Zoa M2023
Zoa M2023
Zoa M2023
Dear Sir/Madam
I am applying in response to your vacancy announcement in the position of,Community Mobilizer.I have
been searching for the area where I can put my whole effort to make real difference.
I am the owner of BA degree in Agricultural Economics and I have more than 9 years , of work
experience in the profession of Agriculture expert. For 3 years & 3 months 18 day in Sekota zuriya
wereda on Agricultural office , 2 years & 10 month 9 day in Sekota City on Agricultural office , From
February 8/2017 up to April 9/2019 on Sekota City Administration Agriculture Office cluster
Supervisor Head of Kebele Agriculture Office ,Technical Vocational Enterprise
Development Office /TVED/ from April 10/ 2019 up to April 20/2021 in 2 years & 11
day Financial supply delivery and monitoring support expert and From April 21/2021
up to Nov 7/2022 in 1 years& 5 Month 23 day Technical and Vocational Enterprises
Development Office Market development and marketing Expert at Sekota district .
Loyalty & Commitment, dedication and pride, peace& comitment are all my proven gifts. Conduct
technical support and follow up for livelihood animators, health and nutrition and gender and youth
animators, and other stake holders in the cluster kebele, like development agent, kebele HEW and
health center and kebele food security task force. I give leadership approach for women and youth
affairs and kebele leaders.
In general, I have more than 9 years of work experience in Agriculture Sector and development
areas on February 7/2012 up to April 9/2019 and from April 10 /2019 up to Nov 7/2022 on Technical
and Vocational Enterprises Development Office will qualify me to perform my duties as required
levels, I am confident that your organization will find me dependable, hardworking and industrious
on my job.
I am looking forward your response
Mengesha Belay
Name Mengesha Belay
Nationality: Ethiopia
Place of birth: Wolldia
Sex: male
Current Address: Wolldia
Phone: 0913808523/0920473507
Residential location: Wolldia
Marrital status Married
I. Education
I have BA degree in Agricultural Economics
II. Language
Ensure DFSA gender and youth interventions of the project are mainstreamed across the
Livelihood and Agri. activities;
As I have a COC assessment card, I can assess and complete the quality assessment in an
appropriate manner when the assessment center calls me for assessment.
Ensures implementation of Livelihood and Agri. Activities are environmentally sound;
Provide technical support to DAs and project staff;
Ensure Adherence of the PIM and USAID regulations during Livelihood and Agri, gender
&youth ,health&nutrion Component implementation in the project;
Ensure the target households’ increased access to agricultural extension and related
services through Agricultural Cascade Extension Model;
Ensure nutrition-sensitive agriculture is practiced in the project;
Identify capacity gaps of DAs and Livelihood experts in the area of business development
and marketing and fill the gaps as deemed necessary with the view of enhancing the
capacity of local TVED staff and partners;
Based on the annual activity and budget plan, make regular field visit to beneficiary
households and furnish monitoring reports to the project manager for timely decision
Prepare periodic progress reports (monthly, quarterly, annual) on food
security/livelihood component and submit to the project Manager and Project
Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator;
Create linkage with other NGOs, relevant government agencies and the private sector.
Provide leadership for woreda & kebele food security task force on emergency seed
support targeting.
Be familiar with the local Gender Focal Point(s), and go to her/him to learn more about gender
issues, or when there is a gender grievance or harassment issue to resolve
Within each project and department, discuss Gender & Diversity and Sexual Harassment and sexual exploitation
Policies, so that all staff are conversant with them.
a) I have a total of 9 years work experience ,6 years in Agricultural office , 3 years inTechnical
and Vocational Enterprises Development/TVED/ Office.
V Trainings& workshop
Trainings on value chain.
Trainings on on farm & off farm business plan preparation.
Trainings on IYCF psycho social care/care practice
Trainings on Gender mainstreaming issues
Training on Gender and Gender equality /ORDA/
Training on nutrition sensitive agriculture
Training on modalities of SHG , Livelihood group , RUSACCO & VLSA model
Trainings on psychosocial care and child development
Training on water shed management principle
Training on natural resource conservation and management
Training on nursery site preparation and plantation
Training on Climate Smart AgricultureTraining
Training on Key hole garden structure
Trainig on sutainable under nutrition reduction in Ethiopia /SURE/
Training on social accountability
Trainig on safegarding policy
Training on Enterpuerinal skill
Training on Business plan preparation and market analysis /MOYESH Project/
Training on Crop production
Disaster Risk management/DRM/ and Disaster Risk Reduction/DRR/
Training on vegetable crops /ORDA/
Training sweet photeto /CIP/
Training on Productive safety net program/PSNP/
VI Key Skills and competencies
I have basic computer application ,Window MS (word, excel, PowerPoint, access ,
introduction to Network & internet) certificate
Assessor Accreditation Certificate
National Qualification Certificate
Baseline data collection of wag-himraHELVETASswiss inter cooperation Ethiopia it was
Good communication & report writing skills.
Strong belief in teamwork& transparency.
Summary of Educational, Work Experience and Technical Skills
Work Experience A total of more than 9 years & 7 month of work experience on ;
From February 07/02/2012 up to June 22 /2015 at Sekota woreda
Agriculture Rural Dev't Office as Crop Production Expert
From May 31/2016 up to April 09 /2019 at Sekota City
Administration Agriculture Office as Crop Production Expert
From April 10/2019 up to April 20/2021 in Sekota District Technical
and Vocational Enterprises Development Office Financial supply
delivery and monitoring support Expert
From April 21/2021 up to Nov 7/2022 in Sekota District Technical
and Vocational Enterprises Development Office Market development
and marketing Expert
From February 8/2017 up to April 9/2019 on Sekota City Administration
Agriculture Office cluster Supervisor Head of Kebele Agriculture Office
VII Reference
1.Tesfaye muche -wag-himra zone Sekota Woreda Technical Vocational Enterprise Development
Office /TVED/-0922439789
2.Worku Gedefaw- wag-himra zone animal Science agricultural development office - 0921263767
3.G/medihinTadesse- head of Sekota town agricultural development office –0922905056
kota town agricultural development office –0922905056