Monthly Current Affairs Quiz - January 2023: Follow Us
Monthly Current Affairs Quiz - January 2023: Follow Us
Monthly Current Affairs Quiz - January 2023: Follow Us
1. Every year, Global Family Day, also known as B.Rs 10,500 crore.
World Peace Day, is observed to encourage the C.Rs 10,400 crore.
idea of peace and unity around the world on D.Rs 10,900 crore.
________. E.Rs 10,800 crore.
A.January 1st, 2023 Answer: D
B.January 3rd, 2023 The government has announced that the food
C.January 4th, 2023 processing industry has invested Rs 4,900 crore
D.January 5th, 2023 so far under the production-linked incentive (PLI)
E.January 2nd, 2023 scheme.
Answer: A The PLI scheme for the food processing industry
Global Family Day 2023 is observed on the 1st was approved in March 2021, with a budget
of January 2023. outlay of Rs 10,900 crore.
Every year, Global Family Day, also known as It will be implemented for seven years until
World Peace Day, is observed to encourage the 2026-27.
idea of peace and unity in the world. A total of 182 applications have been approved
On the first day of the new millennium, in 1997, under the PLI scheme for the food processing
the United Nations General Assembly declared industry
the International Decade for the Culture of According to data reported by PLI scheme
Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the beneficiaries, the scheme has attracted an
World. investment of approximately Rs 4,900 crores.
A significant contributor to its promotion in the Incentives amounting to Rs 800 crore are likely
United States was Linda Grover, and other to be disbursed in the current financial year.
initiatives including the publication of The sales-based incentive of Rs 107.3 crore has
publications like "One Day in Peace - January 1, been disbursed so far, it added.
2000." The implementation of the scheme is likely to
facilitate the expansion of food processing
2. The government has announced that the food capacity by nearly Rs 30,000 crore and create
processing industry has invested Rs 4,900 crore additional direct and indirect employment
so far under the production-linked incentive (PLI) opportunities for about 2.5 lakh persons by
scheme. The PLI scheme for the food 2026-27.
processing i ndustry was approved in March PLI beneficiaries' investments are likely to
2021, with a budget outlay of? increase sales and exports of food products.
A.Rs 10,600 crore
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The ministry stated that a total of 112 food The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) of
processing projects were completed and Bengaluru has been chosen as the secretariat
operationalized during 2022, leveraging the for Science 20 (S20) – the science working
private investment of Rs 706.04 crore and group of the G20 summit.
generating direct and indirect employment for The G20 is being presided over by India and
25,293 people. the theme of the S20 in 2023 is ‘Disruptive
During the year, approximately 190 food Science for Innovative and Sustainable
processing projects were approved. Development’.
As per the ministry, the 'One District One The G20 forum is made up of 19 countries and
Product (ODOPY) scheme (under the Prime includes the European Union (EU).
Minister-Formalisation of Micro Food Processing About the S20 2023 :
Enterprises (PM-FME) scheme) has been Science 20 (S20) 2023 will work towards
approved for 713 districts across 35 states and resolving global issues like poverty.
union territories, with 137 distinct products. It will focus on three key issues:
About 46 new projects have been approved for Universal Holistic Health
the Operation Greens Scheme in 2022. Clean Energy for Green Future
Connecting Science to Society and Culture
3. The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) of These three issues will be discussed at the
Bengaluru has been chosen as the secretariat events that will be held in Agartala,
for Science 20 (S20) – the science working Lakshadweep, and Bhopal throughout the year
group of the G20 summit. Theme of the S20 in 2023
2023 is________. The S20 will play a major role in resolving global
A.Disruptive Science for Innovative and concerns like the hunger crisis and bring
Sustainable Development together the Group of 20 countries in
B.Disruptive Scheme for Innovative and developmental efforts.
Sustainable Development The S20 2023 will focus on creating a
C.Disruptive Society for Innovative and framework that supports the development of
Sustainable Development responsible technologies, encouraging IP
D.Disruptive Social for Innovative and sharing and technological transfers, and startup
Sustainable Development mentorship programs and funding.
E.Disruptive Schedule for Innovative and It will also promote global support for large-scale
Sustainable Development science projects, and a framework for holistic
Answer: A health programs and mental health programs.
Also, an inaugural conference will be held The entire eight-lane project will be completed
in Puducherry from January 30 to 31, 2023 and by April 2023.
a summit meeting will be organized It will reduce travel time between North Goa to
in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. South Goa by 30 minutes by strengthening
S20 will be a platform for addressing connectivity for Mormugao Port Trust.
issues like climate change and sustainable The bridge is also the second largest cable-
development in G20 nations. stayed bridge in India, the first being Mumbai's
Bandra Worli sea link.
4. Goa's _______ was opened by the Union
Minister of Road Transport and Highways Shri 5. Recently, The Insurance Regulatory and
Nitin Gadkari.An essential connection Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has
connecting North and South Goa is the bridge. mandated that all policyholders must provide
A.Howrah Bridge their Know Your Customer (KYC) details when
B.Munger Ganga Bridge purchasing any type of insurance policy from
C.Chahlari Ghat Bridge January 1, 2023.The rule is applicable towhich
D.Godavari Bridge typeof insurance?
E.Zuari Bridge A.Health Insurance
Answer: E B.Life Insurance
Union Minister of Road Transport and Highways C.General Insurance
Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the New Zuari D.All of the above
Bridge in Goa. E.None of the above
The bridge is an important link Answer: D
between North and South Goa. The Insurance Regulatory and Development
The bridge is located on the Zuari Authority of India (IRDAI) has mandated that all
river at Cortalim village on Margao-Panaji policyholders must provide their Know Your
National Highway and aims to ease the traffic Customer (KYC) details when purchasing any
woes of Goa. type of insurance policy from January 1, 2023.
Key Highlights : The rule applies to all types of insurance - life,
This 13.20-kilometer eight-lane bridge costing general, and health insurance.
2530 Crores across the Zuari Key Highlights :
river from Bambolim to Verna will have Currently, KYC documents are only
significant benefits for transport from North Goa required when making a claim worth over Rs 1
to South Goa. lakh.
Under the new insurance rule, KYC documents Earlier, on December 23, 2022, Prannoy
will be required even while purchasing a new Roy and Radhika Roy announced the sale of
policy. 27.26% out of their remaining 32.26%
With this, experts believe that the claim process shareholding in the NDTV to the Adani Group.
may become faster and more seamless as the Earlier Adani Group acquired a 29.18% stake in
insurers will have a detailed profile of customers. NDTV by buying a company backed by the
Until now, sharing KYC documents was television network's founders, Radhika Roy and
a voluntary choice while purchasing a policy. Prannoy Roy.
However, with the new move, the Aadhaar card, Vishvapradhan Commercial Private Limited (an
PAN (Permanent Account Number) card, and indirect subsidiary of the company) holds
photo of the customer have become mandatory an 8.27% equity stake in NDTV and RRPR
for the purchase of new insurance policies. (before the present acquisition) held a 29.18%
Although KYC documents are required for the equity stake in NDTV.
renewal of existing policies, customers will be Consequent to the present acquisition, RRPR
provided sufficient time to intimate the details. will hold 56.45%
The time limit will be 2 years for low-risk 7. Recently, NDTV’s board has approved the
policyholders and one year for others, including appointment of whomas a non-executive
high-risk customers. Additional Director?
A.Aditya Kumar Singh
6. The creators of the news network, Prannoy B.Amit Kumar Singh
Roy and his wife Radhika Roy, have sold a C.Arun Kumar Singh
27.26% stock holding in NDTV to whom? D.Ajith Kumar Singh
A.Aditya Birla Capital Ltd Market E.Aman Kumar Singh
B.BajajFinserv Ltd Answer: E
C.The Adani Group Gautam Adani’s Adani Group gained full control
D.L&T Finance Holdings Ltd of New Delhi Television Ltd (NDTV) after
E.None of the above acquiring the stake of former founders Prannoy
Answer: C Roy and Radhika Roy.
The Adani Group has acquired a 27.26% equity The Roys received over Rs 602 crore after
stake in NDTV from Prannoy Roy and his wife selling their stake to Adani Enterprises.
Radhika Roy, founders of the news broadcaster. They sold sell their 27.26% stake in the news
As of December 30, 2022, 64.71 % is the total broadcaster at Rs 342.65 per share, a premium
stake of Adani Group In NDTV. of 17% to the open offer price of Rs 294 per
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The Roys will continue to hold a 5% stake, party supported by the ultra-orthodox Shas,
valued at Rs 110 crore. United Torah Judaism, the far-right Otzma
NDTV’s board has approved the appointment of Yehudit, Religious Zionist Party, and Noam.
Aman Kumar Singh as a non-executive Netanyahu announced the appointment of 31
Additional Director and Sunil Kumar as an ministers and 3 deputy ministers.
Additional Director in the capacity of non- Three government ministries - defense,
executive, Independent Director. education, and welfare - will have two ministers
Shares of NDTV closed at Rs 345.60 on the serving at the same time.
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). However, women remain in the minority
with only 5 ministerial posts, marking a new low
8. After taking the oath of office for the sixth in their representation.
time, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu will head the
Jewish state's most right-wing administration to 9. Recently, who was appointed as the chief
date.He succeeded ________--. executive officer (CEO) of theFood Safety&
A.David Ben-Gurion Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)?
B.Yair Lapian A.VanthanaR Kamalam
C.Yuan Lapid B.G Kamala Vardhana Rao
D.YuanoLapid C.Kamala Vandana K
E.Yair Lapid D.G Arun Singhal
Answer: E E.None of the above
Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as Answer: B
Israel's prime minister (PM) for a sixth time, Mr. G Kamala Vardhana Rao was appointed as
leading the Jewish state's most right-wing the chief executive officer (CEO) of theFood
government to date. Safety& Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
He Succeeds Yair Lapid, who served as PM of Before Mr. G Kamala Vardhana Rao, Mr. Arun
Israel from July 2022 to Dec 2022. Singhal was the CEO of FSSAI from 2020 to
Benjamin Netanyahu was the 25th Prime 2022.
Minister of Israel. About Mr G Kamala VardhanaRao :
Netanyahu has the support of 63 lawmakers in Rao was employed with the Indian Tourism
the 120-member Knesset (Israeli parliament). Development Corporation Ltd.
In the house, 54 lawmakers voted against his (ITDC), a Miniratna PSU under the Ministry of
government. Tourism, as its Chairman & Managing Director
The lawmakers supporting the new government (CMD).
are all right-wing, including Netanyahu's Likud
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He has served as Principal Secretary of, the BrahMos Aerospace is an Indo-Russian joint
Public Works Department, and as Principal venture which produces supersonic cruise
Secretary, of Finance and Expenditure, missiles.
Government of Kerala. The missiles can be launched from submarines,
He has also served as Secretary, of Kerala ships, aircraft, or land platforms.
Tourism, and Director of Culture at, the A BrahMos missile travels at a speed of 2.8
Government of India. Mach or almost thrice the speed of sound.
The first test of the initial version of the Cruise
10. The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully test- Missile was conducted in 2017, making it a
fired the extended-range version of BrahMos air- significant addition to the IAF’s operational
launched missile against a ship target from a capabilities from stand-off ranges.
SU-30MKI aircraft.BrahMos Aerospace is an It was the first launch of an extended-range
_______ joint venture which produces supersonic version of BrahMos missile from Su-30MKI
cruise missiles. aircraft.
A.Indo China With this, the IAF has achieved the capability to
B.Indo France carry out precision strikes from Su-30MKI
C.Indo Russian aircraft against a land/ sea target over very long
D.Indo British ranges.
E.None of the above
Answer: C 11. Former world rapid champion Koneru
The Indian Air Force (IAF) successfully test- Humpy has won India’s first-ever Silver medal in
fired the extended-range version of BrahMos air- the FIDE World Blitz Chess Championships in
launched missile against a ship target from ________.Humpy defeated China’s Zhongyi Tan
a SU-30MKI aircraft. to win the Silver medal.
The missile achieved the desired mission A.Los Angeles, US
objectives in the Bay of Bengal region. B.Aktau,Kazakhstan
The dedicated and synergetic efforts of C.Almaty, Kazakhstan
the Indian Air Force (IAF), Indian Navy, Defence D.Washington D.C, US
Research and Development Organisation E.None of the above
(DRDO), BrahMos Aerospace Answer: C
(BAPL), and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Former world rapid champion Koneru Humpy
(HAL) have proven the capability of the nation to has won India’s first-ever Silver medal in the
achieve this feat. FIDE World Blitz Chess Championships in
About BrahMos air-launched missile : Almaty, Kazakhstan.
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Humpy defeated China’s Zhongyi Tan to win The Portugal captain was free after leaving
Silver in the 17th and final rounds. Manchester United following a controversial
Fourth-seeded Humpy scored an impressive interview in which he had criticized the club.
12.5 points, just half a point behind the gold 13. Recently, Former Brazilian football legend,
medal winner BibisaraBalabayeva of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, who was
Kazakhastan. popularly known as ______passed away at the
Humpy is the second Indian to win a medal at age of 82 in São Paulo, Brazil.
World Blitz, after Viswanathan Anand. A.Ickey
Humpy has received compliments from Youth B.Pele
Affairs and Sports Minister Anurag Singh Thakur C.Rei
for taking home the silver medal at the World D.Rambo
Blitz Chess Championships. E.None of the above
Answer: B
12. Recently, Cristiano Ronaldo, the captain of Former Brazilian football legend, Edson Arantes
Portugal's national football team, signed a do Nascimento, who was popularly known
contract with Saudi Arabia's Al Nassr club until as Pele passed away at the age of 82 in São
_____? Paulo, Brazil.
A.2025 About Pele :
B.2023 He was regarded as one of the greatest players
C.2027 of all time and labeled "the greatest" by FIFA.
D.2024 He began playing for Santosat age 15 and
E.None of the above the Brazil national teamat 16.
Answer: A During his international career, he won three
Portugal Football team captain Cristiano Fédération Internationale de Football
Ronaldo has joined the Saudi Arabian club Al Association (FIFA) World Cups: 1958,
Nassr on a contract until 2025. 1962,and 1970& he is the only player to
The club in a tweet described the signing as have won 3 FIFA world cup titles.
history in the making. He was nicknamed O Rei (The King) following
The club said it would inspire their league, the 1958 tournament.
nation, and future generations, boys and girls to His 1977 autobiography, “My Life and the
be the best version of themselves. Beautiful Game,” made the phrase part of
The 37-year-old Ronaldo said he is eager to football’s lexicon.
experience a new football league in a different He was named “Athlete of the Century” by
country. the International Olympic Committee in 1999,
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co-“Football Player of the Century” by the world of providing technology solutions based on
soccer body FIFA in 2000, and a “national substantial scientific or engineering challenges.
treasure” by Brazil’s government. India had over 3,000 deep-tech start-ups,
During his 21-year career, he has scored the dabbling in new-age technologies like Artificial
most career goals 1,283 in 1,363 Intelligence, Machine Learning (ML), the Internet
games including 77 goals in 92 matches for his of Things, Big Data, quantum computing,
country. robotics, etc., at the end of 2021.
In January 1995, he was appointed by Fernando India’s deep-techecosystem has grown 53% in
Cardoso as minister of sports. the last decade and is now at par with that in
He was named Fifa's Player of the Century in developed economies like the US, China, Israel,
2000. and Europe.
In 2000, he was voted World Player of the From drone delivery and cold chain
Centuryby the International Federation of management to climate action and clean energy,
Football History & Statistics (IFFHS). deep-tech start-ups are making their presence
He proposed legislation to reduce corruption in felt across sectors.
Brazilian football, which became known as the Bengaluru accounts for 25-30% of India’s deep-
"Pelé law. tech start-ups, followed by Delhi-NCR (15-20%)
The Pelé law is a Brazilian law that forces and Mumbai (10-12%). Overall, the share of
professional sports clubs to observe business deep-tech start-ups in India’s overall
law and pay tax within two years. entrepreneurial ecosystem stands at 12% now.
14. The Government will launch the _______
Innovation Fund to support deep tech start-ups. 15. Recently,Keralagovernment’s plan to create
A.Tech India a women-friendly tourism networkplan to redress
B.Make in India the gender balance in the tourism enterprise of
C.Only India ‘________’ by showcasing women’s talent.
D.Digital India A.Kothai
E.None of the above B.Penna
Answer: D C.Mangai
The government will launch a Digital India D.Aymanam
Innovation Fund which will support deep tech E.None of the above
startups. Answer: D
Deep technology (deep tech) or hard tech is a In line with the Kerala government’s plan to
classification of organization, or more typically create a women-friendly tourism network in the
startup company, with the expressed objective State, authorities have embarked on a plan to
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redress the gender balance in the tourism The second agreement is on the ‘Working
enterprise of ‘Aymanam’ by showcasing Holiday’ program. This will enable Indian
women’s talent. students in Austria to work for 6 months.
The plan envisages turning the village into a hub The agreement on migration and mobility will
of women-friendly destinations in Kottayam, benefit students, academics, professionals, and
which extends across a vast area from business people in Austria.
Kumarakom to Maravanthuruthu. External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar is on a
A model Responsible Tourism (RT) village in trip to Cyprus and Austria.
Kottayam is set to include women across the This is the first trip to Austria by an Indian
state of Kerala to become part of it. Foreign Minister in 27 years.
Its objective is the establishment of women- Mr. Jaishankar and Austrian Foreign Minister
friendly networks that give women an equal Alexander Schallenberg also held a meeting
voice in tourism is one of the key benchmarks with the Foreign Ministers of Czech and
for achieving the status of a model RT Slovakia, under the “Slavkov” trilateral format for
destination. the Central European countries.
The village has also been included in the Agri Its capital is Vienna and its currency is Euro.
Street project in the State.
17. Recently, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has taken
16. Recently, India will sign a “Comprehensive oath as the 39th president of ______. Lula
Migration and Mobility Partnership Agreement” defeated Jair Bolsonaro.
(MMPA) with which countryon 2 January 2023. A.Brazil
A.Austria B.Australia
B.Australia C.Canada
C.Canada D.China
D.China E.Nepal
E.Nepal Answer: A
Answer: A Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has ta ken oath as the
India and Austria will sign five agreements on 02 39th president of Brazil after the 2022 general
January 2023. election.
One of these five agreements is an agreement Lula defeated Jair Bolsonaro in October. He will
on 'migration and mobility'. India will sign a start 3rd presidential term.
“Comprehensive Migration and Mobility Lula has returned to power after corruption
Partnership Agreement” (MMPA) with Austria on allegations that led to his imprisonment for a
2 January 2023. year and a half.
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Lula governed Brazil for two consecutive terms It will provide a first-of-its-kind opportunity for
between 2003 and 2010. start-ups and MSMEs to participate in this
It is the largest country in South America. It is critical nation-building activity, he said.
the fifth-largest country in the world by area. Set up under the ‘long-term directed research
Its capital is Brasilia and the currency is the policy’ of the Defence Ministry, the centre will
Brazilian Real. It is a federal presidential undertake basic and applied research in
constitutional republic. verticals like electronics and computational
systems; naval systems and naval technologies;
18. Recently, _______ has created a ‘centre of advanced combat vehicle technologies; high-
excellence’ at a campus unit set up by the power CW laser sources; and next-generation
Defence Research and Development communication and networking technologies.
Organisation (DRDO) to develop advanced
technologies for national defence and security? 19. Recently, who received the honour of
A.IIT Kharagpur Google Play’s Best of 2022 Awards.
B.IIT Madras A.Niyo
C.IIT Bombay B.Riafy Technologies
D.IIT Kanpur C.Dataships
E.IIT Delhi D.VineHealth
Explanation E.None of these
Answer: B Answer: B
IIT-Madras has created a ‘centre of excellence’ The outgoing year gifted Riafy Technologies
at a campus unit set up by the Defence with a milestone achievement, as userschose
Research and Development Organisation the company’s novel app as their ‘favourite’,
(DRDO) to develop advanced technologies for finding ‘Dance Workout for Weight Loss’ among
national defence and security. Google Play’s Best of 2022 Awards.
The interdisciplinary research group will bring in The app provides original and customized ways
faculty and researchers from multiple to support people in maintaining their physical
departments for translational research. and mental fitness. With a creative solution to
Called the ‘DRDO Industry Academia- add fun to daily workouts, it mixes dance with a
Ramanujan Centre of Excellence’ (DIA-RCoE), it workout routine, guaranteeing a holistic
will also work towards the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat’ experience.
goal in the defence sector. Riafy is being incubated under Kerala Startup
Mission, the nodal agency of the government for
entrepreneurship development and incubation In 2019, Isozaki became the seventh Asian
activities in the State. architect to win the Pritzker Prize, or the
The app, available in 11 languages, is used by industry's "Nobel," in ten years.
lakhs of users in 176 countries.
The award, which was announced in September 21. Which ministry has launched Prajjwala
at the Google Developer summit in Bengaluru, Challenge inviting ideas, solutions, and actions
was given over to the company at the Global to transform the rural economy?
Huddle meet in Thiruvananthapuram recently. A.Ministry of External Affairs
Company’s Co-founder and CEO John Mathew. B.Ministry of rural development
C.Ministry of social empowerment
20. Recently, Pritzker Prize laureate Arata D.Ministry of Science & technology
Isozaki passed away.The Pritzker Prize is E.None of these
awarded for _____________. Answer: B
A.Biology The government has launched Prajjwala
B.Space Technology Challenge inviting ideas, solutions, and actions
C.Mathematics to transform the rural economy.
D.Architecture work According to Rural Development Ministry, it is
E.Environmental science one of the platforms where ideas are invited
Answer: D from individuals, Social Enterprises, startups,
2019 Pritzker Prize laureate Arata Isozaki the Private Sector, Community-Based
passed away. Organizations, Incubation centers, and Investors
As one of the first Japanese architects to work who have the potential to transform the rural
globally, his prolific career spanned more than economy.
six decades, with over 100 completed buildings The Ministry said the applicants can visit the
erected in Asia, Europe, North America, the website: and apply
Middle East, and Australia. till the 31st of January.
The Sidra tree-inspired Qatar National Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural
Convention Center in Doha and the Palau Saint Livelihoods Mission has launched the Prajjwala
Jordi arena, created for the 1992 Olympic Challenge to transform the rural economy.
Games in Barcelona, are among his best-known The top five ideas will be rewarded with two lakh
works. rupees each.
Isozaki was born in Oita, Japan in 1931.
22. India's first underwater tunnel, being built
under the Hooghly River in West Bengal as part
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of the East-West Metro Corridor, will be a blink- According to officials, the cost has now
and-you-miss-it experience for passengers as increased to ₹ 8,475 crores out of which ₹ 8,383
trains will cross the 520-meter stretch in just 45 crores has already been spent.
seconds. What is the budget outlay of the
construction? 23. Union Minister for Science and Technology
A.Rs.126 crores Dr. Jitendra Singh has inaugurated the
B.Rs. 121 crores Incubation Centre at the National Research
C.Rs. 120 crores Development Corporation (NRDC) in
D.Rs. 128 crores ____________.
E.None of these A.New Delhi
Answer: C B.Mumbai
India's first underwater tunnel, being built under C.Banglore
the Hooghly River in West Bengal at a cost of D.Hyderabad
around ₹ 120 crores as part of the East-West E.None of these
Metro Corridor, will be a blink-and-you-miss-it Answer: A
experience for passengers as trains will cross Union Minister for Science and Technology Dr.
the 520-meter stretch in just 45 seconds. Jitendra Singh has inaugurated the Incubation
The tunnel -- the Indian version of Eurostar's Centre at the National Research Development
London-Paris corridor -- is 13 meters below the Corporation (NRDC) in New Delhi.
riverbed and 33 meters below ground level. The Centre will provide multi-pronged support to
The 520-meter tunnel is part of the East-West StartUps.
Metro Corridor of Kolkata -- from the IT hub of Dr. Singh noted that after Prime Minister
Salt Lake Sector V in the east to Howrah Maidan Narendra Modi’s announcement of 'StartUp
in the west across the river. India, NRDC had reoriented itself to become the
The tunnel's construction is complete and is only National level PSU providing its services for
likely to be commissioned in December 2023 taking the lab scale technologies developed by
after the completion of a 2.5-km stretch between Public Funded Research Institutes to industry.
Esplanade and Sealdah on the corridor.
It will take 45 seconds to cross the tunnel 24. In which district of Karnataka, did Union
The East-West Corridor of the metro rail has Home Minister Shri Amit Shah inaugurate a
been marred by delays and resultant cost mega-dairy built at Rs 260 crore?
escalations. A.Jhelum
It was approved in 2009 at ₹ 4,875 crores and a B.Mandya
completion date of August 2015. C.Ravi
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D.Sutlej B.3
E.None of these C.5
Answer: B D.2
Union Home Minister Shri Amit Shah E.None of these
inaugurated a mega-dairy built at Rs 260 crore Answer: C
in the Mandya district of Karnataka. The Allahabad High Court had ordered the Uttar
Addressing a public gathering after the Pradesh (UP) Government to conduct urban
inauguration, he stated that if Amul and Nandini local body elections without the Other Backward
work together jointly, there will be primary Classes (OBCs) reservations as the “triple test”
diaries at every village level in three years. requirement for the quota has not been fulfilled.
The Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) will get all This is the first time that the triple test exercise
technical support and cooperation from Amul, will be carried out in UP.
adding that if Karnataka and Gujarat come The law department and the urban development
together in this direction, it will benefit the department will form the guidelines for the
farmers all over the country. process.
The Union Minister announced that he is giving The 5-member commission will survey to ensure
assurance from the platform of Mandya to the that the OBCs are provided reservation based
farmers and cooperative workers in the country on the triple test, as mandated by the Supreme
that his government will not let them get cheated Court.
or meted with injustice. About the 5-member commission :
In 1975, Karnataka processed 66,000-kilo milk The 5 -member commission, named Pichhda
and now it is processing 82 lakh kilos of milk. Varg Ayog, will be headed by Justice (retired)
The federation's turnover per year is 25,000 Ram Avtar Singh.
crores and nearly 80 percent of the money goes The remaining 4 members of the commission
to farmers. are
Sri Adichunchanagiri Mutt pontiff Nirmalananda Chob Singh Verma
Natha Swamjji, and Chief Minister Basavaraj Mahendra Kumar, both retired IAS officers,
Bommai were present on the occasion. Former additional law adviser Santosh Kumar
25. The _________ member commissions will Brajesh Kumar Soni.
survey to ensure that the OBCs are p rovided
reservations based on the triple test, as 26. Which state C M stated that a huge statue of
mandated by the Supreme Court. former prime minister (PM) Shri Atal Bihari
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Vajpayee will be installed and a research center 27. Which Public sector bank and SBI Cards
will be built as part of his grand memorial? and Payment Services have partnered to launch
A.Madhya Pradesh co-branded credit cards for the bank's
B.Uttar Pradesh customers?
C.Andhra Pradesh A.Punjab national bank
D.Himachal Pradesh B.Indian bank
E.None of these C.Punjab & Sind Bank
Answer: A D.Allahabad bank
Madhya Pradesh (MP) Chief Minister (CM) Shri E.None of these
Shivraj Singh Chouhan stated that a huge statue Answer: C
of former prime minister (PM) Shri Atal Bihari SBI Cards and Payment Services has partnered
Vajpayee will be installed and a research center with Public sector bank Punjab & Sind Bank
will be built as part of his grand memorial in (PSB) to launch co-branded credit cards for the
Gwalior, MP. bank's customers.
He was speaking at the 'Gwalior Gaurav Diwas' The collaboration also marks the introduction of
function to mark the late leader's 98th birth 'credit cards' as a new product segment under
anniversary. the bank's portfolio.
The event was also attended by Union ministers Both partners have rolled out 3 card variants :
Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia and Shri Narendra PSB SBI Card ELITE
Singh Tomar. PSB SBI Card PRIME
Vajpayee was born in Gwalior on December 25, PSB Simply SAVE SBI Card.
1924. Key Highlights :
According to Gwalior Divisional Commissioner PSB SBI Card ELITE will be offered at a joining
Deepak Singh, the MP government has allotted fee of INR 4999 plus taxes while PSB SBI Card
nearly 4,050 hectares of land in the Sirol area of PRIME will be offered at INR 2999 plus taxes &
Gwalior to build a memorial of Vajpayee. PSB SimplySAVE SBI Card at INR 499 plus
On the occasion, noted sarod maestro Amjad Ali taxes respectively.
Khan, eminent scientist Dr. VK Saraswat, Both PSB SBI Card ELITE and PSB SBI Card
cardiologist Dr. Jamal Yusuf, international PRIME will be available on the VISA platform
hockey player Ishika Chowdhary and and PSB SimplySAVE SBI Card on the RuPay
educationist OP Dixit were awarded the 'Gwalior platform.
Gaurav Samman', while renowned poet Hariom PSB SBI Card ELITE and PSB SBI Card PRIME
Pawar was presented the 'Atal Kavi Samman'. have been designed to offer lifestyle privileges
and the best-in-class experience to premium Since IDBI Bank, the parent of IDBI MF, is
and mass premium customers, respectively. majority owned by LIC, the transfer is
About Punjab and Sind Bank : necessary.
Founded: 24 June 1908 While IDBI Bank is the sponsor of IDBI Mutual
Headquarters: New Delhi, Delhi, India Fund, LIC has its own fund house, LIC Mutual
MD & CEO : Swarup Kumar Saha Fund.
About SBI Cards & Payment Services Ltd :
Founded: October 1998 29. Credit card spending was _______ % lower
Headquarters: Gurgaon, Haryana in November 2022 falling for the first time since
MD & CEO : Rama Mohan Rao Amara July 2022 to ₹1.15-lakh crore, signaling a
slowdown from the peak levels seen during the
28. Which bank has signed an agreement to festival season.
transfer schemes from IDBI Mutual Fund (IDBI A.12%
MF) to LIC Mutual Fund (LIC MF)? B.10%
A.IDBI C.11%
B.PNB D.15%
C.UCO E.None of these
D.IOB Answer: C
E.None of these Credit card spending was lower by 11% in
Answer: A November 2022 falling for the first time since
IDBI Bank signed an agreement to transfer July 2022 to ₹1.15-lakh crore, signaling a
schemes from IDBI Mutual Fund (IDBI MF) to slowdown from the peak levels seen during the
LIC Mutual Fund (LIC MF). festival season.
The decision has been taken to comply with As per data released by the Reserve Bank of
Section 7B of the Securities and Exchange India (RBI), Credit card spending touched a
Board of India’s (SEBI) Mutual Fund peak of ₹1.29-lakh crore seen in October 2022.
Regulations. Key Highlights :
Key Highlights : The bank-wise data revealed that HDFC Bank
LIC completed the takeover of IDBI Bank, the saw a 13% decline in its credit card spending
sponsor of IDBI Mutual Fund, in January 2019. from October 2022, whereas SBI card saw a
SEBI rules restrict a single promoter to own decline of nearly 10%, ICICI Bank 15%, and
more than a 10% stake in multiple asset Axis Bank an 8% drop.
management companies (AMCs).
In terms of the number of cards, issuers added a The new rates will be applicable on fresh
total of 13 lakh cards during the month, lower deposits between January 1 and March 31,
than the 17 lakh cards added in October 2022 2023.
This took the aggregate count to 8.1 crore credit The hike in the interest rates is between 20
cards as of the end of November 2022. basis points and 110 basis points.
The net addition in cards-in-force during This is the second successive revision but
November 2022 was led by SBI Card, which mostly on non-tax savings schemes.
saw cards increasing by 3.9 lakhs, followed by The hike is in line with the upward revision of
HDFC Bank which saw an addition of 2.4 lakh interest rates on bank deposits.
cards, Axis Bank of 2.1 lakh cards. Still, small savings will fetch higher than bank
On the other hand, ICICI Bank saw a net deposits.
reduction in its number by 1.1 lakh cards.
31. The MahaMetro Corporation has finalized
30. The Finance Ministry increased interest debt arrangements for the second phase of its
rates on many small savings schemes including project in Nagpur. The second phase is
senior citizen savings schemes and National expected to be completed by which year?
Savings Certificates (NSCs). The new rates will A.2026
be applicable on fresh deposits between which B.2025
month? C.2023
A.January 1 and March 31, 2023. D.2027
B.January 2 and March 31, 2023. E.None of these
C.January 4 and March 25, 2023 Answer: A
D.January 8 and March 31, 2023 The MahaMetro Corporation has finalized debt
E.None of these arrangements for the second phase of its project
Answer: A in Nagpur.
The Finance Ministry increased interest rates on It would be raising a loan of Rs3,586 crore from
many small savings schemes including senior the Manila-based Asian Development Bank
citizen savings schemes and National Savings (ADB) and the European Investment Bank.
Certificates (NSCs). The first phase of the project was funded by
However, the interest rates on the Public France’s AFD and KFW, a German agency.
Provident Fund (PPF), and the girl child savings The second phase is expected to be completed
scheme - Sukanya Samriddhi savings scheme - by 2026.
will remain unchanged. Both together had chipped in 630 million Euros.
Contribution :
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For the Project, the ADB would be contributing Of the Rs 1,49,507 crore, collections under
200 million dollars, and 239 million dollars would Central GST (CGST) were Rs 26,711 crore,
be contributed from EIB. under State GST the collections were Rs 33,357
The total amount estimated for the second crore, and Rs 78,434 crore under Integrated
phase of the project is estimated to be around GST.
Rs 6,700 Crores. After settling Rs 36,669 crore from IGST to
Out of this amount, around Rs, 3,100 Crores will CGST and Rs 31,094 crore to SGST, the total
come from the central and state government in revenue of Centre and the States in December
the form of equity capital. 2022 was Rs 63,380 crore for CGST and Rs
The phase includes 4 extensions covering a 64,451 crore for the SGST.
distance of 43.8 KMs. Imports accounted for Rs 40,263 crore of GST
The extension is from Khapri to Butibori and collections, which was 8% higher than the
from Automotive Square to Kanhan. previous year, while GST from domestic
Also, from Prajapati Nagar Station, it will reach transactions (including import of services) was
Kapsi via Hingna from Lokmanya Nagar Station. 18% higher than that of the same month last
32. The government on the revenue front as During November, 7.9 crore e-way bills were
GST revenues in December clocked Rs generated, which was significantly higher than
1,49,507 crore, registering ________ percent to Rs 7.6 crore worth of e-way bills generated in
increase over the same period last year. October 2022.
A.14 percent The monthly average collection in the first nine
B.13 percent months is now Rs 1.48 lakh crore, almost Rs
C.15 percent 30,000 more than the average monthly
D.12 percent collections of Rs 1.18 lakh crore during the
E.None of these same month last year.
Answer: C The total collection in the April-December 2022
The government on the revenue front as GST has been Rs 13.34 lakh crore, 25% more than
revenues in December clocked Rs 1,49,507 the Rs 10.67 lakh collection during the same
crore, registering a 15 percent increase over the period the previous year.
same period last year.
This is the 10th straight month when the monthly 33. The Centre’s fiscal deficit for the April-
GST collections have been over Rs 1.4 lakh November period of the current fiscal year came
crore. in at ----------------or 58.9 percent of the Budget
Estimate (BE) of Rs 16.6 trillion, compared with
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Rs 6.96 trillion or 46.2 percent for the same November, or 59.6 percent of the full-year target
period last year. compared with 49.4 percent for the year-ago
A.Rs 9.78 trillion period.
B.Rs 9.76 trillion, Revenue expenditure was Rs 19.96 trillion, or
C.Rs 9.79 trillion, 62.5 percent of the FY23 Budgeted estimate
D.Rs 9.75 trillion, compared with 61.5 percent.
E.None of these
Answer: A 34. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has
The Centre’s fiscal deficit for the April-November projected India’s growth to ease to 6.1 percent in
period of the current fiscal year came in at Rs FY24 from an estimated ¬_______________
9.78 trillion, or 58.9 percent of the Budget percent in FY23, reflecting a less favorable
Estimate (BE) of Rs 16.6 trillion, compared with global outlook and tighter financial conditions.
Rs 6.96 trillion or 46.2 percent for the same A.6.1
period last year. B.5.3
The fiscal deficit widened as a percentage of the C.5.8
full-year target year-on-year due to lower tax D.6.8
and non-tax revenue and much higher capital E.None of these
expenditure outlay. Answer: D
In fact, in November, the fiscal deficit widened Growth in the output of the core sector,
by Rs 2.2 trillion, the highest ever in any month comprising eight infrastructure industries,
this financial year. rebounded sharply in November to increase at
Net tax revenue for the April-November period 5.4 percent, owing to a lower base and double-
was Rs 12.25 trillion or 63.3 percent of the full- digit expansion in four of the eight areas.
year target, compared with 73.5 percent for the The data released by the industry department
same period last year. has shown a sequential acceleration in output
Non-tax revenue came in at 73.5 percent growth in sectors like coal (12.3 percent), steel
compared with 91.8 percent for the same period (10.8 percent), electricity (12.1 percent), cement
last year, while non-debt capital receipts (28.6 percent), and fertilizers (6.4 percent).
(primarily divestment proceeds) stood at 52.3 However, crude oil (-1.1 percent) and natural
percent compared with 11 percent, primarily on gas (-0.7 percent) production contracted for the
the back of proceeds from LIC’s IPO earlier in sixth and fifth consecutive month, respectively,
the year. along with that in refinery products (-9.3
The Centre’s pace of capital expenditure percent).
remained strong, at 4.47 trillion for April-
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The eight core industries account for 40.27 About Mr. Suresh Khatanhar :
percent of the weighting of the items included in Mr. Khatanhar is a career banker with a total
the IIP. experience of 38 years in almost all areas of
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has commercial banking in public sector banks, new
projected India’s growth to ease to 6.1 percent in generation private sector banks, and universal
FY24 from an estimated 6.8 percent in FY23, banks.
reflecting a less favorable global outlook and He started his banking career with Dena Bank
tighter financial conditions. and handled branch banking, Credit Appraisal/
The IMF cautioned a sharp global growth Monitoring, and Stressed Accounts.
slowdown in the near term would affect India He was appointed as Senior Relationship
through trade and financial channels. Manager at the IDBI Bank.
However, Fitch Ratings, while reaffirming India’s He also handled large corporate branches
sovereign rating at the lowest investment grade including the Overseas Branch (DIFC) of the
with a stable outlook, said India was somewhat bank.
insulated and hence could be reckoned out of To drive the retail banking business, he was
the likely gloomy global scenario in 2023, given appointed as DMD to spearhead the bank's
its modest reliance on external demand. vision, direction, and business model for 3
35. IDBI Bank’s Board of Directors re -appointed Currently, he is handling retail assets, credit
Mr. Suresh Kishinchand Khatanhar as the cards, third-party distribution & LIC synergy;
Deputy Managing Director (DMD) on the Board retail liabilities, priority sector group & financial
of the Bank for 1 year. Where did he start his inclusion; treasury & international borrowing;
career? credit monitoring group; retail collection &
A.Canara Bank recovery, audit, legal, centralized operations,
B.State bank of India corporate strategy & planning, and
C.Indian bank administration.
D.Allahabad bank
E.Dena Bank 36. Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao assumed charge as
Answer: E director of the National Academy of Agricultural
IDBI Bank’s Board of Directors re-appointed Mr. Research Management (NAARM) for the second
Suresh Kishinchand Khatanhar as the Deputy term. During which period he was the Project
Managing Director (DMD) on the Board of the Coordinator, of AICRP(All India Coordinated
Bank for 1 year with effect from January 15, Research Projects)?
2023. A.2013 - 2014
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B.2012-2013 D.1991
C.2014-2015 E.1986
D.2015-2016 Answer: E
E.None of these Lieutenant General Arvind Walia has been
Answer: A appointed as the next Engineer-in-Chief of the
Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao assumed charge as Indian Army
director of the National Academy of Agricultural He would be succeeding Lt Gen Harpal Singh
Research Management (NAARM) for the second who is superannuating on December 31, 2022.
term. About Lieutenant General Arvind Walia :
He was selected again by the Agricultural Lt Gen Walia an officer of the 1986 batch & an
Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB). alumnus of the Indian Military Academy,
He has been serving as the Director of the Dehradun.
Hyderabad-based NAARM for the last 5 years. He is the silver medallist from the Indian Military
About Dr. Ch Srinivasa Rao : Academy, Dehradun, and was an officer in the
Before this, he headed several ICAR institutes Corps of Engineers.
such as CRIDA (Central Research Institute for He has commanded an independent squadron
Dryland Agriculture). in the desert sector, a Regiment in Jammu and
He was on deputation to International Crop Kashmir (J&K), an Engineer Brigade along the
Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics Western front, and the MEG and Centre at
(ICRISAT), Patancheru from 2006-2008. Bengaluru, Karnataka.
He was the Project Coordinator, of AICRP (All He was also an instructor at the College of
India Coordinated Research Projects) for Defence Management in Secunderabad and the
Dryland Agriculture during 2013-2014. National Defence College in Delhi.
His areas of research include climate change, He has conducted staff appointments including
contingency planning, soil carbon sequestration, Brigade Major of a Mountain Brigade, Director in
rainwater management, and rainfed mission the Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch at the Integrated
development. Headquarters of the Ministry of Defence (MoD),
and Chief Engineer of a Command and Brig Q in
37. Lieutenant General Arvind Walia has been a Strike Corps.
appointed as the next Engineer-in-Chief of the
Indian Army. He belongs to which batch? 38. Which team won the Khelo India Youth
A.1988 Games 2022 Women’s Under 18 Qualifiers?
B.1987 A.Haryana
C.1983 B.Madhyapradesh
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Koustav secured his final GM norm by drawing He is known as a post-modern giant who
with GM Mitrabha Guha in the 10th round of the blended the culture and history of the East and
MPL National chess championship on the last the West in his designs
day of 2022 He began his architectural career under the
Koustav earned his first GM norm in October apprenticeship of Japanese legend Kenzo
2021 at a Grandmasters’ chess tournament in Tange, a 1987 Pritzker laureate.
Bangladesh. He founded his own office, Arata Isozaki &
He got his second GM norm at the Asian Associates, which he called "Atelier" around
championship in the first week of November 1963.
2022. His works also include philosophy, visual art,
He crossed the FIDE rating of 2500 in August. film, and theatre
Koustav is in the joint-lead with GM Abhijeet
Gupta at the National Senior Chess 42. World Braille Day is observed every year on
Championship with a score of 8/10 after 10 which among the following day in January?
rounds A.January 01
B.January 02
41. Arata Isozaki Passed away at the age of 91 C.January 03
in Japan’s southern island of Okinawa. He D.January 04
belongs to which profession? E.January 05
A.architect Answer: D
B.Politician World Braille Day 2023 is observed on the 4th of
C.Writer January 2023.
D.Singer On World Braille Day 2023, Create awareness
E.None of these about the word Braille because many have not
Answer: A aware of its importance of Braille.
Pritzker-winning Japanese architect Arata On World Braille Day 2023, Give a Braille-
Isozaki Passed away written gift to a person who is blind or partially
A Pritzker-winning Japanese architect, Arata sighted.
Isozaki Passed away at the age of 91 in Japan’s This present might be a book, a toy, or
southern island of Okinawa. educational materials.
About Arata Isozaki : History:
Arata Isozaki was a Japanese architect, urban After its inventor, "Braille," the term was given.
designer, and theorist from Ōita, Island of When Louis Braille was a young child, he
Kyushu, Japan.
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inadvertently injured himself in the eye with his Millets are a highly varied group of small-seeded
father's awl, which caused him to lose his vision. grasses that are often referred to as “Nutri-
He spent time at the Royal Institute for Blind cereals”.
Youth in France starting at the age of 10 when Millets’ were among the first crops to be
he developed and improved the raised-dot domesticated in India with several evidence of
technique that eventually became known as their consumption during the Indus valley
Braille. civilization.
Braille finished his work by creating a code In India, millets are primarily a Kharif crop,
based on cells with six dots that allowed a requiring less water and agricultural inputs than
fingertip to quickly go from one cell to the next other similar staples.
while still feeling the full unit with one touch. The main millet-growing states in India are
Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra
43. As per the proposal by the Government of Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.
India, which International Organisation has
declared 2023 as the International Year of 44. United Nations Security C ouncil (UNSC)
Millets (IYM)? adopts first-ever resolution on which among the
A.Food and Agriculture Organization following countryon demanding an end to
B.United Nations General Assembly violence and the release of political prisoners?
C.United Nations Environment Programme A.Bhutan
D.United Nations Development Programme B.Myanmar
E.World Health Organization C.Nepal
Answer: B D.Pakistan
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) E.Ukraine
declared 2023 as the International Year of Answer: B
Millets (IYM), a proposal sponsored by the The United Nations Security Council (UNSC )
Government of India (GoI) to promote these has adopted its first-ever resolution on Myanmar
"Nutri-cereals." in 74 years to demand an end to violence and
The declaration will be helpful to the urge the military junta to release all political
Government of India in articulating its goal of prisoners, including ousted leader Aung San
making IYM 2023 a "People's Movement" as Suu Kyi.
well as presenting India as the "Global Hub for Myanmar has been in crisis since the army took
Millets," as India produces one-fifth of the power from Suu Kyi's elected government on
world's millets. Feb. 1, 2021, detaining her and other officials.
About Millets : Key Highlights :
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The 15-member council has long been split on result of the tourism industry being given
how to deal with the Myanmar crisis with China industry status.
and Russia arguing against strong action. This action will further support and stimulate
The remaining 12 members voted in favour. private investment in the aforementioned
The resolution urges the junta to immediately tourism-related industries.
release all arbitrarily detained prisoners, The ministry also stated that the region’s overall
including Suu Kyi and ex-president Win Myint. development might be aided by the development
It also demands an immediate end to all forms of of the infrastructure through Public Private
violence and asks for all parties to respect Partnership (PPP) models.
human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the
rule of law. 46. Which state government signs Rs 2,275
crore agreements with Asian Development Bank
45. Which among the following state Chief (ADB) to improve the power distribution
Minister has recently granted Industry Status to network?
the Tourism Sector of their respective state? A.Meghalaya
A.Telangana B.Tripura
B.Himachal Pradesh C.Maharashtra
C.Arunachal Pradesh D.Andhra Pradesh
D.Manipur E.Nagaland
E.Assam Answer: B
Answer: E Tripura government has signed an agreement
The Assam Cabinet, chaired by Assam Chief for an Asian Development Bank (ADB)-assisted
Minister (CM) M Shri HimantaBiswaSarma, project of Rs 2,275 crore (US $275 million) for
approved the application for the provision of the Improvement of Tripura’s Power Distribution
Industrial status to the tourist sector in Assam. Strengthening and Generation Efficiency.
The newly-implemented policy aims for The Project agreement was signed between
sustainable and environmentally friendly Brijesh Pandey, Secretary of the Power
investment besides capital formation and the Department on behalf of the Government of
creation of gainful employment. Tripura, and NilayaMitash, Officer-in-Charge of
Key Highlights: ADB's India Resident Mission.
Restaurants, cafeterias, health clubs, spas, and This was the highest investment package in the
wellness centres among others are now eligible power sector of Tripura so far, and also the
for subsidies under the industrial strategy as a biggest single project in the history of Tripura in
any infrastructure sector.
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The project will be implemented in the next 3 Besides the ADB loan, SFL has also
years. successfully raised $250 million from US
The ADB project will support the state Development Finance Corporation and $ 475
government’s efforts to strengthen its power million through a 144A Bond from the
sector by replacing inefficient power plants and international market in 2022.
strengthening the distribution system.
48. Which among the following Life Insurance
47. Asian Development Bank (ADB) has recently Companies has recently Introduced Emerging
granted__________- to Shriram Finance for Opportunities Fund with Unit Linked Insurance
vehicle loans to women entrepreneurs Plans (Ulips)?
A.$25 million A.Tata AIA Life Insurance Company
B.$50 million B.Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company
C.$75 million C.Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance
D.$100 million D.Aviva Life Insurance Company
E.$125 million E.Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance
Answer: D Answer: A
Multilateral funding agency Asian Development Tata AIA Life Insurance has launched Emerging
Bank (ADB) has sanctioned USD 100 million Opportunity Fund, and ULIP plans (Unit Linked
(about `830 crore) to Shriram Finance Limited Insurance Plans) which can spend money on
(SFL), a part of Shriram Group to provide mid-cap firms and rising market leaders with the
vehicle loans to women entrepreneurs. potential to generate important future
The USD 100 million External Commercial development.
Borrowing (ECB) is a 5-year loan and is under The purposes for ULIP plans with the New Fund
SFL’s Social Finance framework to provide Offering (NFO) window will stay open until 31
credit towards the purchase of new and used December 2022.
vehicles throughout India. Key Highlights :
The loan can be used for vehicle finance for Investments within the Fund might be made
commercial purposes for BS VI-compliant using Tata AIA’s ULIP choices like Fortune Pro,
vehicles and electric vehicles, specifically, Wealth Pro, Fortune Maxima, and Wealth
finance women entrepreneurs, catering to Maxima.
under-developed states of the country. The Fund may also be hooked up to Tata AIA’s
It will empower and promote the social and Param Rakshak Solutions.
economic status of underserved communities. The fund can make investments as much as
30% of the portfolio in fairness and fairness-
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associated devices falling outdoors the mid-cap 50. As per the report by the government of India,
range. 'SMART' program was launched to boost
Research &Development in which field?
49. Coffee exports from India rose up by nearly A.Automobile
2% to 400,000 tonnes in 2022 and reaches B.Shipping
Asia's __________ largest producer and exporter C.Sports
A.1st D.MSME
B.2nd E.Ayurveda
C.3rd Answer: E
D.4th A special government initiative aimed to boost
E.5th scientific research in healthcare areas through
Answer: C Ayurveda colleges and hospitals was launched.
Coffee shipments from India, Asia's third-largest The Scope for Mainstreaming Ayurveda
producer and exporter, rose 1.66 percent to 4 Research i n Teaching Professionals (SMART)
lakh tonne in 2022 on the rise in instant coffee program was launched by the National
exports and re-exports, according to the Coffee Commission for Indian System of Medicine and
Board. the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic
Exports stood at 3.93 lakh tonnes in 2021. Sciences, the two prominent institutions under
In value terms, coffee export was higher at Rs the Ayush Ministry.
8,762.47 crore in 2022 as against Rs 6,984.67 The program was launched on Monday by
crore in the previous year. Vaidya Jayant Deopujari, Chairman, of NCISM,
India ships both Robusta and Arabica varieties, and Professor Rabinarayan Acharya, Director
besides instant coffee. General, CCRAS in the presence of Prof. B S
According to the Board's latest data, the Prasad, President of the Board of Ayurveda,
shipment of Robusta coffee declined marginally NCISM, and other senior officials.
to 2,20,974 tonnes in 2022 from 2,20,997 tonnes The 'SMART' program will have a deep long-
in the previous year. term rejuvenating impact on research in the field
Similarly, export of Arabica fell 11.43 percent to of Ayurveda and it will be a great service to the
44,542 tonnes from 50,292 tonnes. nation.
However, the export of instant coffee increased
16.73 percent to 35,810 tonnes in 2022 from 51. Women workers participating in the
29,819 tonnes in the previous year. MGNREGS have touched a ten-year high in the
ongoing financial year with ___________% of
women workers
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The app, available in 11 languages, is used by Gambit, move, Stalemate, Check, Grandmaster,
lakhs of users in 176 countries. With the and Castling are some important terms related
‘pandemic pounds’ phenomenon, several to Chess.
individuals suffered from acute weight problems
and associated health issues, unable to access 59. RK Krishnakumar passed away. He was the
fitness regimes. former director of which group?
A.TATA Group
58. Magnus Carlsen wins all three-world chess B.Adani Group
championships. He belongs to which country? C.Ambani Group
A.United States D.Birla Group
B.Brazil E.Hinduja Group
C.Sweden Answer: A
D.Spain Tata Group veteran and former Tata Sons
E.Norway director RayarothKuttambally Krishna Kumar
Answer: E passed away at the age of 84 in Mumbai,
Norwegian chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen Maharashtra, India.
wins all three world chess championship titles About RK Krishnakumar:
and he has won all three world chess Krishna Kumar was born in Thalassery, Kerala.
championship titles for the third time in his He joined Tata Administrative Services in 1963.
career. In 1965, he was transferred to Tata Global
He achieved this feat by winning both the World Beverages, then known as Tata Finlay, and
Rapid and World Blitz chess titles in Almaty. worked through the re-branding of the company
No other player has ever won the Rapid and as Tata Tea, to become the vice president of
Blitz titles in the same year. South India Plantations in 1982.
Carlsen won the World Classical Championship In 1997, he was appointed as the head of the
in November 2021 by defeating grandmaster Ian division of Indian Hotels Company (IHCL), which
Nepomniachtchi. owns the Taj Group of hotels.
According to the International Chess Federation, In 2002, he was appointed to the board of Tata
his 2882 rating in 2014 is the highest in the Sons, the investment holding company of Tata
history of chess. Group.
He has currently a 2859 rating in classic and a
2839 rating in rapid. 60. Where does Kitam Birds Sanctuary located
Carlsen became the youngest person to be at?
ranked number one in the world in 2010. A.Nagaland
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62. Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi 63. 2nd phase of the Sari Festival “VIRAASAT”-
inaugurated Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee Celebrating 75 handwoven Sarees of India
National Institute of Water and Sanitation in begins in which State or Union Territory?
which place? A.New Delhi, Delhi
A.Varanasi, UttarPradesh B.Leh, Ladakh
B.Kolkata, West Bengal C.Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
C.Bangalore, Karnataka D.Hyderabad, Telangana
D.Mumbai, Maharashtra E.Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
E.Chennai, Tamil Nadu Answer: A
Answer: B The second phase of the Sari Festival
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has “VIRAASAT”- Celebrating 75 handwoven Sarees
inaugurated the Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee of India will begin in New Delhi.
National Institute of Water and Sanitation (SPM- This phase being organized by the Ministry of
NIWAS) at Joka in Kolkata via video Textiles will start at 11 AM and will close at 8 PM
conferencing. on daily basis.
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The second phase, having 90 participants from Pradesh, J&K, Ladakh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim,
different parts of the country, will bring Punjab, and Rajasthan, were virtually
participation of famous handcrafted varieties of inaugurated by Rajnath Singh from the Siyom
sarees like Tie and Dye, Chikan embroidered bridge site.
Saris, Hand Block Saris, Kalamkari printed
Saris, Ajrakh, Kantha, and Phulkari. The first 65. Under which ministry, the Government of
phase of “VIRAASAT”- started on the 16th and India recently proposes to ban online betting ads
concluded on the 30th of last month. on social media platforms?
A.Ministry of Home Affairs
64. As per recent news, which minister has B.Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
recently inaugurated the Siyom Bridge in C.Ministry of Education
Arunachal Pradesh? D.Ministry of Women and Child Development
A.Shri Nitin Gadkari E.Ministry of Electronics and Information
B.Shri Amit Shah Technology
C.Shri Rajnath Singh Answer: E
D.Shri Piyush Goyal The Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) has
E.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan proposed to ban advertisements of online
Answer: C betting sites on social media platforms like
Defense minister Rajnath Singh has inaugurated Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, as per draft
the Siyom bridge in Arunachal Pradesh, along rules for online gaming.
with 27 other infrastructure projects completed The Indian Express was the first to report, in
by the Border Roads Organisation. October, on how these social media platforms
Built at 724 crore rupees, these projects will were rife with such advertisements and that the
hugely augment India’s border infrastructure, government could soon intervene to curb them.
mostly along the Chinese border, from Ladakh According to the draft rules, social media
to Arunachal. platforms must seek verification from a proposed
The Siyom bridge on the Along-Yinkiong Road self-regulatory body about whether an online
will facilitate faster induction of troops, heavy gaming company has been registered with it
equipment like howitzers, and mechanized before hosting its advertisements.
vehicles to forward areas of the Upper Siang The self-regulatory body, in turn, can only
district, Tuting, and Yinkiong regions along the register those online games that do not allow
Line of Actual Control (LAC). wagering based on the outcome of an event,
21 other bridges, three roads, and three that is, betting platforms.
additional infrastructure projects in Arunachal
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This means intermediaries like Instagram and She will also grace the launch of a National
YouTube will not be allowed to host Campaign on ‘RISE-Rising India through
advertisements on platforms that offer online Spiritual Empowerment’, organized by Brahma
betting under the proposed rules. Kumaris.
Social media platforms must also display that a Also, the President will grace the inauguration of
certain online game has been registered with the the 18th National Jamboree of the Bharat
self-regulatory body. Scouts and Guides at Pali, Rajasthan.
66. Who among the following has recently 67. Under the Ministry of Electronics and IT
inaugurated Samvidhan Udyan at Raj Bhavan in (MeitY), the Government of India proposes self-
Jaipur, Rajasthan? regulation for ______________ companies
A.President Droupadi Murmu A.Electric Vehicle companies
B.Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar B.Semi-Conductor manufacturing companies
C.Prime Minister Narendra Modi C.Agriculture Companies
D.Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud D.Online e-gaming companies
E.Home Minister Amit Shah E.Solar Panel manufacturing companies
Answer: A Answer: D
President Droupadi Murmu reached Jaipur on a A self-regulatory body, mandatory know-your-
two-day visit to Rajasthan. customer norms for verification, and a grievance
She inaugurated Samvidhan Udyan at Raj redressal mechanism are among the key
Bhavan in Jaipur. proposals in the draft rules for online gaming,
The President, women are continuously moving released by the Ministry of Electronics and IT
forward from Panchayat to Parliament House on (MeitY).
their merit. Online games will have to register with a self-
It is a record to have more than 100 women in regulatory body, and only games cleared by the
the Parliament of the country for the first time. body will be allowed to legally operate in India.
President Murmu described Indian Constitution Online gaming companies will not be allowed to
as a vibrant document. engage in betting on the outcome of games, the
The President will also inaugurate the proposed rules say.
Transmission System for Solar Energy Zones in The proposed rules, aimed at safeguarding
Rajasthan and lay the foundation stone for the users against potential harm from skill-based
thousand Mega Watt Bikaner Solar Power games, have been introduced as an amendment
Project virtually. to the Information Technology (Intermediary
Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Of the 27 EU member states, 23 participate in
Rules, 2021. the Schengen Area & 4 EU members are not
The attempt is to regulate online gaming part of the Schengen Area.
platforms as intermediaries and place due The area is named after the 1985 Schengen
diligence requirements on them. Agreement and the 1990 Schengen Convention,
As per the principles laid under the rule, both signed in Schengen, Luxembourg.
wagering on the outcome of a game will not be
allowed. 69. The Uttar Pradesh (UP) government Signed
an MoU worth Rs 18,590 Crore with 6
68. Which country has recently joined Schengen Companies belonging to which country?
Zone and adopted the Euro as their currency? A.Saudi Arabia
A.Croatia B.UAE
B.Slovenia C.Oman
C.Serbia D.Iran
D.Albania E.Iraq
E.Czech Republic Answer: B
Answer: A The Uttar Pradesh (UP) government signed a
Croatia has switched its currency to the euro memorandum of understanding (MoU) worth Rs
and joined the European Union’s borderless 18,590 crore with 6 United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Schengen zone. companies.
Croatia first entered the European Union (EU) in The MoU was signed ahead of the Uttar
2013 and now becomes the 27th country to join Pradesh Global Investor Summit (UPGIS) 2023
the Schengen area and the 20th to adopt the in Lucknow, UP in February 2023.
euro as its currency. A delegation led by Minister of Micro, Small &
However, Croatia will continue to impose strict Medium Enterprise (MSME) Rakesh Sachan,
border controls on its eastern boundaries with met with UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade
non-EU neighbours such as Bosnia, Serbia, and Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi.
Montenegro. The agreement will help create more than
About Schengen Area: 20,000 new jobs.
The Schengen Area is an area comprising 27 About the MoU:
European countries that have officially abolished The two companies, Astha Green Energy
all passports and all other types of border Venture and Shree Siddharth Infratech and
control at their mutual borders. Services, will invest Rs 4,480 crore and Rs
8,000 crore, respectively, in renewable energy to imported vehicles) shall be defined as Vintage
create 2,560 and 4,800 new jobs. Motor Vehicles.
Meanwhile, another two companies, Sharaf A vintage motor vehicle is allowed to run on
Group and Hindustan Port will invest Rs 1300 Indian roads only for display, technical research,
and Rs 210 crore respectively for providing 1500 or taking part in a vintage car rally, refuelling and
and 1000 jobs in the Logistics Park sector. maintenance, exhibitions, vintage rallies, and to
and fro to such exhibitions or car rallies.
70. Which among the following State or Union
Territories becomes the 1st state to have 71. As per the Finance news, HDFC Bank
separate registration for ‘vintage vehicles’? Collaborates with which Tech Giant is part of its
A.Delhi digital transformation journey?
B.Bihar A.Apple
C.Odisha B.Google
D.Jharkhand C.IBM
E.Chhattisgarh D.Microsoft
Answer: C E.Tech Mahindra
Odisha became the first Indian state to have a Answer: D
separate registration process for vintage India’s largest private sector bank, HDFC Bank,
vehicles (both two and four-wheelers) that are partnered with Microsoft in the next phase of its
more than 50 years old. digital transformation journey and unlocked
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways business value by transforming the application
(MoRTH) has made provision under CMV Rule, portfolio, modernizing the data landscape, and
1989 for the registration process of Vintage securing the enterprise with Microsoft Cloud.
Motor Vehicles intending to preserve and HDFC Bank as a part of its Future Ready
promote the heritage of vintage. strategy is developing in-house IPs as well as
Key Highlights: partnering with several companies including
The new rules shall provide salient features FinTechs’ to co-create technology IPs.
such as the retention of old already registered The bank will leverage Microsoft Azure to
vehicles with a new Vintage registration mark consolidate and modernize its enterprise data
“VA” series (Unique Registration Mark). “ landscape through a Federated Data Lake to
As per the rule, two-wheelers and four-wheelers scale its information management capabilities
(personal use) that are more than 50 years old across enterprise reporting, and advanced
from the date of their first registration (including analytics using artificial intelligence (AI).
Key Highlights:
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The IP is built on the Microsoft Azure stack, the 73. Which Bank recently partnered with
solution will enable the bank to democratize and Microsoft to transform the mobile banking
monetize its data landscape catering to several experience?
business units, spanning multiple systems, A.AXIS BANK
reports, and processes. B.DCB Bank
The solution is powered by its unified C.YES Bank
architecture, collaborative engineering D.IDBI Bank
environment, industry-leading security, and E.J&K Bank
ecosystem of AI/ML-based deep learning Answer: C
capabilities. YES BANK has partnered with Microsoft to
introduce a next-generation mobile application
72. Which Health Insurance signs a corporate (app) to provide customers with a personalized
agency agreement with Sundaram Finance to banking experience.
strengthen its distribution? Yes, Bank will leverage Microsoft’s Azure
A.Aditya Birla Health Insurance Co. Ltd. platform to create the app which will offer
B.Star Health & Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. customers a host of services such as online
C.Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Ltd. payments, shopping, rewards, and offers, as
D.Care Health Insurance Ltd. well as customized dashboards.
E.Acko Health Insurance Ltd. About the app:
Answer: C The new app will run on Microsoft's enterprise-
Niva Bupa Health Insurance Company Limited grade cloud platform.
(formerly Max Bupa Health Insurance Company With the support of the app, Yes Bank aims to
Limited), signed a corporate agency agreement scale up various services by bringing merchants
with Sundaram Finance Limited. and ecosystem partners onto a common
Under the pact, Sundram Finance will offer Niva platform.
Bupa’s select range of indemnity plans to its This will empower the Bank to cater to the
growing range of existing and past customers. diverse financial needs of customers across
Some of the innovative retail products being loans, payments, deposits, investments, and
offered by Sundaram Finance to its customers cards.
include ReAssure – Niva Bupa’s highest-selling
comprehensive family floater plan, Senior First, 74. To emphasizes the ‘trust’ that the brand has
a tailor-made plan for Senior Citizens, and been able to earn in 7 years, ‘Jahaan Bandhan,
Health Recharge, a Super Top Up plan. Wahaan Trust’ campaign was launched by
which Bank?
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space then it should also return safely in the achievement that will alter our perception of
same way. history.
In the 2nd launch also there will be no humans,
instead, a robot will be there as a human replica. 80. Breaking Barriers is a new book written by
After the complete success of 2 tests, in the 3rd ____________
launch, humans will be sent into space. A.KAKI MADHAVA RAO
79. Manu S. Pillai presents his new book, The B.ADITYA NEGI
World: A Family History. That was published by C.BALASUBRAMANIAN T
____________ D.DIVYA MITTAL
A.Harper Collins Publishers E.GIRISH KUMAR MISHRA
B.MacMillan India Answer: A
C.Hachette India "Breaking Barriers: The Story o f a Dalit Chief
D.Penguin Random House Secretary," a new book by former IAS officer
E.Bloomsbury India Kaki Madhava Rao, examines the inner
Answer: C workings of the civil service at the grassroots
"The World: A Family History of Humanity," by level and throws insight into micro policies and
British historian Simon Sebag Montefiore, was governance.
recently discussed with Indian scholar Manu S. The book was written by Rao, an Indian
Pillai. Administrative Service (IAS) official from the
This two-part book, published by Hachette India, 1962 batch who retired as the chief secretary of
focuses on the significance of families in Andhra Pradesh, and it was published by
shaping world history. Emesco Books Private Limited.
Montefiore, an internationally bestselling author Rao had a career in the IAS as well as roles as
whose works have been translated into 48 a member of the Board for Financial Supervision
languages, hopes to provide a comprehensive and a Director at the Reserve Bank of India.
narrative of humankind's journey through the He was born in 1939 in the Pedamaddali village
ages, beginning with a family walking along a of Andhra Pradesh's Krishna district.
beach 9,50,000 years ago and including notable Rao's rural Andhra Pradesh background is
families such as the Caesars, Medicis, Incas, covered in "Village Days," which summarizes the
Ottomans, Mughals, Bonapartes, Habsburgs, entire book.
Zulus, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Krupps, and Rao's exposure to the national stage and
Churchills. development into an adult is described in depth
The book, released on October 27, 2022, has in chapters two through five.
been regarded as a ground-breaking
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The sociopolitical elements of state and local observed on which among the following day in
administration are covered in Chapters 6 January?
through 9, along with the interaction of politics A.January 04
and economics in decision-making. B.January 05
NT Rama Rao, Chenna Reddy, and N C.January 06
Chandrababu Naidu are just a few of the D.January 07
politicians that are discussed in chapters 10 and E.January 08
11 along with the political economy of the nation. Answer: C
World Day of War Orphans 2023 is observed on
81. Anita Pointer Passed away in Los Angeles. the 6th of January 2023.
She was famous __________ Children who lose their parents in sudden,
A.Doctor violent events like war are forced to live with a
B.Scientist surviving relative or into the foster care system,
C.Dancer where they must deal with horrible living
D.Singer conditions including starvation and disease.
E.Actress It's impossible to fathom the emotional and
Answer: D mental strain they experience.
Grammy-winning American singer and About half of the casualties in wars over the past
songwriter Anita Marie Pointer Passed away at few centuries were civilians, a percentage that
the age of 74 in Los Angeles. gradually rose until 2001.
About Anita Marie Pointer: According to UNICEF, there were "almost 140
Anita Marie Pointer was born on January 23, million orphans worldwide" as of 2015.
1948, in Oakland, California, United States. Of those, 61 million lived in Asia, 52 million in
She was best known as a founding member of Africa, 10 million in Latin America and the
the vocal group the Pointer Sisters. Caribbean, and 7.3 million in Eastern Europe
She was also the lead singer on many of their and Central Asia.
other hits, including "Yes We Can Can", "Fire", SOS Enfants enDetresse, a French charity that
"Slow Hand", and "I'm So Excited". aims to restore a sense of normalcy to the lives
In 1987 Anita released her first solo album of children indirectly impacted by war and
named, “Love for What It Is”, which got the conflict, established World Day for War
single Overnight Success. Orphans.
82. World Day of War Orphans for the children
who lose their parents in sudden violence was
83. Union Cabinet under Prime Minister electrolyzers and the production of green
Narendra Modi has approved Rs _________ cr hydrogen.
for National Green Hydrogen Mission The mission will also support pilot projects in
A.Rs 19,744 cr emerging end-use sectors and production
B.Rs 29,744 cr pathways.
C.Rs 39,744 cr
D.Rs 49,744 cr 84. Government of India aims for a $17 billion
E.Rs 59,744 cr cut in food, and fertilizer subsidies of _________
Answer: A % in Financial Year 24
The Union Cabinet approved an initial outlay of A.25%
Rs 19,744 crore for the National Green B.26%
Hydrogen Mission. C.27%
Addressing the nation on its 75th Independence D.28%
Day in 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi E.30%
launched a national mission for green fuels in Answer: B
line with the Centre's stated target of making The government aims to cut spending on food
India energy-independent before completing 100 and fertilizer subsidies to Rs 3.7 lakh crore
years of Independence. ($44.6 billion) in the fiscal year from April, down
The mission will have four components that aim 26% from this year to rein in a fiscal deficit that
at enhancing domestic production of green ballooned during the COVID-19 pandemic.
hydrogen and promoting the manufacturing of Food and fertilizer subsidies alone account for
electrolyzers — a key constituent for making about one-eighth of total budget spending of Rs
green hydrogen. 39.45 lakh crore this fiscal year, but reductions
The initial outlay for the mission will include Rs in food subsidies, in particular, may prove
17,490 crore for strategic interventions for the politically sensitive with elections looming on the
green hydrogen transition (SIGHT) program, Rs horizon.
1,466 crore for pilot projects, Rs 400 crore for The government expects to budget around Rs
research and development (R&D), and Rs 388 2.3 lakh crore for food subsidies in the coming
crore for other missions components. fiscal year, compared with Rs 2.7 lakh crore for
The initial target is to produce 5 million tonnes the current year to March 31
(mt)of green hydrogen annually. A large part of the savings will come from the
SIGHT will include two financial incentive end of a COVID-19-era free food scheme, which
mechanisms for the domestic manufacturing of will be replaced with a lower-spending program.
That will effectively halve the free rations The bridge connects Ramban district
available to the poor in a year with a series of administrative complex and the Gool sub-
state elections, while general elections loom in division.
The government is eager to tame its fiscal 86. To celebrate the 75 handwoven Saris of
deficit, which is targeted at 6.4% of GDP for the India the second Phase of the Sari Festival
current fiscal year. “VIRAASAT” begins in ______________
A.Chennai, Tamilnadu
85. Which among the following minister B.New Delhi, Delhi
inaugurates 2 infrastructure projects to improve C.Gurugram, Haryana
road connectivity in J&K & Ladakh? D.Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
A.Shri Amit Shah E.Mumbai, Maharashtra
B.Shri Piyush Goyal Answer: B
C.Shri Nitin Gadkari The second phase of the Sari Festival
D.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan “VIRAASAT”- Celebrating 75 handwoven Saris
E.Shri Rajnath Singh of India will begin from 3rd to 17th January 2023
Answer: E at Handloom Haat, Janpath, New Delhi.
Defence Minister Shri Rajnath Singh The 2nd phase was organized by the Ministry of
inaugurated 2 infrastructure projects to improve Textiles.
road connectivity in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) About the 2nd phase of VIRAASAT:
and Ladakh Union territories. The 2nd phase, having 90 participants from
2 infrastructure projects : different parts of the country, brings enhanced
The Maitra Bridge in the Ramban district of attraction through the participation of famous
Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Handcrafted varieties of Saris like Tie and Dye,
The double-lane Srinagar-Sonamarg-Gumri Chikan embroidered Saris, Hand Block Saris,
road. Kalamkari printed Saris, Ajrakh, Kantha and
Singh, inaugurated 28 projects in virtual mode Phulkari.
while on a visit to Arunachal Pradesh. A social media campaign has been launched
About Maitra Bridge : under the common hashtag #MySariMyPride to
The Maitra Bridge (Jhula Bridge) at Ramban, is support our handloom weavers.
a 240-feet Bailey suspension bridge.
The project has been completed in just 31 days, 87. To inform people to vote in the upcoming
2 months ahead of its scheduled date of assembly polls Election Commission launches
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Equitas Small Finance Bank (SFB) through run by NRIs or PIOs in recognition of their
various schemes of SBI Mutual Fund. outstanding achievements in India and abroad.
The banking regulator's approval is subject to The 17th edition of the PravasiBharatiya Divas
compliance with the relevant regulations issued Convention will be held at Indore in Madhya
by RBI and SEBI. Pradesh during January 8-10.
It is valid for 1 year till 2 January 2024. The awards will be conferred by the President
About SBI Funds Management: during the valedictory session of the
Founded: 1987 PravasiBharatiya Divas celebrations.
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India The recipients were chosen by a jury-cum-
MD & CEO: Mr. Shamsher Singh awards committee chaired by the vice president.
SBIFML is a joint venture between the State External affairs minister S Jaishankar is the vice-
Bank of India, an Indian public sector bank, and chair of the panel, whose other members are
Amundi, a European asset management drawn from various walks of life.
93. Which state in India has won the UN-
92. The 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Habitat's World Habitat Awards 2023 for Slum
Convention was held at which among the Upgradation Program?
following state? A.Kerala
A.Mumbai, Maharashtra B.Tamil Nadu
B.Hyderabad, Telangana C.Uttar Pradesh
C.Indore, Madhya Pradesh D.Bihar
D.New Delhi, Delhi E.Odisha
E.Bangalore, Karnataka Answer: E
Answer: C Odisha won the UN-Habitat's World Habitat
An educationist in Bhutan, a doctor in Brunei, Awards 2023 for Jaga Mission, a 5T initiative of
and civil society activists in Ethiopia, Israel, and the state.
Poland were among the 27 people chosen for According to an official statement, the Jaga
the PravasiBharatiya Samman Award (PBSA), mission is the land titling and slum upgrading
the highest honour for overseas Indians. program that aims at empowering the lives of
The PBSA is conferred by the President as part slum dwellers.
of the PravasiBharatiya Divas Convention on Under the leadership of Chief Minister Naveen
non-resident Indians (NRIs), persons of Indian Patnaik, the Government of Odisha has set itself
origin (PIOs), or organizations established and the ambitious target of becoming the first slum-
free state in India and is leading the Jaga
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Mission program to upgrade all of the state's The stories Neeraliyan and Pranavayu, which
2,919 slums are based on the topic of climate change, offer a
100 percent of households in 2,724 slums have unique reading experience in Malayalam
been provided with pipe water connections, 707 The award will be presented on the occasion of
slums have transformed fully into liveable the 45th death anniversary of Mahakavi G.
habitats, 100 percent of households in 666 SankaraKurup, who established the
slums have individual toilets, and 8 cities have Guruvayurappan Trust, at the Ernakulam
become slum-free. Samastha Kerala Sahithya Parishad building
Earlier in 2019, Odisha's Jaga mission received here.
World Habitat Awards for its success in Literary critic Dr. M. Leelavathi will present the
providing land tenure security to the slum award to AmbikasuthanMangad.
95. Which among the following IIT and Defence
94. Writer Ambikasuthan Mangad has been Research and Development Organisation
selected for Odakuzhal Award 2022 for his short (DRDO) tie up for advanced defence tech
stories collection titled _____________ Research & Development?
A.Mungilthotam A.IIT Bombay
B.Ilangathir B.IIT Madras
C.Earkai C.IIT Delhi
D.Pranavayu D.IIT Kharagpur
E.Nalla Vunavu E.IIT Guwahati
Answer: D Answer: B
Writer Ambikasuthan Mangad has been selected IIT-Madras has created a ‘centre of excellence’
for Odakuzhal Award 2022 for his collection of at a campus unit set up by the Defence
short stories titled Pranavayu. Research and Development Organisation
The award consists of ₹30,000, a citation, and a (DRDO) to develop advanced national defence
plaque. and security technologies.
Instituted by the Guruvayurappan Trust, the The interdisciplinary research group will bring in
award is being given for the best collection of faculty and researchers from multiple
short stories in Malayalam. departments for translational research.
In its evaluation, the judging committee for 2022 Called the ‘DRDO Industry Academia-
said Pranavayu included contemporary stories Ramanujan Centre of Excellence (DIA-RCoE), it
filled with modern vision and outlook. will also work towards the ‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat
goal in the defence sector.
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Set up under the ‘long-term directed research Both the Kunthipuzha River and Bhavani River,
policy’ of the Defence Ministry, the centre will tributaries of the Bharathappuzha River, have
undertake basic and applied research in their origins close to Silent Valley.
verticals like electronics and computational In Silent Valley, the Kadalundi River also has its
systems; naval systems and naval technologies; beginning.
advanced combat vehicle technologies; high- Among the 17 species recently discovered in the
power CW laser sources; and next-generation Silent Valley were the Brown Wood Owl,
communication and networking technologies. Banded Bay Cuckoo, Malabar Woodshrike,
White-throated Kingfisher, Indian nightjar,
96. As per Bird Census of Silent Valley, the bird Jungle nightjar, and Large Cuckooshrike.
species go up to 175. Silent Valley National Park
is located in which state? 97. Mr. Lingam Venkata Prabhakar, Managing
A.Tamil Nadu Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
B.Karnataka of which Public Sector Bank has retired
C.Kerala recently?
D.Andhra Pradesh A.State Bank of India
E.Telangana B.Punjab National Bank
Answer: C C.Bank of Baroda
Kerala’s Silent Valley National Park bird census D.Canara Bank
discovered 141 species, including 17 new ones. E.Union Bank of India
In Silent Valley, 175 different bird species have Answer: D
been identified thus far. Mr. Lingam Venkata Prabhakar, Managing
It is situated on the border between the Nilambur Director (MD) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Taluk in Kerala's Malappuram District, the of Canara Bank Limited, retired from the
Mannarkkad Taluk in Palakkad District, and the services of the bank on attaining the age of
Nilgiris District in Tamil Nadu. superannuation.
There are some endangered plant and animal About Mr Lingam Venkata Prabhakar:
species in this national park. Mr. L V Prabhakar has over 34 years of rich
Botanist Robert Wight visited this region in 1847. experience in banking, spread across a
It is situated in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, spectrum of domains.
which has a diverse biodiversity. He is the Chairman of Canara Robeco Asset
It is close to Anginda peak and Mukurthi peak, Management Co. Ltd, Canara HSBC OBC
the fifth-highest peak in South India. Insurance Company Ltd &Canfin Homes Ltd.
He is the Chairman of the IBA Standing Mr. Sameer served as CEO of the FMCG
Committee on Payment Systems & Banking business at RP-Sanjiv Goenka Group and joined
Technology. BharatPe in August 2020 as president.
He is the Director on the Board of Governing He was the Founding Managing Director of
Council of the Indian Institute of Banking & CSEC ventures, where he built out the modern
Finance (IIBF) & National Institute of Banking Ayurveda & Healthy Snack Brands.
Management (NIBM) About Mr. Nalin Negi:
Before joining Canara Bank, he worked as the Mr. Negi joined BharatPe in August 2022 as
Executive Director of Punjab National Bank. Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
He has also served on the Boards of PNB He brings over 28 years of experience and
Metlife India Insurance, PNB Housing Finance business acumen and the last 15 years of that
Limited, and Everest Bank Ltd, Nepal. has been in banking and financial services,
having worked at renowned brands like GE
98. Which among the following fintech unicorn Capital and SBI Card.
has appointed chief financial officer (CFO) Mr. He has also worked in the past as Co-CEO for
Nalin Negi as interim CEO? the GE SBI credit card venture
B.Razorpay 99. Which Indian organisation has appointed Mr
C.Google Pay Sundararaman Ramamurthy as Managing
D.PhonePe Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
E.BharatPe the company for 5 years?
Answer: E A.Bombay stock exchange (BSE)
BharatPe, a fintech unicorn, announced that B.National stock exchange (NSE)
chief executive officer (CEO) Mr. Suhail Sameer C.Calcutta Stock Exchange (CSE)
has resigned from his position and assumed the D.India International Exchange (India INX)
role of strategic advisor beginning on January 7, E.Metropolitan Stock Exchange (MSE)
2023. Answer: A
Meanwhile, the company’s chief financial officer India's leading stock exchange, the Bombay
(CFO) Mr. Nalin Negi will be the interim CEO Stock Exchange (BSE) has appointed Mr.
while BharatPe searches for Sameer’s Sundararaman Ramamurthy as the Managing
replacement. Director and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
About Mr Suhail Sameer: the company for 5 years.
In November 2022 BSE received consent from
the regulator Securities and Exchange Board of
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India (SEBI) to appoint Mr. Ramamurthy as MD The mission observations will help complement
and CEO of the exchange. Digantara’s ROBI (ROBust Integrating proton
Ramamurthy will now succeed Ashishkumar fluence meter) mission.
Chauhan, former MD, and CEO of BSE. It is the world’s first commercial space-based
About Mr Sundararaman Ramamurthy: space weather monitoring system onboard
Mr. Sundararaman Ramamurthy has more than Indian Space Research Organisation’s (ISRO’s)
20 years of experience at the National Stock PSLV-C53 launched on June 30, 2021.
Exchange of India Limited (NSE), and as a Transporter-6 was SpaceX’s 6th dedicated
senior member of the NSE team. smallest rideshare mission carrying 114
Before joining NSE in 1995, Ramamurthy also payloads.
worked at the Industrial Development Bank of
India (IDBI). 101. Mr.Shyamal Ghosh passed away. He
He served as the MD and Chief Operating belongs to which sport?
Officer of Bank of America’s Indian arm (BANA) A.Cricket
B.Foot Ball
100. Which Space sector start-up has recently C.Chess
launcheda second satellite - Pushan Alpha on D.Volley Ball
SpaceX Rocket to monitor space weather? E.Kabbadi
A.Aadyah Answer: B
B.General Former Indian football player Shyamal Ghosh
C.Spacerolls passed away at the age of 71 in Kolkata, West
D.Xovian Bengal (WB).
E.Digantara About Shyamal Ghosh:
Answer: E Ghosh made his international debut in the
Bengaluru Space sector start-up Digantara Merdeka Cup against Thailand in 1974 and was
launched its second satellite Pushan-Alpha as a part of the Indian team in the 1974 Asian
rideshare onboard SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket, Games.
carrying the Transporter-6 mission to the low At the domestic level, he represented both East
earth orbit (LEO) from Cape Canaveral in Bengal and Mohun Bagan, winning several
Florida, U nited States (US). trophies, including Kolkata League, IFA Shield,
Key Highlights: Durand Cup, and Rovers Cup
The Pushan-Alpha mission is named after the He also found success in the Santosh Trophy,
Hindu solar deity considered the god of journeys representing Bengal 5 times, and winning the
and protector of travellers. title thrice - 1975, 1976, and 1977.
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remote areas of the country through platform to cater to the regional needs to adapt
Doordarshan and All India Radio (AIR). different genome editing methods, including
The BIND scheme will enable the public CRISPR-Cas mediated genome modification.
broadcaster to undertake a major upgradation of The International Conference on Food and
its facilities with better infrastructure which will Nutritional Security (iFANS-2023) will be jointly
widen its reach, including in the LWE (Left Wing organized by the National Agri-Food
Extremism), border, and strategic areas, and Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Centre for
provide high-quality content to the viewers. Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB),
National Institute of Plant Biotechnology (NIPB),
104. Union Minister of State (Independent and International Centre for Genetic Engineering
Charge) for Science & Technology Dr. Jitendra and Biotechnology (ICGEB) at NABI, Mohali.
Singh inaugurates National Genome Editing &
Training Centre in which State or Union 105. The first edition of All India Annual States'
Territory? Ministers Conference on "Water Vision@2047"
A.Delhi begins in which place?
B.Ladakh A.Dispur,Assam
C.Himachal Pradesh B.Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh
D.Punjab C.Gandhinagar, Gujarat
E.Haryana D.Ranchi, Jharkhand
Answer: D E.Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Answer: E
Science & Technology; Minister of State The 1st All India Annual States' Ministers
(Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS Conference on "Water Vision@2047" began in
PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
Atomic Energy and Space, Dr. Jitendra Singh The two days conference began with the
inaugurated "National Genome Editing & auspicious ‘Jal Kalash’ ceremony by the Chief
Training Centre" at National Agri-food Guest and Dignitaries.
Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Mohali, Punjab. “Water Vision @ 2047 is an important dimension
The Minister also, at the same time, inaugurated of the journey of Amrit Kaal for the next 25
a 4-day International Conference on Food and years”, the Prime Minister remarked.
Nutritional Security 2023: - iFANS. The objective of the conference is to deliberate
National Genome Editing & Training Centre" on Water Vision for India for the next 25 years
(NGETC) inaugurated today is a one-roof state- i.e., till 2047 as part of the larger plan
of-the-art facility that will serve as a national
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of India@2047 as envisioned by Prime Minister, This is the first time an Indian is leading an
Shri Narendra Modi. international organization in the postal sector.
The forum aims to bring together key About APPU:
policymakers for debating and deliberating on Founded: 1 July 1982
ways to optimally utilise water resources for Headquarters: Bangkok, Thailand
holistic economic and human development in a Secretary General : Dr. Vinaya Prakash Singh
sustainable manner. Membership: 32 state members
Highlighting the importance of the circular India has been a member of APPU since 1973.
economy in the field of water conservation, the
Prime Minister informed that the government 107. Gaan Ngai festival is a famous festival
has laid a lot of emphasis on the circular celebrated among Zeliangrong community in
economy in this budget. which North East state in India?
A.Arunachal Pradesh
106. To extend, facilitate and improve postal B.Assam
relations which country has taken over the C.Manipur
leadership of the Asian Pacific Postal Union D.Meghalaya
(APPU) in January 2023? E.Mizoram
A.India Answer: C
B.China In Manipur, the Gaan Ngai festival of the
C.Japan Zeliangrong community is to be celebrated.
D.Nepal The festival is one of the major festivals of
E.Myanmar Manipur which is celebrated every year after
Answer: A harvesting.
India took over the leadership of the Asia Pacific About Gaan Ngai festival:
Postal Union (APPU) in January 2023. The Gaan Ngai festival is celebrated for 5 days,
Former Member (Personnel) of, the Postal usually in December or January.
Services Board, Dr. Vinaya Prakash Singh will It is also known as the Chakan Gaan-Ngai or the
take over the charge of Secretary General of the festival of winter.
Union for a tenure of 4 years. During the festival, the Zeliarong community
This is the result of the elections during the 13th shows their gratitude by offering to the almighty
APPU Congress held in August-September a good harvest and praying for a better and
2022, in Bangkok, Thailand. more prosperous life in the coming year
Singh will succeed Mr.LinHongliang of China. It also marks the end of the year when the
farmers have stored their foodgrain.
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The festival is a celebration of culture, music, Trinamool Congress will reach out to all 2 crore
dance, and spiritual rituals that brings the households of the State in 60 days.
community together in unity and joy.
109. To develop and promote 'green' pharma
108. To be a welfare umbrella for the people zones Drug maker company Granules India
which State Chief Minister has launched a new Partners with which among the following group?
campaign 'Didir Suraksha Kavach'? A.ReNew Power
A.Punjab B.Greenko Group
B.Rajasthan C.Adani Green Energy
C.Uttarakhand D.Suzlon Energy
D.Uttar Pradesh E.TATA Group
E.West Bengal Answer: B
Answer: E Hyderabad-based drug maker Granules India
West Bengal Chief Minister (CM) & Trinamool has entered into a strategic partnership with
Congress (TMC) Chief, Mamata Banerjee, has Greenko Group to develop a first-of-its-kind
launched two initiatives ahead of the panchayat Integrated Green Pharmaceutical Zones (GPZ)
elections 2023– ‘Didir Suraksha Kawach’ and an starting with Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh (AP).
app ‘DidirDoot’ Aim:
The program will be launched on January 11, To develop and promote carbon-free green
2023, & will continue with it for 60 days. molecule solutions for the pharmaceutical
It will focus on 15 state government schemes industry and consolidate its position in
(KhadyaSathi, BanglarAwas Yojana, sustainability and circular economy initiatives.
NijoGrihaNijo Bhumi, SwasthyaSathi, The estimated cost of the project will be
Kanyashree, Sikshashree, Aikyashree, Student approximately INR 2,000 Crore over 5 years.
Credit Card, LakshmirBhandar, KrishakBandhu, Key Highlights:
Samajik Suraksha Yojana, Manabik Pension, Jai This is significant as the pharmaceutical industry
Bangla Pension Scheme, BidhabaBhata) typically uses chemicals, which are linked to
These schemes cover various sectors such as high carbon emissions, and bulk drug makers
food, housing, health, education, social security, are considered to be a polluting industry.
income, and employment. Granules will build a green field facility based on
About Didir Suraksha Kawach: sustainability principles for large-scale
Didir Suraksha Kawach’ (Didi Protection manufacturing of key starting materials (KSMs),
Shield)‘ about 3.5 lakh volunteers of the Intermediates, APIs, and fermentation-based
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B.Himachal Pradesh
110. Which among the following minster has C.Madhya Pradesh
inaugurated 28 infrastructure projects and Siyom D.Uttar Pradesh
Bridge in Arunachal Pradesh? E.West Bengal
A.Shri Amit Shah Answer: B
B.Shri Piyush Goyal Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister (CM) Shri
C.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu launched CM’s
D.Shri Nitin Gadkari SukhashraySahayataKosh for the destitute with
E.Shri Rajnath Singh an outlay of Rs 101 crore.
Answer: E Aim:
Union Minister of Defence Shri Rajnath Singh To provide the facility of higher education to
dedicated to the nation 28 infrastructure projects needy children and destitute women.
of Border Roads Organisation (BRO), worth Rs. All Congress MLAs have decided to contribute
724 crores during an event organized at Siyom their first payment for
Bridge on Along-Yinkiong Road in Arunachal SukhashraySahayataKosh.
Pradesh. He announced that the Department of Social
It will expand infrastructure along India's border, Justice and Empowerment will directly transfer
especially from Ladakh to Arunachal, along with assistance to the beneficiary’s account on a
China. simple application.
About Siyom Bridge: Key Highlights:
Siyom Bridge is a state-of-the-art 100 m long, The state government will bear the expenditure
Class 70 steel arch superstructure Siyom Bridge on skill development education, higher
over the Siyom River in Arunachal Pradesh. education, and vocational training of such
The Siyom Bridge on the Alang-Yinkiong road children in engineering colleges, IIIT, NIT, IIM,
will facilitate the movement of army vehicles and IT, polytechnic institutes, etc.
weapons to the Upper Siang District, Tuting, and No income certificate would be taken from
Yinkiong regions along the Line of Actual needy children and destitute women.
112. Which International Bank and Government
111. Which state in India launches CM’s of India sign USD 300 million loans to improve
Sukhashray Sahayata Kosh Scheme to provide connectivity in Assam?
the facility of higher education to needy A.Asian Development Bank
children? B.New Development Bank
A.Andhra Pradesh C.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
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The tranche 1 loan is part of the US$780 million companies to its Startup Founders hub platform
multi-tranche financing facility (MFF) for the to support them at every stage.
project approved by ADB on 8th December 2022 Tech giant Microsoft i s all set to fuel space tech
to develop 3 new metro lines in Chennai, TN. startups in India.
The investment project supports the At the future-ready technology summit 2023,
development of 3 new metro lines - 3, 4, and 5. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella showcased
For Line 3, the project will construct 10.1 several cloud-based and AI-powered projects
kilometers (km) of the elevated section between and also revealed its plans to foster Indian
Sholinganallur to the State Industries Promotion startups in the space tech domain.
Corporation of Tamil Nadu-2, including 9 metro The company has signed a memorandum of
stations and system components understanding with ISRO (Indian Space
Multimodal interchanges and facilities will be Research Organisation) to fuel space tech
established along metro rail corridors to improve startups using technology tools and platforms.
commuters’ experience such as drop-off and With this partnership, Microsoft will help ISRO to
pick-up areas, sheltered waiting areas, bicycle strengthen its vision towards getting the most
facilities, and passenger information. out of space tech startups in the country.
An additional $1 million ADB technical Microsoft will work closely with the startups
assistance (TA) grant will help the Chennai identified by ISRO and will onboard those
Metro Rail Limited with the planning and companies to its Startup Founders Hub platform
management of the metro system’s multimodal to support them at every stage.
integration. These startups will also get free access to
various tech tools and resources which includes
115. Which Tech Giant signs MoU with Indian technical support to build and scale their product
Space Research Organisationto boost Indian on Azure.
space tech startups? On top of that, they will also get to use GitHub
A.Google Enterprise, Visual Studio Enterprise, and
B.Microsoft Microsoft 365 tools.
C.Larsen and Toubro
D.IBM 116. US Vice-President Ms. Kamala Harris
E.Deloitte names whom to the National Space Council
Answer: B Advisory Group?
Microsoft will work closely with the startups A.Mr. Anil Sharma
identified by ISRO and will onboard those B.Mr.Vanthkan Singh
C.Mr. Banu Bhaijan
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117. Former Captain and World Cup winner 118. The 16-year-old Pranesh becomes India’s
Belinda Clark of which country becomes first ___________ chess Grandmaster after winning
female cricketer to have statue? the Rilton Cup title
A.England A.77
B.Australia B.78
C.West Indies C.79
D.New Zealand D.80
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E.81 Answer: B
Answer: C The third convocation ceremony of Atal Bihari
Pranesh clinched the Rilton Cup title here to Vajpayee Hindi University Bhopal was held in
become India’s 79th Chess Grandmaster. The the state capital.
Rilton Cup is the first tournament of the FIDE On the occasion of the convocation, a Medical
circuit. book 'Human Anatomy' in Hindi Manav Sharir
The 16-year-old Pranesh crossed the 2500- Rachna Vigyan was released by the Governor of
rating threshold and became a GM, having Madhya Pradesh Shri Mangubhai Patel at the
completed his three norms before the Rilton function which is a very useful book for the
Cup. Medical students of all courses related to
To become a GM, a player has to secure three medical education written by Dr. AK Dwivedi,
GM norms and cross the live rating of 2,500 Elo Homeopathic Doctor of Indore Professor & HOD
points. Physiology SKRP Gujarati Homeopathic Medical
The Indian made a clean sweep of the field in College Indore and member of Scientific
Stockholm, winning eight games and finishing a Advisory Board in the Central Council for
full point ahead of IM KaanKucuksari (Sweden) Research in Homeopathy, Ministry of AYUSH
and GM Nikita Meshkovs (Latvia) as the (Govt. of India).
tournament concluded. This book has been published by Madhya
He topped the standings with eight points. Pradesh Hindi Granth Academy.
The one who accumulates the most points by On this occasion, Mohan Yadav, Minister of
the end of the year qualifies for the 2024 FIDE Higher Education in MP Government, Atul
Candidates. Kothari, National Secretary of Education and
Nineteen-year-old Koustav Chatterjee had Culture UtthanNyas, New Delhi, Vice Chancellor
recently become the country’s 78th of Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi University, Prof.
Grandmaster during the National Senior Chess Khem Singh Daheria, and Registrar Yashwant
Championship. Singh Patel and other dignitaries were present.
119. The book Titled 'Human Anatomy' was in 120. Manjula Subramaniam passed away. She
news, it was authored by whom? was the first woman chief secretary of which
A.C Rangarajan state?
B.AK Dwivedi A.Madhya Pradesh
C.Mansi Gulati B.Tamil Nadu
D.Vikram Sampath C.Kerala
E.Jiwesh Nandan D.Gujarat
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123. As per the report released by the Ministry have been identified due to efforts made by the
of Culture, __________ centrally protected ASI”, but from the remaining list of 50
monuments under the Archaeological Survey of monuments.
India (ASI) are untraceable or missing
A.25 124. Union Minister Narendra Singh Tomar
B.50 inaugurates a three-day ‘North East Krishi
C.75 Kumbha-2023’ in which among the following
D.100 state?
E.150 A.Tripura
Answer: B B.Assam
The Ministry of Culture in its latest submission at C.Meghalaya
the Parliament revealed that as many as 50 D.Arunachal Pradesh
centrally protected monuments under the E.Manipur
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) are Answer: C
untraceable or missing. In Meghalaya, Union Minister for Agriculture and
The submission was made on December 8 to Farmers’ Welfare Narendra Singh Tomar has
the Parliamentary Standing Committee on inaugurated the three-day ‘North East Krishi
Transport, Tourism, and Culture as part of a Kumbha-2023’ and took part in the 49th
report titled ‘Issues relating to Untraceable Foundation Day celebration of the ICAR
Monuments and Protection of Monuments in Research Complex for NEH Region, Umiam.
India’. The Minister also inaugurated the administrative
According to the submission, 11 monuments are cum academic block office and Girl's Hostel of
missing from the state of Uttar Pradesh, two the College of Agriculture at Kyrdemkulai, Ri
from Delhi and Haryana, Maharashtra, and Bhoi district.
Rajasthan each, and one from Assam, The farmers and farming should always be
Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, treated with honour.
and Madhya Pradesh each. The highlights of the North East Krishi Kumbha -
These monuments have either been lost in 2023 included live demonstrations and an
urbanization or submerged by reservoirs and exhibition of recent technologies through 102
dams while others are untraceable, said the stalls, by the host institute and its regional
submission. centres along with all the ICAR institutes.
The Parliamentary Committee noted that “out of K Moses Chalai, Secretary, North Eastern
the 92 monuments declared as missing by the Council, Dr. B C Deka, VC AAU, Jorhat, Dr.
Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), 42 Anupam Mishra, VC, CAU, Imphal, Dr. S K
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The agreements were inked in presence of Chief FCV tobacco is a major commercial crop grown
Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, General Officer in 10 districts of Andhra Pradesh with an annual
Commanding-in-Chief of the Eastern Command production of 121 million kg (2021-22) in an area
Lt Gen RP Kalita. of 66,000 hectares.
The Assam Cancer Care Foundation (ACCF), Of the total unmanufactured tobacco exports
which is an Assam government and TATA Trust (excluding tobacco waste) during FY 2021-22,
initiative, has also been impanelled with ECHS. FCV tobacco exports constituted 53.62% in
volume terms and 68.47% in value terms.
127. Cabinet under Union Commerce and
Industry Minister Shri Piyush Goyal ap prove Rs 128. Which Indian Organisation has recently
28.11 cr for _____________ state tobacco launched Utkarsh 2.0 for the period 2023-2025?
farmers affected by Cyclone Mandous. A.Reserve Bank of India
A.Tamil Nadu B.Finance Ministry
B.Telangana C.Securities and Exchange Board of India
C.Odisha D.Competition Commission of India
D.West Bengal E.National Institution for Transforming India
E.Andhra Pradesh Answer: A
Answer: E The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor
Union Commerce and Industry Minister Shri Shaktikanta Das has launched Utkarsh 2.0, the
Piyush Goyal have approved Rs 28.11 crore to second phase of its medium-term strategic
provide immediate relief to over 28,000 Flue framework for the period 2023-2025.
Cured Virginia (FCV) Tobacco farmers affected About Utkarsh 2.0:
by Cyclone Mandous in Andhra Pradesh (AP). • “Utkarsh 2.0 builds on the strengths of
A special interest-free loan of Rs 10,000 to each Utkarsh 2022, retaining the 6 vision
member of the Tobacco Board's Grower Welfare statements along with the core purpose,
Schemes under southern regions. values , and mission statement.
The move will benefit 28,112 farmers under the 6 vision statements of Utkarsh 2.0:
Southern Regions (Southern Light Soil and 1. Excellence in the performance of its
Southern Black Soil) of AP. statutory and other functions
The interest-free loan to eligible FCV tobacco 2. The strengthened trust of citizens and
farmers will be administered by the Tobacco Institutions in the RBI
Board, a statutory body under the Ministry of 3. Enhanced relevance and significance in
Commerce and Industry. national and global roles
About FCV Tobacco :
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129. Which Private Sector Bank in India partners 130. Securities and Exchange Board of India
with OPEN to launch a fully digital current (SEBI) allows reclassifying government holding
account? in which Bank as 'public' after-sale?
C.AXIS BANK C.IndusInd Bank
E.IDBI Bank E.DBS Bank
Answer: C Answer: A
India’s third largest private sector bank, Axis Capital markets regulator Securities and
Bank, has partnered with the world’s fastest- Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has allowed the
growing digital banking enterprise, Open central government’s request to reclassify its
Financial Technologies Pvt Ltd (OPEN), to shareholding in IDBI Bank after its disinvestment
provide a fully native digital current account as a “public holding”
journey for its customers This is subject to the condition that the
Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), government’s voting rights in the bank will not
freelancers, homepreneurs, influencers, and exceed 15% of the total voting rights after the
more would benefit from the fully digital current sale.
account. Key Highlights:
This is Axis Bank’s first-ever partnership with a After disinvestment, the bank must make an
fintech player to launch a fully digital current application to the stock exchanges for
account. reclassification of the government holding under
Key Highlights: the public category.
The current account holders will get access to The new acquirer must ensure compliance with
Axis bank's over 250 banking services along the minimum public shareholding (MPS)
with OPEN’s financial automation tools for requirements within one year of the sale.
business management including payments,
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Now, the government and state-owned Life As per the RBI’s ‘on tap’ licensing guidelines,
Insurance Corporation (LIC) hold a little over the initial minimum paid-up voting equity capital
94% of IDBI Bank and are classified as its co- for a universal bank should be Rs 500 crore.
promoters. In May 2022, the RBI rejected 4 applications it
While the government holds a 45.48% stake, had received for setting-up universal banks.
LIC holds around 49.24%, and the remaining The applicants rejected were UAE Exchange
5.28% is public shareholding. and Financial Services Ltd, Repatriates
The government is selling a 30.48% stake in the Cooperative Finance and Development Bank Ltd
bank, while LIC will sell 30.24%. (REPCO Bank), Chaitanya India Fin Credit Pvt
After the sale, the government will be left with Ltd, Pankaj Vaish, and others.
15% and LIC will have a little over 19% stake in In 2021, the RBI announced a 5-member
the bank. Standing External Advisory Committee, headed
by former RBI deputy governor Shyamala
131. As per RBI, Annapurna Finance Pvt applies Gopinath, for evaluating applications for
for a universal bank license. The initial minimum universal banks and small finance banks.
paid-up voting equity capital for a universal bank
should be ___________ Crore 132. Securities and Exchange Board of India
A.100 Crore (SEBI) has recently issueda debt broker license
B.200 Crore to which among the following fintech firm?
C.500 Crore A.GoldenPi Technologies
D.700 Crore B.Bhanu Soft Technologies
E.1000 Crore C.Pratithi Technologies
Answer: C D.UiPath Technologies
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has received E.Growthpond Technology
an application from Odisha-based Annapurna Answer: A
Finance Pvt Ltd (AFPL), formerly known as The Securities and Exchange Board of India
Annapurna Microfinance Pvt Ltd, under the (SEBI) has issued a debt broker license to
Guidelines for ‘on tap’ Licensing of Universal Bengaluru-based fintech firm GoldenPi
Banks in the Private Sector. Technologies.
The microfinance institution was the only entity With this, GoldenPi became the first online bond
to apply for a universal bank license during the platform provider to receive a debt brokerage
quarter that ended on December 31, 2022. license from SEBI.
In Nov 2022, SEBI introduced regulations for
online debt trading platforms which stated that
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no company or individual shall act as an online The Listing Obligations and Disclosure
bond platform provider (OBP) without the Requirements (LODR) rules require listed
certificate of registration as a stock broker under companies to dispatch a hard copy of the
the SEBI Regulations, 2021. statement containing salient features of all the
About GoldenPi Technologies: documents - financial statements, board's report,
Founded: 2017 and auditor's report to those shareholders who
CEO and co-founder: Abhijit Roy have not registered their email addresses.
Currently, the Zerodha-backed company offers The listed entities are required to send hard
more than 100+ bonds and debentures on its copies of full annual reports to those
online platform in the form of daily listings. shareholders who request the same.
It has more than 3.7 lakh active users on its Separately, the SEBI has eased the rules for
platform, investing in corporate bonds, Non- entities, which listed their non-convertible
Convertible Debentures (NCD), Initial Public securities, from dispatching hard copies of
Offerings (IPOs), and other fixed-income assets. annual reports to debenture holders.
133. As per recent news, the Securities and 134. Which Indian Private Sector Bank partners
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) extends with British Airways & Qatar Airways to launch a
relaxation on dispatching hard copies of financial multi-branded credit card powered by Visa?
statements till ______________ A.KVB bank
A.April 2023 B.IndusInd Bank
B.May 2023 C.DBS Bank
C.July 2023 D.RBL Bank
D.September 2023 E.CSB Bank
E.December 2023 Answer: B
Answer: D IndusInd Bank, in a first-of-its-kind initiative,
The Securities and Exchange Board of India partnered with British Airways Executive Club
(SEBI) extended the relaxation to listed and Qatar Airways Privilege Club, to introduce
companies from dispatching physical copies of the unique multi-branded credit card, powered
financial statements till September 30, 2023. by Visa.
Earlier, the regulator had given similar The card was made available to consumers in
relaxations to listed companies till December the first quarter of the financial year 2023 - 2024.
2022. About the Card:
Key Highlights: The credit card will be available in the Infinite
variant of Visa.
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It will offer best-in-class rewards and benefits to It will also help India develop a manufacturing
elevate the international travel experience of ecosystem for high-end drones.
customers. The move will provide India with an opportunity
Through this proposition, members will soon be to manufacture main landing gear components,
able to collect Avios, the rewards currency for subassemblies, and assemblies of remotely
British Airways Executive Club and Qatar piloted aircraft in the country.
Airways Privilege Club, by signing up and Baba Kalyani, Chairman and Managing Director
choosing their preferred loyalty program. of Bharat Forge Limited said that aerospace is a
At the time of application, this credit card will high 'technology intensive' domain, which relies
give customers the flexibility to choose their on product integrity, reliability, and zero defect.
preferred airline loyalty program and select their
preferred travel destination to collect maximum 136. As per the report released by Avtar, Which
Avios. among the following cities tops in terms of
women’s employment?
135. General Atomics Aeronautical Systems A.Hyderabad
(GA-ASI) partners with which Indian B.Lucknow
Organisation to manufacture aerostructures in C.Kolkata
India? D.Chennai
A.Defence Research and Development E.Bangalore
Organisation Answer: D
B.Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Chennai is India's best city for women’s
C.Bharat Dynamics Limited employment and it is followed by Pune,
D.Bharat Forge Limited Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Mumbai, a report by
E.Tata Advanced System Limited Avtar, a firm specializing in workplace inclusion.
Answer: D The report ranks 111 cities on parameters
San Diego-based General Atomics Aeronautical nurturing a conducive ecosystem for women’s
Systems (GA-ASI), a subsidiary of General employment.
Atomics, announced its partnership with Bharat Ahmedabad, Visakhapatnam, Kolkata,
Forge Ltd. Coimbatore, and Madurai from the rest of the
The move is expected to result in significant Top 10 cities—each has a population of more
capability-building for both companies and than one million—in terms of women’s
provide an impetus to the Indian large, employment.
unmanned aircraft industry. Tiruchirappalli, Vellore, Erode, Salem, Tirupur,
Puducherry, Shimla, Mangalore (officially
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The 15th edition of FIH’s flagship event for men prestige that Hyderabad got to host the
will be played from 13 January to 29 January in prestigious event.
Odisha, India. It would place Hyderabad as a global destination
The year 2021 saw a comeback for sports for e-mobility
sponsorships and media deals, as compared to Hyderabad race on February 11 will be the
2020, following a lull after the pandemic. fourth race of the season, season 9 of Formula
The year helped India achieve a billion-dollar E, the first three include Mexico City and Riyadh
scale with a 62% growth over 2020, found a (second and third)
report by GroupM ESP, the entertainment, Private firm Ace Nxt Gen is the official promoter
esports, and sports division of GroupM India of the Formula E Race in India in partnership
with Formula E and the Telangana government.
139. As per the recent report, Which City in India
is to host the first-ever Formula E World 140. New Book on the Role of “Revolutionaries
Championship race? In India's Freedom Struggle” was w ritten by
A.Chennai whom among the following?
B.Hyderabad A.Sanjeev Sanyal
C.Lucknow B.C Rangarajan
D.Dehradun C.Vikram Sampath
E.Bangalore D.Jiwesh Nandan
Answer: B E.Pavan C. Lall
The first-ever ABB FIA Formula E World Answer: A
Championship race in India to be held in Noted economist and popular historian Sanjeev
Hyderabad on February 11 kicked off with the Sanyal is set to release his latest book,
sale of tickets for the prestigious event getting "Revolutionaries: The Other Story of How India
underway. Won Its Freedom," in January 2023.
Telangana Special Chief Secretary (Municipal Sanyal has authored best-selling books
Administration) Arvind Kumar booked the first including "Land of the Seven Rivers," "The
ticket at an event here. Ocean of Churn," "India in the Age of Ideas,"
Akbar Ebrahim, president Federation of Motor and "The Indian Renaissance."
Sports Clubs of India, and other dignitaries were He also co-authored and edited six Economic
present. Surveys of the Government of India between
The government thought that hosting Formula E 2017 and 2022, and has published over 200
would put Hyderabad in the league with some of articles and columns in leading national and
the top cities in the world and it is a matter of international publications.
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He has also represented India on various 142. World Hindi Day is observed on which
international forums, such as the OECD and G7, among the following day in January?
and served as the Co-Chair of the G20's A.January 06
Framework Working Group. B.January 07
A Rhodes Scholar and Eisenhower Fellow, he C.January 08
was named “Young Global Leader 2010” by the D.January 09
World Economic Forum at Davos. E.January 10
141. Who has authored the Book Titled Answer: E
Ambedkar: A Life was recently launched at the World Hindi Day 2023 is observed on the 10th of
Kitaab Kolkata event? January 2023.
A.Amrita Pritam To recognize the significance of the Hindi
B.Jhumpa Lahiri language and to represent the global Hindi-
C.Shashi Tharoor speaking population, Vishwa Hindi Diwas is
D.Khushwant Singh observed.
E.Pulapre Balakrishnan The inaugural World Hindi Conference, or
Answer: C Vishva Hindi Sammelan, was held in Nagpur,
Parliamentarian and author, Shashi Tharoor’s Maharashtra, in 1975, which is when World
latest book Ambedkar: A Life was recently Hindi Day first became a thing.
launched at the Kitaab Kolkata event organized This day was dedicated to honouring both the
by Prabha Khaitan Foundation (PKF) at the ITC Hindi language and the many authors who have
Sonar presented by Shree Cement. contributed to its literature.
The event was attended by young and old Every year, Vishva Hindi Divas is observed to
bibliophiles, members of Ehsaas Women, and honour the Conference's anniversary.
FICCI FLO. On January 10, Hindi-speaking people around
Suhel Seth, management consultant, author, the world celebrate World Hindi Day.
columnist, and public speaker, was in an hour- Many public and private organizations in India
long conversation with the author. hold celebrations for the day, and people who
Kitab is a signature event of the Prabha Khaitan speak Hindi abroad also commemorate it with
Foundation conceptualized by Mr. Sundeep equal fervour.
Bhutoria which provides a forum for writers,
poets, intellectuals, and thinkers to launch their 143. Where did President Droupadi Murmu lay
books and share their thoughts. the foundation stone for SJVN's 1,000 MW solar
A.Gurugram, Haryana
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E.Max Life Insurance Company 2022 stood at Rs 1,49,507 crore, 2.5% more
Answer: C than Rs 1,45,867 crore collected in November
Aegon Life Insurance has launched the iTerm 2022.
Prime Insurance plan, which will cater to the However, on a year-on-year basis, GST revenue
needs of self-employed individuals with a special collected for December 2022 was 15% higher
10% discount (5% discount in addition to a 5% than the collections of December 2021, which
online discount for all) on 1st-year premium. was Rs 1,29,780 crore.
The policy also offers special add-on features Key Highlights:
like critical illness cover and accidental death. The gross GST revenue collected during
About iTerm Prime Insurance plan: December 2022 is Rs 1,49,507 crore, of which
The iTerm Prime plan is designed to promote life CGST is Rs 26,711 crore, SGST is Rs 33,357
insurance access in developing India. crore, IGST is Rs 78,434 crore (including Rs
It offers a minimum sum assured of Rs 25 lakhs, 40,263 crore collected on import of goods) and
with no upper limit on a consumer’s requirement. cess is Rs 11,005 crore (including Rs 850 crore
The plan can be purchased online through a collected on import of goods).
completely paperless process and requires zero The total revenue of the Centre and the states
documentation or uploads. after regular settlements in December 2022 is
The product also offers a ‘Special Exit Value’ Rs 63,380 crore for CGST and Rs 64,451 crore
option that allows the policyholder to get all for the SGST.
premiums back when they turn 55 years old. Monthly GST revenues have been higher than
It is designed to encourage emerging India to Rs 1.4 trillion for the 10th month in a row.
gain access to life insurance.
149. The 'Toolkit on Enabling Gender-
148. According to the Finance Ministry, Goods & Responsive Urban Mobility and Public Spaces in
services tax (GST) collections stand at Rs India' was launched at a session organized by
____________ trillion in December 2022 ___________
A.Rs 1.19 trillion A.World Bank
B.Rs 1.29 trillion B.Asian Development Bank
C.Rs 1.39 trillion C.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
D.Rs 1.49 trillion D.New Development Bank
E.Rs 1.59 trillion E.European Investment Bank
Answer: D Answer: A
According to the Finance Ministry, the Goods & The 'Toolkit on Enabling Gender-Responsive
services tax (GST) collections for December Urban Mobility and Public Spaces in India' was
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launched at a session organized by the World CLP’s highest professional distinction will be
Bank (WB) & the Chennai Urban Metropolitan presented to CJI Chandrachud on January 11.
Transport Authority in Chennai, Tamil Nadu Justice Chadrachud, who became chief justice
(TN). in November 2022, holds an LLM and an SJD
Key Highlights: from Harvard Law School.
Women are among the largest users of public According to CLP’s media release, the award is
transport across Indian cities & around 84% of being presented to the CJI in recognition of his
trips made by women are estimated to be by lifetime of service to the legal profession in India
public transport. and around the world.
The toolkit has been designed in response to a The CLP will honour Justice Chandrachud’s
2019 World Bank-supported survey of 6,048 storied career and everything he has done for
respondents in Mumbai, Maharashtra. the profession and the rule of law in India and
This survey found that between 2004 and 2019, around the world.
men shifted to two-wheelers to commute to
work, while women used auto-rickshaws or 151. As per the report released by the Reserve
taxis, which tend to be more costly (per trip) than Bank of India, India’s foreign exchange reserves
two-wheelers. fell by $______________ billion in 2022
India has amongst the lowest female labour A.$50.1 billion
force participation rates globally, at 22.8% in B.$60.1 billion
2019-20. C.$70.1 billion
D.$80.1 billion
150. Who among the following was conferred E.$90.1 billion
with the 2022 CLP Award for Global Leadership Answer: C
by Harvard Law School? India’s foreign exchange reserves fell by $70.1
A.Prime Minister Narendra Modi billion in 2022, data released by the Reserve
B.Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud Bank of India (RBI) shows.
C.Home MinisterAmit Shah The forex reserves stood at $562.9 billion in the
D.Finance Secretary T. V. Somanathan week ended December 30.
E.National Security Advisor of India Ajit Doval The decline in the forex reserves is partly due to
Answer: B the RBI intervention in the currency markets to
The Harvard Law School Center on the Legal stave off volatility and partly on account of the
Profession has decided to confer Chief Justice depreciation of other major currencies held by
of India DY Chandrachud with the ‘Center on the the central bank.
Legal Profession Award for Global Leadership’.
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The RBI net sold $33.42 billion till September, Mr. Garcetti, who served as the 42nd mayor of
Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman had Los Angeles from July 2013 until December
said in the Lok Sabha earlier. 2022, is a close aide of President Biden.
The RBI holds major currencies including the In July 2021, Mr. Joe Biden nominated Mr.
pound sterling, yen, and euro in its reserves, Garcetti as the United States Ambassador to
which are expressed in US dollar terms. India.
The rupee depreciated 10.2% against the US
dollar in the calendar year 2022, according to 153. Mr. Prasanna Kumar Motupalli was
Bloomberg data. appointed as Chairman and Managing Director
The rupee breached 80 against the dollar in of which among the following state-run
September and has remained at Rs 81-82 levels Organistion?
since then. A.National Mineral Development Corporation
B.National Thermal Power Corporation Limited
152. As per recent news, US President Mr. Joe C.Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited
Biden recently Renominates whom as Envoy To D.National Power Training Institute
India? E.National Hydroelectric Power Corporation
A.Gil Garcetti Answer: C
B.Karen Bass Mr. Prasanna Kumar Motupalli was appointed as
C.Amy Wakeland Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of the
D.Eric Garcetti state-run Neyveli Lignite Corporation
E.Rick Caruso LimitedNLC India Ltd (NLCIL), a Navratna Public
Answer: D Sector Undertaking (PSU) under the Ministry of
United States (US) President Mr. Joe Biden has Coal till the date of his superannuation is June
renominated former Los Angeles Mayor Mr. Eric 30, 2026.
Garcetti as the Ambassador of the United States About Mr Prasanna Kumar Motupalli:
to India. He has over 30 years of experience in the
The US has not had a full-time envoy in India generation sector across fuel management,
since 2021 when the previous US envoy Mr. operations and maintenance, coal handling, and
Kenneth I Juster completed his tenure. power plant erection.
India currently chairs G20, resulting in scores of He worked with NTPC Limited as an Executive
diplomatic activities between the two countries. Director, handling corporate fuel management
About Mr. Eric Garcetti: Mr. Motupalli currently serves as the Managing
Director of Gujarat State Electricity Corporation
Limited (GSECL).
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154. Who among the following has become the Answer: B
first woman officer to be deployed at the world's The government of the Union Territory of
highest battlefield, Siachen? Ladakh has partnered with the Indian Institute of
A.Shiva Chouhan Remote Sensing (IIRS), a unit of the Indian
B.Indhu Malhotra Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to
C.Priyanka Chauhan develop a “Spatial Data Infrastructure geoportal
D.Soundharya Mittal ‘Geo-Ladakh’ for UT-Ladakh.
E.Akila Singh Key Highlights:
Answer: A The project encompasses spatial database
Captain Shiva Chouhan of the Indian Army's generation (water resources, vegetation, and
Fire and Fury Corps became the first woman energy potential) using remote sensing,
officer to get operationally deployed at the geospatial techniques, and the development of a
world's highest battlefield, Siachen Glacier. Geo-portal for hosting this database.
About Captain Shiva Chouhan: The project aims towards training of UT-Ladakh
Capt Shiva Chouhan, who hails from Rajasthan, officials on Geospatial techniques and
is a Bengal Sapper Officer. applications.
She successfully led the Sura Soi Cycling The portal provides geospatial data visualization
Expedition from the Siachen War Memorial to and analytics for UT-Ladakh, consisting of
the Kargil War Memorial conducted on the Spatial viewer, Carbon Neutrality, Geospatial
occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas in July 2022. utility mapping, and Geo-Tourism.
She is an officer of the Fire and Fury Corps. Currently, ISRO is setting up an optical
In September 2021, a team of 8 specially-abled telescope at Hanle for tracking spacecraft and
people created a world record by reaching space objects.
Kumar Post at 15,632 feet height. Also, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
was signed between IIRS (ISRO) and UT-
155. As per recent news, Indian Space Ladakh Administration towards carrying out the
Research Organisation (ISRO) is to develop above work.
spatial infrastructure geoportal for which State or
Union Territory? 156. Mascot, torch, and anthem of Khelo India
A.Delhi Youth Games to be unveiled in which place?
B.Ladakh A.Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
C.Jammu & Kashmir B.Chandigarh, Punjab
D.Himachal Pradesh C.Bhubaneshwar, Odisha
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163. Who among the following has recently Pradesh (42), Jharkhand (34), Odisha (29), and
launched Aspirational Block Programme aimed West Bengal (29).
at spurring development parameters? However, states can add more blocks to the
A.President Droupadi Murmu program later
B.Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar
C.Prime Minister Narendra Modi 164. Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, and
D.Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud Switzerland officially began their 2 -year term as
E.Home MinisterAmit Shah non-permanent members of the UNSC. Where
Answer: C are the Head Quarters of the United
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Nations Security Council (UNSC)?
government’s Aspirational Block Programme A.United States
(ABP), which is aimed at improving the B.United Kingdom
performance of blocks lagging on various C.France
development parameters. D.Switzerland
The ABP was launched during the 2nd National E.Kenya
Conference of Chief Secretaries, which was held Answer: A
in January. Ecuador, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, and
The Indian Express reported that the Switzerland officially began their 2 -year term as
government is set to launch the Aspirational non-permanent members of the United Nations
Blocks Programme. Security Council (UNSC).
The Centre had announced its intention to The 5 latest UNSC members - Ecuador, Japan,
launch this initiative in the Union Budget 2022- Malta, Mozambique, and Switzerland are
23. replacing India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, and
Launching the Aspirational Block Programme, Norway, whose terms ended on December 31,
Prime Minister underscored the success 2022.
achieved in various Aspirational Districts in the In a tradition that Kazakhstan started in 2018,
country under the Aspirational District the 5 countries' ambassadors installed their
Programme national flags alongside those of other members
According to sources, the program will cover outside the council chambers.
500 districts across 31 states and Union Malta joined for a 2nd time, Ecuador a 4th, and
Territories initially. Japan a record 12th.
Over half of these blocks are in 6 states—Uttar The other current two-year members are
Pradesh (68 blocks), Bihar (61), Madhya Albania, Brazil, Gabon, Ghana, and the United
Arab Emirates.
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About United Nations Security Council: 166. To mark the 126th birth anniversary of
Founded: 24 October 1945 Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Military Tattoo &
Headquarters: New York, United States Tribal Dance Festival to be held in which State
Membership: 15 countries (Including 5 or Union Territory?
permanent members - China, France, Russia, A.Chennai, Tamilnadu
the United Kingdom, and the United States) B.Bangalore, Karnataka
It is responsible for maintaining international C.Vadodara, Gujarat
peace and security D.Chandigarh, Haryana
E.New Delhi, Delhi
165. Cherchera festival is an important harvest Answer: E
festival recently celebrated in which among the A Military Tattoo & Tribal Dance Festival ‘Aadi
following State? Shaurya - ParvParakram Ka’ will be held at
A.Haryana Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi on
B.Uttar Pradesh January 23 & 24, 2023, as part of the Republic
C.Madhya Pradesh Day celebrations 2023 and to mark the 126th
D.Odisha birth anniversary (ParakramDiwas) o f Netaji
E.Chhattisgarh Subhash Chandra Bose.
Answer: E The event is being organized by the Ministry of
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Shri Bhupesh Defence (MoD) and the Ministry of Tribal Affairs,
Baghel celebrates the traditional Cherchera with the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) serving as
festival at Dudhadhari Math in Raipur, the coordinating agency.
Chhattisgarh. Aim:
About the Festival: To remember the sacrifices of the country’s
Cherchera festival is an important harvest brave hearts and celebrate the rich cultural
festival in Chhattisgarh. heritage which makes India so unique and
The traditional Cherchera festival is celebrated diverse.
on the full moon night of the ‘Paush’ Hindu About the Festival:
calendar month in the happiness of taking the The two-day festival will showcase the prowess
crops to their homes after cultivation. of the Armed Forces and the ethnic beauty of
According to mythological belief, on this day India’s tribal culture.
Lord Shankar begged Mata Annapurna, so The program included a military tattoo
people used to donate green vegetables along (paramotor gliding, hot air balloon, horse show,
with paddy on this day. motorcycle display, air warrior drill, navy band)
and an hour-long traditional dance performance
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(khukri dance, gatka, mallakhamb, kalaripayattu, ___________ cr in two tranches in the month of
thangata) by tribal artists from across the January, February
country. A.Rs 12,000 cr
B.Rs 13,000 cr
167. Tribal Bodies Step Up Demand To 'Free' C.Rs 14,000 cr
Parasnath Hills From Jains in which among the D.Rs 15,000 cr
following state? E.Rs 16,000 cr
A.Jharkhand Answer: E
B.Chhattisgarh The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced
C.Utter Pradesh that the maiden Sovereign Green Bonds
D.Haryana (SGrBs) would be issued in two tranches for an
E.Madhya Pradesh aggregate amount of Rs 16,000 crore.
Answer: A The first auction of Rs 8,000 crore would be
Tribal bodies stepped up their demand to “free” done on January 25 while the second for an
the Parasnath hills in Jharkhand's Giridih district equal amount will be held on February 9, 2023.
from the “clutches” of the Jain community. The proceeds will be utilized for funding public
About Parasnath hills: sector projects seeking to reduce carbon
Parasnath is a mountain peak in the Parasnath emissions.
Range. Key Highlights:
It is located towards the eastern end of the In Union Budget 2022-23, Finance Minister
Chota Nagpur Plateau in the Giridih district of Nirmala Sitharaman announced that sovereign
the Indian state of Jharkhand. green bonds will be issued for mobilizing
It has been named Parasnath after the 23rd Jain resources for ‘green projects’.
It is a holy and reverend site for the Jain 169. As per the data released by the Association
community, called “SammedSikhar ''. of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI), the average
Out of 24 Tirthankaras of Jains, 20 got assets under management (AUM) for the
NIRVANA on Parasnath Hills. domestic mutual fund (MF) industry grew 5.4%
On the mountain, A Jain temple is believed to year-on-year to Rs ____________ trillion for the
have been constructed by Magadha King quarter that ended December.
Bimbisara (543-491 BCE.) A.Rs 10.2 trillion
B.Rs 20.2 trillion
168. As per the recent report, the Reserve Bank C.Rs 30.2 trillion
of India (RBI) to issue green bonds worth Rs D.Rs 40.2 trillion
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China's CRRC Corporation Limited has unveiled The Indian Space Research Organisation
Asia’s first hydrogen urban train. (ISRO) and Social Alpha signed a Memorandum
The hydrogen train gets a top speed of 160 km/h of Understanding (MoU) to launch the
(Kilometre per hour), and the operational range SpaceTech Innovation Network (SpIN), India’s
without refuelling i s 600 km on a single tank. first dedicated platform for innovation curation
This is the second such train in the world. and venture development for the burgeoning
Earlier in 2022, Germany became the first space entrepreneurial ecosystem.
country to operate the world’s first-ever It is a one-of-its-kind public-private collaboration
hydrogen-powered passenger train fleet. for start-ups and SMEs in the space industry.
Key Highlights: This is an important step towards providing
The Hydrogen train was developed based on the further impetus to India's recent space reform
Fuxing high-speed platform and includes 4 cars policies.
with it. Key Highlights:
The train will also get Digital solutions from the SpIN has launched its first innovation challenge
CRRC including GoA2 automation, component from early-stage start-ups for developing
monitoring sensors, and 5G data transmission solutions in areas of maritime and land
equipment. transportation, urbanization, mapping and
The operation of the train will reduce CO2 surveying, disaster management, food security,
emissions compared to diesel traction by 10 sustainable agriculture, environmental
tons per year. monitoring, and natural resources management.
India will most likely get its first hydrogen train
by 2023. 173. To prevent misleading information which
Tech Giant has recently launchedthe anti-
172. As per recent news Indian Space Research misinformation project in India to prevent
Organisation (ISRO) signs a MoU with which of violence?
the following space tech company to establish A.Apple
the SpaceTech Innovation Platform? B.Google
A.Social Alpha C.Microsoft
B.Skyblue Aero D.Twitter
C.Dhruva Space E.LinkedIn
D.Zukovsky Aviation Answer: B
E.Collins Aerospace American multinational technology company,
Answer: A Google's subsidiary Jigsaw is launching a new
anti-misinformation project in India.
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174. Who among the following defeated 175. Mr.Gareth Bale is in news, He announces
America’s Sebastian Korda to win the Adelaide retirement from which sport?
International men’s singles title? A.Foot Ball
A.Dominic Thiem B.Hockey
B.Daniil Medvedev C.Base Ball
C.Carlos Alcaraz D.Basket Ball
D.Alexander Zverev E.Cricket
E.Novak Djokovic Answer: A
Answer: E Wales and Los Angeles FC winger Gareth Bale
Novak Djokovic defeated America’s Sebastian had decided to end his playing career at the age
Korda in a nerve-wracking final to win the of 33, having reached exceptional milestones in
Adelaide International men’s singles title. both club and international football.
The 21-time Grand Slam winner won the match Bale played a Wales record of 111 games for his
6-7 (8-10), 7-6 (7-3), and 6-4 in three hours and country and was a five-time Champions League
nine minutes. winner with Real Madrid.
He helped the Welsh reach the 2016 and 2020 Pretorius has represented the Proteas across all
Euros before leading them to their first World three formats in 30 T20Is, 27 ODIs, and three
Cup since 1958 at Qatar 2022. Tests since making his debut in 2016.
Bale started his senior career at then- He was also part of two World Cup squads for
Championship side Southampton, which South Africa.
introduced the 17-year-old to professional The 33-year-old said it was one of the toughest
football before he moved to Tottenham Hotspur decisions of his career to step away from
two years later. international cricket.
After six seasons and nearly 150 appearances He will be shifting his focus to T20 cricket and
in the Premier League, Bale was signed by Real other shorter formats.
Madrid for a fee reported by British media as a The 33-year-old thanked his coaches,
world record of 100 million euros ($107.45 teammates, and family for supporting him and
million). had a special thank you for Faf du Plessis.
In 2013-14, his first season in Spain, he helped
Real Madrid to their 10th Champions League 177. Dazzling hundred against Sri Lanka Virat
trophy, awaited by the club for more than 10 Kohli slams _________ international 100 that
years. equals Sachin Tendulkar’s record
Bale made 12 appearances and scored six A.71
goals in the triumphant campaign, including in B.72
the 4-1 final win over Atletico Madrid. C.73
176. Cricket all-rounder Dwaine Pretorius E.75
announces retirement. He belongs to which Answer: C
country? Virat Kohli returned to the Indian ODI side with
A.England yet another dazzling hundred against Sri Lanka
B.Australia in the first three-match ODI series.
C.South Africa It was Kohli’s 45th ODI ton and 73rd in
D.New Zealand international cricket.
E.Ireland With this century, Kohli reached another ODI
Answer: C milestone, equaling Sachin Tendulkar’s record
Cricket South Africa has announced that all- of 20 ODI tons at home.
rounder Dwaine Pretorius has called time on his While Tendulkar reached the landmark in 164
international career. matches, Kohli did it in 101 games.
Kohli also surpassed Sachin Tendulkar’s record 179. Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary is located in
of most centuries against Sri Lanka in ODIs. which state?
Tendulkar has eight to his credit while Kohli has A.Jharkhand
gone to nine. B.Gujarat
Earlier, Kohli ended his ODI century drought C.Maharashtra
during India’s tour of Bangladesh. D.Bihar
The number 3 batter remained century-less for E.None of these
1214 days. Answer: C
The former India skipper had left batting legend Koyna Wildlife Sanctuary is a wildlife sanctuary
Ricky Ponting behind when he last scored an and natural World Heritage Site, which is located
ODI century. in the Satara district of the Indian state
of Maharashtra.
178. PM Sinha Passed Away. He was the
former Chairman of which company? 180. Athens is the capital of which country?
A.PepsiCo India A.Serbia
B.Coca-Cola India B.Italy
C.Unilever India C.Greece
D.Nestlé India D.Thailand
E.Starbucks India E.None of these
Answer: A Answer: C
Former chairman of PepsiCo, India, and South Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece.
Asia, PM Sinha, passed away at the age of 82 in
Gurugram. 181. What is the currency of Oman?
About PM Sinha: A.Omani Dinar
PM Sinha, popularly known as Suman. B.Euro
Sinha started his career with Hindustan Lever C.Omani Rupee
Ltd (HLL), where he was the head of D.Omani Rial
government relations. E.None of these
He was the second chairman & CEO of PepsiCo Answer: D
India who helmed the company for a decade The Omani rial i s the currency of Oman.
from 1993 to 2003. Capital: Muscat
He became the chairman of Bata in 2004.
PepsiCo entered India in 1989.
182. Swami Vivekananda's birthday is observed (Independent Charge) Earth Sciences; MoS
as National Youth Day, which is observed on PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions,
___________ Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh
A.January 08 released the theme for the "National Science
B.January 09 Day 2023", titled "Global Science for Global
C.January 10 Wellbeing" at National Media Centre.
D.January 11 As India enters 2023, the theme indicates India's
E.January 12 emerging global role and rising visibility in the
Answer: E international arena.
National Youth Day 2023 is observed on the India has acquired Global Visibility in the Comity
12th of January 2023. of Nations under Prime Minister Modi and we
On January 12, 1984, the Indian government are ready for Outcome-oriented Global
declared Swami Vivekananda's birthday as Collaboration to Address Global Challenges.
National Youth Day for the first time. The National Science Day (NSD) is celebrated
Since then, the day is celebrated nationwide as every year on 28 February to commemorate the
National Youth Day. discovery of the ‘Raman Effect’.
The government's primary motivation for making The government of India designated 28
the decision was to improve the quality of life for February as National Science Day (NSD) in
the people of the country by urging young 1986.
people to draw inspiration from Swami On this day Sir C.V. Raman announced the
Vivekananda's life and accomplishments to discovery of the 'Raman Effect' for which he was
revive youngsters' enduring vitality and boost the awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930.
economy of the country. On this occasion, theme-based science
183. Which among the following ministers has communication activities are carried out all over
recently unveiled the theme for National Science the country.
Day 2023 at National Media Centre?
A.Shri Jitendra Singh 184. After a gap of two years due to the covid 19
B.Shri Nitin Gadkari pandemic, International Kite Festival 2023 is set
C.Shri Manoj Joshi to begin in which place?
D.Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar A.Varanasi, UttarPradesh
E.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan B.Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Answer: A C.Pune, Maharashtra
Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) D.Indore, Madhya Pradesh
Science & Technology; Minister of State E.Panaji, Goa
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Answer: B C.RupFast
Gujarat Chief Minister (CM) Shri Bhupendra D.PayRup
Patel inaugurated the International Kite Festival E.SpeedEup
2023 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Answer: D
The festival is being organised by Gujarat PayRup (, India’s fastest
Tourism on the G20 theme of 'One Earth, One payment app was Mahadevappa
Family, One Future. Halagatti in Lulu Mall, Bangalore, Karnataka.
The event is organised after a gap of two years PayRup is built on cutting-edge technology of
due to the covid 19 pandemic. web 3.0.
Key Highlights: It provides an advanced digital payment
The International Kite Festival has been held in experience with outstanding user experience.
Ahmedabad annually since 1989 on the About PayRup:
occasion of the official celebration of uttarayan. PayRup opens 24/7 customer care facilities for
Apart from Ahmedabad, the festival will also be help and support for users.
organised in Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot, Dwarka, Customer support desk runs with leading
Somnath, Dhordo, and Kevadia. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
More than 800 kite flyers from across India and technologies and is supported by global
the world will participate and display their unique standards.
creations in this Festival. It ensures the 5 dimensions of service quality
This year, kite enthusiasts from different and follows SERVQUAL (Service Quality)
countries will fly Kites at the same time standards to provide the best service
attempting to create a Guinness World Record experience.
for the maximum number of kite flyers. PayRup users can pay utility bills and landline
A special Parade by international and national bills, recharge their mobile, broadband, DTH,
kite flyers, a theme pavilion displaying the and purchase Gift Cards.
history of kites, and workshops on making and PayRup services are planned to expand across
flying kites are among the major attractions of various financial instruments, including multiple
the festival 2022. payment services such as school fees, pay rent,
and other payment collection services.
185. India’s Fastest Payment app named Recently, PayRup has announced ticketing and
___________ was recently launched by booking services for flights, buses, and hotels.
Mahadevappa Halagatti in Lulu Mall
A.SpeedPay 186. As per finance news, the Reserve Bank of
B.PayFast India (RBI) issueda revised list of ___________
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A.Maharashtra Answer: C
B.Gujarat India and Japan are all set to hold the joint Air
C.Karnataka Exercise, 'Veer Guardian-2023' involving the
D.Delhi Indian Air Force (IAF) and Japan Air Self
E.Punjab Defence Force (JASDF) at Hyakuri Air Base,
Answer: E Japan from 12 January 2023 to 26 January
The Khelo India Senior Women National Kho 2023.
Kho league is set to take place at Chandigarh Aim:
University, Punjab. To promote Air Defence cooperation between
The league is being organized by the Kho Kho the countries.
Federation of India and will be held over three The decision to enhance bilateral defence
phases with full financial support from the cooperation and address the emerging security
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. needs of the two countries was made during the
A total of 12 teams and close to 200 players are second 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial
slated to participate. meeting held in Tokyo, Japan, in September
The Kho Kho women’s league for junior and 2022.
sub-junior age groups is scheduled from Key Highlights:
January 16 to 19 at the Alberta Ekka Kho Kho The Indian contingent participating in the air
stadium in Hotwar, Ranchi. exercise will include 4 Su-30MKI Sukhoi aircraft
The Khelo India women’s leagues, which are , 2 C-17 Globemaster III military transport
being held across multiple sports since 2021, is aircraft and 1 Ilyushin Il-78 in-flight refuelling
an initiative taken by the Ministry of Youth Affairs tanker, will participate in the exercise.
and Sports to develop the overall sports Meanwhile, the JASDF will deploy its 4 F-2
ecosystem of the country. multi-role attack fighters and 4 F-15 Eagle
195. To promote Air Defence cooperation in
India &which among the following country to 196. Which country attempt to launch the first
hold joint Air Exercise, 'Veer Guardian-2023' to rocket from its soil failed after the rocket carrying
promote air defence cooperation? 9 satellites failed to reach orbit?
A.France A.United States
B.China B.United Kingdom
C.Japan C.India
D.Australia D.Russia
E.America E.China
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Surgeons and presided over the association 200. Renowned Kashmiri poet & Kashmir’s first
from 1993 to 1998. Jnanpith awardee Prof Abdul Rehman Rahi
He has served as the president of the Society of passed away. When did he win Sahitya Akademi
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India, the Award?
Association of Surgeons of India, and the A.1951
Society of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic B.1961
Surgeons of Asia. C.1971
He has been the president of the Indian chapter D.1981
and the World body of the International College E.1991
of Surgeons. Answer: B
He is the author of two books, Laparoscopic Kashmir’s renowned poet and first Jnanpith
Cholecystectomy and Laparoscopic Surgery in awardee Professor Abdul Rehman Rahi Passed
Developing Countries. away at the age of 98 in Srinagar, Jammu &
Kashmir (J&K).
199. Grant Wahl Passed away. He belongs to Awards & Honors:
which field? Rahi was the youngest Indian to be given the
A.Scientist Sahitya Akademi Award in 1961 for “Nawroz-i-
B.Journalist Saba”, a collection of his outstanding poems.
C.Cricketer In the year 2000, he was also honoured with the
D.Football Player prestigious Padma Shri award for Literature &
E.Doctor Education.
Answer: B The Sahitya Akademi also honoured Rahi with
American soccer j ournalist Grant Wahl Passed the Sahitya Academy Fellowship, India's highest
away, while covering the World Cup match literary honour in 2000 for recognition of his long
between Argentina and the Netherlands in Lusail contribution to Kashmiri literature and culture.
Stadium, Qatar. He received the highest literary award in the
This was the 8th World Cup for Wahl, who has country, the Jnanpith award (for the year 2004)
been covering football continuously since 1996. in 2007 for his collection 'Siyah Rood Jaeren
About Grant Wahl: Manz' (In Black Drizzle).
His Sports Illustrated career mainly focused on
college basketball and soccer in the United 201. The dance Bihu was famous
States. in____________
He was also the author of the book The A.Assam
Beckham Experiment (2009) B.Manipur
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E.Pradhan Mantri Garib Kisan Annam Yojana 205. Kisan Vikas Patra’s (KVP) interest ra te was
Answer: A hiked from 7% earlier to ___________% for
The Centre has named the new Integrated Food January–March 2023 quarter
Security Scheme Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan A.7.1%
Ann Yojana, PMGKAY. B.7.2%
Earlier, the Union Cabinet had approved a new C.7.3%
integrated food security scheme for providing D.7.4%
free foodgrains to Antodaya Ann Yojna (AAY) E.7.5%
and Primary Household (PHH) beneficiaries. Answer: B
Implementation of the new scheme has started The government has hiked the interest rate on
from the 1st of January this year, benefiting Kisan Vikas Patra for the quarter of January –
more than 80 crores of poor and poorest of poor March 2023.
people. The Kisan Vikas Patra is a small savings tool
Keeping in view the welfare of the beneficiaries that will make it easier for people to contribute to
and to maintain uniformity across the States, long-term savings plans.
free foodgrains will be provided under PMGKAY Due to its low risk and assurance of profits, it is
for the year 2023 to all Primary Household and a well-liked investing tool
Antodaya Ann Yojna beneficiaries, as per At the end of the maturity period, you will receive
entitlement under National Food Security Act. the invested money with a guaranteed double
The integrated scheme will strengthen the increase in value, regardless of market volatility
provisions of the National Food Security Act in Kisan Vikas Patra interest rates 2023:
terms of accessibility, affordability, and Deposits made into KVP accounts will now earn
availability of food grains for the poor. an interest rate of 7.2% annually compounded.
Necessary steps have already been taken for Earlier the interest rate offered on KVP was 7%.
the smooth implementation of the PMGKAY in At 7.2% interest, the investment in the KVP
the field. account will double in value after 120 months.
The Central Government will spend more than
two lakh crore rupees in 2023 as food subsidies 206. Prof. Kamakoti, the director of which
under NFSA and other welfare schemes, to among the following IIT has recently announced
remove the financial burden of the poor and the that the Country's largest student-run festival
poorest of the poor. 'Saarang 2023' will be held for five days?
A.IIT Bombay
B.IIT Madras
C.IIT Delhi
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The Saharsh initiative was launched in August The system was inaugurated by the Bombay
2022 in 40 schools in the state on a pilot basis. High Court, Aurangabad bench’s Judge, and
After the successful implementation of the Osmanabad Guardian Judge, Arun Pednekar.
project, it would be introduced in all government Chief District Judge of Osmanabad Anju Shende
and government-aided schools in the state from and Member of Maharashtra-Goa Bar Council
the second week of January 2023. Advocate Milind Patil, President of Osmanabad
The Saharsh initiative, which was found to be District Bar Association Advocate Sudhakar
effective in social and economic development in Munde were also present on the occasion.
research studies of Harvard and Columbia Key Highlights:
Universities, is being first contextualized with The courts of all talukas of Osmanabad district
local realities of India and implemented in are working on the e-system and 500 lawyers in
Tripura. the district have already registered for the new
Meanwhile, the Tripura government has trained system.
teachers in 204 schools for the Saharsh Besides, the library of the court has also been
curriculum, while teachers in 200 more institutes converted into digital mode.
are about to be trained soon.
212. To improve customer experience which
211. Osmanabad District Court becomes 1st among the following General Insurance
court in ______________ to introduce e -system of companies partners with Clootrack?
functioning A.Bajaj Allianz General Insurance
A.Himachal Pradesh B.IFFCO Tokio General InKotak Mahindra
B.Jharkhand General Insrancesurance
C.Manipur C.TATA AIG General Insurance
D.Maharashtra D.Kotak Mahindra General Insrance
E.Nagaland E.Future Generali India Insurance Company
Answer: D Limited
The Osmanabad District Court has become the Answer: D
first court in Maharashtra to introduce an e - Kotak Mahindra General Insurance Company
system of functioning. Limited (“Kotak General Insurance“) has
Under this system, all the court-related work partnered with Clootrack, an Artificial
including filing, payment, and other court Intelligence (AI)-driven, real-time customer
services, etc. can be done through the mobile experience platform.
app or online modes. About the Partnership:
The partnership will help Kotak Mahindra acquiring a 20% stake in its subsidiary Max Life
General Insurance understand gaps in the Insurance Co Ltd.
market to improve its customer experience. Following this, Axis Entities have acquired a
This will empower Kotak Mahindra General 12.99% stake in Max Life at Rs 35 per share
Insurance with insights into its non-life insurance with the right to acquire an additional 7% stake
products through customer feedback. in the company.
Clootrack’s AI-driven comprehensive intelligent As per the revised agreement, the valuation for
customer experience analytics platform will help the right to acquire the balance 7% equity stake
Kotak Mahindra General Insurance understand of Max Life would be at fair market value using
why customer experience drops. discounted cash flows instead of valuation as
per Rule 11UA of the Income Tax Rules, 1962."
213. Which Private Bank has entered Into a
Revised Pact with Max Financial Services for 214. To enhance cooperation in the training of
Acquiring Additional 7% Stake in Max Life? diplomats India has signed an MoU with which
A.ICICI Bank among the following country?
B.HDFC BANK A.Guatemala
D.CITY Bank C.Paraguay
E.DCB Bank D.Nicaragua
Answer: C E.Panama
Axis Bank has entered into a re vised agreement Answer: E
with Max Financial Services Limited to acquire India and Panama have signed a Memorandum
an additional 7% stake in Max Life Insurance at of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation
fair market value using discounted cash flow in the training of diplomats.
method. External Affairs Minister Dr. Subrahmanyam
The revision in the agreement follows the Jaishankar said that in a bilateral meeting with
guidance issued by the Insurance Regulatory Panama's Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney
and Development Authority (IRDAI) in October Mencomo in Indore.
2022. Also, they discussed the opportunities for
About the Acquisition: greater economic, health, finance, and people-
Axis Bank and its subsidiaries - Axis Securities to-people linkages.
and Axis Capital had 2021 entered into definitive Dr. Jaishankar informed that as democracies,
agreements with Max Financial Services Ltd for both leaders have also shared their perspectives
on global situations.
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He also appreciated the Panamanian Minister 216. National Aeronautics and Space
for participating in the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Administration (NASA) appoints Indian-
Convention. American space expert _________ as NASA’s
chief technologist
215. Which Country appoints Ms. Ossouka A.Kyrie Irving
Raponda as the first female vice president and B.AC Charania
Mr. Alain-Claude Bilie as the new prime C.Adrian Wojnarow
minister? D.Brian Windhors
A.Gabon E.Ime Udoka
B.Cameroon Answer: B
C.Egyptz An India-American aerospace industry expert,
D.Algeria Mr. AC Charania has been appointed as the
E.Guatemala National Aeronautics and Space
Answer: A Administration’s (NASA‘s) new chief
Former minister Mr. Alain-Claude Bilie By Nze technologist.
was appointed as the new Prime Minister (PM) He has been designated as principal advisor to
of Gabon to replace Ms. Rose Christiane Administrator Bill Nelson on programs and
Ossouka Raponda. technology policy at NASA’s headquarters.
Meanwhile, Gabon's President Mr. Ali Bongo He replaced Indian-American scientist Ms.
appointed Ms. Rose Christiane Ossouka Bhavya Lal.
Raponda as the oil-rich central African nation’s About Mr. AC Charania:
first female vice president. Mr. Charania has also worked in strategy and
Role of VP: business development for the Virgin Galactic
The Role of VP is to assist the head of state (now Virgin Orbit) LauncherOne small satellite
though the position does not allow for an interim launch vehicle program.
role as president. He also served in multiple management and
Mr. Nicole Jeanine Lydie Roboty remains as technology roles at SpaceWorks Enterprises,
finance minister and Mr. Vincent de Paul including helping to incubate 2 startups,
Massassa is the oil minister in the revamped 45- Generation Orbit and Terminal Velocity
member executive. Aerospace.
Mr. Lee White was reappointed as environment He also works at Blue Origin to mature its lunar
minister. permanence strategy, Blue Moon lunar lander
program, and multiple technology initiatives with
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Terming him a fortunate Chief Minister who did The school will enable the rich pool of talent of
not have to face any situation like a catastrophic the region to become world-class experts in the
earthquake of 1950, the Indo-China War of transportation and logistics sector.
1962, or the Assam Agitation. To unlock the promised economic potential of
His diary essentially featured the growth the Northeast, the school will enable the
initiatives that the state has witnessed over the capacity of human resources along our opulent
last 11 months. waterways
He said that without violating the sanctity of the The Centre for Logistics, Communication and
oath of office he took while assuming the office Waterways would facilitate in conducting
of the Chief Minister, he enumerated the day-to- studies/research, training, workshops/seminars
day development activities that he undertook as for stakeholders like businesses,
the Chief Minister of the state. exporters/importers, Chambers of Commerce
He also said that in the next four years, he and Industries, local entrepreneurs, tourist
would bring out subsequent editions of his diary. operators etc.
CM Sharma also thanked former Chief Justice, It has been set up under the State Institute of
India Ranjan Gogoi for releasing the book. Public Administration and Rural Development
222. Union Minister Shri Sarbananda Sonowal SIPARD is an autonomous body funded by the
inaugurates School of Logistics, Waterways and Government of Tripura and partially by the
Communication in which among the following Ministry of Rural Development, Government of
state? India.
A.Uttarakhand The two countries have renewed and
B.Odisha strengthened the Indo-Bangladesh Protocol on
C.Madhya Pradesh Inland Water Transit and Trade which outlines
D.Tripura new measures to facilitate the inland water
E.Nagaland trade, develop infrastructure and improve cross-
Answer: D country transport and logistics facilities.
The Union Minister of Ports, Shipping &
Waterways and Ayush, Shri Sarbananda 223. Who among the following has flagged off
Sonowal, along with Dr Manik Saha, Chief the Grand cultural event Sur Sarita-Symphony of
Minister, Tripura inaugurated the School of Ganga which is to be held in Varanasi?
Logistics, Waterways and Communication in A.President Droupadi Murmu
Agartala,Tripura. B.Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar
C.Prime Minister Narendra Modi
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224. As per recent report, India became one of 225. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) signs MoU
the top five equity capital markets (ECM) with which among the following state
globally in 2022. This report was released by government to promote the development of
which among the following? SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)?
A.HDFC Investment Banking A.Kerala
B.ICICI Investment Banking B.Maharashtra
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West Bengal (WB) chief minister (CM) Mamata The issue by NABARD had a base size of Rs
Banerjee inaugurated a new vehicle location 2,000 crore plus a green-shoe option of Rs
control centre and mobile app, as part of efforts 3,000 crore.
to enhance security for women in WB. Meanwhile, Rural Electrification Corporation
These would help the police track movement of (REC) is likely to raise Rs 3,000 crore through a
vehicles, as well as keep a tab on crimes on 10-year paper (maturing in January 2033).
women inside moving cars. The base size is Rs 500 crore with a green-shoe
Also, there will be one panic button in each option of Rs 2,500 crore.
vehicle, pressing which will alert the police REC is also looking at issuing medium-term
About West Bengal: paper (about 41-42 months) to raise Rs 3,000
Governor: C. V. Ananda Bose crore from the market.
Chief minister: Mamata Banerjee At present, corporations are not able to file
Capital: Kolkata papers for bond offerings with the ministry of
corporate affairs due to technical work underway
228. In the first issue of fundraising through at portals.
bonds in 2023 which bank has raises Rs 5,000
crore through 3-year bonds? 229. Securities and Exchange Board of India
A.Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (SEBI) extends trading hours in case of an
B.Asian Development Bank outage at stock exchanges. Communication of
C.State Bank of India such outages by exchanges to be made
D.New Development Bank within ____________ mins
E.National Bank for Agriculture and Rural A.5 mins
Development B.10 mins
Answer: E C.15 mins
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural D.20 mins
Development (NABARD) has raised around Rs E.25 mins
5,000 crore via 3-year bonds, in the first issue of Answer: C
fundraising through bonds in 2023. Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board
The coupon for the 3-year bond was 7.63%. of India (SEBI) has issued a standard of
The yield on government bonds with similar procedures (SOP) for the handling of stock
maturity was above 7.16%. exchange outages and extension of trading
Key Highlights: hours due to the outage.
What is a Stock Exchange outage?
Stock Exchange Outage means stoppage of term, flexible funding across the lifecycle of
continuous trading, either suo-moto by affordable and mid-income housing projects
exchange or by reasons beyond the control of including early-stage funding
the stock exchange. Key Highlights:
Further, stoppage of continuous trading shall not H-CARE 3 Scheme 1 & 2 and HDFC Capital
include a trading halt on account of the index- Affordable Real Estate Funds – 1 & 2 have
based market-wide circuit breaker. created a US$3.1 billion funding platform, rated
Timeline for the necessary communications: as one of the world’s largest private finance
Communication of such outages by exchanges platforms focused on developing affordable
to be made within 15 mins to all market housing.
participants. The company's primary investor in H-CARE 3
According to the SEBI’s circular, if the affected Schemes 1 & 2 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of
stock exchange resumes to normalcy at least the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA).
one hour (excluding 15 minutes of the pre- H-CARE 3 will provide long-term, flexible
opening session, if applicable) before the funding across the lifecycle of affordable and
normally scheduled market closure then trading mid-income housing projects including early-
hours on that day will remain unchanged. stage funding.
Besides, the exchange will have to inform Sebi It will also invest in technology companies
through a dedicated email. (construction technology, fin-tech, sustainability
tech, etc) engaged in the affordable housing
230. As per recent news, HDFC Capital ecosystem.
achieves $___________-mn initial close for
scheme 2 of HDFC Capital Affordable Real 231. To provide instant online ‘In Principle’
Estate Fund – 3 (H-CARE 3)? approval of up to ₹1 crore which bank recently
A.$176-mn launched a Micro Small & Medium Enterprise
B.$276-mn (MSME) online portal?
C.$376-mn A.South Indian Bank
D.$476-mn B.Federal Bank
E.$576-mn C.ICICI Bank
HDFC Capital, a subsidiary of HDFC Ltd has E.AXIS BANK
achieved the initial close of $376 million for Answer: A
Scheme 2 of HDFC Capital Affordable Real The South Indian Bank (SIB) launched a Micro
Estate Fund – 3 (H-CARE 3) to provide long- Small & Medium Enterprise (MSME) online
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portal providing instant online ‘In Principle’ consumer price index, rose an annual 5. 7% in
approval of up to ₹1 crore. December, slower than the 5. 9% in November.
MSME enterprises are the most important pillars Retail inflation in December 2021 was at 5. 7%
of the Indian economy and the govt. is also too.
working towards making the sector stronger. The data showed food inflation in December
This development is against the backdrop of the was 4. 2%, lower than the 4. 7% in November.
central government considering making India a 5 Rural inflation was higher at 6. 1%, while urban
trillion economy was at 5. 4%.
SIB is facilitating MSME’s to get instant funds. This is the second consecutive month when
This initiative will help thousands of micro and retail inflation has remained below the 6% mark
small businesses to take quick disbursals. which may provide some headroom for the RBI
About South Indian Bank (SIB): to pause its rate-hiking cycle.
Founded: 1928 Vegetable prices fell 15. 1% while oils & fats,
Headquarters: Thrissur, Kerala, India which had emerged as a major pain point in the
MD & CEO: Murali Ramakrishnan past, rose 0. 5% in December after supply
Tagline: Experience Next-Generation Banking chains improved.
The manufacturing sector rose a robust 6. 1% in
232. As per recent data released by National November, higher than the 0. 3 in the year-ago
Statistical Office (NSO), Inflation cools to a one- month.
year low of ___________% in December
A.1.7% 233. Who among the following has re cently
B.2.7% been appointed as the interim chairman of
C.3.7% India’s biggest dairy brand Amul?
D.4.7% A.R S Sodhi
E.5.7% B.Jayen Mehta
Answer: E C.Dharan Singh
Retail inflation moderated to a one-year low in D.Himayun Chopra
December led by food prices, while industrial E.Venkatesh Subbazrav
output growth rebounded to a 5 -month high in Answer: B
November due to a base effect and robust R S Sodhi, managing director (MD) of Gujarat
expansion across sectors including Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation
manufacturing. (GCMMF), the owner of India’s biggest dairy
Data released by the National Statistical Office brand Amul, has stepped down from his post.
(NSO) showed inflation, as measured by the
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Currently, she is the Vice-Captain of the India Principal Secretary Shri Shukla said that these
Women’s National Cricket Team. MoUs have been executed to boost cooperation
Smriti Mandhana’s performance on the field in the development of the Tourism sector of the
made her the first Indian women cricketer to be State, and promotion, and publicity of tourist
recognized as the ICC Women’s ODI Cricketer places
of the Year in 2018.
She won BCCI’s MA Chidambaram Trophy for 237. Ashleigh Gardner of Australia and Harry
best woman cricketer for the year 2013-14. Brook of which country has won the ICC Players
of The Month Award For December?
236. Which among the following state Tourism A.Australia
Board signs MoUs with chapters of eight B.England
countries of the Global Organisation of People of C.South Africa
Indian Origin (GOPIO)? D.West Indies
A.UttarPradesh E.Ireland
B.Karnataka Answer: B
C.Madhya Pradesh Australia allrounder A shleigh Gardner and
D.Himachal Pradesh England’s Harry Brook have won the ICC Player
E.Odisha of the Month Awards for December following
Answer: C their sparkling show at the international level.
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board signed MoUs While Gardner produced an excellent all-around
with chapters of eight countries of the Global show during a bilateral T20I series against India,
Organisation of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO) Brook continued his rise with an eye-catching
at the MP Tourism Pavilion of Brilliant show in the Pakistan Test series.
Convention Centre in Indore at the 17th Pravasi Gardner scored 115 runs at an impressive strike
Bhartiya Divas Convention. rate of 166.66 and also took seven wickets
These MoUs were signed with France Metropole during a 4-1 T20I series win over India.
Paris, Mauritius, Reunion Island, Martinique, Sri The allrounder saved her best for the fifth and
Lanka, GOPIO International, Malaysia, and final contest as she struck an unbeaten 66
Mauritius. before taking two wickets in a 54-run win.
The MoUs were signed by Principal Secretary On the other hand, Brook had a remarkable
Tourism and Culture and Managing Director series in Pakistan as he peeled off three
Tourism Board Shri Sheo Shekhar Shukla on centuries in as many Tests to help England
behalf of the Tourism Board and presidents of complete a historic 3-0 clean sweep.
eight countries of GOPIO.
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The rising England star started the tour in autobiography highlights his life, knowledge, and
Rawalpindi in emphatic fashion, hitting 19 fours dedication.
and five sixes on his way to a blistering 153 in
the first innings and then followed that with a 239. The book "Roller Coaster: An Affair with
quickfire 87. Banking" was written by Tamal Bandyopadhyay.
In Multan, he scored 108 and 111 in Karachi. This book was published by which among the
following publication?
238. Who among the following has released the A.Jaico Publishing House
autobiography of Techno-educationalist, B.Speaking Tiger
Professor K.K. Abdul Gaffar’s autobiography, C.Juggernaut books
‘Njaan Sakshi’ (me as the witness)? D.Rupa Publications
A.Kapil Dev E.Simon & Schuster
B.Ravi Shastri Answer: A
C.Sunil Gavaskar Tamal Bandyopadhyay, a veteran journalist, has
D.Sachin Tendulkar published "Roller Coaster: An Affair with
E.MS Dhoni Banking" through Jaico Publishing House.
Answer: E The book gets into the stories and insights of the
Techno-educationalist, Professor K.K. Abdul Indian banking business as seen by a writer who
Gaffar’s autobiography, ‘Njaan Sakshi’ (me as has covered the industry for over 25 years.
the witness), was released by cricket legend Tamal has seen the industry and its main
Mahendra Singh Dhoni at a grand function players grow from a rookie reporter to an editor,
organised in Kasaragod a columnist, and now an author.
Iconic cricketer M.S.Dhoni said that he has "Roller Coaster" is not only about India's
always been a big fan of teachers, as he commercial and central bankers' victories and
released the autobiography of techno- struggles, but also about their personalities,
educationalist, Prof K. K. Abdul Gaffar's 'Njaan leadership styles, and how they have created
Sakshi'(me as the witness) that reveals many the culture and ideals of the Indian banking
interesting details. sector.
Marwan Al Mullah, the CEO of Dubai health
authority (DHA), received the first copy from 240. How many digits code is MICR Code?
Dhoni. A.7
Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, in a B.8
video message said that Prof Gaffar's C.9
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Digital Skills have become necessary to thrive in Goyal will also announce the results of the
the post-Covid world. Understanding the National Startup Awards 2022.
significance of digital skills in today’s era, MeitY The National Startup Awards 2022 invited
is re-launching Skill India through Pradhan applications across 17 sectors, fur, and 7 special
Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) 4.0. categories.
Scope of Online gaming industry: The sectors included Agriculture, Animal
India has one of the largest markets for the Husbandry, Construction, Drinking Water,
gaming business, the Boston Consulting Group Education & Skill Development, Energy,
(BCG) and Sequoia India report suggests that Enterprise Technology, Environment, Fintech,
the Indian mobile gaming industry will be worth Food Processing, Health & Wellness, Media and
$5 Billion in 2025. entertainment, Industry 4.0, Security, Space,
But the other side of the coin is the presence of Transport, and Travel.
violent and unregulated content in online games. The National Startup Awards 2020 and 2021
have recognized 367 startups as winners and
244. Which among the following Union Mi nister finalists.
has recently launched the MAARG portal
(Mentorship, Advisory, Assistance, Resilience, 245. Union Labour Minister Bhupendra Yadav
and Growth) for startup mentorship? inaugurated the Regional Office of Employees
A.Shri Amit Shah Provident Fund Organization in which State or
B.Shri Rajnath Singh Union Territory?
C.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan A.Ladakh
D.Shri Manoj Joshi B.Andhra Pradesh
E.Shri Piyush Goyal C.Rajasthan
Answer: E D.Goa
Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal E.Jammu and Kashmir
will launch the MAARG platform (Mentorship, Answer: C
Advisory, Assistance, Resilience, and Growth), Union Labour Minister Bhupendra Yadav
which would facilitate mentorship between inaugurated the Regional Office of Employees
startups and entrepreneurs across sectors, Provident Fund Organization in Alwar,
stages, and functions. Rajasthan.
The matchmaking phase of the portal, which will With the opening of this regional office, more
be launched on the occasion, will allow startups than 2 lakh members and 8500 pensioners
to connect with mentors and discuss their working in about 12000 establishments of Alwar
mentorship needs
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and neighbouring districts of Bharatpur and India will launch the Global South Science and
Dhaulpur will be benefitted. Technology Initiative to share its expertise in
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Yadav areas such as space technology and nuclear
appreciated the important role played by EPFO energy, and establish the Global South Center
in providing social security to workers in the last of Excellence for research on developing
70 years. solutions that can be scaled up and
EPFO is the custodian of the hard-earned implemented around the world.
money of more than 6.4 crore members and India will establish a global south centre - Centre
their families who benefit from this fund in times of Excellence.
of distress and it is a big responsibility of this This institution will research development
organization. solutions or best practices of any of our
Regional Office, Jaipur is divided into two countries which can be scaled & implemented in
Regional Offices, namely Regional Office Jaipur other members of the global south
and Regional Office Alwar, in managing large PM Modi also suggested a Global South Young
offices of EPFO. Diplomats Forum that will help connect youthful
officers to Foreign Ministries.
246. To provide essential medical supplies to
any developing country PM Modi announces 247. India and which among the following
______________ project country recently signedan agreement on
A.Aarogya Mitra cooperation in the training of diplomats?
B.Soubhagya Mitra A.Cuba
C.Soubhagya Maitri B.Panama
D.Aarogya Maitri C.Guatemala
E.Pragasa Mitra D.Paraguay
Answer: D E.Costa Rica
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a Answer: B
new ‘Aarogya Maitri’ project under which India India and Panama signed the Memorandum of
will provide essential medical supplies to any Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation
developing country affected by natural disasters for the training of diplomats.
or humanitarian crisis India’s External Affairs Minister Dr.
Under this project, India will provide essential Subrahmanyam Jaishankar and Panama's
medical supplies to any developing country Foreign Minister Janaina Tewaney Mencomo
affected by natural disasters or humanitarian signed the MoU during the 17th Pravasi Bhartiya
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Divas (PBD) Convention 2023 in Indore, The YPS is part of the Memorandum of
Madhya Pradesh (MP). Understanding (MoU) on the Migration and
About the 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Mobility Partnership between the two
Convention: governments which was signed on May 4, 2021.
The 17th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas Convention is PM Shri Narendra Modi and UK PM Mr. Rishi
being organized in partnership with the Madhya Sunak announced the launch of the Young
Pradesh Government from 08-10 January 2023 Professional Scheme at the G20 Summit in Bali,
in Indore, MP Indonesia.
The theme of this PBD Convention is "Diaspora: The scheme will allow graduates aged 18 to 30
Reliable partners for India’s progress in Amrit to stay in the other country for up to 2 -years
Kaal”. without needing to have a job in hand.
The scheme allows for exchange visas for up to
248. To formalize the Young Professional 3,000 individuals per year
Scheme, India has signed an MoU with which
among the following country? 249. Shared school bus system & agriculture
A.United States response vehicle scheme was recently launched
B.Australia by which state Chief Minister?
C.United Kingdom A.Jharkhand
D.Switzerland B.Madhya Pradesh
E.France C.Assam
Answer: C D.Arunachal Pradesh
India and the United Kingdom (UK) signed and E.Meghalaya
exchanged letters of the UK-India Young Answer: E
Professional Scheme (YPS) at an e vent in Meghalaya Chief Minister (CM) Shri Conrad
London, UK. Sangma launched the 30 shared school bus
High Commissioner of India to the UK, Vikram K system & prime tourism vehicles and agriculture
Doraiswami, and Matthew Rycroft, the response vehicle scheme in Shillong city,
permanent secretary at the Home Office of the Meghalaya.
UK signed the event. About the shared school bus system:
It is for the first time that the UK has done such The buses will help to minimize traffic
an agreement with a visa-national country like congestion in Shillong, Meghalaya.
India. The buses are part of the Sustainable Transport
About the Scheme: and Efficient Mobility Society (STEMS) program
The MoU was signed by the Principal Secretary of retail life insurance products from Bajaj Allianz
of Tourism and Culture and Managing Director Life Insurance, including term, savings,
of the Tourism Board Sheo Shekhar Shukla and retirement, and investment choices.
presidents of eight countries of GOPIO. PSB is the 25th Schedule Commercial Bank to
The objective of the MoUs: collaborate with BALIC to distribute its life goals-
To promote cooperation in the development of based product suite.
the tourism sector of the state and to promote The life insurer will work closely with the bank to
tourism destinations. enable customers to get seamless service and
It also seeks to strengthen, promote and help them achieve their long-term financial goals
develop cooperation in research, promotion, and in a planned manner.
tourism development. This includes responding to customer support
requests made via WhatsApp or a self-service
252. Which Life Insurance and Punjab & Sind tool like the Bajaj Allianz Life LifeAssist App, in
Bank have recently entered into a strategic addition to the well-trained bank employees
partnership to develop their Customer servicing the life insurance division.
A.Aditya Birla Sun Life Insurance 253. Securities and Exchange Board of India
B.Aviva Life Insurance Company (SEBI) allows AIFs to Participate in Credit
C.Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Default Swap Transactions. What does "A"
D.Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company stand for in AIF?
E.Tata AIA Life Insurance Company A.Alternative
Answer: C B.Asian
Leading public sector bank Punjab & Sind Bank C.Agreement
(PSB) and Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company D.Automated
(BALIC) has announced their Corporate Agency E.Association
Partnership. Answer: A
Mr. Swarup Kumar Saha, MD & CEO, of Punjab The Securities and Exchange Board of India
& Sind Bank, and Mr. Tarun Chugh, MD & CEO, (SEBI) has allowed Alternative Investment
of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, signed the Funds to participate in credit default swaps
partnership agreement in New Delhi, Delhi, (CDS) to protect buyers and sellers.
India. The new norms will facilitate the deepening of
About the Partnership: the domestic corporate bond segment & allow
The collaboration would allow new and existing business entities to hedge risks associated with
clients of Punjab & Sind Bank to access a range the bonds market.
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the markets for dollar and sustainability bond guidelines/instructions issued by the concerned
issuances in 2023. regulatory departments of the Reserve Bank of
About Exim Bank: India (RBI) from time to time.
Established: 1982 All the necessary Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra Combating of Financing of Terrorism (CFT)
MD: Ms. Harsha Bangari checks and compliance validation/account level
validations as per the extant rules applicable
256. As per recent news, National Payments under the regulatory guidelines shall be the
Corporation of India (NPCI) allows ________ responsibility of the remitter/beneficiary banks.
transactions for non-resident accounts linked to
international numbers 257. As per the report released by PwC India,
A.Unified Payments Interface Startup Funding in India Drops ___________% to
B.NPCI International Payments Limited $24 Billion in 2022
C.Immediate Payment Service A.31%
D.National Electronic Funds Transfer B.32%
E.Real Time Gross Settlement C.33%
Answer: A D.34%
The National Payments Corporation of India E.35%
(NPCI) has allowed Unified Payments Interface Answer: C
(UPI) transactions for non-resident bank According to the PwC India report, titled ‘Startup
accounts linked to International mobile numbers Tracker-CY 22’, the funding for India’s startups
of 10 countries. dropped by 33% to $24 billion in 2022 in
The non-resident bank accounts are Non- contrast to the earlier year.
Residential External (NRE) & Non-Resident Key Highlights:
Ordinary (NRO). As per the report, the startups received more
To start with, NRIs from Singapore, Australia, than twice the funds raised in 2020 and 2019.
Canada, Hong Kong, Oman, Qatar, USA, Saudi The startups received a total funding of USD
Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United 13.2 billion in 2019, USD 10.9 billion in 2020,
Kingdom (UK), can make transactions using the and USD 35.2 billion in 2021.
UPI platform. In value terms, early-stage deals contributed to
Key Highlights: approximately 12% of the total funding in 2022
Member banks to ensure such types of accounts compared to nearly 7% in 2021.
are only allowed as per the extant FEMA
regulations and adherence to the
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Growth and late-stage funding deals, in value He started his career at Aditya Birla Group
terms, accounted for 88% of the funding activity before joining Tommy Hilfiger and then heading
in 2022. retail at Reliance Brands.
The average ticket size in the growth-stage He has served as the chief executive at Tata
deals was $43 million and in late-stage deals CLiQ till October 2022.
was $94 million in 2022.
The software-as-a-service (SaaS) segment 259. James Webb Telescope Discovers its 1st
accounted for nearly 25% of all funding activity; Exoplanet. This James Webb Telescope
it saw an increase of 20% in funding values belongs to which space Agency?
during 2022 as compared to 2021. A.SpaceX
B.Indian Space Research Organisation
258. Which among the following Social Media C.National Aeronautics and Space
Giant appoints Mr. Vikas Purohit as Director of Administration
Global Business Group India? D.The European Space Agency
A.Meta E.China National Space Administration
B.Twitter Answer: C
C.Snapchat The National Aeronautics and Space
D.Youtube Administration’s(NASA) James Webb Space
E.Koo Telescope (JWST) has captured its first-ever
Answer: A exoplanet, formally classified as LHS 475 b, the
Facebook-parent Meta has appointed Mr. Vikas planet is almost the same size as our earth
Purohit as Director of its Global Business Group clocking in at 99% of Earth's diameter."
in India. About the Research Team:
He will lead the strategy and delivery of the The research team is led by Kevin Stevenson
charter that is focused on the country's largest and Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, both from the Johns
advertisers and agency partners. Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Mr. Purohit will report to Arun Srinivas, Director in Laurel, Maryland, United States (US).
and Head of Ads Business for Meta in India. The team’s results were presented at a press
About Mr Vikas Purohit: conference of the American Astronomical
Mr. Purohit comes with more than 20 years of Society (AAS).
experience in senior business, sales, and The team chose to observe this target with
marketing roles at companies such as Tata Webb after carefully reviewing targets of interest
CLiQ, Amazon, Reliance Brands, Aditya Birla from NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey
Group, and Tommy Hilfiger.
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‘Greats of Tennis in this Era’, such as Roger At the time of becoming the fifth-highest run-
Federer, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, Serena scorer, Virat had 12,652 runs in 268 ODIs at an
Williams, Ashleigh Barty, and other tennis average of 57.78, with 45 tons and 65 half-
legends while also highlighting the rise of a new centuries. His best score in the format is 183.
young crop of tennis stars vying to leave their He overtook Jayawardene, who has scored
mark on the tournament in their path for 12,650 runs in 448 matches, 418 innings at an
greatness themselves. average of 33.37.
266. What is the name of the ATM that non- systematic transfer plans (STPs), to the actively
banking companies set up and run their own managed ELSS scheme.
ATMs, under a pact with a sponsor bank and a Besides, AMCs will provide an option to
network provider? investors to redeem their units without exit load
A.White Label ATM subject to lock-in requirements.
B.Brown Label ATM After completion 3 years from the date of
C.Green Label ATM stopping inflows in the actively managed ELSS
D.Platinum Label ATM scheme, the scheme will be merged with the
E.None of these passively managed ELSS scheme and the
Answer: A investments would be managed through the
White Label ATM is issued by non-banking passively managed scheme.
companies to set up and run their own The investments under the ELSS scheme have
a 3-year lock-in period, which is the shortest
267. Securities and Exchange Board of India lock-in period as compared to other tax-efficient
(SEBI) allows which among the following to products.
switch from active to passive Equity-Linked Furthermore, investors can also get a tax
Savings Schemes (ELSS) scheme? deduction of up to Rs 1.5 lakh per financial year
A.Mutual fund under Section 80C of the IT Act.
C.Bonds 268. Google Doodle honours India’s ‘Pocket
D.Exchange Traded Funds Dynamo’ Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav on his
E.Fixed deposits ____________ birth anniversary
Answer: A A.96thbirth anniversary
Capital markets regulator Securities and B.97thbirth anniversary
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has allowed C.98thbirth anniversary
mutual funds with active Equity-Linked Savings D.99thbirth anniversary
Schemes (ELSS) to launch passive schemes, a E.100thbirth anniversary
move that will provide a cost-effective and tax- Answer: B
saving alternative to individual investors. Google has celebrated the 97th birth
Key Highlights: anniversary of legendary Indian wrestler
Under the procedure, the fund house will have to Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav, also known as
stop all fresh inflows or subscriptions, including Pocket Dynamo, with a doodle.
systematic investment plans (SIPs) and
The celebrated wrestler became independent 270. As per recent report, India’s forex reserves
India’s first athlete to clinch an Olympic medal at declined by USD 1.268 billion, falling to USD
the 1952 Summer Olympics held in Helsinki. _______ billion for the week ended January 6
The tribute on Google’s home page shows two A.USD 561.583
sketches of the legendary wrestler. In one, B.USD 661.583
Jadhav can be seen in a tactical position, while C.USD 761.583
the other shows him wearing an Indian jersey. D.USD 861.583
About Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav: E.USD 961.583
According to Google Doodle’s blog, the wrestler Answer: A
was born today in Maharashtra’s Goleshwar India's forex reserves declined by USD 1.268
village in 1926. billion to USD 561.583 billion for the week ended
He inherited his athleticism from his father, who January 6, the Reserve Bank said on Friday
was also a wrestler and one of his village’s best
and started training with him. 271. The person who signs a cheque to his or
Following this, Jadhav shined at multiple her bank ordering to pay the face amount of the
competitions held at state and national levels. check is called _____________.
269. Who among the following was named as B.Drawee
the president of the COP28 climate conference C.Payee
which is going to take part in Dubai, UAE? D.Both B and C
A.Michał Kurtyka E.Defaulter
B.Carolina Schmidt Answer: A
C.Alok Kumar Sharma The person who signs a cheque to his or her
D.Sultan al-Jaber bank ordering to pay the face amount of the
E.Shoukry bemoans check is called a Drawer.
Answer: D
Sultan al-Jaber is also the Gulf state's special 272. SPIC MACAY, Culture Ministry collaborate
envoy for climate change. The head of the for ‘Music in the Park’ series under the name of
United Arab Emirates' national oil company was _____________
named Thursday as president of this year's A.Shruti Amrut
COP28 climate talks, prompting fierce criticism B.Rita Ganguly
from environmental activists. C.Shubha Mudgal
D.Usha Mangeshkar
E.Amruta Fadnavis
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There are over one lakh 44 thousand Udyam- Mr. Irfaan Ali also requested Prime Minister Shri
verified women micro, small enterprises (MSE) Narendra Modi’s presence at the Conference of
registered at present, known as “Womaniya”. Heads of Government of the Caribbean
They are registered as sellers and service Community (CARICOM) in February 2023 to
providers on the GeM portal and have fulfilled present India’s vision on agriculture and food
over 14.76 lakh orders amounting to over 21 security.
thousand crore rupees in Gross Merchandise Key Highlights:
Value. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
The event was held by GeM in partnership with at its 75th session in March 2021 declared 2023
the Self-Employed Women’s Association, the International Year of Millets (IYM).
Bharat, and attended by women entrepreneurs The IYM 2023 is an opportunity to raise
and participants from stakeholder organizations awareness of, and direct policy attention to the
and associations. nutritional and health benefits of millets and their
The “Womaniya” initiative was launched in 2019. suitability for cultivation under adverse and
changing climatic conditions.
277. Which among the following country has
recently offered 200 acres of land for the 278. As per recent news, Uttarakhand State
exclusive production of millet? Governor approves Bill granting _________%
A.Bolivia women's reservation in government jobs
B.Uruguay A.22%
C.Guyana B.24%
D.Suriname C.26%
E.Ghana D.28%
Answer: C E.30%
President of the Cooperative Republic of Answer: E
Guyana Mr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali offered 200 Uttarakhand Governor Lt Gen Gurmit Singh
acres of land in Guyana to India for cultivation (retd) has approved a bill to grant 30%
and production of millets for the private sector reservation for women in government jobs.
after the United Nations (UN) declared 2023 as Uttarakhand Public Services (Horizontal
the International Year of Millet (IYOM). Reservation for Women) Bill, 2022 was passed
The offer was made by Mr. Irfaan Ali to Union by the Uttarakhand assembly on November 29,
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shri 2022, & now the bill has become an Act.
Narendra Singh Tomar, who called on the The bill seeks to provide 30% reservation to
visiting foreign dignitary in New Delhi. women in government jobs to ensure social
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spraying of fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides, In November 2022 it was recorded to be 4.67%.
with the help of drones. In the December 2022 Monetary Policy
About the Partnership: Committee (MPC) meeting, the Reserve Bank of
The partnership is for the Agri Infrastructure India (RBI) retained its inflation forecast of 6.7%
Fund (AIF) Scheme & Capital Subsidy under for FY23.
submission on Agriculture Mechanization In Dec 2022, MPC raised interest rates by 35
(SMAM). basis points to 6.25% to tame inflation.
It will be useful for lead generation, customer The consumer price index (CPI)-based inflation
acquisition, sourcing of applications, and due has remained below RBI's upper tolerance band
diligence of customers for credit deployment. of 6% for the second consecutive month.
The bank has launched the Union Kisan
Pushpak Scheme for financing Kisan drones to 282. Which bank recently launches e-Bank
help farmers in improving their crop yield and Guarantee (e-BG) facility in association with
enhance their income. National e-Governance Services Limited (NeSL)
to enhance transparency?
281. As per the Finance Ministry report, India's A.State Bank of India
retail inflation shrinks to __________% for B.Punjab National Bank
December 2022? C.Bank of Baroda
A.1.72% D.Canara Bank
B.2.72% E.Union Bank of India
C.3.72% Answer: A
D.4.72% State Bank of India (SBI), the country’s largest
E.5.72% lender, has launched an e-Bank Guarantee (e-
Answer: E BG) facility in association with National e -
India's retail inflation eased to 5.72% in Governance Services Limited (NeSL).
December 2022 primarily on the back of a The introduction of e-BG will replace this
decline in food prices. function with e-stamping and e-signature.
Retail inflation stood at 5.88% in November Aim:
2022. To enhance transparency and reduce
Key Highlights: turnaround time from days to minutes.
Food prices account for nearly 40% of India’s Key Highlights:
CPI (Consumer Price Index). NeSL’s Digital Document Execution (DDE)
Food inflation for December 2022 eased to platform, which provides e-Stamp and e-Sign
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functions, will facilitate the e-Bank Guarantee In November 2022 the Japanese SoftBank
process. Group sold 29 million shares of Paytm, or a
Beneficiaries will instantly receive an e-Bank 4.5% stake, worth about $200 million through a
Guarantee on NeSL’s platform without further block deal.
verification. SoftBank had a 17.5% stake in Paytm as of
This facility will bring about a revolutionary Sept. 30, 2022.
change in the banking ecosystem, where bank
guarantee is frequently used in large volumes. 284. Which International Organisation has
Currently, the bank issues these guarantees recently released Global Risks Report that
with physical stamping and wet signatures. Unveils Top Risks World is facing?
A.World Bank
283. China's Alibaba Group recently sells B.United Nations Environment Programme
___________ stake worth $125 million via block C.United Nations Development Programme
deal D.World Economic Forum
A.BharatPe E.World Health Organization
B.Paytm Answer: D
C.PhonePe The World Economic Forum taking place in
D.Free Charge Davos, Switzerland released the 18th edition of
E.PayPal the Global Risk Report 2023 based on the 2022-
Answer: B 2023 Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS)
China's Alibaba Group has sold about a 3% that reveals the cost-of-living crisis, food supply
stake in One97 Communications, the parent crisis, energy supply crisis, rising inflation, and
entity of leading Indian mobile payments and cyberattacks on critical infrastructure are the
financial services company Paytm, for ₹1,031 major risks, the world is witnessing currently.
crores through a block deal. Apart from the five top risks, the report
According to block deal data on the NSE, mentioned other issues as well that have the sold 19.2 million shares at ₹536.95 potential to impact the world on large scale
apiece. including the weaponization of economic policy,
While Morgan Stanley Asia bought 5.5 million weakening of human rights, NetZero targets,
shares, Ghisallo Master Fund acquired 4.98 failure of non-food supply chains, and a debt
million shares. crisis.
Formally known as One97 Communications, According to the report, the participants of the
Paytm was listed in 2021 after a mega $2.5 survey see the way 2025 will be dominated by a
billion initial public offer (IPO).
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social and environmental risk that is driven by Shah Rukh Khan is the only Indian on the list.
underlying geopolitical and economic trends. SRK, apart from acting, has a sports business,
The WEF Global Risks Report ranked the ‘cost his VFX company, and a host of other business
of living crisis’ in first place among all the global ventures.
risks based on its severity over the short term. Top Gun star Tom Cruise follows SRK on the list
As per the respondents of GRPS, the Cost of with $620 million.
living is the most severe global risk which was The only other non-American, apart from SRK,
already there but due to the advent of the on this list is Jackie Chan with $520 million.
pandemic, the crisis of cost of living escalated. George Clooney and Robert De Niro end the list
This risk further shoots up as a consequence of with $500 million.
the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
286. The Ministry of Environment, Forest and
285. As per the report from World of Statistics, Climate Change (MoEF) puts which plant on the
who becomes the only Indian to beat Tom list of protected plants under the Wildlife
Cruise, Jackie Chan, and others on the world's (Protection) Act, 1972?
richest actor list? A.Strobilanthes
A.Akshay Kumar B.Neelakurinji
B.Amitabh Bachchan C.Rafflesia
C.Shah Rukh Khan D.Agave americana
D.Ajay Devgn E.Nilgirianthus
E.Aamir Khan Answer: B
Answer: C The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate
Shah Rukh Khan is the only Indian on the list of Change (MoEF) has listed Neelakurinji (
the world's richest actors. Tom Cruise and Strobilanthes kunthiana) Under Schedule III of
Jackie Chan are on the list, while Jerry Seinfeld the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, it is included
occupied the numero uno position. in the list of protected plants.
As per a recent list released by the World of This action is intended to safeguard the plant
Statistics, Shah Rukh Khan is the third richest from being damaged or uprooted, which has
actor in the world with a net worth of $770 become a major hazard to flowering areas.
million. The new ordinance also imposes severe
The list is led by Seinfeld star Jerry Seinfeld and penalties on anyone found guilty of destroying or
Tyler Perry with $1 billion. uprooting the plant.
They are followed by Dwayne Johnson, with Those uprooting or destroying the plant will be
$800 million. fined Rs 25,000 and imprisoned for three years.
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As per the order, cultivation and possession of He also serves on the Board of Governors of the
Neelakurinji are not permitted. New York Academy of Sciences and the Board
Forest officials said Neelakurinji has been of Directors of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
included in the list after the Center expanded the Mr. Kumar currently serves on the board of
earlier protected list of six plant species to 19. directors of TransUnion.
287. Which Tech Giant has recently appointed 288. Which Country names oil giant ADNOC’s
ex-Infosys president Mr. Ravi Kumar as Chief chief Mr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber as COP28
Executive Officer (CEO)? climate conference president?
A.Tata Consultancy Services A.Iran
B.Wipro B.Iraq
C.Accenture C.Oman
D.Cognizant D.UAE
E.Tech Mahindra E.Saudi Arabia
Answer: D Answer: D
Nasdaq-listed Cognizant Technology Solutions The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has named Mr.
has appointed Mr. Ravi Kumar S as Chief Sultan al-Jaber, Cabinet Member and Minister of
Executive Officer (CEO) and a member of the Industry and Advanced Technology of the UAE,
Board, effective immediately. & Managing Director and Group Chief Executive
Mr. Kumar succeeds Mr. Brian Humphries in Officer (CEO) of the Abu Dhabi National Oil
both roles. Company (ADNOC Group) as President of the
To facilitate a smooth transition, Mr. Humphries COP28 climate summit.
will remain with the company as a special Mr. Jaber, also UAE’s minister of industry and
advisor until March 15, 2023. technology and its climate envoy, will help
About Mr. Ravi Kumar S: develop the COP28 agenda and play a central
Mr. Kumar worked as a scientist with the role in intergovernmental negotiations to build
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. consensus.
He joins Cognizant after a 20-year career at The summit will be held from 30th November
Infosys, where he held various leadership roles, and 12th December 2023 in Dubai, UAE.
most recently serving as President from January Note:
2016 through October 2022. The UAE is the first country in the region to ratify
He has overseen Infosys business operations in the Paris Agreement and has committed to
India, Latin America, Japan, and China. reaching net zero emissions by 2050.
The COP28 conference will be the first global Before joining Shriram AMC, Mr. Jain headed
stocktake since the landmark Paris Agreement Product, Platforms, and Digibank at DBS Bank
in 2015. India's Consumer Business Group in Mumbai.
The UAE, a major OPEC oil exporter, will be the At KPMG, Jain advised clients in the UK and
second Arab state to host the climate Europe on eBusiness strategy and process re-
conference after Egypt hosted the United engineering.
Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change’s (UNFCCC) 27th Conference of the 290. Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ship ‘Kamla
Parties (COP 27) in 2022. Devi’, the Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV) Series
commissioned by which Shipbuilders?
289. Who among the following has recently A.Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai
appointed as the Managing Director (MD) and B.Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shriram Asset C.Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers,
Management Company? Kolkata
A.Suresh Krishna D.Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Visakhapatnam
B.Mahesh Varma E.Goa Shipyard Limited
C.Prakash Chawla Answer: C
D.Kartik Jain Indian Coast Guard (ICG) ship ‘Kamla Devi’, the
E.Dharan Sriram Fast Patrol Vessel (FPV) designed, built, and
Answer: D delivered by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and
The Board of Shriram Asset Management Engineers (GRSE) Ltd, Kolkata to the Indian
Company, which is part of the Shriram Group, Coast Guard was commissioned.
approved the appointment of Mr. Kartik Jain as As per the specifications of the ICG, ICGS
the company’s new Managing Director (MD) and Kamla Devi is officially the 5th and last vessel of
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), subject to the series of FPVs designed and built by GRSE.
regulatory and shareholder approvals. Director General of the ICG, V.S. Pathania,
His appointment will re-orient the brand’s commissioned the ship.
customer strategy and enhance operational Note:
efficiency The ICG ship Kamla Devi was named after
About Mr.Kartik Jain: Kamladevi Chattopadhyay, a well-known Indian
He also served as CMO at HDFC Bank and led social reformer and independence activist.
marketing and eChannel at ICICI Lombard
General Insurance. 291. Which among the following country has
recently launched the World’s First Agri-Focused
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Satellite that will Generate Revenue Of $108 This data will support growers in reducing
million? carbon dioxide emissions and help them to
A.Brazil develop sustainable agricultural methods.
C.South Africa 292. Who won the Women’s singles titles in
D.China Malaysia Open Super 1000 held in Kuala
E.United States Lumpur?
Answer: C A.Tai Tzu-ying
The Chairperson of the South African Council for B.Nozomi Okuhara
Space Affairs, Pontsho Maruping announced C.Chen Yufei
that the successful launch of the world’s first D.Akane Yamaguchi
agri-focused satellite called AgriSAT-1 /ZA 008 E.An Se-young
is expected to generate over USD 100 million in Answer: D
revenue for South Africa. Akane Yamaguchi and Viktor Axelsen won the
About AgriSAT-1 /ZA 008: Malaysia Open Super 1000 women’s and men’s
Dragonfly Aerospace launched the satellite, on a singles titles in Kuala Lumpur.
Space X Falcon 9 rocket. Yamaguchi won her maiden Super Series
It is the world’s first agriculture-focused satellite Premier title at the China Open in 2017.
constellation providing the agriculture and Yamaguchi, after dropping the first game 12-21,
forestry industry with high-quality data to support bounced back to win the tightly fought second
efficient and sustainable practices. game 21-19 before sealing the contest 21-11 in
The satellite is the first of a 7-satellite the third.
constellation in low Earth orbit for customer The men’s singles final saw a repeat of last
EOSDA (EOS Data Analytics). month’s World Tour Finals.
The remaining 6 satellites of the constellation Axelsen, the regaining Olympic and world
will be deployed over the next 3 years. champion, won the Malaysia Open title in
Images obtained from Dragonfly’s satellite will straight games, beating Japanese youngster
deliver valuable information for harvest Kodai Naraoka in 40 minutes.
monitoring, application mapping, seasonal This was Axelsen’s ninth Super Series Premier
planning, and assessments that analyze title and third Malaysia Open crown.
information such as soil moisture, yield Chen Qingchen-Jia Yifan, the world no. 1 pairing
prediction, and biomass levels. in women’s doubles, blew away South Korea’s
Baek Hana-Lee Yulim 21-16, 21-10 in 52
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In mixed doubles, the world no. 1 pairing of 294. Which Football Club Team beats Real
Zheng Siwei-Huang Yaqiong, carrying on their Madrid 3-1 to win the Spanish Super Cup 2023?
last season’s dominating display, claimed the A.Chelsea
season’s first Super Series Premier title. B.Manchester City
C.Paris Saint
293. Which among the following Broadcaster D.Liverpool
has bagged the Women's IPL five-year media E.Barcelona
rights for Rs 951 cr? Answer: E
A.Viacom 18 Barcelona won the Spanish Super Cup for the
B.Voot first time since the competition was revamped
C.Network 18 and moved to Saudi Arabia with a 3 -1 victory
D.Zee Entertainment over Real Madrid.
E.Sony Ten Robert Lewandowski, Gavi, and Pedri scored a
Answer: A goal each at King Fahd Stadium in Riyadh to
Reliance-backed Viacom18 has secured the give Barcelona its first Super Cup trophy since
Women’s Indian Premier League (WIPL) media 2018 — and its 14th overall — and the first since
rights for five years (2023-27) at an auction. the tournament began being played in a Final
Viacom18 had committed ~951 crores for five Four format in 2020 in a lucrative deal for the
years, translating into a per-match value of Rs Spanish soccer federation.
7.09 crore. It was also Barcelona’s first title since former
There will be a total of 134 matches in the five- player Xavi took over as the team’s coach in
team WIPL over five years, with 22 matches 2021, and since Lionel Messi left for Paris Saint-
each in the first three years. Germain.
The number could touch 34 matches each in the Barcelona had not lifted a trophy since the 2021
final two years. Copa del Rey under former coach Ronald
BCCI is anticipating growth in WIPL over the Koeman.
next few years, said executives at the cricketing That was Messi’s 35th and final title with
body. Barcelona before leaving amid the club’s
While BCCI was eyeing Rs 1,100-1,250 crore financial struggles.
from the sale of media rights for WIPL for five Madrid beat Barcelona 3-1 at home in the first
years, observed media experts, what has come “El Clásico” of the season at the Santiago
in is 14-24 percent lower in terms of total bid Bernabéu Stadium in the Spanish league in
value (Rs 951 crore). October.
The stupas, carved from stone, depict Buddha All banks were notified by the Indian Banks’
figures. Association last month about the discontinuation
These two votive stupas (offered in fulfilment of of the Padho Pardesh Interest Subsidy Scheme
a vow) were discovered by the ASI officials from 2022-23.
during landscaping near Sarai Tila mound within The scheme so far was being implemented
the premises of 'Nalanda Mahavihara'. through Canara Bank, the designated nodal
Beginning in the 7th century CE in India, small bank.
miniature terracotta stupas became popular as The existing beneficiaries as on March 31, 2022,
votive offerings. will continue to receive the interest subsidy
Devout pilgrims visiting various holy sites and during the moratorium period of the loan, subject
temples throughout Asia would either purchase to compliance with the extant guidelines,
small votive offerings or make their own according to the Association’s communication to
The Nalanda Mahavihara site comprises the Banks.
archaeological remains of a monastic and The reason why the scheme has been
scholastic institution dating from the 3rd century discontinued could not be ascertained.
BCE to the 13th century CE.
It includes stupas, shrines, viharas (residential 299. National Council for Education Research
and educational buildings) and important and Training (NCERT) notifies India’s first
artworks in stucco, stone and metal. national assessment regulator named
298. Recently Padho Pardesh scheme has been A.BHARATH
discontinued. This Scheme comes under which B.SUGUNA
among the following Ministry? C.SUBAM
A.Ministry of Education D.PRAKASH
B.Minister of Minority Affairs E.PARAKH
C.Ministry of Labour and Employment Answer: E
D.Ministry of Women and Child Development The National Council for Education Research
E.Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Training (NCERT) has notified India’s first
Answer: B national assessment regulator, PARAKH, which
The Ministry of Minority Affairs (MoMA) has will work on setting norms, standards and
discontinued the scheme of interest subsidy on guidelines for student assessment and
education loans for overseas studies for evaluation for all recognised school boards in
students belonging to minority communities the country.
(Padho Pardesh).
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The regulator aims to set up assessment The public sector bank, which has had a long
guidelines for all boards to help remove presence in the South Asian island nation, is
disparities in scores of students enrolled with expected to activate the special Vostro accounts
different state boards. in about a week.
PARAKH has been launched as part of the About the Vostro account:
implementation of the National Education Policy A Vostro account in local currency would allow
(NEP)-2020 which envisaged a standard-setting Sri Lanka to import from India without dipping
body to advise school boards regarding new into its declining dollar supply.
assessment patterns and the latest research, The INR Vostro facility is part of the special
and promote collaborations between them. trade settlement mechanism finalised by the RBI
The Centre will also manage India’s participation in July 2022.
in international assessments such as the The Vostro accounts would also help Sri Lanka
Programme for International Student to utilise the rupee lines extended by India.
Assessment (PISA), Trends in International It would contribute towards stabilising the
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Lankan economy.
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
(PIRLS), stated the expression of interest issued 301. NueGo, an electric intercity coach services
by NCERT last September. brand Forms Strategic Partnership with which
Fintech Service Provider for online bus ticket
300. As per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) booking?
approval, Which Public Sector Bank holds A.Paytm
special Rupee Vostro accounts of 3 Sri Lanka B.PhonePe
banks? C.Google Pay
A.Union Bank of India D.Razorpay
B.Canara Bank E.AmazonPay
C.Indian Bank Answer: A
D.Indian Overseas Bank India’s first premium electric intercity coach
E.Bank Of India services brand, NueGo, has partnered with
Answer: C Paytm, India’s leading payments and financial
Indian Bank has received the Reserve Bank of services company and the pioneer of QR and
India (RBI) regulatory approval to hold special mobile payments, launching a convenient bus
rupee Vostro accounts of 3 banks from Sri ticket booking facility for its customers.
Lanka. About the Partnership:
This partnership would allow commuters to Through this association, TSSPDCL customers
digitally reserve the seat of their choice in all can now pay their electricity bills on Amazon
NueGo buses across India, providing a using Amazon Pay without any convenience fee
seamless digital booking experience. and experience secure and seamless
Paytm will enable commuters to book tickets transactions without the hassle of standing in
without being physically present inside the bus billing queues.
or at the ticket counter, making the travel The customers also can earn cash backs on
experience even more seamless. their first bill payment and exciting rewards on
About NueGo: their future bill payments.
NueGo, the flagship inter-city electric mobility After filing the necessary details, customers can
coach brand of GreenCell Mobility is currently choose their preferred payment modes such as
playing across India primarily on the Bhopal- UPI, Amazon Pay Later, Credit Cards, Debit
Indore, Delhi-Chandigarh and Delhi-Jaipur Cards, Amazon Pay Balance, or Net-banking to
routes. instantly complete the transaction.
302. Telangana Southern State Power 303. VTB, the second-largest bank of which
Distribution Company Limited (TSSPDCL) and among the following country launches direct
which Fintech service company joins hands to payments in Rupees?
simplify electricity bill payments for customers? A.America
A.MobiKwik B.Australia
B.AmazonPay C.UAE
C.PayPal D.Japan
D.PhonePe E.Russia
E.Paytm Answer: E
Answer: B VTB - Russia's second-largest bank has
Amazon Pay announced an association with launched a mechanism to receive direct
Telangana Southern State Power Distribution payments in Rupees discarding the conventional
Company Limited (TSSPDCL) to simplify mechanism involving Dollars and Euros, in a
electricity bill payments for TSSPDCL major boost to the India-Russia trade.
customers. With this, Russian SMEs (Small and Medium
With this association, Amazon aims to make Enterprises) will now be able to transact in INR,
electricity bill payments instant, convenient, and thus simplifying the payments while dealing with
rewarding for millions of customers. their Indian trading partners.
About the Association:
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The other former foreign shareholders in the The trade deficit widened to $23.76 billion,
project – Japan’s Sodeco consortium and ONGC against $21.06 billion in November last year but
Videsh – were asked to apply to the Russian was still lower than the all-time high of $29
government to regain their shareholdings in the billion in September.
OVL acquired a 20% stake in the project in July 307. India's fiscal deficit for FY23 is estimated at
2001. Rs 17.5 lakh crore, FY24 Rs 17.95 lakh crore.
This data is released by which among the
306. As per the report released by Finance following report?
Ministry, India’s exports drop __________ % in A.Reserve Bank of India
December, trade deficit inches up B.State Bank of India
A.12.2% C.Finance Ministry
B.22.2% D.Securities and Exchange Board of India
C.32.2% E.National Institution for Transforming India
D.42.2% Answer: B
E.52.2% The upcoming Indian budget for 2023-24 will be
Answer: A a challenging one for the government to follow
India’s merchandise exports contracted 12.2 per the roadmap for fiscal consolidation amidst a
cent year-on-year (YoY) in December to $34.48 global environment of declining inflation, a top
billion as slowing external demand amid economist of the State Bank of India in a report.
recession fears in developed economies For India, this could make things difficult to set a
continued to weigh on outbound shipments, the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) number
data released by the commerce and industry significantly higher than 10 per cent, with a
ministry showed. deflator of about 3.5 per cent.
Still in the first nine months of the current But this could also mean a higher GDP growth
financial year, exports grew nearly 9 per cent. than anticipated at about 6.2 per cent.
The latest decline in the value of outbound The fiscal deficit of the Indian government for
shipments can also be attributed to the statistical FY23 will be about Rs.17.5 lakh crore.
effect of a high base because December 2021 According to Dr. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, Group
witnessed the second-highest monthly exports in Chief Economic Adviser, SBI, for FY23, total
the previous financial year at $39.3 billion. receipts of the Government would be higher
Imports last month also contracted 3.46 per cent than the budget estimates (BE) by around Rs
to $58.24 billion, amid falling commodity prices. 2.3 lakh crore, on account of higher direct tax
receipts (about Rs 2.2 lakh crore), higher GST
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receipts (Rs 95,000 crore) but lower dividends Besides, the Bureau recommended Union Bank
(about Rs 40,000 crore), lower fuel tax net of of India ED Rajneesh Karnataka for the position
cess (Rs 30,000 crore) and lower disinvestment of MD & CEO in Bank of India.
receipts (about Rs 15000-20,000 crore). The Bureau in November 2022 suggested the
According to the report, the government can name of K Satyanarayana Raju for the position
give a hard push to Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana of MD and CEO of Canara Bank.
(SSY), by encouraging fresh registrations in a FSIB is headed by former secretary of, the
mission-drive mode, allowing one-time Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT),
registrations for all leftover cases up to 12 years. Bhanu Pratap Sharma.
309. Which among the following Drone Startup
308. Government extends the tenure of Mr firm has recently developed India’s first 5G-
Sanjiv Chadha for about 5 months till 30 June, enabled drone named Skyhawk?
2023. He is the MD and CEO of which bank? A.Matrixgeo Drones
A.Bank of Maharastra B.GarudaUAV Drones
B.Union Bank of India C.Squadrone
C.Canara Bank D.IG Drones
D.Indian Bank E.Vimana Drones
E.Bank of Baroda Answer: D
Answer: E Startup firm IG Drones, which was born out of
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet the Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology
(ACC) has approved the proposal of the (VSSUT) campus in Odisha's Sambalpur has
Department of Financial Services for extending developed a 5G-enabled drone named Skyhawk
the term of managing director (MD) and Chief that is capable of vertical take-off and landing.
Executive Officer (CEO) of Bank of Baroda Mr About the drone:
Sanjiv Chadha for about 5 months till 30 June, The drone can be used in defence and medical
2023. applications.
Meanwhile, the Financial Services Institutions The drone can carry a 10 kg payload and has an
Bureau (FSIB), the headhunter for directors of endurance of around 5 hours.
state-owned banks and financial institutions, As it’s a VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing), it
recommended the elevation of Executive can be operated from any terrain without the
Director (ED) Mr Debadatta Chand as managing need for a conventional runway.
director of Bank of Baroda. It is equipped with capabilities like artificial
intelligence and thermal imaging.
It is also capable of operating through satellites The past 9 years have been the warmest since
in case an internet link is not available. modern record-keeping began in 1880.
The drone is IP67 rated and can be controlled According to NASA, this means Earth in 2022
through a combination of NavIC + GPS was about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (about 1.11
navigational satellites which remain connected degrees Celsius) warmer than the late 19th-
in the upper range of 50 to 60 in case of failsafe century average.
activation. The drone can travel 100 km in 12 to NASA scientists, as well as international
15 minutes at its maximum speed. scientists, determined carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions were the highest on record in 2022.
310. As per the recent report released by the The reason for the warming trend is that human
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, activities continue to pump enormous amounts
2022 will be the __________ Warmest Year on of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and
Record as Warming Trend Continues the long-term planetary impacts will also
A.2nd continue.
C.4th 311. Tech Mahindra &which among the following
D.5th Tech Giant join hands to bring Cloud-powered
E.6th 5G Core Network Modernisation to Telecom
Answer: D Partners?
According to an analysis released by the US A.IBM
National Aeronautics and Space Administration B.Google
(NASA), the earth's average surface C.Microsoft
temperature in 2022 tied with 2015 as the fifth D.Deloitte
warmest year on record. E.Larsen and Toubro Infotech
Key Highlights: Answer: C
According to scientists from the Goddard A leading provider of digital transformation,
Institute for Space Studies (GISS), NASA's consulting, and business re-engineering
leading centre for climate modelling, Continuing services and solutions, Tech Mahindra and
the planet's long-term warming trend, global Microsoft, have announced a strategic
temperatures in 2022 were 1.6 degrees collaboration to enable cloud-powered 5G core
Fahrenheit (0.89 degrees Celsius) above the network modernization for telecom operators
average for NASA's baseline period (1951- globally.
1980). Key Highlights:
The 5G core network transformation will help Director of Federal Bank, at a special event held
telecom operators to develop 5G core use cases as part of the Kerala Literature Festival.
and meet their customers’ growing technological Nandakumar V, Executive Vice President &
(Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Head – Branch Banking and Regi CV,
IoT (Internet of Things), and edge computing) Kozhikode Zonal Head, Federal Bank handed
requirements. over the prize money. Writer M Mukundan
It will further enable us to modernise, optimise, presided over the function.
and secure business operations and develop ‘Oranweshananthinte Katha’ was chosen by the
green networks with reduced costs and a faster judging panel comprising writer and literary critic
time to market. KC Narayanan, Sunil P Ilayidom and PK
As a part of the collaboration, Tech Mahindra Rajashekharan.
will provide its talent expertise, comprehensive 10 works were shortlisted for the award.
solutions, and managed services offerings Judging panel member P K Rajashekaran
like “Network Cloudification as a Service” and commented that the essence of the book
AIOps to telecom operators for their 5G Core brought back the memory of the most intense
networks. political timeline in the modern history of Kerala.
The partnership is in line with Tech Mahindra’s This is the first-ever literary award constituted by
NXT.NOWTM framework, which aims to the Federal Bank.
enhance the ‘Human Centric Experience.
313. Which among the following film has
312. Which writer has recently received the recently bagged the Golden Kailasha award in
Federal Bank Literary Award 2023 for his book Ajanta-Ellora film festival?
Oranweshananthinte Katha? A.Fouji ki family 2
A.K Venu B.Naanera
B.Anand Kumar C.Chidi Balla
C.Bala Shivam D.Aata Sata
D.Praveen Kishore E.Chehraa
E.Yuvraj Rathor Answer: B
Answer: A Naanera, a Rajasthani film directed by
Noted writer K Venu was conferred with Federal Deepankar Prakash, bagged the Golden
Bank Literary Award 2022 for his autobiography Kailasha award for the best movie at the Ajanta-
‘Oranweshananthinte Katha. Ellora film festival.
Venu received the award from Balagopal Naanera (Grandfather’s House) revolves around
Chandrasekhar, Chairman and Independent Manish.
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Naanera also bagged awards for best director, 315. Prince William's Godfather has passed
best screenplay, best editor away. He was the Last King of Constantine II of
The best picture award, announced by which country?
FIPRESCI India jury N Vidyashakar, included a A.Türkiye
trophy and a cash prize of Rs one lakh, B.Italy
Kannada film Koli Esru (chicken curry), won C.Germany
awards for best child artist (Apeksha Chorna D.Poland
Halli) and best actress for Akshatha E.Greece
Pandavapura. Answer: E
The film revolves around a young mother in the Godfather to Prince William & Last King of
village who goes out of her way to fulfil her Greece Constantine II Passed away at the age
daughter’s wish to eat chicken curry. of 82.
About Constantine II:
314. Santokh Singh Chaudhary passed away. Constantine was born in Athens on June 2,
He belongs to which field? 1940.
A.Doctor When Constantine was an infant, the royal
B.Writer family fled Greece during the German invasion
C.Politician of World War II, moving to Alexandria (Egypt),
D.Cricketer South Africa.
E.Hockey Player Constantine II, the 2nd cousin of Britain’s King
Answer: C Charles III, is the only son of King Paul and
Congress Member of Parliament (MP) from Queen Frederica of Greece.
Jalandhar, Punjab Santokh Singh Chaudhary, At the 1960 Rome Olympics, he participated in
Passed away at the age of 76 while taking part sailing and won a gold medal in the Dragon
in the Bharat Jodo Yatra. class along with 2 other Greek sailors.
About Santokh Singh Chaudhary: He married Princess Anne¬Marie of Denmark in
He was a former Cabinet Minister of Punjab and 1964.
a member of parliament from Jalandhar (Lok
Sabha constituency). 316. AD Damodaran passed away, He was
He won the 2014 Indian general election and the renowned___________
2019 Indian general election being an Indian A.Musician
National Congress (INC) candidate. B.Scientist
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The Khel Mahakumbh organizes various undersea cable connecting India to the UAE
competitions in both indoor and outdoor sports under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s “One
like wrestling, kabaddi, kho kho, basketball, Sun, One World, One Grid” initiative.
football, hockey, volleyball, handball, chess, The Union Minister of Power and New and
carrom, badminton, table tennis, etc. Renewable Energy Shri RK Singh and UAE’s
Apart from these, competitions in essay writing, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure Mr. Suhail
painting, rangoli making, etc are also organized Al Mazrouei signed the agreement during a
during the Khel Mahakumbh. meeting to discuss opportunities for cooperation
Observing that the year 2023 has been declared in the field of power and renewable energy.
the International Year of Millets, the Prime Key Highlights:
Minister noted the huge role that millets can play India has undertaken the goal of becoming net
in the nutrition of the players. zero by 2070 and is working on its way to
Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Yogi fulfilling other commitments underlined under the
Adityanath, and Member of Parliament, Shri Paris Climate Agreement.
Harish Dwivedi were present on the occasion India is also moving towards the Mission
among others. announced by Prime Minister Modi and the UN
The first phase of the Khel Mahakumbh was Secretary-General in October 2022 called
organized from 10th to 16th December 2022 and Mission LiFE – Lifestyle for Environment.
the second phase of the Khel Mahakumbh is Mr. RK Singh will be in charge of the 13th
scheduled from 18th to 28th January 2023. Assembly of the International Renewable
Energy Agency (IRENA).
319. India and which among the following Gulf
Country Signed Agreement on Green Hydrogen 320. NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd (NTPC REL)
Development and Undersea Cable recently signs MoU with which state government
Connectivity? for collaboration in Renewable Energy
A.United Arab Emirates Development?
B.Saudi Arabia A.Manipur
C.Oman B.Nagaland
D.Iran C.Assam
E.Iraq D.Tripura
Answer: A E.Meghalaya
India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have Answer: D
reached an agreement to collaborate on green The NTPC Renewable Energy Ltd (NTPC REL)
hydrogen development and the laying of an signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
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with the Government of Tripura for the being satisfied that no cases of Lumpy Skin
Development of Floating and Ground Mounted Disease (LSD) have been reported from any
based Renewable Energy Projects in Tripura. district of Union Territory of J&K.
The MoU was signed by Shri Rajiv Gupta, Chief About Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak in India:
General Manager, NTPC REL, and Shri Lumpy Skin disease is a contagious viral
Mahananda Debbarma, Director General and disease that spreads among cattle through
CEO, of Tripura Renewable Energy mosquitoes, flies, lice, and wasps by direct
Development Agency (TREDA) in New Delhi. contact.
This MoU embarks upon the journey towards the The Lumpy Skin Disease Outbreak in India
development of large-sized Renewable Energy started in Gujarat and Rajasthan and in 3
Projects in the State of Tripura and shall help months cattle in 15 states across India were
Govt of Tripura in meeting its Clean Energy affected.
Commitments and obligations. The Lumpy virus mostly affected cows,
buffaloes, and deer.
321. Government declares Jammu and Kashmir
(J&K) as ___________ for purposes of 322. Small Industries Development Bank of
Prevention and Control of Infectious and India (SIDBI) partners with VFS Capital to
Contagious Diseases in Animals Act, 2009 extend MSME loans up to Rs 5 lakh at
A.Animal Area __________% per annum
B.Infected Area A.11%
C.Diseased Area B.12%
D.Preventive Area C.13%
E.Free Area D.14%
Answer: E E.15%
Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Government has Answer: C
declared the whole Union Territory (UT) as a The Small Industries Development Bank of India
“Free Area” for purposes of the Prevention and (SIDBI) has entered into a partnership with VFS
Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases Capital to extend loans to the Micro Small &
in Animals Act, 2009. Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector.
The declaration has been made in the exercise VFS Capital will extend MSME loans up to Rs 5
of powers conferred by sub-section (5) of lakh at a 13% interest rate per annum.
section 6 of the Prevention and Control of Key Highlights:
Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals Under the scheme, VFS Capital expects to
(PCICDA) Act, 2009, after the Government on disburse Rs 30-40 crore in this financial year.
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The loan book of the MFI during 2022-23 is second slot to be ranked the world’s second
expected to be around Rs 1,100-1,200 crore most valuable brand.
from Rs 805 crore in the last financial year. This year’s fall in brand value relates to a fall in
VFS Capital is planning to expand its footprint in forecast revenue with supply chain disruptions
the north-western part by launching operations and a constrained labour market expected to
in Rajasthan by the end of January. limit the supply of its marquee hardware
At present, it operates in 13 states including products.
West Bengal, Assam, and Tripura
VFS Capital also plans to add 35 new branches 324. Which Group has signed an agreement to
this financial year, bringing the number of units deploy a hydrogen-powered truck with Ashok
nationwide to 270. Leyland, India, and Ballard Power, Canada?
A.Adani Group
323. As per Brand Finance’s report “Global 500 B.Tata Group
2023”, which company ranked the world's most C.Reliance Group
valued brand? D.JSW Group
A.Apple E.GMR Group
B.Amazon Answer: A
C.Microsoft Adani Enterprises Limited (AEL) signed an
D.Google agreement to launch a pilot project to develop a
E.Instagram hydrogen fuel cell electric truck (FCET) for
Answer: B mining logistics and transportation with Ashok
Amazon has reclaimed the top spot as the Leyland, India, and Ballard Power, Canada.
world’s most valuable brand despite its brand The FCET is scheduled to be launched in India
value falling 15 percent this year from $350.3 in 2023.
billion to $299.3 billion. This collaboration marks Asia’s first planned
According to brand valuation consultancy Brand hydrogen-powered mining truck.
Finance’s report, “Global 500 2023”, while The demonstration project will be led by AEL, a
Amazon is back at No 1, its brand value has company focused on both mining operations and
fallen by over $50 billion this year, with its rating developing green hydrogen projects for
slipping from AAA+ to AAA. sourcing, transporting, and building out
This is because consumers evaluate it more hydrogen refueling infrastructure
harshly in the post-pandemic world. Ballard, an industry-leading PEM fuel cell engine
Apple (brand value down 16 percent to $297.5 manufacturer, will supply the FCmoveTM fuel
billion from $355.1 billion) has slipped to the cell engine for the hydrogen truck and Ashok
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Leyland, one of the largest manufacturers of It will incorporate the latest technologies in
buses in the world, will provide the vehicle cooling and security.
platform and technical support.
The hydrogen-powered mining truck will weigh 326. Which International Organisation has
55 tons, have three hydrogen tanks, a 200-km launched Giving to Amplify Earth A ction (GAEA)
working range, and be powered by Ballard’s 120 initiative to unlock $3 trillion a year for climate
kW PEM fuel cell technology. and nature?
A.World Economic Forum
325. Bharti Airtel to invest Rs ____________ B.United Nations Security Council
crore to set up hyperscale data center in C.World Health Organization
Hyderabad D.Food and Agriculture Organization
A.Rs 1,000 crore E.United Nations Environment Programme
B.Rs 2,000 crore Answer: A
C.Rs 3,000 crore The World Economic Forum launched the Giving
D.Rs 4,000 crore to Amplify Earth Action (GAEA) to help unlock
E.Rs 5,000 crore the USD 3 trillion of financing needed each year
Answer: B to reach net-zero, reverse nature loss and
Bharti Airtel Group has announced that it will be restore biodiversity by 2050.
investing Rs 2,000 crore for setting up a large The global initiative to fund and grow new and
hyper-scale data center. existing public, private, and philanthropic
The announcement was made at the Telangana partnerships (PPPPs) is supported by more than
Lounge in Davos, Switzerland in the presence of 45 partners, including HCL Technologies
Telangana Minister for IT and Industries K T through its chairperson Roshni Nadar Malhotra.
Rama Rao, Principal Secretary for Industries With the energy and cost of living crises, the
Jayesh Ranjan, and the Group's founder- ambition of steering the planet towards a 1.5-
chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal. degree Celsius warming pathway hangs in the
The Bharti Airtel Group, through its data center balance,
arm, Nxtra Data Centers, will invest the amount Meanwhile, the recent agreement at the UN
as capital investment for the infrastructure which Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15) in
will further attract investments from their Montreal to conserve 30 percent of all Earth and
customers. sea looks bold but fragile in the face of a rising
The facility will be a hyper-scale data center with biodiversity crisis.
a capacity of 60 megawatts (MW) of IT load for Individuals, academic institutions, companies,
the first phase. and public sector organizations supporting the
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initiative include Cambridge Institute for She was involved with many civil rights
Sustainability Leadership and HCLTech through organizations at various levels.
their chairperson Roshni Nadar Malhotra. In the USA, members of the Judicial Branch are
Philanthropic financing for climate mitigation has appointed by the President and confirmed by the
risen in recent years, but still represents less Senate.
than 2 percent of total philanthropic giving, Awards & Honors:
estimated at USD 810 billion in 2021. She was runner-up for Houston Young Lawyers
Association Most Outstanding Attorney in 2010
327. Indian-origin Manpreet Monica Singh was and the South Asian Bar Association
sworn in as the first female Sikh judge of which Distinguished Member Award Winner in 2017.
among the following country?
A.United States 328. Which of the following organisation has
B.United Kingdom invented the New Dust Control Technology to
C.UAE minimize and control the fugitive dust in mining
D.Australia areas?
E.Canada A.Coal India
Answer: A B.South Eastern Coalfields
Indian-origin Manpreet Monica Singh has been C.Central Coalfields
sworn in as a Harris county judge, becoming the D.Central Mine Planning and Design Institute
first female Sikh judge in the United States (US). E.Mahanadi Coalfields
Indian American Judge Ravi Sandill, the state's Answer: D
first South Asian judge of Texas, presided over Central Mine Planning and Design Institute
the ceremony, which took place in a packed Limited (CMPDIL), Ranchi (a consultancy
courtroom. subsidiary of Coal India Limited) has invented a
Judges and Justices serve no fixed term - they “System and Method for Controlling Generation
serve until their death, retirement, or conviction and Movement of Fugitive Dust” and obtained a
by the Senate. patent for the same in December 2022 (Patent
About Manpreet Monica Singh: No. 416055).
Manpreet Monica Singh was born and brought Aim:
up in Houston. To minimize and control the fugitive dust in
Her father immigrated to the US in the early mining areas.
1970s. Key Highlights:
She has been a trial lawyer for 20 years. The system can be used in mines, thermal
power plants, railway sidings, ports, and
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construction sites wherein coal or other RailTel has been selected through competitive
minerals/fugitive materials are stored under the bidding and it is the first smart city project
open sky. awarded by the Puducherry Government.
Apart from reducing dust generation from open The project includes Data Center Disaster
sources, it will also provide noise attenuation. Recovery (DC-DR), On Street Parking
The invention relates to the synchronized Management, an Intelligent Traffic Management
application of windbreak (WB) and vertical System, the Creation of online/mobile based
greenery system (VGS) for reducing the platform to facilitate tourists and visitors, City
generation and dispersion of fugitive dust. level application and Smart Dashboard, Smart
Kiosks, Smart Poles with CCTV, Wi-Fi, Air
329. As per the recent news, RailTel Quality Monitoring, Digital Billboard, etc
Corporation of India Ltd bags ₹170 cr Work
order for the Puducherry smart city project? 330. Women Cricketer Geovanis Uwase
A.₹ 130 Crore suspended for illegal bowling action. She
B.₹ 150Crore belongs to which country?
C.₹ 170Crore A.Rwanda
D.₹ 190Crore B.Uganda
E.₹ 210Crore C.Burundi
Answer: C D.Zimbabwe
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd, a Mini Ratna E.Kenya
Public Sector Unit (PSU) under the Ministry of Answer: A
Railways has received a work order from the Geovanis Uwase, the Rwanda fast bowler, has
Department of Revenue and Disaster been suspended from bowling in international
Management, Government of Puducherry for cricket with immediate effect after her action was
design, develop, supply, install, test, commission found illegal at Under-19 Women's T20 World
and Operations and Maintenance (O & M) for 5 Cup.
years of Integrated Command Control Centre The decision was taken by the Event Panel,
(ICCC) and other associated activities for which comprises members of the ICC Panel of
Puducherry Smart City. Human Movement Specialists.
The estimated total value of the work order is Rs Uwase was reported by the match officials
170.11 crore (including goods and services tax), during Rwanda's match against Pakistan, with
and the project will be completed in 10 months. footage captured during their match against
Key Highlights: Zimbabwe on January 17 shared with the Event
Panel for review.
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In two games in the tournament so far, Uwase clinched the Test championship mace with a
has one wicket from six overs at an economy series win in England in 2012.
rate of 3. He retired from international cricket after the
According to the ICC regulations, a bowling 2019 Cricket World Cup and did not play in
action is deemed illegal if a bowler's elbow South African domestic cricket after the 2018/19
extension exceeds 15 degrees, measured from season.
the point at which the bowling arm reaches the But he continued to be a prolific run-scorer for
horizontal until the point at which the ball is Surrey, scoring 1,712 runs at an average of
released. 48.91 in his last two seasons.
Any elbow hyperextension is discounted to Amla is currently a batting consultant with the MI
determine an illegal bowling action. Cape Town franchise in the SA20 league.
Uwase's suspension will remain in place until
Uwase undergoes a reassessment that confirms 332. Famous Personalty Mukarram Jah Bahadur
her elbow extension is within the permissible passed away. He was the last Nizam of
limit. ___________
A.New Delhi
331. All-time great Hashim Amla ends a long B.Jaipur
cricket career. Which country does he hail from? C.Raipur
A.England D.Hyderabad
B.New Zealand E.Patna
C.West Indies Answer: D
D.Australia The titular eighth Nizam of Hyderabad,
E.South Africa Mukarram Jah Bahadur passed away in Turkey
Answer: E at the age of 89.
Hashim Amla, who ended a 22-year playing He was the successor and grandson of the last
career, will be regarded as one of South Africa´s Nizam of Hyderabad Mir Osman Ali Khan
all-time cricketing greats. Bahadur.
English county Surrey announced that they had About Mukarram Jah Bahadur:
been informed by Amla, 39, that he would not be Mukarram Jah also known as Nawab Mir Barket
returning as a player this year after helping the Ali Khan Walashan Mukarram Jah Bahadur.
side to win the English county championship in He was born on Oct 06, 193 in Nice, France.
2022. His mother Durrushehvar was the only daughter
Amla was a key member of one of South of Abdul Majid, the last Caliph of Islam who was
Africa´s most powerful teams when they
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B.Punjab credit cards for its fixed deposit (FD) digitally for
C.Tripura customers.
D.Assam Features:
E.Uttarakhand Now the customers of the bank will be able to
Answer: B get RuPay or VISA Credit Cards digitally against
The Punjab government will launch its first major single or multiple FDs with a credit limit of 80%.
education project, ‘Schools of Eminence’ on 21st PNB credit card advantages over fixed deposits
January 2023 at the Indian School of Business (FD):
(ISB), Mohali. • No documents
About the Project: • No branch visit
Under the project, the Punjab government will • Zero joining costs
upgrade the existing government schools into • Instant virtual credit card issuing
the School of Eminence for the students of • Complete Insurance Protection (on the
classes 9 to 12. RuPay variant)
Under phase 1, the government plans to • UPI connection on RuPay Credit Card
upgrade nearly 110 government schools as Benefits
‘Schools of Eminence’. • Exciting rewards and promotions
The Punjab govt had set aside a fund of Rs 200
crore for this project. 341. To provide financial assistance which
This project is inspired by the Delhi model of the among the following Private Sector Bank
School of specialized excellence which conducts partners with Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)?
the admissions of Class 9 level. A.South Indian Bank
B.Federal Bank
340. Which among the following banks becomes C.ICICI Bank
First Public Sector Bank to launch Credit Cards D.HDFC BANK
for the fixed deposit (FD) digitally? E.IDFC FIRST Bank
A.Bank Of India Answer: A
B.Canara Bank South Indian Bank (SIB) and Steel Authority of
C.Union Bank of India India Ltd (SAIL) has signed a Memorandum of
D.Bank of Baroda Understanding (MoU) to provide financial
E.Punjab National Bank assistance to the dealers of S AIL across India.
Answer: E The MoU was exchanged between Praveen Joy
The Punjab National Bank (PNB) has become (Head-Transaction Banking Group) of South
India’s first public sector bank (PSB) to launch
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opportunity as the world struggles, with having stayed above the central bank's
increased geo-political pressures. tolerance band of 2%-6% for 10 months.
With the biggest talent pool, an accelerated The CAD had reached 4.4% of GDP in the July-
pace of economic reforms, breakthroughs in September quarter of the current fiscal year
energy transition, and rapid digital ending March, its worst since the June quarter of
transformation, the long-term growth trajectory is 2013.
positive. RBI said its model had pegged India's economic
India shows immense potential and is positioned growth at 4.5% for the October-December
to make a truly transformative impact on the quarter of 2022-23.
world stage
345. UNGA confirms Ms. Inger Andersen for a
344. Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) 2023 second term as UNEP Executive Director. She
monetary policy sets a target to guide inflation belongs to which country?
towards _____________% target by 2024 A.Norway
A.1% B.Sweden
B.2% C.Denmark
C.3% D.Italy
D.4% E.Spain
E.5% Answer: C
Answer: D The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
The Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) 2023 confirmed Ms. Inger Andersen of Denmark for a
monetary policy objective is to hold inflation second term as executive director of the United
within the mandated tolerance band and guide it Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
towards the medium-term target of 4% by 2024. She will serve as a UNEP executive director for
Recent data indicated "the first milestone of a second four-year term from June 2023 to June
monetary policy is being passed – bringing 2027.
inflation into the tolerance band", the RBI said. Andersen is currently serving her initial four-year
The objective during 2023 is to tether inflation term from 2019 to 2023.
therein so that it aligns with the target by 2024 – Key Highlights:
the second milestone Secretary-General Mr. Antonio Guterres sent a
Annual retail inflation rose 5.72% in December note to the 193 members of the General
versus 5.88% in the previous month, dipping Assembly on January 9, 2023, nominating
below 6% for a second straight month after Andersen for re-election.
Russia circulated a "draft decision" to the He had taken the charge as BSF DG on 31st
assembly later that would have required August 2021, making him the first father-son duo
Guterres "to present candidates for the position along with his father Prakash Singh to hold the
of executive director". BSF's top job.
The assembly defeated the Russian proposal by He had served with the Central Reserve Police
a vote of 13-77 with 62 abstentions. Force (CRPF) as Inspector General
It then held a secret ballot on Andersen's (Chhattisgarh) and IG (Operations) at CRPF HQ
nomination, approving her on a 136-0 vote with in Delhi.
31 abstentions.
347. Mr. Nick Walker was appointed as the new
346. Centre appoints whom as the deputy Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of which oil and
National Security Advisor (Dy NSA) for 2 years? gas exploration and production company?
A.Kumar Rathor A.Nayara Energy
B.Sanjah Singla B.Vedanta's Cairn Oil & Gas
C.Pankaj Kumar Singh C.Numaligarh Refinery Limited
D.Rajeev Singh Shukla D.Indraprastha Gas
E.Mahesh Pratap Singh E.Shell plc
Answer: C Answer: B
The center has appointed former director Vedanta’s Cairn Oil & Gas, India’s largest
general of the Border Security Force (BSF) private oil and gas exploration and production
Pankaj Kumar Singh as the deputy National company, has appointed Mr. Nick Walker as
Security Advisor (Dy NSA) in the National Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
Security Council Secretariat of India. He will be the 6th CEO of the company since
He has been appointed for the post on a re- mining billionaire Anil Agarwal-led group bought
employment contract, which is valid for 2 years. the company from Scottish explorer Cairn
The other deputy NSAs are Rajinder Khanna, Energy plc, now known as Capricorn Energy plc,
Dattatray Padsalgikar, and Vikram Misri. in 2011.
About Pankaj Kumar Singh: Cairn Oil & Gas is committed to increasing
Pankaj Kumar Singh is a 1988-batch IPS Officer India's domestic crude oil and gas production
of the Rajasthan cadre. with a vision to contribute 50% of India's
He was the 29th Director General of BSF. production and add reserves and resources.
He is the son of former Director General of About Nick Walker:
Border Security Force, Prakash Singh, who He has also worked in various companies like
served as the DG of BSF from 1993 to 1994. BP, Talisman Energy, and Africa Oil.
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He has over 30 years of diverse international the French Navy was conducted from March 30
experience in technical, commercial, and to April 03, 2022, in the Arabian Sea.
executive leadership roles.
Before this current post, Mr. Walker was 349. Which among the following minister has
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at launched the ‘Soul of Steel’ Alpine Challenge to
Lundin Energy, one of the leading European promote tourism in border areas?
independent E&P companies. A.Shri Amit Shah
B.Shri Dharmendra Pradhan
348. 21st edition of bilateral naval exercise C.Shri Piyush Goyal
'Varuna' - 2023 begins at the western seaboard D.Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia
between India and which country? E.Shri Rajnath Singh
A.Australia Answer: E
B.America The defence minister Shri Rajnath Singh
C.England introduced the “Soul of Steel" Alpine Challenge,
D.France to promote tourism in border areas.
E.Japan He launched a website for volunteers to sign up
Answer: D for various adventure activities under this joint
The 21st edition of the bilateral naval exercise initiative of the Indian Army and Centre for Land
between India and France commenced on the Warfare Studies (CLAW) Global, a veterans‘
western seaboard. organization.
Represents: As part of a joint expedition by the Indian Army
India is represented by the indigenous guided and CLAW, Road to the End, a 460-km long car
missile stealth destroyer Indian Naval Ship (INS) rally was also flagged off by Rajnath Singh.
Chennai, guided missile frigate INS Teg, The rally will reach its destination in the Garhwal
maritime patrol aircraft P-8I and Dornier, integral Himalayas near Niti Village in Chamoli district in
helicopters, and MiG29K fighter aircraft. the next 3 days.
The French Navy will be represented by the CLAW, a team of Indian Special Forces
aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle, frigates FS veterans with multiple specializations in
Forbin and Provence, support vessel FS Marne mountaineering, skydiving, SCUBA diving,
and maritime patrol aircraft Atlantique. unarmed combat, multi-terrain survival tech, and
The exercise would be conducted over 5 days emergency medical response will spearhead the
from 16 to 20 January 2023. challenge.
The 20th edition of the bilateral naval exercise
named 'Varuna' between the Indian Navy and
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Finance’s annual report on the world’s top CEOs Netherlands went past Australia’s record of most
for the year 2023. goals scored by a team in a single FIH Men’s
The Brand Guardianship Index 2023 saw the Hockey World Cup match
rise of Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang, and Mukesh In its final Pool C match, three-time winner
Ambani of Reliance to 1st and 2nd position, Netherlands scored its 13th goal in the 48th
respectively. minute against Chile at the Kalinga Stadium in
They both now rank above last year’s leader Bhubaneswar to go past Australia’s 12-0 win
Microsoft’s Satya Nadella, who now sits in the over South Africa during the 2010 edition.
3rd place. The Dutch side eventually won the match 14-0.
Ambani, who's also the Managing Director of The 14th and final Netherlands goal came two
RIL, is the longest-serving CEO in the ranking at minutes before the full-time hooter when captain
40 years. Brinkman scored from a Penalty Corner to
He is also the 9th richest person in the world, as complete his hat-trick.
per the Bloomberg Billionaire Index.
Nadella is followed by Adobe’s Shantanu 354. Social Worker Prabhaben Shah passes
Narayen (4th), Google’s Sundar Pichai (5th), away. She won the Padma Shri award in which
and Deloitte’s Punit Renjen (6th). year?
Similarly, Microsoft’s Satya Nadella (3rd) A.2018
continues to be central to Microsoft’s culture of B.2019
teamwork, innovation, and inclusivity says the C.2020
report. D.2021
353. As per sports news, Which Country breaks Answer: E
the record for most goals in a men’s Hockey A social worker from the Union Territory (UT) of
World Cup at the Kalinga Stadium in Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Daman, and Diu &
Bhubaneswar? Padma Shri awardee Prabhaben Shah passed
A.Netherland away at the age of 92 in Daman.
B.Australia About Prabhaben Shah:
C.Chile Prabhaben was born in 1930 in the Surat
D.Pakistan district’s Bardoli town and moved to Daman in
E.England 1963.
Answer: A Shah decided to be a social worker at the age of
359. Recently, Akshaya Big Campaign for Apart from the basic documents, other services
Document Digitisation (ABCD) campaign for such as income certificates, ownership
tribal people launched in which state? certificates, age certificates, and applications for
A.Andra Pradesh new pensions are also provided at the camps.
C.Kerala 360. Recently, The Ministry of Agriculture and
D.Tamilnadu Farmers Welfare (MoA&FW) approved an
E.Haryana "Apple Cluster" for Jammu and Kashmir's
Answer: C Shopian district under the _______Programme.
Kerala’s Wayanad becomes the first district in A.Cluster Development
the country to provide basic documents and B.Agri Development
facilities such as Aadhaar cards, ration cards, C.Fruit Development
birth/death certificates, election ID cards, bank D.Nature Development
accounts, and health insurance to all tribal E.None of the above
people. Answer: A
Key Highlights : The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
The Wayanad district administration has (MoA&FW) approved an "Apple Cluster" for
attained the creditable achievement by providing Jammu and Kashmir's Shopian district under the
1,42,563 services to as many as 64,670 tribal Cluster Development Programme.
beneficiaries as part of the Akshaya Big This was announced during a daylong
Campaign for Document Digitisation (ABCD) conference on the 'India Cold Chain Conclave'.
campaign. The Conclave was organized by the Ministry in
This includes ration cards to 15,796 families, conjunction with the Ph.D. Chamber of
Aadhar cards to 31,252, birth certificates to Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) & National
11,300, voters’ identity cards to 22,488, and Centre for Cold Chain Development (NCCD) in
digital locker facilities to 22,888 persons through New Delhi, Delhi.
the ABCD campaign. Key Highlights :
The drive was launched in November 2021 at The Shopian apple cluster envisages the
Thondernad grama panchayat. development of Shopian apple on 3 verticals
Aim of the campaign : including pre-production-production, post-
To ensure basic documents to all citizens harvest management, value addition and
belonging to the Scheduled Tribes (ST) logistics, marketing, and branding to make it
communities, the documents are digitized and globally competitive.
saved in DigiLocker accounts opened for them.
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for its contributions to advancing the goal of institution, thereby making it more attractive for
financial inclusion and supporting inclusive funding.
A.ESAFsmall finance bank 363. Recently in January 2023, A contract for
B.Equitas small finance bank the establishment of a Center for Maritime
C.Fincare small finance bank Economy and Connectivity was signed by the
D.AU small finance bank Research and Information System for
E.Capital small finance bank Developing Countries (RIS) and the _____
Answer: A Association
ESAF Small Finance Bank has bagged the A.Indian Ports Association
prestigious Inclusive Finance India Awards 2022 B.Indian Posts Association
for its contributions to advancing the goal of C.Indian People Association
financial inclusion and supporting inclusive D.Indian Politics Association
growth. E.None of the above
K.Paul Thomas, MD, and CEO, of ESAF Bank, Answer: A
received the award from AnanthaNageshwaran, An agreement was signed between the Indian
Chief Economic Advisor at the 19th Inclusive Ports Association (IPA) and Research and
Finance India Summit held in New Delhi. Information System for Developing Countries
The Inclusive Finance India Awards is an (RIS) for setting up a Centre for Maritime
initiative of ACCESS Development Services Economy and Connectivity.
constituted in 2009 in partnership with HSBC The Memorandum was signed in the presence
India. of the Union Minister for Ports, Shipping, and
This award is a recognition of ESAF’s unique Waterways SarbanandaSonowal.
spectrum of Financial Inclusion projects ESAF Sonowal stated that under the leadership of
Dhansree, ESAF Udyog Jyothi, LSEDP (Local Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India is
Sustainable Economic Development Project), witnessing great changes, particularly in the
ESAF Balajyothi, ESAF Vayojyothi, and ESAF infrastructure and policy areas.
Garshom. Further, Sanjeev Ranjan, Secretary at Ports,
The Inclusive Finance India Awards initiative Shipping and Waterways complimented the both
aims to celebrate and encourage deserving IPA and RIS teams for the effort put in for setting
institutions to continue to enhance outreach to up the center.
the poor by way of motivating management and
staff through recognition of their painstaking 364. According to a Brand Finance analysis,
efforts and enhancing the credibility of the Reliance Jio, owned by billionaire Mukesh
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Ambani, is the ______strongest brand globally 365. Who will be the Chief Executive Officer
and the strongest brand in India. (CEO) of Energy Efficiency Services (EESL),
A.Tenth assumed additional responsibility as CEO of
B.Eighth Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL)?
C.Sixth A.Virat Kapoor
D.Fifth B.Vaishnaw Kapoor
E.Ninth C.Vishal Kapoor
Answer: E D.Vithun Kapoor
Billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Jio is the E.Vairam Kapoor
strongest brand in India and ranked ninth among Answer: C
the world's strongest brands, according to a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Energy
report published by Brand Finance. Efficiency Services (EESL), Vishal Kapoor took
This makes 'Jio' ahead of brands like EY, Coca- over the additional
Cola, Accenture, and Porsche, and behind the charge of CEO of Convergence Energy Services
likes of Google, YouTube, Deloitte, and Limited (CESL).
Instagram. He Succeeds Mahua Acharya, who resigned
The report titled 'Global 500 - 2023' is published from the post on Dec 01, 2022.
annually and ranks the world's most valuable About Vishal Kapoor :
and strongest brands. Vishal Kapoor served as a joint secretary in the
With a Brand Strength Index of 90.2, Jio is the Ministry of Power (MoP), Government of India
only brand among the world's strongest 25 (GoI).
brands, according to the Brand Finance listing He joined EESL on November 2, 2022.
Brand Finance was in Davos to launch its Brand He led various government interventions,
Guardianship Index 2023 at an exclusive event schemes, and reforms in the power distribution
hosted in association with Deloitte during the sector.
World Economic Forum. He played an instrumental role in formulating the
Brand Finance announced the rankings of the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme for the
world's top 100 CEOs and host a panel Operational and Financial turnaround of
discussion alongside global leaders on the topic distribution utilities.
-- Building sustainability into the organizational
culture and brand strategy. 366. Recently, Sujeet Sharma has been
Brand Finance is headquartered in London. appointed as Vice President – of Active Network,
Commercial of Vodafone Idea. Before Vodafone
Idea, he served in ______.
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Tata Group recently won the ‘Supplier of the The 14-day long exercise engages both the
year award 2022 from Boeing, among more than contingents to advance special forces skills such
11,000 suppliers worldwide. as Sniping, Combat Free Fall, Reconnaissance,
Boeing India President: Salil Gupte Surveillance & Target Designation, and sharing
About TASL : of information on weapons, equipment,
Founded: 2007 innovations, tactics, techniques & procedures.
Headquarters: Hyderabad, Telangana, India Exercise “Cyclone - I” is the first exercise of its
MD &CEO :Sukaran Singh kind bringing the special forces of both nations
Chairman: Vijay Singh on a common platform.
The TASL is an Indian aerospace The participants would also undertake joint
manufacturing, military engineering, and planning and drills for Special Forces operations
defense technology company. in a mechanized warfare setting as well as
It is a joint venture between Tata Advanced surgical strikes on terrorist camps/hideouts to
Systems Limited (TASL) and aircraft include sniping of High-Value Targets.
manufacturer Boeing Company. Additional Info :
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will be
368. Recently, The first edition of army exercise the 1st Egyptian President and the 5th leader
“Exercise Cyclone-I” is being conducted at from the Middle East to grace the Republic Day
Jaisalmer in Rajasthan between the Indian army celebrations as the chief guest.
and ________army.
A.Egyptian 369. Recently, ______is an indigenous mobile
B.Albania operating system that was created by the
C.Algeria incubator company at the Indian Institute of
D.Croatia Technology Madras.
E.Ethiopia A.BharatOS
Answer: A B.BahaOS
The first edition of a joint exercise between the C.BharaOS
special forces of the Indian Army and the D.BharOS
Egyptian Army named “Exercise Cyclone-I” is E.None of the above
being conducted at Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. Answer: D
Aim : Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT
To boost the defense cooperation between India Madras)-the incubated firm has developed an
& Egypt. Indigenous Mobile Operating System named
About Cyclone - I :
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Kuldeep Yadav was also rewarded for his five In 1981 he was awarded the SahityaAkademi
wickets from just two matches against Sri Lanka, Award in Assamese for his poetry collection,
with the left-arm spinner moving up seven spots Kavita (Kobita).
to 21st in the latest rankings for bowlers. He was awarded the Padma Shri by the
Government of India in 1990 for Literature &
371. Recently, NilamaniPhookan, a renowned Education.
_____poet and Jnanpith winner, passed away on He received the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship,
January 2023. the highest literary honor in India, given by
A.Assamese Sahitya Akademi, India's National Academy of
B.Bengali Letters in 2002
C.Arabi Phookan has won the 56th Jnanpith Award,
D.Sanskrit India's highest literary award, for the year 2020.
E.Kannada He was the third Assamese poet, author, and
Answer: A writer after Birendra Kumar Bhattacharyya and
Renowned Assamese poet and Jnanpith winner MamoniRaisom Goswami to win the Jnanpith
NilamaniPhookan passed away at Guwahati, Award.
Assam at the age of 89.
About NilamaniPhookan : 372. Recently, R. Kaushik and R. Sridhar
Phookan was born in Dergaon in the Golaghat published the book "___________" offers an
district, of Assam. intimate peek at the Indian cricket team.
He started his career as a lecturer at Arya A.COACHING BEST MOMENTS: My Days with
Vidyapeeth College in Guwahati in 1964, where the Indian Cricket Team
he worked until his retirement in 1992. B.COACHING BELONGS: My Days with the
Notable Works : Indian Cricket Team
Surya Heno Nami AheEiNadiyedi ("The sun is C.COACHING BEHIND: My Days with the
said to come descending by this river"), 1963. Indian Cricket Team
Manas-pratima. Guwahati Book Stall, 1971. D.COACHING BEYOND: My Days with the
PhuliThakaSuryamukhiPhultorPhale ("Towards Indian Cricket Team
the Blooming Sunflower"), 1971. E.COACHING BEGINING: My Days with the
SilpakalarUpalabdhi Aru Ananda is one of his Indian Cricket Team
important books on art criticism. Answer: D
Awards &Honors : 'COACHING BEYOND: My Days with the Indian
Cricket Team,' published by R. Kaushik and R.
Sridhar,provides an inside look at the Indian 373. Recently, Rock singer David Crosby who
cricket team. was awarded the Grammy for Best New Artist of
The book focuses on R. Sridhar's seven-year 1969 for his debut album "I See You", passed
term as fielding coach for the Indian cricket away. Grammy Awards presents to recognize
team. achievements in the _____industry.
The book is anecdotal rather than technical, A.Music
presenting an insider's perspective of Indian B.Dancing
cricket's meteoric growth. C.Drama
The book details Virat Kohli's journey, Rishabh D.Mimicry
Pant's development, and the team's ascent to E.Magic
the number one Test position. Answer: A
ABOUT THIS BOOK United States (US) Rock singer, David
Coaching Beyond reflects primarily on R. Crosby passed away at the age of 81.
Sridhar’s seven-year coaching tenure with the About David Crosby :
Indian cricket team as its fielding coach. David Crosby was born on August 14, 1941, in
This book isn’t as technical as it is anecdotal. Los Angeles, California, U.S
It throws light, for instance, on how Virat Kohli He was an American singer, guitarist, and
overcame a dismal Test series in England in songwriter.
2014 to smash four hundred in as many He was the son of Oscar-winning Hollywood
matches in his next overseas outing, in cinematographer Floyd Crosby.
Australia. He was a founding member of both the Byrds
It also traces Rishabh Pant’s journey toward and Crosby, Stills & Nash
becoming the ferocious ball-striker and He was one of the most influential rock singers
outstanding gloveman he is today while delving of the 1960s and ’70s.
into the minds of players and the support staff to He was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of
analyze India’s progression toward the number 1 Fame with two different groups.
Test ranking. He was known for his intricate vocal harmonies,
Revelations of behind-the-scenes parleys jostle unorthodox open tunings on the guitar, and
with the then head coach Ravi Shastri’s incisive songwriting.
motivational skills in a riveting read that provides Awards &Honors :
an insider’s account of the rise and rise of Indian He was awarded the Grammy for Best New
cricket. Artist of 1969 for his debut album "I See You"
Grammy Award:
'BharOS'. BharOS provides 'NOTA’ updates that they may not be familiar with or that they may
can help keep devices secure. In this NOTA not trust.
stands for _______. BharOS provides 'Native Over The Air' (NOTA)
A.Native ObserveThe Air updates that can help keep devices secure.
B.National Over The Air NOTA updates are automatically downloaded
C.Native Over The Air and installed on the device without the user
D.Native Over The Aero needing to manually initiate the process.
E.None of the above
Answer: C 380. Where is the Bannerghatta National Park
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT located?
Madras)-the incubated firm has developed an A.Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Indigenous Mobile Operating System named B.Maharashtra
'BharOS' that can benefit India's 100 crore C.West Bengal
mobile phone users. D.Odisha
The BharOS was developed by JandK E.Karnataka
Operations Private Limited (JandKops), which Answer: E
has been incubated at IIT Madras Pravartak Bannerghatta National Park is a na tional park in
Technologies Foundation. India located near Bangalore, Karnataka.
The Foundation is funded by the Department of
Science and Technology (DST), Government of 381. Where is the headquarters of the Asian
India (GoI), under its National Mission on Infrastructure InvestmentBank (AIIB) located?
Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems A.Washington DC
(NMICPS). B.Brasília
About BharOS: C.Lisbon
The software can be installed on commercial off- D.Beijing
the-shelf handsets. E.Buenos Aires
It provides a secure environment for users and Answer: D
is a significant contribution towards 'Atmanirbhar The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Bharat. headquarter is located in Beijing, China.
It provides access to trusted apps from
organization-specific Private App Store Services 382. National Girl Child Day is observed on 24th
(PASS). January Every Year. It was first observed on
It comes with No Default Apps (NDA), which which among the following year?
means that users are not forced to use apps that A.2005
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The Internet Service Providers Association of when 6.9 million subscribers had enrolled for the
India (ISPAI) said that the government has pension scheme. A Pension Fund Regulatory &
ordered us to provide all the traffic which goes Development Authority (PFRDA) official said the
through the internet to their [Centralised] high enrolment was because of the automation
Monitoring System (CMS).“ done for easy onboarding of APY subscribers.
Mr. Bhushan was referring to a regulatory Aadhaar-enabled enrollment, paperless
submission that was obtained from the onboarding, and close working with other
Department of Telecommunications in stakeholders have enabled PFRDA to achieve
November 2022, where the ISPAI admitted that this number.
broadband providers “are mandated to connect PFRDA regularly holds consultations with public
their systems to the CMS facility”, and that “law sector banks (PSBs), the department of financial
enforcement agencies are provided the facility services, state-level bankers committees, and
for on-line and real-time monitoring of traffic.” lead district managers to review and improve the
implementation of APY across the country
385. As per the data released by the Finance
Ministry, Atal Pension Yojana logs ________ 386. To provide a modicum of consumption
million enrolments in a calendar year booster PM-KISAN handout to be raised to Rs
A.5 __________ from Rs 6,000 per year
B.10 A.8000 Rupees
C.15 B.10000 Rupees
D.18 C.12000 Rupees
E.20 D.14000 Rupees
Answer: B E.16000 Rupees
The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) targeted Answer: A
towards unorganized sector workers — saw the The Centre may enhance the income support to
highest-ever takers in 2022 with enrolments farmers under the PM-KISAN scheme to Rs.
rising 36 percent. 8,000 from Rs. 6,000/year, in the upcoming
The figure crossed 10 million for the first time in Budget as it seeks to provide a modicum of
a calendar year, data released by the finance consumption booster, despite the budgetary
ministry showed. focus on macroeconomic stability.
The number of enrolments in 2022 rose to 12.5 An increase of Rs. 2,000 per farmer would entail
million from 9.2 million in 2021. an annual additional cost of around Rs. 22,000
The enrolments in 2022 grew by 81 percent crores to the government.
compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019,
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The enhancement in the PM-KISAN amount Home Minister Amit Shah was also present at
could be for a year and be reviewed thereafter. the ceremony in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Even though there were suggestions for The largest unnamed island was named after
doubling the amount, the government’s focus on the first Param Vir Chakra awardee, Major
curbing revenue expenditure and inflationary Somnath Sharma, who lost his life in action on
pressures could limit the increment November 3, 1947, while fighting Pakistani
Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi infiltrators near Srinagar Airport.
(PM-KISAN) launched in February 2019, `6000
is annually transferred to each farmer’s direct
benefit transfer (DBT)-linked bank account in 388. Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will be the chief
three equal installments, irrespective of their guest at India's Republic Day celebrations. He is
land holdings. the President of which among the following
The number of beneficiaries has crossed 110 country?
million from 31 million at the beginning of the A.Oman
scheme. B.UAE
C.Saudi Arabia
387. Prime Minister Narendra Modi names 21 D.Iraq
Largest Islands in which among the following E.Egypt
Union Territory after 21 Indian Heroes? Answer: E
A.Chandigarh President of Egypt Mr. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi will
B.Ladakh be the chief guest at India's Republic Day
C.Jammu and Kashmir celebrations on 26 January 2023.
D.Andaman and Nicobar This is the first time that the President of the
E.Lakshadweep Arab Republic of Egypt will be the Chief Guest
Answer: D on our Republic Day.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi named the 21 Also, this is the 1st first time India has invited a
largest unnamed islands of Andaman and foreign dignitary to the event after the gap of the
Nicobar Islands after Param Vir Chakra last two years due to the coronavirus pandemic.
awardees in a ceremony on the occasion of In 2020, Former Brazilian President Jair
Parakram Diwas. Bolsonaro, who won the last elections to Luiz
PM Modi also unveiled the model of the National Inácio Lula da Silva in October, was the chief
Memorial dedicated to Netaji to be built on Netaji guest.
Subhas Chandra Bose Dweep, earlier known as Key Highlights :
Ross Islands.
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Through drones, deficiency of nutrients in the 2. Revenue bond secures principal and interest
standing crop can be determined and payments through the issuer or via sales, fuel,
replenished easily. hotel occupancy, or other taxes.
391. Securities and Exchange Board of India 392. As per recent news, Which Social Media
has recently Introduced Information Database Giant planning to release a higher-priced
on which among the following Bonds? subscription plan with no ads?
A.Municipal Bond A.Instagram
B.Corporate Bonds B.Twitter
C.Government Bonds C.Meta
D.Agency Bonds D.Snapchat
E.Green Bonds E.Koo
Answer: A Answer: B
Market regulator Securities and Exchange Board The micro-blogging platform Twitter is planning
of India (SEBI) has launched an information to release a higher-priced subscription plan with
database on municipal bonds. no ads.
Ashwani Bhatia, a whole-time member, of SEBI, The new Twitter ad-free subscription plan will be
launched the database at a two-day outreach available in the coming weeks
program on municipal bonds and municipal Ads are too frequent on Twitter and too big.
finance organized by the SEBI, in New Delhi as Taking steps to address both in the coming
part of efforts to develop the bond markets. weeks.
Madhabi Puri Buch, Chairperson, of SEBI, Also, there will be a higher-priced subscription
delivered the keynote speech at the event. that allows zero ads
Participants: Recently, Elon Musk-owned popular micro-
Representatives from the Ministry of Housing blogging announced the price of a Twitter Blue
and Urban Affairs, municipal corporations, stock subscription for Android.
exchanges, credit rating agencies, merchant Twitter has increased the price of its Blue
bankers, and debenture trustees. service for Android users, with individuals now
Two Types of Municipal Bonds: having to pay $11 a month.
1. A general obligation bond (GO) is issued Twitter Blue plan starts at $8/month or $84/year
by governmental entities and not backed in available countries to get the blue checkmark
by revenue from a specific project, such in addition to early access to features.
as a toll road.
393. As per the recent report, the trade deficit in D.Rs 45,236 crores
the first eight months of the year is ___________ E.Rs 55,236 crores
billion less than indicated by adding up the Answer: A
monthly preliminary estimates. Foreign investors pulled out a net amount of Rs
A.$ 2 billion 15,236 crore this month so far on attractive
B.$ 4 billion Chinese markets and concerns about the US
C.$ 6 billion economy entering a recession.
D.$ 8 billion However, foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) have
E.$ 10 billion turned buyers in the last four trading sessions.
Answer: E The outflow in January came following a net
India’s foreign trade data for the first eight inflow of Rs 11,119 crore in December and Rs
months of 2022-23 has been revised 36,239 crore in November.
significantly higher than the initial estimates Overall, FPIs pulled out Rs 1.21 trillion from the
released by the commerce ministry, with each Indian equity markets in 2022 on aggressive rate
month raising the import bill by at least $2 billion hikes by the central banks globally, particularly
or has been reduced. the US Federal Reserve, volatile crude, rising
Total merchandise exports between April and commodity prices, and Russia and Ukraine
November are now pegged at $298.3 billion, conflict.
about $12 billion higher than the original monthly The year 2022, which was the worst year for
data suggested. FPIs in terms of flow and withdrawal from
The import bill in those eight months is now equities, comes following a net investment in the
estimated at $493.5 billion, about $1.7 billion preceding three years.
higher than the initial number. According to the data with the depositories, FPIs
The trade deficit in the first eight months of the have made a net withdrawal of Rs 15,236 crore
year is $10 billion less than indicated by adding this month (till January 20).
up the monthly preliminary estimates. The latest FPI sell-off was largely driven by the
aggressive reopening of the Chinese markets
394. As per a recent finance report, Foreign after the lockdown.
investors pulled out a net amount of Rs
___________ crore this month so far on attractive 395. Which among the following Mobile
Chinese markets manufacturing company becomes the First
A.Rs 15,236 crores Company to Export Phones Worth $1 Billion in
B.Rs 25,236 crores the Month of December?
C.Rs 35,236 crores A.Apple
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B.Samsung Answer: A
C.Motorola To ensure stability in the supplies of soil
D.Oppa nutrients four fertilizer firms – state-run National
E.Vivo Fertilisers Limited and Rashtriya Chemicals and
Answer: A Fertilisers Ltd and Chambal Fertilisers and
iPhone maker Apple has become the first Chemicals Ltd and Paradeep Phosphates Ltd
company from India to export smartphones from the private sector– have signed a
worth $1 billion (₹8,100 crores) in a single memorandum of understanding (MoU) with
month, meeting the milestone in December Morocco’s OCP Group for annual imports of
2022. 1.75 million tonnes (MT) of phosphorus (P) and
December was also a record month for the potassium (K) fertilizers.
industry with mobile phone exports of over This will immensely benefit the farming
₹10,000 crore community in India and contribute to ensuring
Last year, tech giant Apple became the world’s food security
first company to hit a $3 trillion market As per the MoU, one MT of diammonium
capitalization. phosphate (DAP), 0.7 MT of triple
Apple and Samsung have been the leading superphosphate (TSP), and 0.05 MT of murate
players in exporting mobile phones from India. of potash (MOP) will be imported to meet the
As per government officials, Apple overtook domestic requirements of the soil nutrients
Samsung to become the leading mobile phone varieties for the next one year.
exporter in November and achieved $1 billion in The country imports about half of its requirement
mobile phone exports in December. for DAP.
Through its three contract manufacturers, Apple Around 25% of urea and 15% of NPK fertilizer
is producing and exporting iPhone 12, 13, 14, requirements are met through imports.
and 14+ models from India. The domestic MoP demand is met solely
through imports (from Belarus, Canada, Jordan,
396. As per recent report,fertiliser majors in etc).
India sign MoUs with Morocco’s OCP group for
____________ MT import of soil nutrients 397. Mr. Chris Hipkins of the Labour Party is all
A.1.75 MT to become the next prime minister of which
B.2.75 MT among the following country?
C.3.75 MT A.Australia
D.4.75 MT B.New Zealand
E.5.75 MT C.Canada
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398. As per the Appointments Committee of the 399. Indian Navy to commission fifth Kalvari
Cabinet (ACC), IAS officer Mr. Vikram Dev Dutt class submarine ‘Vagir’ that was built by which
was appointed as the new director general of shipyards?
which organisation? A.Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai
A.Khadi and Village Industries Commission B.Cochin Shipyard Limited, Kochi
B.National Small Industries Corporation C.Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers,
C.Union Public Service Commission Kolkata
D.Directorate General of Civil Aviation D.Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Visakhapatnam
E.India Post E.Goa Shipyard Limited
Answer: D Answer: A
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The Indian Navy is set to commission the fifth of E.Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited
six French-designed Scorpene class submarines Answer: A
(Kalvari class) V agir. Homegrown vaccine maker Bharat Biotech
The submarine was built in India by Mumbai’s International Limited (BBIL) will launch its
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited (MDL), intranasal COVID-19 vaccine iNCOVACC (also
Mumbai, Maharashtra in collaboration with known as BBV154), the first of its kind in India,
France-based M/s Naval Group. on Republic Day January 26, 2023.
The Chief of the Naval Staff Adm R Hari Kumar This was announced by the chairman and
will be the Chief Guest for the ceremony. managing director of Bharat Biotech, Krishna
Four of the Kalvari class of submarines have Ella while participating in the ‘Face-to-Face with
already been commissioned into the Indian New Frontiers in Science’ segment of the IISF,
Navy. organized at the Maulana Azad National Institute
About Vagir : of Technology (MANIT).
The submarine inherits its name from INS Vagir Also, a homegrown vaccine for the lumpy skin
(S41) which served in the Navy from 1973– disease in cattle, Lumpi-ProVacInd, is likely to
2001. be launched next month.
The commissioning of the submarine, built under The iNCOVACC was developed in partnership
Project-75, is set to bolster the Navy’s combat with the Washington University School of
capability at a time when China has been Medicine in St Louis, Missouri, United States
increasing its presence in the Indian Ocean In December 2022 Bharat Biotech announced
region (IOR). that it would sell the intranasal vaccine for Rs
Vagir will boost Indian Navy’s capabilities as it is 325 per shot for procurement by the government
capable of undertaking diverse missions and Rs 800 per shot for private vaccination
including anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine centers.
warfare, intelligence gathering, mine laying, and
surveillance missions. 401. Mr.Harjeet Singh Arora passed away. He
was the former Vice Chairman of _________
400. India's 1st intranasal Covid vaccine to be A.Defence Staff
launched on Republic Day 2023. This was B.Air Staff
manufactured by _______________--. C.Naval Staff
A.Bharat Biotech D.DRDO
B.Serum Institute of India E.Indian Railways
C.Panacea Biotech Ltd Answer: B
D.GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
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Former Vice Chief of Air Staff Air Marshal 50% completed by June 30, 2023, and 75% by
Harjeet Singh Arora passed away at the age of September 30, 2023.
61 in New Delhi, India. To facilitate the execution of the revised
About Harjeet Singh Arora: agreements, the banks have been advised to
Air Marshal Harjit Singh Arora was make arrangements, like ensuring the
commissioned as a fighter pilot in the Indian Air availability of stamp papers, etc.
Force (IAF) in December 1981. Also, there is a need for revision in the Model
He served as the former Vice Chief of the Air Agreement drafted by the Indian Banks'
Staff from 1 October 2019 till 30 June 2021. Association (IBA) to fully comply with the revised
Awards & Honors: instructions.
In his career of over 38 years, he was awarded In addition to that, IBA is being advised
the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in January 2011 and separately to review and revise the Model
the Param Vishisht Seva Medal in January Agreement to ensure that it complies with the
2020. requirements of the circular dated August 18,
2021, and circulate a revised version to all
402. Due to compliance delays Reserve Bank of banks by February 28, 2023.
India extends time for Bank Locker Renewal
Agreements till _______________ 403. Which among the following High Court has
A.March 31, 2023 declared the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) order
B.April 30, 2023 to write off ₹8,300 crores of Additional Tier-1
C.October 31, 2023 (AT1) bonds of YES Bank to ineligible investors?
D.November 30, 2023 A.Allahabad High Court
E.December 31, 2023 B.Andhra Pradesh High Court
Answer: E C.Bombay High Court
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI ) extended the D.Calcutta High Court
time for banks to renew their customer E.Delhi High Court
agreements for locker facilities to December 31, Answer: C
2023, due to compliance delays. The Bombay High Court has declared the
The previous deadline was January 1, 2023, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) order to write off
communicated through a circular on August 18, ₹8,300 crores of Additional Tier-1 (AT1) bonds
2021. of YES Bank to ineligible investors.
Key Highlights: The order was passed by Justice SV
The deadline has been extended to December Gangapurwala and justice SM Modakin a batch
31, 2023, for renewals in a phased manner, with of petitions.
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The Bombay HC has given YES Bank 6 weeks The regulations are part of continuing efforts to
for the implementation of this order. curb misleading advertisements as well as
Key Highlights: protect the interests of consumers amid the
Bondholders, including financial institutions like expanding social influencer market which is
63 moons technologies ltd and Axis Trustee projected to be worth around Rs 2,800 crore by
Services Ltd, Yes Bank AT-1 Bond Holders 2025.
Association, and a few retail individual investors, The new guidelines named ‘Endorsement Know
have filed these petitions. Hows — for celebrities, influencers and virtual
Under the plan to revive YES Bank, a State media influencers (Avatar or computer
Bank of India (SBI) led a consortium of 10 generated character) on social media platforms’
institutional investors has invested ₹10,000 has been issued by the Department of
crores in YES Bank. Consumers Affairs.
RBI had suggested writing off the bonds citing In case of violation, the penalty prescribed for
Basel-III norms. misleading advertisements under the Consumer
The Basel-III norms say that AT1 bonds have no Protection Act 2019 will be applicable.
guarantee. The Central Consumer Protection Authority
Banks issue AT-1 bonds to support their (CCPA) can impose a penalty of up to Rs 10
minimum capital requirements to fulfill Basel-III lakh on manufacturers, advertisers, and
norms. endorsers.
For subsequent offenses, a penalty of up to Rs
404. As per recent report, the Government of 50 lakh can be imposed.
India made it mandatory for social media
influencers to disclose their interest? 405. Under which of the following Ministry
A.Property Export obligation relaxed for hotel, health,
B.Share Market education sectors under Export Promotion
C.Material Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme?
D.Bonds A.Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
E.Cash B.Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Answer: C C.Ministry of Consumer Affairs
The government made it mandatory for social D.Ministry of Finance
media influencers to disclose their ‘material’ E.Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
interest in endorsing products and services and Enterprises
violations can attract strict legal action, including Answer: B
a ban on endorsements.
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D.Malaysia C.Bihar
E.Indonesia D.Chhattisgarh
Answer: E E.Goa
The World Economic Forum (WEF) signed a Answer: B
new partnership with the Indonesian government Assam Chief Minister Shri Himanta Biswa
to support its ambitions to scale blue carbon Sarma announced that the Centre has
restoration and ocean conservation efforts at the nominated the Charaideo Maidam, the burial
Annual Meeting 2023. ground of the Ahom Dynasty (1228-1826) in
The partnership is the first of a series being Assam for the coveted UNESCO World Heritage
initiated by the Forum’s Ocean Action Agenda to Site (cultural site) for the year 2023-2024.
help meet the rapidly increasing demand for Charaideo commonly known as ‘Pyramids of
high-quality blue carbon credits and projects Assam’ was the original capital of the Ahom
around the world and connect global blue Kings.
carbon actors from various sectors. The ‘Pyramids of Assam’ has been selected by
Key Highlights: Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi out of 52
Blue carbon - the carbon captured and heritage sites across the country seeking the
sequestered by ocean ecosystems, stores up to coveted tag.
5 times more carbon per acre than tropical The ‘Maidams’ or the mound burial system of
rainforests. the Ahom dynasty in Charaideo was first listed in
Indonesia, the largest archipelago nation in the the tentative list of UNESCO’s World Heritage
world, is a leader in blue carbon and the site in April 2014.
sustainable ocean economy and is home to the About CharaideoMaidam:
largest blue carbon resources in the world. Charaideo (Literally: the shining city on the hills
In November 2022, the WEF announced the in the Ahom language) is a town in Charaideo
launch of Ocean 20 (O20) with the Indonesian district, Assam, India.
government, which was then holding the It was built by ChaolungSukhapa the founder of
Presidency of the G20, to fast-track sustainable the dynasty in about 1229 CE.
blue economies in the region. These sites have been designated as having
“outstanding universal value” under the
408. As per news, Charaideo Maidam of which Convention Concerning the Protection of the
state has been nominated for the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage 1972.
world heritage tag? Some 42 tombs (Maidams) of Ahom kings and
A.Arunachal Pradesh queens are present at Charaideo hillocks.
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received₹253 crores (15% of the ₹1,687.50- AMPHEX-21 was conducted in the Andaman
crore recovery in cash) and ₹1,434.5 crore and Nicobar group of Islands from 21-25
(85%of the recovery) in the form of security January 2021.
receipts. Participants:
The other lenders will receive cash and security A large number of troops from the Indian Army,
receipts depending on their exposure to the amphibious warships from the Indian Navy, and
company. aircraft from the IAF participated in the joint
IDBI Bank expects gross non-performing assets exercise.
(GNPAs), which as of December-end 2022 were
at 13.82%, to come down to 2.2 percentage 415. Woman naval air operations Lt Commander
points following the transfer of this account to _______________ to lead Navy’s Republic Day
NARCL. contingent
Jaypee Infratech was part of the 12 bad loan A.Megna Prasad
accounts referred to the National Company Law B.Bhavna Mahesh
Tribunal in June 2017 under orders of the C.Sindhuja Arumb
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) D.Disha Amrith
E.Karishma Kishani
414. Indian Navy conducts 6-day Mega exercise Answer: D
AMPHEX 2023 in which among the following Lt Commander DishaAmrith, a woman naval air
state? operations official posted at a strategic base, will
A.Andhra Pradesh lead the Indian Navy’s Republic Day contingent
B.Arunachal Pradesh of 144 young sailors.
C.Assam Its tableau will showcase the ‘Nari Shakti’ in the
D.Tripura force.
E.Meghalaya The tableau will also reflect the Navy's focus on
Answer: A remaining a combat-ready, credible, and
The Indian Navy conducted a six-day-long mega cohesive force.
military exercise - AMPHEX 2023 along with the The theme of the naval tableau would be 'Indian
Indian Army and Indian Air Force (IAF) near Navy -Combat Ready, Credible, Cohesive and
Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh (AP). Future Proof.
It was the largest biennial tri-services Besides Amrith, another woman officer - Sub-Lt
amphibious exercise. Valli Meena S will be among the three platoon
commanders of the naval contingent.
About Lt Commander DishaAmrith:
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Disha hails from Mangalore, Karnataka. The award is conferred on children in the age
She got into the Navy in 2016 and has been group 5-18 for their excellence in six categories,
posted at a key naval facility in the Andaman viz art and culture, bravery, innovation,
and Nicobar islands after completing her training scholastic, social service, and sports, which
in 2017. deserve national recognition.
DivyaAjith was the first to lead the all-woman This year, the
contingent at the Republic Day parade in 2015. PradhanMantriRashtriyaBalPuraskar will be
conferred on 11 children selected from all
416. As per the recent report President Droupadi regions of the country for their exceptional
Murmu conferred the Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya achievement in the field of art and culture (4),
Bal Puraskar (PMRBP) 2023 to ______________ bravery (1), innovation (2), social service (1),
children and sports (3).
A.05 children
B.08 children 417. As per the Brand Guardianship Index 2023,
C.10 children Billionaire Mukesh Ambani becomes first among
D.11 children Indians and ranked __________ globally
E.15 children A.1st
Answer: D B.2nd
President Droupadi Murmu conferred the C.3rd
Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar D.4th
(PMRBP) 2023 on 11 children, including one E.5th
with a rare bone disorder who is now an Answer: B
accomplished singer and a youngster who Billionaire MukeshAmbani has overtaken the
jumped into a river to save the life of a woman. likes of Satya Nadella of Microsoft and Google's
Minister of women and child development Smriti Sundar Pichai to be ranked No.1 among Indians
Zubin Irani will also interact with the children and and No.2 globally on the Brand Guardianship
congratulate them in the presence of the Index 2023.
minister of state for women and child Brand Finance constructs its Brand
development MunjparaMahendrabhai. Guardianship Index in a similar way to the Brand
There are six boys and five girls among the Strength Index that underpins its corporate
awardees from 11 states and UTs. brand valuations.
The Union government the PMRBP award to They have constructed a balanced scorecard of
children for their exceptional achievements. measures that capture the ability of a CEO to act
as the guardian of their company's brand and a
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steward of long-term shareholder value," Brand Singh, other officials and some coaches at the
Finance said in the 2023 report. national camp.
The Brand Guardianship Index includes 'Equity' The other members of the committee are
factors, which reflect current perceptions, London Olympics bronze medallist
'Performance' factors which reflect the tangible YogeshwarDutt, former badminton player
results of these perceptions and 'Investment' TruptiMurgunde, a member of SAI's Mission
factors which support future performance. Olympic cell, and former SAI administrators
Brand Finance's Brand Guardianship Index RadhicaSreeman, and Cdr Rajesh Rajagopalan.
(BGI) 2023 saw the rise of Nvidia CEO, Jensen Announcing the names of the committee
Huang, and Mukesh Ambani of Reliance members in Jabalpur, Sports Minister Anurag
Industries Ltd to 1st and 2nd position Thakur said the committee has been given one
respectively month to complete its probe and till that time
They both now rank above last year's leader, WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh will stay
Microsoft's Satya Nadella, who now sits in third away from the day-to-day functioning of the
place. wrestling body.
The committee will look into the serious
418. Who among the following led Oversight allegations levelled against WFI.
Committee to run the Wrestling Federation of It will listen to both sides and complete its probe
India (WFI)? in one month and submit a report.
A.Mary Kom Till the probe is completed, the Committee will
B.Nikhat Zareen also be in charge of the functioning of the WFI
C.PV Sindhu
D.Saina Nehwal 419. National Tourism Day is observed on which
E.P. T. Usha among the following day in January?
Answer: A A.21stJanuary
Boxing legend MC Mary Kom will head a five- B.22ndJanuary
member Oversight Committee that will run the C.23rdJanuary
Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) and also D.24thJanuary
probe into the allegations of 'sexual misconduct, E.25thJanuary
financial irregularities and misgovernance' Answer: E
levelled by India's top wrestlers, including National Tourism Day 2023 is observed on the
Olympic and World Championships medallists, 25th of January 2023.
against the federation chief Brij Bhushan Sharan
National Tourism Day has a long history dating Without a doubt, today is a celebration of both
back to the Indian government's proclamation of India's democracy and the freedom to vote.
January 25 as Tourism Day in India. The primary goal of the Election Commission is
This day was created to highlight the value of to promote voter registration, especially among
travel and raise awareness of how vital it is to qualified voters.
the economy of the nation. Let us inform you that while the voting age was
The nation as a whole warmly celebrates Indian once 21 years old, it was decreased to 18 years
tourism. old in 1988.
The purpose of celebrating National Tourism The voting age in India was lowered by the
Day is to increase public understanding of the Sixty-First Amendment Bill of 1998.
social, political, economic, and cultural ideals
that ultimately influence travel. 421. Ezra cup is related to which of the following
The strategic growth, management, and sports?
promotion of tourism are solely the responsibility A.Polo
of the Ministry of Tourism, which is the principal B.Tennis
institution in India for developing national policy. C.Football
420. National Voters Day is observed on 25th E.None of these
January every Year. It was first observed on Answer: A
which among the following Year? The Ezra Cup is a popular polo tournament
A.2010 conducted annually in India by the Calcutta Polo
B.2011 Club. It is claimed that it is the first official polo
C.2012 trophy in history. The first Ezra Cup was held in
D.2013 1880.
Answer: B 422. As per recent news, the Reserve Bank of
National Voters Day 2023 is observed on the India directed which among the following bank to
25th of January 2023. stop all remittance transactions under
The Election Commission of India (ECI), which Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS)?
was established in 1950, was founded on A.DBS Bank
January 25. B.RBL Bank
To encourage young people to participate in the C.SBM Bank
election process, this day was first observed in D.CSB Bank
2011. E.KVB bank
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424. Recently, Securities and Exchange Board the oversight of the National Stock Exchange
of India (SEBI) slaps Rs 26 crore fine on which (NSE) within 60 days.
among the following Enterprises? MACEL is almost entirely owned by VGS’ family
A.Coffee Day with a 91.75% stake & VGS’ family is a
B.Oriental Hotels promoter of CDEL.
C.Maharashtra Scooters
D.Sapphire Foods 425. The centre may add slabs in the overhaul of
E.Starbucks India the income tax regime which is to be announced
Answer: A in the Union budget on _______________
Capital markets regulator Securities and A.1st February
Exchange Board of India (SEBI) imposed a B.1st March
penalty of Rs 26 crore on C offee Day C.1st April
Enterprises Ltd (CDEL), which runs Cafe Coffee D.1st May
Day, for the diversion of funds from subsidiaries E.1st June
to a company related to promoters. Answer: A
The company has been directed to pay the fine The government has held extensive discussions
within 45 days. over the past few weeks to overhaul the new
Key Highlights: personal income tax regime without exemptions,
SEBI has directed CDEL to take all necessary with a new plan expected to be announced in
steps for recovery of entire dues from Mysore the Union budget on 1 February.
Amalgamated Coffee Estates Ltd (MACEL) and One of the proposals examined is to add more
its related entities along with the due interest slabs to the new income tax scheme so that the
that is outstanding to the subsidiaries. income range covered in each slab is narrower,
SEBI also directed the company to initiate steps preventing taxpayers with diverse incomes from
to recover dues of Rs 3,535 crore, the amount clustering in wide slabs.
diverted from 7 subsidiaries of CDEL to MACEL. The discussions in the finance ministry were
According to SEBI’s Whole time director, around two key aspects.
Ashwani Bhatia, out of the total dues of ₹3,535 Currently, there are six slabs in the new
crore as on July 31, 2019, the subsidiaries have personal income tax regime, starting with the
managed to recover a paltry sum of ₹110.75 ₹2.5-5 lakh income bracket taxed at 5%, which
crores till September 30, 2022 (within more than progresses to 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% with
three years). each increase in income of ₹2.5 lakhs and then
For recovering dues, SEBI has ordered the to the 30% rate for those earning ₹15 lakhs and
appointment of an independent law firm under above.
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Compared to this, the old tax filing regime has PMGKAY during Oct-December 2022, states
only three—5% tax for income in the range of have lifted 1.89 MT.
₹2.5-5 lakh, 20% for income of ₹5-10 lakh, and In the case of rice, states have taken possession
30% for income above of 7.27 MT against an allocation of 9.89 MT.
The scheme has run continuously with several
426. For the seven-phase implementation of the extensions, except between December 2020
Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana and April 2021.
(PMGKAY) Centre spent Rs __________ trillion The latest extension was for three months till
on free ration scheme December 31, 2022.
A.Rs 1.43 trillion
B.Rs 2.43 trillion 427. Government of India sets up India’s G20
C.Rs 3.43 trillion task force on digital public infrastructure. This
D.Rs 4.43 trillion Task Force is headed by whom among the
E.Rs 5.43 trillion following?
Answer: C A.Amitabh Kant
The Centre spent a total of Rs 3.43 trillion for the B.Parameswaran Iyer
seven-phase implementation of the Pradhan C.Ravi Kant
Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna Yojana (PMGKAY) D.Arvind Panagariya
between April 2020 and December 2022. E.Bibek Debroy
This expenditure is against an earlier estimate of Answer: A
Rs 3.9 trillion for the free ration scheme because The Centre has set up a G20 task force on
the off-take of grains by the states at 9.17 million digital public infrastructure for economic
tonnes was 23% less than the initial estimate in transformation, financial inclusion, and
the seventh phase (October-December, 2022) of development.
the scheme. Aim:
The expenses on PMGKAY’s last phase were To help India achieve its G20 presidency
Rs 34,208 crore against an earlier estimate of priorities for promoting digital identity, improved
Rs 44,762 crore. and innovative technology-based services,
The Centre has distributed more than 100 MT of including digital payments such as UPI along
foodgrains under the free ration scheme since with governance frameworks.
its launch in April 2020 to reduce hardships for The task force will be headed by Amitabh Kant,
people during the Covid-19 pandemic. India's G20 sherpa, and Nandan Nilekani,
According to estimates, against an allocation of Infosys co-founder.
2.11 MT of wheat to be distributed under
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428. Which among the following state sets 429. Tawang Monastery is a famous festival
targets to be 1st Green Energy State by 2025? celebrated by Monpa tribes in which among the
A.Andhra Pradesh following state?
B.Himachal Pradesh A.Nagaland
C.Telangana B.Mizoram
D.Rajasthan C.Meghalaya
E.Haryana D.Assam
Answer: B E.Arunachal Pradesh
The Himachal Pradesh (HP) Chief Minister(CM) Answer: E
Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced that HP The three-day Torgya festival, a Monastic
targets to become 1st Green Energy State by festival of the Monpa tribe was celebrated at the
2025. Tawang Monastery in Arunachal Pradesh‘s
HP would harness hydro, hydrogen, and solar Tawang district.
energy and switch to green products which will The festival starts on the twenty-eighth day of
enhance the premium and advantage in export. the eleventh lunar month
The CM directed Himachal Pradesh State About Torgya festival:
Electricity Board Ltd (HPSEBL), Himachal Torgya festival is celebrated by the Monpa tribe
Pradesh Energy Development Agency of the Tawang Monastery to pay homage to
(HIMURJA), Himachal Pradesh Power Lama Tsongkhapa to chase away evil spirits that
Corporation Limited (HPPCL), and the usher in diseases, misfortunes, and natural
Department of Energy to take action in this calamities.
direction. The highlight of the festival is the Chham dance,
He also directed the officers to open all the solar wearing the outfit of warrior Arpu by the Lamas
projects up to 5 MW capacity for allotment. of the Monastery.
Key Highlights: The Indian Army participated in the event at the
Himachal Pradesh government will install 500 gracious invitation of Gyalsi Rinpoche of
MW solar projects during the year 2023-24. Tawang Monastery.
Out of this, 200 MW would be installed by
HPPCL. 430. India's Rs 8,000 crore green bond is likely
HIMURJA would install solar projects up to 150 to kick off its first-ever issuance which analysts
MW capacity through private participation. see strong demand?
The Capacity of the projects will be from 250 A.Rs 2,000 crore
KW to 1 MW. B.Rs 4,000 crore
C.Rs 6,000 crore
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D.Rs 8,000 crore 431. Businesses face tax heat over deductions
E.Rs 10,000 crore claimed for cess, the deadline to resolve and
Answer: D rectify tax returns is ____________
The government is likely to kick off its first-ever A.February 28
issuance of green bonds on a strong note, with B.March 31
debt market participants predicting firm demand. C.April 30
The encouraging response to the maiden sale is D.May 31
likely to be reflected in a pricing premium or E.June 30
“greenium” relative to prevailing levels on Answer: B
corresponding regular government bonds. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has
The maiden tranche of sovereign green bonds is asked top income-tax officers to nudge entities
set to go to auction. that had claimed deduction on account of cess
A total of Rs 8,000 crore worth of green bonds or surcharge over the past several voluntarily
—Rs 4,000 crore of 5-year green bonds and Rs differential years to pay the tax to avoid
4,000 crore of 10-year green bonds — would be penalties.
on the block. The deadline to resolve and rectify tax returns is
In the Union Budget for the current fiscal year, March 31.
the government announced the sale of green After March 31, the amount claimed or taken will
bonds as part of its market borrowing, for the be treated as "under-reported" income and
first time. subject to a 50 percent penalty.
The proceeds would be deployed in public The directive was among the key items taken up
sector projects that help reduce the carbon by the CBDT, chaired by Chairman Nitin Gupta.
footprint of the economy. Besides, the apex body took stock of tax
The central government would auction Rs 8,000 collection in FY23, tax deducted at source
crore worth of green bonds on February 9, (TDS), the cases disposed of by the
taking total issuance in FY23 to Rs 16,000 crore. commissioner of income tax GET GHT 4
The key differentiator between regular sovereign (appeals), pending taxpayers' grievances, and
bond auctions and green bond auctions is the so on.
premium — or the pricing benefit — that issuers The exercise could earn the tax authorities
globally enjoy for selling environment-friendly ₹5,000 crores, according to rough estimates.
securities. This could further shore up the direct tax
revenue kitty for 2022-23.
432. Government of India aims to set a template Greater support over the medium term may be
for the next __________ years through the extended to improve edible oil output through
Budget for FY24 which will likely renew its schemes like the National Edible Oil Mission-Oil
Atmanirbhar Bharat Palm.
A.21 years
B.22 years 433. As per the National Highways Authority of
C.23 years India, FASTag collections hit Rs 50,855 cr in
D.24 years 2022 which was up by ____________ % in 2021
E.25 years A.42%
Answer: E B.44%
As the government aims to set a template for the C.46%
next 25 years through the Budget for FY24, it D.48%
will likely renew its Atmanirbhar Bharat (self- E.50%
reliant India) pledge by focusing on five pillars – Answer: C
economy, infrastructure, technology, Toll collections at national and state highways
demography, and supply chain. through FASTag touched Rs 50,855 crore in
According to sources, a raft of measures is 2022, the highest yearly figure and 46 percent
being worked out to spur domestic more than in 2021.
manufacturing and trim import reliance, FASTag collections in December were
especially in fertilizers, cooking oil, and crude approximately Rs 4,167 crore, and December 24
petroleum. saw the highest-ever single-day collection at Rs
Steps are likely to lure businesses seeking to 144 crore,
relocate from China, reduce the compliance Electronic toll collections in the previous year
burden for India Inc and bolster supply-chain. were Rs 34,778 crore, according to data
Self-reliance is a key focus area for the country released by the National Highways Authority of
to emerge as a developed nation by 2047, which India (NHAI).
is a goal set by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Similarly, the number of FASTag transactions
The Budget will reflect this theme in its way and also witnessed a growth of approximately 48
broadly focus on efforts to make the goal a percent in 2022 as compared to that in 2021.
reality. The number of FASTag transactions in 2021
This will mean that it will focus not just on and 2022 was 219 crores and 324 crores
boosting growth on a sustained basis but also respectively
on improving ease of living. Collections in 2022 averaged approximately Rs
4,200 crore each month, marking the spread of
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FASTag adoption since the technology was The decision to have the new CEO-COO
mandated in 2019. Structure was taken at the board meeting
In March 2022, monthly collections crossed Rs chaired by Ratan Tata.
4,000 crore for the first time.
As many as 6.4 crore FASTags have been 435. Reserve Bank of India approves the
issued and the number of FASTag-enabled fee appointment of Mr. Prabdev Singh as India’s
plazas across India grew to 1,181 in 2022 from chief executive officer (CEO) for
922 in 2021 ____________________
434. Which among the following Non- B.Fitch
governmental organisation (NGO) appoints Mr. C.JP Morgan Chase
Siddharth Sharma as CEO & Ms. Aparna D.Morgan Stanley
Uppaluri as COO? E.Goldman Sachs
A.Child Rights and You Answer: C
B.Smile Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. has received approval
C.Give India Foundation from India’s central bank (Reserve Bank of
D.Tata Trusts India) to name Mr. Prabdev Singh as the
E.Reliance Trusts lender’s chief executive officer (CEO) in the
Answer: D country for a period of a three-year.
One of the country's oldest public charitable Mr. Singh had been JPMorgan’s interim CEO
foundations, Tata Trusts appointed Mr. since November 2022 replacing Mr. Madhav
Siddharth Sharma as the Chief Executive Officer Kalyan who in October 2022 was named head of
(CEO) of the Trusts and Ms. Aparna Uppaluri as payments for Asia Pacific.
the Chief Operating Officer (COO). Before joining JPMorgan, he was a trained
Mr. Sharma will succeed Mr. N Srinath, who engineer and had worked for a decade at HSBC
resigned as the CEO of Tata Trusts in 2022. Holdings Plc.
The appointments of the new CEO and COO will About JPMorgan Chase & Co:
come into effect from April 1, 2023. Established: December 1, 2000
Mr. Sharma will be the 3rd Tata group executive Headquarters: New York, United States
after Srinath & R. Venkataraman. JPMorgan Chase & Co. is an American
For the first time, the company will create the multinational financial services company.
COO post to accommodate Ms. Uppaluri, who is It is the largest bank in the United States and the
currently the program director for India, Nepal, world's largest bank by market capitalization (as
and Sri Lanka at the Ford Foundation. of 2023).
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As the largest of the Big 4 banks, the firm is border along Gujarat & Rajasthan ahead of
considered systemically important by the Republic Day 2023?
Financial Stability Board. A.Indian Army
B.Indian Air Force
436. Government of India extends the tenure of C.Border Security Force
Sangeeta Verma as acting Chairperson of D.Sashastra Seema Bal
____________ for three months E.Central Reserve Police Force
A.Competition Commission of India Answer: C
B.Insurance Regulatory and Development The Border Security Force (BSF) has carried out
Authority of India an “Ops Alert” exercise to enhance security
C.Pension Fund Regulatory & Development along the India-Pakistan border in the Kutch
Authority district of Gujarat and Barmer in Rajasthan
D.Indian Banks' Association ahead of the 2023 Republic Day.
E.Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India The ‘Ops Alert’ exercise commenced on January
Answer: A 21, 2023, & will continue till January 28, 2023 “
The Central government has extended the along the Indo-Pak international border from Sir
tenure of Sangeeta Verma as the acting Creek (marshy area) to the Rann of Kutch in
Chairperson of the Competition Commission of Gujarat and Barmer district of Rajasthan.
India (CCI), which has been functioning without Key Highlights:
a full-time Chairperson for three months now. The exercise was being carried out to “thwart
She was initially appointed as acting any ill designs of anti-national elements” during
Chairperson of CCI in Oct 2022 for 3 months or the Republic Day celebrations
until a new chairperson was appointed after the As part of the exercise, the BSF will carry out
previous chairperson Mr. Ashok Kumar Gupta special operations in forward and depth areas as
demitted office. well as creeks and ‘Harami Nalla’.
At present CCI is working with only 2 members. For the first time, concrete “permanent vertical
About Dr.Sangeeta Verma: bunkers” are being built to house BSF troops
Dr. Sangeeta Verma, a 1981 batch of the Indian directly near the strategically crucial Sir Creek
Economic Service (IES) and Harami Nalla marshland area.
Verma, who is a member of CCI, has been the The BSF captured 22 Pakistani fishermen,
acting Chairperson since October 2022. seized 79 fishing boats and heroin worth Rs 250
crore, and charas worth Rs 2.49 crore from this
437. Which Indian Force conducts ‘Ops Alert’ region of Gujarat in 2022.
exercise to step up security on the Indo-Pak
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Punjab National Bank (PNB) and Aadhar including high energy-consuming industries such
Housing Finance Ltd (AHFL) have entered into a as cement and steel.
co-lending agreement to offer home loans at The talks would cover issues such as
competitive interest rates. technology transfer for energy efficiency,
AIM: promotion of energy conservation, and adoption
To reach out to a large section of society viz. of highly efficient appliances.
economically weaker, lower, and middle-Income The G20 Energy Transition Working Group will
groups for providing easy, convenient, and also work on a declaration from the G20 nations
efficient home finance solutions to customers. for industrial transitions to achieve low
The co-lending framework of the Reserve Bank emissions for high-energy-consuming sectors.
of India (RBI) provides a tool for the Banks and The working group along with sector experts
NBFCs/HFCs to collaborate, and leverage their would also identify new technologies and cost-
respective strengths to provide affordable effective solutions to decarbonize sectors that
solutions to the unserved and underserved are highly energy-consuming and where
sections of society. efficiency is low.
The working group also expects to come up with
444. During its G20 presidency, India is planning a strategic plan for advancing energy efficiency
to launch an initiative named Energy Efficiency across all demand-driven sectors by the year
partnership for which year? 2030.
B.2028 445. Which among the following integrated oil
C.2030 company in India to pump in Rs 2,200-cr
D.2032 investment for projects in Tamil Nadu?
E.2035 A.Hindustan Petroleum
Answer: C B.Bharat Petroleum
In line with New Delhi’s strong focus on energy C.Oil and Natural Gas Corporation
transition and energy security, India planned to D.Indian Oil Corporation
launch an initiative “ Energy Efficiency E.Reliance Petroleum Limited
partnership for 2030” during its G20 presidency Answer: D
this year. The Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has
KEY HIGHLIGHTS: planned investments of around ₹2,200 crores in
The G20 discussions will focus on accelerating Tamil Nadu (TN) over the next two years, to take
energy efficiency across demand-driven sectors, the major grassroots and expansion projects in
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including Major Subhang who was instrumental calendar year 2023 from an estimated 6.4% in
in killing two terrorists in a close-quarter battle at 2022 as higher interest rates and a global
Budgam. economic slowdown weigh on investment and
The officer faced small arms and under-barrel export performance, the United Nation.
grenade fire - injuring him and his two soldiers - In its World Economic Situation and Prospects
but carried on the fight to the finish. 2023 report, the UN said that in South Asia, the
Naik Jitendra Singh, also named for the Kirti economic outlook has "significantly deteriorated
Chakra, took part in three operations in which due to high food and energy prices, monetary
seven terrorists were killed. tightening and fiscal vulnerabilities" with average
The soldier was severely injured in an encounter GDP growth projected to moderate to 4.8% in
at Pulwama but displayed exceptional courage 2023 from 5.6% in 2022.
in taking on a terrorist who was targeting his Economic growth in India is projected to
team members. moderate in 2023, with higher interest rates
The President has also approved one Bar to weighing on investment and slower global
Sena Medal, 92 Sena Medals (four growth weakening exports
posthumous), one Nao Sena Medal The government has estimated India's real GDP
(posthumous) and seven Vayu Sena Medals. growth in FY23 at 7% against 8.7% in 2021-22.
Besides, 29 Param Vishisht Seva Medals, three As per the UN, India's annual inflation is
UttamYudh Seva Medals, one Bar to AtiVishisht estimated at 7.1% in 2022, exceeding the 2-6%
Seva Medal, and 52 AtiVishisht Seva Medals target band set by the central bank but is
have been announced. expected to decelerate to 5.5% in 2023 as
global commodity prices moderate and slower
448. United Nations predicts India's gross currency depreciation eases imported inflation.
domestic product (GDP) to moderate to As per the report, among the large economies,
________ % for 2023 from an estimated 6.4% in the unemployment rate dropped to a four-year
2022 low of 6.4% in India as the economy added jobs
A.5.6% both in urban and rural areas in 2022.
C.5.8% 449. As per the recent report released by S&P,
D.5.9% which country becomes India’s top petro-product
E.6.0% buyer?
Answer: C A.Netherlands
India's gross domestic product (GDP) growth B.Togo
rate is projected to moderate to 5.8% in the C.United States
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D.UAE Answer: A
E.Israel The board of directors of Gujarat Cooperative
Answer: E milk marketing federation Limited (GCMMF), the
Israel has emerged as the top buyer of Indian umbrella body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat
petroleum products, with more than $1 billion that owns the brand Amul Re-elected Mr.
worth of purchases in December, followed by Shamalbhai Patel and Mr. ValamjiHumbal as
the UAE, the US, and Togo. Chairman and Vice-Chairman, respectively.
This comes as Russia continues to be the top The elections were being held after a gap of 2.5
source of crude oil for New Delhi. years, in the presence of 17 of the 18 members
From less than 3% in 2021, the share of who represent their district milk unions in
Russian crude in the Indian crude basket has Gujarat.
seen an exponential rise. ABOUT SHAMBALBHAI PATEL:
As per S&P, Russia became India’s top crude He was first elected as the chairman of GCMMF
supplier in November 2022, with the country in July 2020.
receiving around 1 million barrels per day (b/d). Patel is also the chairman of Sabar Dairy Union
Israel and Togo have not been significant buyers with annual sales exceeding Rs 6,800 crore and
of Indian petroleum products so far, but in farmer membership of 3.85 lakh milk producers.
December, Israel was the top buyer and the NOTE:
African nation was the fourth largest. According to the Food & Agricultural
Exports of India’s petroleum products between Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN),
April and December in the current financial year India is the world’s largest milk producer with
jumped 35% to $67.64 bn compared to $44.28 22% of global production.
bn during 2021.
The top importers so far in the fiscal have been 451. Which among the following Biotech
the Netherlands, the UAE, the US, and Togo. Companies in India launches India’s first HPV
vaccine against cervical cancer?
450. Mr. Shamal Patel & Mr. Valamji Humbal A.Bharat Biotech
were re-elected as chairman & vice-chairman of B.Serum Institute of India
which among the following company? C.Panacea Biotech Ltd
A.Amul D.GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals
B.Britannia Industries E.Bharat Serums and Vaccines Limited
C.Aavin Answer: B
D.Vadilal To commemorate National Girl Child Day and
E.Parle Products Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, Chief
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Answer: D
454. Where does Sardar Sarovar dam located? Asunción is the capital city of Paraguay,
A.Rajasthan bordered by the Paraguay River. It’s known for
B.Gujarat its grand López Palace, the seat of government
C.Uttar Pradesh housing the president’s offices.
D.Madhya Pradesh
E.None of these 457. India may peg nominal gross domestic
Answer: B product (GDP) growth at about ___________% in
The Sardar Sarovar Dam is a concrete gravity the 2023/24 budget?
dam built on the Narmada River in Navagam A.10
near the town of Kevadiya, Narmada District, in B.11
the state of Gujarat C.12
455. Name the city which was popularly called E.14
“HITECH city”? Answer: B
A.Mumbai India is likely to peg its nominal gross domestic
B.Hyderabad product (GDP) growth at around 11% during the
C.Chennai budget session, marking a slowdown from its
D.Bangalore estimate for the current fiscal year due to the
E.None of these prospect of weak exports.
Answer: B What is Nominal GDP growth?
The Hyderabad Information Technology and Nominal GDP growth is the value of all the final
Engineering Consultancy City, abbreviated as goods and services at current market prices.
HITEC City, is an Indian information technology, Nominal GDP growth takes into account factors
engineering, health informatics, and such as inflation, price changes, changing
bioinformatics, a financial business district interest rates, and money supply at the time of
located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. determining GDP.
Key Highlights :
456. What is the capital of Paraguay? The government expects nominal growth of
A.Lima 15.4% for the current fiscal year that ends on
B.Melekeok March 31, 2023.
C.Abuja India’s gross tax collection growth rate will likely
D.Asuncion go up to around 8% with a nominal GDP of
E.None of these
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10.6%-11%, compared with 14.5% in the current biodegradable which is another step towards a
year, due to the base effect. better environment.
458. Which among the following Small Finance 459. Which among the following Public Sector
Bank launches innovative credit card offering Bank has introduced Vikram Credit Card
platform -‘Swipe Up’? Dedicated to Soldiers on the Occasion of 74th
A.AU Small Finance Bank Ltd Republic Day celebrations?
B.Capital Small Finance Bank Ltd A.State Bank of India
C.Fincare Small Finance Bank Ltd B.Punjab National Bank
D.Equitas Small Finance Bank Ltd C.Bank of Baroda
E.ESAF Small Finance Bank Ltd D.Canara Bank
Answer: A E.Union Bank of India
India's largest Small Finance Bank, AU Small Answer: C
Finance Bank (AU SFB), launched the first-of- On the Occasion of 74th Republic Day
its-kind platform in the credit card industry - the celebrations, Bank of Baroda’s (BoB) subsidiary
SwipeUp platform. BOB Financial Solutions Limited (BFSL) has
With the help of this platform, credit cardholders launched Vikram Credit Card, the contactless
of any bank can get an upgraded card instantly. RuPay credit card dedicated to Indian defense,
Other bank credit cardholders can upgrade their paramilitary, and police personnel.
card to one of AU credit cards. Mr. Vikramaditya Singh Khichi, former Executive
About the SwipeUp platform: Director of Bank of Baroda, launched the Vikram
SwipeUp platform primarily focuses on Credit Card.
customers who hold Credit Cards from any other Features & Benefits of Vikram Credit Card:
Bank and can benefit from an upgraded Credit • It is a lifetime-free credit card
Card matching their current lifestyle. • It has attractive reward points and an
It allows cardholders to compare their existing activation gift of a complimentary OTT
credit cards within seconds. (Over-The-Top) subscription.
These cards will have a higher credit limit, • It has an accidental death cover of Rs 20
higher cashback, better reward points, zero lakh.
membership fees, and various other features • 1% Fuel Surcharge Waiver
that are an upgrade from their existing credit • EMI (Equated Monthly installments) offers
card. • Periodic merchant offers
The new range of cards offers a high value • Other add-on services
proposition to customers, the card plastic is
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• The Indian Army (Yoddha), Indian Navy non-performing loans or ought to embrace
(Varunah), Indian Coast Guard customary property, too, within the SMA class.
(Rakshamah), and Assam Rifles already Particular point-out accounts or SMA is these
have exclusive co-branded credit cards loans that are due between zero and 90 days.
with BFSL (The Sentinel). The central financial institution can be searching
for feedback on which sort of property must be
460. RBI Seeks Views on Securitisation of eligible for securitization like period loans
Stressed Assets. The central bank has set out a throughout the identical asset universe, big-
dozen questions for stakeholders to deliberate ticket loans above a sure threshold or small-
and respond to before _____________ ticket loans akin to business and residential
A.February 28 mortgages, loans to MSMEs and unsecured
B.March 31 retail property.
C.April 30
D.May 31 461. As per the recent report, Under Agriculture
E.June 30 Infra Fund (AIF) the Centre has approved
Answer: A ₹______________ credit for over 20,000 projects
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released a so far
discussion paper on the securitization of A.₹15,225 crores
stressed assets to provide an alternative B.₹25,225 crores
mechanism for the sale of bad loans, in addition C.₹35,225 crores
to the existing asset reconstruction route. D.₹45,225 crores
The central bank has set out a dozen questions E.₹55,225 crores
for stakeholders to deliberate and respond to Answer: A
before February 28. The Centre has approved ₹15,225 crore credit
The RBI had first said on September 30, 2022, for over 20,000 projects so far, under Agriculture
that it will introduce a framework for the Infra Fund (AIF), but co-operatives' disbursal
securitization of stressed assets. rate (against the sanctioned loans) is less than
Securitization includes the pooling of loans and 15 percent whereas it is nearly 80 percent in the
promoting them to a particular function entity case of banks.
(SPE), which then points to securities backed by Since it started in July 2020, 46,384 proposals
the mortgage pool. for credit totaling ₹27,452 crores have been sent
One of the many greatest factors open for to the AIF.
dialogue is whether or not the securitization of
harassed loans ought to solely be restricted to
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These proposals are for post-harvest of Sri Lanka with financial assistance worth $4
management infrastructure and community farm billion as the island nation makes efforts to
assets. unlock a bridge financing package from the
The amount of credit that has been paid out so International Monetary Fund (IMF).
far is ₹9,942 crore, which is 65% of the amount India will encourage greater investment in core
that has been approved. areas of energy, tourism, and infrastructure.
The cooperative banks have given ₹407 crore Key Highlights:
loans out of a total of ₹3,044 crores that was Dr. Jaishankar’s visit also witnessed the signing
approved. of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on
On the other hand, public and private banks the High Impact Community Development
have given ₹9,535 crore loans out of a total of program on socio-economic development.
₹12,181 crore that was approved. He also participated in 3 virtual inauguration
Under the AIF scheme, the government has set ceremonies which included handing over of
a goal of giving out ₹1 lakh crore in loans by Kandyan Dance academy, a hundred houses
2025–26, and it will help with interest payments each in Kandy, Nuwara Elia, and Galle, and 24
and loan guarantees until 2032–33. houses each in Badulla and Anuradhapura.
In the two and a half years since the Agriculture In 2022, India provided $4.5 billion in assistance
Infrastructure Fund (AIF) has been in place, the to Colombo to tide over its dire economic
scheme has raised more than ₹30,000 crores for situation.
projects in the agriculture infrastructure sector.
AIF has approved ₹15,000 crores for these 463. As per recent news, India and which
projects. among the following country to reiterate support
for Non-Aligned Movement?
462. India becomes 1st nation to extend A.South Africa
assurance to which among the following country B.Ukraine
for its debt restructuring? C.Germany
A.Bhutan D.Egypt
B.Nepal E.Brazil
C.Myanmar Answer: D
D.Maldives India and Egypt reiterated support for the Non-
E.Sri Lanka Aligned Movement.
Answer: E In a joint statement issued after the end of
India has become the first creditor nation to bilateral engagements for President Abdel Fateh
extend assurance towards restructuring the debt el-Sisi, who was the chief guest at the R epublic
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Day parade here, both countries expressed a 464. Which of the following state Chief Minister
desire for an exchange of technology between has recently announced unemployment
their defense industries. allowance from the next financial year?
The two countries reaffirmed their commitment A.Gujarat
to multilateralism, the principles of the United B.Madhya Pradesh
Nations Charter, international law, the founding C.Jharkhand
values of the Non-Aligned Movement, and D.Telangana
respect for the sovereignty and territorial E.Chhattisgarh
integrity of all states Answer: E
Mr. Sisi arrived here on January 24 and held On the occasion of the 74th Republic Day (Jan
restricted and delegation-level talks at the 26, 2023), Chhattisgarh Chief Minister (CM) Shri
Hyderabad House on Wednesday, where he Bhupesh Baghel announced a monthly
and Prime Minister Narendra Modi hailed unemployment allowance for unemployed
bilateral diplomatic relations between India and persons in Chhattisgarh from the next financial
Egypt. year (2023-24).
The two countries are celebrating the 75th It was one of the key promises made by
anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic Congress during the 2018 Assembly polls.
ties. Other Announcements:
India and Egypt agreed to “initiate new In addition to this, he announced the formulation
engagements to intensify military-to-military of a rural industry policy in the state to boost the
engagements” and planned more joint exercises cottage industry-based rural economy.
between the armed forces of the two countries. He also announced a housing assistance
The ties have been on an upswing in the recent scheme for labourers, a scheme for women
past and both delegations supported reform of entrepreneurs, etc.
the UN Security Council, where Egypt was a An aerocity will be developed near the Swami
non-permanent member during 2016-17 and Vivekananda Airport, Raipur, to enhance
India had a similar stint during 2021-22. passenger facilities, commercial development of
Egypt’s relationship with India was also helped the airport area, and employment generation.
by its display of pragmatism especially in the An aid of ₹10,000 will be provided every year to
backdrop of the Nupur Sharma controversy of each gram panchayat for organizing festivals of
2022 when Cairo maintained silence while tribal communities in the tribal-dominated Bastar
certain Gulf countries were vocal in India’s and Surguja divisions and scheduled areas of
criticism. the state from the next financial year.
465. Which Petroleum Processing C ompany in BPCL is currently blending 10% ethanol with
India signs MoU to Set Up 1GW Renewable petrol and targets 20% blending by 2025-26.
Energy Plant in Rajasthan?
A.Hindustan Petroleum 466. Which country is all set to Host North
B.Bharat Petroleum Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) to hold
C.Oil and Natural Gas Corporation strategic talks in focus on regional security with
D.Indian Oil Corporation China?
E.Essar Petroleum A.America
Answer: B B.England
Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) has C.Japan
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) D.India
with Rajasthan to set up a 1 gigawatt (GW) E.Israel
renewable energy (RE) plant in Rajasthan as the Answer: D
nation's second-largest state oil refiner pivots, New Delhi, India is set to host a rare strategic
toward a net zero emission target by 2040. dialogue with the North Atlantic Treaty
The power plant will be built with a n investment Organization (Nato) focused on regional security
of INR 5,000 crore. issues in development with potentially global
The MoU was signed between Rajasthan’s ramifications. The dialogue is expected to be
Energy Department Secretary Bhaskar A held in early March.
Sawant and BPCL head Renewable Energy Within South Asia, the security alliance of 30
Shelly Abraham at a ceremony organized by the countries from North America and Europe was
Bureau of Investment Promotion, Government of present in Afghanistan, where Nato forces
Rajasthan. fought for 20 years until the US-led withdrawal in
Key Highlights: late 2021.
The company has set an ambitious goal of The dialogue will likely focus on a range of
achieving 'net zero' Scope 1&2 emissions by themes, including the possibility of a stronger
2040. partnership between India and Nato focused on
It intends to increase the size of its renewable geopolitical challenges in the Indo-Pacific.
portfolio to 1 GW by 2025 and 10 GW by 2040. The goal of multi-alignment is the preservation
BPCL owns and operates three oil refineries in of India’s strategic autonomy so New Delhi can
Mumbai, Maharashtra & Kochi, Kerala, & Bina, talk to Nato and also be a part of the Shanghai
Madhya Pradesh, with a total refining capacity of Cooperation Organisation with Russia and
approximately 38 million tonnes. China
India and Nato held a political dialogue in 2019 Indian Air Force (IAF), and Indian Coast Guard
aimed at expanding cooperation. (ICG) assets.
The same reports, never denied, indicated that The last edition of the exercise TROPEX 21 was
the discussion had centered around China, the conducted in 2021.
evolving situation in Afghanistan, and terrorism. About TROPEX 23:
But Nato’s prioritization of Russia as a key threat As part of the exercise, all surface combatants
and its relative ambivalence about the security of the Indian Navy including Destroyers,
challenges posed by China limited common Frigates, and Corvettes as well as submarines
ground between the two sides at the time. and aircraft are subjected to complex maritime
This latest round of talks occurs in a dramatically operational deployments.
changed strategic landscape. The exercise is being conducted in different
phases, both in the harbor and at sea.
467. To “validate and refine” the Navy’s “concept
of operations” Indian Navy Launches its Largest 468. Which among the following banks appoints
War Game named ____________ in IOR Mr. Sarabjit Anand as Chief Technology and
A.SHEMEX Operations Officer?
B.AROPEX A.Standard Chartered Bank
D.IORNEX C.Bank of America Corporation
Answer: E E.SBM Bank
The 2023 edition of the Indian Navy’s major Answer: A
maritime exercise Theatre Level Operational Standard Chartered Bank has appointed Sarabjit
Readiness Exercise (TROPEX), is currently Anand as the chief technology and operations
underway in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). officer (CTOO) for India and South Asia.
TROPEX 23 is being conducted over 3 months Mr. SV Shivshanker has been appointed by the
from Jan - Mar 23, 2023. United Kingdom (UK)-based bank as Head of
Aim: Human Resources for India and South Asia.
To “validate and refine” the Navy’s “concept of About Mr. Sarabjit Anand:
operations” as well as test overall combat Mr. Sarabjit joined Standard Chartered Bank in
capabilities 1991 in India.
The operational level exercise is conducted Recently, he was the Chief Information Officer
biennially and witnesses participation not only by (CIO) for Singapore and Asean markets.
all Indian Navy units but also of Indian Army,
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National Parks (SANParks), the Cheetah Range To weed out old, polluting, and potentially less-
Expansion Project, and the Endangered Wildlife safe vehicles from Indian roads, Nitin Gadkari-
Trust (EWT) in South Africa along with the led Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) has already rolled out the vehicle scrapping
and the Wildlife Institute of India (WII). policy.
The MoU on the re-introduction of cheetahs to The draft notification of the policy was issued in
India aims to facilitate cooperation between the November.
parties to establish a viable and secure cheetah Any vehicle which is 15 or more years old,
population in the country, promote conservation owned by governments, in the center or state,
and ensure that expertise is shared and Union Territories, public sector undertakings,
exchanged, and capacity built, to promote municipal bodies, or any organization owned or
cheetah conservation. controlled by the government, will have to retire,
This includes human-wildlife conflict resolution, the new rule states.
capture, and translocation of wildlife, and If the registration of such old vehicles was
community participation in conservation in the renewed before they attained the age of 15,
two countries. such registration certificates will also
automatically be deemed canceled and they will
481. All government vehicles that have have to retire after a lapse of 15 years from
completed _____ years automatically lose their initial registration.
right from April, that to ply on roads as their
certificate of registration will expire, according to 482. The Ministry of Jal Shakti had provided how
a new rule of the central government. many crores for rural households with a tap
A.15 years water connection?
B.14 years A.10 crore
C.16 years B.11 crore
D.12 years C.14 crore
E.None of these D.8 crore
Answer: A E.None of these
From April, all government vehicles that have Answer: B
completed 15 years will automatically lose their The Jal Shakti Ministry the government had
right to ply on roads as their certificate of provided 11 crore rural households with a tap
registration will expire, according to a new rule water connection.
of the central government.
Data from the Ministry’s dashboard suggest that the Republic of India and the Government of the
56% of the targeted 19.3 crore households had Arab countries to strengthen cultural ties with
been covered. _____________.
In September 2022, 53% of the households, or A.Egypt
10.2 crore households, had been covered. B.UAE
Last October, the Ministry made public the C.Saudi Arabi
results of a Ministry-commissioned survey, of a D.Iraq
cross-section of rural households, that E.None of these
suggested Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Answer: A
and Puducherry reported more than 80% of The Ministry of Culture signed a Memorandum
households with fully functional connections, of Understanding (MoU) on cultural cooperation
while less than half the households in between the Government of the Republic of
Rajasthan, Kerala, Manipur, Tripura, India and the Government of the Arab Republic
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Mizoram, and of Egypt, to strengthen the cultural ties with
Sikkim had such connections. Egypt.
A fully functional tap water connection is defined Under the aegis of the MoU on Cultural
as a household getting at least 55 liters of per Cooperation, both countries look forward to
capita per day of potable water all through the witnessing a host of cultural activities happening
year. in due course in the realm of Music, Dance,
The Jal Jeevan Mission aims to provide safe Theatre, Literature, Library, Organising Festivals
and adequate drinking water through individual in respective countries, and Research and
household tap connections by 2024 to all Documentation, etc.
households in rural India. For continued cultural cooperation, the
The scheme has a financial outlay of ₹3.60 lakh Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been
crore, with the Centre funding 50% of the cost signed for 5 years.
with States and Union Territories, except for The MoU was signed and exchanged by Union
Union Territories without a legislature, where it Culture Minister G Kishan Reddy and the Arab
foots the entire bill, and northeastern and Republic of Egypt Foreign Minister Sameh
Himalayan States and Union Territories with Hassan Shoukry.
legislatures, where it funds 90% of the bill. 484. Which government has decided to release
a commemorative stamp that will include a
483. The Ministry of Culture signed a portrait of the first Indian Prime Minister Pandit
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Jawaharlal Nehru as part of its 75th National
cultural cooperation between the Government of Independence Day celebrations?
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A.Srilanka A.6
B.Bangladesh B.8
C.Bhutan C.7
D.China D.5
E.None of these E.None of these
Answer: A Answer: A
As part of its 75th National Independence Day The Rachid Karami International Fair (RKIF)
celebrations, the government of Sri Lanka has located in Lebanon's northern city of Tripoli has
decided to release a commemorative stamp that been officially inscribed on the United Nations
will include a portrait of the first Indian Prime Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. (UNESCO) World Heritage List and List of World
The main ceremony of the National Heritage in Danger.
Independence Day Celebrations will be held on The RKIF would receive international attention
February 4, 2023, at Galle Face Green in and continued support from UNESCO, which
Colombo Sri Lanka. contribute to its restoration and preservation.
Many cultural and religious programs have been The World Heritage Committee used an
organized throughout the country in conjunction emergency procedure to inscribe the site, due to
with the 75th National Independence Festival. its alarming state of conservation, the lack of
The theme of this year’s Independence day financial resources for its maintenance, and the
celebration will be “Namo Namo Matha - A Step latent risk of development proposals that could
towards a Century”. affect the integrity of the complex.
In the next 25 years, the government will head The RKIF was designed in 1962 by the Brazilian
on towards a new reformist course and intends architect Oscar Niemeyer to house a permanent
to implement stable government policies until international fair capable of accommodating up
the country celebrates its 100th year of to 2 million visitors a year, including a grand
Independence in 2048. exhibition hall, a national pavilion, and an
outdoor concert stage.
485. The Rachid Karami International Fair It is Lebanon's 6th monument to enter the
(RKIF) located in Lebanon's northern city of UNESCO World Heritage List
Tripoli has been officially inscribed on the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural 486. Which state government received
Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List investment proposals worth ₹9000 crores at the
and List of World Heritage in Danger. Now, how eighth (8th) and last domestic roadshow
many UNESCO sites are there in Lebanon? organized in Chandigarh ahead of the Global
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Investors Summit to be held in Lucknow on With these investments, more than 20,000
February 10-12, 2023? employment opportunities will be created in UP.
A.Madhya Pradesh
B.Uttar Pradesh 487. How many police personnel were awarded
C.Andhra Pradesh Police Medals on the occasion of Republic Day,
D.Arunachal Pradesh a statement by the Ministry of Home Affairs
E.None of these (MHA)?
Answer: B A.902
The Uttar Pradesh (UP) government received B.903
investment proposals worth ₹9000 crores at the C.900
eighth (8th) and last domestic roadshow D.901
organized in Chandigarh ahead of the Global E.None of these
Investors Summit to be held in Lucknow on Answer: D
February 10-12, 2023. A total of 901 police personnel were awarded
The investors' summit is an initiative by the chief Police Medals on the occasion of Republic Day,
minister (CM) Shri Yogi Adityanath to make UP a statement by the Ministry of Home Affairs
a trillion-dollar economy in the next 5 years. (MHA).
The UP government team held Business to The Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG) has been
Government (B2G) meetings with the investors awarded to 140 police personnel, the
before and after the roadshow. President’s Police Medal for Distinguished
Company-wise, the highest investment Service (PPM) to 93 personnel, and the Police
proposals received during the roadshow include Medal for Meritorious Service (PM) has been
proposals worth ₹1100 crore by Unique awarded to 668 personnel.
Energies Private Limited, ₹1000 crore each by As many as 80 out of 140 gallantry awards have
Spray Engineering Devices Private Limited and been conferred on police personnel deployed in
Amartex Industries, and a proposal worth ₹700 Left Wing Extremism-affected areas.
crores by Madhav KRG Private Limited. Nineteen Maharashtra Police personnel
UP minister for industrial development Nand received gallantry medals for the May 21, 2021
Gopal Gupta ‘Nandi’, minister of state for encounter in the Paidi forest area in Gadchiroli
agriculture Baldev Singh Aulakh, and minister of district, where 13 Maoist cadres, including a
state (Independent Charge) home guard senior member Satish, were killed.
Dharamveer Prajapati led the UP government’s Forty-five personnel from the Jammu and
team that signed 26 memorandums of Kashmir region are being awarded for their
understanding (MoUs) during the roadshow. gallant action.
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Among the personnel receiving gallantry Mumbai is a new entrant to this list
awards, 48 are from the Central Reserve Police and Bengaluru is one of the top 10 cities in the
Force (CRPF), 31 from Maharashtra Police, 25 world which provides accessibility and inclusive
from J&K Police, nine from Jharkhand Police, policies.
and seven each from Delhi Police, Chhattisgarh The report ranked 55 global cities based on their
Police, and the Border Security Force. ability to attract and foster high-potential women
A PMG is awarded on the ground of entrepreneurs (HPWE) who want to start and
conspicuous gallantry in saving life and property, scale a business.
or in preventing crime or arresting criminals. This year’s index had 90 indicators across two
PPM is awarded for a specially distinguished categories and 5 pillars including an equality
record in police service, and the PM is awarded sub-pillar.
for valuable service characterized by resource Delhi has the highest momentum score
and devotion to duty. compared to 2017, the base year.
Delhi also benefits from a skilled workforce,
488. Which one is among the top 10 cities in the ranking 6 th in the share of the population with
world which provides accessibility and inclusive tertiary education.
policies? Bengaluru is ranked fifth in the top ten operating
A.Delhi environments list.
B.Bengaluru This is the first time Bengaluru has appeared on
C.Mumbai this list, ahead of Paris and Washington DC, and
D.London other cities.
E.None of these Bengaluru provides market size, cost, access,
Answer: B and policies that can benefit and accelerate the
Delhi, Bengaluru, and Mumbai are among the growth of women entrepreneurs.
top 50 cities providing a beneficial business Bengaluru has a momentum score of 58.5 and
environment for women entrepreneurs, falls under the “Cities on the radar” category of
according to the findings of Dell Technologies’ progress.
2023 Women Entrepreneur Cities (WE Cities) Further, along with Montpellier, Auckland,
Index. Wellington, and Hamburg, Mumbai has also
According to the report, Delhi has demonstrated been inducted into the WE Cities Index.
significant improvement over its score in 2017
by offering a skilled workforce and cost benefits, 489. During which session of the
making it a preferred city for women-led Intergovernmental Technical Working Group
businesses. (ITWG) on Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) in
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Rome, Italy, India was elected as Vice-Chair and In the Workshop, Dr. B N Tripathi shared the
represented the Asia and Pacific region? country’s experience in updating data in
A.12th Domestic Animal Diversity – Information System
B.10th (DAD-IS) and presented a framework for
C.14th cataloging native populations.
E.None of these 490. Who has been nominated by President Mr.
Answer: A Joe Biden for the appointment to the grade of Air
During the 12th session of the Force brigadier general?
Intergovernmental Technical Working Group A.Kalpana Chawla
(ITWG) on Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) in B.Sirisha Bandla
Rome, Italy, India was elected as Vice-Chair and C.Raja J Chari
represented the Asia and Pacific region. D.Sunita Williams
Dr. B N Tripathi, Deputy Director General E.None of these
(Animal Sciences), Indian Council of Agricultural Answer: C
Research (ICAR), and the National Coordinator, Indian-American astronaut Raja J Chari has
Vice-chaired the Session and also acted as been nominated by President Mr. Joe Biden for
Rapporteur. the appointment to the grade of Air Force
The ITWG established by the Food and brigadier general.
Agricultural Organization’s (FAO’s) Commission The nomination will have to be confirmed by the
on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Senate.
(CGRFA), functions to review technical issues, The US Senate approves all senior civilian and
advise and make recommendations to the military appointments.
Commission and further implement the Chari served as the commander of the 461st
Commission’s program related to AnGR at the Flight Test Squadron.
global level. He is the director of the F-35 Integrated Test
In the 12th session of ITWG, implementation of Force at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic In 2020, he was selected as the Commander of
Resources, monitoring of AnGR diversity, and the SpaceX Crew-3 mission to the International
preparing the 3rd Country Report were Space Station (ISS) by NASA and the European
reviewed. Space Agency.
Earlier to the ITWG Session, the Global National He was the commander of the Crew Dragon
Coordinators’ Workshop was held in Rome, from spacecraft and the Crew-3 mission.
16-17th January 2023.
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He was one of the four astronauts that were part The Participants of the IAF contingent
of the SpaceX spacecraft which docked comprised four Su-30 MKI, two C-17, and one
successfully at the orbiting lab in May 2022. IL-78.
He was responsible for all phases of flight, from The Participants of the JASDF include four
launch to re-entry. Mitsubishi F-2 and four F-15 combat jets.
He also served as an Expedition 66 flight India and Japan agreed to step up bilateral
engineer aboard the station & this was the first defense cooperation and engage in more
spaceflight for Chari, who was selected as a military exercises, including holding the first joint
NASA astronaut candidate in 2017. fighter jet drills, during the second '2+2 Foreign
Currently, Chari is serving as the Crew-3 and Defence Ministerial' dialogue in Tokyo,
commander and astronaut, at National Japan in September 2022
Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson During the exercise, the conduct of air defense
Space Center, Texas." missions, “both in Visual and Beyond Visual
Range settings,” was practiced.
491. What is the name of the bilateral air Notably, the aircrew of both air forces flew
exercise between the Indian Air Force (IAF) and sorties in each other’s participating aircraft to
Japan Air Self-Defence Force (JASDF) gain deeper knowledge and understanding of
concluded i n Japan? each other’s flying and operating philosophies.
A.Su-30 MKI The exercise involved multi-domain air combat
B.Two C-17 missions in complex environments. IL-78 aircraft
D.Veer Guardian- 2023 492. Who was named the ICC Men's Cricketer
E.None of these of the Year by the sport's global governing
Answer: D body?
The inaugural edition of the bilateral air exercise A.Suryakumar Yadav
‘Veer Guardian 2023’ between the Indian Air B.Sam Curran
Force (IAF) and Japan Air Self-Defence Force C.Mohammad Rizwan
(JASDF) concluded in Japan. D.Sikandar Raza
The 16-day joint exercise was conducted to E.None of these
enhance air defense cooperation between the Answer: A
two air forces. Swashbuckling India middle-order batsman
Su-30 MKI pilot squadron leader Avani Suryakumar Yadav, who had an outstanding run
Chaturvedi participated in the bilateral air in the shortest format in the year 2022, was
exercise ‘Veer Guardian 2023’
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named the ICC Men's Cricketer of the Year by Gerhard Henrik Armauer Hansen, who is known
the sport's global governing body. for identifying the bacteria that causes Leprosy.
Surya had a phenomenal run last year where he French philanthropist Raoul Follereau started
broke a plethora of records in the T20Is. World Leprosy Day in 1954 to raise awareness
He beat the likes of Sam Curran, Pakistan of the illness, particularly its socioeconomic
wicketkeeper-batter Mohammad Rizwan, and effects.
Zimbabwe's batting all-rounder Sikandar Raza To honor Mahatma Gandhi's unwavering
for the top honor. compassion for those suffering from the disease,
Yadav was at his stupendous best during the the day is marked in India on January 30, the
ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2022 in Australia, anniversary of his passing.
recording three fifties in six innings and Despite being curable today and uncommon in
averaging nearly 60 during the tournament. affluent nations like the U.S., the illness still has
Notably, his strike rate was yet again right up a stigma.
there at 189.68. The countries with the highest incidence of
Having already recorded a ton earlier in the incidents include Indonesia, Brazil, and India.
year, Suryakumar continued his brilliant year People who are infected are frequently
after the multi-nation tournament, making his subjected to prejudice and exclusion, which
second hundred in T20Is in the year in the prevents them from receiving the proper medical
bilateral series in New Zealand. attention, treatment, and even basic human
Yadav also became the top-ranked MRF Tyres rights.
ICC Men's T20I Player Rankings, achieving a
career-high 890 rating points. 494. Crude oil imports from Russia jumped by
24.89 million tonnes year over year to
493. Which day is observed as World Leprosy _________ million tonnes in 2022.
day? A.24.89 million tonnes
A.30th January B.24.79 million tonnes
B.28th January C.23.89 million tonnes
C.31st January D.22.89 million tonnes
D.24th January E.None of these
E.None of these Answer: A
Answer: A India’s trade data for the first eight months of the
The Leprosy disease is also called Hansen’s current fiscal year shows that crude oil imports
disease, named after the Norwegian doctor from Russia jumped by 24.89 million tonnes
year over year to 28.13 million tonnes, a continues to be a net gainer despite the plunge
staggering seven-fold. in stock prices following a short seller’s fraud
An analysis of India’s trade data for the first allegations.
eight months of FY 2022-23 showed a LIC, India’s largest life insurer, invested about
staggering seven-fold increase in crude oil Rs 300 crore in buying 9,15,748 more shares as
imports from Russia. an anchor investor in a Rs 20,000- crore new
India’s oil imports for the period rose 6.8% year share sale by Adani Enterprises Ltd.
on year to 151.39 million tonnes. The shares that LIC picked totaled 5 percent of
Nine supplying nations saw oil supplies to India the stocks reserved for anchor investors.
fall by around 1 million tonnes or more. LIC holds 9 percent in Adani Ports and Special
Nigeria and the US have topped the list, with Economic Zone, 3.7 percent in Adani
supply volumes falling by 4.88 million tonnes Transmission, 1.3 percent in Adani Green
and 3.79 million tonnes over this period, Energy, and 6 percent in Adani Total Gas Ltd.
On the other hand, India’s big three West Asian 496. India assumed the presidency of the
oil suppliers, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, ________ assembly of the International
did not see their oil shipments fall significantly. Renewable Energy Agency
During this period, Russia displaced major A.13th
suppliers like Saudi Arabia and the UAE to B.14th
emerging as the second-biggest source of crude C.11th
for India. D.15th
E.None of these
495. ___________ invested about Rs 300 crore Answer: A
in buying 9,15,748 more shares as an anchor India taking over the presidency of IRENA has
investor in a Rs 20,000-crore new share sale by reinforced the country's leadership in the clean
Adani Enterprises Ltd. energy space.
A.SBI The Assembly will be held under the overarching
B.PNB theme, 'World Energy Transition – The Global
C.BOB Stocktake'.
D.LIC The International Renewable Energy Agency
E.None of these (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organization
Answer: D mandated to facilitate cooperation, advance
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) is plowing more knowledge, and promote the adoption and
money into Adani group’s flagship firm as it sustainable use of renewable energy.
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India assumed the presidency of the 13th The announcement has come on the heels of
assembly of the International Renewable Energy Indian equity markets moving to a T+1
Agency. settlement cycle for all stocks, shortening the
A 14-member delegation from the Confederation settlement cycle by a day and making the
of Indian Industry (CII), participated in the 13th availability of funds a day sooner than at
session of the IRENA assembly from January 13 present.
to 15 in Abu Dhabi. Key Highlights:
The Union Cabinet on January 4 approved the To pass on this benefit to mutual fund investors,
National Green Hydrogen Mission, which is the Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI)
aimed at making India the global hub for the has decided all asset management companies
production of green hydrogen. will move to a T+2 redemption payment cycle for
The total outlay for the mission is Rs 19,744 equity schemes and implement this uniformly
crore, out of which the government has allocated with effect from February 1, 2023.
Rs 17,490 crore for the Strategic Interventions The T+1 settlement cycle for Indian equity
for Green Hydrogen Transition (SIGHT) markets is a global first, and the mutual fund
program, Rs 1,466 crore for the upcoming pilot industry wants to pass on the benefit to
projects, Rs 400 crore for R&D, and Rs 388 investors by proactively adopting a T+2
crore towards other mission components. redemption payment cycle for equity funds.
497. As per the recent report, Equity mutual 498. Global rating agency Moody's upgrades
funds to adopt T+________________ redemption ratings for PNB, Canara Bank and Bank of
payment cycle from Feb 1 2023 Baroda from "Ba1" to ____________
A.T+1 A.Baa1
B.T+2 B.Baa2
C.T+3 C.Baa3
D.T+4 D.Baa4
E.T+5 E.Baa5
Answer: B Answer: C
All asset management companies (AMCs) in Global rating agency Moody's Investors Service
India will move to T+2 - shorthand for "trade has upgraded the long-term local and foreign
date plus two days", redemption payment cycle currency deposit ratings of Bank of Baroda
for equity schemes from February 1, 2023, in a (BOB), Canara Bank, and Punjab National Bank
move to benefit mutual fund investors. (PNB) from "Ba1" to "Baa3", reflecting improving
credit profile and macroeconomic conditions.
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The global credit ratings agency also upgraded The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has auctioned
the Baseline Credit Assessment (BCAs) of these ₹4,000 crore worth five year bonds at a coupon
3 banks to ba3 from b1. rate of 7.10%, five basis points below the five-
Key Highlights: year sovereign yield.
The upgrading of ratings and BCA reflects an Another ₹4,000 crore in 10-year bonds at
improvement in India's macro profile to coupon rate of 7.10% at coupon rate of 7.29%,
"Moderate" from "Moderate" and the improving which is 6 basis points below comparable
credit metrics of the four banks. government securities.
The ratings upgrades of the four banks reflect The proceeds from the sale of the green bonds
their improved asset quality and profitability. are to be used for 'green' projects such as solar
The rating agency flagged risks from rising power, wind and small hydro projects and other
interest rates and moderation in the pace of the public sector projects that help reduce the
country's economic growth. economy's carbon footprint.
Still, loans to small and medium-size enterprises The RBI announced a fully accessible route
continue to pose risks to the banks' asset quality (FAR) for investments by non-residents in
as Moody's expects this segment to be the most government securities including sovereign green
vulnerable to interest rate rises. bonds.
The gross non-performing loan ratios as of the About RBI:
end of September 2022 for SBI, BOB, Canara Established: 1 April 1935
and PNB declined sharply from levels in March Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
2018. Governor: Shaktikanta Das
Deputy governors: Mahesh Kumar Jain, M.
499. As per Finance News, India sells first green Rajeshwar Rao, Michael Patra and T. Rabi
bonds worth ₹___________ cr at 5-6 bps below Shankar
sovereign yields
A.₹2,000 cr 500. To improve the Credit Card Supply Citibank
B.₹4,000 cr tie-up with which among the following Payment
C.₹6,000 cr network for a co-branded credit card?
D.₹8,000 cr A.Paytm
E.₹10,000 cr B.BharatPe
Answer: D C.Google Pay
India sold its first sovereign green bonds worth a D.AmazonPay
total of 8,000 crorerupees ($979.61 million) at E.PhonePe
yields below comparable government bonds. Answer: A
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Visitors can learn about the medicinal properties Those who are dissatisfied by the action taken
of the plants and how they are used in traditional against content and/or accounts by
Ayurvedic medicine. intermediaries may appeal to the committee
within 30 days of the decision being received.
504. Government of India forms grievance The intermediaries are mandated to follow the
committees to address complaints against social directions of the panel, else they may lose safe
from _______________ harbour or immunity from prosecution that is
A.February 01 provided to them under Section 79 of the IT Act.
B.March 01
C.April 01 505. As per the data released by the National
D.May 01 Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), the
E.June 01 population in the Chinese mainland in 2022
Answer: B drops to 1.41175 billion since ________
The Centre notified three grievance panels that A.1951
will take the final call on social media takedowns B.1961
from March 01, as proposed by an amendment C.1971
to the information and technology rules notified D.1981
last year. E.1991
The panels have been appointed in exercise of Answer: B
the powers conferred by sub-rules (1) and (2) of According to the data released by the National
rule 3A of the Information Technology Bureau of Statistics of China (NBS), the
(Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media population in the Chinese mainland in 2022 is
Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, 1.41175 billion which will fall by 850,000 from
The move has been opposed by several 2021.
members of civil society and industry stating that China’s population declined for the first time
it will give the government far-reaching powers since 1961 due to a plunging birth rate.
over what content stays online. The NBS announcement comes at a time when
Defending the amendments, Union minister China’s economic growth fell to its second-
Rajeev Chandrashekar said last year that the lowest in five decades, registering a paltry 3%
rules have been amended against the backdrop increase in 2022.
of complaints regarding the action, or the lack of Key Highlights:
it, on the part of the intermediaries on user China registered about 9.56 million new-
grievances regarding objectionable content or borns,2022 down from 10.62 million in 2021.
suspension of their accounts.
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China’s birth rate stood at 6.77 births per 1,000 Most of the world's 7,000 cheetahs live in South
people in 2022, down from 7.52 in 2021. Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
The death rate nationwide stood at 7.37 per Namibia has the largest population of Cheetahs
1,000 people,2022 putting the natural growth in the world, earning it the title "The Cheetah
rate at negative 0.6 per 1,000 people. Capital of the World."
India is projected to have a population of 1.668 As part of the cheetah reintroduction
billion in 2050, more than China’s 1.317 billion programme, the first batch of 8 cheetahs (5
by the middle of this century. females and 3 males) were brought to Kuno in
China implemented a ‘third-child policy’ in May 2022.
2021 and rolled out a series of stimulus Cheetahs are being reintroduced after they
measures to boost population growth. became extinct in India during the last century
due to overhunting and habitat loss.
506. India signs MoU with South Africa to bring On September 17, 2022, Prime Minister Shri
_______________ more cheetahs in February Narendra Modi had released 8 cheetahs flown in
2023 for Project Cheetah. from Namibia into the KNP.
A.10 cheetahs
B.11 cheetahs 507. As per India’s External Affairs Minister Shri
C.12 cheetahs S. Jaishankar, India extends USD 40 mn for
D.13 cheetahs bolstering sports infrastructure in which country?
E.15 cheetahs A.Sri Lanka
Answer: C B.Nepal
India and South Africa have signed a C.Myanmar
memorandum of understanding (MoU) to bring D.Bhutan
in dozens of African cheetahs to India over the E.Maldives
next 10 years, in a new development for Project Answer: E
Cheetah. India’s External Affairs Minister Shri S.
An initial batch of 12 cheetahs (7 male a nd 5 Jaishankar has extended a concessional USD
female) is scheduled to be flown from South 40 million Line of Credit for developing sporting
Africa to Kuno National Park (KNP) in Madhya infrastructure in the Maldives.
Pradesh (MP), India in February, 2023. This is part of New Delhi’s efforts to bring PM
South Africa will provide 12 cheetahs per year to Narendra Modi’s flagship projects such as “Fit
India over the next 8 to 10 years. India” and “Khelo India” into the ambit of the
This agreement will be reviewed after 5 years. ‘Neighbourhood First Policy’.
Key Highlights:
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Fit India and Khelo India were introduced by the It will be the country’s first unit for producing
Modi government to revive sporting and fitness ethanol from bamboo.
culture at the grass root level in the country. He mentioned this while addressing the ‘Evolve-
Jaishankar inaugurated the community centre 2023’, an international e-mobility and alternative
with his Maldivian counterpart Abdulla Shahid. fuels conference organised by the Kerala Motor
The community centre in Shaviyani Foakaidhoo Vehicles Department.
is part of 45 high-impact projects that India is About Biofuels:
partnering with the Maldives government, of Biofuels are liquid or gaseous transport fuels,
which 23 have been completed. such as biodiesel and bioethanol, made from
Foakaidhoo is one of the inhabited islands of the biomass.
Shaviyani Atoll administrative division and is They serve as a renewable alternative to fossil
geographically part of the Miladhummadulhu fuels, helping to reduce greenhouse gas
Atoll in the Maldives. emissions.
Additionally, New Delhi was working with the India has achieved the target of supplying 10%
Male to augment Maldives Industrial Fisheries ethanol-blended petrol and is aiming to double
Company’s processing and cold storage the blend by 2025-26 in order to cut oil import
capacities. dependence and address environmental issues.
India is the world’s fifth largest producer of
508. Union minister of state for Petroleum and ethanol after the US, Brazil, EU and China.
Natural Gas Shri Rameswar Teli has announced
that India's first-ever bio-refinery unit for the 509. Which among the following Asset
production of bioethanol from bamboo to come Management Company has recently appointed
up in which state? Mr Manish Gunwani as their Head?
A.Arunachal Pradesh A.IDFC Asset Management Company
B.Bihar B.HDFC Asset Management Company
C.Nagaland C.Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company
D.Mizoram D.Nippon India Asset Management Company
E.Assam E.Axis Asset Management Company
Answer: E Answer: A
The minister of state for Petroleum and Natural IDFC Asset Management Company Limited
Gas, Shri Rameswar Teli revealed that India's (‘IDFC AMC’), one of the top 10 AMCs in the
first ever bio-refinery unit for production of country, has appointed Mr. Manish Gunwani as
bioethanol from bamboo is expected to be set Head – Equities.
up by October 2023 in Assam.
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Mr BG Mallya, took charge as General Manager delivering another telling performance when it
of Integral Coach Factory (ICF). mattered.
Prior to this, he was serving Southern Railway Supplementing the fine bowling was outstanding
(SR) as its additional general manager. fielding.
Mallya is an officer of 1985 batch of Indian The dismissal of England’s captain, Grace
Railway Service of Electrical Engineers. Scrivens, epitomised the sheer determination in
About ICF: the Indian ranks.
Established: October 2, 1955 The left-hander hit Archana towards long-off,
Headquarters: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India where Gongadi Trisha sprinted in, and then
It is operated by the Indian Railways. leapt forward to take a wonderful, tumbling
The ICF is a manufacturer of rail coaches catch.
located in Perambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Shafali Verma and Co. scripted history as the
India. Indian women's team defeated England in the
The ICF is one of the four rake production units final of the U-19 Women's T20 World Cup at
of the Indian Railways, the other three being the Senwes Park in Potchefstroom.
Modern Coach Factory at Raebareli, Rail Coach Fresh from getting the better of New Zealand in
Factory at Kapurthala and Marathwada Rail the semi-finals, Shafali-led Team India squared
Coach Factory at Latur off against England, who had outclassed
513. India crowned first-ever ICC Under-19 Australia to punch its ticket for the inaugural
Women’s T20 World champions by defeating Under-19 Women's T20 World Cup final in
which country? South Africa.
A.South Africa
B.Australia 514. Aryna Sabalenka wins Australian Open for
C.West Indies First Grand Slam Crown by defeating whom
D.England among the following in the finals?
E.Pakistan A.Elena Rybakina
Answer: D B.Magda Linette
India crowned first-ever ICC Under-19 Women’s C.Belinda Bencic
T20 World champions comprehensive, seven- D.Donna Vekić
wicket victory over England in Potchefstroom. E.Elise Mertens
It was another clinical display with the ball that Answer: A
held the key to India’s march to victory, with Aryna Sabalenka tamed her nerves to blast her
Titas Sadhu setting the pace, with the spinners way to a maiden Grand Slam title at the
Australian Open, with a 4-6 6-3 6-4 win over
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Kazakh 22nd seed Elena Rybakina in a thrilling That makes the Serb heavy favourite but in
final featuring two power-hitters in the women's Stefanos Tsitsipas his invincibility will face a
game. major test when they meet in the Melbourne
Saba Lenka’s 11th straight win of the year will Park title match.
propel the Belarusian fifth seed back to her While Djokovic is into a record 33rd Grand Slam
career-high ranking of number two behind final and bidding to equal Nadal's 22 major
Poland's Iga Swiatek, as she reaps the rewards crowns, the Greek third seed will play only his
of an improved playing mindset in the New Year. second.
Rod Laver Arena exhaled. Adding spice to the showdown, the winner will
A flood of tears, a howling storm of emotion become world number one, dethroning Spanish
washed over the strapping Belarusian, who has teenager Carlos Alcaraz.
been climbing the rankings and dancing around
the winner's circle these past seasons. 516. USA to host Copa America 2024
Thrice she came up just short, falling in the tournament. It will be the ___________ time the
semifinals. Copa America has been hosted outside of South
She blasted through the gates to claim her first America
Grand Slam title – the Australian Open. A.1st
Sabalenka, 25, playing her first Major final, B.2nd
pipped Elena Rybakina 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 to hold aloft C.3rd
the Daphne Akhurst Memorial Cup, presented to D.4th
her by the legendary Billie Jean King. E.5th
215. Who among the following has won the Answer: B
Men’s Single Title in Australia Open finals 2023? The United States will host the 2024 Copa
A.Stefanos Tsitsipas America, which will feature 10 teams from South
B.Novak Djokovic America and six from North and Central America
C.Karen Khachanov and the Caribbean.
D.Tommy Paul It will be the second time Copa America has
E.Daniil Medvedev been hosted outside of South America.
Answer: B Ecuador was originally scheduled to host the
Novak Djokovic has won all nine of his previous tournament but its government said in
Australian Open finals so confidence is sky-high November it would be unable to.
as he bids to equal Rafael Nadal's Grand Slam The 2021 tournament took place in Brazil and
record and return to world number one. was won by Argentina.
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The Copa America typically includes the 10 The US, who held the tournament in 2016 for a
Conmebol teams but this time will expand to special centenary edition, are also the joint hosts
include a further six from North and Central for the 2026 World Cup with Mexico.
America and the Caribbean, who must qualify
through the 2023-24 Concacaf Nations League.
That means the US, who were knocked out by
the Netherlands in the round of 16 in Qatar, are
not guaranteed a place at the tournament
despite hosting it.