Outcomes 158
Index 11 The possible results of a statistical experiment or other
The power to which a quantity is raised. activity involving uncertainty.
Inequality 70 Outlier 197
A statement that two or more things are not equal. A value that ‘lies outside’ (is much smaller or larger
Infinite set 163 than) most of the other values in a set of data.
This is an unlimited number of members of a set.
Integer 6 Parallel lines 97
A positive or negative whole number. Lines that never meet; they are always the same
Intercept 84 distance apart.
The point at which a graph cuts the y-axis. Percentage 21
Isosceles triangle 98 A fraction with a denominator of 100.
A triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles. Perimeter 144
The distance around the outside edge of a shape.
Linear 65 Perpendicular bisector 99
Consisting of a line or having one dimension; a linear A line which cuts another line exactly in half and at
graph is a straight-line graph; a linear expression is right angles.
one such as 2x + 3, which on a graph gives a straight Perpendicular lines 97
line. Two lines are perpendicular to each other if they meet
Line graph 192 at 90⬚.
A graph formed by joining points with straight lines. Pictogram 187
Line segment 97 A charts that uses symbols: each symbol represents a
A straight line which has finite length. certain number of items.
Locus 130 Plan 101
(Plural loci) The locus of a point is the set of all The view of a 3-D shape when looked down on from
possible positions that the point can occupy, subject above.
to some given conditions or rule. Loci is the plural of Polygon 99
locus. A plane figure that has three or more straight sides; a
Lowest common multiple 8 regular polygon has all sides and all angles equal.
The lowest number that is a multiple of both numbers. Population 179
Lowest terms 18 A word that is used to describe a set, collection or
A fraction is in its lowest terms when it cannot be group of objects that are being studied.
cancelled down any further. Primary data 178
Data that you collect yourself.
Mapping 81
Prime number 8
A relationship between one group of numbers and
A number that only has two factors: 1 and itself.
another group of numbers.
Prism 100, 148
Mean 196
A three-dimensional shape having the same cross-
The sum of all the values divided by the number of
section throughout its length.
values used.
Probability 158
Median 201
The chance or likelihood of something happening.
The middle value when a set of numbers is put in order
of size.


16235_P237_240.indd 238 05/06/2018 16:45

Key words dictionary and index
Product 41 Simultaneous linear equations 67
The result of two or more numbers multiplied together. Equations which connect the same two unknowns and
Proper fraction 14 have a common solution.
A fraction in which the denominator is greater than the Speed 142
numerator. The rate of change of distance with time.
Standard index form 12
Quadrilateral 98 A way of writing very large or very small numbers; they
A polygon with four sides. are written in the form a × 10n where 1 ⭐ a ⬍ 10 and n
Questionnaire 181 is an integer.
A sheet with questions, used to collect data. Stem-and-leaf diagram 198
A useful way of ordering discrete data.
Radius 99
Subset 163
The distance from the centre of a circle to the
A subset is a set made from a larger set.
Substitution 63
Range 196
Replacing a letter with its numerical value.
The difference between the highest and lowest
Surd 11
numbers in a set of data.
The square root of any number, which is not a square
Ratio 28
A comparison between two quantities, which are
measured in the same units Tangent 99
Reciprocal a x 9 The tangent to a curve or circle is a straight line which
The reciprocal of a number is just touches the curve or circle at one point only.
Recurring decimal x a 17 Term 56, 78
A decimal number whose decimal places carry on One of the parts of an expression.
repeating forever in a set pattern. Terminating decimal 17
Reflection 124 A decimal number that has a fixed number of decimal
A transformation in which an object appears to have places.
been reflected in a mirror. Tessellation 107
Reflex angle 104 A pattern of 2-D shapes that fit together without leaving
An angle measuring between 180⬚ and 360⬚. any gaps.
Relative frequency 169 Theoretical probability 159
This is used as an estimate of a probability. The likelihood of an event happening based on all the
Right angle 104 possible outcomes.
An angle measuring 90⬚. Time series graph 192
Rotation 124 A line graph made up of numerical data recorded at
A transformation in which every point turns through the intervals of time.
same angle. Translation 124
The movement of a shape from one point to another
Scale factor 126
without reflecting or rotating it.
The multiplier when a shape is enlarged or reduced in
Triangle 98
A polygon with three straight sides.
Scatter graph 193
Also known as a scatter diagram or scatter plot; can be Universal set 163
used to show if two sets of data are related. This contains all the information being discussed and
Secondary data 178 is represented by a rectangle.
Data that somebody else has collected.
Sector 146 Variable 56
A part of a circle between two radii and an arc. A quantity that can take a range of values.
Self-inverse 81 Vector 125
This is when the inverse is the same as the original. A quantity that has both size and direction.
Sequence 78 Venn diagram 163
A set of numbers with a pattern. A diagram using circles to represent sets, with the
Set 163 position and overlap of the circles indicating the
A collection of objects, which are called the elements relationships between the sets.
or members of a set. Vertex 100
Significant figures 47 The point where two or more edges meet,
The importance of digits in a number relative to their i.e. a corner.
position; e.g. in 3456, the two most significant figures Vertical 82
are 3 and 4. A line is vertical if it goes straight up and down and is
Similar 127 at 90⬚ to the horizontal.
Two or more figures are similar when they are the same Volume 148
shape but not the same size; one is the enlargement of The amount of space inside a 3-D shape.
the other.


16235_P237_240.indd 239 08/08/2018 09:28

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