AN52020 - SERS and Automation
AN52020 - SERS and Automation
AN52020 - SERS and Automation
Note: 52020
Application of Automated Data Collection to
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)
Timothy O. Deschaines, Ph.D., Thermo Fisher Scientific, Madison, WI, USA
Figure 5: MicroRNA library search results for spot B4, which was correctly identified as microRNA
sample #11 (Match % 98.71)
Figure 6: Array Automation results for the silver treated ink on paper
SERS analysis
Figure 9: Principal component score plot for the untreated ink on paper
results (Raman). There were 750 misclassified spectra out of 1690, 44.38%
of the spectra
Figure 8: Spectral comparison of the Raman and SERS spectra of the red ink on paper
Figure 10: Principal component score plot for the silver treated ink on paper
results (SERS). There were 54 misclassified spectra out of 1690, only 3.20%
of the spectra
Automation Conclusion In addition to these
offices, Thermo Fisher
The ability to automate data collection is critical for any In conclusion, automated data collection from the combi-
Scientific maintains
type of high throughput analysis. In the past, SERS data nation of DXR Raman microscope with SERS substrates
a network of represen-
collection has typically been limited to single samples (colloids from a DXR/SERS Kit, home-made SERS colloids,
tative organizations
requiring hands-on work of the analyst to swap samples or SERS slides) and Array Automation software add-on
throughout the world.
or analyze new areas of the same sample. The method for OMNIC moves SERS forward from a single sample
presented in this note, using Array Automation, moves analysis method to an automated high throughput analytical
SERS forward as a technique towards the ultimate goal technique that has many potential future applications. The
of a fast, reliable, reproducible method. Array Automation work shown in this note demonstrates the ability of a user
brings many benefits to the analysis process. Since multiple to prepare up to 12 samples per slide, place the slide into
samples can be analyzed on one slide, less time is needed the instrument, collect from one up to 169 spectra per Africa-Other
for sample swapping. Part of the time savings also include sample, and then analyze that data with a variety of tools. +27 11 570 1840
sample preparation, as preparing 12 samples at one time is This can all be done with one instrument and one suite of Australia
+61 3 9757 4300
much more efficient than preparing 12 individual samples. software tools. Austria
Large amounts of data can be collected and analyzed with +43 1 333 50 34 0
one process and without constant user interaction, unlike References Belgium
+32 53 73 42 41
individual samples where each data point has to be indi- 1. Lee, P.C.; Meisel, D. J. Phys. Chem. 1982, 86, 3391.
vidually collected, then collated, and finally analyzed. As +1 800 530 8447
shown in this note more than 2000 spectra per slide could Further Information China
+86 10 8419 3588
be collected with one analysis run and then analyzed by For more information on SERS please see our Technical Note 51874
various means. “Practical Applications of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)”
+45 70 23 62 60
As can be seen in the results of the two experiments, We also have recorded webinars on a variety of SERS and Raman Europe-Other
applications that may be of interest. Please see this page: +43 1 333 50 34 0
SERS can be applied to different types of analysis, using Finland / Norway /
different SERS substrates. Array Automation allows for For more information on microRNA please see the Tech Review “MicroRNAs: Sweden
the collection of a large amount of data that can be used to Review of Discovery, Biogenesis, and Research Areas” which can be found here: +46 8 556 468 00
build spectral averages, for statistical models, or other types France
Reviews/microrna-tech-review.pdf +33 1 60 92 48 00
of data analysis. For microRNA analysis Array Automation Germany
could be used for the development of a diagnostic method +49 6103 408 1014
where samples are tested for the presence of a specific India
+91 22 6742 9434
microRNA related to a disease, and for forensic analysis Italy
Array can be used to collect ink data to the help in the +39 02 950 591
identification of different inks used on a forged document. Japan
+81 45 453 9100
Latin America
+1 561 688 8700
Middle East
+43 1 333 50 34 0
+31 76 579 55 55
New Zealand
+64 9 980 6700
+43 1 333 50 34 0
South Africa
+27 11 570 1840
+34 914 845 965
+41 61 716 77 00
+44 1442 233555
+1 800 532 4752